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Tuesday-Thursday, May 9-11 | WAI Theater (Exhibit Floor)

This part of the Conference is open to all attendees visiting the exhibit floor. See p. 71 for details about Production Solutions, which will be presented from 10:30 am to noon on Wednesday, May 10, and Thursday, May 11, at the WAI Theater.


1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

In-situ evaluation of the performance of wire drawing using multiple sensors

Joakim Larsson, Örebro University

In-situ evaluation of the performance of wire drawing is today often performed manually. This is a difficult task for the operators which require both time and experience. Previous research has found several automated monitoring methods for the wire drawing process, however, the advantage of employing multiple sensors simultaneously has not yet been investigated. In this study four different sensors signals will be compared and evaluated in wire drawing experiments while studying common quality.

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Mordica Lecture: Ferrous Rod – Before it Gets to be Wire

Dr. Bruce Kiefer

This paper discusses the critical stages in the manufacturing process of steel rod destined to be drawn into wire. Some important developments in rolling mill equipment and processing that have enabled major increases in productivity and product quality over the last several decades are highlighted. Some remaining challenges in a high speed rod mill and resulting areas of opportunity for the industry are described.

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Inline Surface Dimensional Flaw Detection and Outer Diameter/Ovality measurements using Laser Line Triangulation

Chad Walker, LaserLinc

To achieve 100% real-time inspection of a continuous wire and cable production process, the inspection equipment must be able to detect surface flaws while ignoring text, labels, wraps, and surface variations that are normal during production. The inspection method must also accurately measure outer diameter and ovality at any orientation in the measurement field. Laser line triangulation is the only technology on the market that can achieve both of these requirements.

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Manufacturing high-quality fine copper wire at a low cost by combining three-roll rolling and wire drawing

Prof. Kazunari Yoshida, Tokai University

We investigated whether high-quality fine copper wire could be manufactured at a low cost by combining threeroll rolling and die wire drawing. It was clarified that extremely high-quality copper fine wire can be manufactured at a low cost by first reducing the diameter of the rough copper wire rod to 0.185mm by the three-roll rolling method and then drawing the wire using the die.

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Application of Polymer Lubricants to replace Zinc Phosphate in Wire Drawing

John Kukalis, Henkel

Polymer coatings create operational savings and performance enhancements that benefit the wire drawing industry. Zinc Phosphate has been a standard coating for Rod & Wire and a carrier for Dry Film Lubricants in the drawing process, yet developments in polymer lubricants and proper application of this technology offer considerable process improvements.

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Thermo-mechanical and air patenting in modern rolling: characteristics and advantages

Gianbruno Luvarà and Claudio Zaccomer, Pittini Group

In modern rolling process, thermal treatment during the whole implementation, along with the air patenting at the final stage, plays a key role in order to achieve high-quality rolled products.

During the whole rolling phase, temperature is kept under control by five cooling units before gauging and final air patenting, which allows to:

• Define the austenite grain size with greater precision

• Achieve better elongation properties and better necking

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Achieving High Quality in Wire using Eddy Current Testing

Troy Libby, Magnetic Analysis Corp.

Eddy Current inspection is a technique used for detecting surface seams, cracks, pits, slivers, weld-line defects and internal discontinuities in wire. Different test sensor configurations including encircling coil and rotary probes can be used. Using encircling coil eddy current testing, the wire passes through the coil excited by an alternating current with one or more Drive signals. Rotary probe inspection can reliably detect surface seams and cracks using eddy current multiple probes.


1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Inline profiling of magnet wires for E-mobility

Volker Gerth, FUHR GmbH & Co. KG

Insulated copper wires are used in windings for electric motors, generators and transformers. The automotive industry’s entry into electric mobility has created new challenges for manufacturers of enamelled wire. They require manufacturers to prove that no wire damage occurs before enamelling. Even with the best winding and unwinding systems, it cannot be guaranteed that the bare wire will be free of damage during offline production. We show you the challenges and how to solve the issue.

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

UPCAST oxygen free copper rod metallurgy, OFHC/OFE wire manufacturing, and other practicalities.

Juan Carlos Bodington, UPCAST Oy

UPCAST oxygen free copper rod metallurgical properties are described and their effect on further processing is discussed, centering the attention on drawing, rolling, annealing and continuous extrusion processes. As a result, general operational guidelines are outlined.

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Featured Speaker: A New Era of Space Travel: Commercial Space, NASA, Tourism, the Moon and Mars

Dr. Mary Ellen Weber, NASA Astronaut

The road to becoming a space-faring civilization is centuries-long, and we have only just begun. While the Space Shuttle remains the most versatile and capable vehicle by far to ever venture off our planet, NASA’s decision to end it and instead fund private companies—like SpaceX, Boeing, and Sierra Nevada—opened up a whole new era. As a result, private space travel into low earth orbit is now a reality and even private space stations are on the horizon. At the same time, NASA developed the most powerful interplanetary space vehicle ever—the SLS/Orion—for its Artemis program. Through Artemis, we will not only land once again on the moon, but we will set up a mini-space station in a versatile lunar orbit that goes farther than any Apollo mission could even dream of. And in the coming decades, SLS—and perhaps private vehicles and other nations—will take humans to Mars. Mary Ellen Weber will share insights into this new era of space, discussing the promise, daunting risks and challenges ahead.

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Advanced Extrusion Technology

Mikko Lahti, Maillefer Extrusion

Maillefer/Davis-Standard will present the history of extrusion from smooth bore, the early advances of grooved feed and the latest technology of helical grooved feed assist extrusion. The productivity benefits will be illustrated as well as a presentation of real life financial justification.

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Polymer technology for Wire and Cable Applications

David Lindsay, Borealis

Polymers play a vital role in the performance and reliability of all types of wire and cable from low voltage construction cables to underground utility distribution and transmission cables up to 345 kV in the United States. The presentation will provide an overview of polymer chemistry and crosslinking technologies used to achieve the required mechanical and electrical properties to ensure 40+ years of reliable service of modern cable systems.

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

What Are You Risking By Using Outdated Controls on your Extruder?

Scott Barlow, Integrated Control Technologies

Industry 3.0 ushered in the automation age in the 1970s with the introduction of the Programmable Logic Controller. This advancement in technology improved diagnostics and made field modification simple on machinery. As many industries are forging ahead with concepts of Industry 4.0, many extruders operate as they did 40 years ago. This presentation discusses the risks associated with maintaining the status quo.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Beer Festival!

No, it’s not part of the official technical sessions, but there will be time to swing by after the last presentation for an enjoyable way to conclude your experience on Wednesday. 


Wednesday-Thursday, May 10-11 | 10:30 am - noon | WAI Theater

If you could not attend Production Solutions on Wednesday at the WAI Theater, stop by Thursday at 10:30 am for Round 2. The Planning Committee, recognizing that attendees are quite busy, are offering everyone a second chance to hear what products and ideas might improve your operations.

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Factors Affecting Wire Production from Precoats to Lubricants

Svet Pavlovsky, research and development chemist, Blachford Co.

There are many issues in the production of wire and many factors affecting high-quality wire production even after cleaning. These include selection and maintenance of the non-reactive precoats and lubricants, followed by identifying key drawbench parts/systems that have immediate impact on the lubricant performance. Many of these parts require minor fixes that minimize downtown. Everything working together improves wire quality and production efficiency.

11:00 am - 11:30 am

Wire Breaks

Dr. Horace Pops, president, Horace Pops Consulting, and Matt Reinoehl, process metallurgist, SDI LaFarga COPPERWORKS

How do you identify possible causes of wire breaks? The industry guru on wire breaks, Horace Pops, will team up with COPPERWORKS expert Matt Reinoehl to share their career long experiences. Is it the process or the material? Learn to distinguish between both issues that can result in wire breaks. Bring your toughest questions and be prepared for an education.

11:30 am - noon

Wire Drawing Die Material and Profile Specification Considerations

Eric Bieberich, president, Fort Wayne Wire Die

Wire die specifications are an important tool in controlling the wire drawing process. This presentation covers key considerations when specifying the die material and internal profile of a wire drawing die. 

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