WAI Virtual Industry 4.0 Conference

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Focus on: INDUSTRY 4.0 The setting may have changed to virtual, but not the mission. Industry 4.0 captures the imagination of wire makers. It introduces change. Automation, robotics, and data analytics affect the way wire is made and how well companies compete on the world stage. You are invited to explore the possibilities at the Wire Association’s Virtual Industry 4.0 conference, Oct. 26-27, 2021. Hear from the machinery makers and software suppliers who can help you realize your goals. Learn what these changes mean for your plant and personnel. And find out what is imminent

Industry 4.0 Conference

This virtual conference focuses on the Industry 4.0 theme with a series of presentations from key industry companies involved in this innovative technology. The schedule is subject to change, so do visit www.waiindustry40.heysummit.com.

Industry 4.0 Briefings

These 15-minute segments highlight exhibitors involved in some aspect of Industry 4.0.

Keynote Speakers

Each day will see the program start with a keynote speaker: On Tuesday, Oct. 26, it will be filmmaker Robert Culp, and on Wednesday, Oct. 27, it will be Southwire EVP Operations Kathleen Edge.

WAI Annual Meeting

This session is just a half hour, but it includes the annual meeting and the presentation of the Mordica, Donnellan and WAI President’s awards.

Note: this issue may arrive late, but you still have time to register

Due to unprecedented printing/mailing delays indirectly related to Covid, this October issue may not have arrived in time for readers to register prior to the start of the Oct. 26-27 conference. The good news is that everything that is presented in this preview can be accessed for a full month beyond those dates. The on-line format allows attendees to choose the segments and individual sessions. You can create your own schedule, skip or replay according to whatever schedule works best for you. 2


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WELCOME Message As we planned the Industry 4.0 program, we knew that there was a lot of curiosity and interest in the elements of smart factories. We were certain that it would be essential to showcase available technologies for application in the wire and cable manufacturing environment. To that end, we invited select companies that are Baker familiar with the unique processes that define our day-to-day operations to demonstrate their solutions. We purposely included a blend of companies that could address many of the nine Industry 4.0 technological pillars. There is an ideal venue to grow your understanding of these fast-moving technologies and align them with your operational needs. Vice President of Engineering, Prysmian Group North American Richard Baker.

This is a true inflection point in the business of manufacturing wire and cable. Manufacturers that face unrelenting production challenges have new resources designed to optimize their operations. These new tools, based on digitization of manufacturing plants, will be showcased at the Industry 4.0 virtual conference. Sundblad I encourage you to review the program to appreciate the full breath of the event. The collective information is quite comprehensive. Each of the participating companies will explain what they have to offer through their presentations and industry briefings. For those uncertain about 4.0, this is an opportunity to better understand what it can do, and how it can apply for your company. Oden Technologies President and Founder Willem Sundblad.

REGISTRATION & LOGISTICS WAI’s conference program, which starts off each of the two days with a 10 am keynote presentation, represents a first for the Association’s iconic event. It will focus directly on Industry 4.0 through companies that have expertise in the field, and can explain how it can best be introduced and deployed. The series of presentations will cover elements such as automation, AI, robotics, data analytics and machine learning. Of note, a second related program, Industry Briefs, will be held over the two days. Full access to this event and all recordings, including live chat*, and the presentations made available by our presenters, will be available until Nov. 26. Registration is $45 for WAI members, $90 for others. For an additional $20, one gets full access and a one-year membership in WAI, which provides access to decades of technical papers, discounts for WAI products and events, and more. *Presentations are pre-recorded, but attendees can post questions to presenters in their time slots. Some responses may come later.

REGISTER NOW! waiindustry40.heysummit.com

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SCHEDULE of Events TUESDAY, OCT. 26 9:30 am – 10:00 pm

Welcome and Program Details

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Keynote Speaker: Brett Culp, Superhero Leadership

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Conference Sessions (See schedule on p. 8)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Industry 4.0 Briefings (See schedule on p. 11)

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Conference Sessions (See schedule on p. 8)

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Mordica Award Presentation & Lecture


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 9:30 am – 10:00 pm

WAI Annual Meeting

10:00 am – 10:30 am

Keynote Speaker: Kathleen Edge, Connected - Flexible Operating System

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Conference Sessions (See schedule on p. 8)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Industry 4.0 Briefings (See schedule on p. 11)

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Conference Sessions (See schedule on p. 8)

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Closing Session - Key Takeaways


Schedule subject to change. See updates at waiindustry40.heysummit.com.

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WAI ANNUAL MEETING  Wednesday, Oct. 27 | 9:30 am

WAI meeting to include association business and presentation of 2 awards WAI President Tom Heberling will officiate the Wire Association International’s first-ever virtual annual meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 27. The meeting itself is brief, as it is required by the Association’s by-laws to approve WAI activity. However, it is part of a tradition of related events that mesh well together. The presentations usually include the Mordica Memorial Award, the Donnellan Memorial Award and the WAI President’s Award. This time, the Mordica Award (and Mordica Lecture) will be presented the day before, Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 3:30 pm. This year’s recipients include: Oriol Guixà, the president and CEO of La Farga (see below), the winner of the Mordica Memorial Award, given to an individual for contributions to the wire and cable industry; David Hawker, plant manager, Cerrowire (see p. 6), the winner of the Donnellan Memorial Award, which is given to a

2019 WAI President W.T. Bigbee presents the President’s Award to Kevin Sopczak, Leggett & Platt, who is joined by colleagues Robert McKinzie and Karl Glassman. person for his or her contributions to the Association; and William “Bill” Jarae, a retired steel industry veteran (see p. 6), who will be honored with the WAI President’s Award. 

MORDICA Memorial Award  Tuesday, Oct. 26 | 3:30 pm

Mordica Lecture: The metallurgic evolution at La Farga, innovation in product and process Oriol Guixà, the president and CEO of La Farga, is the 2021 winner of the Mordica Memorial Award, given to an individual for contributions to the wire and cable industry. A native of Barcelona, Spain, Guixà studied a range of industrial and aeronautical engineering Guixà focuses at what is now Polytechnic University of Madrid. He started at Motorcycles Montesa, where he headed innovation and development that led to a world championship in 1980, and he was a key to a joint venture with Honda Motor Company. In 1984, Guixà joined La Farga Lacambra as a shareholder and CEO. He developed the patent for the copper recycling process and created three new companies: La Farga Tub, La Farga Rod and La Farga Intec, which entered into a joint venture with Italian machine OEM W A I I N D U S T R Y 4 0 . H E Y S U M M I T. C O M

Continuus Properzi for the sale of the patented technology and its evolution around the world. He is the founder of La Fundació La Farga. He later created two new copper industrial companies in China with JXTC, and another in the U.S. with Steel Dynamics. In 2016, after the death of President Vicenç Fisas, he became president and chief executive of the group. Guixà, who has won numerous awards—including the 2008 Guillem Catà Award for Industrial Engineers of Catalonia, and an award for “The best business career,” from Actualidad Económica magazine—was lauded by SDI LaFarga COPPERWORKS President Kurt Breischaft. “Oriol’s deep knowledge of the refining process he perfected is coupled with a driven yet patient leadership style that encourages those around him. He has taught a lot to me and our team, not only about copper but how to develop the business. This award recognizes an awesome person and his accomplishments. Congratulations.”  2021 WAI VIRTUAL CONFERENCE



PRESIDENT’S Award  Wednesday, Oct. 27 | 9:30 am

William Jarae wins WAI President’s Award William “Bill” Jarae, an industry veteran who retired earlier this year after a steel industry career that lasted more than a half century, will receive the WAI President’s Award. “Beyond being one of the Jarae most pleasant, positive and kindest persons I know, Bill has been a fixture in the industry and the Wire Association,” said WAI President Tom Heberling. The WAI Life Member authored multiple chapters for the WAI’s Ferrous Wire Handbook, presented various technical papers, taught technical courses, assisted with updating the Ferrous Wire Pocket Guide and moderated technical sessions and the Wire Fundamental Course.

He served on the Board of Directors, the Education Committee and the Ferrous Wire Committee, which he also chaired. He became a WAI member in 1986, and was also active in ASM and AIST. Jarae’s career began at United States Steel Corporation (USS), where over 16 years he held quality department positions at its Gary Works, and was general supervisor for the bar mills. He also worked in the bar rod, wire and semi-finish product metallurgy group. At the USS Lorain Cuyahoga Works, he was the quality superintendent, and later worked for 24 years for Georgetown Steel, where he held different roles, including president of quality assurance, technology. He then went to Charter Steel, where he served as a technical services engineer, and shared his expertise in high carbon, bearing, cold heading, welding and IQ quality products. His quality improvement travels took him to many plants around the world. 

DONNELLAN Memorial Award  Wednesday, Oct. 27 | 9:30 am

David Hawker honored for his service to WAI David Hawker, who has consistently exemplified a “can do” sprit when it came to a wide range of WAI initiatives, is the 2021 recipient of the Donnellan Memorial Award, which is given to a person for his or Hawker her contributions to the Association. Hawker, who is a plant manager with Cerrowire, a Marmon Berkshire Hathaway Company, joined the Wire Association International in 1994. He joined the WAI Board of Directors in 2014 and became a member of the Executive Committee in 2015, serving in different roles, culminating with his serving as president in 2017. He also served on the Conference Programming Committee and the Finance Committees.



Most notably, Hawker was cited for his willingness to help develop programming for technical efforts. He was a key contributor to the WAI HardWIRED video series and specifically facilitated the Extruder Screw Cleaning video that received the dotCOMM gold educational award and has had more than 35,000 views. Commented nominator Richard Miller, a retired Southwire executive, “Dave rolled up his sleeves and contributed each year to the most critical task of program development for each conference. He seemed to have an endless list of great program ideas and a corresponding speaker that he could secure. ... He clearly exemplifies the gold standard associated with the WAI’s Donnellan Award.” Prior to joining Cerrowire this year, Hawker worked for 32 years for Nexans, the last eight as vice president and general manager of its Energy Cables Division North America. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Waterloo.  W A I I N D U S T R Y 4 0 . H E Y S U M M I T. C O M


KEYNOTE Speakers  Tuesday, Oct. 26 | 10:00 am

Superhero Leadership: How Everyday People Can Have An Extraordinary Impact

Brett Culp Award-winning Documentary Filmmaker

Brett Culp will be unlike any speaker who has previously appeared at a WAI event. Brett is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and founder of The Rising Heroes Project, a non-profit entity. He is known for films Legends of the Knight, and his latest, Look to the Sky, both of which explore the power of heroic stories and heroic individuals to inspire us to believe in a better tomorrow. Brett’s newest film, A Voice That Carries, follows the relationships between fathers and daughters, premiered in early June 2021. His films are featured on Netflix, iTunes, Hulu, and other top digital platforms. Through his groundbreaking non-profit documentary work, Brett has pioneered the art of creating “mini-movements” that inspire the super-human spirit in us all. His approach to community-building and relationship-driven engagement invites people to connect with a noble vision and make a difference together. Passionate, energetic and engaging, Brett encourages audiences to find the superhero within and their own path to “everyday leadership.” His insights help us realize our greatest personal and business potential, and renew our collective sense of hope for the future and belief that our efforts can make an impact.

 Wednesday, Oct. 27 | 10:00 am

Connected - Flexible Operating System

Kathleen Edge EVP Operations Southwire

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Kathleen Edge, Southwire executive vice president, operations, will discuss Southwire’s mission to be a “Connected – Flexible Operating System.” She will highlight the company’s journey toward modernization and a lean culture adapting to new demands by sharing production-related success stories. Observes Edge, “The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a decade in the making. Only 40% of large companies have a strategic roadmap in place and 18% for firms with revenues of less than $1 billion. The wire and cable industry is delivering power to this revolution with our solutions and services. At the same time, we need to revolutionize our own operating processes across the entire value chain to remain competitive. While technology is an enabler, it is not the fix. Technology needs to leverage experienced employees with tools to realize the true benefits. Southwire is on a mission to ensure no one is left behind in this revolution and make the lives or our operators easier and more rewarding.” 




CONFERENCE Sessions WAI’s conference program, which starts off each of the two days with a 10 am keynote presentation, represents a first for the Association’s iconic event. It will focus directly on Industry 4.0 through companies that have expertise in the field, and can explain how it can best be introduced and deployed. The presentations will cover elements such as automation, AI, robotics, data analytics and machine learning. Of note, a second related program, Industry Briefs, will be held over the two days. The below schedule is as of press time. Visit www.waiindustry40.heysummit.com for any updates.

 TUESDAY, OCT. 26 10:00 am - 10:30 am

Keynote Address Superhero Leadership: How everyday people can have an extraordinary impact Brett Culp, filmmaker, USA 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Intelligent Industrial Automation: how manufacturers can leverage pre-built machine learning to leverage existing data and drive fast time to value

Jackie Oaks, Rockwell Automation, USA, and Willem Sundblad, CEO & Co-Founder, Oden Technology, USA Data is becoming ubiquitous in manufacturing - from the low cost of IoT sensors to the mountains of data from legacy systems such as quality, ERP and MES. The problem many manufacturers face is how to leverage this data across disparate equipment and systems in order to have an accurate foundational data set to drive improvements. Learn how to build the right foundation of data for digital transformation and leverage it to drive fast ROI. Specifically, we will help attendees: gain an understanding how you can leverage your existing assets and systems to build a strong foundation of data to drive improvements; learn how machine learning can make your data more valuable by structuring data from your existing assets, correct bad data, and, inferring human inputs; and discover how to get the shortest time to value to drive performance and quality optimization utilizing your existing assets and people with machine learning. 11:00 am - 11:30 am

Artificial Intelligence based buffering process automation Jussi Hanhirova, Maillefer Extrusion Oy, Finland

High-speed optical cable manufacturing lines are traditionally controlled using process-automation



systems. We present an AI based process assistant that operates on top of the process automation layer. Our process assistant uses process models and quality prediction models to control the manufacturing process in real-time. The system optimizes the process parameters and targets the desired product end-quality. Automatic process control leads to higher production efficiency and better end-quality. 11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Why You Need to Adapt a People-Centric, Connected Worker Mindset in Your Digital Transformation Initiatives Ab Belani, Alliance Director, Parsable, USA

In 2020, industrial businesses were forced to reassess their priorities on a company and employee level. Employers learned the importance of sustaining a healthy workforce, both physically and mentally, and that without creating positive environments for all workers they will not be successful. By incorporating a people-centric mindset in 2021 with a focus on recruitment and reskilling and using technology to increase agility, manufacturers will create conditions where workers feel connected, supported and empowered. 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

The importance of an open ecosystem for the Industrial Internet-of-Things

Andrea Gozzi, MindSphere World Italy, and Rajiv Sivaraman, MindSphere World North America Market analysts agree in their view: industrial activities are rapidly adopting digital solutions ,and software will play a crucial role in technology and new services. When it comes to implementing digital transformation in the industry, however, the ideas are not so clear. Is growth with “make” investments more promising or the acquisition of “buy” solutions? We analyze the importance of an ecosystem for the realization of Industrial IoT, Edge and Cloud solutions.

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2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Industry 4.0: have you heard ... ”it’s a journey”? Jeff Dewberry, Southwire Company, USA

The capabilities of technology are moving rapidly constantly altering and sometimes exponentially changing the catalyst for the Industry 4.0 explosion. Everyone agrees that embarking on the Industry 4.0 journey is a good idea, but the sheer magnitude of possibilities can lead to exhaustion of funds, support resources, leadership and most importantly end users. Dewberry will discuss Southwire’s preparation for the “It’s a journey” aspect of Industry 4.0. 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Continuus-Properzi satisfies Industry 4.0 with IULIUS 4.0: a tailored system at NPA Skawina illustrates a successful case story Giuseppe Marcantoni, Continuus-Properzi/ Properzi International, Inc., Italy/USA

IULIUS 4.0, Continuus-Properzi’s Automation program for Industry 4.0, supports the digital integration of Properzi equipment during the transformation into fully digitalized factories through functionalities specifically addressing peculiarities of the continuous casting and rolling process. The paper outlines the various functionalities and advantages of IULIUS 4.0,

including a description of a successful example of the benefits obtained by NPA Skawina (part of Boryszew Group) where a complete Properzi System equipped with IULIUS 4.0 is currently operating. 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

From the wire die to the drawn wire: smart integration between production line and laboratory Eduardo Bolivar, Marposs Corporation, USA

The externalization of dimensional checks in the drawn wire industry, due to a difficult in-house measuring system, often focused on quality control at the expense of traceability, can cause low efficiency. Aeroel Marposs has developed a new CCD technology that allows an immediate check on the diameter and ovality of the dies. This prompt classification intertwined with internal calibers enables integrated traceability of the dies and their production line history creating an accessible tool. 3:30 pm

Mordica Award Presentation & Lecture Oriol Guixà, President & CEO, La Farga

 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 9:30 am - 10:00 am

WAI Annual Meeting

Tom Heberling, VP Wire and Cable Manufacturing, Southwire LLC, USA

10:00 am - 10:30 am

Keynote Address Connected - Flexible Operating System Kathleen Edge, EVP Operations, Southwire, USA 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Make better operational decisions through the MFL X Industrial IoT app Andrés Cartagena Ruiz, MFL Group, Italy

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The MFL X IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) App is a proprietary MFL GROUP application running on MindSphere, the cloud-based open IIoT operating system from Siemens. The App is operating system and device agnostic. At MFL X, we want to help our customers harvest extra value from their MFL Production lines by leveraging Exponential Technologies (i.e., Industrial IoT, Big Data & Artificial Intelligence). 11:00 am - 11:30 am

Inline quality control for an autonomous manufacturing John Dognazzi, SIKORA International Corporation, USA

Today’s cable production process is characterized by an increasing level of automation. Intelligent measuring devices continuously measure and transmit measuring values and information on the device status via Industry




1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

TROESTER Industry 4.0 Solutions

Thomas Lerch, TROESTER GmbH & Co KG, Germany TROESTER Industry 4.0 solutions, such as Maintenance Advisor with augmented reality features, are applicable for data acquisition and analysis, preventative maintenance and machine control within the wire and cable industry. The TROESTER standard solution for cable production lines that process CV, silane, jacketing and insulation is to target a maintenance schedule for a point in time when that activity will be most cost-effective, and before the point where the equipment begins to lose performance. 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm 4.0 interfaces, e.g. OPC UA, to control units and the plant control center without the need for personal support. There, the data is processed automatically for immediate production control and process optimization. Additionally, the information is used for preventive maintenance. 11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Design principles and success of an industrial 4.0 Smart Factory

A look at MES, big data and the “Industrial “Internet of Things” in wire and cable manufacturing Burl Rowland, Cimteq, Great Britain

A look at how a Smart Manufacturing Execution System (MES) utilizes “Big Data” and encompasses the concept of the “Industrial Internet of Things” within a modern wire and cable factory, and the benefits it provides through the three Cs of Collaboration, Continuous Improvement and Communication.

Paul Douwes, ADVARIS, USA

“Industry 4.0: The Fourth Industrial Revolution” describes the smart factory indirectly by suggesting functional requirements that each smart factory should include or use. These requirements, which emphasize what is possible today with existing technology, are based on factory design principles which provide varying successes in all aspects of manufacturing wire, cable and wire rope. 1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Application of sensor technology in state-of-the-art wire nail manufacturing Maziyar Fransgaard Nesari, ENKOTEC A/S, Denmark

With a new software platform, ENKOsmart, which comes with an interconnected sensor system, ENKOTEC A/S has turned a nail making machine into an IoT product. The system is aiming at providing real-time nail quality data as well as performance information to the end user - both on-site and remote. Furthermore, the system incorporates tailored algorithms for self-adjustment mechanisms related to nail length and tool life.



2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

An IoT for the wire industry of the future 40Factory Srl, Italy

In 2019, 40Factory started a closed collaboration with the MFL Group and the MFL X innovation team in order to develop the most innovative end-to-end Industrial IoT experience for wire and cable production lines. This comprehensive solution takes advantage of edge and cloud technologies to: monitor production lines in “near real-time”; analyze and improve OEE; machines wear analytics; energy efficiency analytics and consumption monitoring; production traceability; breakdowns and alarms Pareto; push notifications via mail and chatbot channels; smart interaction with operators; and many other exciting things. In exploiting machine-learning techniques, a predictive approach can be applied to critical mechanical components (with a data-drive anomaly detection algorithm) and an extrusion process itself (with the GCA – Golden Cycle Analytics algorithm). The applications are delivered together with consulting services for machine’s PLC/ SCADA integration, additional sensors installations, IT systems integrations (MES, ERP) and critical KPI calculations. 

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INDUSTRY 4.0 BRIEFINGS Over two-days, there will be a series of briefings (each 15 minutes) presented by companies. The briefings will focus on the presenting company’s experience for 4.0 for the wire and cable industry. Below are abstracts for the briefings that are scheduled to start at noon. To see if there are any updates, go to waiindustry40.heysummit.com.

 TUESDAY, OCT. 26 MFL Group/40Factory/MindSphere Group, Italy/USA The MFL Group will demonstrate its proprietary, fully responsive MFL X Industrial IoT App running on Mindsphere, the cloud-based open IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) operating system from Siemens. Now available for steel drawing lines, copper and aluminum rod breakdown lines, multiwire drawing lines and extrusion lines, the MFL X AI Cable Analyzer captures cable images during production and analyzes cable surface roughness and color in real time. The data analyzed by its proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent completely eliminates the subjective evaluation of the operator.

design tool, compound recipe archive, BOM and routing tool, QC Test plans, costing and variant generator. The ADVARIS MRO maintenance system gives full control o tasks of tasks, transparency, asset management, analysis and preventative and predictive tools.

TROESTER, Germany TROESTER will showcase their Industry 4.0 solutions with an emphasis on their proven Maintenance Advisor with Augmented Reality features. Attendees will see first-hand the value of the product relative to data acquisition and analysis as well as preventive maintenance and machine control. Main benefits are generated in reduced downtimes, production transparence, increased flexibility and quality control. TROESTER is well known for their cable production lines including CV-, Silane-, Jacketing- and Insulation lines. its proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent completely eliminates the subjective evaluation of the operator.

Sikora AG, Germany/USA SIKORA will show a laser gauge head which generates measured values of a cable and provides this data via an interface. The data processing will be visualized schematically as a number matrix. Additionally the company will show an animated cable production line with its measuring technology and a control center where, besides general production data, the measured value of its LASER gauge is displayed.

Cimteq, U.K. ADVARIS, Canada ADVARIS’ software platform supports all aspects of wire and cable manufacturing. The ERP system is designed to help in metal billing, shipping of individual length requirements, rewinding and cutting orders, drum management, tool management, and cable design. Specifically, the cable design is a product data management solution which has a material database, powerful

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Cimteq software solutions CableBuilder Enterprise and CableBuilder Go were designed to provide the flexibility needed to meet specific industry and company requirements. CableMES integrates seamlessly into CableBuilder Enterprise and a company’s ERP system, with real-time data transfers in both directions, keeping the business in sync with the shop floor at all times.




 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 Oden Technologies, USA Oden Technologies helps manufacturers make different, better and faster decisions through Machine Learning and Applied Analytics. The company’s technology platform is pioneering the use of real-time predictive and prescriptive analytic tools that uncover untapped value to make more, waste less, and innovate faster. The company is working to transform the manufacturing industry by digitizing, analyzing and perfecting peak factory performance through automated insights, interactive dashboards, and real-time alerts.

Enkotec, USA/Denmark 15-minute briefing about ENKOTEC’s latest product innovations related to Industry 4.0.

Davis-Standard/Maillefer, USA/Finland Davis-Standard will show both a VR experience into a fiber optic cable factory, and a secondary coating extrusion line that will feature SMART BUFFERING—its AI augmented line control package—designed to find and predict process problems before they lead to out of specification production and present the operator with recommended course corrections.

Parsable, USA/Finland Parsable offers Connected Worker® that consists of modern digital tools that empower frontline workers and improve productivity, safety, and quality. Manufacturers are digitizing SOPs, checklists, and workflows with its Connected Worker® solution. The results include reduced unplanned stoppages, waste, and paper; increased OEE, throughput, and compliance with digital traceability; and faster operator onboarding and certification.



InnoVites, Netherlands InnoVites creators of CableERP, which is based on the innovative and cloud-based Microsoft Dynamics 365 business software. CableERP has been created to solve the unique problems wire and cable manufacturers face, but which are not addressed by standard ERP packages. In addition to CableERP, InnoVites resells and implements CableBuilder Enterprise and CableMES across the wire and cable industry.

Continuus-Properzi, Italy/USA Continuus-Properzi will discuss its IULIUS 4.0 automation program for Industry 4.0, which supports the digital integration of Properzi equipment during the transformation into fully digitalized factories through functionalities specifically addressing peculiarities of the continuous casting and rolling process. It will outlines the various functionalities and advantages, and a successful example of the benefits obtained by NPA Skawina (part of Boryszew Group) where a complete Properzi System equipped with IULIUS 4.0 is currently operating. 

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