10 minute read
EXPL469 – 4½” Davis Std Jacket Line, 2m Skaltek TU’s, 36” Cat
EXPL467 – 4½”/3½” Sterling THHN Ext Line, 72” Po, 1.2m TU, Accum
EXPL466 – 6” Jckt Line, Sterling Ext, 96” PO’s, Horiz Acc, Dual Cat
EXPL449 – 2” Royle Primary Line, MP Capstan, 24” Dual Auto TU
EXPL421 – 2” Davis Std HiTemp Line, 30:1, MP Capstan, PA-24 TU
EXRL44 – 3½”/3½” Davis Std Rubber Ext Line, Clipper PA-1000
EXP1488 – 4½” Davis Standard Extruder, 24:1, Therm III, 150 HP DC
EXP1480 – 1½” Davis Standard Extruder, 24:1, 15 HP AC, Panel
EXP1467 – 2” Davis Standard Hi Temp Extruder, 24:1, Therm III
EXP1439 – 3” (75mm) Davis Standard Extruder, 24:1, 60 HP DC Motor
EXP1427 – 100mm Nextrom Extruder, 24:1, Yr 2006
EXP1388 – 2½” Davis Std Extruder, 24:1 Therm III 40HP DC, Port
EXP1066 – 3½” Davis Standard Extruder, 24:1, Thermatic III (3)
EXP663.2 – 3½” Davis Std Extruder, 24:1, Water Cool, 75HP DC, Yr 1997
TKU1711 – 30” Davis Std Dual Reel TU DR-30, AC Motor, Touchscreen
TKU1707 – 2.5m Wuxi Sunan/Bartell Portal TU, A-B PLC, Yr 2013 (2)
TKU1641.2 –2.6m Skaltek U26T, Portal Floor Trav TU, 12,000 kg (3)
TKU1450 – 84” AIM Take up, Shaftless, Dual Hyd Lift
72” Ceeco Shaftless Payoff, Hyd Lift-In/Out, Air Brake.
CAP954 – 32” Custom Multi Pass Non-Driven Capstan, 20’ Interconnect
CAP948 – 36” Hall Vertical Belt Wrap Capstan, 5 HP DC Motor
CAP923 – 24” Davis Std. Multipass (8X8) Capstan, 30’ Long, DC Motor
CAT649 – 1.2m Maillefer Belt Caterpuller, L-R, AC Drive, Yr 2011
DAN625 – Windak 18’ Vert Accum, 10 Pass, 600mm Sheaves, Servo
DAN621 – MGS 16’ Vert Accum, 12” Sheaves, 500’, Scrap Capstan
DAN411 – 48” Davis Standard Horizontal,4 Pass, 550 ft Accum,Yr 2000
CBR1439 – 6W Vertical Planetary Line, Capstan, Shaft Takeup (2)
CBR1435 – Setic 630mm Back Twist PO, Model DVD630HV-2-3M NEW, (2)
CBR1432 – 760mm Kinrei DT Buncher, NB-760, 19 Position PO, Yr 2008
CBR1426 – 24”, 6W, Watson Planetary Cabling Line, PO/TU
CBR1396 – 12W, 16” AFA Planetary Cabling Line, 36” TU
CBR1395 – NEB 12W 24” Planetary Cabling Line, BWC, 54” TU
CBR1383 – 800mm SAMP DT Buncher, Model BM800-D (5)
CBR1381 – 48” Cook Single Twist Buncher, 400 RPM
CBR1366 – Ceeco 24W, 22” Rigid Serving Line, R-L, 84” PO/TU
CBR1296 – 36” Allard, Single Twist Closer, Model STC-36
CBR1292 – 68” Roteq Single Twist Cabler, 200 RPM, AB PLC
CBR1273 – 72” Ceeco/Nextrom Drum Twisting Line, Yr 2000
CBR1216 – 1.8m Northampton Double Twist Buncher, Yr 1995
CBR1157 – 31” Ceeco 37W Rigid/Tubular Strander
CBR1044 – 48” 1+3 Edmands Bow Twister, RECONDITIONED
TBR208 – 10” Bartell Tubular Strander, 18 Wire, Model 18B64
TBR202 – 31” Ceeco 1+12 Tubular Strander, 50HP AC Vector, A-B PLC
WRD1162 – SAMP Fine Wire Draw Line, TRB-3, MS200, RC-15, TE/25A
WRD1157 – SAMP MT6 16W Draw Line, Annealer, 630mm Spoolers
WRD1123 – Henrich 13 Die Rod Line, Annealer, Bongard KW800 Coiler
WRD1107 – Sket 13 Die Rod Line, Annealer, Bongard 800mm Coiler
TPR400 – QingFeng Dual Head Concentric Taping Line, 2200 RPM
BRD522 – NEB 48C Cable Braider, Model CB-1, Wire
BRD523 – Wardwell 16 Carrier Wire Braiders (15)
MSC2554 – 2” Bartell BX Armoring Line (2006), 108” PO, 90” TU
MSC2553 – 5” Bartell BX Armoring Line, (2005), 108” PO, 108” TU
Who is behind Interwire 2023? Both ends of the industry
With the Interwire show just around the corner, this Wire Journal issue gives us a glimpse at what to expect in Atlanta May 9-11. I encourage you to read the preview cover-to-cover, then share it with a colleague or friend. The wire and cable industry is constantly evolving and it is up to us to grasp these changes.
The Wire Association International (WAI) has purposely elevated the support for wire manufacturers year-over-year, as evident in our ever-evolving Board of Directors (BoD) and volunteer ranks. I am president of SDI LaFarga COPPERWORKS. Last year’s WAI president was Jim York, Sr. VP of Insteel Industries, who followed Southwire VP Tom Heberling, and our 2024 president will be Prysmian’s Daniel Blais. Another great example is WAI’s 2023 Donnellan winner, W.T. Bigbee, VP operations at Encore and a past Association president (2019). Finally, David Fisher, president of James Monroe Wire & Cable, has begun his leadership rotation.
Elevating manufacturing engagement has helped drive our focus on the educational mission: our BoD is now the planning body for Interwire. The members have assembled the content that best serves the interests of industry. This mission is the essence of the Interwire conference and in our new multimedia strategic training initiative.
While the Association has focused on manufacturers, we understand that the best version of WAI needs to make continued supplier involvement a priority. Their voices matter. To that end, WAI’s 2nd vice president is Eric Bieberich, president of Fort Wayne Wire Die. He is joined on the Board by senior executives from key suppliers that include Davis-Standard, MFL, MindSphere World, Niehoff, Oden Technologies, RichardsApex and Sonoco.
Suppliers are true partners to everything that is good in the industry. They expand capacity, drive innovation, reduce waste, ensure safety and increase productivity. It is my hope you will spend as much time as you are able to on the Interwire exhibit floor, where some 300 companies will be represented. Collectively, they offer solutions for industry challenges as well as opportunities for further directions and possibilities.
I want to end this letter by congratulating Robert Wild, whom I have selected as the 2023 WAI President’s Award recipient (see p. 56). The initiatives at the Association have continuously had Robert’s genuine support since 2004, and his work as president of Niehoff Endex North America has consistently been first-rate. He is an admirable reflection of the supplier sector which encourages our show and the Association to constantly evolve.
Keep learning and see you soon.
Kurt Breischaft President, SDI LaFarga COPPERWORKS WAI President
PUBLISHER Steven J. Fetteroll
Janice E. Swindells
Dane Armendariz, consultant
Ferruccio Bellina, TKT Group/President ACIMAF
Michael Crowle, QED Wire Lines Inc.
Tom Moran, consultant
Giulio Properzi, Continuus Properzi
Willem Sundblad, Oden Technologies Inc.
John N. Tomaz, Stolberger
Robert Wild, Niehoff Endex North America
W.T. Bigbee, Encore Wire Corp.
John Drummond, Scotia Group
R. M. Shemenski, RMS Consulting, Inc.
Images: Adobe Stock.
Wire Journal International (ISSN-0277-4275) published monthly by The Wire Journal, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Wire Association International, Inc., which is located at 71 Bradley Road, Suite 9, Madison, CT 06443-2662, USA, and can be contacted at tel. 203-453-2777; fax 203-453-8384; Internet wirenet.org; e-mail editor@wirenet.org. Address all correspondence concerning advertising production, editorial and circulation to the above address. WJI is printed in the USA.
Subscription rates: $110 per year, USA; $120 per year, Canada and Mexico; other countries, $140 per year (includes air mail). Back copies: $10 WAI members, $15 non-members. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, CT 06443, USA, and at additional offices.
Wire Journal International grants photocopy permission to libraries and others registered with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, USA, for a fee of $0.50 per article. Payments should be sent directly to the CCC. Requests for bulk orders or reprints should be sent to the Wire Journal International, 71 Bradley Road, Suite 9, Madison, CT 06443-2662, USA.
© 2023 by Wire Journal, Inc. All rights reserved. The Publisher of WJI assumes no responsibility for the validity of manufacturers’ claims made herein. Back issues of WJI are on microfilm and available from University Microfilm, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA. Phone: 313-761-4700.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wire Journal International, 71 Bradley Rd., Suite 9, Madison, CT 06443, USA.
Centerview 8000
•Non-contact, high-precision eccentricity and concentricity measuring system

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May 9-11
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APRIL 22, 2023: WCMA Annual Distinguished Career Awards Dinner
Hartford, Connecticut, USA. To be held at the Hartford Marriott Downtown. Contact: Wire & Cable Manufacturers Alliance, Inc., tel. 860-841-7720.
MAY 9-11, 2023: Interwire 2023
& WAI’s 93rd Annual Convention
Atlanta, Georgia, USA. See preview starting on p. 36.
MAY 16-18, 2023: logy Expo (EWPTE) 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. This event will be held in the Wisconsin Center. Contact: WHMA, tel. 847-615-7100, contact.us@whma.org, www.electricalwireshow.com.
MAY 24-27, 2023: wire and Tube Eurasia 2023
Istanbul, Turkey. This new event will take place with an existing trade show, Wire Tech Istanbul, at the Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@ mdna.com, www.mdna.com or www.wire-eurasia.com.
JUNE 20-21, 2023: Polymers in Cables
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. This event will be held at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel. Contact: AMI, tel. 610-478-0800, www.ami-events.com.
SEPT. 2-4, 2023: wire Middle East Africa
Cairo, Egypt. This new event will be held at the Egypt International Exhibition Center. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com.
SEPT. 4-7, 2023: wire China NEW DATE
Shanghai, China. This event will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Contact: Messe Düsseldorf/Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., www.wirechina.net, www.mdna.com.
SEPT. 17-20, 2023: IWCS Cable & Connectivity Industry Forum
Orlando, Florida, USA. This event is to be held at the Gaylord Palms. Contact: IWCS, tel. 703-914-4927, www.iwcs.org.
SEPT. 20-22, 2023: wire Southeast Asia
Bangkok, Thailand. This Messe Düsseldorf event is to be held at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com.
OCT. 6-8, 2023: Cable & Wire Fair 2023
New Delhi, India. This event is to be held at the Pragati Maidan. Contact: Tulip 3P Media Pvt. Ltd.: tel. +91-01244250148, info@wirecable.in, www.cablewirefair.com.
OCT. 16, 2023: Wire & Cable Milan
Milan, Italy. More details on this collaborative International Technical Conference will be in future issues and online later at www.wireandcable23.com. See p. 32.
APRIL 15-19, 2024: wire Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf, Germany. This biennial event, the industry’s largest, has been rescheduled. It will be held at the Messe Fairgrounds. Contact: see wire Southeast Asia above.
JUNE 11-12, 2024: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2024
Montville, Connecticut, USA. This WAI event is to be held at the Mohegan Sun Casinos & Resort. It includes the trade show, technical programs and WAI’s 94th Annual Convention.
NOV. 13-15, 2024: Wire Monterrey 2024
Monterrey, Mexico. This WAI event will return to the Crowne Plaza Monterrey. Contact: Steve Fetteroll, sfetteroll@wirenet.org.
OCT. 2-4, 2024: SpringWorld
Rosemont, Illinois, USA. This event is to be held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. Contact: CASMI, tel. 630-359-4273, info@casmi-springworld.org, www.casmi-springworld.org.
Wai Events
MAY 9-11, 2023: Interwire 2023 & WAI’s 93rd Annual Convention
Atlanta, Georgia, USA. See preview starting on p. 36.
AUG. 23, 2023: WAI Ohio Valley Chapter Annual Golf Tournament
Canfield, Ohio, USA. Kennsington Golf Club. Save the date!
JUNE 11-12, 2024: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2024
Montville, Connecticut, USA.
This WAI event is to be held at the Mohegan Sun Casinos & Resort. It includes the trade show, technical programs and WAI’s 94th Annual Convention.
The Future of Nail Manufacturing

Hellenic Cables press release: this one is best presented in reverse order, a WJI 1st
Hellenic Cables reports that it has finalized individual contracts with Ørsted and Eversource for two offshore wind projects in the U.S., but the last sentence in its press release was of even greater interest: “Finally, following previous announcements, Hellenic Cables and Ørsted continue their discussions concerning a possible partnership for the construction of a submarine cables factory in Maryland, USA.”
There was no further detail about that possibility, but the preceding two sentences set the basis for what the company sees in terms of potential.
Continuing the reverse presentation of the press release, in it, Alexis Alexiou, CEO of Hellenic Cables and parent company Cenergy Holdings SA observed, “This longterm partnership with Ørsted and Eversource is proof of Hellenic Cables’ commitment to the U.S. offshore wind industry as a core part of our business and our strategy for the future. We are proud to work with industry leaders on flagship projects that are transformational for the nation’s energy sector as a whole.”
The U.S. subsea cable market has been bolstered by the outlook for more coastal wind farm projects. Last year, the Prysmian Group announced plans to build a submarine cable plant in Brayton Point, Massachusetts. In 2021, Nexans re-launched a high-voltage cable plant in Charleston, South Carolina, that it had acquired from NKT, and converted to produce subsea cable.
Hellenic Cables has won a contract for two U.S. offshore wind projects, yet that may not be the big news.

“Hellenic Cables reaffirms its leading role in the development of infrastructure critical to the energy transition in the U.S. and globally. Hellenic Cables’ track record in the United States offshore wind sector includes Mayflower Wind in Massachusetts and Dominion’s Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, both for the supply of 66 kV array cables.”
Returning to the titular reason for the press release, Hellenic Cables announced that it will design, manufacture, test and supply approximately 260 km of 66 kV XLPE-insulated subsea inter-array cables and associated accessories for South Fork Wind and Revolution Wind in the Northeast U.S. Production will be phased through 2024 according to each individual project’s delivery plan.
Hellenic Cables notes that it is one of the largest cable producers in Europe, manufacturing power and telecom cables as well as submarine cables for various industriesThrough its subsidiary, Fulgor, Hellenic Cables operates its submarine cables plant in Corinth, Greece, where it makes some of the world’s longest submarine cables without factory joints.
Nexans negotiating sale of its Telecom and Data business to private equity fund
Nexans has entered into exclusive negotiations with Syntagma Capital, a Belgium-based private equity fund, for the sale of its Telecom and Data business.
A press release said that the proposed transaction “marks Nexans’ exit from the telecom and data activity in line with its strategy to simplify its activities and amplify its impact in electrification markets.” The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of the first half of 2023.
The sale would include eight sites spread across France, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Morocco, China and Singapore that design, produce and commercialize advanced solutions for telecom, LAN networks as well as data centers. These operations constitute the main remaining part of the Telecom & Data division after the sale of Berk-Tek in 2020.
The proposed sale furthers the choice by Nexans to focus on electrification markets. In the company’s 2022 earnings report, CEO Christopher Guérin said that the numbers support that decision. “We were, yet again, proven right in reaffirming our choice: ‘Striving to champion a global sustainable electrification.’ As global grid investments soar, our Electrification businesses are up +12.9% organically, with record EBITDA performance, and all-time high adjusted Generation & Transmission backlog.”
S&P Global Ratings revised its outlook for Nexans from stable to positive and confirmed its ‘BB+’ rating. “Nexans’ operating performance has improved, thanks to progress made in its transformation plan, which focuses on electrification and achieving higher and more stable cash flows.”
At its website, Syntagma notes that the company, established in 2009, invests in businesses that can benefit from its hands-on operational expertise to accelerate growth and improve performance. It has deployed €1.1 billion in over 40 companies with revenues in excess of €4 billion and employing over 11,000 people worldwide.
The team has successfully carved-out businesses from public and private companies, among others, Solvay, Tessenderlo, Ashland, Clariant, Tyco International, Smurfit Kappa, ADT and Getronics.