INTERNATIONAL www.wirenet.org
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nce? orable experie em m a r fo y Read nce the maintena to r o o fl t n la p From the displays from tabletop d n a t en tm r depa by ent—designed ev is th , g in rk to netwo offers lots of s— er te n lu o v WAI industry p. 60. date starts on p U e. lu a v & content
Volume 49 | Number 5 | May 2016
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Industry News. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Industry Profile. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Patent Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Asian Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fiber Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fastener Update . . . . . . . . . . 31 WAI News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Wrapup: wire Düsseldorf . . . . . 42 wire Düsseldorf once again proved to be the place to go to see the latest in wire and cable equipment. This wrapup includes comments from the organizers, exhibitors, some associations and more.
Chapter Corner . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Update: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2016 . . . . . . . . . . 60
Technical Papers . . . . . . 74-83
This report includes more/updated booth listings, the general program, comments from two attendees and an additional new exhibitor, and a unique (for WAI!) show floor attraction.
Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Career Opportunities . . . . . . 94
Advertisers’ Index . . . . . . . . 96
Understand flaws in communication cable production thanks to balunless single-ended measurements Peter Fischer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Next issue: June 2016
• Equipment/Industry 4.0
Heat resistant color coatings for a new generation of spring wires Filip Verhoeve, Vincent Vermeersch, Peter Persoone and Walther Van Raemdonck.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Cover: If you were looking for wire and cable technology, you very likely were among the tens of thousands of attendees at wire Düsseldorf. This issue includes a wrapup of the event and an update for WAI’s Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2016. Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
MAY 2016 | 3
The wire Düsseldorf story is one of business and possiblities, but for some attendees, it’s also a time to look forward to hearty fare: the kind that may make health experts wince but are a must for many event-goers. Bring on that wienerschnitzel. Roasted pig knuckles? You betcha! Let’s start with a plate of white asparagus and keep pouring those alts.
Rainbow Rubber & Plastics, Inc., is sponsoring a unique WAI event attraction: a primer on craps, one of the most exciting casino games. Unlike slot machines, which require just good luck, craps offers multiple ways to bet, and learning it with your hard-earned cash is not adviseable. Instead, stop by the show floor on Wednesday for Casino 101, from 3 pm to 5 pm.
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A glimpse of ‘smart’ seen at wire Düsseldorf This issue includes a review of wire Düsseldorf, and as ever, the collectively assembled technology—display after display, hall after hall—was impressive. It is industry defining, and each exhibitor has its own story. Sometimes, there are compelling “big picture” stories, such as a few shows back when “green” was especially big, and a good number of booths showcased that theme in a big way. Walking the floors in 2016, one could see another focus developing. It wasn’t widespread, but there was enough to see it as a potential precursor of things to come: Industry 4.0, which may someday connect manufacturing operations to a much higher level. Per Wikipedia, the basic principle of Industry 4.0—also known as the “Smart Factory”—is that by connecting machines, work pieces and systems, businesses can create intelligent networks along the entire value chain that can control each other autonomously. Imagine a networked system of machines, sensors and software designed to collect, analyze and use data in real time to self-diagnose, repair and optimize the production process. It’s a given that the technology needed to do this will only continue to advance, and that wireless, electronics and “the Cloud” may enable companies, especially large producers, to attain impressive process results. Where might this go? Imagine a tag team of mechanical engineering and IT. “It is highly likely that the world of production will become more and more networked until everything is interlinked with everything else,” said Bosch Executive Chairman Siegfried Dais. “While this sounds like a fair assumption and the driving force behind the ‘Internet of Things,’ it also means that the complexity of production and supplier networks will grow enormously. Networks and processes have so far been limited to one factory. But in an Industry 4.0 scenario, these boundaries of individual factories will most likely no longer exist. Instead, they will be lifted ... to interconnect multiple factories or even geographical regions.” Will large manufacturers buy into the concept? Could it be done piecemeal...or maybe not at all? What about security concerns? The June WJI, which will feature equipment from wire 2016, will also focus on this topic. The industry may evolve to Industry 4.0, but that doesn’t mean that it will be warmly embraced at this time. Change, even if it makes sense, causes disruption and added expense, and that can add up to reluctance. Manufacturers have to believe the benefits are worth it, and right now the value remains a concept...yet it is intriguing. Nobody may be anxious to be the first one to go this route, but if it works, nobody will want to be last.
Mark Marselli Editor-in-chief
CALENDAR May 11-12, 2016: Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. To be held at the Wisconsin Center. Contact: Expo Productions, tel. 800-367-5520, www.electricalwireshow.com.
Oct. 2-5, 2016: 65th International Cable & Connectivity SymposiumM Providence, Rhode Island, USA. To be held at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Contact: Pat Hudak, IWCS, tel. 717-993-9500, phudak@iwcs.org, www.iwcs.org.
June 6-8, 2016: Wire & Cable Guangzhou 2016 Guangzhou, China. To be held at the China Import and Export Fair Complex, this event is organised by Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., and Guangzhou BoYou Exhibition Service Co. Contact: Ivy Wong, ivy.wong@hongkong.messefrankfurt.com.
Oct. 5-7, 2016: Spring World 2016 Rosemont, Illinois, USA. To be held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Contact: CASMI Office, tel. 630-359-4273, info@casmi-springworld.org.
June 7-9, 2016: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo Uncasville, Connecticut, USA. This WAI event, to be held at the Mohegan Sun, will include its trade show, operational programs and WAI’s 86th Annual Convention. See update inside. June 12-14, 2016: 17th Guangzhou International Platemetal, Bar, Wire, Metal Processing & Setting Equipment Exhibition Guangzhou, China. To be held at the China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou. Contact: Julang Exhibition Co., Ltd., tel. 86-20-3862 0771, expo@julang.com.cn. Sept. 26-29, 2016: wire China 2016 Shanghai, China. The 7th All China International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@ mdna.com, www.mdna.com.
Oct. 5-7, 2016: Wire & Cable India Mumbai, India. This event will be held at the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Center. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com. May 9-11, 2017: Interwire 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. This WAI event, which will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center, includes its trade show, technical programs and 87th Annual Convention, www.wirenet.org. Oct. 3-5, 2017: Wire South America, São Paulo, Brazil. To be held at the Imigrantes Exhibition & Convention Center. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com. Oct. 8-11, 2017: 66th IWCS International Cable & Connectivity Symposium Orlando, Florida, USA. Contact: Pat Hudak, IWCS, tel. 717-993-9500, phudak@iwcs.org, www.iwcs.org.
WIRE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL EVENTS June 7-9, 2016: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo Uncasville, Connecticut, USA. See update inside. June 17, 2016: Midwest Chapter 14th Annual Golf Tournament West Chicago, Illinois, USA. To be held at St. Andrews Golf & Country Club. Contact: Steve Fetteroll, tel. 203-453-2777, ext. 115, sfetteroll@wirenet.org. Sept. 13, 2016: New England Chapter 22nd Annual Golf Tournament Avon, Connecticut, USA. To be held at Golf Club of Avon. Contact: Anna Bzowski, tel. 453-7530, abzowski@wirenet.org.
Sept. 29, 2016: Southeast Chapter 15th Annual Golf Tournament Conover, North Carolina, USA. To be held at the Rock Barn Golf and Spa, Conover, North Carolina. Contact Art Deming, tel. 252-955-9451, art.deming@nexans.com. Oct. 18-20, 2016: ITC Monterrey Monterrey, Mexico. To be held at the Crowne Plaza Monterrey, this event will include technical presentations, a tabletop display and more. Contact: Steve Fetteroll, tel. 203-453-2777, ext. 115, sfetteroll@wirenet.org. May 9-11, 2017: Interwire 2017 Atlanta, Georgia, USA. See main listing.
INDUSTRY NEWS Tata Steel sale of long products division for 1 lone £ buys priceless U.K. relief The selling price of Tata Steel’s Long Products Division for l£, worth about U.S. $1.42, may be one of the biggest deals ever made for the steel industry in the U.K., which will also see the return of the name British Steel. A press release said that private investment firm Greybull Capital has reached a “binding sale and purchase agreement with Tata Steel for its Long Products Europe division” that employs 4,800 people, 4,400 in the U.K. and 400 in France. The deal includes the massive Scunthorpe integrated steelworks site, home to the last blast furnace in England. The business is a major supplier of rails, but it also is a big supplier of wire rod. The deal also includes a 25% stake in the adjoining Caparo merchant bar mill, and facilities across the U.K., Ireland and France. On one hand, one might say that this was an amazing deal for a single English pound, but it’s far from a free dinner. Per a story in the Scunthorpe Telegraph, Greybull has pledged a £400 million rescue package for
Tata Consultancy Services
Tata Motors
Tata Steel
Tata Power
Tata Motors (DVR)
Tata Communications
Indian Hotels Co
+56% +2%
Tata Chemicals
Tata Global Beverages Tata Elxsl
+701% +4%
Tata Investment Corp Tata Coffee
Tata Teleservices
Tata Sponge Iron
Tata Metallks
Tata Group unit performance since Chairman Cyrus Mistry took over in late 2012. Chart: ETIG Database.
the Scunthorpe site, with £50 million already committed. There are sizeable pension considerations that have to be resolved, but the purchase of the U.K. operation will save thousands of U.K. jobs. For Tata Steel, the decision by Group Chairman Cyrus Mistry was the best way out of a losing situation. Tata Steel had acquired the business from Corus in 2007, a good period that was soon to hit very harsh times. Since Mistry took the top office in late 2012, the Tata Steel division has been ailing, with the Scunthorpe business— which has some 4.5 million metric tons of long products capacity—a big loser due to low prices and the flood of low-cost Chinese products. The chart shows how Tata divisions had fared during that period.
A l£ coin has a sterling role in the U.K. steel industry. The new owners have stated that they believe better times are ahead, and one steel industry analyst told the Scunthorpe Telegraph that he expects the operations to become profitable. “The break-even basis today should mean that ‘British Steel’ will be profitable in the first year,” said Alistair Ramsay, research manager for Metal Bulletin. “Long products prices, including sections/rail and rods, are rising and with them, margins over raw materials following a few years of decline.” The rescue plan for Scunthorpe got a boost from its single largest Scunthorpe customer, Network Rail. “British Steel is absolutely central to our railway upgrade plan— with more than 120,000 tonnes—representing more than 96% of our total spend on rail,” Network Rail Chief Executive Mark Carne said. Sky News has reported that a total of 926 employees have volunteered to retire, and the unions have accepted a pay freeze for 2016-17 and a switch from a final salary pension to a defined contribution scheme.
It’s a royal return visit (and opening) for extension of this Prysmian plant Charles Philip Arthur George, better known as His Royal Highness (HRH), the Prince of Wales, officially opened an extension at the British Aberdare factory of the Prysmian Group.
Got news? E-mail it to the WJI at editor@wirenet.org.
German equipment supplier reports contract from South Korean company
3 U.K. companies to handle cable for Race Bank offshore wind farm
Germany’s Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co. KG reports that it is one of three companies that have been contracted to modernize the Changwon operation of a steel products manufacturer in South Korea.
Denmark’s DONG Energy has placed contracts with three different U.K. companies for the array cables at its Race Bank offshore wind farm, located off the U.K.’s North Norfolk Coast.
The Prince of Wales at the Prysmian factory.
AWPA head addresses USTR on steel wire issues On April 13, Kimberly Korbel, executive director of the American Wire Producers Association, addresed a public hearing convened by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative about steel overcapacity. Below are her edited comments.
Good afternoon. I am Kimberly Korbel, Executive Director of the AWPA. Our member companies produce the vast majority of carbon, alloy, and stainless steel wire and wire products that are manufactured in the United States. These products are used in tens of thousands of applications throughout the American economy. Our member companies employ more than 22,000 American workers and contribute in excess of $11 billion annually to the U.S. economy. We operate 215 plants in 35 states. The U.S. wire industry is often
overlooked when policymakers, commentators, and the press address the fundamental issues in today’s global steel market. Our member companies face the same problems caused by overcapacity, subsidy programs, and other unfair trade practices—particularly by China—that affect the basic steel industry. Imports of steel wire and wire products from China have surged since 2001 and by 2015, imports from China have flooded the U.S. market. • Steel wire imports increased by 370%; • wire rope by almost 300%; • wire strand by 2,200%; and • woven wire fabric by 5,000%. Some AWPA members have responded by exercising their rights under the antidumping and countervailing duty laws. Since 2007, AD and CVD orders have been placed on eight kinds of wire products: nails;
Kimberly Korbel prestressed wire strand; threaded rod; wire grating and shelving; innerspring units; rail tie wire; and wire garment hangers. Triple-digit dumping margins are common. Importantly, Commerce found that Chinese companies benefit from a wide range of subsidies. AWPA wire products are subject to intense pressure from imports, and
MAY 2016 | 11
The facility, the release said, is hugely important to the Prysmian Group as “it dispatches more individual product lines than any other within the Group.” Most products manufactured in the factory are exported across the globe to markets including Asia, Hong Kong and the Middle East. “The customer service center represents just the latest project in a program of investment reflecting the Group’s belief in the value of British skills and technology,” it said.
A press release said that the contract is from SEAH Changwon Integrated Special Steel Corp., which previously was known as POSCO Specialty Steel and Sammy Steel before it was bought last year by the SEAH Group. The company is South Korea’s only domestic producer of stainless steel rod and wire, and it has annual steelmaking capacity of 1.2 million metric tons (mmt) and 1.0 mmt of steel products, it said. Two existing KOCKS blocks—a Precision Sizing Block (PSB) and a 370/10 3-roll intermediate Block— will be replaced by two 2-high HV stands, three loopers, a crop & cobble shear and a 370++ RSB SCS® of the latest design with six stand positions, the release said. The line is designed to produce steel bar and rod in coils with a finished size range from 16 to 100 mm and any presections for the wire mill with a size range from 5.5 to 16.0 mm at a top rolling speed of 15 m/s. The two 2-high horizontal and vertical stands are from Morgårdshammar while Italy’s AIC will supply all the necessary electrical and automation equipment.
the traditional trade remedies—while important—can provide only limited relief. I say this because wire companies cannot file one petition to address unfair imports. They cannot afford to file individual petitions on each and every product. Most wire and wire products are incorporated into finished goods. Imports of finished goods further diminishes U.S. production of both wire and wire products and of domestic wire rod. This is a direct result of global steel overcapacity. Even with existing duty orders, our industry is often denied effective relief. Foreign suppliers employ many schemes to evade the duties. They include: (1) Transshipment of goods through third countries; (2) Falsification of the country of origin; and (3) Misclassification of goods. It is really disturbing that other countries seem to be following the Chinese export model. In some cases, they may be pressured by Chinese shipments into their markets, to export their own wire and wire products to the U.S. These third countries and Chinese manufacturers
have access to low-cost Chinese wire rod—which is subject to high dumping and countervailing duties in the United States—so they enjoy a distinct competitive advantage in producing and exporting wire and wire products. Given the prevalence of unfairly-traded imports from China and other coun-
AMERICAN WIRE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION tries, and given the nature of the wire and wire products industry, we submit that one of the few comprehensive means of dealing with the problem is to address the structural imbalances and distortions in the global steel market. The AWPA respectfully recommends the U.S. government take the following actions:
(1) Negotiate meaningful and enforceable reductions of excess capacity in the steel industries of China and other countries, including wire and wire products capacity. (2) Negotiate to eliminate the pervasive subsidy programs in China and other countries. (3) Ensure that any remedy undertaken by the U.S. government takes into consideration the effect of that remedy on the downstream sectors of the steel manufacturing supply chain. (4) Insist on the elimination of Chinese border tax schemes that promote exports of finished downstream products while discouraging exports of raw materials and other inputs. (5) Ensure that U.S. Customs, has the resources to investigate and take enforcement action. (6) Take remedial action to ensure that China and other trading partners cease to manipulate their currencies. The AWPA appreciates this opportunity to share the views and concerns of its member companies, and I look forward to responding to any questions that you may have. Thank you.
tection of array cables at one of its offshore wind farms,” the release said. “It’s great to see three different UK-based firms contributing to a vital part of our Race Bank offshore wind farm,” said Brent Cheshire, DONG Energy’s U.K. country chairman. “When operational, Race Bank will power over half a million homes every year so it’s a significant project.” Cable production has begun and should be completed later this year, the release said. The whole array cable system should be completed by mid-2017. The wind farm will deploy 91 six MW wind turbines.
WAFIOS reports contract from BMW DONG Energy has ambitious plans for constructing wind farms to serve the U.K. A press release said that the array cables, which will connect each of the wind turbines in the offshore wind farm to the main export cable that transmits the electricity generated back to shore and into the national grid, will be made by JDR from its base in Hartlepool. Cable installation will be done by DeepOcean, which is located in Darlington, and the cable protection system will be supplied by Newton Aycliffe-based company Tekmar. “This marks the first time that DONG Energy is using U.K. suppliers for the entire provision, installation and pro-
Germany’s WAFIOS AG reports that it has received a contract from the BMW Group to supply work cells for producing brake lines. A press release said that WAFIOS will supply its latest bending machine technology as well as a new transfer system designed to ensure high output and highest precision. The overall package consists of several work cells which shall be delivered to different production sites of the BMW Group. The work cells shall be delivered in the second half of 2016, with the first four cells ready by September. They will be used for the production of brake lines for the new BMW 5 series. The release provided the following details. The work
Brake lines for new BMW 5 series cars will be made on equipment supplied by the WAFIOS Group. cells have been designed for tube diameters of 4-8 mm and brake lines of up to 6,000 mm length. There will be three different kind of cells with single-head, dual-head and six-head transfer bending machines. Each fully automatic cell consists of a separating magazine, a bending unit, a handling unit, camera and measuring systems in connection with measuring cells and discharge systems. They are equipped with state-of-the-art sensor and robot technology.
ABB lands contract to be supplier for record offshore wind farm project Swiss-based ABB reports that it has won an order worth more than $250 million from Danish energy company DONG Energy to deliver a 220-kV high-voltage cable
MAY 2016 | 13
system that will connect the Hornsea Project One Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea to the U.K. mainland grid. A press release said that Hornsea Project One will be the world’s largest capacity offshore wind farm, capable of generating 1.2 gigawatts of renewable energy and bringing clean electricity to well over one million U.K. households. ABB will supply alternating current (AC) submarine cable systems for the Eastern and Western circuit, which will transmit power across a distance of around 120 km from the wind farm to the east coast of the U.K. “Hornsea Project One is record-breaking in terms of scale of energy production, physical size and its distance from shore, and we have worked together with ABB to find the best technical and commercial solutions,” said Duncan Clark, programme director for Hornsea Project One at DONG Energy. “This joint approach has helped create the right solutions for this large and challenging project and has also enabled us to drive the lifetime costs in the right direction for the next generation of offshore wind sites.” The connection for the wind farm, which is more than 400 sq km, is scheduled for commissioning in 2019. “This will reaffirm the U.K.’s position as the world’s leading offshore wind power contributor and take the country closer to its target of achieving 30% of its total energy production from renewable sources by 2020 and reducing carbon dioxide emissions,” the release said. It noted that this is the third project that ABB will execute for DONG Energy, following the Burbo Bank Extension and Walney Extension links in the Irish Sea.
Consortium notes launch of 8,100 km cable system linking East & West Asia A global consortium as a key member on Monday announced that an 8,100-km, 100 Gbt/s fiber optic communications cable system that will link East Asia and West Asia is now live to handle bandwidth demand across its landing points in six countries. A press release said that the cable network system, called the Bay of Bengal Gateway, has landing points in Fujairah (UAE), Barka (Oman), Mumbai (India), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Chennai (India), Mt. Lavinia (Sri Lanka), Penang (Malaysia) and Singapore. The system, it said, provides “ample diversity to South East Asia, India, Middle East and European routes.” The cost for the project was not released. Per a 2013 report in Wikipedia, the BBG Submarine Communications Cable, by Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks is a three-fiber pair cable, with submerged repeaters, submarine branching units and reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers, based on 100 G dense wavelength division multiplexing Coherent Technology. It has an overall design capacity of 10 Tbit/s per fiber pair, “underpinning the continued bandwidth growth of new broadband applications and services in the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent and the Far East.” The consortium partners include Malaysian fixed line incumbent Telekom Malaysia; the U.K.’s Vodafone Group; state-backed full service provider Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel); UAE-based Etisalat Group; Dialog Axiata, the Sri Lankan arm of Malaysia’s Axiata; and Reliance Jio Infocomm, the telecoms unit of Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL).
A 2015 Chevrolet Silverado truck, High Country model, one of a million that are being recalled due to a steel cable.
Steel cable concern leads to recall of 1 million GM trucks made in 2014-15 General Motors announced that it is recalling more than a million Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra 2014-15 pickup trucks because of a steel wire that could result in safety problems. A press release said that the steel cable that connects the belts to the trucks in those model years can wear and separate over time, and if that happen the belts could come loose. It noted that the problem was found by analyzing warranty data, and that there has not been any reports of crashes or injuries. Dealers will enlarge an opening and install a bracket on the cable tensioner, and if necessary, replace the tensioner. Most of the trucks are in the U.S. and Canada, but some are in Latin America and the Middle East.
Italy’s Danieli to provide a second compactor for Russian wire mill
Diagram of Bay of Bengal cable route. One report said that the network can also be used to interconnect with existing land and undersea cables at Oman and the UAE for Europe, Middle East and Africa, and similarly at Malaysia and Singapore for Far East Asia, all the way to the U.S. It noted that the marine route avoids the busy and crowded Malacca Straits and other cable-cut prone areas with diverse terrestrial connection directly to two gateways in Singapore, the consortium said. 14 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Italy’s Danieli reports that it will add a second compactor to a two-strand wire rod mill that it built for OJSC MKK in Russia in 2005. A press release said that the plant has operated well, and that “after more than 10 years of production, MMK finds it necessary to add a second compactor to its handling system.” The original compactor, from Sund Birsta, has been performing very well, processing all the finished products from the two strands. Sund Birsta, the release said, will supply the latest version of its Alfa compactor, the PCH-Alfa2, in which both hydraulic and electric functions are perfectly tuned to get the best efficiency available. “The well-proven KNB hydraulic binding units, will apply the strong and reliable parallel knots for which Sund Birsta compactors are famous.”
1st section of Tasman Global Access (TGA) undersea cable has been laid A team of specialist submarine cable experts have successfully laid the first section of the Tasman Global Access (TGA) undersea cable in Raglan.
Thailand Foreign Trade Dept. sets AD duties on certain Chinese wire rope Thailand’s Department of Foreign Trade announced that it has decided to impose antidumping duty on low-carbon wire rod imports from China for a period of five years. Per a report in irepqas.com, the antidumping duty rates range from 12.81% to 31.15% for goods falling under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Numbers 7213.9120.000, 7213.9190.010, 7213.9190.011,
Balfour Beatty to supply onshore cable for wind farm U.K.-based Balfour Beatty reports that it has been awarded a contract from Statoil to supply a substation and the onshore cable for the Hywind Scotland Pilot Park. A press release said that the £5.5 million contract includes both the cable and a substation for the project, which represents the world’s first floating offshore wind farm. It noted that the site will harness Scottish wind resources to provide power for some 20,000 households. “This is an exciting market for us and we look forward to playing our part,” said Jonathan Chapman, director of offshore for Balfour Beatty. The 30 MW wind turbine farm, which will be located on floating structures at Buchan Deep, some 15 miles offshore Peterhead, is scheduled to start production in late 2017, the release said.
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The cable-laying activities at Ngarunui Beach were completed on 8 April, announced Vodafone, one of the investors in the project. Together with Spark and Telstra, the companies are investing US$70 million to build the TGA cable, which will significantly improve New Zealand’s international broadband connectivity. Vodafone’s AquaLink cable already lands at the edge of Ngarunui Beach and will be used to carry TGA traffic to two locations in Auckland, one on the Spark network, and the other on Vodafone’s, it said. The work in Raglan marks a milestone to having the TGA cable ready to start carrying data across the Tasman Sea towards the end of 2016, the report said. The TGA cable project is on track to be completed, tested and ready for service by the end of 2016, Vodafone said. The 2,300 km length of cable is comprised of two fiber pairs, and will have a total capacity of 20 T/bps.
7213.9190.012, 7213.9190.013, 7213.9190.033, 7213.9190.034, 7213.9190.035, 7213.9190.090, 7213.9920.000, 7213.9990.000 and 7227.9000.015.
CommScope has plans for layoffs at its plant in Lochgelly, Scotland CommScope has announced plans to end its cable manufacturing operations in Fife, where it has informed some employees that their jobs are at risk. A BBC report said that the company has started consulting employees on the partial closure of its plant in Lochgelly. It said that about 50 out of 135 posts at the site are at risk, and that the engineering operations are not thought to be affected by the move. The report cited a company statement that said the employees had been informed on April 5 about the potential discontinuation of manufacturing operations at the site. “A decision about the changes being considered will not be made until the consultation process has been completed, which will take a minimum of 30 days.” The report noted that four years ago, Scottish Enterprise awarded CommScope a grant of £275,000 towards the cost of a new £1m production line at the facility, which was formerly owned by Andrew Ltd.
Deal signed for project that calls for a Samoa-Fiji submarine cable link Investors have signed on to a project that calls for the laying of an undersea fiber optic cable from Samoa to Fiji. A report in New Zealand’s Rnz.com said that the newly established Samoa Submarine Cable Company is being joined by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the Australian government in the US$49 million deal. Samoa prime minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said in the report that the public-private partnership could be a model for further development projects in Samoa. The cable is intended to boost business and tourism sectors as well as improve access to information on health, education and job opportunities. It is scheduled to come into service in a little over a year, the report said.”
New name for AlphaGary U.S.-based Alpha GaryCorporation, founded in 1979, a supplier of custom-made thermoplastic compounds technology, has taken on the name of the company that acquired it in 2011. A press release said that AlphaGary will now go by the name Mexichem Specialty Compounds. “This is the natural progression for such a successful company as we continue to forge even stronger links with other parts of the Mexichem family,” it said. “It’s a progression that will continue to ensure growth, innovation and truly inspirational customer relationships, something which ... (all our) customers will continue to benefit from.”
New undersea cable route has been planned for the east coast of Africa South Africa’s MTN and Telkom are among five telecoms operators worldwide that have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to build a new submarine cable system, to be called Africa-1. Per an ITWeb news report, the consortium claims the cable will be the fastest and most reliable connectivity between Africa, the Middle East and South Central Asia. Construction will start this year, and service should be on by late 2017. Other operators, such as Saudi Telecom Company, Telecom Egypt and PCCW Global, based in Hong Kong, are expected to join at later stages. The report said the cable “will extend more than 12,000 km along Africa’s east coast towards Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Pakistan, with up to an additional 5,000 km for branches.” Africa-1 will have at least a three-fiber core and use 100 G technology, per a PCCW statement. It is designed to accommodate several terabits of capacity from the first day. It will also offer interconnection with other cable systems and open access at all cable landing points, the report said.
U.S.-based Instron, a leading provider of testing equipment for evaluating mechanical properties of materials and components, recently celebrated the company’s 70th anniversary. A press release said that the company was founded in 1946 by Harold Hindman and George Burr, who were A milestone from Instron’s earliest days. working together at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to investigate suitable substitutes for silk that could be used in the manufacture of parachutes. After discovering there was no testing machine available accurate enough to meet their requirements, they designed a materials testing instrument. The prototype was so successful that Instron Corporation was formed.
In the decades that followed, the company has continued to be successful by providing customers with the highest quality products, expert support, and world-class service, the release said. It noted that Instron has continuously been at the forefront of the industry, earning recognition as one of the first companies to use video strain measurement and as the first in its industry to offer automatic transducers and reverse stress loading, among many other accomplishments. In 2005, Instron was acquired by ITW as the first company in its Test and Measurement platform, where it continues to thrive. “ITW arrived at a crucial time in Instron’s seventy-year history,” the release said. “As we made the transition from a largely family-owned business, ITW’s philosophy ... guided us to maintain the high standards envisioned by the original owners and at the same time taught us to run a more responsive organization to best serve our customers.” Observed Yahya Gharagozlou, group president, ITW Test and Measurement, “I see our management’s role as custodians to our innovative culture.” Instron today has nearly 1,700 employees and offices across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific, the release said.
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4/12/16 4:35:47 PM
MAY 2016 | 17
Instron celebrates 70th anniversary
Ron Shaffer President & CEO Johnstown Wire Technologies (JWT)
Johnstown Wire Technologies, Inc. Ron Shaffer, Pres/ CEO FOCUS Established in 1992 as a spin-off from Bethlehem Steel Corp., JWT produces value added carbon and alloy wire serving the cold heading, spring, electro-galvanized, aluminized, and other markets. OF NOTE Johnstown Wire Technologies is nearing completion of a multi-year expansion of its steel wiredrawing capacity. This nearly $10 million investment, which will also expand its product portfolio and further satisfy its customers’ technological requirements, was made possible by JWT’s acquisition in May 2014 by an affiliate of Aterian Investment Partners. AIP is an operationally focused private equity firm that invests in industry-leading, middle-market businesses, providing them resources to further enhance their operations, growth and investment initiatives. johnstownwire.com
WJI: These are not the best of times for the steel industry: when was the decision to invest initially made, and do you still consider it to be a good time to invest? Shaffer: You are correct that these are not the best of times for the steel industry as global economic uncertainty impacts us daily. However, when you look at JWT’s specific niches, we have a leading share in 80% of the markets we serve in North America. Aterian, along with JWT management, recognizes that our long-term growth and competitive posture will further be enhanced through the investments we recently announced. WJI: To what degree was this expansion driven by the forecasts of your customers versus your outlook for the field or a combination therein? Shaffer: JWT has taken a longer-term economic view when planning its expansion, including other key markets we are looking to penetrate. We are focused on balancing our capacity to meet growing demand in certain key markets, like aluminizing and electro-galvanizing, as well as CHQ. WJI: What additions will this expansion enable JWT to add to its product lines? Shaffer: The additions to our wire drawing capabilities will allow us to increase our range of products both in diameter and complexity, while improving the quality of our products and our package. We have already completed installation of our new cleaning line, which is one of the largest automated clean-and-coat lines in North America. Our
wiredrawing machinery upgrade has begun with one new multi-hole machine in operation and the remaining machines are scheduled for installation over the next several months. So far, everything has been going according to plan. Our team of talented managers and operators has adapted extremely well to the new technology. WJI: How important were your new investors in making this possible? Shaffer: Aterian not only provided the financial resources, they share our long-term vision of JWT being an industry leader in terms of quality and customer service. Without their confidence in us, this investment in JWT— both initially and for our expansion— would not have occurred. WJI: Could JWT have stood pat with what it had? If not, why not? Shaffer: JWT was a successful business and would have continued to be so without the capital investments, however, growth and competitiveness would have suffered. We need to change and evolve with our customers. WJI: Are there any other aspects not covered above that are of note? Shaffer: This expansion has given us the resources that we believe will provide us years of growth and the ability to supply superior quality and service to our customers. For all of us at JWT, these are very exciting times.
Patent REPORT Technical advances are a necessity for any industry, and to that end, companies invest considerable resources in R&D. This monthly section will list the abstracts of recently approved U.S. patents. Most are direct to wire and cable while a few may be more indirect/downstream.
Wiring structure, cable, and method of manufacturing wiring structure U.S. Patent No.: 9,320,141 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: April 28, 2010 Assignee: NEC Corporation, Japan. Inventor: Hisashi Ishida The present invention provides a wiring structure that easily achieves a wiring part having a three-dimensional shape with high connection reliability and high signal quality. A wiring structure (10) according to the present invention includes one or a plurality of cables (18), a fiber (12) forming a mesh-like braiding fabric together with the cable (18), cable connectors (13, 17) formed at ends of the cable (18), and modules (14, 15) connected to the cable connectors (13, 17), the modules receiving or outputting signals through the cable.
ing fingers, with each finger intended to protect one lead wire, is placed on a base or mounting piece. The base has extensions that fit within the fingers, and the fingers are gathered to reduce their length. This facilitates placement of a lead wire cable within each finger. Once the cables are placed within the fingers of the glove-like component, the base can be discarded and the terminal heads of the lead wire cables are grasped and pulled to extend the fingers of the glove-like component and to protect a length of the lead wire cables. If the base is a mounting piece, it is preferably retained for later uses and is made of a material such as rubber or plastic that can be sanitized and reused. The lead wire cable heads can be snapped directly onto sensor pads and will function through the material of the glove-like component, which is preferably a plastic. After use, the glove-like component is discarded and the lead wire cables and heads remain uncontaminated.
Protective sheath device with mounting piece for lead wire cables U.S. Patent No.: 9,318,885 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: Nov. 6, 2013 Assignee: Medashield Technologies, LLC, U.S. Inventors: Joshua Schumacher, Peter Mileski A protective sheath device for use in protecting lead wire cables from contamination during use in a hospital or other medical setting is described. A glove-like component hav-
Induction heating wire insulation heating and removal U.S. Patent No.: 9,318,884 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: March 28, 2012 Assignee: Illinois Tool Works, Inc., U.S. Inventors: Mark Ulrich, Michael Sammons, Ryan Lindeman, Nicholas Dessart, Brian Schwartz, Warren Herwig This disclosure relates generally to removing wire insulation. In an embodiment, a system for heating and removal of wire insulation includes a power supply configured to receive input power and to provide a high frequency power output to an induction coil. The induction coil is to be coupled to the power supply and dimensioned to receive an insulated wire therethrough. The induction coil is also to produce a field based upon the high frequency power output to heat the wire by induction and to condition insulation disposed on an outer surface of the wire for removal.
Cable U.S. Patent No.: 9,318,839 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: March 6, 2014
The present invention addresses the problem of significantly reducing torque between a cable and a connector, preventing breakage/damage to the cable, and thus increasing the durability and safety of the cable relative to the prior art when an end part of a cable is grasped and subjected to a bending or twisting action. The cable according to the present invention is provided with a cable body, a connector part attached to an end part of the cable body in the longitudinal direction thereof, and a cable holding device (strain relief) for covering a peripheral surface of the cable body, the cable holding device being provided so as to be able to rotate about the central axis of the cable body in relation to the cable body. When an operator grasps the cable holding device or a portion thereof and connects the connector part to a testing device, etc., even when torsion occurs in the cable, since the cable body side to which the connector part is attached can freely rotate along with the torsion of the cable in relation to the cable holding device, which is grasped by the operator and restricted from moving, the connector attachment portion of the cable is not prone to undergo stress.
Optical fiber cable having reinforcing layer of tape heat-bonded to jacket U.S. Patent No.: 9,316,802 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: Aug. 23, 2013 Assignee: CommScope Technologies LLC, U.S. Inventor: Wayne Kachmar An optical fiber cable includes an optical fiber; a sheet of reinforcing tape rolled around a majority of an annular sidewall of the optical fiber; and a jacket surrounding the rolled sheet of reinforcing tape. The sheet has parallel longitudinal edges that are circumferentially spaced from each other to form a longitudinal slit along a length of the sheet of reinforcing tape. The reinforcing tape is formed of a polymeric material having uni-directionally oriented molecules along the length of the sheet. The jacket is heat-bonded to the sheet of reinforcing tape.
Patent Facts A sweet tooth (and a self-inspired desire to learn) led to the first microwave patent In 1945, a Raytheon radar engineer, Percy Spencer, stepped in front of a magnetron, a device that powers radars, and later noticed a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted: that year he filed a patent for the first microwave oven. Possibly even more impressive is how Spencer came to that point. At an early age, his father died and his mom left him with his aunt. He left school to work fulltime in a spool mill from age 12 to 16. He was fascinated with electricity, and despite not finishing grammar school, he was hired to install a system in a local plant. At age 18, he joined the U.S. Navy and made himself an expert on radio technology, reading textbooks while standing watch. He also taught himself trigonometry, calculus, chemistry, physics and metallurgy. His life and career is a testament to what one can achieve.
A nearly century-old concept to this day continues to stop people in their tracks ... In 1918, the first U.S. traffic light was patented (#1,251,666) by J.B. Hoge, but the first one that most resembles today’s stop lights was invented and installed in 1920 by Detroit Police Officer William Potts. He adapted railroad signals for street use to reduce accidents. He used red, amber and green railroad lights and $37 of wire and electrical controls to make the world’s first 4-way, three-color traffic light, an advance that nearly a century later remains cutting-edge. However, you won’t find his name on any patents due to his status as a municipal employee.
Devices and methods for testing flex cable shielding U.S. Patent No.: 9,316,677 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: May 30, 2012 Assignee: Apple Inc., U.S. Inventors: Martin Grunthaner, Jean-Marie Bussat, Benjamin Lyon, Steven Hotelling, Albert Lin Methods and devices for testing flex cable shielding
MAY 2016 | 21
Assignee: Junkosha, Inc., Japan Inventors: Yuta Tsukahara, Hiromi Yasumoto
of a consumer electronic device are provided. In one example, a method may include applying a signal across a first portion of the flex cable shielding and a second portion of the flex cable shielding. The method may also include detecting a parameter associated with the signal. The method may include determining a health of the flex cable shielding based at least partially on the detected parameter.
Underwater cable deployment system and method U.S. Patent No.: 9,316,333 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: Sept. 26 2013 Assignee: Sercel, Ltd., France Inventors: Alexis Duboue, Noel Voisin An underwater cable deployment system for deploying an ocean bottom cable on the seabed including a cage having a lower frame and an upper frame, which lower frame is adapted to receive the ocean bottom cable and the upper frame is connected to an umbilical cable mounted on a vessel, the upper frame being removably attached to the lower frame, guiding and tensioning means for deploying the ocean bottom cable, the lower frame further including a recording unit which is connected to the ocean bottom cable and is adapted to record data detected by at least one sensor unit of the ocean bottom cable and an electrical power unit adapted to provide power to the recording unit and to the ocean bottom cable.
Surgical fasteners and methods and devices for deploying a surgical fastener U.S. Patent No.: 9,314,245 Patent date: April 19, 2016 Filed: June 8, 2012 Assignee: DePuy Mitek, LLC, U.S. Inventors: Douglas Hester, Joyce-Marie Gallagher Various exemplary surgical fasteners are provided, and methods and devices are provided for deploying a surgical fastener. In general, the methods and devices allow a surgical fastener to be deployed to secure tissue to bone. In one embodiment, a surgical fastener can be configured
to move between a first linear or compressed configuration, in which the fastener can have a first maximum diameter, and a second bent or expanded configuration, in which the fastener can have a second maximum diameter greater than the first maximum diameter. A delivery device can be configured to advance the fastener through tissue and into bone to attach the tissue to the bone. The delivery device can be configured to maintain the fastener in the compressed configuration such that when the fastener is released from the delivery device, the fastener can be configured to self-expand from the compressed configuration to the expanded configuration.
Wiring substrate and manufacturing method of wiring substrate U.S. Patent No.: 9,313,894 Patent date: April 12, 2016 Filed: June 4, 2014 Assignee: Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd., Japan Inventors: Takayuki Kiwanami, Junji Sato, Katsuya Fukase A wiring substrate includes a core, a first wiring layer formed on a first surface of the core, a second wiring layer formed on a second surface of the core, and an electronic component partially accommodated in the cavity and including a projected portion projected from the first opening of the core. A first insulating layer covers a side surface of the electronic component and the first surface of the core and fills a portion of the cavity. A second insulating layer covers the first insulating layer. A third insulating layer covers the second surface of the core. The remainder of the cavity that is not filled with the first insulating layer is filled with the third insulating layer.
Superconducting wire material, superconducting wire material connection structure, superconducting wire material connection method, and treatment method of superconducting wire material end U.S. Patent No.: 9,312,052 Patent date: April 12, 2016 Filed: April 30, 2013 Assignee: Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan Inventors: Inventors: Takaharu Mitsuhashi, Masashi Yagi, Tyo Nakayama Superconducting wire material, superconducting wire material connection structure, superconducting wire material connection method, and treatment method of superconducting wire material end are shown. According to one implementation, a superconducting wire material connection structure includes, a first superconducting wire material, a second superconducting wire material, and a third superconducting wire material. The first superconducting wire material and the second superconducting wire mate(section cont’d. on p. 92)
ASIAN FOCUS 2016 Wire & Cable Guangzhou organizers see strong support Organizers of Wire & Cable Guangzhou, to be held June 6-8 at the China Import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou, are optimistic that this year’s staging will follow the successful course of the last show. The event is still a month away and the results are already in...for the pre-show press conference that was held April 13 by organizers China Southern Power Grid Media Co., Ltd., Guangzhou BoYou Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd. It was reported that the conference “generated great industry attention and was attended by over 80 company representatives and media.”
Organizers expect as many as 24,000 attendees in 2016. The press conference, held at the Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid Corporation in Guangzhou, provided the confirmed exhibitors and concurrent program for the 2016 event, which will in addition to the exhibits—the main attraction, include Wire and Cable Asia Forum 2016, which will feature influential speakers sharing industry insights and innovations. “Wire & Cable Guangzhou 2016 is an efficient platform for industry peers to exchange information and do business,” said Dr. Pan Wenbo, director of Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd. “With the organizers’ influential and widespread presence across various wire and cable industry sectors, the three-day fair is expected to draw more than 350 exhibitors and 24,000 professional visitors to source the latest products.” Emeka Hu, general manager of Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd., discussed the industry outlook. “The new energy sector as well as the infrastructure in China are undergoing rapid changes. This in turn
is creating endless opportunities in the green construction and green tech industries in China and across the globe. As an industry powerhouse, China ranks among the top producers and exporters of wire and cable related products.” The 2015 edition of Wire & Cable Guangzhou attracted 283 exhibitors, showcasing their latest solutions in cable & wire, machinery & equipment as well as materials & accessories across two halls of 20,000 sq m of exhibition space, a press release said. The profile for the 18,867 visitors from 25 countries and regions spanned across a number of industries, ranging from manufacturers and product suppliers to distributors as well as end users. Some of the sectors in which visitors came from included power engineering, construction, telecommunication and information transmission, petrochemicals, security and lighting. Some of the confirmed exhibitors for the 2016 edition include Guangdong Huada Cable, Guangdong Zhujiang Wires & Cables, Jiangsu Tongguang Electronic Wires & Cables, Shandong Pacific Optics Fiber and Cable and Shenzhen Shencable Technology. Further, Jiangsu Tongguang Electronic Wires & Cables this year is heading the show’s Exhibitor Advisory Committee, which will provide industry advice and assist in recruiting buying delegations. One of the returning exhibitors to last year’s show is Guangdong Xinyi Aluminum Alloy Cable Co., Ltd., which owns six production facilities across China. The company’s brand manager, Pan Yi Nan, said that there was value at exhibiting. “We believe that this is an effective platform for promoting our company brand, especially to key buyers in the real estate and electronics industries. We were thrilled that seasoned buyers from the power and electrical industries came forth and expressed great interest in what we offer.” A representative for another 2015 exhibitor, Jiangsu Handing Machinery Co., Ltd., agreed that the venue was an attractive setting to provide information about the company’s equipment and machinery for wire and
Nearly 19,000 attendees were at the 2015 staging.
Industry and technical issues are discussed at the 2015 forum. cable manufacturers. “We came back here for the second year to promote our new products and company image as well as search for new wire and cable manufacturers,” said Sales Manager Nie Hua Jun. “We are able to reconnect with our old clients as well as obtain a number of new contacts here who have expressed interest in our products.” Beyond the exhibitors, the organizers said that a number “of reputable buyer delegations” were expected to visit the fair to source the latest wire and cable products and solutions. Some of the enterprises confirmed to Visit
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MAY 2016 | 25
visit the 2016 fair include China Southern Power Grid, Guangxi Power Grid, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou Power Supply, Guizhou Power Grid Corporation, Hainan Power Grid Corporation and Shenzhen Power Supply, they noted. The exhibition is held in conjunction with the inaugural edition of the Wire and Cable Asia Forum, a high-profile seminar for the wire and cable industry, a press release said. Sector experts from reputable companies and associations will present the latest industry trends and applications through detailed discussions. Some of the highlighted topics for the 2016 forum include: Efficient Wire and Cable Manufacturing Methods, Xu Hailong, senior technical adviser, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.; Japan’s Unique and Efficient Wire and Cable Manufacturing Technologies, Mr. Oda, company advisor, Yazaki Corporation; Global Challenges for the Wire and Cable Industry Worldwide, Li Minbin, general manger, Dongguan Nissei Transmitting Technology Co., Inc;, and chairman, Guangdong Wire and Cable Industry Association. For more information regarding Wire & Cable Guangzhou 2016, go to www.wire-cable-china.com or email wire@china.messefrankfurt.com.
PEOPLE The Prysmian Group reports that Cristiano Tortelli has joined the business as senior vice president. He will lead the newly created Oil & Gas Business Area, which incorporates all of the Group’s activities in the industry, including umbilicals and flexible systems, down-hole technologies and core cables. He has extensive international experience in the oil and gas industry, Tortelli with past employers including GE Oil & Gas and the Air Liquide Group. Based in Italy, the Prysmian Group is a world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry, with more than 19,000 employees across 50 countries and 88 plants. Danny Godinez has joined Vollmer America as the company’s North American Sales Manager, responsible for coordinating the company’s sales and marketing functions. He graduated from High Point University with a degree in management information systems as well as an MBA. He has more than nine years of experience in the steel industry and a proven track record in the metal-producing industry, with past employers including Nucor Corporation and Insteel Industries. Based in Canaan, Connecticut, USA, Vollmer America, Inc., supplies testing and measuring equipment. Cable Components Group (CCG) reported the filling of three recent positions. Rob Conway has been named sales director. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience, having spent the last 30 years in the wire and cable industry managing sales, marketing and engineering at the regional, national and international levels. He most recently was vice president of business development Conway for C&M Corporation. Prior to C&M, he held senior sales positions with Lapp USA, including executive vice president of sales & marketing. He began his career at Data Guide Cable and moved into sales and sales management at AlphaGary Corporation. He holds a B.S. degree in biology/chemistry from Allegheny College. Kevin Slusarz has been named compounding manufacturing and development manager, responsible for the company’s installation of compounding equipment and the development of new fire retardant halogenated, as well as non-halogenated polymers and foamable products for wire and cable and other applications. He is returning to CCG after spending 4½ years with American Kuhne as vice president, process 26 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
technology. Prior to that, he spent 17 years at Davis-Standard and three years at Allied Signal, Inc. He holds B.S. and Master’s degrees in chemical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. Nick Rosa has been promoted to product engineering supervisor, where his duties will include spearheading the key developmental products for CCG where he Slusarz will have the role of new product development and introduction. He joined CCG in 2012 as a project engineer. He holds a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Virginia. Based in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, USA, Cable Components Group supplies high-performance plastic extruded products for sectors that Rosa include wire and cable. Southwire Company announced that Jack Carlson, the company’s president of North America, has decided to retire, although he will continue to serve in an advisory role through the end of May. He began his career at Southwire in 2001 as president of the Electrical Division after more than 20 years of industry experience with leading companies such as Square D and Yale Security Group. He served as a leader in all areas of the business including sales, marketing, product development, divisional growth and research. “I am extremely proud of the accomplishments we’ve been able to share over the last 15 years,” he said. “We’ve built incredibly strong relationships with our distributors, agents and contractors and innovated safe and productive solutions that have positively changed the way our end users do business for the long term.” Southwire Carlson President and CEO Rich Stinson said that Carlson’s “focus on meeting the needs of the customer, his innovative spirit and his impact on the market have been key influences that will continue, both inside and outside the walls of Southwire, long after his retirement.” As part of a reorganization of Southwire’s business groups, the company announced that Norman Adkins has been promoted to president of the Construction Systems and Solutions Group, and Charlie Murrah has been promoted to president of the Power Systems and Solutions Group. Adkins, who previously served as president of Southwire’s electrical business,
At Interwire, Proton International LaProducts Farga reports the deathshowcased of its honthe company’s InteliSENS SL series speed andComella, length orary president, Vicente Fisas gauges, which it on noted are saving cable manufacturers April 10, 2016, who 35 years ago was serious money every around the world. a keyday figure in enabling the Spanish comAs cable manufacturers purchase raw difficult materialsperiod. by the pany to survive a very ton and then sell by it’s extremely important to A length, businessman, lawyer and economist, make sure that when youtosell reel of cable at 1000 his link La aFarga was forged back ft, its is not 1003inft1980, or 1005 ft, essentially away when the law firmgiving of which 0.3% or 0.5% forVicente free, which typical many Fisas can was be a part, wasinentrusted production InteliSENS SL Series gauges with The resolving the serious industrial Comella facilities. are calibrated to and 0.03%, and with nobeing moving parts financial crisis faced by to the company “Francisco Lacambra” from Masies deslippage, Voltregà. wear and non-contact operation eliminating Although situationproud was truly dire,with afterour initial studies and we are the extremely to work customers contacts were made, he decided to not declare bankruptcy, and provide a gauge that truly helps save money and andimprove despite internal opposition—with the help of his sonprofitability. in-law, Oriol Guixà—he foundedhave La Farga Lacambra The DGK Series of gauges no moving partsSA. and Today, the company, whose include measure the diameter an product amazinglines 10,000 timessemifinper secished copper products and alloys for asectors thattriple-axis include wire ond, per axis. Available as either dual- or andgauge, cable,the hasSuper more than 300 employees and is known for its Fast Processing Technology analyzes expertise in copper refinery technology. up to 30,000 measurements per second to display and Per the company’s press release, Comella) communicate diameter, ovality,“(Vicente lumps andFisas neckdowns. fought to restructure the company and bring it back to life. The company also showed a full range of products 35 including years later,spark we can say that his company vision was suctesters, capacitance gauges, lump and cessful.” Vicente Fisas leaves his wife, 12 children and more neck detectors, pre heaters, speed & length gauges and than 30 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Visit
the hugely popular combined Diameter and Flaw Detection Gage DGK SuperFast Series. ”We’d like to say a “Mark” Alexander Hall, an big ‘thank you’ to Marcus all who visited (us) at Interwire 2015. engineer, inventor, sailor, gentleman and founder of Hall Industries, died April 5, 2016, at age 95. Hall grew up in Connecticut and worked at Flexible Tubing in Guilford, making hose material. In 1975, he started Hall Industries in Branford, producing machines for the wire and cable industry. The company was acquired by MGS in Hall 1994, and Hall continued to work there for many years. His machine designs continue to be both successful and dependable, to the point where one customer said that if there was ever a tornado in their plant, he would find the nearest Hall machine and climb inside as that would be the safest place, a testament to his robust designs. Those include MGS’s first fully automatic cable winding machine that was introduced in the early 2000s, and is still in demand. Grant Latimer, Proton Products. Hall was mild-mannered, kind, loving, polite, smart, a brilliant design engineer, mentor and friend, and not surprisingly, It was without doubt our busiest exhibition and ourand full liked by everyone. His legacy will live on in the wire teamindustry. of agents employees were on handLincoln to take Hall; care cable Heand leaves his wife, Maryanne of our customers.” Grant managing children Douglas, Judith, JeanLatimer, and Peter, and theirdirector, spouses; g.latimer@protonproducts.com. and three grandchildren. He was predeceased by his first wife, Marjorie Wight Hall.
us at Wire Expo booth #212
JUNE2016 2015| 27 | 73 MAY
OBITUARIES Proton Products International/U.K.
Manufacturing. Tim Brown, a previous owner of Gema Engineering, is now the vice president and general manager. He has more than 15 years of wire and cable extrusion tooling experience from companies like Canterbury Engineering and GENCA Extrusion Products as well as leadership experience through his own company, Gema Engineering. Peter ourselves with expanded opportunities to execute upon our • 2D Wire Forming & Welding Machines, suitable for POP Anand, previcompany’s key strategic initiatives,” Stinson said. Based in Displays, Shelving, Household goods and many more Brown ously a regionCarrollton, Georgia, USA, Southwire Company LLC is one • Automatic Lines for the production of shelving and air al sales manager at Canterbury of North America’s largest wire and cable producers. filter frames direct from coil Engineering, has become vice • Automatic Ring Forming & Welding machines president and sales manager. He Three industry veterans have • High Quality Burr-Free welds in mild and stainless steel has more than 20 years of experijoined JoeTools. Vijay Anand, • Medium frequency and TIG welding options available ence, including with Canterbury the previous owner of Canterbury • Suited for prototypes to low or high volume and GENCA. Company President Engineering and GENCA, will production runs Joe Dixon said that the personnel serve as COO. He has more than • Versions available for strip or profiled wire expansion “puts (us) ahead of 30 years of experience in extrusion • Automatic Unloading of finished parts most of our competitors.” Based in tooling for wire and cable indus• Square wire ends Peter Anand Lilburn, Georgia, USA, JoeTools try, along withClean-cut 15 years of wire • Unrivalled service support is a full service, design and manand cable processing experience 2 year parts ufacturing resource for extrusion crossheads, tips, dies, with• companies likewarranty Pirelli Cable, screws, barrels, breaker plates and accessories for the Boston Insulated Wire, C&M wire and cable industry. Corporation and Laribee Wire Vijay Anand
during his 18 years with Southwire, has served in roles including international manufacturing and business development, energy sales and as president of the company’s OEM business. Murrah, a more than 30-year veteran of the company, served most recently as president of the company’s energy business. He has held numerous responsibiliFORMING & WELDING MACHINES ties inWIRE areas including the company’s engineering, manufacturing and supply chain functions. “With these groups, • • • • • we • will • AUTOMATIC • STRAIGHTENING build upon our current strengths •andFORMING provide • WELDING • •
Ultimate Automation Ltd, 23 Star Road Industrial Estate, Partridge Green, West Sussex, RH13 8RA, U.K. Tel: +44 (0) 1403 710043 Fax: +44 (0) 1403 588084 Email: sales@ultimat.com www.ultimat.com
us at Wire Expo booth #507
11/09/2015 15:34
FIBER WATCH Prysmian Group rolls out cable with its highest-ever optical fiber count The Prysmian Group reports that it has begun to roll out its highest-ever optical fiber count, called Flextube, for a project in Australia. A press release said that the customer, TPG, wanted the highest possible fiber count for an ultra-dense single cable solution for a particular application. Prysmian responded with its Flextube technology, which allowed it to manufacture a cable with a capacity of 2,112 fibers. That installed capacity, according to Jack Clements, a Prysmian Australia technical sales manager, is believed to represent the highest such fiber count cable in the world to date. “It is not only the highest fiber count cable ever manufactured by Prysmian but it also exhibits the world’s highest fiber density,” Clements said in the release. “The 2112 fibers are contained within a single sheath, 24 mm in diameter, making it the highest density optical cable solution in the world, with 4.7 fibers/mm². The cable was designed to be slim enough to fit inside a 32 mm subduct (with an internal diameter of just 28 mm), fully maximizing the available space.” The release said that Prysmian has partnered with TPG telecom for many years, and that this deployment “is an extension of the existing partnership.” A 1.8 km section of the 2112F cable was recently deployed in Melbourne CBD and installed within a subduct of 28 mm internal diameter. The cable was spliced at both ends using Prysmian’s high capacity joint enclosures. “We installed Prysmian’s 1728F cable last year and this year we’re up to 2112F in a single cable. The technology continues to develop and at TPG we’re keen to utilize the latest cutting edge products to respond to the evolving needs of our customers,” TPG Telecom fiber operations general manager, Reggie Naik, said.
In other news, the Prysmian Group reports that it has extended its optical fiber’s capacity to satisfy increasing demand in data centers, linked to the “fast lane” to the Cloud. In March, it presented its latest innovations in wideband multimode fiber (MMF) and few-mode fibers for space division multiplexing (SDM) at OFC Conference and Exhibition. The capacity of Prysmian’s WideCap fiber has been extended to longer wavelengths up to 953 nm, adding three channels to the regular OM4 850 nm.
Fiber-optic network project planned to provide service to 224 cities in Italy Enel, an Italian power utility, announced plans for a company it created last December—OpEn Fiber (EOF)—to build and operate an ultra-broadband optical fiber infrastructure across Italy for businesses and homes that will cost approximately €2.5 billion (US$2.8 billion) . A press release said that the EOF plan calls for the gradual rolling out of a fiber-to-the-home network, through its pipes, to provide ultrafast broadband released to 224 Italian cities, One report cited Francesco Starace, CEO and GM of Enel, as saying that the installed fiber cables should reach businesses and homes of 32 million Italians, which will enable a “wide-ranging coverage of the country at competitive costs, creating value for Enel and for all players that will want to use this new, important infrastructure.” EOF, first established in December 2015, will operate as a wholesale-only player and remains open to commercial cooperation to build infrastructure for other licensed operators and gain access to the new EOF network. Around 7.5 million homes will be covered in the first few years of the plan, it said.
Swiss company acquires Carlo Salvi
Würth Group buys House of Threads
Swiss-based Hatebur Umformmaschinen AG has acquired Italy’s Carlo Salvi in a deal that will see the company taking on all employees and retaining the current locations and the Carlo Salvi brand name. “The merger of Hatebur and Carlo Salvi will strengthen the positions of both companies and is the perfect geographical market expansion,” said Hatebur CEO Thomas Christoffel, who noted that he sees great potential in the acquisition. That sentiment was shared by his counterpart at Carlo Salvi. “Thanks to the small overlap between the product ranges, our customers will benefit from a wider range from a single source and in particular from innovative technologies and services in the field of cold, warm totalforming,” of 22 presentations two tracks. andA hot said Carlo were Salvi made CEO in Sergio Ziotti. Per release, Hatebur, the the company’s success. a worldwide developer and disProbst reported that electricalmachines, systems for vehicles tributor of hotand cold-forming was founded to support new features demanded by in have 1930 evolved and is 100% family-owned. It currently employs customers. Today, the wiring system for the average about 180 employees at its offices in Switzerland, vehicle includes 3,000 meters, single cables China, Japan and Germany. Carlowith Salvi1,500 is a worldwide and 3,000 contacts. Those products, he said, developer, manufacturer and distributor of coldrepresent forminga labor-intensive assembly business, and as result, they now machines. The company, founded in 1939, employs about have 70,000 employees in 82 plants worldwide. 92 employees in Italy, China, the U.S. and U.K. The ferrous track was a collection of outstanding, com-
Germany’s Würth Group is acquiring the House of Threads, a fastener distributor based in Alabama, as well as its sister company in Querétaro, Mexico. A press release said that the Würth House of Threads is now part of Würth Industry of North America (WINA), providing assembly technology in the USA. “The new business supports WINA’s continued growth strategy and boosts its access to new and adjacent markets,” it said. The release said that the House of Threads generated 2015 sales of $42.1 million, and that it currently has 108 employees on its payroll and more than 1,200 active customers. “WINA’s growth strategy is to expand our core assets into profitable, complementary market segments and locations,” said Marc Strandquist, executive vice president of the Würth Group. “We are excited to be joining the Würth team,” said Foster Yeilding, president of Würth House of Threads. “This consolidation will allow us to enhance our customer service for existing accounts acquire additional of customers CabWireand offered a combination educationwithin and marketthe construction and OEM industries.” ing opportunities in a congenial setting.
us at Wire Expo booth #703
MAY 2016 | 31 DECEMBER 2015 | 41
Jonathan Su
WAI May 2016
SPOTLIGHT This section introduces a new WAI member each issue.
Director/Business Development Division Copartner Tech Corp., Taiwan
Q: What does your company do? A: Copartner Tech Corp. is a leading, globally wellknown manufacturer of bulk custom cables and wires. We produce our lines of wire and cable for industries that include medical, automotive, green energy, industrial and consumer electronics. Q: What is your role there? A: I have a leadership role in marketing and sales growth, new product development and being a total solution provider with a strategic mindset. I also seek to inspire team members to achieve the goals we have set. Q: What do you like best about your position? A: I welcome stress and challenges as they motivate me to work harder to provide solutions. I strive to remaining calm during such times as it allows me to focus on ways to better solve problems that come our way. Q: How has your industry most changed? A: The world continues to become more wireless, but the key is that one still needs a cable to make that happen. It is important for us to be part of this trend if we are to survive. We have been excellent in using this approach in consumer electronics, and we are now striving to make similar advances in other fields— such as medical, automotive, green energy and industrial cables—in the biggest part of our business. Q: How does your company remain competitive? A: By being the first to know a customer’s major requirements, and being their handyman whenever they need our support, care and assistance. Q: Why did you recently join WAI? A: Engaging in custom bulk cables and wires for almost 30 years, we used to be the busiest bees behind a customer’s brand. From this year, we like to do something different and market our own brand—COPARTNER. To market our brand, WAI is the excellent platform for us to display what we can do, which is why we are taking part in the Association.
The following individuals either recently joined WAI or became Platinum Members through their companies. Christopher Bailey President Etna Products Inc
Ian Mendez Warehouse/Shipping Manager Kinrei of America LLC
Robert Thomas Smith Plant Superintendent Adcom Wire Co
Jay C. Griffith VP/General Manager Wire Machine Systems Inc
Jeffrey J Michael Process Engineer Delphi Packard Electric Systems
Jonathan Su Dir./Business Development Division Copartner Tech Corp., Taiwan
Doug Grover Sales Manager Chemetall US
Michael Guido Ornella Director, Marketing & Sales EY Technologies
Francis Lapointe R&D Engineer Rio Tinto
Ing Jordi Santana Maquinaria Y Productos Para Las Industrias De Los Trefilados Sidelco Trading, S.L.
Steve Wojnar Processing Production Manager Charter Steel David Bryan Ziegler Vice President of Sales P &R Specialty, Inc.
us at Wire Expo booth #905
MAY 2016 | 33
Join WAI at the Sun for the best wire networking setting under the sun.
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Ace Metal Inc. ACM AB AFH AIM Inc. AITMAC Inc. Amacoil Inc. Amaral Automation Associates American Kuhne Inc. Anbao Wire & Mesh Co. Ltd. A. Appiani Srl ARM AW Machinery LLC AWT Machinery Inc. Axjo America Inc. Aztech Lubricants LLC B & H Tool Co Inc. B & Z Galvanized Wire Ind. Balloffet Die Corp. Bechem Lubrication Technology LLC Bekaert Beta LaserMike Products/NDC Technologies Black Sea Technology Inc. Bow Technology Boxy SpA Breen Color Concentrates Inc. Buhler-Wurz Kaltwalztechnik GmbH BWE Ltd. Caballe Cable Components Group Cable Consultants Corp. Candor Sweden AB Canterbury Engineering Co. Inc. Carris Reels Inc. Cavallero Plastics Ceeco Bartell Products, Bartell Machinery Systems Cemanco LC Ceramtech Cerrini Srl Chemetall Clayton Industries Clinton Instrument Co. Collins & Jewell Cometo Commission Brokers Inc. Condat Condat Lubricants Conneaut Industries Inc. Continuus-Properzi SpA Daloo Davis-Standard LLC Die Quip Corp. Direct Wire & Cable, Inc. E-Beam Services, Inc. Eddytech Systems a division of Pruftechnik Effegidi International EJP Maschinen GmbH Elecomtape Global Inc. ERA Wire Inc. Esteves Group USA Etna Products Inc. Eurobend GmbH Eurowire Magazine
George Evans Corp. Fabritex Inc. Facts Inc. Fastener Engineers Fenn LLC FIB BELGIUM SA Filtertech Inc. Fisk Alloy Inc. Flymca & Flyro FMS USA Inc. Foerster Instruments Inc. Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc. Freeport McMoRan Frigeco USA Inc. OM Frigerio Gauder Group Inc. Gem Gravure Co. Inc. Genca W. Gillies Technologies LLC GIMAX Srl Guill Tool & Engineering Co. Hall Industries Hangzhou Dongxing Telecommunication Material Co., Ltd. Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co. Ltd. Heany Industries Inc. Heatbath Corp. HENRICH Maschinenfabrik GmbH HFSAB H Folke Sandelin AB Houghton International Inc. Howar Equipment Inc. Huestis Industrial Huttner Maschinenfabrik IDEAL Welding Systems LP Industrial Heater Corp. Inosym Integrated Control Technologies International Wire & Cable Symposium (IWCS) INTRAS Ltd. IWE Spools & Handling GmbH Joe-Tools Kalmark Intergrated Systems Ltd. KEIR Manufacturing Inc. Kieselstein GmbH King Steel Corp. KMB Maschinenfabrik GmbH KMK Ernst Koch GmbH & Co. KG Albert Kren Friedr. Krollmann GmbH & Co. KG Lamnea Bruk AB LaserLinc Inc. Leggett & Platt Wire Group Leoni Wire Inc. Lewis Machine R. Lisciani Trafilerie SpA Lloyd & Bouvier Inc. Loos & Co. Inc. M+E Macchine+Engineering Srl M & M Industries Co. Ltd. Magnetic Technologies Ltd. Mapre Mathiasen Machinery Inc. Metalloid Corp. Metavan nv
MFL Group MGS Manufacturing Inc. Micro Products Co. Microdia USA Mikrotek Machines Ltd. Milacron Morgan-Koch Corp. Mossberg Associates Inc. NDC Technologies/Beta LaserMike Products Niehoff Endex North America Inc. Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF GmbH & Co. KG Northhampton Machinery OM Lesmo OMCG North America Inc. Otomec Srl P & R Specialty Inc. P/A Industries Paramount Die Co. Parkway-Kew Corp. Pave Automation Petig Phifer Wire Inc. Pioneer Machinery Pittsfield Plastics Eng. Inc. Plasmait GmbH Pourtier Precision Die Technologies Inc. Precision Process Inc. Premier Wire Die PrintSafe Properzi International Inc. ProSystems Integration Proton Products Q8Oils QED Wire Lines Inc. Queins Machines QuickLabel Systems Raajratna Stainless Wire Inc. Radcliff Wire Inc. Rainbow Rubber & Plastics REDEX SA Refractron Technologies Corp. RichardsApex Inc. Rockford Manufacturing Group FELM Rosendahl Nextrom Roteq Machinery Inc. RSD Group USA RTD Manufacturing S&E Specialty Polymers SAMP USA Inc. SAMPSISTEMI Schlatter North America Schmidt Maschinenbau GmbH Setic Shanghai Hosn Machinery Technology Co. Shanghai Morn Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. Shuster-Mettler Corp. Sikora International Corp. Simpacks Sirio Wire Srl Sivaco Wire Group
Sjogren Industries Inc. SKET Verseilmaschinenbau GmbH Joe Snee Associates Inc./PWM Sonoco Reels Southeastern Felt & Supply Corp. Spirka Schnellflechter GmbH STAKU- Anlagenbau Stolberger Inc. (DBA Wardwell Braiding) Stolberger KMB August Strecker GmbH & Co. KG T & T Marketing Inc. Takikawa Taubensee Steel & Wire Co. Taymer International Teknikor Thermoplastics Engineering Corp. Toner Plastics Tramev Tubular Products Co. Ultimate Automation Ltd. United Wire Co. Inc. Unitek Vandor Corp. Vinston US Corp. Vision Engineering Inc. Vollmer America Inc. vom Hagen & Funke WAFIOS Machinery Corp. WCISA / Wire Forming Technology International Weber & Scher Mfg. Co. Inc. Windak Inc. Wire & Cable Technology International Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp. Wire Lab Co. Wire Machine Systems Inc. Wire & Cable Manufacturers Alliance Inc. The Wire Association International, Inc. Wire Journal International, Inc. WireWorld WiTechs GmbH Witels Albert USA Inc. Woodburn Diamond Die Inc. Yangzhou Havet Machinery Co. Ltd. Yield Management Corp. Zhejiang Baichuan Conductor Technology Co., Ltd. Zumbach Electronics Corp.
Each month, WAI will present a webinar from its archives. The webinars, presented by a diverse group of industry experts, cover a wide range of wire and cable manufacturing topics as well as operational subjects. They can be accessed for free at wirenet.org by WAI members.
Corrosion, Part 2: Mitigation
BY: Robert M. Shemenski, RMS Consulting Inc, USA SUMMARY: This program, the second of two parts, addresses corrosion mitigation strategies, including material selection, modification of environment, design, cathodic and anodic protection, coatings, and inhibitors. Part 1 addressed the nature and impact of corrosion, including the principles of the corrosion process, characteristics of major forms of corrosion, and the effect on economics, safety, and conservation.
Task: to replace carbon steel storage tanks coated inside with baked phenolic paint that failed due to corrosion/damage to the tank floor. If the solutions were mildly corrosive, and contamination is a concern, what material(s) should be used? This information, and more, can be found in the WAI/Clinton Instrument webinar at www.wirenet.org.
Willing to share your expertise with the industry? If so, consider doing a webinar with WAI. It’s easy to do from your office, and Association staff can guide you through the process. Contact WAI Dir. of Education & Member Services Marc Murray at tel. 203-453-2777, ext. 121, mmurray@wirenet.org, and let him know the topic you’d like to discuss.
us at Wire Expo booth #408
“Spring into Summer”
During the month of May, Wyrepak is offering its special “Spring into Summer” Promotion... 10% OFF of all Wyrepak Products! (USA sales only)
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68 Buttonwood Street, Bristol, Rhode Island 02809-0718 USA • tel: 800.972.9222 or 401.253.5500 fax: 401.253.7350 2CandBW_HUESTIS_SpringIntoSummerPromos_WJI_halfHoriz_v5_04122016_press.indd 3
... From the WAI webinar archives
4/12/16 4:38:16 PM
MAY 2016 | 37
WAI staff busy at wire Düsseldorf As the wrapup of wire 2016 that starts on p. 42 notes, it was a busy period at Messe Fairgrounds, and that included the WAI booth, where the Association showcased its Interwire event in 2017 and bolstered the subscriber base for WJI. “We go to this event with multiple objectives,” said WAI Executive Director Steve Fetteroll. “One of the keys is that the attendee base covers many countries and companies, and we want them to be aware of our Interwire show in Atlanta as well as offer them opportunities to sign up for our magazine. We met and exceeded our goals for both, but
we were also there to highlight our role in technical conferences, such as the one to be held this October 18-20 in Monterrey, Mexico, as well as our books, online educational offerings, and more.” WAI Sales Director Bob Xeller said that more than 15,000 sq ft of floor space for Interwire 2017, a record, was sold during the week. That included companies that had either not exhibited since 2007 or had never exhibited in Atlanta before. Joining WAI staff for several days at the show was Andrew Bettin, the 2016 Wire Link Scholar. His report will be in the June WJI issue.
It was a very busy period much of the time at the WAI booth, where nearly 700 WJI subscribers signed up. The
Andrew Bettin, l, the 2016 Wire Link Scholar, attended wire Düsseldorf as part of his travels. He is here at
us at Wire Expo booth #610
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we host. Hopefully, this may make them better appreciate
OMCG SpA Italy the value of membership. This is a great opportunity to Erik A. Macs has been named
network and to continue bring theshowcased industry as a whole At Interwire, OMCG Northto director ofAmerica sales for Wire and the together. I look forward to seeing all of strip the industry there.” company’s technology for wire, tube and forming Plastic Machinery Corp (WPM). The schedule calls for the chapter to man its site on projects in the formsHe of has systems with modular Servaxis than years of immeWednesday, June 8,capabilities frommore 10 am to 325 pm, followed and Multislide forming that provide soluexperience in wire and cable diately by costs a two-hour reception on the show floor at tions to reduce critical to profi tability. machinery sales previous Booth 221. Chapter members willat also be at the booth on The company displayed its CNC Minimalist 6 model. and Thursday, June sales 8, from 10 marketing am to 3 pm.positions ItGem features feed that iswill very close toMachinery, bend tools, which Gravure’s Derek Olsen with Erik Macs, who is all for Progressive Inc., Theachapter site have subscription and membership reduces wirewinning torsion effect. The model, which uses smilesforms, after the raffle for Red Sox tickets that were Fine International details and registration formsCorp., for theand chapter’s simple tooling, has multi radii bend capability. The donated by Gem Gravure. 2016 golf tournament and information sheets both on Thermoplastics Engineering CNC unit was shownCorp. with Prior CAD to that, machine capability their scholarship program as well as Interwire 2017. to he had been Macs Group, which noted were very gracious hosts, even that allows easyheprogramming while the machine is in involved with ebeam crosslinked allowing competitors to visit its facility. production. It also uses IGES and STEP file importTrio of golf tourneys is set wire materials research at Judd Wire; blown film packPast chapter leaders were recognized and the 2016 ing to machine and machine controllers, via the “Easy aging manufacturing at Union extrusion and golf Three WAI chapters have Camp; firm dates set for their board, and officers, introduced. In addition to Fisher, Program” that creates the program and can simulate injection molding the processing Dennison; and Teflon tournaments, first to beatheld in just a little more the than a officers for 2016 include: Derek Olsen, Gem Gravure, forming with 3D animation on the screen. It can indicate month. film heat sealing and thermoforming research with vice Rich Goyette, EISwill Wire & Cable, Co., ifAmerican therepresident; is any between part and machine, First up,interference on Friday, June be Midwest Chapter, Durafilm. He has a 17, degree in the mechanical all part of the simple and effective “What you see treasurer; and Michael Crouchley, Champlain Cable, which will return once New again England to the St. College. Andrews Golf engineering from Central Ais & what you get” philosophy. Other pluses include remote secretary. Srubas isinthe past president. The other board Country West Chicago, Illinois, USA, where member of theClub WAI since 1991, he was the 2013 win-it internet machine diagnostics and controller program members are: Brian Holden, Carris Reels, Inc.; David hold its 14thMemorial Annual Golf Tournament. ner ofwill its Donnellan Award, whichContact: honors Steve updating. Braun, Teknor Apex; Nick Roth, Pittsfield Plastics; an individual’s contributions to the Association. HeLori Visit
also received the WAI’s President’s Award in 2014 for extraordinary volunteer service. He served two terms on the Association’s board of directors, and is still a member of its education, member relations and paper awards committees. former member of the board of directors Fetteroll, tel.A203-453of2777, the New England Chapter of WAI, he served as that ext. 115, body’s president in 2000. He has also chaired the WAI’s sfetteroll@wirenet.org. Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing program since Next up will be the 2007, frequently serving as a course moderator and New England Chapter, presenter. in22nd Bristol, Connecticut, USA, Wire & which willBased hold its Plastic is a major supplier of used wire and cable AnnualCorp. Golf tournament equipment that operates13,out of eight warehouse locaon Tuesday, September at a in new location: the Golfincluding the Northeast, North tions North America, OMCG North BobBzowski, Sears with the It was magical time atPresident the event...courtesy oftel. a magician Cluba of Avon. Contact WAI’s Anna 203-453Carolina andAmerica Texas. company’s CNC Minimalist 6 system. with a bagfull of seemingly impossible card tricks. 2777, ext. 126, abzowski@wirenet.org. WAGO reported two personnel OMCG offers CNCMark systems forQuirk processing wire Parent, Breen Color; Long, Wire Company; additions. Juliano Matias was forms from 0.040 in. to 0.700 in. with its unique, and Jim Stocking, Hitachi; Harishnational Panchal,sales Lloyd & Bouvier; named manager for standard, eccentric bend head. Complementary options Mike Canterino, Fluoropolymer Resources, Inc.; Grant Canada. He previously was nationavailable: welding, grooving,John coldRivers, heading, Campbell,robots, Multi/Cable Corporation; al marketing manager for Phoenix chamfering, threading, stamping and forming, Fluorogistix LLC; and Pat Harper, Hueson Corp.assembly Contact, where he instrumental and Multislide operations. For progressive strip forming “I am looking forward to serving as the chapter presiin developing projects, OMCG’s Servaxis and Multislide machines dent this year,” said regional Fisher, who talked about the value have blanking capacities up todeal120 ton and strip width of the chapter’s scholarship program, and the return to er networks to +80 mm. www.omcg.com. the Mohegun Sun infor June for WAI’s a range of Operations Summitt industrial & Wire Expo 2016. “Being thecomhost chapter, we are SAMP U.S. ponents hopingMatias forUSA, a greatInc. turnout to and showcase the talents and The as well as the SAMPSISTEMI Italyparticipants information of all theelectronics. event company also named Joe Stirpe function and great things WAI doesdivision for the of industry At Interwire, the SAMPSISTEMI Italy’s and as its regional manager for including the its members.” SAMP exhibitedsales several machines, upstate New York. He has aChaper diverse The 2015 winning Southeast team, l-r, of the Mark Fisher also thanked the following event sponDM80.2x8.22 (16 wire, 22 dies) multiwire line, background in technical sales andBennett Whisenant, Herrick, Brandon Richard BM-630-D + Doug SV800 motorized pay-off, the and latter will sors: Platinum: Carris Reels, James Monroe Wire & be Stirpe business development with a focus Miller. in operation during the show. Also a single PVC horizontal Cable, MultiCable, Specialty Cable and PolyOne; on control andTE60-25 electricalforproducts extruder model automotive application will be TheQuirk Southeast will hold its 15th Gold: Wire,Chapter T&T Marketing, Wire & Annual Plastic Golf and applications. Over the last several decades, he displayed. Tournament on Thursday, at theBreen Rock has Machinery, Fluorgistix and September Chemours;29, Silver: held leadership position in business development and The represents the latest generation BarnDM80.2x8.22 Golf and Spa, Fluoropolymer Conover, North Carolina. Contact Art Color Concentrates, Resources and of management at Siemens, Invensys Eurotherm and KJ SAMP multiwire design to improve production versatilDeming, tel. 252-955-9451, art.deming@nexans.com. S&E Specialty Polymers; Bronze: Amarak Automation Electric Corp. Based in Germantown, Pennsylvania, Sponsor support isand welcomed atenergy eachMonroe, chapter event, ity, increased output reduced consumption. Associates, NDC Technologies, James Joe USA, WAGO suppliers spring pressure which help fund scholarship activities. Aconnection wide range of The line offers increased energy effi ciency and with aas Snee Associates; Mossberg Associates and W. Gillies well as interconnect, interface and automation solutions available is available. n line to have lower power factorsponsorships ≥ .95 enables the drawing Technologies. n technology.
Visit us at Wire Expo booth #703 us at wire Düsseldorf — stand 11 D52
MARCH 2016 JANUARY 2016| |37 25
This timely innovation will benefi t customEuropean household care busiers who high and complex parts, as he just the make money, shevolume said. “It meant that people who had ness in Switzerland. In 2002 NUMALLIANCE is the sole CNC wire bending no obligation to believe me, did.” It was Audit as if, beyond wasinDirector Internal of machine manufacturer ableand toshe offer aancomplete range family, friends and mentors, had additional sup- of P&G was appointed Director equipment from simple 2D feed and form and hard tool port team. “That’s really who (Europe, you are, and it made Treasury Middle East,a huge New England has big plans for WAI bending solution for wire, tube, spring and fl at-stock. impact on my life.” Africa) in 2004. He joined Bekaert There ispresentations no need to produce high and simple &volume Wire Expo 2016 TheOperations wowed approximately 130 attendasSummit Chiefthe Financial Officer and memshape parts at exotic destination. Jobs are back, Thealso WAI’s New England Chapter willcoming have a hospitalber ofheartily the Bekaert Group Executive ees. They applauded for 2015 President and multi-slide benders are solution. ity Srubas, suite across from the the entrance toon theadditional WAI said Operations inMicrowave 2006, andpreferred took Robert Times System, who it was Until now, Italy had OMCG, America had Nilson, Summit & Wire Expo 2016 and also hold a reception for the Specialized a pleasure to lead theresponsibility chapter through a year that saw a on Germany had Biehler and France had Latour. All those thesuccessful show floortour atfilms the SunGroup Casino. activity platform. As of 2013, highly of Mohegan the Marmon R&D as well Humblet cam-driven mechanical multi-slide come with a major “As a chapter and host we are looking forward toasa large combines his responsibilities as yet another good he chapter golf outing. He introduced drawback: set up time. That is why NUMALLIANCE turnout for this event. It gives us as a chapter, as well CFO with chapter those ofpresident, Regional David Operations Management the 2016 Fisher, James Monroeas the WAI as a whole, a chance to showcase this orgacame with a concept of servo driven camless multislide, ofWire Bekaert LatinCorporation, America. Hewho holds a commercial engi& Cable also thanked what the Marmon nization can do for its members as well as for non-memable to harbor most of existing tooling in an all-electric neering degree from the Solvay Business School of the bers,” said chapter Dave Fischer, James environment. The NUMASLIDE is yours to discover. Brussels University. ThePresident Bridon Bekaert Ropes GroupMonroe is Wire & Cable. “We are very excited to welcome any www.nummalliance.com. a joint venture between Bekaert and Ontario Teachers’ non-members of the WAI our hospitality area to chat Pension Plan that combines thetoropes and advanced and provide information about activities and events that cords businesses of Bekaert and Bridon. OMCG North America U.S.
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Our Borlink™ technology creates the innovation links that secure world-class, step-changing solutions and benefit the whole industry from energy generation at the wind farm all the way to your home. Our cable solutions enable the undergrounding of more cables for more reliable energy supply from sustainable sources, reducing blackouts. Borealis and Borouge – Bringing energy all around.
p u p Wra Attendees pour into the Messe Fairgrounds for wire and Tube 2016, which once again hosted the global industry. Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf. And when it was over, the biennial staging of wire Düsseldorf once again proved its value. The 2016 event saw tens of thousands of visitors stream through halls, many packed with equipment. This wrapup provides the numbers, as the bottom line always matters, but beyond that is the experiences of those who took part. This section presents a series of comments from exhibitors as well as industry associations, and a piece on one equipment supplier’s mindset. The June WJI issue will present some of the equipment at the event as well as a focus on Industry 4.0.
The attendees’ search was on in a big way. Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
By the numbers, the concurrent staging of wire 2016, International Wire and Cable Trade Fair, and Tube 2016, International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair, in Düsseldorf, Germany, was nothing less than a success. Per the organizers, Messe Düsseldorf, the combined events saw more than 2,600 exhibitors presented their innovations to 69,500 trade visitors from 130 countries.
The 16 halls accounted for 1.1 million sq ft of net exhibit space, with companies showcasing their latest machinery, equipment and products from the wire, cable and tube processing industry. That total, they report, represents a new record for the number of exhibitors who were at the trade fair. “The fact that more exhibitors than ever participated in Düsseldorf proves that the wire, cable and tube industries loyally stand by their leading trade fairs wire and Tube even in tough economic times,” said Joachim Schäfer, managing director at Messe Düsseldorf. The five-day event was described as “high energy activity,” and it would be hard to dispute that view. Indeed, while the events took place during a difficult business climate—replete with a global economic upheaval, a worldwide steel crisis and new worldwide climate regulations—there was a sense of activity, which included and heightened focus on new Industry 4.0 digital age. “Major deals are made in Düsseldorf,” said Friedrich-Georg
as well as materials, special wires and cables. Innovations from measurement, control, test engineering and other specialized sectors were also on display. As in the past, companies from Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, the U.K., Sweden and Germany were strongly represented at wire 2016. In addition, large overseas contingents came from the U.S., South Korea, Taiwan, India, Japan and China. From the U.S., 79 companies exhibited at wire 2016, including 33 exhibitors within the North American Pavilion organized by Messe Düsseldorf North America and with the Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA) as the sponsor. The release said that exhibitors were pleased with their customer
contacts and deals. “A lot of traffic at our stand at wire, which once again underscored the event’s aspiration as the world’s leading trade fair. A very international, highly competent audience from Europe and North America. Particularly gratifying was the high number of concrete projects. The great response to the introduction of smart factory 4.0 products, services and ideas is WAFIOS’ answer to the Industry 4.0 challenge,” said Dr. Christoph MüllerMederer, Sales and Marketing Director of WAFIOS AG Reutlingen. “We’d like to congratulate Messe Düsseldorf on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of wire Düsseldorf and wish them all the best for another 30 successful years. It was another well-executed event and the expectations of our members were
Event focus: it's the equipment, yes, but more than just that for a given end solution. The show floor of wire Düsseldorf is known for the “For decades, Maillefer has worked with customers, wide range of equipment displayed at the Fairgrounds. where we have planned, designed and delivered complete That was the case again for the latest staging, but inwire and cable factories.” Fagerholm said. “With our creasingly, at some booths, there was also a focus on a strengthened know-how and services portfolio, we have second aspect, such as the one presented by Maillefer. now extended our offering, and we are proud to launch Two years ago, the Finland-based company introduced a complete factory delivery concept called “Maillefer its three technology levels concept of Enter/, Extend// Factory System.” This program is “a unique way to outand Explore///—basically, equipment that is good, better source a factory project right after you have defined the or best—at wire Düsseldorf. At the 2016 staging, the end product.” company went one step further, making it clear that it (continued on page 44) offers more than just technology. At a press conference during the show, Maillefer CEO Lars Fagerholm, Director of Technology for Wire & Cable Markus Bostöm, R&D Director Mikko Lahti and V.P. Maillefer Services Felix Ferreiro, outlined a range of ideas and concepts, all of which were targeted at solving challenges for customers. The technology, of course, is essential, but the focus was on how the company can make it possible for manufacturers that want to expand to do so with assurances that everything will be optimized. That includes the potential for Maillefer to provide an entire greenfield factory. Aside from local permits, Maillefer is ready to work with a customer to plan, design, Maillefer notes that innovation comes not just in advances in technology, which equip, implement and optimize a site are vital, but in how they can be provided and supported.
MAY 2016 | 43
Kehrer, global portfolio director for metals and flow technologies at Messe Düsseldorf. He observed that, “wire and Tube serve as the global communication and business platform for industry heavyweights, SMEs and international associations alike.” Per a press release from the organizers, wire Düsseldorf has achieved much since it was first held 30 years ago. At the first staging in 1986, 488 exhibitors from 23 countries and about 21,000 trade visitors took part, with some 45% coming from abroad. Fast-forward to 2016, and the same results were 1,337 exhibitors from 53 countries. They accounted for a net exhibition area of 642,600 sq ft, with displays including wire manufacturing and finishing machinery, process engineering tools and auxiliary materials
fully met,” added Stefan Szkudlapski, spokesman and networking manager of netzwerkdraht, a German association of small and medium-sized wire companies. The vast majority of the attendees gave wire and Tube 2016 excellent ratings. Most of the 69,500 visitors were from Germany, Italy, Turkey, France, Poland and the Netherlands. The share of international trade fair guests was very high at 65%, with about a third traveling from overseas. Some 75%
of the visitors were executives with decision-making authority. Overall, the willingness to invest at the two trade fairs continued to increase and 60% of the attendees stated that they found new suppliers. The next staging of wire and Tube will take place from April 16–20, 2018 in Düsseldorf, Germany. For further information on visiting or exhibiting, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180; info@ mdna.com, www.mdna.com.
(continued from page 43)
Maillefer's “7 step” program that encourages customers to further partner with it for maximum efficiency and results. The company’s presentation outlined how it works in the following seven steps. 1) Business idea. You have noticed the emerging demand for certain cables, but are unable to meet it with your current production. You might also need more information on the lifetime of the new investment. This is where Maillefer Factory System could be the right way to proceed. 2) Factory Investment Decision. We find the most profitable and sustainable production solution to complete your feasibility study. Our Plant Definition Study gives you a view on raw material flows, cable constructions, needed production processes and machinery, the main operational requirements and implementation schedule, and the size of the investment. An initial factory layout and utility consumption calculation are part of the study. 3) Plant Engineering. When you have made the investment decision, we can start the project. You get a dedicated project manager who is your responsible contact until production start-up. At this point, architectural design and building tasks are specified, and your factory is taking the actual shape. We can also assist you in finding the local main designer. You have all the documentation needed for the building permit application. 4) Project Start-up. After receiving the building permit, civil engineering starts at full speed. This is the point where you need to make the initial investment for equipment.
5) Implementation. Now it is time to realize your factory plan within your investment budget. We manage the project on your behalf regarding all equipment needed for production. Once the building is ready, the implementation schedule can be secured by our project management excellence. 6) Technology Transfer & Quality System. In each delivery, the production set-up is done by us to guarantee that you get the expected performance and productivity in the predefined time. We ensure that your quality system is compliant with standards. The best industrial production practices are applied to your factory. 7) Production Optimization. As part of the factory delivery, we optimize your central production processes and parameters. Partnering with our maintenance and performance solutions keeps your cost, product quality and productivity at the expected level over time. The company, which has completed more than 4,000 lines worldwide, notes that there is increasing demand for its Maillefer Factory System. To date, it has done more than 80 plant definition studies, and some 20 full factory deliveries, both as greenfields and production expansions, have been completed. The company also offers programs such as its Value Package, which enhances a specific part of the process for HV and EHC cables, and is available for both.
Exhibitor comments WJI asked a slew of exhibitors what their expectations were and how the show went. Below are their replies.
sooner rather than later, which is a welcome feeling. As for the operation of the event, the show management always makes us feel invited and well taken care of, especially the group from Messe Düsseldorf North America that handles all the logistics of our stand. Drew Richards, CEO, RichardsApex, Inc.
Too busy to be disappointed This was my fourth wire show in Düsseldorf and it did not disappoint. We expected to be fairly busy for all days of the show and for the most part we were. There was definitely less traffic overall but it was steady throughout the day with a couple of slow times. While the number of contacts were less than 2012 the quality seemed to be
A rigid concept yielded good results
Steve Bettencourt and Fred Correira.
Staffers at the HOSN Machinery Technology booth.
high. The interest in our products never ceases to amaze me. We had quite a few first time contacts and many old friends came to visit us at our booth. In terms of our outlook, I’m pleased to say that we expect to show growth spread out over all of our product offerings. Steve Bettencourt, engineering manager, Huestis Industrial.
further activity to come, but the response to our new rigid frame strander, which was developed and designed together with clients based on their operations, was very positive. This was a very good event for us and we are very optimistic. Frank Ai, international trade department manager, Shanghai HOSN Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
The European outlook is reassuring
A standout in the Messe forest
I went into the show with concern about what the show would bring based on the global economy, especially China. Though there were not many visitors from the Asian market, I came away from the show very optimistic and happy with the outcomes. The amount of European visitors that we had meetings with at our stand in Hall 9 was much more than I expected. I left the show optimistic that the European market is poised to make a recovery
Due to a restructuring of the North American Pavilion area, we managed to upsize our booth, which made it much more open and visible to our customers and prospects. This was hard to do, as it seemed that many of the booths (and the N.A. Pavilion) have followed the path of the forest and grown higher and higher in order to try lure new customers in. Obviously there are diminishing returns as hanging signs are now not very useful if only visible from directly
RichardsApex CEO Drew Richards at the company’s booth.
From l-r at the WPM booth: Greg Malcervelli, Dave Forber, Rahul Sachdev, Erik Macs and Rick Narang.
We came here believing that there would be much interest in our rigid stranding machine, and we are quite pleased with the results. During the exhibition, HOSN met more than 100 customers from more than 30 countries and confirmed projects for three full lines. There may be
ts Association commen
South African Wire Association (SAWA) Keith Campbell is the director of the South African Wire Association (SAWA), a non-profit organization that seesk to promote global exports of South African value-added wire related products. Below, he shares his association perspective on wire 2016. WJI: How important is this event to your members? Campbell: This is a very important exhibition as evidenced by the number of our association members participating. This time, we had a total of 8 companies represented there, with most of those returning exhibitors. SAWA’s mission is to represent the wire industry as a single voice, and for us this is the premier event for our members to meet with the global industry. We are supported by other South African stakeholders, such as the Department of Trade Industry and the South African Iron and Steel Institute and other government departments, which again hosted the South African Pavilion. WJI: Given that the global economy remains sluggish, and some sectors (such as steel) are especially struggling, what were their expectations in exhibiting at wire Düsseldorf? Campbell: It seems as if most of
the world continues to be a challenging place for steel wire producers. It is not easy for companies to continue, but the only way to do that is control costs and seek ways to offer more value. At wire Düsseldorf, our members’ expectations were to continue to meet with long-time clients and also meet new clients. There may not be any quick solutions, but without such interaction it would be that much more difficult for our members. That is a key reason why this event is important. WJI: Based on discussions with people from your member companies, do you think they are leaving the event in a more optimistic mindset, or mixed or ??? Campbell: Most members have reported a good number of positive inquiries, from potential and existing clients which is a good starting point. Again, without such meetings, and without our members’ presence
SAWA Director Keith Campbell. at this premium event, it is difficult for South African companies to stand out. We need to let the global industry know that South African wire manufacturers can be competent, long-term partners. WJI: Is there any way trade shows (not just wire Düsseldorf) could change to become more effective for exhibitors? Campbell: Perhaps there are too many wire shows now, which may detract attendance away from Düsseldorf.
MAY 2016 | 47
underneath. We saw a very good flow of people through the booth from Monday through Wednesday, tapering off a little on Thursday and Friday. No one geographical group seemed to be dominant this year, which is not unusual given the larger and larger number of worldwide regional shows. While there were surprising large contingents from some of the larger wire and cable companies, others were very conspicuous by their absence. Overall, we were very pleased with the turnout at the show and with the traffic flow through our booth. Erik Macs, director of sales, Wire and Plastic Machinery Corp.
Industry competence attracts attendees The week was very successful for Maillefer. We met many new and existing customers and partners from all over the world. A number of new business opportunities were initiated and several agreements closed during the show. Generally we can see positive signs in the wire and cable industry. Our core theme at the event, “Competence
Staffers at the FENN booth reported triple the leads. coiler generated significantly more interest in our booth, and led to many great conversations with both existing and potential clientele. We were thrilled to end the show with triple the amount of leads we typically get here. Overall, we feel the increased emphasis on marketing, paired with a live machine and new innovations produced a very successful show for FENN. Jackie Zenhye, director of marketing & product innovation, FENN LLC.
Visits lead to even better ideas to come
Maillefer staffers were ready to supply solutions.
Our wire 2016 participation concluded with great success. We registered a very big influx of visitors—both consolidated customers and new contacts—who showed a great interest in our equipment, in particular focused on finding solutions to their concrete production needs. The technology we presented in the horizontal taping lines exhibited was specific for the production and shielding
that Counts,” reflects Maillefer’s long background in the industry as well as the proven experience in cable manufacturing processes and extrusion technology. We introduced several new innovations at the exhibition, for example the Round Value Package Premium for high and extra high voltage cable production. We would like to thank all our customers, partners and friends for helping us in building a remarkable show in Düsseldorf. Veikko Nieminen, director, sales & marketing, wire and cable business Line, Maillefer.
If you market it, they will come
WTM reported good meetings at their booth.
We expected to have a good show overall, because of the event’s ability to draw such a diverse international crowd. Although we were optimistic, the show turned out to be even better than we expected for FENN. In the last several months, we have increased marketing resources and effort into promoting our exhibition at the show. The idea was to inform the industry that we planned to offer a running machine and the release of our new FSL Series wire shaping equipment, in addition to information about our entire product offering. This increased promotion led to more pre-planned appointments and meetings at the show, enabling greater face time with the harder-to-reach international clients. Having an operational Torin FZ Series spring
of high frequency coaxial cables while a second taping module set was for specific cables normally used in aeronautic/aircraft, submarine, aerospace, military fields. Great interest was shown by visitors also in our new single twist stranding machine, shaft type, studied and created in detail for the production of very sophisticated LAN cables (Cat. 5/6/7/7a/8). We thank all those people who visited our booth and for the interesting discussions held: the information we collected is very precious for improving and innovating our products and services, with the aim of meeting customers’ requirements in the best way. Aldo Zanirato, sales manager, WTM.
Glimpses from the show
Morgan-Koch staff stood tall, on the floor and their booth side.
At any show, the last hour of the last day can be a lonely place. Oh what a difference an hour makes.
A customized artistic touch was offered at the Rosendahl booth.
Alantra splashed its products via a multi-screen “drip” approach.
Everyone seemed to be on the move.
It gets better every staging I think we were cautiously optimistic going in. We have had more leads each show since 2004, and since we brought more people to attend to customers this show compared to the last one, we expected to do better again. We were not disappointed! We saw about 10% growth in leads this show compared to 2014. The show is simply a must-do for us. We did not have any real x-factor that catapulted this show above the other past ones. It is simply the biggest single source of opportunities of all the shows around the world. It is also a critical opportunity to network and connect with technical and business partners. Craig Girdwood, sales manager, Taymer International.
Craig Girdwood was a busy man at wire Dusseldorf. MAY 2016 | 49
ts Association commen
Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA) Mike McNulty, editor of Wire & Cable Technology, is the executive ® ® director of the Wire & Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA ). The nonprofit corporate membership association has some 90 North American suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories. Below, he shares his association perspective on wire 2016. WJI: How important is this event to your members? McNulty: wire 2016 is a very important venue for WCISA member companies. WCISA is long time supporting partner of the trade fair, and it is a co-sponsor, along with Messe Düsseldorf North America, of the North American exhibitor pavilion in Hall 9. Well over half or our members participated in the show in some capacity, either as exhibitors, co-exhibitors or visitors. WCISA distributed copies of its 2016 Member Directory & Product Listing, and it organized “WCISA’s Night Out in Germany” at a local brewery and restaurant. About 150 people attended the outing on the eve of the opening of the exhibits, and it was a very enjoyable networking event for WCISA members and their guests. WCISA now has nearly 100 member companies, which supply machines, materials and accessories for making all types of wire and cable. Member companies are based in North America. WJI: Given that the global economy remains sluggish, and some sectors (such as steel) are especially struggling, what were their expectations in exhibiting at wire Düsseldorf? McNulty: Expectations were cautiously high given current
challenges, but this exhibition is always well-attended and an important venue for all international suppliers. Despite the backdrop of challenging economic, political, regulatory, social and technological times, wire Düsseldorf still draws the largest and most diverse collection of exhibits and attendees of any of industry event in the world. WJI: Based on discussions with people from your member companies, do you think they are leaving the event in a more optimistic mindset, or mixed or ??? McNulty: I did not survey all WCISA members, but in general, I think that the week was a success for the majority. It was the largest “wire” show I have ever attended, and I was especially impressed with the quality of products, exhibits and personnel. WJI: Is there any way trade shows (not just wire Düsseldorf) could change to become more effective for exhibitors? McNulty: The wire Düsseldorf show organization, promotion and management are always good, and the city is a great host outside of the perennially high hotel prices. In my opinion, one of the challenges for any trade show organizer is to get the frequency and locations of shows matched to the size, prog-
WCISA President Mike McNulty ress and health of the industry. This can be tricky given the time required to plan a show and the built-in desire for expansion. Over-saturation and conflicting events always put strains on the exhibitors. Constant re-evaluation of market conditions and good communication with partners is needed. WJI: Anything else you’d care to comment on about wire Düsseldorf in particular? McNulty: Germany and Italy still lead the way with the most exhibitors, but countries that are on the rise are China, Turkey and India, while North America and the rest of Europe and Asia are holding steady with solid participation. Despite the maturity of the wire and cable industry, innovations continue, especially on the fronts of production efficiency, materials science and information technology.
REELEX’s expectations at Wire Düsseldorf were fairly low. We view Düsseldorf as a branding exercise for us. We hope to see some of our customers and international sales
us at Wire Expo booth #602
QUEINS Machines GmbH KMB-Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Low expectations were realized, but the results were satisfactory
Planetary strander with 0%, 100% or variable backtwist
Tom Copp, president, REELEX Packaging Solutions. representatives as well as possibly meeting potential new customers. With those limited goals in mind, the show was satisfactory. The traffic on the floor seemed visibly less to us than two years ago. While we did see some present customers, there were fewer than two years ago and almost none made the trip over from the U.S. Similarly with our sales reps. While many made the trip, many did not, and overall fewer were there than two years ago. The show did not alter our optimism level. While we did not get an industry wide sense of optimism at the show, we at REELEX are very busy and optimistic and nothing that happened at the show changed that. Tom Copp, president, REELEX Packaging Solutions.
Good, even with baggage (not) at show Expectation: Get our checked luggage which included show graphics. Did not happen till Thursday afternoon. (Always knew that the strategy of relying on the airlines to deliver checked baggage would eventually run into a snag, and now we know how plan B works.) But seriously, even without graphics, traffic to our stand did not seem affected. We attribute this effect to the detailed product index unique to wire Düsseldorf—wish the other industry wire shows would adopt this system. Outlook: Our corner of the wire/ cable market continues to expand capacities of higher
& QUEINS - Your specialists for: CABLE & ROPE MAKING MACHINES Tubular stranders Rigid stranders Planetary stranders Power cable drumtwisters Armouring lines Bow/Skip stranders Single/Double twist bunchers Pay-offs and take-ups, all designs Belt-type caterpillar capstans Single- and double disc capstans Rotating caterpillar capstans Taping heads, all designs Transposed wire machines PRE-OWNED & RECONDITIONED We offer used or reconditioned cable and rope making machines. Please take a look at our currently available used equipment at www.queins.com Catalogue download For contacts in USA:
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RAD-CON’s Chris Messina at the WAI booth.
Your best partners for new and reconditioned machines MAY 2016 | 51 1_2 engl. 2015-09 fbg wire journal vertical.indd 1
20.08.2015 08:52:01
ts Association commen
AWCMA/VODKM Kurt Eder, president of Eder Engineering GmbH, is president of Association of the Austrian Wire and Cable Machinery Manufacturers (AWCMA, VODKM in German). Founded in 1988, AWCMA has 20 member companies. Below, he shares his association perspective on wire 2016. WJI: How important is this event to your members? Eder: There is no other event like wire Düsseldorf. Globally considered, it cannot be replaced by any other satellite or local exhibition elsewhere. Only there do exhibitors bring and display latest technology equipment, while most other events increasingly rather do show “paper” only (poster, catalogs, etc.). WJI: Given that the global economy remains sluggish, and some sectors (such as steel) are especially struggling, what were their expectations in exhibiting at wire Düsseldorf? Eder: It is true that – globally considered – the climate for investments still is not very fertile. We have undeclared wars in parts of Eastern Europe, other ones in Africa, the near and Middle East and parts of Asia and huge economic problems in various parts of South America, while Europe also is busy controlling endless streams of refugees, floating in from the Middle East and Africa mainly. The low price for oil also harms those countries, whose budgets mainly derivate from its sale. This does not make it inviting to invest in most industries. On the other hand, there are always exceptions to this situation and various markets
have wealthy investors, reasonable taxes and educated workforce etc., where investments are still ongoing. Wearing out of older production equipment and the driving force of competition, also are stimulating investments. Most of our member companies are highly specialized in technological niches, often leading suppliers and always find their global customers, particularly at wire Düsseldorf. WJI: Based on discussions with people from your member companies, do you think they are leaving the event in a more optimistic mindset, or mixed or ??? Eder: Nearly all our members found wire 2016 even better than the 2014 event. Nearly all of them had more contacts and inquiries and left with lots of satisfaction and optimism for an ongoing recovery of the hitherto sluggish economy. WJI: Is there any way trade shows (not just wire Düsseldorf) could change to become more effective for exhibitors? Eder: Apart from the too long day, Friday, with any hardly visitors in the afternoon, hardly any need for bettering wire Düsseldorf exists. Generally speaking, for all technical trade shows with investment goods, improvements could be done in fol-
AWCMA President Kurt Eder. lowing respect: attractive and well organized infrastructure of the fairgrounds; more reasonable hotel cost (exorbitant in Düsseldorf. Moscow, etc.); good transport/ logistic to/from fairgrounds and with efficient security; assistance for traveling exhibitors (visa, immigration, customs etc.); stimulus for bringing machines (not just “paper”) to exhibitions. (e.g. by reduced space cost etc.); and reasonable prices. WJI: Anything else you’d care to comment on about wire Düsseldorf in particular? Eder: Having been instrumental in establishing wire Düsseldorf 30 years ago, for all of my members, this event since has become a milestone and a paramount show window of our special technological sector. No one could imagine finding a more appropriate location and organization. All in all, so far we are very satisfied.
strate once more what drives us to provide the best performance. Our passion is creating customer value, and value was indeed offered at our booth. Industry 4.0, the “Smart Factory” as we like to call it, is becoming reality and opening new doors both for us as suppliers and for you as manufacturers. We take this revolution seriously and are proud that we could present the opportunities with our technology. Our new service lounge was especially well received, and many visitors took the opportunity to review the possibilities offered by our maintenance or upgrade services. Rosendahl Nextrom.
An Industry 4.0 approach was ‘smart’ This was a really powerful and highly energized event. Rosendahl Nextrom again enjoyed being part of the 2016 staging of wire Düsseldorf, here the entire industry gets together. It was a successful show as we could demon-
A group shot of Rosendahl Nextrom staffers at the company’s booth, which showcased its technology for Industry 4.0.
Booth 403, Joe Snee Associates
Keep production moving with our new HP180 Our HP180 cold welder can be used on its integral trolley or handheld within the limit of the two-metre air supply pipe. It’s quick and easy to use, and the advanced air/hydraulic system enables any operator to produce reliable permanent welds on wire up to 1.80mm (.071") without effort. Find out more at www.pwmltd.co.uk Pressure Welding Machines Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1233 820847 Email: pwm@btinternet.com North America inquiries: Tel: 774-991-0504 Email: joe@jsnee.com
World leader in cold weld technology
New PWM welders and dies available only from PWM or its authorised distributors.
MAY 2016 | 53
quality annealed products, which leaves us optimistic. Our show results are consistent with this outlook. Chris Messina, RAD-CON.
ts Association commen
International Wire and Machinery Association (IWMA ) Amanda Shehab, director, Cimteq Ltd., is the current chairman of the International Wire & Machinery Association. Founded in 1970, the IWMA notes that it is the world's largest and most influential corporate membership association for the wire, cable and wire product industries, with a primary function to promote new technology and growth. Below, she shares her association perspective of wire Düsseldorf. WJI: How important is this event to your members? Shehab: The wire Düsseldorf exhibition is a crucial event for many of our members, with over 60% of member companies exhibiting at the 2016 show, and many others visiting. Without a doubt, this exhibition is the king of all wire shows, attracting tens of thousands of wire and cable people from around the globe. It offers one of the best opportunities for trade in the wire calendar. WJI: Given that the global economy remains sluggish, and some sectors (such as steel) are especially struggling, what were their expectations in exhibiting at wire Düsseldorf? Shehab: Our ferrous and nonferrous members will have had differing expectations from the show. On the nonferrous side, expectations were high, and the show did live up to these expectations. On the ferrous side, expectations were mixed, based on the uncertainty in the steel wire sector. However, when parts of the industry are being seen to struggle, the wire show in Düsseldorf is even more of a necessity as the opportunities provided by such an event are more important than ever. WJI: Based on discussions with people from your member compa-
nies, do you think they are leaving the event in a more optimistic mindset, or mixed or ??? Shehab: The fact that this year the expectaIWMA President Amanda Shehab in front of a tions for the show were display of member companies represented at set quite high, with this wire 2016. exhibition being set to be the biggest ever show to-date, there was going sands of attendees is irreplaceable. to be a lot to live up to. However, I believe we can benefit by perthe organization, the quality of the suading companies to send some exhibits, and the investment being of the younger generation to trade made by equipment manufacturers shows, as it is an ideal opportunibringing their physical machines to ty to gain a valuable insight into the show created the industry, and motivate the a hugely positive newcomers to drive the industry atmosphere. It forward. The IWMA offers travel contributed to awards to exhibitions such as people leaving Düsseldorf specifically for this the show with an purpose. optimistic and exciting outlook for the industry future. WJI: Anything else you’d care to comment on about wire WJI: Is there any way trade shows Düsseldorf? (not just wire Düsseldorf) could Shehab: This year saw the change to become more effective for 30th anniversary of the wire exhibitors? show in Düsseldorf, from the iniShehab: With the continuous tial 2400 square meters of floor changes in technology, the often space in the 1986 show, to this mentioned ‘internet of things,’, and year’s colossal 60,000 square continuous pressure on budgets, we meters of floor space. may start to ask ourselves, ‘Is there The show has seen massive any need for a trade show? We can growth throughout the years, and find the information on the internet!’ the IWMA is proud to have supBut the reality is that the opporported the show from its inception, tunity to be able to ‘touch and feel’ through to the present day, and we all the products offered by the 1,300 will continue to do so into the future. exhibitors, and to have face-to-face discussions with potentially thouwww.iwma.org
ts Association commen
Associazione Costruttori Italiani Macchine Per Filo (ACIMAF) Ferruccio Bellina, president of the TKT Group, is the current president of ACIMAF. Founded in 1987, ACIMAF promotes Italian technology in the field of machines and products for the wire and cable manufacturing industry. It also has an international role in improving the location/organization of the major wire and cable trade fairs. WJI: How important is this event to your members? Bellina: It’s the fundamental and most important international event for the sector, with a good worldwide participation and mainly qualified visits by competent operators. WJI: Given that the global economy remains sluggish, and some sectors (such as steel) are especially struggling, what were their expectations in exhibiting at wire Düsseldorf? Bellina: The members were expecting and hoping for a real change in the market trend after
several years of sluggish economic environment; as a matter of fact we perceived more interest on products giving tangible benefits in terms of productivity, energetic impact and environmental sustainability. WJI: Based on discussions with people from your member companies, do you think they are leaving the event in a more optimistic mindset, or mixed or ??? Bellina: In wider terms I think the associates had a positive feeling and mindset of 2016 wire show, observing a good quality of the visits and competence of visitors.
Ferruccio Bellina
WJI: Is there any way trade shows (not just wire Düsseldorf) could change to become more effective for exhibitors? Bellina: Düsseldorf is the first and most important wire show in an international framework. It would be very beneficial for the sector if the other worldwide trade shows had the same attractiveness for the operators.
sales of those products. Marc Fitzner, president, Calmec Precision, Ltd.
A justified optimist is now ready to look for the benefits of having exhibited
From l-r, Calmec Precision’s Marc Fitzner, Paula Guy and Paul McMillen.
Being a notorious optimist my hopes were up, but I was afraid it might be a rather slow due to the current economic situation - especially on the welding wire manufacturer side. Indeed we did see a change in the “mix” of our show
Traffic a bit slow, but overall it was good After a very successful 2014 show, we were expecting a bit of a letdown mainly due to the tight fiscal constraints of the Russian and South American markets, as well as those companies producing cables for the oil and gas industry. The number of Russian companies that visited us were more than expected, although the oil and gas cable producing companies visiting were definitely in the minority. Although overall traffic seemed down from 2014, there was an increase in requests for other products which was unexpected. This made the show a bit surprising for us, and somewhat optimistic for increased
From l-r, Roger Williams of The Slover Group, the U.S. representative for Boockmann Engineering, and co-CEOs Michaela Boockmann and her brother, Dr. Kai Boockmann. MAY 2016 | 55
contacts, as there were less welding wire manufacturers and more cable manufacturers than on previous shows. However, in total we had good attendance, both in quantity and quality. Not only were we busy most of the time Monday through Thursday (Friday of course was “exhibitors’ day,” which was pretty much exactly what I had expected), we had a number of very detailed, very technical discussions, with both existing and new contacts. All in all, I left the show even more optimistic than I was before. I see high potential in some of the contacts we had. The challenge now is, to follow up on all those contacts and to identify opportunities for entering into a business relationship that will be beneficial for both parties. Michaela Boockmann, co-CEO, Boockmann Engineering.
Results are welded to quality equipment We enjoyed an excellent show with steady visitor traffic to the stand from Monday through to Thursday; Friday was quieter. Visitor quality was also really good, with more visitors from India and Scandinavia than in previous years. Our innovative ST40 air/hydraulic cold welder, specifically designed for joining strip and tape, was a big attraction, and we are now testing materials for customers interested in this new machine. Our large, energy-efficient P1500 and EP500 welders proved popular Visit
PWM cited its equipment display for drawing good crowds of attendees. with visitors looking for a cost-effective way of welding non-ferrous rod, including aluminum to copper, up to 30 mm. All in all, a very positive show. Steve Mepsted, managing director, PWM Ltd.
The place for international contacts At wire Düsseldorf, we always look to expand our international presence by gaining new customers in new markets and hopefully gain some contacts for possible new agents or partners. This show gives us a great opportunity with the global presence of the industry in one place. This was a very good show for us. We are now in the process of send-
us at Wire Expo booth #707
DÜSSELDORF WRAPUP Jonathan Anderson, president, Aztech Lubricants LLC.
WAI staff sold booth space to 20 companies during the show.
ing out quotes, sending out samples and negotiating with possible new agents. We always leave this show with some big potential deal just around the corner. Some of these items get done in the weeks following the show, some may be a year out after another visit or two. Jonathan Anderson, president, Aztech Lubricants LLC.
As we organize trade shows too, we appreciate all the work that goes into making this venue work as well as it does. We recognize that it is the single most important meeting place for the industry, and for us, that makes it a key place to market our own trade show, Interwire, the largest such event in the Americas. Our sales department sold some 15,000 sq ft of exhibition space, a record, including to some companies that are new to us. We also spread the good word about WJI, adding nearly 700 new subscribers. For the last seven shows, we have been accompanied by the Wire Link Traveling Scholarship winner, who this year was Andrew Bettin of Gerdau.
It's good to be associated with ‘wire’ The WAI has been exhibiting at wire Düsseldorf for many years, and the experience has always been worthwhile. The 2016 staging was not an exception. Visit
us at Wire Expo booth #707
MAY 2016 | 57
ts Association commen
Wire Association International Andy Talbot, vice president and general manager of Mid-South Wire, is the current president of WAI. Below he shares his thoughts on wire Düsseldorf and trade shows in general. Wire Düsseldorf is our industry’s most prominent trade show. Its size and scope are unmatched. It is unrivaled in all wire industry shows. Everyone who has the time and resources should make the trip. It can be expensive; and 600,000 sq ft of exhibit space can be overwhelming for first-timers. However, this mammoth event showcases the value one can see from equipment exhibitors, materials suppliers, and from rod, wire and cable producers the world over. I see three tiers of value from our industry’s trade shows: The first tier is Wire Düsseldorf, which has a value all its own in terms of size, scope and international reach. The next tier is WAI’s Interwire show in Atlanta. This event also has an array of equipment exhibits, but it adds a strong program of technical discussions, training, and presentations. The third tier is Wire Expo. This event is less focused on equipment—which makes for an expensive event for exhibitors—but more focused on the operational
issues of wire and cable manufacturers. The WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo, Andy Talbot, r, with staff at the WAI booth. to be held June 8-9 in Connecticut, is designed and we should avail ourselves and our to be a workshop of associates of each of these levels for a ideas, experiential knowledge, vibrant, progressive, innovative, and and problem-solving. The linehealthy industry. up of speakers and topics it offers Finally, this year’s Dusseldorf allows wire and cable companies to show had a lot of positive energy and expose their managers, engineers, engagement at every level. There was and operating personnel to reala great deal of “buzz” and enthusiasm life challenges and solutions. The in virtually every hall. Business was technical, practical, management, being conducted and equipment was and operational sides of running our sold right off of the floor. Perhaps the respective companies are as important global economy is not as weak as we as having the latest and greatest had thought, or perhaps the dramatic equipment. Wire Expo provides a spike in steel-related commodities level of detail and collaboration that is just over the past month was a factor. not possible at the larger, equipmentAfter 18 months of continually focused events. This unique format falling steel and commodity prices, it has definite value. seems that some energy has returned The WAI is committed to offering to our industry, and the outlook for value through its exhibitions, training, education, technical/ training materials 2016 is looking a bit brighter! In that spirit, I hope to see you at the and collaboration. From Düsseldorf to Atlanta, and to the regional Wire Expo Mohegan Sun. events, there is value at every level, www.wirenet.org
Like the previous winners, it is great to see the show through a young professional’s eyes. It provides a tangible reminder of the scope and degree of innovation defining the industry. Steve Fetteroll, executive director, Wire Association International.
Energized by the results Blachford Corporation came to the show with renewed energy. Our new booth was located in a high traffic area, and we certainly benefited from the higher exposure. We met with many new potential customers and distributors who were interested to learn more about our world-class lubricants, pre-coats, and specialty chemicals. wire Düsseldorf 2016 was a great show for Blachford Corporation, and
From l-r at the Blachford booth: Dr. Jean V. Reid, Dan Howard, Mark van der Vlist and Ian Siders. we look forward to a larger presence in 2018! Mark van der Vlist, VP sales and marketing - metal working, Blachford Corporation.
EVENT UPDATE This section includes details on transportation to the WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2016, a piece on two attendees from one company, and new/updated booth listings. For the latest information, see the Show Program at the event. You can also find full details on the exhibits, technical program and more at www.wireexpo16.com. Ace Metal Inc. Tel. 610-623-2204 www.acemetalinc.com sales@acemetalinc.com USA Stand 304
fiber optic industries with flange diameters from 6 in. to 14 in., tire cord spools (B-40, B-60, B-80) and tapered flanged spools. We also offer tubular wire carriers. Personnel: Richard Medoff, Gerri Medoff, Ted Szanajda. Aztech Lubricants LLC Tel. 405-310-0034 www.aztechlube.com info@aztechlube.com USA Stand 409
Exhibiting: Ace Metal will display its full product line, including its latest line of heavy duty 12 in. spools. We supply metal spools for the ferrous, nonferrous, tire cord and
Exhibiting:: Aztech Lubricants is a global provider of wire drawing and lubricant solutions. With 11 years of continuous growth and 125 years of cumulative expertise, we excel at providing a full line of calcium, sodium and potassium stearate-based drawing powders, RP oil, drawing oils, vanishing oils and precoats. Our key name brands to be showcased at this year’s show include: EZDraw, EZClean, EZCoat and EZFeed. Additionally, we offer a complete line of AZWipe spiral brushes. We have manufacturing and distribution capabilities in the U.S., South America and Asia. Personnel: Michael Colvin, Jonathan Anderson, Jack Hall.
Casino 101: a lesson beyond wire and cable basics If you’ve ever walked by a busy craps table at a casino, you’ve likely noticed that the players are often the loudest, most vocal, most animated folks there are. Only, if you don’t understand what you’re doing, it can be intimidating to join this fast-moving game...but not at WAI’s Operations Summit and Wire Expo 2106.
Courtesy of sponsor Rainbow Rubber & Plastics, Inc., WAI will stage Casino 101 on the show floor of Wire Expo on Thursday,June 8, from 3 pm to 5 pm. It will be easy to find the “school” as it will be set up the prior day. Why craps? Per Jay Bean, a floor manager at Caesar’s, many people don’t realize that table games—such as blackjack and craps—are among the best bets. Blackjack is all about numbers and style preference, but craps is all about action and trying to hit a hot streak. It could happen, but at any moment the hottest run can end because the dice, sadly, do not care if you win or lose. As a rule, experts suggest that your bankroll should be 100 times your initial bet, so if you start with a $5 bet, you should have $500 in the rack. In terms of what bets are best for the player, much has been written on this topic, but the best thing to do—unless you’re there with a craps veteran—is a free “primer” by the people who do You might know wiredrawing inside out, but if craps is a mystery to you, this for a living. Casino 101 can make this fast-action game far more understandable.
Transportation from BDL (Bradley airport) WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo participants will have access to discounted shuttle service in Connecticut between Mohegan Sun Resort Casino and Bradley Airport (BDL) only. Reservations are required and the cost is $35 one way or $70 round trip. Shuttle service will be hourly, on the hour, during the times listed below. Bradley Airport is 60 miles away, and the trip is about 1 hour and 15 minutes. The airport transportation service is direct (no stops). ARRIVALS Monday June 6 Tuesday June 7
Noon – 10:00 pm 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Bradley Airport to Mohegan Sun Bradley Airport to Mohegan Sun
DEPARTURES Thursday June 9 Friday June 10
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm 4:00 am – 12:00 pm
Mohegan Sun to Bradley Airport Mohegan Sun to Bradley Airport
To book online, use the link below, which will require your credit card and your flight information. http://www.dattco.com/mohegan-sun. Alternate options include renting a car or using a car service such as Uber, which makes getting to and from Mohegan Sun that much easier. Connect with drivers ready to transport you wherever you need to go at the tap of the Uber app. Pick up locations at Summer Valet, Sky Valet and Hotel Lobby. Download the Uber app from the App Store or Google Play to get started. Enter the promo code MoheganSun for $20 off your first Uber ride.
Beta LaserMike Products NDC Technologies Tel. 937-233-9935 www.ndc.com/betalasermike sales@betalasermike.com USA Stand 502
Measured by Commitment
Exhibiting: NDC Technologies will be exhibiting its line of Beta LaserMike precision measurement and control solutions for diameter and ovality, eccentricity, length and speed, lay length, capacitance, preheating, fault detection, structural return loss prediction, excess fiber length, part/sample inspection and automated cable testing. New solutions for 2016 include the industry’s only AccuScan 6000 Series four-axis diameter and ovality gauges with ultra-fast scan rate (9600 scans/sec), highest ovality accuracy (up to 100%), and highest flaw-detection accuracy (25% improvement over 3-axis gauges). Also introducing the new DCM Model SCS-700 LAN automated cable testing system with high- and low-frequency measurement capabilities.
Black Sea Technology Stand 624 BOXY Srl Tel. 905-669-4010 www.howarequipment.com www.boxy.com sales@howarequipment.com Italy/Canada Stand 210
Exhibiting: Represented in North America by Howar Equipment, Boxy Srl offers a wide range of steel reels and reel handling equipment of the largest array that will be displayed. The line up includes machined reels for wire drawing, pressed steel reels for bunching and extrusion lines, corrugated and structural steel reels for production and shipping, wire carriers and stem packs. Take-apart reels are available in a specialized assortment which includes the collapsible reels
for packaging of reel-less wire coils with and without cardboard cores. A working display of handling equipment and reels will be on hand at the booth. Personnel: Chris Hauer. Cable Components Group, LLC Tel. 860-599-5877 www.cablecomponents.com customerservice@ cablecomponents.com USA Stand 116
Exhibiting: Founded in 1998, Cable Components Group (CCG) designs, engineers, and manufactures high performance extruded products for the wire and cable, fiber optic, and industrial non-woven markets now marketed under the names FluoroFoam® and FluoroSpun®. CCG produces cable fillers, included patented types, for Category 6, 6e and 6a LAN cables, in particular those that meet high fire retardant and low smoke generation plenum cable MAY 2016 | 61
what pay. Value is ou y t a h w is * Price rren Buffett. you get. ~Wa Corp., ic Machinery st la P & e ir Per W ition t’s next acquis et ff u B e lik s d it soun found at urposed gem p re a e b l el may w company ), where the 0 1 (4 th oo b WPM’s w-cost high-value, lo s it se ca ow will sh equipment.
Exhibiting: Sample parts of ceramic eyelets, guides and rods; pulleys; wire straighteners and guides; tungsten carbide; linear drives. Personnel: Troy Holdsworth. requirements. CCG also manufactures other cable fillers including extruded profiles, rods, tubes, tapes, fibrillated tapes, as well as multi-filament yarns made primarily from fluoropolymers (FEP, MFA, PFA, ECTFE, ETFE, and PVdF), as well as specialty PVC, polyolefin, nylon and PPS. For fiber optic connectivity, CCG offers furcation tubing, fiber buffering, and is involved in private branding of specialty optical fiber cable components. CCG’s newest products revolve around chemically foaming the following materials: engineered resins (PEEK, PPS, PSU, PPSU and PES); polyolefins (FRPP, FRPE, LSHFPP & PE). Fluorofoam FEP is CCG’s flagship material, which generates a foam rate between 25 and 55% via its patented chemical foaming agent. FluoroFoam is especially suited for thin wall insulations, films and Cat. 6 crossweb fillers. Cemanco LC Tel. 954-970-3099 www.cemanco.com sales@cemanco.com USA Stand 203 62 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
CONDAT SA/Condat Corporation Tel. 734-944-4994 www.condatcorp.com inquiries@condatcorp.com USA/France Stand 117
Exhibiting: Wiredrawing surface coatings and lubricants, and cold-rolling lubricants are the core business of our company. CONDAT’s lubricant and surface technology range covers all metal forming applications, and our commercial network services this industry worldwide. With more than 160 years of expertise in the lubricant business, CONDAT is continuously improving and upgrading its formulations for better value and to match the most advanced environmental regulations. Condat Corp., the U.S.-based division, has extensive production capabilities and offers the flexibility and reactivity to fully serve the North American market.
DALOO/A Gauder Group member Tel. 336-856-8176 www.daloo-machines.com sales@daloo-machines.com China/USA Stand 103
Exhibiting: DALOO is the obvious choice for cable producers wanting simple and reliable machines at an affordable price. The design as well as the manufacturing (in Changzhou) are based on European experience (proven Gauder Group methods) following strict quality criteria. Its complete stranding lines and accessories for the production of power and communication cables are delivered worldwide: rigid cage stranders, taping lines, rewinding lines, take-ups and payoffs, pulling caterpillars. E-Beam Services Stand 726 Etna Products Inc. Tel. 440-543-9845 www.etna.com gtripp@etna.com USA Stand 405
Exhibiting: Etna Products will display process lubricants for nonferrous and ferrous wiredrawing operations and for cold-forming operations. The product line includes products used from rod breakdown to ultra-fine wire drawing lubricants and lubricants for roll forming and cold forming. The company’s product line includes aqueous cleaners, quenching compounds and corrosion preventives. The products outlined above are designed for use on aluminum, copper, brass, carbon steel,
GENERAL PROGRAM For WAI committee meeting times/places, go to wireexpo16.com.
Tuesday, June 7 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Exhibitor Move-In Fundamentals Of Wire Manufacturing General Topics Fundamentals Luncheon Freeport McMoRan Plant Tour
8:30 am - 5:00 pm 8:30 am - 11:45 am 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 1:00 pm - 4:15 pm 1:00 pm - 4:15 pm 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
t to believe. I wan to t n a w 't * I don Sagan know.” ~Carl e, cannot be don it y sa o h w e * Thos g it. pt those doin u rr te in ot n should verb ~Chinese Pro ere are no rules h * Hell, there hing. omplish somet cc a to g in y we're tr Edison ~Thomas A.
Ferrous Topics Nonferrous Topics Fundamentals Q&A
Wednesday, June 8
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registration USA Manufacturing: Open For Business! Exhibits Open
10:30 am - 11:45 am
Health And Safety Panel
10:30 am - 10:55 am
MRO Vending Machines In A Manufacturing Environment Incremental Improvement To Maintenance Operations Productivity Management 2016 Mordica Luncheon & Lecture: The Encore Wire Formula—A Culture of Innovation and Collaboration
8:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:30 am - 10:15 am
10:55 am - 11:20 am 11:20 am - 11:45 am 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Capital Expansion Projects Panel
2:00 pm - 2:35 pm
Wildly Important Focus Managing Operational Change – Cleaning Technology Case Study Understanding The Value Expectations Of The Various Wire And Cable Market Channels Transforming And Managing Talent For An Operator-Led Culture WAI Awards Celebration Opening Reception
2:35 pm - 3:15 pm 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Thursday, June 9 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Manufacturing Management Seminar: How to Do One on Ones
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Mobile Classroom Davis-Standard
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Exhibits Open
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Production Solutions
10:30 am
Moisture-Crosslinkable Materials For Higher Temperatures
11:00 am
Marking, Printing And Guiding Insulated Wire
11:30 am
Wire Breaks
Thursday, June 9 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
8:30 am - 9:45 am 9:00 am - 9:45 am
Registration Membership Breakfast Keynote Address: The Most Important Management Tool: One on One
For the most up-to-date details, from finding a company on the show floor to finding a committee meeting, go to the WAI Bookstore to access a kiosk.
Freeport McMoRan Stand 323 Gem Gravure Co. Inc. Tel. 781-878-0456 www.gemgravure.com info@gemgravure.com USA Stand 411
Exhibiting You’re searching for the Exhibiting: best way to mark your wire and cable. You need a company that will focus on your needs. Since 1952, Gem Gravure has been providing superior printing technology for jacketed wire and cable. It started with Gem’s original patented process for Gravure marking wheels then expanded to continuous ink jet. Gem is the exclusive representative for KBA-Metronic
in the U.S., Canada and portions of Mexico. KBA-Metronic’s alphaJET® printer is the most reliable, eco-friendly ink jet printer available. GEM ink jet inks range from pigmented opaque to soft pigmented to dye based inks. You can select bright opaque codes, codes resistant to solvents or dye-based codes that resist transfer. A full line of low VOC and VOC exempt inks is available. Gem is a family-owned and operated company based in Hanover, Massachusetts. Service and sales are available across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. We Code. Personnel: David Gemelli, Paul Gemelli, Mark Kristoff, Derek Olson. Hangzhou Dongxing Telecommunication Material Co., Ltd. Tel. 86-15658119369 www.dongxing-al.com Jing@seedwrap.com China Stand 524 Exhibiting: Our company was established in 1992, specializing in researching and producing high quality laminated shielding tapes. We have established a mature market network
and our products are well sold both at home and abroad, such as U.S., U.K., Germany, Italy, Mexico, South Korea and Japan. Personnel. Jing Qian. Heatbath Corporation Tel. 413-452-2000 www.heatbath.com info@heatbath.com USA Stand 900
Exhibiting: Heatbath Corporation supplies a diverse line of cleaning and coating chemistry for the ferrous wire industry. Our product offerings include alkaline cleaners, acid pickling additives, scale conditioners, zinc phosphate conversion coat-
Innovation meets Tradition
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WAI Operations Summit & WIRE EXPO June 8-9, 2016 Uncasville, CT USA booth 503
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MAY 2016 | 65
stainless steel and other exotic alloys. Personnel: Gardner Tripp.
ings, neutralizers and a complete line of reactive and non-reactive lubricants. Heatbath is pleased to introduce Drylube Polydip, a new and innovative polymer topcoat specifically formulated for the most difficult cold heading applications. Visit us to discuss your cleaning house challenges with one of our technical specialists. ISO 9001 certified, Heatbath Corporation is now a proud member of the DuBois chemicals family. Personnel: Dennis Breton, Cheryl Hickman, Jim Reed, Mark Byrnett. HOWAR Equipment Inc. Tel. 905-669-4010 www.howarequipment.com sales@howarequipment.com Canada Stand 210 Exhibiting: HOWAR Equipment will showcase wire and cable manufacturing accessories manufactured by its European represented manufacturers. Displayed products will
IDEAL Welding Systems, L.P. Tel. 815-874-4349 www.idealweld.com ideal@idealweld.com USA Stand 421
include: steel reels, spools, carriers and reel handling equipment; mechanical wire descalers, rotating dies, and scrap wire coilers; plasma wire surface and heat treatment; payoffs, take-ups and tension control equipment; extrusion crossheads, automatic color change systems, extrusion tooling; automatic cable cross-section measurement; and cable wrapping/packaging. HOWAR has over 35 years of industry experience, and is interested in discussing any machinery and application inquiries to provide solutions to practical requirements. Personnel: Willy Hauer, Chris Hauer, Michael Gromko.
Exhibiting: Since 1923, IDEAL has specialized in the manufacturing resistance welding machinery for the wire and sheet metal industries. Our products cover a wide range of applications, such as industrial meshwelders, grating welders, CNC robotic welders, coil joining butt welders, band saw blade welders and automated customized welding solutions. Personnel: Christian Kloeckner, Kevin Davis, Mike Horn.
Quirk Wire duo to go to Wire Expo on a mission walk the floor and talk to folks at the booths.” Quirk Wire Co., Inc., a Massachusetts wire and cable Long and Birch already have a “top 10” list of exhibmanufacturer, best known for its high temperature proditors they want to meet, and that number will probably ucts, has not been able to attend a lot of trade shows, but expand once they are there. He said that he is also willing this year they will be sending a pair of staffers to the WAI to stop at booths of companies he Operations Summit and Wire does not recognize but has read Expo 2016. about. “Even if you just spend Operations Manager Mark a few minutes with people, it’s Long said that he and Materials good to hear what they have to Coordinator Abigail Birch plan say,” he said. to focus on the trade show, as Long said that he and Birch the company is working on plan to play at the Wire & Cable numerous continuous improveManufacturers Alliance Golf ment projects and doing more Tournament that will be held equipment upgrades. on Monday in Wethersfield, “We plan to search for compaConnecticut, the day before the nies that will help Quirk Wire WAI holds its Fundamentals move forward and continue to Course. That timing will make the have a competitive edge in the overall week a memorable event, industry,” he said. The 26-year he said. industry veteran said that he Quirk Wire’s Mark Long and Abby Birch in front The two WAI members will is a believer in attending trade of a portrait of company founders Hoddy and also do a stint manning the New shows, because he appreciates Dee Quirk. the face-to-face conversations. England Chapter booth at the Learning opportunities matter “because nobody knows it show. “My guess is that we will be seeing some of the same people at the golf course, the chapter site and the all,” he observed. “I’m always looking for new innovative show floor. We’re really looking forward to this.” practices to apply at Quirk Wire, and that’s why we will
Exhibiting: Information and literature will be available covering the full range of reels available from Inosym Reels. Inosym is a leading worldwide supplier of plastic and steel reels. For steel reels, Inosym offers semi-machined, dynamically balanced reels; fully machined, dynamically balanced reels; process reels; steel drums; steel shipping drums; etc. For plastic reels, Inosym supplies processing reels, copper wire reels, magnet wire reels, etc. A large range of reel sizes is available. Personnel: Gregory Scher. Kieselstein International GmbH Tel. 260-483-9269 www.wire-machine.com sales@wire-machine.com USA/Germany Stand 521 Exhibiting: Kieselstein, represented in the U.S. by Wire Machine Systems, is a major manufacturer of modern wire drawing and shaving plants, supplying more than 600 customers in 50 countries to date. We are focused on offering tailor-made solutions individually engineered according to our customers’ requests. As a worldwide leader in shaving technology, our substantial know-how in this technology results from the comprehensive R+D activities carried out on our own testing machine located in Chemnitz. The successor to former German brands Herborn+ Breitenbach, SKET Gruena and others, we are able to supply spare parts and modernization services for these machine as well as the complete line of Kieselstein equipment. Personnel: Bo Knueppel, Jay Griffith, Larry Hughbanks. M&M Industries Co., Ltd. Stand 1018
NDC Technologies (Beta LaserMike Products) Tel. 937-233-9935 www.ndc.com/betalasermike sales@betalasermike.com USA Stand 502
Inosym Reels Tel. 908-797-0329 www.inosym.com inosym@inosym.com USA Stand 703
Exhibiting: NDC Technologies will be exhibiting its line of Beta LaserMike precision measurement and control solutions for diameter and ovality, eccentricity, length and speed, lay length, capacitance, preheating, fault detection, structural return loss prediction, excess fiber length, part/sample inspection and automated cable testing. New solutions for 2016 include the industry’s only AccuScan 6000 Series four-axis diameter and ovality gauges with ultra-fast scan rate (9600 scans/ sec), highest ovality accuracy (up to 100%), and highest flaw-detection accuracy (25% improvement over 3-axis gauges). Also, the new DCM Model SCS-700 LAN automated cable testing system with high/low-frequency measurement capabilities. Industrial Heater/ Hi-Tech Fabricating Tel. 203-250-0500 tmcgwire@industrialheater.com www.industrialheater.com USA Stand 427 Exhibiting: Industrial Heater Corporation manufactures a wide variety of heaters for industrial processing. We credit our success over the years to our response to customer needs by helping to keep their machines running smoothly and at optimum production level. Included in our product catalog are band heaters, cartridge heaters, immersion heaters, steam generators, inline water and air heaters, nozzle band heaters, ovens and furnaces, radiant heaters, strip heaters, temperature sensors and tubular heaters. Industrial Heater also custom fabricates sheet metal products for the plastics, aerospace, healthcare, and biotech industries.
APRIL 2016 | 67
Magnetic Technologies Ltd Tel. 508-987-3303 www.magnetictech.com sales@magnetictech.com USA Stand 303
Exhibiting: Manufacturer of stock and custom permanent magnetic brakes and accessories for pay-offs and take-ups on stranders, bunchers, twinners and payoffs. Brakes are infinitely adjustable to give extremely accurate tension control & come in numerous sizes to fit customers’ spools & reels. Torque is developed magnetically and will remain the same year after year. Torque range is .11 inch ounces through 140 inch pounds. Single to multi-spool payoff stands are available. Advantages include adjustability, portability and a minimum of floor space. Every brake or clutch is carefully engineered to give exceptional long life, for even the most demanding production standards. Personnel: Howard Schwerdlin. Mikrotek Tel. 91-80-42688999 www.mikrotek.in www.mikrotek.org info@mikrotek.org India Stand 627 Exhibiting: Mikrotek, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, has moved an edge forward to supply dies which exceeds customers’ expectations, thus our name has become synonymous to the art of die making and die technology. We produce quality products to customer requirement, and are a leader in providing enduring services to the customer. We are a modern company with its state-of-the-art machines that perform well designed intricate processes that amaze the world and delight customers. We are world renowned for our transparency in dealings and reliability in producing quality precision drawing dies. We work closely with you and will produce an array of sophisticated products to every nook and corner
in India and important nations of the world. We are interested in serving the U.S. market and would very much appreciate the opportunity to explain to you how we could benefit your business. Personnel: Anitha Kamal.
Pourtier & Setic of America Tel. 336-856-8176 www.pourtier-setic.com pourtier.setic.america@ gaudergroup.com Belgium Stand 103
OMCG North America Inc. Tel. 630-860-1016 www.omcg.com b.sears@omcg.com USA Stand 519
Exhibiting: OMCG NA, the North American business of Italy’s OMCG SpA, supplies cutting-edge bending technology. One example is the company’s MINI CNC wire forming machine, integrated with a robot. It features simple tooling and three-to-six bend radii capability plus generation for rings and large radii. Wire sizes can range from 1 to 6 mm, and other models handle wire up to .625 in. Machines have off-site diagnostic modems. Programming is very easy: the EZ program, which writes the program to make the part, draws it on screen, simulates the forming on screen prior to production and estimates the time to complete production. Design the part on CAD and download the DXF or STEP file and the EZ program will convert to the program and you can make the part. Another program method allows part coordinates to be entered as length, bend angle and orientation of angle of the part, then the program creates the bending program that controls the machine production. For high production speeds, OMCG makes CNC slide-forming machines along with their Multi-slide forming machines that allow some parts to be made at 300 parts per minute. The vertical Multi-slide line has press capacities of 20, 30, 40, 60 tons. Stop by our booth to find out more. Personnel: Bob Sears.
Exhibiting: For more than two decades, Gauder Group, Inc., the North American representative of the Gauder Group, based in Greensboro, North Carolina, has been serving the wire and cable industry to locally support the group’s machine and services range. For easy customer access and to enable the exhibition of a multipurpose single-twist machine for the production of special and power cables, all members and brands are gathered on the same enlarged stand (area more than doubled). Group members include: POURTIER of America (rotating machines); SETIC of America (rotating machines); GAUDER (second-hand machines); DALOO (medium-cost rotating machines); C2S (cable services and systems for all brands); and Bow Technology (bows for all brand). Personnel: Roger L. Brown. Properzi International, Inc. Tel. 443-212-4320 www.properzi.com g.marcantoni@properzi.us USA Stand 915
Exhibiting: Continuus-Properzi invented the process of continuously casting and rolling nonferrous rod in the 1940s. Today, it is a global leader of CCR lines for nonferrous wire rod production offering a complete
line of furnaces, casting equipment, rolling equipment and double spoolers. The Properzi organization provides unparalleled technology for the production of aluminum and copper wire rod. Our Wire Machinery Division includes newly designed drawing lines for high carbon, stainless steel, AS wire and PC strand lines, PC wire lines, and steel rope lines. We have added continuous extrusion machinery to our product offering. It will be marketed as “Pro-Form” which stands for Properzi forming. Visit us at www.properzi.com or contact hq@properzi.it for more detailed information regarding our complete product offering.
time, improve serviceability, reduce maintenance, and increase energy efficiency. Stop by our booth to see what we have to offer in providing control solutions that drive your profits. While visiting, you’ll also be able to experience how you can ride the wave to success with ProControl™; our interactive Touch Screen based machine control system. Personnel: John Brunelle Steve Pinelli. Radcliff Wire, Inc. Tel. 860-583-1305, ext. 120 www.radcliffwire.com skirkpatrick@radcliffwire.com USA Stand 1026
ProSystems Integration LLC Tel. 401-377-8500 www.prosystemsllc.com sales@prosystemsllc.com USA Stand 822 Exhibiting: ProSystems Integration™ provides a full range of custom engineered control solutions aimed to enhance control accuracy, increase up
Exhibiting: Radcliff Wire, a world leader in the manufacturing of quality precision shaped and round wire, specializes in wire made of beryllium copper, brass, phosphor bronze, nickel-silver, copper, stainless steel, carbon steel and high nickel alloys. We provide wire for applications in the military hardware, aerospace, electronics, medical, telecommunications, automotive, computer hardware and consumer products industries. Personnel: Charlie Radcliff, Scott Kirkpatrick. Reel Options by Vandor Corporation Tel. 765-966-7676 www.reeloptions.com sales@reeloptions.com USA Stand 618 Exhibiting: Reel Options, by Vandor Corporation, is a leading manufacturer of plastic reels and flanges. Industry applications include wire, communications cable, tube and hose, rope, boxed reels, electrical connectors and fiber optics. Our manufacturing capabilities include plastic injection molding,
RADCLIFF WIRE, INC., USA Booth #1026 / skirkpatrick@radcliffwire.com, www.radcliffwire.com Reps.: Charlie Radcliff, president & Scott Kirkpatrick,VP sales & marketing Description: Radcliff Wire, Inc., a world leader in the manufacturing of quality precision shaped and round wire, specializes in wire made of beryllium copper, brass, phosphor bronze, nickel-silver, copper, stainless steel, carbon steel and high nickel alloys. We provide wire for applications in the military hardware, aerospace, electronics, medical, telecommunications, automotive, computer hardware and consumer products industries. WJI: It's been a long time: why will you again exhibit at Wire Expo? Kirkpatrick: We are exhibiting at Wire Expo for the first time in many years because of our extended capabilities and the location of the show. Connecticut is the industrial center where many of our customers and prospects are located. We service the area’s spring manufacturers, its firearm producers, its medical device companies, and its electronics industries.
WJI: What type(s) of innovation do you plan to present at the event? Kirkpatrick: We have added capabilities, including innovative techniques in rolling and drawing wire. Examples of our new products include a special “gear wire,” a square wire with teeth that can integrate with a gear, used in a medical application. Another example is a close tolerance special shaped wire used as a locking tab around every rivet that connects the skin of an aircraft to its frame. We
produce a special wire that is used as a mandrel in making medical tubing. WJI: Why should attendees want to stop by your booth? Kirkpatrick: We have a new booth that will give most attendees a better look at what we produce. We can show them wire sections under a digital microscope that may help designers engineer better products. Attendees will be able to see, touch and feel actual wire shapes up close.
Refractron Tel. 315-331-6222 www.refractron.com sales@refractron.com USA Stand 1011
tron’s powder processing expertise and proprietary firing cycle allows our engineers and scientists to ensure Izory® has the best material properties including surface finish specifications and critical dimensions that are necessary to make the best wire at the lowest cost. Please visit us at Stand 1011, where we will feature Izory products such as rod rings, step cones, multi-wire rolls, spooler guides, enameling dies, annealer pulleys, air wipes and eyelets. Personnel: Jennifer Catone, Anthony Natale.
Exhibiting: The Gauder Group, Inc., markets its SETIC product line as “SETIC of America.” The range includes double-twist bunchers/cablers for low- and medium-voltage power cable and automotive industry as well as a complete range of machines for producing all types of data and special cable with enhanced performances. SETIC now offers small single-twist cablers/stranders and large double-twist stranders/cablers. SETIC, combined with POURTIER (also a member of the Gauder Group), is s worldwide leader in rotating machines for nonferrous cable, offering the widest range of twisting/stranding solutions to cable makers.
SETIC of America Tel. 336-856-8176 ggi@gaudergroup.com www.gaudergroup.com USA/Belgium Stand 103
Shanghai Morn Electric Equipment Co., Ltd. Tel. 82-2154-0722 www.mornelectric.com quanl@mornelectric.com China Stand 526 Exhibiting: Shanghai Morn Electric Equipment Co., Ltd., is a joint-stock enterprise specialized in design, production and sales of special cables,
Exhibiting: Are you making as much ® wire as possible? Izory is designed to keep you running and demanded by the most recognizable names in wire manufacturing. Our U.S. factory is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Refrac-
UNWAVERING CONFIDENCE FOERSTER’s rugged testing systems are ideal for testing Hot Wire in Rolling Mills, Copper rod in Cast & Roll Mills, and Tungsten/Molybdenum Fine Wire in Drawing Lines. They are world renowned as being the industry leader with the highest quality results. Utilizing eddy current technology, FOERSTER manufacturers cutting edge non-destructive testing (NDT) equipment designed to be incorporated into your current production line. Contact a FOERSTER representative today to design your specifically customized wire testing system.
Visit Us at WIRE EXPO Booths 605/607
MAY 2016 | 71
CNC plywood cutting, plastic extruded cores, precision core cutting and precision die cutting. Our assembly capabilities feature STAPLED, DEAD~BOLT®, SPIN~WELD and DUO~SOLVE. We also custom design reels to customer specifications. Personnel: Mark Elder, Rick Brown, Adrienne Cowen.
located in the Eastern of Zhangjiang Hi-tech Industrial Area in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, which keeps changing at an amazing speed and the company enjoys a superior geographic location with easy traffic. The company is the National Key hightech enterprise, the leading enterprise of special cable, a member of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, Shanghai Electric Wire & Cable Industry Association, a AAA grade trustworthy business, a small giant enterprise of Shanghai Science and Technology, a Shanghai patient pilot enterprise. Personnel. Quan Lei. Southeastern Felt & Supply Corporation Tel. 704-782-7952 www.sefelt.com info@sefelt.com USA Booth 429 Exhibiting: Southeastern Felt is a supplier of industrial felts and fabrics and a manufacturer of textile components for a variety of industries. August Strecker GmbH Tel. 203-481-5555 www.streckerusa.com sales@strecker-limburg.de Germany Stand 503
Exhibiting: For over 75 years, August Strecker KG has been a specialist in the development and production of butt welding machines for almost any application in the wire and cable industry. Our product range includes machines for butt welding solid wires, flat conductors, rings, chain links, stranded wires and conductors as well as special parts: mechanical butt welding machines for the wire industry; pneumatic butt welding machines for the wire and cable industry in the areas of individual part manufacturing and of series production of special parts; hydraulic butt welding machines with automatic deflashing for the wire and cable industry as well as for special applications which make very high demands on weld quality 72 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
and reproducibility; stranded wire welding machines and tongs for the cable industry; steel cable welding machines for the steel cable production or processing industries; steel cord welding machines and tongs for automotive tire manufacturers; cold welding machines for the wire industry; and special machines as well as customer-specific solutions Personnel: Michael Stock. T & T Marketing, Inc. Tel. 800-608-1577 www.ttmarketinginc.com info@ttmarketinginc.com USA Stand 709
Exhibiting: T & T Marketing is a single source distributor to wire and cable manufacturers. Besides exhibiting, the company will present a Production Solutions demonstration on Visico™ FR4450 from Borealis, the first UL “bulletined” LSZH moisture cure compound for horizontal burn that allows you to run at higher temperatures typical of thermoplastic materials. It will showcase CableArmor 1750, a new thermoplastic, non-halogenated, flame resistant, polyolefin jacketing compound from ECC, and cables jacketed with this LSZH compound are recognized for excellent balance of toughness, flame resistance and processability. Also, UNLITE filling, from UNIGEL, a water-blocking gel that offers enhanced electrical performance for OSP and I/O copper cables, as well as fiber optic cables. T & T’s product range also includes PVC, Polyethylene, TPU, TPE, Santoprene™, fluoropolymers, EVA, CPE, flooding and filling water-blocking compounds, EPDM, tapes, copper conductors, LSZH compounds, and nylon. It reps: AGC, Axiall, Borealis, Electric Cable Compounds, Firestone, Hanwha, Huaxia, Huntsman, Lake Copper Conductors, Santoprene, S&E Specialty Polymers, T & T Compounding, Unigel and Unitape.
Personnel: Barbara Latta, Steve Pinnix, Thorne Bartlett, Tom Jordan, Paul Anselmo, John Accorsi, Mike Roussel, Jess Hoogendoorn. Taymer International, Inc. Tel. 905-479-2614 www.taymer.com info@taymer.com USA Stand 603
Exhibiting: Taymer International has more than 40 years of experience designing and building machines for the wire and cable industry. The SI3100 Surface Inspector detects surface defects 360 degrees around your cable surface and also provides dimensional measurements for lines up to 400 meters per minute. The PV1400 Print Verification system will automatically verify the print quality. Taymer’s Hot Foil Printers are used in the wire and cable industry to produce a clear, bright legend with a very accurate sequential cable length measurement mark in meters or feet.taymer.com At Wire Expo, the company will display the Surface Inspector SI3100, which pinpoints surface defects 360 degrees around your cable, recording images and length information to quickly locate and identify potential defects. These systems ensure your product will be of the highest quality, as well as reducing costs. See our website to learn more about Taymer’s products and services. Personnel: Zach Franklin, Oricia Tucci. Vandor Corporation (See Reel Options by Vandor Corp.) Weber & Scher Mfg. Co., Inc. Tel. 908-236-8484 www.webscher.com webscher@webscher.com USA Stand 703 Exhibiting: Weber & Scher, founded in 1915, has specialized for more than 80 years in providing equipment and technology specifically to the global wire and cable industry. It will display information
and literature for the following: Metal tape handling and splicing equipment and longitudinal forming equipment for smooth and corrugated metal tape; core wrap tape handling and applicating equipment; concentric and eccentric binding machines; concentric and tangential taping heads; Kevlar serving equipment; cable core pressure filling and flooding equipment for optical fiber cables and copper telephone cables; metal tape overlap seam bonding systems; multi-position tension controlled supply equipment; high speed rewind/repair equipment; belt wrap type capstans; linear belt type caterpillar capstans; vertical and horizontal cable accumulators; and cable payoffs/take-ups. Finally, detailed information and video on our unique INDUCTOWELD and GATWELD continuous seam welded metal tape sheathing systems for coaxial cables, RF cables, optical fiber cables and power cables. The INDUCTOWELD system features the use of high frequency induction welding technology while the GATWELD system uses a TIG (GTAW) welding process to produce longitudinally seam welded metal tape sheath constructions. Corrugating systems are available to impart either helical or annular corrugations in the metal sheath of both power cables and RF coaxial cables in tandem with the welding operation. Personnel: Gregory Scher. Wire & Cable Manufacturers Alliance Inc. (WCMA) Tel. 860-873-2311 www.wcmainc.org deb@wcmainc.org USA Stand 918 Exhibiting: Corporate membership organization for producers of
Wire World Tel. 519-754-0998 www.wireworld.com info@wireworld.com Canada Stand 1025 Exhibiting: The world’s premier online directory for the wire and cable industry - Welcome to Wireworld. com. You can find weekly industry news, wire and cable events, global industry suppliers, articles and much more. Personnel: Paul Douwes. Witels Albert USA Tel.410-228-8383 www.witels-albert-usa.com info@witels-albert-usa.com USA Stand 503
also have a number of the most popular options available that can be easily installed at a later time. Some new model features include: state-of-the-art use of an aluminum alloy as a one piece body; interlocking bars that hold the straightening rolls for improved accuracy and reduced play; reduced part count for simplified assembly and for future rebuilding with reduces costs; more standard and readily available parts again for reduced costs and availability; quick opening device and roll adjustment on the same side for better operator use; configured for simple assembly for different incoming wire curvatures; and available options that can be ordered with the straightener or can be easily installed at a later date. Witels Albert will also display a new model SPR hand tubing straightener, along with its comprehensive line of straighteners, feeders, guides and related products. Personnel: Bob Flower. Yield Management Corporation Tel. 413-283-7773 www.yieldmanagementcorp.com sales@yieldmanagementcorp.com USA Stand 221
Exhibiting: Witels Albert will display new “next generation” straighteners: the RT and RTS models. These new models will be available in five or seven rolls in any number of planes. They will
Exhibiting: YMC will showcase its line of wire and tape break-detection solutions for cabling and stranding lines. It will provide YMC’s “fail safe” wire break detection retrofit kit for rigid frame cabling and tubular stranding machines. In addition to its quality monitoring products, YMC will present unique shielding and braiding machinery options and spare parts for Wardwell braiders. YMC will be exhibiting a new length measurement product for single and double twist bunching machines. The new product counts and scales sheave rotations after the twist, accurately measuring finished cable length. Personnel: Robert Brown.
MAY 2016 | 73
and liter
electrical and electronic wire and cable, cable users and specifiers, and industry suppliers which hosts the annual Distinguished Career Award, charity golf outing and yearend business luncheon promoting networking for industry executives and management. Personnel: Ed Fenton.
TECHNICAL ECHNIC PAPER Understand flaws in communication cable production thanks to balunless single-ended measurements Manufacturers that need to prepare for the upcoming 40GBase-T application (IEEE 802.3bq) could find that balunless cable measurement technique—often misunderstood— can help them discover potential problems, reduce development time and improve quality. By Peter Fischer
Traditionally, data cables are tested with a balun at each end of the cable. The limited bandwidth was sufficient for lower categories and common and mixed-mode S-parameters not required or difficult to evaluate. See Fig. 1 At higher maximum frequency these parameters get more and more important. According to IEC 61156-5, balance requirements are given only up to 250 MHz because of balun restrictions. In the meantime, the industry rediscovered the symmetry parameters again because a higher
percentage of failures could be traced back to TCL and EL TCTL. Fig. 2 shows an example of an insertion Loss measurement. The most obvious point beside the use of baluns or not is the number of VNA ports which are needed to get the same S-parameter. More ports means also more sweeps leading to a longer test time. Why should balunless testing be preferred? One advantage is that in the same sweep one can get not only the well-known differential-mode Insertion Loss Sdd, but also the common-mode Insertion Loss Scc, the single-ended Insertion Loss S13 and S24 as well as the in pair FEXT S14 and S23.
Theoretical background
Fig. 1. Example of balun testing: insertion loss.
As described by Fan et al1, the key is a conversion of single-ended S-parameters into mixed-mode S-parameters. See Fig. 3. Therefore, the 4-Port device can be mathematically represented by single-ended S-parameters and the waves going into the DUT (a) and the waves which come out of the DUT (b). See Fig. 4. In a similar way the same DUT can be represented as a 2-Port differential device. See Fig. 5. A mixed-mode S-matrix can be organized
Fig. 3. Four-port device (single-ended).
Fig. 2. Example of balunless testing: insertion loss. 74 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Fig. 4. Single-ended matrix representation.
WJI: What are the main advantages of balunless testing? Fischer: Balunless testing allows a better understanding of cable behavior. Using baluns, a cable manufacturer is restricted to differential mode parameters in automatic test equipment. The balun method is economically adapted to inspect Cat. 5, 6, 6A, 7, and 7A cables. This method extends to Cat. 8 cables, and clears the way for new opportunities in the development of new cable types, short cables, patch cords, etc. With balunless measurement technique, both mixed mode (like TCL and ELTCTL) and common mode parameters can be easily measured, and the full cable performance evaluated on single wires. This powerful tool allows root cause analysis in communication cable production and corresponding corrective actions can be quickly taken to reduce scrap. This paper illustrates three examples on how to investigate the cable performance based on single-ended
parameters. The complete measurement process is done with an intuitive software User Interface (UI) (math calculations by SW), with results customizable for reports. WJI: What's the big advantage? Fischer: Balunless testing provides the full dynamic range of the VNA to the user, without the baluns transfer function limitations at low or high frequencies. By impedance transformation, cables with different impedances can be tested. With access to single-ended measurements, more parameters can be evaluated, such as in-pair skew or EMC parameters. WJI: Why are mode conversion and common mode more important at higher frequencies? Fischer: Relevance of mode conversion parameters has been acknowledged for quite some time, although not seriously taken into consideration as other parameters showed more severe issues. With the
similarly to the single-ended S-matrix. See Fig. 6. Comparing both cases, single-ended and mixed-mode, the mathematical correlation for each mixed-mode S-parameter can be found and explained by a combination of 4 single-ended S-parameters. The resulting mixed-mode S-matrix is consisting of differential-mode to differential-mode (yellow), common-mode to common-mode (green) and mixed-mode
demand for higher data rates and thus a sharp increase in the frequency bandwidth, mode Fischer conversion quickly became of paramount importance. Additionally, common mode parameters cannot be ignored given that a bad matching leads to additional reflections. The common mode signal can be converted back into a differential signal thus increasing the noise level in a transmission channel. In the latest application standard for 40GBase-T (IEEE802.3bq), requirements are not defined for mixed mode parameters but required in cable specifications like IEC 611569/-10 and ANSI/TIA 568-C.2-1. Questions for the author? Send to pfischer@aesa-cortalloid.com.
(common-mode to differential-mode (blue) and differential-mode to common-mode (pink)) S-parameters. See Fig. 7. Fig. 8 includes a formula that covers the above. The transformation matrix is the base of the following discussion and analyses. The explanation for this formula and some others will be provided with examples. Eq. 1
Fig. 5. 2-Port differential device (mixed-mode).
Fig. 6. 2-Port differential matrix representation.
Fig. 7. Mixed-mode matrix. MAY 2016 | 75
What’s noteworthy in this paper
Fig. 8. Transformation matrix between single-ended S-parameters and mixed-mode S-parameters.
Case 1: Low Return loss As shown in Fig. 8, the RL @ Port 1 is represented by Eq. 1. Fig. 9 presents an example of RL measurement as it can be taken also with baluns. The measurement shows a Pass with a marginal margin of 0.2 dB. For a cable manufacturer that can be okay, but he probably was lucky to get a Pass. For balun testing the story ends here. It is not possible to further evaluate the cause of the marginal measurement. With the ability of balunless testing the cable manufacturer has much more opportunities to go deeper into single-ended measurements. From the given formula for Return Loss we can find the 4 single-ended S-parameters. S11 and S33 are the single-ended Return Loss measurements of “a” wire and “b” wire of the pair. S13 and S31 are the crosstalk measurements from “a” wire to “b” wire and from “b” wire to “a” wire. See Figs. 10 and 11.
Fig. 9. Return Loss measurement of near end pair 2.
Fig 10. Single-ended NEXT measurements S13 and S31. 76 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
The overlay of the single-ended NEXT measurements S13 and S31 shows no noteworthy deviation over the whole frequency range. In contrast the single-ended RL measurements S11 and S33 show diverting values at 100 MHz and above. These differences are causing the poor RL performance of near end. In this specific case wire “b” is worse than wire “a.” As noted above, there are even more opportunities with single-ended measurements. It is possible to compare the impedances of each wire. See Fig. 12. The final conclusion with access to single-ended S-parameters has imposed itself. The increasing impedance of wire “b” causes a bad single-ended RL performance which results in a bad differential-mode RL. The access to single-ended S-parameters revealed the cause of poor performance which would stay completely hidden with balun based measurement technology.
Fig 11. Single-ended RL measurements S11 and S33.
Fig 12. Increasing impedance wire “b.”
If one considers the above transformation matrix, it is possible to find TCL (Scd11) by Eq. 2. Eq. 2 Fig. 13 shows a well-known artifact in data cables, a peak in TCL. Today’s balun-based test equipment rarely provides access to the center tap. This is caused by worse performance of the balun itself, if this access is provided. Normally, additional test equipment is required to do symmetry measurements. See Fig. 13. Here, one must end with balun measurements. There is no way to find out what the cause of this peak is. Only single-ended measurements can provide the needed answers. Eq. 2 shows that the same S-parameters as for Return Loss are required. Only the algebraic signs are exchanged. The comparison of the single-ended NEXT measurements S13 and S31 and the single-ended RL measurements S11 and S33 will give some further hints. See Fig 14. The overlay of both single-ended NEXT graphs shows a very similar behavior in the frequency range near the peak which is at 210 MHz. See Fig. 15. Single-ended RL shows a completely different picture. The differences are increasing between the 2 graphs at 200 MHz and result finally in two peaks in opposite direction at the frequency of the TCL peak. See Fig. 16. As expected, Delta NEXT is very small (much less than 0.1 dB) and can be neglected. Interestingly even on that
level an indicator for a special effect in the cable can be seen as a sharp peak arises at 210 MHz. See Fig. 17. Fig. 17 shows single-ended measurements, a huge peak in Delta RL that is close to 10 dB, that can be found at 210 MHz, exactly the frequency where one would also find the peak in TCL. This could be considered as the final cause of the peak but for balunless testing and single-ended measurements still more information can be accessed. See Figs. 18 and 19. If one has the single-ended RL values, it is a short way to get the single-ended impedance of each wire. At the critical frequency of 210 MHz wire “a” forms a peak down as wire “b” goes directly in the opposite direction. This can be expected from the single-ended RL measurement but it is not clear which wire shows a higher impedance and which one a lower impedance. This behavior can now be interpreted. As well known, higher impedance means more distance between two electrical conductors, here represented by the wire and the pair foil. Vice versa, lower impedance means less distance between the wire and the foil. Finally it can be concluded that the mechanical structure of the pair is regularly, here approximately every meter, distorted during the production process in the wire extruder or afterwards during the stranding. Eq. 3 The sharp peak indicates that the mechanical problem is very stable, repeatable and probably easy to locate, e.g. related to the diameter of a pulley.
Fig 15. Single-ended RL measurements S11 and S31. Fig 13. TCL measurement far end.
Fig 14. Single-ended NEXT measurements S13 and S31.
Fig 16. Difference of S13 and S31. MAY 2016 | 77
Case 2: Failing TCL
TECHNICAL PAPER Case 3: IL ringing IL ringing is defined here as the percentage of deviation between IL measured and IL limit. Instead of a smooth line one finds oscillating values. See Fig. 20. If one remembers the transformation matrix, it can be found for IL (Sdd21) with Eq. 3. The cause of IL ringing must be found in the single-ended S-parameters above, which are the Insertion Loss of wire “a” and wire “b”, S21 and S43 respectively and inter pair FEXT S23 and S41. Inter pair FEXT is the signal which is sent in at “a” wire and is received at “b” wire at the far end of the cable. See Fig. 21. All single-ended S-parameters have already some smooth waves but this is not the cause of IL ringing. To understand
the IL ringing we have to compare the differences between IL of “a” wire and “b” wire respectively the difference of inter pair FEXT. Fig. 22 shows that the differences are in a similar range of a few hundredth of dB. In this case, one has to compare the absolute levels of single-ended IL and FEXT. The single-ended IL is close to the IL values of the cable, here between -2 dB and -6 dB for frequencies below 10 MHz. The FEXT values are much smaller, here between -30 dB and -16 dB for the same frequency range. In absolute values, IL is higher than FEXT and has because of that a higher influence. See Fig. 23. Are these values bad? What kind of values can be expected? Here the VNA specification can help. Each analysis is specified on transmission uncertainty. This value is typically between 0.02 dB and 0.05 dB. Both values are clearly below the analyzer specification. From that perspective we can consider the values as good and following this, the residual IL ringing is caused by the uncertainty of the used test equipment itself. See Fig. 24. As additional information one can study the overlay of all graphs, the 4 single-ended measurements (blue and green)
Fig 17. Difference of S11 and S33.
Fig 20. IL ringing at low frequencies.
Fig 18. Single-ended Impedance of wire “a”.
Fig 21. Single-ended IL and FEXT at low frequencies.
Fig 19. Single-ended Impedance of wire “b.” 78 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Fig 22. Delta IL end Delta FEXT.
Fig 23. Single-ended IL and FEXT and differential IL. and the resulting differential IL (red). Compared to the single-ended S-parameters differential IL is very smooth. Because of the differential data transmission it does not matter if the signals are received on the same wire of the pair or not. But if one has a look Fig 24. AESA Cobalt measurat the graph, then it can ing system. be seen that for most frequencies, the signal is received on the other wire at far end.
Conclusion The new opportunities as presented in this paper open a door for better understanding of data cable manufacturing and provide insights about how single-ended S-parameters can be used to understand weaknesses of cables better. All shown measurements in this document are done with an AESA Cobalt system shown in Fig. 24. It is fully automated balunless test equipment which fulfills the requirements of TIA°1183 and the upcoming TIA°1183-1 to test Cat. 8 cables and beyond. Balunless testing is a great tool because it allows to access data from each single wire and how they are interacting in the pair. This technology allows analyzing the cable also during production and sort out low performing pairs to reduce scrap and waste of material. In such a way of thinking it helps to reduce development cost and reaction time, check and improve the quality during each production step and improve the factory’s efficiency. Thanks to such analysis a cable manufacturer can understand and control his production better and find weak points much faster. As proven by many papers, mathematical superposition of single-ended S-Parameters is very accurate. Additionally to the well-known differential S-parameters we get also mixed-mode and common-mode S-parameters which are based on the same single-ended measurements but distinguished by the algebraic signs in the formula.
Name Cable under Test Device under Test Equal Level Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss Insertion Loss Near End Crosstalk Far End Crosstalk Return Loss
References 1. W. L. Fan, A.C.W. Wai and B.K. Lok, 2003, “MixedMode S-Parameter Characterisation of Differential Structures,” Electronics Packaging Technology, 2003 5th Conference (EPTC 2003), STR/04/011/JT. 2. D. Schweizer, 2011, “Termination Strategy in Differential Measurements,” as presented to Swiss National committees of TC46 and TC48.
Peter Fischer joined AESA SA in 2014 as R&D Project Manager. He holds a degree in electrical engineering from Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). He has published term and thesis papers about radio frequency technology that include Fischer “900 MHz synthesizer and modulator” and “Wideband monitoring receiver.” He previously worked six years in the radio frequency lab, part of the development support department, at Reichle & De-Massari AG in Wetzikon, Switzerland. He is a member of IEC TC46, TC48 and CENELEC TC46X standardization committees and their working groups, focused on data cables and test methods as balunless testing. He holds a patent of a balunless adaptation for data cables. This paper, which was presented at Interwire 2015, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 2015, won the award for best electrical paper.
MAY 2016 | 79
TECHNICAL ECHNIC PAPER Heat resistant color coatings for a new generation of spring wires The performance of a new range of zinc-aluminum coated steel wires for critical spring applications has been found to be remarkably good, enough to open up the possibility of eliminating a post-coating step. By Filip Verhoeve, Vincent Vermeersch, Peter Persoone and Walther Van Raemdonck
Bekaert recently developed a new generation of zincaluminum-coated spring wire for high end, dimensionally critical springs. Two types of wire have been developed. Bezinal® XC1,3,4 is a wire that not only has a superior corrosion resistance and cathodic protection compared with present qualities, it excels in spring-making process ability with a superior dimensional stability.
Additional advantages are reduced flaking—which boosts the output of the spring making machines by less interruptions—and lower spring-rejection rates, which allows for higher speeds. The key factor responsible for this behavior is the combination of a reduced coating thickness with an adapted chemical composition of the coating. In cases where corrosion is the main cause of premature failures, another variant, Bezinal® XP2,4 coated wire was developed. This product—which has the same coating composition, but with a higher coat weight— allows springs to be used in humid and alkaline environments, such as automotive and industrial springs. Figs. 1-3 illustrate the performance of the respective Bezinal® generations (Bezinal, Bezinal XC and Bezinal XP) versus bright (i.e. phosphated) and zinc-coated wires and springs in typical salt spray and humidity testing conditions. Salt spray testing is done according to ASTM B117 on wires (diameters ranging from 1.2 to 5 mm) and springs (diameter Fig. 1. Salt spray test (ASTM B117) on wires and springs. of 10xD and pitch of 1xD). The humidity chamber tests are performed according to ISO6270-2, again on wires (1.2 to 5 mm) and springs (diameter of 10xD and pitch of 1xD). Fig. 1 clearly shows that the superior salt spray test performance (# hours until 5% Dark Brown Rust) is not only observed on wire level but also on spring level. Fig. 2 reveals the same ranking but for humidity testing (# hours until 100% white rust). Fig. 3 shows the average standard deviation of the spring length per 1,000 springs, and reveals the similar dimensional consistency of springs made of Bezinal XC as for springs made of phosphated wire. Fig. 2. Humidity chamber test (ISO6270-2) on wires and springs. 80 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
WJI: What's the most important part of the advance you discuss in this paper? Vermeersch: A new coating portfolio was developed to enable high-end performance for several spring wire applications. Fit-for use solutions can be selected in terms of improved coilability with reduced flaking (Bezinal® XC), extended (dark brown rust) corrosion resistance in harsh environments (Bezinal® XP) and optimized white rust resistance in combination with coloring options (hybrid polymer coating). WJI: Were you surprised by any of your findings? Vermeersch: Based on the longterm experience in coated spring wires, several, recurring issues put
forward by spring making customers are tackled using these products. Since spring coilibility is directly related to wire diameter stability, achieving precise and stable control of applying a narrow coating thickness onto our high-end spring wires was the key to our solution. By introducing a new coating composition, these thin coatings can still benefit from increased corrosion lifetime in demanding applications as confirmed by a prolonged saltspray performance. WJI: Can you update how this new spring wire is being accepted? Vermeersch: The general acceptance of the new coatings is very positive. Lead customers report that lower rejection rates and reduced flaking have increased their pro-
duction efficiency enormously. Also special geometries that were hard to coil now become smoother to Vermeersch process. The result of the spring forming has no negative impact on surface aspect, nor does it reduce the corrosion performance of the spring, even after stress relieving is applied. Have a question for the authors? Contact Vincent Vermeersch by e-mail at vincent.vermeersch@bekaert.com
Hybrid polymer coating
Application of the hybrid polymer coating
For critical corrosion applications, where the aesthetic properties of the springs are crucial and/or white rust formation has to be avoided, springs are typically either post-coated or made of stainless steel wires. It is clear that these solutions tend to be expensive for the end customer. Even in specific cases a stainless solution is over-engineered as no better alternative is available today. For this reason, Bekaert is developing a cost competitive “hybrid polymer coating”5 for its Bezinal wire family that can make the post coating step on springs redundant.
The hybrid polymer coating is applied onto Bezinal wires by means of spraying a wet epoxy coating system on a moving wire followed by in-line curing. Via this process, a thin (typically less than 8µm) protective coating with very high centricity is formed on the surface of the Bezinal wire. Coating centricity is determined via optical microscopy on a cross section of a (hybrid polymer coated) wire as depicted in Fig. 4. The coating thickness is measured in eight locations (W, NW, N, NE, E, SE, S and SW) along the outer perimeter of the coated wire. The coating centricity is defined as the ratio of maximum thickness to
Fig. 3. Coilability test - average standard deviation of the spring lengths. MAY 2016 | 81
What’s noteworthy in this paper
Fig. 4. Centricity of the hybrid polymer coating. Fig. 6. Colored hybrid polymer-coated spring wire.
Fig. 5. Process robustness (diameter variation).
Fig. 7. Pre-coated black springs.
minimum thickness and is typically higher than 70% for the hybrid polymer coated Bezinal wires. The process robustness on the pilot installation can be seen in Fig. 5 where the coated wire diameter variation is shown over a length of more than 3 km. The coated wire diameter was determined in-line with the spraying and curing process via a laser shadow measurement and showed little variation. The uncoated Bezinal wire diameter in Fig. 5 is 1.608 mm and the coated wire diameter is, on average, 1.619 mm, hence the hybrid polymer coating thickness is ~5.5 µm. By adding different color pigments to the wet coating system, the color of the hybrid polymer coating can easily be changed, e.g. from black to a whole range of colors and even to transparent. Fig. 6 shows a number of colored wires as an example.
field test customers is positive and very promising. The coiling process with this new coated wire yielded springs with consistent spring dimensions.
Coiling and stress relieving Springs with a diameter of 10xD and pitch of 3xD were made from a 1.6 mm diameter black hybrid polymer-coated Bezinal wire. After coiling, the springs were subjected to severe stress-relieving conditions (i.e. 30 min at 250°C). The hybrid polymer coating survived both the coiling process and the stress relieving, as can be seen in Fig. 7, where springs made from the 1.6 mm black hybrid polymer-coated Bezinal wire are shown. Initial feedback from
Corrosion results – white rust protection From Fig. 2, it is clear that Bezinal wires and springs (Bezinal, Bezinal XC and Bezinal XP) are completely covered with white rust after 20 to max 120 hours exposure to the humidity chamber environment. The hybrid polymer-coated wires and springs, however, showed no white rust degradation after 1.5 years (i.e. more than 14,000 hours) under the same test conditions. It shows clearly that the test conditions of the humidity chamber (ISO6270-2, i.e. 35°C and 100% relative humidity) are not severe enough for the hybrid polymer-coated wires and springs. For that reason, a more aggressive accelerated test was used to induce white rust formation, namely the salt spray test (ASTM B117) that is typically used for analyzing dark brown rust formation on zinc coated or Bezinal -coated, carbon steel wires (i.e. analyzing the onset of corrosion of the steel wire). The results of the salt spray test on the black hybrid polymer-coated Bezinal wires and springs can be seen in Fig. 8. The reference Bezinal wire lasts only 8 hours, i.e. is fully covered with white rust after 8 hours. The black hybrid polymer-coated wires and (stress-relieved) springs,
Conclusions A new hybrid polymer coating for Bezinal spring wire with very promising corrosion resistance (i.e. resistance against white rust formation) and heat resistance properties was introduced. This new hybrid polymer coating has the potential to replace the post coating step of springs used in many corrosion critical applications. The product is still in development stage and further exploration to Fig. 8. Salt spray test (ASTM B117) on black hybrid-coated wires and springs. broaden the diameter range and application field is still ongoing. However, chure, www.bekaert.com the first results and initial feedback from the market are 3. S. De Craemer. “Next Generation of Pre-Coated very promising. Spring Wires,” Wire Forming Technology International, winter 2015, p. 55. References 4. F. Verhoeve, “Bezinal® XC and Bezinal® XP coated 1. F. Verhoeve, “Bezinal® XC coated wire for high-end, wire. Improved coilability and corrosion resistance for critical springs,” Commercial brochure, www.bekaert.com critical spring applications,” IST Conference, Leamington 2. F. Verhoeve, “Bezinal® XP coated wire for reliable, Spa, U.K; September 2015. superior corrosion resistant springs,” Commercial bro5. P. Persoone, et al., patent pending.
At the time this paper was written, Filip Verhoeve was global market manager special steel wire at NV Bekaert SA, Zwevegem, Belgium. He wasresponsible for Bekaert’s spring wire research, technology, and product and market development activities worldwide. Since 2003, he has been involved in the marketing and development of high-carbon and stainless special steel wires. Dr. Vincent Vermeersch is R&D project manager in advanced coating technology at the Bekaert Technology Center. He joined Bekaert in 2001 after graduating from the University of Ghent with a Ph.D. degree in organic polymer chemistry. Peter Persoone is R&D project manager advanced coating technology and team leader of the new coating technologies team of the Bekaert Technology Center. He earned a PhD degree in material science from the University of Ghent, and in 1995 he joined Bekaert where he has worked in various R&D positions. His field of expertise spans multiple coating and cleaning technologies, such as vacuum deposition (PVD and CVD), atmospheric plasma processes, radiation curable coatings and wet chemical coatings. Walther Van Raemdonck has been senior process technology manager of wire products at the Technology Center of NV Bekaert SA since 2013. He joined the company in 1986 and has since been involved in numerous product and process development projects. He earned a Ph.D. degree in metallurgy and applied materials science from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. This paper, which was presented at the 7th biennial CabWire World Conference, DÜsseldorf, Germany, November 2015, won the WAI award for best ferrous paper.
MAY 2016 | 83
on the other hand, provide protection against 100% white rust formation for 700 to 1000 hours.
PRODUCTS & MEDIA TECHNOLOGY Crosshead features co-extrusion design Guill Tool & Engineering has introduced the Series 725, a co-extrusion crosshead design for tray cable applications that offers machine builders and end users many advantages, including the patented Guill Seal Right system of self-aligning tapered deflector and body design. A press release said that the Series 725, made with all stainless steel construction, was developed by Guill, in partnership with a customer, to convert a production line from a Tandem line with two heads a distance apart into a co-extrusion line with a single head applying both layers of PVC in a single operation. The efficiency and improved profit potential from such a configuration is substantial, it reports. The release said that other end user benefits of this new co-extrusion crosshead include a considerably shorter changeover time (one head is better than two, in this case), less scrap with a single head setup, improved product quality from the increased adhesion between layers, as melt adheres to melt rather than extrudate, plus the inner layer is not exposed to the environment, allowing contaminates between the layers. Other features include multi-port spiral flow, easy disassembly and restart, positive seals for leak elimination, adaptable to all extruder brands, max. thru-core of 1.750 in. and max. die ID of 2.000 in., first layer fixed and second adjustable, the patented Guill Feather Touch concentricity adjustment, vacuum port and the ability to accept two extruders from the same side via the heated manifold assembly. Contact: Bill Conley, Guill Tool & Engineering, tel. 401-828-7600, www.guill.com.
Optical fiber cable is described as good for both indoors and outdoors Superior Essex has introduced its EnduraLite™ Indoor/ Outdoor Loose Tube optical fiber cable, which it notes is a robust and flexible cable that it describes as uniquely designed to handle tough weather conditions. A press release said that the cable is ideal for applications that require a transition of optical fiber between
indoor and outdoor environments. EnduraLite improves on existing I/O fiber cable designs by offering increased environmental protection and dry water-blocking elements, as well as easier handling and installation. EnduraLite cables are available in plenum and riser-rated designs, and
meet all ICEA 696 requirements. “For customers needing small, but extremely durable, weather resistant cables for applications that run through both premises and OSP environments, these new cables fit the bill.” The cable, available in plenum and riser-rated single and multi-unit designs, consists of one or several 3 mm subunits stranded around a central strength element, the release said. Each subunit has the latest in dry water-blocking technology, which eliminates the need to clean off the traditional gel-based water-blocking compounds, and is surrounded by aramid yarns, allowing the subunit to be crimped directly onto an MTP® or MPO connector. The subunits are stranded around a central strength element that is both sturdy and flexible, and jacketed in either PVC for the riser design or PVDF for the plenum design. PVDF is naturally sunlight and moisture resistant, offering additional protection from sun exposure and water ingress. With its smooth surface and proportionately low coefficient of friction, PVDF jacketing is easier to handle and pull, reducing the time and labor required for installation. Plenum designs with PVDF jacketing are available in multiple color options. Both the plenum and riser designs are UL Listed Sunlight Resistant. Contact: Superior Essex, tel. 770-657-6000, www.superioressex.com.
New wires introduced at wire 2016 At wire Dusseldorf, Germany’s Isabellenhütte Heusler GmbH & Co. KG introduced new developments to the company’s line of ISA-CON® wires. A press release said that the ISA-Con line of wires offer good electrical conductivity and high tensile strength. The copper-based alloys come in ISA-CON®414 and ISA-CON®1000 material types. ISA-CON wires are delivered as round and stranded wires with diameters ranging from 0.05 to 0.3 mm. ISA-CON414 wires are also available in rods with diameters ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 mm. Typical fields of application are signal and overhead wires for railways and automotive cables. The designations consist of the brand name and the
us at Wire Expo booth #804
Visit us at Wire Expo booth #202 Visit our stand #711 at Interwire 2015
MAY 2016 | 85
Filtertech, Inc..............................1049 Enkotec Company Inc ..................108 the widely used copper-clad stainless steel wires, which minimum tensile Fine International Corporation .....332 Enshang Machinery achieve 40% IACS. strength (TS) in MPa. Enterprise Co Ltd.......................666 Wires made of bothFinoptics materialsInc are...............................1801 able to intercept high Both alloys have a ER-Bakir Elektrolitiktensile Bakir AS ...924 Fiskhave Alloy Inc .............................2140 loads elastically, a high degree of hardness, considerably higher Wire Inc ...............................354 are corrosion resistantFLYMCA and retain&their properties for long TS thanERA copper (200 FLYRO .................1907 periods of use, even at higher temperatures, the release MPa), and the TS of the Ernst Koch GmbH & Co............1358 FMS USA, Inc ..............................618 said. The ability to coat the wires with nickel, tin or silISA-CON1000 wires Esteves Group...............................806 Foerster Instruments Inc ..............1814 ver is also advantageous during certain applications. is considerably higher Etna Products, Inc ......................1706 Forever Cable Materials Contact: Isabellenhütte Heusler GmbH Group & Co...512/03 KG, even than that of wires Euroalpha Srl ................................558 tel. 49-2771/934-9252, uwe.schwarzbach@ made from copper-clad Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc..........1532 isabellenhuette.de, www. isabellenhuette.de. stainlessEurobend steel (Staku), GmbH ........................1058 Fortune Machinery .....................1053 which is around Eurolls Spa....................................858 Fridea Srl ....................................1739 700 MPa. The other Cable designed for media technology EuroWire important property......................................132 is Frigeco USA Inc ........................1739 HELUKABEL USA reports that its latest media technolGeorge Evans Corp ......................711 electrical conductivFrigerio USA Inc ........................1739 ogy cable, the HELUEVENT HYBRID, combines video, ity: for pure EVGcopper, Inc ........................................150 Frontier Composites & Castings audio and electrical components and is highly flexible..215 at it is 58 x 106 S/m, Evolution Products, Inc ................133 the same time. FSP-One ......................................2128 which is equivalent to A press release said Fuhr that the cable’s primary use is for Fabritex, Inc..................................616 100% IACS (InternaGmbH ...................................752 control desks and mixing consoles, but it can also be used tional Annealed Copper Standard). At 90% IACS when Fastener Engineers .....................2056 Gateway Recovery in cameras with multiple outlets. It can be.....................2158 employed in annealed, the ISA-CON 414 material comes very close Fenn LLC....................................1955 Gauder/Gauder Group ..................424 studios, on stages or in building services and safety engito copper. The high-strength material ISA-CON1000, at FIB Belgium SA.........................1358 neering, such as security cameras in trains. The product Gavlick Machinery Corp............1053 60% IACS, is also considerably more conductive than Fil-Tec Inc ..................................1502 Gem Gravure Co Inc ....................706
GENCA .. General C W Gillies Gimax Srl GMP Slov Golden Te Cable Eq Granite Fa Guangzho Insulated Guill Tool Guney Ce Hafner & vom Hage Hall Indus Handuk U Hangzhou Co, Ltd . Hangzhou 217/306/ Hariton M
biggest reported challenge for design engineers was the U.S.-based Carris Reels, Inc., has purchased the high flexibility requirement, which is hard to implement remaining interest in J.many Hamelin Industries, a Canadian in hybrid cables. After tests in HELUKABEL’s rereel company that it has worked closely with sincecomit search and development center, the optimal chemical bought half of business in 2008. bination was finally found allowing the cable to contain all A press release said that addition Hamelin, four cables and maintain a high level of of J. flexibility. which has been serving wire and cable customers throughout Canada and northeast U.S. for 77 years, is a major plus for both companies. “We welcome J. Hamelin to the Carris family, and look forward to future growth and operating at a ‘best of industry’ (level),” said Carris Reels CEO David Ferraro. toHOSN manufacturing J.Dean Hamelin operHELUEVENT HYBRID isreels, halogen-free as well AtInThe theaddition Shanghai booth at Interwire, Zhang, l, as ates an extensive recycling and repair network throughflame-retardant and can therefore be installed in buildchief of North American sales, and Edison Qin, chief of South out Canada, with facilities injacket Quebec, Ontario, ings, the sales, release said. alsoAlberta make American point toSpecial machines soldmaterials to the Americas. and offering and steel reel repair/ the Saskatchewan cable suitable for outdoorwood applications. Additionally, recycling, said release, the following. J. it With is resistant to the oxygen, UV noting and microbes. its specifi c personnel servicing theThe U.S.HELUand Hamelin also has U.S. assembly facilities brands in Marion, LIGHT, HELUSOUND and HELUEVENT offered other markets in the American continent, HOSN is Indiana, and Enfield, In 2010, the compaby HELUKABEL are Connecticut. high-quality, harmonized cable committed to supplying high-efficiency drawing and ny launched significant investment now operates solutions for amedia technology, and canand be delivered from stranding equipment to the wire and cable industry in astock highly and automated wood reel light, plant or efficient custom made. They can benailed used for cabling the Americas. insound St. Jerome. In addition to as automated and camera equipment well as inproduction the fields of At Interwire, HOSN displayed photos of its JLK lines, uniqueand material handling practices haveprocess been surveillance security technology, industrial series rigid stranding machine with bottom loading or and control,yielding pyrotechnics, and power supply. employed, a state-of-the-art facility. side loading system. This unique machine is suitable Contact:said Kevin HELUKABEL USA,Stotland tel. 847-930Ferraro thatSiegel, J. Hamelin CEO Harold for producing large-length, compact/round bare Al/Cu 5118, kevin.siegel@helukabel.com, www.helukabel.com. will remain actively engaged in the organization, both wire, ACSR and aluminum alloy wire. The machine is as a stakeholder in Carris Reels and as vice president of driven by individual motors for the rotating cage and the manufacturing fordereelers three Carris nailed wood manufacReelerspitch and stranding can be adjusted come freely. Another featured turing sites (St. Jerome, Quebec; Enfield, Connecticut; product was an aluminum breakdown machine used for in range of sizes and styles and Madera, California. He noted that Stotland, who drawing aluminum alloy, and all kinds of shaped wires Eraser Company, Inc., offers manual or powered hasThe been active on the Carris Board of Directors for the from 9.5 mm down to 1.8-5.0 mm. Many customers also reelers dereelers a range in of that sizesgoverning and styles role.” to acpast six and years, “will in continue showed strong interests in HOSN’s drum twister which commodate a variety of applications. “Harold and his teams complement our talented is A used forrelease cabling low, medium and ishigh voltagemanual power press said DE600 a versatile employee-owners, as that our the collective experience and will cables and for applying armoring and screening wires. unit. Itwe canare accommodate sizes up toneeds 15-in.for wide, assure meeting ourreel customers’ custom www.hosnglobe.com. 29-in. diameter and weighing up to 200 An adjustable packaging and solutions,” Ferraro said.lb.“This acquisition strengthens our competitive position by expand Visit
Ultimate Automation, Ltd. U.K.
At Interwire, Ultimate Automation displayed the latest version of the company’s ULTIMAT UMW-100, 2D wire forming and welding machine, which incorporates faster drives and control systems. The UMW can be combined with the UCW-100 model to create an integrated forming and welding cell for the production of shelving products. The frames are produced on the UMW-100 and then transferred into the UCW-100, where the frame support/brace wire is fed direct from coil, and welded friction overrunspress whenstations dereeling into theclutch frame.assembly Further prevents options include material. The DE600M is a motorized reeler and forHamelin’s post-forming andStotland, secondary bend headsReels fordereeler. formJ. Harold l, with Carris CEO ItDave can easily reel wire or cable without operator fatigue, ing loops and eyes. Ferraro. or quickly dereel large amounts of wires or cables with ingpulling. our geographic footprint across no The 1/6 HP motor turns the North shaft atAmerica. a constant Hamelin has a RPM track and record delivering speed of 57-1/2 can of handle reels ofvalue material enhancedup packaging programs through innovation weighing to 75 lb. Also included is a handle to allowin process,reeling automation and reel manual and dereeling if tracking desired. systems. We have anAdjustable exciting future as we experience cones and dogleverage allow useour of shared reels with arbor holes from ¾ in. to inner diameter onAs both units. and knowledge to 2-1/8 drivein. profitable growth. part of Contact: The Eraser Company, tel. 800-724-0594, the negotiation, Harold will haveInc., an equity position in info@eraser.com, www.eraser.com. Carris, further aligning our future objectives.” Stotland described the deal as win-win for both parties. “We saw an opportunity Coaxial cable offered to better align our companies to achieve shared growth objectives,” he said. in widerwe range of sizes “Together are stronger and can leverage new opporU.S.-based Alpha Wire recently expanded its coaxial catunities.” bleCarris product line under Essentials product family Reels, basedthe in Alpha Proctor, Vermont, manufacUltimate Automation Sales Director Martin Smith by a to include Micro Coax sizes from 32 AWG to 50 AWG. tures plywood, nailed wood, wood/metal, plastic, and UMW-100 model said that, with the addition of Micro A press release stamped metal reels and spools, with 550 employees in Coax, the company now offers coaxial products 12 locations in Canada, Mexico, andcable the U.S. Ultimat manufactures theAWG. UMWThe 2D new wire Micro forming & ranging from 10 AWG to 50 Coax welding UTWasAutomatic Ring Machines cable linemachines, will be offered standard constructions and General Cable looking lands portion andideal UCW The company hastransmission a machine to are forT-Welders. customers forlargest signal suit everyone’s requirement from the manufacture of options, especially when designs offer limited space for of 3-year Canadian cable contract POP displays, lampshades, supermarket shelvingrange and cable routing.Hydro-Québec They have an operating temperature Canada’s has named General Cable as automotive components, etc. them www.ultimat.com. of -70°C up to 200°C, making ideal for everything its main cable supplier for the next three years, awardfrom endoscopes to an industrial inspection applicaing itmedical a contract valued at estimated $108 million.
us at Wire Expo booth #703
JANUARY 2016 | 11
contains four cables: two HELUKAT 200 cables for data
Carris Reels buyscontrol remaining interest transmission, one JZ-500 cable for power supply, and a 75 Ohm 1.0/4.6 coax cable for the video signal. in Canada’s J. Hamelin Industries The
CHINA tions. The “the growth of any country is possible only if theMicro number Coaxbe of employed persons grows” is satisfied, India will (32 the next territory that we must serve intensivelycables with our equipment and technology. Of course, the basicAWG infra-to 50 AWG) structures are presently not sufficient and not adequate to permit the harmonious growth of this giant. Carmelo will be Maria Brocato, Continuus-Properzi. in-stock in 100 meter put-ups and available for immediate shipChina is and the in most important ping. They can will also remain be offered composite andBRICS bunmember country, despite slowing growth. Brazil is lookdled configurations using the company’s Coast Custom ing more like India, mired in corruption scandals, capabilities that allow a customer to create a customwhile India at this point under a new regime holds the most probe, catheter and ultrasound cable for custom medical or promise. Again, whether the reforms promised by the industrial application. Custom bundled can new government in India leadhybrid to rapid growthcables remains combine multiple size coax cables along with other types to be seen. Russia will continue to have problems and it of conductors or even to carry or liquid. will take several yearslumens to recover fromgas Western-imposed Contact: Alpha Wire, sanctions. Not much haswww.alphawire.com. been heard from South Africa, though it is now officially a member. I think that the BRICS are going continue to to beNFPA relevant. Electrically heated ovento made While the pace of GDP growth may slow for a few years & can process coils dueNEMA to politicalspecs and socio-economic factorslarge or sanctions, etc., these remain temporary roadblocks at that best.its AsNo. 40% U.S.-based Grieve Corporation reports of themodel world’sispopulation resides in these countries, it is 1022 a 550ºF, electrically-heated, two-zone, inevitable that at some point in the future they will produce dual belt conveyor oven that currently is used for encapand consume theofmajority of the world’s output. Rahul sulation curing large electrical coils in fixtures at the Sachdev, Wire & Plastic Machinery. customer’s facility. A pressfaced release said thatand the political workspace dimensions of Russia economic distresses in 2014 but now the situation may be back to normal in a very Visit
SOUTH AFRICA the unit are 8-ft W x 40-ft D x 18 in. H, with 480KW (240KW perIndia zone)isinstalled in Incoloy-sheathed tubular short time. a elements to heat the oven chambers, while two 20-HP huge country, a place recirculating blowers provide a 49,000 CFM vertical with a multitude of relidownward airflow the workload. gions/cultures, andtofrom Grieve point conveyor anThe industrial of oven comprises a 2-ft-long open viewloading it’s notzone possible to belt and 3-ft-long insulated, unheated generalize into a single entrance vestibule, two 20-ft-long insulated heat zones evaluation. What is cerwith independent recirculated airflow and temperature tain is that India isinsulated a land unheated exit vestibule control, 3-ft-long that finally has thousands of opand a 2-ft-long open unloading zone for the portunities, as does—to workpieces. a lesser extent and all the The model has 6-in. insulated walls throughout, differences considered aluminized steel Compainterior/exterior and is split into two —South Africa. Bellina sections for shipping. Side doors along the length of nies in South African are the oven permit access the workload heatingis layfocusing on quality andtoinnovation and and our Group chambers. This Grieve ovendevelopment is built withthere. ing the groundwork forconveyor a big market all safety required foreconomy—even handling flammable Brazil, theequipment world’s sixth largest though solvents is constructed NFPA some 79/NEMA 12 clearit is veryand far from Italy and to presents customs electrical standards. It has two 3-ft-wide, 1-3/16-in. ance and trade policies issues—is a market increasingly importantcross for our diameter barstrategic conveyorframework. belts with 1-HP motor One other thought: the to BRICS was originally drive, variable from 0.5 9 ipm.acronym The conveyor belt used to characterized by a mode. developing drive is defi usedneincountries either index or continuous economic situation, strong growthbelow in GDP, large popRemovable drip pansa are provided the aconveyor ulation, a vast territory and abundant natural resources. assembly. InControls 2015, weoncan’t talk of them any morepower as “developing the oven include separate and countries” but as superpowers that, together with the G7 control panels, plus photo eyes at the unload station countries, dominate the worldwide market. Fabio Bellina, TKT Group.
us at Wire Expo booth #703
APRIL 2016 | 87 MAY 2015 | 37
HAIW13Sponsors_Layout 1 3/21/2013 11:14 AM Page 1
Interwire 2015 update: companies have taken nearly 90% of the exhibit space More than nine months out from WAI’s staging of Interwire 2015 in Atlanta, exhibitors at last count have now accounted for nearly 90% of the floor plan’s 106,100 sq ft at the Georgia World Congress Center. WAI Sales staff reports that a total of 93,300 sq ft of floor space have been taken. “At this time, we’re ahead of where we were two years ago,” said WAI Sales Director Bob Xeller. “There’s a lot of positive momentum.” At this point, all of the larger booths have been taken, with the largest available sizes now being 400 sq ft (20 x 20). If demand continues to stream in, it may be possible expand floor plan, he said. to signaltoan alarm,the if the workpiece unloading is not cleared before conveyor indexing, SCR power controller for each zone of andsponsorships a tower light to indicate A wide range exists oven for status. All control functions are accessed through a touch screen the 2015 staging of Interwire in Atlanta HMI connected to the onboard PLC. Companies seeking recognition at Interwire 2015 have a Contact: Grieve Corporation, Frank Calabrese, tel. 847wide range of WAI sponsorship opportunities at the Georgia 546-8225, sales@grievecorp.com, www.grievecorp.com. World Congress Center, from the full event to individual elements that are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Cutter neatly handles cable ties to help Four levels of corporate sponsorships are available companies promote their organization in connection Xuron Corp. has introduced an ergonomic flushwith cutter Interwire WAI’s 85th Annual Convention, to be held that isand ideal for cutting cable ties and leaving a smooth, Aprilflat 28-30 in against Atlanta,the Georgia. the corporate sponsorfinish head toAll eliminate the spikes which
can scratch and injure workers. A press release said that the Xuron® Model 2275 Cable ™ you soft to our sponsors forgrips, a TieThank Cutter features Xuro-Rubber hand Light-Touch™ return spring, and provides full cutting -maximum operating temperature: 550 F their support of -work space dimensions: 8' wide x 40' deep x 18" high along entire length of the blades. Employing bypass -2' long open beltthe loading zone -3' long insulated, unheated entrance vestibule cutting rather compression cutting, which often pro-two (2) 20' long insulated heatthan zones with independent recirculated airflow and temperature control duces spikes, this cutter is ideal for trimming cable ties -3' long insulated, unheated exit vestibule -2' long open unloading zone flush to the head, leaving a smooth, clean cut that is safer -480 KW (240 KW per zone) installed in Incoloy sheathed tubular elements toheating handle. -two (2) 3' wide, 1-3/16" diameter cross bar conveyor belts with 1-HP motor drive, variable fromelec0.5 to 9 inches per Developed for minute -indextronics or continuous mode belt driveworkers assembly -removable drip pans below conveyor -49,000 CFMwire total from two (2) 20-HP recirculating blowand harness applicaers providing vertical downward air flow tions,walls the Xuron Model -6" insulated -split into two (2) sections for shipment 2275steelCable Tie Cutter -aluminized interior and exterior -safety equipment for handling flammable solvents fits comfortably in any -NFPA 79/NEMA 12 electrical standards -all control functions accessed through touch screen HMI size hand, left or right, connected to PLC -separate power and control panels and has no cumbersome -photo eyes at unload to alarm if unload is not cleared before index finger loops. In addition -SCR power controller on each zone -tower to indicate machine status tolightwire bundling, it is ideal for cutting cable ties used for closing tote boxes, securing signs, THE GRIEVE CORPORATION attaching portable chairs, 500 Hart Road, Round Lake, Illinois 60073-2898 USA (847) 546-8225 Fax: (847) 546-9210 packaging, and any other No.1022 purpose. INTERWIRE 2013 | THE LARGEST WIRE AND CABLE MARKETPLACE IN THE AMERICAS.
TWO ZONE, DUAL BELT CONVEYOR OVEN, Serial No. 95859A1108 for curing large electrical coils in fixtures to encapsulate
Platinum Level Sponsor
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Supported by:
The Wire Association International, Inc. 1570 Boston Post Road | P.O. Box 578 | Guilford, CT 06437-0578 USA | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | Fax: (001) 203-453-8384 | www.wirenet.org
A 1-2 update: company reports a new branding and a major website update Germany’s Sikora AG has stepped forward with a two-prong industry campaign: the supplier of testing and measuring equipment has given its website a major overhaul and pressed forward with a new branding focus, all part of its efforts to make the business better understood and easier. A press release said that for many years, Sikora has focused on technology innovation. Now, it plan to apply that same energy on its external appearance, as seen in its new advertising campaign: Discover “Technology to Perfection.” The new advertising campaign will uniquely present Sikora devices in use. “Nowadays, pure product pictures are not sufficient any longer to stand out from Visit
us at Wire Expo booth #304
the technically oriented environment,” observed Katja Giersch, Sikora’s head of corporate communication. The new advertising campaign that began this year, “consciously combines the technology with people, in order to offer the viewer a functional and emotional access.” It presents Sikora products in a manufacturing environment, with each image showing a Sikora employee who was among those responsible for the development, assembly or service of the corresponding device. “We are demonstrating therefore, that our products are backed by a strong team,” she Visit
us at Wire Expo booth #207
MAY 2016 | 89
Xuron supplies electronics-grade ergonomic hand tools for the electronics, aerospace, plastic molding, hobbies, craft, floral and fishing industries. The company holds numerous domestic and international patents, including an inventor’s patent for the original Micro-Shear® flush cutter and its unique cutting action which creates smooth, clean cuts without compression. Contact: Xuron Corp., tel. 207-283-1401, www.xuron.com.
said, noting that the essence is embodied by the essence of the following campign words: Emotional. Clear. BlueWhite. She added the following. The unique image style, which was specially created for this campaign, underlines the innovative orientation of the technology company. Furthermore, the color scheme changed: instead of a minimalist black design,
Sikora puts the focus on clear blue and white shades, which support the expressive large image stages perfectly. The advertisements are completed by a communication area, where all the benefits of the displayed technology are clearly highlighted for the user. The website now presents a new corporate design with a clear, intuitive structure, emotional pictures and the
brand colors blue and white. Using an easy navigation, the new web presence guides the visitor to the desired pages. The changing topics with large, emotional pictures on the homepage inform about industries and news about the company. Via the “Service” menu item, the visitor finds an overview on all Sikora services and is directly navigated to the new support and spare part request form. The “Company” section offers customers, candidates and media representatives important and clearly structured information on Sikora. Sikora social media channels, providing a direct connection to social networks such as Twitter, are also integrated. A further highlight of the new Sikora web presence is the flexible layout. Whether PC, tablet or smartphone: the website design is responsive and adjusts automatically to every terminal and every display. Therefore, the functionality of the website remains at any situation and all information are fast, easy and user-friendly retrievable. “With the relaunch of our website we present ourselves in a new design and at the same time modern, intuitive and emotional,” said Harry Prunk, a member of the executive board of Sikora. “Our users find their way around our page, independent of the device they are using.” For more details, visit the company’s website. Contact: Sikora AG, www.sikora.net.
us at Wire Expo booth #624
Patent Update PATENTS
(Cont’d. from p. 22)
rial each include an end provided with a concave section in which at least a superconducting layer is removed and a filling section in which filling material is filled in the concave section. The first superconducting wire material and the second superconducting wire material are positioned so that the ends oppose to each other. A third superconducting wire material is connected to both the first superconducting wire material and the second superconducting wire material.
Transformable cable reels and related assemblies and methods U.S. Patent No.: 9,309,086 Patent date: April 12, 2016 Filed: Nov. 4, 2013 Assignee: Corning Cable Systems LLC, U.S. Inventors: Ellis Makrides-Saravanos, Daniel McGranahan, John Henry Vynalek Transformable cable reels, related assemblies and methods are disclosed. The transformable cable reels may be provided in a first reel configuration for spooling on cable to the transformable cable reel and to pay out the spooled cable from the transformable cable reel. Cable spooled on the transformable cable reel may be payed out during cable installations. The transformable cable reel may also be configured in a second reel configuration for storage of any excess cable after cable payout. As one non-limiting example, the volume of the cable reel may be less in the second reel configuration than in the first reel configuration so that less volume is required to store the transformable cable reel. Providing the transformable cable reel in the second reel configuration may make it more feasible to store the transformable cable reel in fiber optic equipment, and/or avoid storing excess cable removed from a cable reel.
End fitting for a cable with sealing protrusion and enclosure assembly with end fitting U.S. Patent No.: 9,306,315 Patent date: April 5, 2016 Filed: April 11, 2014 Assignee: TE Connectivity Nederland B.V. Inventors: Martin Scholten, Jacco Elenbaas, Jarno Verhoeven, Marc Jansen An enclosure assembly for a cable extending in a connection direction includes a mating closure and a sealing enclosure operably coupled to the mating closure in the connection direction. Additionally, the enclosure assembly
includes an end fitting operably coupled to the sealing enclosure. The end fitting includes a cable channel extending in the connection direction and is configured to receive the cable. A force applied to the cable is transmitted to the mating closure through the sealing enclosure.
Method of producing substrate and superconducting wire U.S. Patent No.: 9,306,147 Patent date: April 5, 2016 Filed: June 15, 2010 Assignee: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan Inventors: Hajime Ota, Masaya Konishi, Takashi Yamaguchi The present invention relates to a method of producing a substrate, including the steps of preparing a substrate having a nickel layer formed on a copper layer through plating, subjecting the nickel layer to thermal treatment at 800-1000.degree. C., and epitaxial-growing an intermediate layer on the nickel layer, after the step of subjecting the nickel layer to thermal treatment. According to the present invention, there can be provided a substrate that allows the orientation and flatness at the surface of a nickel layer to be improved, and a method of producing the substrate.
System, apparatus, and method for effectively applying proper sequential alpha-numerics to extruded wire and cable U.S. Patent No.: 9,305,683 Patent date: April 5, 2016 Filed: Aug. 6, 2014 Assignee: Encore Wire Corporation, U.S. Inventor: William Bigbee, Jr. A process and system for printing sequences of alpha-numeric characters on segments of wire or cable during production. In one embodiment, the process and system comprises printing a sequence of alpha-numeric values onto a first segment of wire up to an input target value. The process and system further comprises printing a sequence of alpha-numeric values onto a second segment of wire up to a second input target value. In one embodiment, the process and system is capable of printing sequences on segments of wire or cable up to variable target values without requiring a shutdown of the production process, and without requiring lag time between printing on subsequent wire or cable segments.
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The Wire Association International, Inc. | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | www.wirenet.org
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PROCESS ENGINEER: ACS Industries, Inc. is a privately held global automotive supplier in business since 1939. We are a market leader in the manufacture of safety and exhaust components with production facilities in Mexico in China. ACS seeks a motivated Process Engineer responsible for wire drawing operations based in Monterrey, Mexico. Requires a bachelor’s degree in engineering, 5+ years of experience in stainless steel wire drawing / annealing and die drafts. Please contact recruiting@acsind.com
SALES ENGINEER AVAILABLE FOR NORTH AMERICA. Are you looking for a dedicated sales professional with more than 35 years of industrial sales and marketing experience to help grow or expand your business? An accomplished sales professional with a proven success record of driving new growth, while stabilizing customer relations through dedicated service and problem solving skills? A results driven, self-motivated seasoned professional with a history of direct customer relations,
FOR SALE 1 - NEB 72-C #2 Braider, Long Legs, Motor
1 - SKALTEK 1600mm Payoff, Model A16-4K
2 - NEB 48-C Harness Braiders, Motors
1 - DYNAMEX Tape Payoff, Model TPB30-2-D
1 - HACOBA Model DF24 24-Carrier Braider
1 - TULSA 96” Gantry Traversing Take-ups, GTU-30
2 - J.B. HYDE 24-C, 48-C Braiders
1 - SPHEREX 18” Dual Reel Take-up, refurbed
8 - WARDWELL 12-Carrier Braiders
1 - CLIPPER Model SP16 Dual Spooler
1 - REEL-O-MATIC 24” Caterpuller Capstan
1 - AL-BE Model MS12 Respooler, 18” Reels
1 - GOODMAN 18” Caterpuller Capstan
5 - REEL-O-MATIC B12, B12X Respoolers
1 - ROYLE 48” Belt Wrap Capstan
7 - KINREI 560mm D.T. Twisters
1 - VITECK 36” Belt Wrap Capstan, CBW-36-D
1 - METEOR Model ME301 3-Head Winder
2 - NEB 12-Wire 8” Vertical Planetary Cablers
1 - ENTWISTLE 4WDT24 4-W 24” D.T. Twister
1 - ENTWISTLE 100mm 24:1 Extruder
2 - NEWMCO 16” D.T. Quadders
1 - SYNCRO FX13 Rod Breakdown Drawer
1 - HALL Tape Accumulator
1 - SYNCRO F13 Rod Breakdown Drawer
2 - IMCS Bulk Bag Unloaders, 4,000lb capacity
1 - DAVIS STANDARD 4.5” 24:1 Extruder
2 - DAVIS STANDARD 2”, 2.5” Hi-Temp Extruders
1 - SCHLEUNIGER Model CC36 CrimpCenter
1 - ENTWISTLE 2” 24:1 Extruder
1 - ARTOS MTX10, MTX5 Wire Processors
1 - DAVIS STANDARD 1.5” 24:1 Extruder
1 - AUTOJECTOR HC70S Injection Molder
2 - TULSA 96” Payoffs, Model CTPO-30, 2005
1 - B&H Model 225 Crosshead
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top sales accomplishments, and customer satisfaction through nurturing and growing relationships? A well-traveled, road warrior? If so, please contact: Mark Patrizzia at 732-407-3195 or patrizzia@ comcast.net. WIRE & CABLE REPRESENTATIVE AVAILABLE FOR THE AMERICAS. Do you need an experienced salesman in Mexico, Central and south America? Please contact Antonio Ayala at 1953ayala@gmail.com.
PERSONNEL SERVICES “LET OUR SUCCESS BE YOUR SUCCESS” Wire Resources is the foremost recruiting firm in the Wire & Cable Industry. Since 1967 we have partnered with industry Manufacturers to secure the services of executives, managers, and thousands of key individual contributors. Contact: Peter Carino, pcarino@ wireresources.com or online at www. linkedin.com/in/petercarino1/ Wire Resources Inc., PO Box 593, Riverside, CT 06878, tel. 203-6223000. www.wireresources.com.
MACHINERY WWW.URBANOASSOCIATES. COM. For New (Hakusan Heat Pressure Welders, Ferrous & NonFerrous; Marldon Rolling Ring Traverses) & Used Wire & Cable Equipment (buttwelders, coldwelders, ers and pointers). Tel: 727-863-4700 or by e-mail, please send to urbassoc@verizon.net.
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS for your generous support
The Wire Association International, Inc. • www.wirenet.org
ADVERTISERS’ INDEX ADVERTISER ............................ PAGE
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Ace Metal Corp .................................................... 89 Anbao Wire & Mesh Co Ltd ................................ 89 Black Sea Technology Inc. ................................. 91 Borealis AG .......................................................... 41 Cable Components Group .................................. 59 Carris Reels Inc ..........................................Cover 4 Cimteq Ltd............................................................ 88 Clinton Instrument Co......................................... 13 Commission Brokers Inc .................................... 94 Conneaut Industries............................................ 38 DRUIDS Process Technology ............................ 47 George Evans Corp ............................................. 85 Fenn LLC .............................................................. 69 Foerster Instruments Inc .................................... 71 Honeywell ............................................................... 1 Howar Equipment ................................................ 30 Huestis Industrial ................................................ 17 Inosym Ltd ..................................................... 40, 86 Joe-Tools Inc ......................................................... 4 KEIR Manufacturing Inc ...................................... 85 Lamnea Bruk AB ................................................. 15 Locton Limited ..................................................... 88 Mexichem Specialty Compounds .............Cover 2 P & R Specialty Inc.............................................. 45 Paramount Die Co ............................................... 27 Pressure Welding Machines Ltd ........................ 53
Proton Products International Ltd ............... 31, 87 Queins Machines GmbH ..................................... 51 Rainbow Rubber & Plastics Inc ........................... 2 Rosendahl Nextrom Gmbh ................................. 19 SIKORA AG ............................................................ 7 Sjogren Industries Inc....................................56-57 Steel Cable Reels ................................................ 29 August Strecker GmbH & Co KG....................... 65 Teknor Apex Co ................................................... 63 Tubular Products Co. .......................................... 28 United Wire Co Inc .............................................. 33 Upcast OY .............................................................. 5 Vandor Corporation ............................................ 23 WAFIOS Machinery Corp ...........................Cover 3 WTM Srl ................................................................ 67 Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp ............................ 9 Wyrepak Industries ....................................... 25, 37 Yuen Neng............................................................ 16 Zumbach Electronics Corp................................. 39
Robert J. Xeller/Anna Bzowski Wire Journal International Tel: 203-453-2777 sales@wirenet.org
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WIRE ASSOCIATION INT’L ADS Wire Expo 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 Wire Expo 2016 Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Interwire 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
U.K., France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Denmark & Scandinavia Jennie Franks David Franks & Co. Tel: 44-1223-360472 franksco @btopenworld.com Germany, Austria, & Switzerland Dagmar Melcher Media Service Int. Tel: 49-8801-914682 dmelcher@t-online.de
July 2016 Wire Expo 2016 wrapup Industry Innovation
Advertising Deadline: June 1
us at Wire Expo booth #503
Visit us at Wire Expo booth #916 Visit our stand #1350 at Interwire 2015