UK Power News Jan-Feb 2020

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DATA CENTRE CONTRACT - Bradgate devises an effective solution for a data centre in London. Read UKPN’s Case Study. Page 16 The Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) is part of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust - NUH is one of the biggest and busiest acute Trusts in England. The Trust provides services to over 2.5 million residents of Nottingham and its surrounding communities., as well as a 3-4 million people from neighbouring counties each year. Queen’s Medical Centre had to replace one of its emergency diesel back-up generators and needed to switch to a low-emission model. QMC had a project priority to reduce the impact of air pollution from the genset. It turned to generator supplier Musgraves for help. With no standard solution available, Musgraves looked for a different approach and contacted emissions specialist Eminox to develop the retrofit system for the new generator. Although this was a new area for Eminox, it was able to utilise its expertise, skills and experience in solving the project’s challenging emissions problems. It therefore adapted its SCRTŽ technology platform to develop a bespoke system which would virtually

STAGE V ENGINES FOR GENSETS Scania's new range consists of 9- and 13-litre in-line and 16-litre V8 engines and spans power output levels from 222 to 528 kw (250605 kVa).

HELIX ENERGY CENTRE OPENS IN NEWCASTLE officially launched by eNGIe UK, in partnership with Newcastle City Council this relies upon a 5km pipe network.

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Queen’s Medical Centre benefits from ultra-low emission generator project from Eminox and Musgraves eliminate the generator’s NOx emissions. During the project, Eminox delivered the complete emissions solution and integration expertise, working in close partnership with Musgraves and also Hilton Cannon, which provided electrical and refurbishment services. UK-based Eminox has been reducing emissions for more than 25 years, designing, manufacturing and supplying solutions for a wide range of vehicles, including retrofitting its technology to buses, coaches and trucks. Its SCRTŽ technology has most

jaNUaRy-feBRUaRy 2020 UK PoweR NewS

recently been used to upgrade over 6,500 vehicles to meet Euro VI emissions levels mandated by regulations such as the London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). There were new challenges involved with the QMC project - not ones found in on-road vehicles. For example, the high exhaust gas temperatures identified during normal operations meant the system needed to be provided with specialist catalysts which could withstand them. See the full report on Eminox on page 14.

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Subscription price £70 (UK), £140 (overseas) per year. Please send address changes to UK Power News, 30 Worthing Rd., Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1SL, UK.

AMPS Members 2

Birmingham Airport in new energy push Birmingham Airport plans to install megawatts of solar across its estate as it bids to decarbonise operations by 2033. Head of sustainability, Kirstin McCarthy, said the airport is about to tender for services to help develop its carbon roadmap and “deliver some tangible projects which demonstrate we are serious about delivering our net zero aims”. Electricity makes up 68% of the airport’s carbon footprint, with gas 26%, fleet fuels 4%, and the remainder being absorbed by refrigeration. Reducing consumption across the estate is the first phase of the plan. McCarthy said the airport is now looking at side-wide LED replacement, rather than its historic piecemeal approach. She said there are also “real quick wins” in replacing old HVAC equipment. “We have some ageing infrastructure, so HVAC is a big one as part of the new tender. Gas and heating is the number one challenge and we are looking to reduce our dependence on gas appliances.” The airport has not worked out how to eliminate gas altogether, and is evaluating green gas and offsetting in the short to medium term. Onsite solar, however, is an obvious step, with the board comfortable investing in a technology already proven onsite. “We installed a 50kW array some years ago and it has been reliable in terms of delivery versus forecasts. So while we started small, it gives shareholders and the board confidence that it actually works, which is what we need,” said McCarthy. “So we will certainly invest in onsite PV over the next few years – we are talking megawatts – and we are examining the best sites around the airport, the terminal building, the airfield itself, and other land we could use in future.”

Court action follows the UK approval for Europe’s biggest gas power station


Data Centre World 2020

11th-12th March 2020 at EXCEL, London The UK government is facing legal action for overruling the climate change objections of its own planning authority in its approval for a large new gas-fired power plant. The north Yorkshire facility currently being developed by Drax had looked set to be the largest gas power station in Europe. Once completed it would generate 75% of the UK’s power sector emissions, argues the environmental lawyers ClientEarth, who have brought the judicial review. The Planning Inspectorate had previously recommended to government ministers that the 3.6GW gas plant be refused permission because it “would undermine the government’s commitment, as set out in the Climate Change Act 2008, to cut greenhouse emissions” by having “significant adverse effects”. It was projected to be the first big project specifically rejected because of the Climate Crisis. The advice - in turn - was rejected by Andrea Leadsom, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, who gave permission for the project to proceed in October 2019. The High Court has since given ClientEarth permission to sue ministers, with the case to be heard by the judiciary in April 2020. The environmental lawyers have previously inflicted three defeats on ministers over their failure to tackle air pollution. Sam Hunter Jones of ClientEarth comments: “With scientists ringing the alarm bells for decades, we shouldn’t need to take the government to court over its decision. “Leadsom’s decision is at odds with the government’s own climate change plans. As the planning inspectorate found, if this plant goes ahead the public risks a carbon budget blowout, or a huge stranded asset that would require propping up by the taxpayer, or a combination of the two.” Drax argues that its plans involve removing, not adding carbon to the atmosphere, by 2030. Drax’s carbon negative ambitions will be achieved alongside “new, high efficiency gas power capacity as part of its portfolio”, says the company. According to the Drax planning application four new gas turbines would be required to replace its existing two coal-fired units ahead of the government’s proposed phase-out of coal in 2025. Drax has said the proposed gas plant would be “capable” of having carbon capture technology fitted in the future. Leadsom argued that the plant’s high carbon emissions were not a reason to block approval under the existing rules when she overruled the planning inspectorate. She said: “While the significant adverse impact of the proposed development on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted to atmosphere is acknowledged, the policy set out in the relevant National Policy Statements makes clear that this is not a matter that should displace the presumption in favour of granting consent.” ClientEarth says the government’s latest forecasts estimate the UK will need 6GW of new gas generation up to 2035. The UK has already approved more than 15GW of large-scale gas plants, it said, so approving Drax’s project would take this to three times the government’s estimates. The environmental lawyers say the combination of the project’s large scale, level of carbon emissions and long operating life make it a significant threat to the UK’s carbon targets. April 2020 should see an outcome for the case.

For more than a decade, Data Centre World has been delivering the future vision for the industry. In this, its 12th edition, it continues to probe all the trends, all the opportunities, all the challenges for data centres everywhere. This show is an opportunity to learn what’s new in datacentre power distribution, including new direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) power units, uninterruptible power supply tech, and backup power solutions in case of a datacentre power outage. Talk to the companies involved and review 2020s technology and some of the key genset options. Online UPSs are designed to protect their critical loads from transients, noise and any other anomalies imposed onto the data centre’s power network from upstream. The corollary is to back the UPS up with a generator which has automatic mains failure (AMF) detection. Show sponsors include: ABB, Riello UPS, Power Control, MTU Onsite Energy, EnerSys and Socomec.



Ofgem raises quest ions about ESO management of the system in wake of power outage

At 4:52pm on the 9th August, 2019 approximately one million customers in the UK lost power as a result of a series of events on the electricity system. These events caused significant disruption to many people in their homes and businesses, and to commuters on a Friday evening with some rail services in and around London being particularly badly affected due to the protection systems on some trains not operating as expected, says a report into the incident by Ofgem. A lightning strike occurred on a transmission circuit (the Eaton Socon - Wymondley Main) at 4.52pm. The protection systems operated correctly and cleared the lightning in under 0.1 seconds. The line then returned to normal operation after c.20 seconds. Coincident with the lightning strike, there was a loss of c 150MW of small embedded generation connected to the distribution network, due to vector shift protection. Loss of embedded generation through vector shift protection is expected for a lightning strike on a transmission line. However, immediately following the lightning strike, Hornsea offshore windfarm reduced its energy supply to the grid by 737MW and Little Barford power station’s steam turbine tripped reducing its energy supply to the grid by 244MW. This generation would not be expected to trip off or de-load in response to a lightning strike. This therefore appears to represent an extremely rare and unexpected event, argues Ofgem. The cumulative loss of 1,131MW of generation caused a rapid fall in frequency which in turn caused a further 350MW of embedded generation to disconnect from the system under rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) protection. An investigation by Ofgem found that the combined loss of two large generators, as well as the smaller loss of generation at a local level, together triggered the subsequent disconnection, loss of power and disruption. Two large power stations, Hornsea One Ltd (co-owned by Orsted) and Little Barford (operated by RWE) did not remain connected after a lightning strike. Local network operators disconnected and reconnected consumers in response to the loss of power as expected. However, UK Power Networks began reconnecting customers without being asked to by the Electricity System Operator (ESO), which could have potentially jeopardised recovery of the system. This has no impact on the 9th August and UK Power Networks has recognised this technical breach, taken swift action to prevent any future reoccurrence, and agreed to pay £1.5 million into Ofgem’s voluntary redress fund. All parties have fully cooperated with the regulator throughout its investigation. Ofgem has also closed its investigation into National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET), and all five other DNO groups, namely Electricity North West Limited, Northern Powergrid, Scottish and Southern Energy, SP Energy Networks, and Western Power Distribution. A spokesman said: “We have not identified any failures by the ESO to meet its requirements which contributed to the outage. We will continue to review the ESO’s current application of the security standards it is required to meet alongside reviewing the standards themselves. If we identify instances in which the ESO has failed to meet its requirements, we will take the necessary action.” The investigation has raised questions about how the ESO’s management of the system is carried out. The incident has underlined the importance of the ESO adapting to the complex and changing world it operates in. Ofgem has already announced that it will be conducting a review into the structure and governance of the ESO, and the concerns raised in this investigation will inform this work. Ofgem has also made recommendations to ensure the UK continues to have one of the world’s most reliable electricity systems in the world, particularly as more small scale generation is connected to the system. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 UK PowER NEwS

More than 258GWh of energy to be generated from non-recyclables

Five Scottish councils have joined together to divert 190,000 tonnes of black bag waste from landfill a year and convert it into energy instead. East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire & Renfrewshire have signed a £700m deal with waste management company Viridor. The company will treat the waste before it is burnt at a plant in Dunbar to produce enough energy for 70,000 homes.The Clyde Valley Residual Waste Project will run for the next 25 years.

The waste will be treated at Viridor's facility in Bargeddie in North Lanarkshire and turned into fuel to generate 258GWh of electricity. Robert Steenson, exec director of enterprise and communities at North Lanarkshire Council, said the project was the first of its kind in Scotland: "It means that nonrecyclable waste will now be diverted from landfill & transformed into low carbon electricity, with Dunbar Energy Recovery Facility generating enough power for the equivalent of 70,656 homes."

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Mini nuclear reactors by 2029 delivered by Rolls-Royce

Unique £7m hydrogen project begins in the UK A £7m pilot scheme to inject zero-carbon hydrogen into a gas network to heat homes and businesses is now fully operational. The HyDeploy green energy trial is based at Keele University in England, where it is injecting volumes of up to 20% hydrogen into the university’s existing natural gas network, as well as feeding 100 homes and 30 faculty buildings. The gas is generated from an electrolyser made by ITM Power - this employs an electrical current to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Backed by Ofgem’s Network Innovation Competition, the project is led by Cadent in partnership with Northern Gas Networks, the Health and Safety Executive Science Division, ITM Power, and independent energy conversion specialist Progressive Energy. “It is impossible to overstate the importance of this trial to the UK – this is the first ever practical demonstration of hydrogen in a modern gas network in this country,” explains Cadent’s chief strategy officer, Ed Syson. He continues: “Hydrogen can help us tackle one of the most difficult sources of carbon emissions – heat. This trial could pave the way for a wider roll out of hydrogen blending, enabling consumers to cut carbon emissions without changing anything that they do.” HyDeploy could also prove to be the launch pad for a wider hydrogen economy, fuelling industry and transport, bringing new jobs and making Britain a world-leader in this technology. “Urgent action is needed on carbon emissions and HyDeploy is an important staging post on that journey in the UK,” says Syson. Hydrogen creates heat without giving off carbondioxide when combusted. The Committee on Climate Change has determined that the use of hydrogen in the UK energy system is necessary in order to reach Net Zero. Heating for domestic properties and industry accounts for half of the UK’s energy consumption and one third of its carbon emissions, with 83% of homes using gas to keep warm. The 20% volume blend means that customers can continue to use their gas supply as normal, without any changes being needed to gas appliances or pipework, while still cutting carbon emissions. The HyDeploy team believe that if such a 20% hydrogen blend was rolled out across the UK , it could save around six million tonnes of carbon-dioxide emissions every year. “Hydrogen is a key piece of the decarbonisation jigsaw, and this milestone allows us to take a huge leap forwards in terms of its use in meeting climate change targets,” argues Northern Gas Networks chief executive, Mark Horsley. “Customers are ready to embrace cleaner, greener solutions in their homes, and projects like HyDeploy give us the opportunity to start making a difference to emissions today. We’re very excited to be a part of it.” Professor Mark Ormerod, deputy vice-chancellor and Provost at Keele University, said: “Sustainability and low carbon energy is a key overarching institutional priority for Keele and we are delighted to be a key partner in HyDeploy. HyDeploy is a pioneering landmark national demonstration project, and is using our campus as a genuine ‘living laboratory’ for low carbon and energy-efficient technologies.” 4

UK SMR technology envisaged by the Rolls-Royce-led UK consortium can produce nuclear power in a new way anywhere in the world. It solves the conundrum of how to create affordable energy, and more of it, with a lower carbon footprin, says the company. Key to the Rolls-Royce plans are a form of ‘mini nuclear station’ designed to be mass-manufactured and small enough to be delivered in modules on the back of a lorry. Proponents say that this approach is key to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Rolls-Royce is leading a consortium to build small modular reactors (SMRs) and install them in former nuclear sites in Cumbria or in Wales. Media reports suggest the company may construct between 10 and 15 of the stations in the UK. The projected facilities will be about 1.5 acres in size - occupying a 10acre space. In volume terms this is a 16th of the size of a major power station such as Hinkley Point. SMRs are so small that theoretically every town could have its own reactor - but using existing sites avoids the significant problem of how to protect them against terrorist attacks.

Paul Stein, the chief technology officer at Rolls-Royce comments: “The trick is to have prefabricated parts where we use advanced digital welding methods and robotic assembly and then parts are shipped to site and bolted together.” Paul Dorfman from University College London reports: "The potential cost benefits of assembly line module construction relative to custom-build on-site construction may prove overstated.” "Production line mistakes may lead to generic defects that propagate throughout an entire fleet of reactors and are costly to fix," he warned. He explains: “It's far more economic to build one 1.2 GW unit than a dozen 100 MW units." Rolls-Royce is hoping to overcome the cost barrier by selling SMRs abroad, potentially in Europe and in the MENA nations, to achieve economies of scale. Critics of the Rolls-Royce project have warned that SMRs will not be ready in substantial numbers until the mid 2030s, by which time electricity needs to be carbon-free in the UK already to meet climate change targets.


NEWS Microsoft to establish Belfast cyber security centre


icrosoft has chosen Belfast as its location for a new cyber security centre. Eighty-five new jobs will be created as part of the move and the Department for the Economy is providing £800,000 in funding for pre-employment training places at Belfast Met. Microsoft already employs 28 people at its Belfast offices. Economy Minister Diane Dodds [above, centre] said the investment was a result of the talent available in Northern Ireland. "Microsoft is collaborating with my department and the college to develop Assured Skills Academies for participants to up-skill and compete for roles in the company's new cyber security centre," she said. The cyber security sector has been growing in Northern Ireland and its expansion forms part of the New Decade, New Approach deal. Stormont has committed to promoting Northern Ireland as a global cyber security hub with the aim of having 5,000 professionals in the field by 2030. All students who complete the academy will be ensured a job interview with Microsoft for consideration for the new positions. Invest Northern Ireland has offered £150,000 of support towards the creation of 25 of the 85 planned roles. Microsoft's Darren Dillon said: "We're delighted to be able to establish this new cyber security centre here in Northern Ireland which will provide support to Microsoft's largest enterprise customers across Europe, Middle East and Africa." Microsoft is the latest US tech firm to set up a cyber-security centre in the city. Imperva, Constrast Security and Signifyd are among the north American companies to set up similar operations in Belfast over the past 14 months, joining more established firms including Proofpoint, Whitehat and Rapid7. Plans for the new centre are believed to include the incorporation of a new data centre facility. This is likely to feature UPS dual power conversion technology designed to filter out mains-borne disturbances, with a battery system to maintain power during any potential blackout periods. Details on the UPS, generator and an Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) Detection panel specifrications have not yet been made public. The next stage of installation should include a backup generator set comprising a stored energy source, an engine, an alternator, a control panel and the AMF panel. Although both gas and diesel powered engines are available, it is likely the standby generator(s) will be diesel-powered. Remote monitoring and control via Ethernet, RS485 or USB ports as well as fault-finding and alarm diagnostics are also likely to be installed with the package.


Octopus Energy is ‘squids in’ thanks to new power deal

Octopus Energy has struck a deal to acquire ENGIE’s residential supply business in the UK, taking over 70,000 of its customers. It is the energy supplier’s sixth acquisition in two years and takes the customer number to 1.4 million – around 5% of the UK market. Octopus Energy also powers M&S Energy and London Power – a new supplier launched by Mayor Sadiq Khan last month – and became the first supplier this year to announce a price cut for customers on the standard variable tariff. Greg Jackson, CEO of Octopus Energy, said:

“Our technology enables a lower cost transition and our rapid growth means we can bring the benefits of cheaper, greener, smarter energy to ever more customers. “Engie can focus on its expanding services in other sectors whilst we bring their customers Octopus’s renowned service, pricing and technology.” ENGIE UK has made a strategic decision to leave the UK domestic energy market and to focus on working with businesses and local authorities in this country on the zero-carbon journey.

Missing £10.25m at Northampton stalls generator/lighting plans

£10.25 million loaned by Northampton Borough Council to Northampton Town to redevelop Sixfields stadium have gone missing - it’s official. The council has paid out £2.3m to find the money and Northamptonshire Police has so far spent £974,000 investigating allegations including theft and fraud. The force said the case was of "high public interest". Detectives working on Operation Tuckhill have previously described it as a "corruption" inquiry which also involves allegations of bribery and money laundering. The £10.25m loan was intended to rebuild part of Northampton Town's

As part of its refurbishment plans the club had hoped to install new standby generators to support LED floodlight installations. Following a site assessment, and completion of a site inspection, a 275kVA back-up generator installation had been specified together with ATS panels and lighting control boards. Only a small proportion of the funds were ever passed on to the stadium builders, the Buckingham Group. The football club later defaulted on the loan repayments. Now police say case files have been prepared in relation to 30 suspects.



NEWS Scotland’s power link with Norway will have an energy capacity of 1.4GW


hen completed, the NorthConnect interconnector will have a total capacity of 1.4GW. For some time now the Scottish Government has been supporting the completion of this key power link connecting Scotland with Norway. The NorthConnect interconnector is projected to have a total capacity of 1.4GW, enabling electricity to be transmitted both ways between Britain and Scandinavia and maximising renewable generation in Scotland (wind power) & Norway hydropower). Subsea cables will connect a converter station at Stirling Hill, Boddam and a similar one at Simadalen in Norway. Richard Blanchfield, NorthConnect Head of Development in Scotland said: “The interconnector will be able to monitor and respond instantaneously to meet the demands of either energy market and grid stability requirements. Crucially, it will be able to be called upon by National Grid in the event of a ‘black start’ situation, ensuring the lights stay on. He explains: “NorthConnect is looking towards operation in 2023/24 and has found suitable contractors to deliver this strategically important energy project.” The power project is expected to be fully completed some time in late 2022. "The Scottish Government is a strong supporter of NorthConnect," Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said in a speech last month. In particular, Sturgeon emphasises that Scotland and Norway have good opportunities to work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and stated that NorthConnect will help both Scotland and Norway cut emissions, as well as strengthening security of supply. "NorthConnect would enable surplus electricity from Scottish windfarms to be transferred to Norway and Scandinavia, if necessary. And on days where the wind doesn’t blow, it would enable electricity from Norway’s hydro-electric schemes to meet some of Scotland’s electricity needs," Sturgeon has said. CEO Finn Bjørn Ruyter of Hafslund E-CCO comments: “Scotland has built up a lot of wind power in recent years, and the nation now has a renewable share of 75%. During periods of high winds, transmission capacity south to England is limited so they have to constrain production. In periods of low wind, more flexibility is needed.” Ruyter added: "With NorthConnect, Norway will be able to benefit from reasonable power in surplus periods and deliver adjustable power during periods of high demand in Scotland." NorthConnect will also contribute to a cleaner environment as it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two million tonnes of CO2. This is equivalent to emissions from about one million passenger cars. In addition, NorthConnect will help ensure the UK keeps its lights on: in the event of a 'black start' situation, NorthConnect can instantly react to bring power from Norway.



Power Electrics (Bristol) Ltd is expanding its business and brand with the acquisition of Power Electrics Ltd (trading as PE Generators). Power Electrics (Bristol) Ltd previously held a 15% shareholding in PE Generators and completed the acquisition late last year. As a leading UK generator hire specialist, the acquisition sees the group grow from four depot locations to six, spreading from Southampton in the South to Glasgow in the North. The investment will increase the company’s capacity to deliver temporary power solutions improving its ability to reach a larger number of

customers within the UK. The purchase is the first of its kind for Power Electrics and will see an increase of over 30% of the total number of generators available to hire. Along with the increase in coverage and equipment, the new Power Electrics group will increase specialist and skilled staff, with now over 300 employees across the business. Power Electrics Director John Pullin commented, “This is a major opportunity for us. The increased capacity and resource extends our coverage and reach, enabling us to provide the highest level of customer service on a national basis.”

AVK|SEG (UK) Ltd appoints Dave Goulding as General Manager

With business growing at an impressive rate for AVK|SEG (UK) Ltd, one of the UK’s leading provider of critical power systems and maintenance, the company has announced that Dave Goulding joins the team as General Manager of its Irish business. AVK continues to bring all of its design, engineering and service experience to Ireland, working with strategic partners to design, deliver, manage and maintain large-scale data centre, finance and enterprise critical power projects across the country. With over 30 years’ experience delivering unbeatable customer service across a range of sectors, Dave also brings to the AVK Irish team a wealth of knowledge from

within the critical power industry. Welcoming Dave to the team, AVK Managing Director Chris Pritchard said: “Our commitment to our Irish clients, both present and future, can be seen in the investments we continue to make in the business. “Dave is a well-known, respected and trusted member of the power continuity community in Ireland and brings to the team the commercial and technical expertise to understand and deliver all our clients’ requirements. He is a genuine asset to the AVK team who shares our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service’. Dave will be based in the company’s recently refurbished premises in Dublin. 7

NEWS A unique battery project in Ireland from Statkraft

Centrica and sonnen complete ‘UK’s most advanced’ virtual power plant C

entrica and sonnen have created the UK’s most advanced virtual power plant (VPP) according to the pair, following the installation of 100 domestic batteries.The network of sonnen batteries is connected using Centrica’s cloud based technology, it’s Flexpond software, to form a VPP. The project was first announced last year, as part of a Local Energy Market trial in Cornwall. The batteries are now up-and-running, and the system has been approved by National Grid, which will allow the batteries to provide Dynamic Firm Frequency Response. As such they can provide storage for the grid, increasing the grids flexibility as the VPP can charge when there is excess power and offloading it when there is peak demand. Pieter-Jan Mermans, global optimisation director at Centrica said: "In the past, automated demand response was the domain of large industrial and commercial energy users, in the last 12 months we have shown that networks of devices such as home batteries and hot water tanks can also take part, putting the customer in greater control of their energy, making them more sustainable and helping lower their bills." The system is designed to allow customers to maximise the efficiency of their solar panels, as well as to contribute to the stability of the grid as a whole, said the companies. Jean-Baptiste Cornefert, managing director at sonnen eServices said that the digital transition was “taking place all over the world”, and that the company’s technology would be key. "Sonnen is the first provider in the UK to prequalify with a virtual power plant of decentralised home storage systems. Every megawatt provided across the network replaces one that would have been generated by conventional fossil fuel power stations." Centrica has been increasingly moving into flexibility, making investments into home energy management solutions provider GreenCom Networks and smart hot water tech provider Mixergy. The company is also engaged in another VPP project with Mixergy, where it has secured approval from National Grid to use the company's hot water tanks for firm frequency response. Centrica was recently singled-out as a world leader for strategic action on climate change by CDP, an international NGO reporting to investors. In results recently released, Centrica achieved a place on CDP’s prestigious ‘A List’ for its action and disclosure on climate change, based on its climate change reporting in 2019. The company is one of only 10 companies in the sector to have attained the highest standard. 8

The 11 MW Kerry battery project in Ireland is nearing completion, allowing the storage of locally produced wind turbine energy. The hybrid battery-and-wind project, which combines 11 MW of battery with 23 MW of onshore wind, will be fully operational in early 2020. “This is a landmark day for the energy market in this country and represents a very exciting milestone for power storage here. Energy storage systems further diversify our own portfolio, and this project continues

our growth trajectory,” comments Statkraft Ireland managing director, Kevin O’Donovan. Statkraft has negotiated a contract with EirGrid: it will contribute reserves to Ireland’s national electricity grid in the event of a sudden drop-off in supply. This is a seven-turbine project which has cost €30m to develop, with an output of 23 MW. Statkraft has partnered with Fluencet, with battery modules produced by LG Chem.

Habitat Energy and Gresham House in UK’s largest merchant battery storage deal Habitat Energy has reached an agreement with the Gresham House Energy Storage Fund to optimise 74 MW of Energy Storage System (ESS) projects in the UK. The multi-year agreements comprise three existing projects: a 20-MW ESS in Wiltshire, a 5-MW ESS in Wolverhampton and the recentlycommissioned 49-MW ESS project located on the Red Scar Business Park outside Preston which the Fund acquired on 31st December, 2019. The Gresham House Energy Storage Fund’s facilities are being optimized using Habitat Energy’s market-leading PowerIQ platform, which uses an algorithmic and machine-learning approach to maximise the value of storage assets across wholesale markets whilst carefully managing degradation of the assets. Andrew Luers, CEO of Habitat Energy, said, “We are delighted to be working in conjunction with the Gresham House Energy Storage Fund and their Manager, Gresham

Gresham House Asset Management, in order to accelerate the deployment of much-needed flexible power assets onto Great Britain’s electricity network. “Our aim is to provide unique insight for a unique asset class and add value in the short- and longterm for our clients. We share Gresham’s enthusiasm and sense of purpose for the opportunities available in the next few years.” Ben Guest, managing director of New Energy at Gresham House Asset Management, Manager of the Gresham House Energy Storage Fund said, “We are proud to have selected Habitat Energy for the optimisation of these projects.”



Jenbacher J624

Who says heat can’t be cool? A Jenbacher* combined heat and power plant may be one of the most efficient technologies in the world. With fuel savings of about 39 %, it produces economical, sustainable power while generating thermal energy for hot water, steam or process heat. Plus, you can store it or use it for your air conditioning needs. Now that’s cool! *Indicates a trademark.


NEWS Bombora makes waves in Pembrokeshire

CENTIEL to show industry leading agile UPS Solutions at DCW 2020 Leading UPS manufacturer, CENTIEL UK Ltd has announced it will be showing its industry leading, flexible UPS solutions at Data Centre World this year on booth D810. DCW will be held 11th-12th March 2020 at Excel in London. Louis McGarry, sales and marketing director, CENTIEL confirms: “With real-estate prices at a premium, plus the high costs of power consumption and the cost to maintain oversized UPS systems, the need to constantly right-size appropriate to the load has never been more important. For datacentres looking to minimise running costs and maximise returns, an agile approach to system design is key. At DCW this year, we will demonstrate how to achieve a flexible approach through the use of true modular UPS systems. “We will be showcasing a 600 kW CumulusPowerTM UPS frame populated with our 4th generation, high-availability, high-efficiency, hot swappable 60 kW modules offering 540 N+1 in a single footprint. We will also demonstrate one of our most popular frames, which maximises availability, achieving 75kW N+1 within a single footprint of just 0.59 m2. With up to 320 battery blocks internally, this solution offers a great option for facilities with limited space. He explains: “An innovative design also allows the larger CumulusPowerTM UPS systems to be connected from either high or low level, without the requirement for a separate cable entry enclosure,” continues McGarry. “This enables a more adaptable layout within comms rooms and data centres, accommodating the best use of space and potentially reducing installation costs too.” CumulusPowerTM is known for its “9 nines” (99.9999999%) system availability and low total cost of ownership through its Maximum Efficiency Management (MEM) and low losses of energy. CumulusPowerTM has now been installed in datacenters and comms rooms in over 60 countries across five continents. More than 50 MW of critical power loads are now protected with CumulusPowerTM in locations across the world including: the UK, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Spain, the Czech Republic and the Channel Islands. McGarry continues: “CumulusPowerTM is both a scalable and flexible UPS system that combines class leading availability and efficiency that makes it perfect for use in small, medium and large datacenters. However, not every application requires a modular UPS so we will also showcase PremiumTowerTM, our standalone UPS ideally suited to applications where facilities don’t want to compromise on quality while minimizing total cost of ownership is a significant factor. With PremuimTowerTM, the fans are located at the top of the UPS rather than the back, maximising the use of space: “zero clearance”. McGarry says: “A flexible and agile approach is more important than ever when it comes to UPS design. True modular UPS systems can be easily right-sized allowing datacenters to ‘pay-as-they grow’. In addition, ongoing running costs are minimized with a correctly sized system and initial CapEx is reduced too. He concludes: “At CENTIEL our design team has worked with data centres across the world for many years and we are at the forefront of technological development. We are the trusted advisors to some of the world’s leading institutions in this field. At DCW this year, our team and our UPS experts will be pleased to share their combined knowledge and discuss how to configure the most appropriate and resilient UPS system possible, to minimise both risk and budgets in order to protect the power to datacentres and their valued client base.” For further information please see CENTIEL at DCW or visit: 10

Bombora is an award-winning renewable energy enterprise first established in Perth, Western Australia in 2012. The company has since set up its European headquarters at Pembroke Dock, bringing significant investment into the area. The company plans to use the Marine Energy Test Area off the coast of Pembrokeshire to demonstrate its 1.5-megawatt (MW) wave energy converter. mWave, an idea originally conceived by two engineer brothers in Western Australia, presents a new approach to capturing energy from the ocean.

Their unique device,was patented in 2012. It’s a modular system which comprises membranes in cells which rest on the seabed. Because the mWave device sits on the seabed a minimum of 10 metres below the surface, it is safe from the damaging effects of storms and strong waves. Bombora plans to place a fullscale demonstration model of mWave on the seabed for six months of testing commencing soon. Once the device has successfully completed its testing, Bombora will be looking for commercial opportunities, says the company.

‘Green heat’ for world famous Turnberry gold course As one of the world’s premier golf courses, located in the UK, Turnberry has hosted the British Open Championship four times. Now a ‘Luxury Collection Resort’ it combines a hotel, spa, plus sporting and outdoor leisure activities. With demand for energy expanding, it was keen to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions by generating power on site through an independent CHP system. Working with I Power Energy Systems, EJ Bowman supplied exhaust gas heat exchangers to

capture waste heat from the generators and convert it to free energy for hot water and space heating. By installing Bowman heat exchangers to recover waste heat energy, engine manufacturers and genset integrators can increase the efficiency of their equipment from around 30% (power only) to up to 90% (CHP). Bowman manufactures one of the most comprehensive ranges available, which includes Exhaust Gas Heat Exchangers, jacket water and Header Tanks.


NEWS National Grid awards £328m worth of contracts to manage the stability of the UK’s electricity grid

First subsidy-free wind farm in Scotland, reports SSE Renewables S

cotland’s newest onshore wind farm will be built subsidy free after SSE Renewables confirmed an 11-turbine extension to the existing 70MW, 35turbine Gordonbush wind farm. The installed capacity of the onshore extension will be 47MW. In a first for the leading renewable energy developer, the onshore wind farm will be built on a merchant basis and will be one of only a few onshore projects to get the green light in GB in recent years after government support was halted after 2015. The go-ahead to commence construction follows the decision in November by Scottish Ministers to grant revised consent for the 11-turbine extension. Located 12km north west of Brora in the Scottish Highlands, construction on the extension will commence in March using some of the infrastructure and the grid connection of the original Gordonbush wind farm. The ability to progress Gordonbush Extension on a merchant basis demonstrates the quality of SSE Renewables’ onshore development pipeline and its ongoing commitment to onshore wind. However, Jim Smith, Managing Director of SSE Renewables, has warned that merchant investments are only possible for a limited number of the most attractive projects, and onshore wind won’t be deployed at the rate needed to reach Scotland and the UK’s net zero targets without intervention from government to provide revenue stabilisation. This could come through access to CfD auctions or more robust carbon pricing over the long term to stabilise future power prices. The Committee on Climate Change has advised governments that onshore wind capacity needs to expand by at least 1GW a year to achieve net zero emissions targets, reaching 35GW by 2035. Jim Smith said: “Onshore wind is the cheapest form of low carbon generation and brings job and investment to rural communities. Yet despite the climate emergency, onshore wind construction is at the lowest it has been in a decade. “We urge the UK Government to ensure onshore wind can be developed at the pace and scale set out by the Committee on Climate Change by providing investors with more certainty over the income they will receive for generating zero-carbon power in the longer term. “Accelerating onshore wind development would be a quick win for Government as it looks to set out plans to meet net zero in the run up to COP26 in Glasgow this year.” SSE Renewables is committed to further developing the Scottish supply chain and is encouraging businesses to bid for contracts for the Gordonbush Extension project. It will engage with the Highlands and Islands Open4Business platform and host Meet the Buyer events for the local supply chain to help them maximise the opportunities available for local businesses to work on the extension. The developer has appointed RJ MacLeod, one of Scotland’s largest privately-owned civil engineering and building contractors, as the preferred principal contractor of the civil and cabling works. 12

National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) has awarded contracts worth £328 million over six years to manage the stability of the electricity grid. Drax, Rassau Grid Services (Welsh Power), Statkraft, Triton and Uniper will either build new or modify existing assets to provide stability services to National Grid ESO to help manage electricity system properties such as inertia, voltage and short circuit. The key service to be provided is inertia, which helps to keep the electricity system running at the right frequency.

System inertia is a measure of the energy network’s resilience to some types of disturbances on the power system. This may include incidences such as the sudden disconnection of a large power station due to a fault. This service is currently a byproduct of traditional power generation, like coal or gas however, the new approach will see the new or modified assets providing a standalone service to the ESO, without the need to produce power at the same time.

Turbine for testing: GE’s Haliade-X 12 MW nacelle A nacelle from GE Renewable Energy’s Haliade-X 12 MW offshore wind turbine is currently undergoing a rigorous testing programme designed to prepare it for years of operation at sea. Tests are being undertaken at at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult’s testing facility in Blyth, Northumberland. This nacelle, comparable in size to six double-decker London buses, will undergo full indoor testing as part of an advanced technology program that will replicate real-world operational conditions. This is the second Haliade-X nacelle to be assembled, with the first recently installed in

Rotterdam .John Lavelle, President & CEO of GE’s Offshore Wind business, told UKPN: “GE’s Haliade-X technology will have an important role to play in helping the UK to achieve its Offshore Wind Sector Deal goals of 30 GW by 2030, and UK Government’s ambition to work for greenhouse emission reduction to “net-zero” by 2050. “Our Haliade-X global testing program will allow us to put different components under controlled and extreme conditions in a faster way, to adapt our technology in a shortened time while introducing new features.”


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Ultra-low emission generator project at Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) Reducing emissions is crucial to improving air quality and meeting more stringent environmental regulations. So when Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) in Nottingham needed to replace one of its emergency back-up generators, it used retrofit technology to switch to a low-emission solution.


educing emissions is crucial to improving air quality and meeting more stringent environmental regulations. So when Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC) in Nottingham needed to replace one of its emergency back-up generators, it wanted to switch to a lowemission model. Located in the middle of Nottingham, QMC includes an emergency department, a major trauma centre, the Nottingham Treatment Centre and the Notting ham Children’s Hospital. It is also home to the University of Nottingham’s School of Nursing and Medical School, and provides services to over 2.5 million local residents, along with specialist services to a further 3–4 million people from across the region. QMC wanted the project to contribute to reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, to support the city’s clean air zone, it is also part of its commitmen t to its community, staff and patients by reducing the impact of pollution. However, to guarantee back-up for its staff and patients, it still needed the generator to be responsive when required – which meant it had to be diesel-powered.


QMC turned to generator supplier Musgraves for the project. With no standard solution available, Musgraves looked for a different approach and contacted emissions specialis t Eminox to develop the retrofit system for the new generator. Reducing emissions for more than 25 years, UK-based Eminox has been designing, manufacturing and supplying solutions for a wide range of vehicles, including retrofitting its technology to buses, coaches and trucks. Its SCRT® technology has most recently been used to upgrade over 6,500 vehicles to meet Euro VI emissions levels mandated by regulat ions such as the London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). While this was a new area for the company, it was able to utilise its expertise, skills and experience in solving the project’s challenging emissions problems. It therefore adapted its SCRT® technology platform to develop a bespoke system that would virtually eliminate the generator’s NOx emissions. Eminox delivered the complete emissions solution and integration expertise during the project, working in close partnership with Musgraves and also Hilton Cannon, which provided electrical and refurbishment services. The project presented new challenges not found in on-road vehicles – for example, the high exhaust gas temperatures identified during normal operations meant the system needed specialist catalysts that could withstand them. The generator had to reach key targets when it came to engine out emissions, achieving low NOx (190mg/m3) as defined by the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) and also reducing particulate matter (PM). Eminox used its extensive retrofit experience to develop a concept matched to the emissions characteristics of the generator’s Stage II engine. It uses selective catalytic reduction technology, with AdBlue injected over specially formulated catalysts to remove NOx.

“The success of the project not only benefits QMC and the people of Nottingham, but also demonstrates the potential of retrofit emissions technology to meet challenging emissions targets for generators,” - Carlos Vicente, Retrofit Sales Director, Eminox.


To ensure optimum NOx reduction, this complex chemical interaction needs to be actively managed, which includes constantly adjusting for the impact of engine speed and load on exhaust gas temperature and flow. Data input from the engine operation was used to calibrate the systems function through integration into the generator’s control panel. Additionally, the sys tem used a specialist diesel particulate filter to trap particulate matter, with further catalytic technology converting this into harmless gases. Eminox uses the latest development tools, including computational fluid dynamics, to optimise system design and calibration to achieve this active emissions management. CAD design was applied to plan the system for the room, with careful routing of the exhaust ou tlet and insulation to where the emissions would exit the building. The complete system was commissioned during a six hour test which included the generator running at a loads of 100 and 110%. Live telemetry is used to remotely monitor the system, which allows both Eminox and QMC to access real-world, real-time data on emissions reduction. It also provides maintenance alerts, including when to top up with AdBlue. Since commissioning in April 2019, the retrofitted generator has been achieving reduction of over 96% in NOx emissions. The project’s innovation has already been recognised by the industry, as it was a finalist for the AMPS 2019 Power Connections Awards. With availability of Stage V low-emission generators direct from manufacturers still limited, the project shows that retrofit solutions can be u sed to meet this emissions level. It is also anticipated that, even where Stage V solution are available, retrofitting existing generators in situ could prove far more cost-effective and practical than replacement. “The success of the project not only benefits QMC and the people of Nottingham, but also demonstrates the potential of retrofit emissions technology to meet challenging emissions targets for gen erators,” said Carlos Vicente, Retrofit Sales Director, Eminox. “As well as the MCPD, changes to the London NRMM scheme set new stricter limits for mobile generators on NOx, NO2, PM and PM emissions, requiring the equivalent of Stage V performance. He concludes: “As tougher regulations around air quality increasingly impact on the use of generators, we are getting ready to develop more retrofit solutions. ” 15


Genset enclosures made for a key London data centre In August 1995 there were 18,000 websites worldwide. Today there over 1.2 billion websites on the worldwide web (1,268,289,402 according to Netcraft’s December 2019 Web Server Survey). With this sort of growth it’s no surprise there’s been a massive increase in the number and scale of data centres around the globe. Alongside this has come a corresponding growth in backup generators – a fact especially salient for Bradgate, a company which builds custom containers, modules and enclosures to any size or shape purpose for a wide range of applications including power generator enclosures.


large London data centre provider commissioned 21MW of power in 7 off bespoke modules. According to Bradgate, the main technical consideration of the contract was the site’s proximity to residential houses which were located a matter of metres away. A company spokesman for Bradgate commented: “We were given a site specific regulations that sound from the generators could not exceed 60 dBA at 1m from the g enerator/container combination. The units ended up weighing 58 tonnes and measuring 17.3 x 3.8 x 3.7. “Using our experience and expertise the Bradgate team devised an effective solution which included preventing the generators from transferring noise and vibration to the 33,000l fuel tanks beneath. Complete testing took place off-site at our own facility, and was supervised by the end client so that the


cli ents had total confidence and assurance before operational installation of the containers. “An additional challenge were logistics, it being imperative that all 7 units be delivered to schedule within a single week to minimize lifting costs and site install time.” With over 25 years’ experience, Bradgate Containers Ltd is a market leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of purpose-built electric al equipment modules housing industrial equipment for noise control, safety, or environmental protection. Enclosing a generator in a custom-built enclosure is becoming more accepted as a way of reducing building costs and releasing expensive interior space. Increasingly, architects tasked with maximising the usable space within a building are moving the generator or plant room to the roof or other outside space as a way of exploiting

“Using our experience and expertise the Bradgate team devised an effective solution which included preventing the generators from transferring noise and vibration to the 33,000l fuel tanks beneath.”

otherwise underused internal space, reports Bradgate. The noise generated by machinery in industrial areas can be a serious hazard to employee health and productivity. In these environments, Bradgate offers simple and economic solutions to reduce noise, limit vibration and lower the risk of fire. Where practical, noisy machinery can be isolated within a container or canopy – redu cing the noise at source, and leaving the operator in a relatively quiet and safe environment, explains Bradgate. Alternatively, a soundproof refuge can be constructed – either as a ‘one-piece’ structure or as a demountable hollow box steel structure with acoustic panels bolted to the frame – ensuring communication and administration can be performed without interruption or disturbance. All enclosures are s ealed and finished to the customer’s colour scheme, and it is recommended that demountable enclosures receive their final paint finish after installation on site. A spokesman comments: “Our products are individually designed for each customer’s needs, and we offer services and back-up that ensure the equipment can be installed and working on site as quickly as possible. “Another important advantage is Bradg ate’s comprehensive documentation, which – in addition to providing customers with all the necessary information – also meets the requirements of authorities around the world.” Products include prefabricated containers and enclosures, as well as complete, packaged systems for which we can carry out the mechanical and electrical pre-installation, testing, and commissioning of specialised customer equipment t o deliver a ‘ready to connect’ purpose-built module. Bradgate's finely engineered containers and enclosures keep on-site work to a minimum – often only requiring the connection of field cables and other associated services. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 UK Power NewS

triP vAlve heAlth MoNitoriNG The reliability of shutdown components is of critical importance to ensure equipment, plant, and personnel safety and health. Just as important is how fast these shutdown components function in an emergency situation. In situations where a turbine is operating at its full-load position and receiving 100% input energy, it is imperative when immediate loss-of-load conditions occur that the entire shutdown system responds quickly enough to shut off the input energy source and safely shutdown the turbine.

system including final control elements is fast enough to prevent the prime mover and any of its driven machines from exceeding their maximum allowable speeds.” To enable turbine users and operators to meet this new standard, Woodward’s turbine safety systems encompass functions to measure and record the time it takes to sense a shutdown condition (overspeed or other) to the time it takes for the final element (trip valve) to shut off the input energy source. This response-time-based function records the response of the system on a 1 millisecond basis and issues an alarm if any component of the shutdown circuit takes too long to operate, allowing plant personnel to correct the problem before it is too late.

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Fuel storage for diesel and oil are you as a user - fully compliant? Regulations for oil storage tanks, for example, were updated in January 2020 and the regulations require an annual inspection by an accredited person. It's not just an inspection; the system needs to be serviced, any water in the tank removed to prevent corrosion and all gauges & alarms checked to make sure they are operating correctly. You also need to make sure you have an oil spill kit and some basic instruction , says Jonathan Barnett, MD of FSS.


efore 2002 there were no specific regulations for oil (Diesel, Gas Oil & Kero) storage, only Parliament’s Environmental Protection Act. In 2002 The Oil Storage Regulations (England) were released and a pair of entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to set up a new business catering for these regulations. This was the founding of Fuel Storage Solutions Limited (FSS) in 2002 by Jonathan and Katharine Barnett. Jo nathan was working as a Contracts Manager for a company which tested underground tanks & pipework on retail forecourts. Katharine was a tax consultant for PWC. Today, FSS concentrates on all aspects of fuel storage for diesel and oil. The company's technical teams supply, remove, service and install fuel storage tanks, pipework and ancillary items, and fuelling systems. FSS also offers full OFTEC approved, fuel storage tank inspections, integrity testing, and cleaning services. MD Jonathan Barnett comments: “Our


inspections are conducted on the basis of current fuel regulations . FSS is a company dedicated to the safe storage and use of liquid fuel. “We have an established reputation and experience within the commercial fuel tank market having assessed and installed fuel storage tanks for several Blue Chip companies in the UK and were recognised with the ‘Fuelling Installation of the Year’ at the APEA awards for 2016.” Companies are too often reluctant to spend money in tank protection and fuel spill mitigation. The following is a selection of comments heard by FSS’s professionals over the years CLIENT: I’ve not had to do this before. FSS: Regulations are constantly being updated, we can tell you that it i s a legal requirement now. CLIENT: I’m not going to do anything, they’ve been fine so far. FSS: You are entitled to do what you want with your tanks, we just wanted to highlight that there is a legal requirement to get them checked and it’s potentially a criminal offence if you don’t. CLIENT: I’ve not had to spend this money before, why should I pay £XXX? FSS: It’s a detailed process. Its not just a quick glance, all aspects of the system will be checked for correct operation and serviced. The tanks will be dipped for sludge, water and metallic particles that would indicate internal corrosion. CLIENT: I’ll take the risk. FSS: It's your call, but as your maintenance provider we need to make you aware of new legislation to protect you.

“In June 2014 the supermaket chain Tesco was fined £8 mill ion after a fuel leak from one of its petrol stations polluted sewers and waterways. The cause was a failure of a fuel del ivery system and an inadequate alarm system.”


It’s certainly true that any fuel storage failures on the part of a company can expose it to legal action with potentially large serious fines to follow. For example: £8M FINE FOR TESCO IN 2017 In 2017 the supermarket chain Tesco was fined £8 million after a fuel leak from one of its petrol stations polluted sewers and waterways three years before, in 2014. The UK’s Environment Agency said 23,500 litres of petrol escaped from a tank over a 29-hour period in Haslingden, east Lancashire. The supermarket firm's "recklessness" resulted in homes being evacuated, residents suffering sickness, and the death of 40 fish, the agency said. Mark Easedale, environment manager at the time for the Environment Agency said the pollution had a "massive impact" on the community and environment. The Environment Agency's investigation found the leak resulted from the supermarket's failure to address a known issue with the fuel delivery system and an inadequate alarm system. It was compounded by "poor" emergency procedures. Mr Easedale said the sentencing sent out a "clear message to anyone whose recklessness causes serious pollution to the environment". What are the legal requirements in the UK? There are very specific legal requirements for storing fuel, maintaining interceptors and having a suitable spill plan for each site. Companies like FSS can provide you or your clients with enough information to have inspections/ servicing on their fuel systems. There are also differences between England, Wales, Scotland and NI. Essentially, commercial / industrial fuel tanks over 200lts must have an annual service & inspection to comply with the regulations. Domestic tanks under 3,500lts do not have to comply, over 3,500lts they do. If they don’t its classed as a potentially criminal act. Be aware of this quote from Oil Storage Regs: Regulation 9 states - “that a person with custody or control of any oil breaching the Regulations will be guilty of a criminal offence.” If you have any questions about the issues surrounding th safe storage and use of liquid fuel - find a reputable expert or similarly qualified company to consult with. Need more information? Visit: 19


Distributed energy generation with cogeneration power In the ‘FOCUS-MONEY’ ranking Caterpillar Energy Solutions has been labelled one of Germany's ‘Top Traditional Companies’. According to a survey conducted by ‘FOCUSMONEY’ in co-operation with the Cologne-based analytics institute ServiceValue GmbH, Caterpillar Energy Solutions with its brand MWM is one of Germany's top traditional companies.


he survey examined a total of 896 companies from 106 industries. With a ranking score of 2.73, Caterpillar Energy Solutions was one of the 258 companies which topped the overall vote count. Thus, Caterpillar Energy Solutions can be regarded as one of Germany's ‘Top Traditional Companies’ in the engineering industry. Cogeneration power plants Besides Caterpillar Energy Solutions, successful with MWM gas gens ets cogeneration, chp plant, as well as combined heat and power, the ranking also included a number of innovative businesses from various industries, which use cogeneration power plants for distributed energy production and onsite power supply. For example, this includes the lighting manufacturer Osram (ranking score: 2.3), the Düsseldorf University Hospital (ranking score: 2.57), Sartorius in the medical

te chnology sector (ranking score: 2.67), and the Frischli dairy (ranking score: 2.71). With a ranking score of 2.28, the Bitburger brewery is one of the Top Ten traditional companies. The designation as top traditional company is not the only feature the brewery shares with Caterpillar Energy Solutions. Back in 2014, the brewery commissioned a cogeneration power plant running on two MWM gas engines from Cat erpillar Energy Solutions at its home location in Bitburg, Germany. The electricity generated by the MWM TCG 2020 V20 gas engines at 400V is transformed to 20 kV and fed into the Bitburger brewery's medium-voltage grid. Thus, 65% of the electricity demand on site is covered by the internal power generation. In addition to significant cost savings, the brewery is able to improve its environmental balance by saving about 8,000 t of carbon emissions a year.

“Electricity generated by the MWM TCG 2020 V20 gas engines at 400V is transformed to 20 kV and fed into the brewery's grid.“

Mannheim from the air .

MWM gas engines and power gensets for cogeneration power plants are available for a wide output spectrum. Thus, power plants of different sizes and output categories can be implemented for a variety of application scenarios. High-output cogeneration power plants can be deployed by district heat providers, municipal energy providers, industrial enterprises, an d other large companies. Smaller cogeneration power plants can be used e.g. for the continuous secure power supply of hotels, schools, office buildings, tradesmen's firms, or medical facilities such as hospitals and care homes. 150 Years of Experience for MWM The MWM brand looks back on a history of more than 150 years, always accompanied by a spirit of innovation. The establishment of the "Mechanische Werk stätte" (Mechanical Workshop) by automobile pioneer Carl Benz in Mannheim in 1871 marked the beginning of the traditional company's era of gas engines. With its product brand MWM, Caterpillar Energy Solutions has become one of the world's market leaders in the field of gas engines and power gensets. Around the globe, the customers of Caterpillar Energy solutions regard the "engines made in Mannheim" as highly reliable, efficient products for distributed energy generation. [Below] Carl Benz (1844-1929).

Production hall.



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State-of-the-Art Energy Centre in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Leading energy and services specialist, ENGIE, has launched a high profile new carbon-reduction energy centre in Newcastle. A high profile new district energy centre was officially launched by ENGIE UK on January 15th, 2020, in partnership with Newcastle City Council. The district energy centre forms part of a wider £20m low carbon scheme within the City boosting Newcastle’s commitment to tackling climate change by saving more than 30,000 tonnes of carbon over 40 years.


he flagship energy centre on the Newcastle Helix site will use a 5km network of underground pipes to supply heating and cooling to 10 buildings and up to 450 homes on site. Using heat and power created through the use of low carbon and cost-effective energy solutions, including natural gas fired CHP (Combined Heat and Power), the centre also generates chilled water and cooling facilities and electricity to neighbouring buildings. It’s hoped the new centre will be the first of many innovative energy projects resulting from the Regenerate Newcastle Partnership; a joint venture between ENGIE and


Newcastle City Council, to develop and operate district energy schemes within the City over a 40-year term. Nicola Lovett, Chief Executive of ENGIE UK and Ireland, said: “We are delighted to be marking the completion of the new Helix Energy Centre, the first of what we hope will be many innovative low carbon energy projects delivered by our long-term partnership with Newcastle City Council. “With local authorities playing an increasingly key role in the drive to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions, ENGIE is committed to using its expertise to support Newcastle with its climate goals and on its

“We are del ighted to be marking the completion of the new Hel ix Energy Centre, the first of what we hope will be many innovative low carbon energy projects del ivered by our long-term partnership with Newcastle City Council.”

journey to becoming a zero carb on city by 2030.” The centre has been made possible with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Government’s Local Growth Deal through the North East Local Enterprise Partnership. Leader of Newcastle City Council, Cllr Nick Forbes, said: “Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet so it’s incumbent on all of us to do what we can to reduce our carbon emissions. “Last year w e declared a climate change emergency and since then have set up a Climate Change Convention and are putting in place a range of measures to make the city carbon zero by 2030.” He said: “The opening of the District Energy Centre is a significant boost to our climate change credentials and will provide affordable and sustainable heating to residents and cutting-edge businesses which are bringing high quality jobs to the city,” added Cllr Forbes, who also chairs the council’s Climate Change Committee. Helix District Energy Centre is the first innovative scheme in a venture to develop District Energy in the Newcastle city boundaries as part of the Regenerate Newcastle Partnership. Newcastle City Council has achieved a 13% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions with more efficient heating and lighting in its build ings and schools, using solar panels on the Civic Centre and Manors car park, and is in the process of switching its fleet of vehicles to electric. ENGIE is a leading energy and services company employing 17,000 staff in the UK and Ireland. It focuses on three key activities: production and supply of energy, facilities management and regeneration. It has city-wide District Energy Schemes in Southampton, Bir mingham, Coventry, Leicester and in London at Whitehall, Excel and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Globally, the ENGIE Group employs 160,000 people and achieved revenues of €60.6 billion in 2018. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 UK Power NewS

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A comprehensive Stage V portfolio for power generation With over 150 years of experience, FPT Industrial has become an innovation leader in all the segments it operates, with engines covering both regulated and unregulated markets. Based on its know-how in the agriculture and construction powertrain fields, the Brand has created an exclusive advanced solution to comply with the most stringent emissions standards around the world. This expertise is also available for power generation engines, which have recently seen the introduction of Stage V in the European markets. In addition, the Stage V regulation involves power ranges that previously had lighter or no legislation at all in the region.


he Stage V debut does not have to be an obstacle for OEMs. It was certainly not an impediment for FPT Industrial, since the Brand took advantage of its technological excellence to develop a patented solution. Through its HI-eSCR technology, FPT Industrial complies with the legislations while ensuring advantages on performance and efficiency. While HI-eSCR was used to meet Tier 4 Final standards with the h ighest NOx conversion efficiency available in the market and with no maintenance needed, its

evolution into HI-eSCR2 not only ensures the compliance with Stage V, but still grants bestin-class performance and total cost of ownership for customers. This innovative after-treatment system (ATS) integrates a maintenance-free filtering device on the SCR catalyst, which allows the compliance with tightened lim its on Particulate Matter (PM) emissions within a compact package. In Power Generation, this technology is applicable for engines above 56 kW and below 560 kW. FPT Industrial Stage V solution can be summarized in five main benefits. The first is N67 Stage V.

Stage V gensets from FPT Industrial.

F34 55kVA Stage V.

Cursor 9.


“This innovative aftertreatment system (ATS) integrates a maintenancefree filtering device on the SCR catalyst, which allows the compl iance with tightened l imits on Particulate Matter (PM).”

Cursor 9. high productivity, since it offers high performance with outstanding power and torque density, followed by reduced operating costs. The solution is a lifelong aft er-treatment system, because it is maintenance-free and does not require replacement costs over lifecycle. The last advantages are enhanced reliability and maximized uptime. Producing one of the highest specific powers on the market, the Cursor 9 Stage V is one of the highlights of FPT Industrial’s power generation engine portfolio. At just 8.7-litres, it can generate a massive 300 kVA, and its compact siz e enables installation flexibility in the total footprint and canopy of the genset itself, in addition to a light weight for better transportability. The six-cylinder engine delivers a gross power of 291 kW at 1,500 rpm and also benefits from the efficient performance of the HI-eSCR2 technology. From FPT Industrial’s renowned NEF family, the N67 Stage V is a 6.7-litre engine, with six cylinders in-line, de livering gross power of 200 kW at 1,500 rpm. With its technological features, this model also provides reliability and durability, with an easy maintenance and long oil service intervals, up to 600 hours. Along with a high fuel efficiency, this maintenance significantly reduces the total cost of ownership. It also features the HI-eSCR2 technology. A solution with a lower displacement is the F34 55 kVA Sta ge V, a 3.4-litre engine that delivers a prime power of 48.5 kWm at 1,500 rpm. To comply with the Stage V regulation, its ATS consists of external cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation (ecEGR), Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). Customers can rely on this combination both because of its increased engine efficiency and performance and of the solid market experience FPT Industria l has in DPF systems. With over 50 years of experience in the diesel engine marketplace and more than 20 years working with after-treatment systems, Hendy Power is the master distributor of FPT Industrial solutions in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The company has a comprehensive stock of G-Drive engines for both regulated and unregulated markets, plus an extensive stock of FPT Industrial genuine parts. Al l electronic G-Drive engines distributed by Hendy Power offer the telematics systems option, which allows remote diagnosis and troubleshooting through GSM connection. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 UK Power NewS




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CHP delivers total fitness - a 22% increase in electrical efficiency Leading resource management company, Veolia, is now helping Total Fitness achieve a 32% reduction in gas consumption using combined heat and power, CHP, across 17 health and fitness facilities in the north of England and Wales. The new 15-year contract will install the latest technology to achieve a 22% increase in electrical efficiency compared to the existing CHP units, lower energy costs and further reduce CO2 emissions from the 134,000m2 of building space, reports UKPN.


s a leading operator of health, fitness, rehabilitation and aquatic facilities, Total Fitness operate 17 Health Clubs within the UK, advising over 100,000 members on their health and wellbeing. The company’s continual commitment to drive down energy consumption, utility costs and further reductions in carbon emissions, is one of the key drivers of the company’s business strategy. Under the new contract each of the Health and Fitness centres will benefit from new

co-generation plants that efficiently generate electricity and heat from a single fuel source to cover their energy demands. Each onsite plant provides electricity and heat for the whole building, gyms, pools, showers, saunas, steam rooms, sanariums and domestic hot water. To match the locations’ base electrical and thermal loadings the plants are individually sized, ranging from 140kWe to 250kWe and will take the total co-generation capacity across all the sites to 3.17MWe - equivalent

“Our continuing strong focus on CHP highl ights our greener approach and our culture of energy conservation. Use of the latest technology will help the environment our business operates in.” - Jasvir Sanghera



to the power demand from 8,400 homes. Over the last 20 years Veolia have worked with Total Fitness to continually reduce utility consumption through a number of key green initiatives. Over this time Veolia CHP units have saved over 60,000 tonnes of CO2, and sign ificantly lowering the carbon footprint of the fitness chain. With the existing CHP fleet nearing the end of its operational life, the new CHPs will help further key sustainability goals by delivering the benefits gained from improvements in engine technology, and control systems over the past decade. The contract covers a fully engineered package covering installation and operation of the CHP units that w ill take pressure off the local electricity infrastructure and provide stable energy costs that are less susceptible to energy market price changes. Also included in the contract is a 15-year operation and maintenance service, provided by Veolia’s nationwide service teams, and this will guarantee availability on a 24/7 basis. Richard Kirkman, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Veolia UK and Ireland said: “For over 80 years Veolia has been helping organisations balance their energy needs by providing the technical know-how enabling them to prosper by improving their efficiency, and giving them control. "We look forward to helping Total Fitness extend their commitment to the environment. As the UK struggles to generate sufficient energy to supply the nation CHP can play a key role in guaranteeing sus tainable electricity and decarbonising heat, and meeting the zero carbon timeline for 2050." Jasvir Sanghera, Total Fitness added: “Our continuing strong focus on CHP highlights our greener approach and our culture of energy conservation. “Use of the latest technology will help the environment that our business operates in and demonstrates our commitment to sustainability. Challenging reduction of our car bon footprint is essential and the CHPs will do just that." Working with Veolia since 1997 Total Fitness operate health clubs located throughout the North of England, including Manchester, Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Teesside, Wirral, Humberside, Merseyside, and North Wales. Veolia also manages waste and recycling operations for Total Fitness. For more information visit ombined-heat-power 27


Energy savings for St Paul’s Recent works at St Paul’s Cathedral involved refurbishment of the heating and hot water plant: the improvement has achieved nearly 40% gas savings after an upgrade to compact condensing Hamworthy boilers. St Paul’s Cathedral has been standing at the highest point of London on Ludgate Hill since its latest rebuild over 300 years ago. As a Grade 1 listed building, the delicate building structure is subject to strict regulations, prohibiting alterations without special permissions. The Cathedral faced failing boilers, which meant a heating and hot water plant refurbishment project would have to take those restrictions into account. The challenge was met by Hamworthy Heating, a UK-based commercial heating and hot water specialist, who provided a modular boiler system & two high performance calorifiers.


he well-known Cathedral’s existing heating system consisted of three steel shell boilers fitted in the 1960s which received a burner upgrade in the 1980s. Problems on the equipment occurred and were fixed until the boilers finally started leaking and could not be repaired anymore. At this point, Robin Bunton from Bunton M & E Services advised replacement boilers were necessary. Together with Mike Crouch, H amworthy’s agent for the area, and Nick Coates from Blue Print Building Services Design, he worked on the specification for the Cathedral’s heating and hot water refurbishment project with Clerk of Works Martin Fletcher. The Cathedral was seeking reliable and energy efficient boilers to meet its high heating and hot water demand while keeping the running costs down. To avoid changing


the flues, the Cathedra l initially planned to replace the older system with pressure jet steel shell boilers. Robin, however, recommended Hamworthy’s Wessex ModuMax mk3 condensing modular boilers to meet the reliability and energy efficiency requirements, as well as compliance with current legislation to eliminate inefficient boilers. He commented: “We have used the Wessex boilers since they were introduced and we know they are a very reliable product. They are space saving, great in refurbishment projects and buildings where you can’t change the building fabric, such as St Paul’s. Hamworthy also has an excellent after sales and spares service, with their own engineers, which is why I prefer working with them.” Tom Fletcher, Works Manager at St Paul’s Cathedral, added: “Once we understood we

“Once we understood we needed to replace the Cathedral’s heating and hot water plant, we were set a target of reducing gas usage by 10% once the project was complete in l ine with the Cathedral’s sustainabil ity ambitions.”

needed to replace the Cathedral’s heating and hot water plant, we were set a target of reducing gas usage by 10% once the project was complete in line with the Cathedral’s sustainability ambitions. “In discussions with our M&E consultant, our engineer and examining the constraints of the building, we elected to use the Hamworthy boilers because they offered efficiency as well as significantly reduced disruption to the building during the project b ecause of their small modular form.” Six months prior to the installation of the boilers, two MagnaClean® filters were installed to clear the heating system from sludge and debris, followed by a system flush. To create hydraulically separate systems from the new boilers to the existing radiator system, a plate heat exchanger has been installed. This not only divides the primary and secondary circuits, but a lso ensures a highly-efficient heat transfer with minimal losses between the two, thanks to the heat exchanger’s large surface areas. It also stops any dirt and debris from the secondary circuit entering the new boilers and pumps. The complete plant room was fabricated and built off-site at Bunton M & E Services workshop, dismantled and delivered to site reducing the total installation time on-site to just four weeks. For the boiler installation, two Wessex ModuMax mk3 WM254/508V modular condensing boilers were chosen. This combination consists of two stacks with two boiler modules in each, delivering a total output of up to 1,016kW and a turndown ratio of 20:1. The turndown ratio refers to the ratio of maximum capacity to minimum capacity. In St Paul’s case, the boilers can deliver any output from 50.8kW u p to 1,016kW. This ensures the load is matched to warm the building up, and in periods of low heat demand, the boilers are not constantly cycling and wasting energy. The modules can easily be stacked on top of each other and side by side to offer a variety of installation options. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 UK Power NewS

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS? Stand-By Gas Generators The Sustainable Answer for Your Energy


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Generator sets & EU StageV engines Back in the spring of 2016 Scania announced the launch of a range of EU Stage V-compliant industrial engines capable of operating on HVO (hydrotreated vegetable oil) and RME (rapeseed methyl ester). Coming several years ahead of the mandatory EU Stage V implementation date, the introduction dovetailed neatly into Scania's stated commitment to drive the shift towards more sustainable transport and engine solutions while providing an ideal response to increasing market demands for sustainability.


s Scania's Senior Vice-President and Head of Engine Sales, Joel Granath, put it at the time: "Sustainability is high on the agenda for most companies nowadays, and the demand for alternative fuel is increasing in all sectors." Describing the new range as a major breakthrough in sustainably-fuelled engines, Granath went on to explain that the experience and knowledge Scania has gained from its truck applica tions is now being used to offer the company's industrial engines with alternatively-fuelled products. Among those set to profit as a result are Scania's many power generation set manufacturing clients worldwide. The new range consists of 9- and 13-litre in-line and 16-litre V8 engines and spans power output levels from 222 to 528 kW (250605 kVA) for power generation applications. "Key benefits of th e new range include a reduction in fuel consumption by up to nine percent compared to Scania's EU Stage IIIA solution in power generation applications," comments David Bamber, General Manager – Scania Engines for Scania (Great Britain) Limited. "Low revs and high torque contribute not only to economy in operation but also to an improvement in performance compared with

earlier similar engines. In terms of environmental impact, operating on HVO offers the potential benefit of up to a 90% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, the new range offers full compliance with the existing Euro 6 emissions standard." Scania has overseen all strategic steps from initial engine design to development to assembly, with the development of the engine-management, fuel-injection and emission-control systems, all having been carried out in-house. Development of Scania’s EU Stage V solution used computer simulation and other testing to establish which concepts were the most effective. The concepts were assessed according to five main criteria: handling of exhaust emissions, performance and response, fuel efficiency, cost, and engine lifetime. The resulting technical solution is based on Scania´s Euro 6 SCR (selectiv e catalytic reduction) solution. The main components required for the exhaust gas aftertreatment system are a diesel oxidation catalyst to cope with hydrocarbons and carbon-dioxide emissions; a diesel particulate filter to keep the emissions of particulate matter within the legal limits; and an SCR unit including urea injectors and an evaporator to handle the Scania 13-litre engine


“Key benefits of the new range include a reduction in fuel consumption by up to nine percent compared to Scania's EU Stage IIIA solution in power generation appl ications" - David Bamber, General Manager – Scania Engines for Scania (Great Britain) Limited.

[Above ] 9-litre engine.

[Above ] 16-litre engine. emissions of nitrous oxides. Thermo management e ntails keeping the temperature at an optimal level in the aftertreatment system, regardless of the surrounding and operating conditions, while transient response is about how well and how fast the engine builds torque. Another key to success has been the integration of the engines' throttle handling with the variable-geometry turbo control strategies, which also works as an exhaust brake. "Because the SCR s olution is already well proven on the truck side of Scania's business it guarantees high reliability to our powergeneration customers, further reinforced via Scania's traditional strengths of product quality, parts availability, a comprehensive support network and equipment uptime," concludes David Bamber. Uptime – a key success measure The unique Scania modular concept with shared components and system s across all of its engines means high parts availability, minimised waste and easy servicing for a single technician. In addition, a full 500 hours between oil changes and maintenance boosts uptime even further. Higher uptime is better for business, and along with Scania’s proven track record of reliability and quality contributes to high levels of operating economy. Irrespective of application, Scania' s new engines take fuel economy, environmental performance and operational efficiency to new levels. Every vital aspect, from air temperature and fuel injection settings to exhaust aftertreatment, is controlled by the Scania EMS (engine management system). And, with up to 2,400 bar (34,800 PSI) injection pressure, the Scania XPI injection system contributes to low particulate emissions as well as excepti onal low-rev capabilities and engine response. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2020 UK Power NewS

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THE PLEASURE OF SILENCE OEM SUPPLY OF – CANOPIES – BASES – FUEL TANKS – FRAMES – SILENCERS – CROSS MEMBERS FOR GENERATING SETS, PUMP SETS AND POWER PACKS. Also enclosures and tank frames for telecom applications. Sound Proof Systems B.V., Engelenburgstraat 45, 7391 AM TWELLO, The Netherlands T. (+31) 571-27 69 00, F. (+31) 571-27 68 00,





Onsite generation & sound control The very nature of onsite power generation developments, and their proximity to nearby sensitive properties and users of the plant, means industrial noise emissions can pose a significant issue if left unaddressed. Robert Lomax, sales director at Wakefield Acoustics, outlines the available noise control technologies and the benefits they can deliver.


riven by a focus on cleaner energy solutions, there has been an upturn in onsite power generation adoption across the UK in recent years in the form of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants. In fact, a survey conducted by Centrica Business Solutions (CBS) found that 81% of companies already generating energy onsite have plans or aspirations in place to increase self-generation capacity over the next five ye ars, in a move to become “power plant of the future” . It is perhaps little surprise, given its welldefined benefits, that onsite generation continues to prove popular across a broad range of sectors. However, whilst users often consider these benefits, some fail to deliberate the trials that the close-proximity of power generation apparatus to buildings and occupants can pose – particularly those relatin g to noise output. Traditionally, the focus of onsite generation installations has centred on critical areas of improvement for end users such as energy efficiency and emissions control. Industry professionals also have a crucial responsibility to consider any potential noise emissions from new developments, starting at the initial planning stage to help comply with noise regulations and protect those in the vicinity of their systems. Advanced noise control solutions Components such as gas and diesel engines and associated electrical generators, can emit noise which far exceed levels permitted


under the UK’s Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. Whilst the upper exposure action value of the regulations is set at 85dB(A) for an eight hour working day, engines in typical power generation and CHP systems can reach levels of 110dB(A). In cases where machinery is housed in a reverberant area with reflective surfaces, noise levels have the potential to reach 120dB(A), limiting workers to far less than a minute of exposure in any 8-hour period unless appropriate noise protection measures are employed. The positive news is, just as onsite generation has progressed, so too have the noise control methods deve loped to mitigate excessive noise. With noise control standards in place for the UK and Europe, CHP system operators and installers need to turn to innovative noise control solutions, to comply with regulations and reduce the risks to exposure. Critical factors to consider As no two plant installations are the same, careful consideration must be given to each system’s function, location and permitted noise levels in order to determine the most effective noise control solution for the specific application. As a result, when it comes to specifying noise mitigation products for CHP systems, there is no one-size-fits-all solution and a number of factors must be deliberated. Full acoustic enclosures offer the greatest level of noise reduction, and, with a correctly designed and acoustically tested panel

“Just as onsite generation has progressed, so too have the noise control methods developed to mitigate excessive noise. With noise control standards in place for the UK and Europe, CHP system operators and installers need to turn to innovative noise control solutions, to comply with regulations and reduce the risks to exposure. “

system, wi ll ensure breakout noise falls below levels set within the regulations and project requirements. Along with breakout from the main engine cell, there are other factors which require consideration, such as noise passing through the associated ventilation system, breakout from pipework and engine silencers, and noise emissions from associated cooling plant and radiators. Noise from all paths and potential s ources needs to be considered at the initial design stage, to ensure compliance with specifications and regulations. To facilitate regular access and maintenance, a correctly designed enclosure can also be designed with incorporated lifting beams, maintenance access doors and removable walls. Acoustic sealing around access points is essential, especially on sensitive sites, as a single weak point can compr omise the entire installation. From an aesthetic and durability perspective, different materials and finishes can be used to protect the enclosure from environmental hazards, such as weathering or corrosion. When power generation plants are externally sited, with high performance composite acoustic panelling to form enclosures or housings, it enables systems to be used in the vicinity of residential buildin gs, 24-hours-a-day, making them ideal for organisations such as hospitals and large scale manufacturing facilities alike. Wakefield Acoustics is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of advanced industrial, commercial and environmental noise control systems. With extensive experience of operating in mission-critical environments, the company has a history of treating noise emissions from CHP and power g eneration plant. For more information:


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IS THE REPORT OF THE DEATH OF DIESEL AN EXAGGERATION? Some thoughts and musings by AMPS’ Director General Robert Flello As readers know well, diesel engines are used in a wide variety of applications from automotive to water pumps. In most areas of life their use is almost unseen, but not so with on-road vehicles. While only a few UK cities have so far announced they are to ban diesel cars (albeit the number is growing), it is against the backdrop that the UK and many European governments have announced there will be no new diesel or petrol cars sold within the next twenty years. The headlong rush towards electric vehicles shows little sign of slowing and perhaps lesser still sign of the realisation of the inherent problems that will arise. As regards non-vehicle diesel engines, the practice has been for ever increasing regulation; of emissions and noise in particular. What began as regulating carbon emissions now includes all gases and particulates. Across the news we see ports installing shore power systems, New Delhi banned the use of diesel generators in October last year, and closer to home music festivals are promoting their eco-credentials almost as much as the bands playing. Now it would be easy to look at what is happening and what is planned and to say the diesel engines days are numbered but let’s take a step back. With the demand for data growing exponentially, the need for back-up power isn’t going away. It is predicted that in just 5 years’ time we will need 175 zettabytes (and without



googling it, I don’t know what a zettabyte is! But that’s a lot). Yes battery technology is dramatically improving all the time as are alternative means of storing power, but the power needs of a multiplicity of data centres alone would need a lot of batteries and our patience with downtime is diminishing equally fast. Of course it’s not just data centres that are looking for power solutions. With climate change we are seeing places such as California having to cut grid power to avoid wildfires, last August we saw the grid fall over across many parts of England and with the growth of renewable energy sources, we are seeing resilience decline. All of these three scenarios mean the need for back-up generators is not going away. When we usually speak of generators it’s in the context of diesel but increasingly that’s likely to be biodiesel or gas genset. Manufacturers are already investing time and money bringing forward new gensets and exploring hydrogen-fuelled sets. We know the genset industry is working hard and successfully to meet the challenges placed on it and I’m busy trying to educate the politicians and civil servants who make those challenging regulations but there’s a further requirement. We need to start educating the wider public. If the public want limitless data access any time and always and if they want all the gizmos and gadgets then they will need reliable power. Reliable renewable power may never happen so there will always be the need for good traditional gensets. Is diesel’s demise inevitable? For the foreseeable future, no I don’t think it is and with the right public education it doesn’t need to be for the longer term. Diesel is invaluable, we just need the public to know that.



Heat and Decentralised Energy Conference - Enter the dragon’s lair


he ADE and Energy Institute are working behind the scenes to bring you the best Heat and Decentralised Energy Conference yet. As part of this, we are calling for innovators across the decentralised energy sector to “enter the dragon’s lair” at this year’s conference, and provide their innovative pitch to our industry experts, with the audience also providing their vote. The Heat and Decentralised Energy Conference 2020 will take place on Wednesday 25th March, 2020, at The Crystal, London between 9.45am and 5pm. The ADE is looking for speakers and we would be delighted if you could join us as a speaker in the ‘Dragon’s Den’ session from 1.45-3pm. Enter the dragon's lair The Dragon’s Den session will profile businesses that are innovating in the way they engage with and deliver to customers, across power, heat, flexibility and efficiency on a domestic, commercial or industrial scale. We are looking for innovative technologies and business approaches that are shaking things up and can demonstrate new ways of doing things. Each speaker will be invited to give a 6-minute Pecha Kucha presentation. Pecha Kucha is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds: the images advance automatically and presenters talk along to the images. It makes for a lively and engaging session: you can find lots of examples if you search online and we’ll give you a briefing in advance of the event. The audience can then vote on the presenters, via a Slido app and we may even have some dragons... Email John Bryant to find out more: The ADE’s January 2020 Winter Reception The ADE hosted its Winter Reception on Wednesday 29th January, 2020. This annual event is always a fantastic networking opportunity, and a chance for the ADE to bring together members and colleagues to showcase the brilliant work being done in the sector. This year was no different, with over 150 attendees working across a variety of decentralised energy technologies, descending upon the House of Commons. Dr Alan Whitehead, MP for Southampton Test and ADE Vice President, opened the reception. As a long proponent of sustainable energy systems, he spoke of 2020 being “the year of decentralised energy”, with exciting times ahead for the industry. Ian Calvert then took the chance share his initial observations in his new role as ADE Director, having taken up the position earlier this month. Ian stressed how important the ADE’s work is in ensuring that decentralised energy is positioned, as it should be, at the forefront of government policy as we look to achieve our net zero goals. He then went on to introduce our speakers for the evening, who would discuss the need for a just energy transition, looking at what is needed to achieve this in a national context, right down to the role of individual householders. Next, the ADE was delighted to welcome Hilary Benn, MP for Leeds Central as guest speaker. Benn reflected on how far both policy and public opinion on climate change have come in only ten years. He noted that we do still, however, have a long way to go. To lead on from Hilary Benn was Ken Hunnisett of Triple Point, who kindly supported the ADE in hosting the Reception. Triple Point specialise in heat networks investment mangement, and has been instrumental in administering the HNIP funding scheme in partnership with BEIS. To bring the conversation down to the individual level, Dr Joanne Wade OBE, Deputy Director of the ADE, addressed the audience to launch the ADE’s new report: “Laying the foundations for net zero: Putting households at the heart of the energy transition”. This report explores the role that householders play in our current energy system, and how we can ensure that they are empowered to play an active role in a just energy transition. It forms the first of three reports to be launched by the ADE in 2020; the following reports will explore the roles of businesses and the public sector in the energy system. The ADE would like to extend its thanks to Triple Point and all speakers for their outstanding contribution to the evening.


Achieving Net Zero by 2050 - ACE and EIC discuss the new initiatives


usiness leaders from the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) and Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) have joined forces for a new campaign to analyse how we can redesign UK infrastructure to enable us to reach Net Zero by 2050. Chaired by Sarah Prichard of ACE member BuroHappold, a joint Net Zero Taskforce will bring together experts and leaders from ACE and EIC member companies. The Taskforce’s initial activity will culminate in two reports to be launched during COP 26 in Glasgow in November. The first report will showcase the role the respective business members will have to play if we are, as a society, to meet Net Zero targets, while another is aimed at helping SMEs to adapt to this new working environment.

Association for Decentralised Energy 6th Floor 10 Dean Farrar Street London SW1H 0DX Tel: +44 (0)20 3031 8740 E-mail:

Technology Seminar and 73rd Annual Luncheon on Thursday 30th April 2020

“We will have to work collaboratively. - Paul Reilly, ACE chair 2020 Paul Reilly, ACE chair 2020, said: “How we work in a Net Zero future will be at the forefront of all industry leaders’ minds, but with ACE members’ day-to-day focus, and the huge expectations on carbon free infrastructure, buildings and construction, we will have to work collaboratively. It will only be by pooling talent, resources and ideas that we will be able to solve the biggest challenge that society has faced in recent times.” Sarah Prichard, chair of the Net Zero Taskforce and UK managing director at BuroHappold, commented on the campaign launch: “I am delighted to be chairing the Taskforce which harness the extensive expertise, experience and knowledge of our two membership bases. Our industries are renowned for their approach to problem solving and this will be crucial in deconstructing the complex processes that guide infrastructure delivery, and rebuilding them carbon free.” The UK government has made a legally binding commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. It will host COP26, also known as the UN Climate Change Conference, in Glasgow this November. Updates to the campaign will be shared on ACE and EIC’s respective websites in due course.

Thursday 30th April 2020 - Leonardo Royal Hotel, London Tower Bridge, London E1 8GP (formerly Grange Tower Bridge Hotel) IPowerE’s 2020 Technology Seminar and Luncheon is to be held at the Leonardo Royal Hotel London Tower Bridge. The day will commence at 10.00am with a technology seminar, followed by a 3-course luncheon and guest speakers in the afternoon. The morning seminar will comprise a multi-stream programme covering a range of technologies and subject matter, so there will be something which is relevant to everyone’s business. The annual seminar and luncheon is well established as a key event in the calendar of the power and prime mover industries and is an occasion not to be missed. Book your place now and take the opportunity to catch up on the latest technology developments and to hear and engage with internationally renowned speakers, plus the chance to network with other members, clients, colleagues and friends, old and new. Principal Guest: Dr Cathy McClay, Head of Strategy at Sembcorp Energy Guest Speaker: Mandy Hickson,Former Royal Air Force Fast Jet (Tornado) Pilot 35

Products & Services AC Current Measurement Probes available

Gigabit Ethernet managed switches - new development from Antaira Technologies Antaira Technologies haas expanded its industrial networking infrastructure family with the introduction of the LMP-1802G-SFP and LMX-1802G-SFP Series. Antaira’s LMP-1802G-SFP and LMX-1802G-SFP series are industrial-grade equipment which is Ethernet ready for networking applications in harsh and outdoor environments found in the power/utility sector. The new devices support highdensity Ethernet port connectivity, wide bandwidth, long-distance data transmission, and have a superb reliability factor.

AEMC Instruments’s compact AC Current Probes Model LM102 (current) and LM103 (voltage) are equipped with high-performance magnetic material offering excellent linearity and improved performance. The new units are said to be ‘ideal current measurement tools for use with multimeters, data loggers and power analyzers’. The probes are designed to meet the most stringent demands in the electrical contracting industry and have been designed to meet the latest IEC safety and performance standards. The probes allow meters to measure AC currents in lowpower secondary or industrial applications. Their increased 0.63” (16 mm) clamping diameter easily accommodates most conductors allowing AC current to be measured, recorded and/or displayed on recording or measurement instruments.

Megger’s Single, Handheld Tester Megger now offers a single, handheld dedicated static motor tester that can perform multiple tests. Its multifunction capabilities include insulation resistance tester, motor rotation testers, DLRO, multimeters and LCR meter. The MTR105 combines all of the functions frequently used when testing electric motors.


This new tester takes the testing abilities of Megger’s proven insulation resistance test instruments and adds in the DLRO four-wire Kelvin low resistance test, inductance and capacitance tests to provide operators with a versatile unit. The MTR105 is a compact, multifunction test set that is lightweight and easy-to-use. It features a fully automated three-phase connection.

The new WM15 Power Analyser for effective measurement and analysis from Carlo Gavazzi


ontrols and Automation specialist, Carlo Gavazzi has launched the WM15, a 96x96 panel mount power analyser for three phase systems (MID versions available) which can be installed into any switchboard to manage and control energy consumption, main electrical variables and harmonic distortion. [Visit :] The WM15 is easy-to-install due to the intuitive setup and navigation whilst the wizard and wiring check on first startup provides a quick, guided and error free installation and commissioning via the free UCS software. This new 3 phase power analyser is particularly suited to the measurement of main electrical variables, voltage, current harmonic distortions, measures active and reactive energy, apparent energy and load operating hours. All measurements are displayed on the easy to read backlit matrix LCD display in both digits and bar graph format. Its front panel uses a simplified 4 push button user interface for easier switching between pages, and fast scrolling through the readout. Providing error proof installation by using self-power supply and phase sequence detection the WM15 offers various interfacing capabilities such as digital output for pulse transmission or alarm, optional RS485 Modbus RTU (100ms data refresh) and continuous sampling of each voltage and current. The onboard optical port provides fast, easy and remote programming for mass production of electrical panels via the Optoprog battery powered device. The embedded Bluetooth 4.0 communication allows the user to connect a Smartphone (via UCS Mobile Android APP) or a PC (via UCS Desktop software) to the meter, allowing fast and easy configuration. The WM15 is said to be the perfect solution for Building and Industrial automation, cost allocation, MID fiscal metering applications and anywhere where energy and main electrical variable monitoring is required. Together with the UWP web-based solution, data can be managed by a complete energy management solution for both single or multi-site applications. As with other Carlo Gavazzi energy products the WM15 power analyser conforms to the EU Measuring Instruments Directive (MID); it also meets Class 1 European accuracy standards EN62053-21, EN 62053-23 and EN50470-3 (Class B), CE and cUL certified. 36

The New Pramac EU Stage V GRW 350P

enerator set manufacturer Pramac’s latest offering – the GRW 350P – is designed specifically to meet the needs of rental customers. With an EU Stage V Perkins® 1706J-E93TAG at its core, the genset features advanced engine technologies which meet the latest emissions regulations and offer maximum competitive advantage. Rental businesses looking to reinforce their fleets with EU Stage V compliant power generators have an exciting new option for their wishlists – Pramac’s GRW 350P, sats the manufacturer. The generator is the latest addition to Pramac’s popular GRW series. These versatile, highly efficient and structurally robust machines are designed specifically for the rental market. The GRW 350P is said to offer a technological step forward. Powered by Perkins® 1706J-E93TAG engines, the generator sets meet the new Stage V emission standards that now apply to all mobile generators in Europe. As well as achieving the most stringent emission standards, the GRW 350P, with its cutting-edge design, represents the ‘perfect option for rental companies’. The integration of Perkins 1706JE93TAG is a fundamental part of this advance. With 9.3 litre displacement, the engine delivers a significant uplift in power density compared to previously much larger engines. Packed with the latest engine developments that ensure maximum reliability, performance and dependability, the 1706J-E93TAG – and the GRW 350P it drives – give you maximum competitive advantage. “The combination of the Pramac design and the pedigree of the Perkins-powered engine allows us to create a solution that serves the rental market with the highest technological and innovative standards,” said Andrea Ercolino, product manager. Pramac’s latest generation of generators further strengthens its reputation as a trusted provider of standard and customised solutions up to 4,000 kVA. With a worldwide workforce of more than 700 employees and a presence in more than 180 countries, the company continues to focus on expanding its product range to keep pace with the times. The GRW 350P is the ideal solution for a wide variety of applications where temporary power supply is needed. With skyhigh safety standards, low noise emissions and easy access for service and maintenance, it’s a smart choice for rental. “The exclusive design combined with an innovative gas exhaust treatment system, supported by our close collaboration with an excellent brand such as Perkins, makes the GRW 350P a genuinely innovative power generator,” said Andrea.



Headquarters: A-6200 Jenbach (Austria) T +43 5244 600-0 F +43 5244 600-527 Manufacturer of gas driven generator sets and cogeneration systems in a power range from 0.25 to 3 MW.

JMS 208 GS JMS 208 GS JMS 312 GS JMS 312 GS JMS 316 GS JMS 316 GS JMS 320 GS JMS 320 GS JMS 412 GS JMS 416 GS JMS 420 GS JMS 612 GS JMS 616 GS JMS 620 GS



g g g g g g g g g g g g g g

1,500 1,800 1,500 1,800 1,500 1,800 1,500 1,800 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500



330 335 625 633 834 848 1,063 1,060 844 1,131 1,415 1,820 2,433 3,041

358 406 731 808 988 1,079 1,190 1,313 892 1,194 1,492 1,792 2,399 3,020

Ratings natural gas standard, NOx ≤ 500 mg/ m3N. Dry exhaust gas; based on 5% O2. For engines with 1,200 rpm please contact GE Energy’s Jenbacher product team. TAD1242GE TAD1640GE TAD1641GE TAD1642GE

352 393 433 485

Generator Power Steve Caldwell T: 01924 220055 F: 01924 220066

R Schmitt Enertec GmbH

INNIO Jenbacher gas engines



409 462 509 570

Perkins Engines Company Limited

Peterborough PE1 5FQ Contact name:- Simon Gray Tel: +44 (0) 1733 583000 Email: Perkins is one of the world’s leading suppliers of off-highway diesel and gas engines, offering dependable cost-effective power up to 2500 kVA in dieselor 1000 kWE prime in gas.

56743 Mendig, Germany T +49 2652 9351810 F +49 2652 9351822 Manufacturer of gas driven engines,generator sets and cogeneration systems in the range from 100 - 500 kW. RSE Engines for natural gas and biogas Model



M06-G/B T0D41 g 50 M06-G/B TID41 g 50 M06-G/B T2D41 g 50 M08-G/B TID41 g 50 M08-G/B T2D41 g 50 M12-G/B TID41 g 50 M12-G/B T2D41 g 50 M06-G/B T0D41 g 60 M06-G/B TID41 g 60 M06-G/B T2D41 g 60 M08-G/B TID41 g 60 M08-G/B T2D41 g 60 M12-G/B TID41 g 60 M12-G/B T2D41 g 60 RSE engines for LPG M06-PT0D41 g 50 M06-PTID41 g 50 M06-PT2D41 g 50 M08-PTID41 g 50 M08-PT2D41 g 50 M12-PTID41 g 50 M12-PT2D41 g 50 M06-PT0D41 g 60 M06-PTID41 g 60 M06-PT2D41 g 60 M08-PTID41 g 60 M08-PT2D41 g 60 M12-PTID41 g 60 M12-PT2D41 g 60 RSE engines for Woodgas M06-HT2D41 g 50 M08-HT2D41 g 50 M12-HT2D41 g 50 M06-HT2D41 g 60 M08-HT2D41 g 60 M12-HT2D41 g 60

Foxbridge Way, Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton, West Yorkshire, WF6 1TN Generator Power is a leading name in temporary power, providing a safe, reliable source of power for emergencies, planned outages, backups, backup and events.

Electric output 140 kW 200 kW 250 kW 260 kW 333 kW 400 kW 500 kW 150 kW 210 kW 250 kW 280 kW 333 kW 420 kW 500 kW 115 kW 173 kW 205 kW 233 kW 260 kW 350 kW 450 kW 130 kW 173 kW 205 kW 233 kW 260 kW 350kW 450 kW 122 kW 166 kW 250 kW 140 kW 180 kW 275 kW

GF Genovate Ltd T: 0800 689 0597 E: E: Leeds, LS10 1RJ

Unit1, Old Mill Business Park, Gibraltar Island Road, Hunslet, GF Genovate provides a full Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) service to our clients and has experience of some of the most complex and technically challenging Gas-to-Power engineering projects in the UK. The power plants we build helps to stabilise the National Grid on a second by second basis. GF Genovate are one of the UK’s most experienced gas to power energy developers specialising in the development of flexible embedded and standby power solutions. With Market Specific Solutions, our scope of supply ranges from the supply of an engine, through to the EPC turn-key installation of a multi-generator power plants and CHP.

HMS Industrial Networks Phil Gray +44 (0) 1926 405599

The Venture Centre, Sir William Lyons Road, Warwick University Science Park, Coventry, Warwickshire, CV4 7EZ HMS Industrial Networks – Connecting Devices around the world. Making sure that business-critical equipment can communicate.

Volvo Penta

405 08 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel +46 31 235460


SE-151 87 Sodertalje Sweden Tel +468553 81000 Fax +468553 898 12 E-mail Web UK Contact – Mark Swindell Scania GB Ltd Tel +44 1908 329386 E-mail Diesel & Gas engines for power generation Prime power 250kVA to 700kVA Stand by power 250kVA to 770kVA Engine range prime power 50hz & 60hz at (70% mean load factor) Scania produce diesel and gas powered engines for various Industrial and Marine applications, superior quality and reliability, offering exceptionally low fuel consumption. All models are available to meet current emissions requirements, Scania engines are now available to meet both Tier 4F and EU Stage V. Alternative fuels Many of our engines can also operate on Bio-diesel conforming to EN14214 and HVO conforming to EN159540

Model Spec RPM kWm kVA TAD530GE Diesel 15002) 75 85 2) 100 TAD531GE Diesel 1500 88 2) 130 TAD532GE Diesel 1500 113 1) 15002) 76 86 TAD550GE Diesel 1) 15002) 89 101 TAD551GE Diesel 130 TAD730GE Diesel 15002) 113 152 TAD731GE Diesel 15002) 132 186 TAD732GE Diesel 15002) 162 201 TAD733GE Diesel 15002) 175 TAD734GE Diesel 15002) 213 245 1) 2) 1500 114 131 TAD750GE Diesel 15002) 13 152 TAD751GE1) Diesel 1) 2) 1500 158 182 TAD752GE Diesel 1) 15002) 173 199 TAD753GE Diesel 15002) 217 250 TAD754GE1) Diesel TAD940GE Diesel 15002) 241 277 TAD941GE Diesel 15002) 280 326 TAD1341GE Diesel 15002) 271 315 TAD1342GE Diesel 15002) 303 352 TAD1343GE Diesel 15002) 325 378 TAD1344GE Diesel 15002) 354 412 TAD1345GE Diesel 15002) 388 451 15002) 279 324 TAD1351GE1) Diesel 15002) 314 365 TAD1352GE1) Diesel 15002) 328 381 TAD1354GE1) Diesel 1) TAD1355GE Diesel 15002) 355 413 TAD1640GE Diesel 15002) 392 461 TAD1641GE Diesel 15002) 430 505 TAD1642GE Diesel 15002) 503 591 TWD1643GE Diesel 15002) 536 630 15002) 393 462 TAD1650GE1) Diesel TAD1651GE1) Diesel 15002) 430 505 Engines are also available for1800rpm/60Hz

Volvo Penta T: 01926 622528 F: 01926 622549 E: Volvo Penta, Wedgnock Lane, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 5YA About the company: The Volvo core values - quality, safety and environmental care - are fundamental for our operations, and these also apply to our open and future-oriented approach to establish business relationships, and our ability to make flexible product offerings - both for hardware and software.

WAKEFIELD ACOUSTICS LTD +44(0)1924 418940 Wakefield Acoustics, Unit 17 Flush Mills, Westgate, Heckmondwike, WF16 0EN Wakefield Acoustics is a UK leading manufacturer of high quality noise control equipment for industrial and environmental applications. Products include acoustic enclosures and canopies, acoustic containers, attenuation systems, noise barriers and acoustic louvres. With acoustic and mechanical design, along with full installation services, the company offers the turnkey solution for your noise problem.



EXHAUST TECHNOLOGY: Exhaust Gas Heat Exchangers Heat Recovery Steam Generators Catalytic converters and SCR (DeNox)-Systems Silencers

James Bexon

APROVIS Energy Systems GmbH Tel.: +49 (0) 9826 / 6583 - 0


Colchester Engineering Systems Unit 5 Chancers Farm,Farm, Fossetts Lane, Fordham, Unit 5 Chancers Fossetts Lane, Colchester, Essex, CO6 3NY, England Fordham, Colchester, Essex, CO6 3NY, England Tel: 01206 240788 tel 01206 240788 fax 01206 240099 email:

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Courage doesn’t come from stature, it comes from belief. Throughout life, we are taught what we can or can’t do and who we can or can’t be. The world needs us to change the way we see it to find new and better ways of doing what we do. The time has come to remember how we were in our youth. We need to fear less and embrace the world in front of us. The world needs the brave.

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