F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1 | W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
The Best of... MEASURING + DIES
The Best of...
The Best of ... ACM AB/KSM
The KSM measuring system Contact: Martin Plut, extrusion manager mplut@howarequipment.com www.howarequipment.com
This section asks OEMs to explain why what they have to offer for customers is “the best of.” That claim could be for equipment that either offers the lowest operating cost or represents advanced technology for demanding highmargin products. And it doesn’t have to be new, as a dependable industry measuring workhorse could still be a star.
Sweden’s ACM AB, the iconic supplier of KSM insulation measuring technology, remains a leader in off-line measurement of cable samples for production as well as labs. The model carries a high price, and there is a reason why the world’s major cable manufacturers are willing to pay it. With more than 270 units delivered to date, the value of the model— represented in North America by Howar Equipment—is understood. What’s special about a KSM system? The short description is that the KSM is an extremely accurate measuring unit that presents vital concentricity and min+max wall thickness results within a second after measuring. It offers incredible repeat accuracy (0.2%), which enables cable manufacturers to have utter confidence that their cables meet specs with a minimum of “waste” insulation to ensure minimum requirements are met and that no extra insulation is added (which is not paid for). The KSM system was designed from the beginning to be able to be upgraded to keep it modern as long as possible. How long? The first KSM model, serial number 001, delivered in 1988, continues to run 24/7 in a factory environment. It was periodically upgraded to meet the current demands of a 21st century metrology system as well as the original model did when it was first introduced. The KSM software today can meet the needs of any modern cable factory. The company has a training center for ACMMT (Measuring Technology) customers at Solö, just outside of Norrtälje. Here, customers can train on the KSM. There is far more to say, but it should be of interest to note that KSM clients report finding savings of up to US$300,000 by being able to effectively recognize and manage over-dimensional insulation.
W I R E J O U R N A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1
W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
The Best of ... Clinton Instrument Co.
CIC’s David Carroll Contact: David Carroll, application engineer Tel. 860-669-7548 support@clintoninstrument.com www.clintoninstrument.com
The Best of ... Conoptica
Conoptica’s CU11S quick-measure model Contact: Kjell Johnsen, sales & marketing manager Tel. 47-728-30-150, Norway kjell.johnsen@conoptica.com www.conoptica.com
W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
When it comes to pinhole detection technology, we believe that we are the best. It’s our heritage. The Clinton Instrument Company (CIC) specializes in high-voltage, quality control equipment for the wire and cable and plastic product industries. It was founded in 1952 by inventor Henry H. Clinton, whose 3kHz High-Frequency Sine Wave design radically modernized test methods for wire and cable insulation. Patented in 1966, this technology remains the industry standard. Our equipment also tests for spark testing, cable fault location and spark tester calibration. Our test methodology and equipment are recognized by all global testing specifications. CIC remains at the forefront of R&D in this specialized area, yielding numerous patented designs for the specific pinhole detection requirements of a diverse world market. We help customers develop tests quickly and cost-effectively, where other vendors cannot. Given our experience, we have likely tested the product before, or something very similar, so we aren’t learning on the job. Our size also allows us to customize and configure systems to address the changing needs of an active market. One product that reflects what we do is our HF-15B model, our flagship model. It is not a new system, but what it does is excel for a testing voltage range from 500V to 15 kV. It is ideal for applications such as testing smaller wires at high line speeds or when a direct ground to the center conductor is not possible/practical. The HF-15B meets a variety of common industrial standards including UL 2556, UL 1581, and IEC 62230 (when properly applied, using an application appropriate electrode.) Optional communications include Analog, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, Profibus, Profinet, DeviceNET.
The Past: 25 years ago, Norway’s Conoptica solved the problem of measuring the bearing of the drawing die. The first systems, the CDP (Conoptica Die Profiler), and later the CP1000 were game changers. Using specialized optics and extremely precise mechanics, sending light through the die while it is tilted, video images and some nifty algorithms, highly repeatable measurements of the die geometry was possible. The Conoptica systems became an industry standard. The Present: Today, the core technology of the systems is based on those same inventions. Of course, optics, mechanics and camera technology have all improved, increasing precision and measurement speeds. Conoptica has also found a way to reliably measure bearing asymmetry. Die bearings are rarely the perfect cylinders we see in illustrations, and the effect on wire drawing has not been properly addressed, mainly because the properties used to be impossible to measure. That changed with the Conoptica CU11 series. See p. 63. It enables full bearing asymmetry to be measured in less than 30 seconds, making it useful for everyday die production and re-conditioning. The Future: Conoptica is not content being provider of legacy systems. In addition to continuously improving accuracy and repeatability of their existing systems, industry 4.0 and automation of die handling are central concepts in the R&D efforts. Automated die sorting systems are available along with an API for business system integration, and more is to come in the near future. To know more, visit our website or contact our sales representatives.
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1 W I R E J O U R N A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L
The Best of...
The Best of ... Ace American Wire Die Company
Heinz Hohl Heinz Hohl, president Tel. 330-425-7269 aawiredie@aol.com, www.aawiredie.com
This section asks die manufacturers why the value they offer represents “the best of.� For a commodity field, the bottom line obviously matters, but so does service, expertise and dependability. As people buy from people, beyond the essentials the deciding factor may well be the ability to make a customer feel cared for and comfortable.
Ace American Wire Die Company relies on over 60 years of drawing expertise, technology and innovation as major components of their die design. Our goal continues to be the manufacturing of the highest quality dies. We focus on each customer independently and review, discuss, and implement their die requirements into each die we produce. We have introduced many new geometric configurations to assure success. We also restore and recut die geometry to assist our customers with longer drawing time and cost savings. Ace American believes in maintaining a strong relationship with our customers. We understand how critical a die is. Company founder Heinz Hohl, worked for over 20 years in a steel mill, and has a complete understanding of the total process, not just the integral die component. Many customers have sought his assistance during the drawing process and it is not unusual to see him assisting the operators at a plant. We pride ourselves on our customer service. We take the time to review the material that a customer is going to draw and we design a die that best fits the ultimate finish size. It is not out of the ordinary to be contacted by a customer in the morning and to be shipping the required die in the afternoon. We have a diverse inventory of tungsten carbide nibs on hand so that customers can be assured if an unexpected need arises, we will be able to service that need. Our family owned and operated company has continued to expand its manufacturing capabilities. Our trained and knowledgeable workforce combined with the latest technological innovations have allowed us to meet the ever-changing requirements of our customers. Our strict standards have led to a satisfied clientele and customers for life.
W I R E J O U R N A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1
W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
The Best of ... Ajex & Turner
Director J.S. Gupta Contact: Sucheta Grover, business development manager sales@ajexturner.com www.ajexturner.com
The Best of ... Balloffet
Different shape dies from Balloffet Contact: Bill Couse, vice president/GM Balloffet Die Corp. Tel. 915-592-5252 bill@balloffetusa.com www.balloffetdie.com
W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
Based in India, Ajex & Turner (A&T), a technology-driven unit engaged in manufacturing since 1962, offers a wide range of products for the wire and cable industry. A&T has developed VNT Nano dies—a third-generation development to save electricity, manpower and metal—to produce high-quality bright wire that is well accepted by wire and cable units all over the world. Though it was challenging to accomplish this, A&T accepted and prevailed. This led to the development of our most advanced products: trapezoidal wire dies and sector dies in VNT Nano for better, smooth production, correct geometry and high brightness on the conductor. Our wire drawing dies, made from PCD/ND/carbide in round and any shape, are well accepted by the users for multi-wire/rod break down machines of Europe and America or any other make. We have also developed PCD groove/trolley wire dies for railways. A&T’s carbide, PCD and extrusion tools are very welcomed by crosshead and extrusion machine manufactures as well as by users for any make of machine in single|double|triple hole sizes. A&T has also developed many types of in-house die polishing machines and related accessories to re-size/re-polish dies and extrusion tools. Many European, American and Middle Eastern companies depend on our products due to their quality and price, because in India, labor is very economical and paid for in Indian rupees, whereas European companies pay in euros and pounds. We now offer customers a free trial for our VNT Nano dies up to 10 mm for drawing welding wire and stranding of aluminum.
Balloffet is the most experienced wire die manufacturer in the global market. Founded in 1870, this family-owned company can be traced back to its origin in Lagnieu, France. Beyond its wealth of experience, Balloffet also has market diversity: 90% of its products are exported, and it has 25 representatives around the world. With electronics becoming increasingly complex to make lives easier, wires have taken on new shapes, ones with smaller sizes and tighter tolerances. Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) dies can be twice as small as they used to be and almost twice as large, while synthetic single-crystal diamond shaped dies (SSCD) can be as small as 0.0014 in. Apart from its lines of standard products (dies, extrusion tools, and die-shop equipment), Balloffet has been using exclusive specialized programing the past five years to create more sophisticated shape dies with SSCD and PCD. Our engineers continue to evaluate and improve the processes and steps needed to create more elaborate shapes in smaller dies. The process itself is simple: a round or shaped inlet wire is elongated through different sized dies to get the desired shape. It is not so simple when the goal is for the dies to be used to be accurate to 0.3 microns for both the dimensions and final requested shape. The software advancements help provide precision when calculating the shaped die sequences, and the ability to quickly provide technical drawings for a product prototype. With so much experience, Balloffet knows how to progress and invent new technology to make shaped diamond dies more efficiently, and to do things that its competitors have yet to be able to match. That expertise enables customers to maximize their speed and accuracy.
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1 W I R E J O U R N A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L