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*As of 8/30/2021
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The Interwire experience continues this Oct. 26-27 at the Georgia World Congress Center. Photo by Terence Rushin.
Interwire: back live & vital On multiple levels, it is safe to say that the 2021 staging of Interwire will be unlike any other. Association volunteers and staff have put together WAI’s most forward-looking program ever. The pivotal element is Industry 4.0, the show theme. It was created by working closely with leaders in the field to offer a clear, focused response to this question: can 4.0 play a meaningful real-world role for the wire and cable industry? The 4.0 Pavilion will enable attendees to get answers. It will also host a series of related
15-minute industry briefs over two days. Beyond the 4.0 focus, the show floor will see some 225 companies represented during the condensed schedule. Interwire will also feature iconic anchor events such as the Conference Sessions, keynote speakers, the Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing program, Welcome Reception, Production Solutions, Awards presentations, Mordica Lecture and more. Yet one of the biggest attractions may well be the opportunity to restore connections and make new ones.
The 4.0 Industry Pavilion will host 12 exhibitors that will be ready to discuss their specialties.
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TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Attendees at one of the keynote speaker presentations at Interwire 2019. Photo by Terence Rushin. The Interwire experience will continue to be energizing. Attendees will get to hear two notable speakers. On Tuesday, Brett Culp, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, will encourage attendees to find the “superhero” within each of us, and the path one can take to “everyday leadership.” On Wednesday, the focus will come from Southwire industry veteran Kathleen Edge, who will discuss her company’s mission to be a “Connected – Flexible Operating System.” She will highlight Southwire’s journey toward modernization, and a lean culture adapting to new demands by sharing production-related success stories. Also returning will be the WAI Theater sponsored by Sonoco on the show floor. It will serve as the venue for the keynote speakers, 16 presentations (30 minutes) over the two days and the WAI Annual Meeting, Awards presentations and Mordica Award Lecture. That event will start Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 4:30 pm, and be followed by the Welcome Reception that will be held on the show floor. There also will be another Interwire first that presents a fun touch, albeit one with an informal competitive edge, over the two days: the Cornhole Challenge. See p. 56. The pages that follow outline the scope of what Interwire will present. Of note, the Industry 4.0 focus has attracted a number of first-time exhibitors, including two key representatives who will be making presentations. Those are Lawrence Whittle, the CEO of Parsable, “Adapting a People-Centric, Connected Worker Mindset in Digital Transformation Initiatives”; and Andrea Gozzi, managing director of MindSphere World - Italia, “The Importance of an Open Ecosystem for the Industrial Internet of Things.” The Covid-19 backdrop remains a reality, but it is one that has been addressed, and attendees who act responsibly should be able to focus on their goals. It ultimately comes down to whether industry continues to hole up, or if it is ready to restore connections and pursue future plans. Important ideas and inspiration that can help a company move forward are not likely to be conceived at a home office. They are much more likely to be found in Atlanta on Oct. 26-27. W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
General Program/Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 New & Noteworthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Education Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Exhibition Planning Committee. . . . . . . . . . 58 Industry 4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Georgia World Congress Center . . . . . . . . . 66 Keynote Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 WAI Annual Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 President’s Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Mordica Memorial Award Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Donnellan Memorial Award Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Welcome Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 WAI Life & 25-Year Members . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Conference Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Industry 4.0 Briefings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Production Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Alphabetical/Numerical List of Exhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Preview of Exhibits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Exhibitors’ Product Directory . . . . . . . . . .138 Floor Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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NEW & NOTEWORTHY Welcome: focus on 4.0 was a top priority for 2021 As we planned the industry 4.0 program, we knew that there was a lot of curiosity and interest in the elements of smart factories. We were certain that it would be essential to showcase available technologies for application in the wire and cable manufacturing environment. To that end, we invited select companies that are familiar with the unique processes that Baker define our day-to-day operations to demonstrate their solutions. We purposely included a blend of companies that could address many of the nine Industry 4.0 technological pillars. There is no better venue than Interwire to meet with these companies, grow your understanding of these fast-moving technologies and align them with your operational needs. Prysmian Group Vice President North American Engineering Richard Baker.
This is a true inflection point in the business of manufacturing wire and cable. Manufacturers that face unrelenting production challenges have new resources designed to optimize their operations. These new tools, based on digitization of a manufacturing plants, will be showcased at Interwire. I encourage you to review the program to appreciate the full Sundblad breath of the event. The Industry 4.0 Pavilion is quite comprehensive. Each of the 12 participant companies will explain what they to offer through their demonstrations and “industry briefings,” but you have to be there to learn what they have to share. You should also participate in the Conference and explore the many solutions on the exhibit floor. Oden Technologies President and Founder Willem Sundblad.
Day 1 Keynote Speaker: each of us has a super hero within that can be reached
You think that Dave has a corny idea? Well, it will be 23 feet to glory on the show floor
Brett Culp is an award-winning documentary filmmaker whose films are featured on Netflix, iTunes, Hulu and other top digital platforms. He encourages audiences to find the superhero within and their own path to “everyday leadership.” His insights help us realize our greatest personal and business potential, and renew our collective sense of hope for the future and belief that our efforts can make an impact. He has an inspiring message to share that sounds like a good way to start the day. See p. 68.
Interwire is about new ideas and business opportunities, but Dave Fisher, Monroe Wire & Cable, believes that it should also be a fun place. And that’s why he lobbied for Interwire to have its first-ever Cornhole Toss on the main aisle of the show floor. There won’t be a formal competition, but there should be lots of impromptu matches, with the potential for some ribbing ... but not a knee or shoulder injury. Per Dave, “It’s a great way for people to get together, maybe meet some new people and enjoy some refreshments. You can’t not have fun doing this.” The attraction will be active both days. In the meantime, you might want to start practicing your pitch technique.
Day 2 Keynote Speaker: industry needs advance technology to remain competitive Kathleen Edge, Southwire executive vice president, operations, will discuss Southwire’s mission to be a “Connected – Flexible Operating System.” She will highlight the company’s journey toward modernization and a lean culture adapting to new demands by sharing production-related success stories. She noted that while technology is an enabler, it is not the fix. “Technology needs to leverage experienced employees with tools to realize the true benefits. See p. 68.
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INTERWIRE 2021 Insights, Innovation and Information
Interwire safety considerations
Where can you find realworld answers to questions about Industry 4.0? The Industry 4.0 Pavilion on the show floor will host 12 companies with 18 presentations over two days. INDUSTRY4.0 The educational segments are scheduled throughout the two-day program. Visit each kiosk for in-depth discussions or visit for the 15-minute mini presentations to learn more about the innovative technologies that are part of Industry 4.0. Reps from companies will be there, so bring your questions. Of course, there will be far more for attendees to see on the show floor. At press time, more than 225 exhibitors were slated to participate on the show floor. The roster includes a number of new exhibitors.
At press time the Georgia World Congress Center, which is operated and owned by the state of Georgia, is not requiring that masks be worn in the building. However, at a minimum, most show organizers hosting at the facility recommend masks be worn in the building. The WAI Board is monitoring this important safety issue and will determine the Interwire policy in the near future. Do note that the city of Atlanta does require masks when indoors.
Open-door policy: none on show floor The WAI Theater sponsored by Sonoco will again host Interwire Conference Sessions as well as WAI events on the show floor. Introduced at Interwire 2019, the open venue presents program elements—from keynote speeches and awards to conference presentations and the Mordica Lecture—that previously were held at off-floor rooms behind closed doors. The format adds a sense of vitality to the Interwire experience, and makes it easier to attend.
Kudos to those who make this possible WAI wants to thank all the sponsors that have helped make it possible to stage Interwire 2021. During challenging times, they remained steadfast to their commitment to this industry event, which speaks well to both them and to the value they attribute to Interwire, North America’s largest such event for the wire and cable industry. Platinum sponsors. Cerrowire, Encore Wire, Gem Gravure Co., Inc.; James Monroe Wire & Cable Corporation; Lloyd & Bouvier, Prysmian Group; SDI LaFarga COPPERWORKS; Sonoco Reels & Spools; Southwire Company; and Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp. Gold sponsors. Carris Reels and Continuus-Properzi. Silver sponsors. AIM, Inc., Insteel Wire Products; The MGS Group; NDC Technologies/Beta LaserMike; Niehoff GmbH/NENA; RichardsApex; and Sikora AG. Bronze sponsors. Baum’s Castorine; Champlain Cable Corporation; Enkotec; Fort Wayne Wire Die; and Precision Reels/Payoffs.
Shortest distance ever for a WAI Reception Look no further than the exhibit hall for the Interwire Welcome Reception this year. WAI welcomes visitors, exhibitors, speakers, and sponsors for an exhilarating chance to continue business discussions with clients and friends. See p. 74.
Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing Attendees at the inaugural WAI Theater sponsored by Sonoco at Interwire 2019.
Product Directory has you covered Meet the machinery makers and suppliers, in person, who can help you realize your manufacturing goals. More than 70 product categories are represented by exhibitors ready to update you on the latest ideas and options. From computer hardware/software and process control equipment to heat-treating equipment to wire-drawing equipment, you’ll find options on the show floor.
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This iconic WAI program is being offered as a hybrid course. It will be offered virtually on Wednesday, Oct. 13, and Oct. 20. The balance will be held in person at the Wire Journal Conference Centers (A/B) on Wednesday, Oct. 27. Scheduled in-person presenters include: Anand Bhagwat, Minova USA Inc., fundamentals of ferrous metallurgy; Zach McAfee and Chris Porado, Chemetall, USA, cleaning and coating of rod and wire; C. Richard Gordon, C. Richard Gordon Consulting, LLC, ferrous testing and properties, followed by ferrous heat treatment; Kevin Dancy, Roteq Machinery, Inc., stranding and cabling; Erik A. Macs, Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp., extrusion; Erika Akins and Casey Spradlin, Southwire Company, fundamentals of electrical testing; and Huck Hyde, Gem Gravure Co.,Inc., marking and printing. S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 W I R E J O U R N A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L
Focus on: INDUSTRY 4.0 Today Industry 4.0 captures the imagination of wire makers. It introduces change. Automation, robotics, and data analytics affect the way wire is made and how well companies compete on the world stage. You are invited to Interwire to explore the possibilities of Industry 4.0. Meet with the machinery makers and suppliers who can help you realize your goals. Learn what these changes mean for your plant and personnel. And find out what is imminent and what is already here to stay.
Industry 4.0 Pavilion
Industry 4.0 Conference
Educational segments are scheduled throughout the two-day program at the Industry 4.0 Pavilion. Visit each kiosk for in-deph discussions to learn more about the innovative technologies that are part of Industry 4.0.
This year’s conference, open to all registrants, follows the Industry 4.0 theme with 20 paper presentations from key industry companies involved this innovative technology.
Industry 4.0 Briefings These 15-minute segments scheduled throughout the two-day program highlight exhibitors involved in some aspect of Industry 4.0.
Industry 4.0 Exhibitors Interwire will illustrate how machine learning, automation, artificial intelligence, big data, analytics, IoT, predictive maintenance, and other factory and machine enhancements can positively affect the way wire is made.
Note: All events are scheduled within the exhibit hall and are included with registration except for the Hybrid Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing course, which requires separate registration.
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INDUSTRY 4.0 PAVILION Industry 4.0 can be described as a collection of technologies and procedures that combine to support the smart factory concept. The inaugural Industry 4.0 Pavilion at Interwire—a collaboration between the WAI and Messe Düsseldorf North America—will feature displays and educational briefings.
ADVARIS. The company offers a comprehensive ERP and MES industry solution for the wire and cable industry. As a worldwide supplier, ADVARIS Cable takes the “all-inone” approach instead of “best-of-breed.” Its comprehensive software platform ensures a complete, seamlessly integrated solution from a single source. The ERP system is designed to help in metal billing, shipping, rewinding and cutting orders, drum and tool management and cable design. Cimteq. The company’s CableBuilder Enterprise and CableBuilder Go software solutions were designed to provide the flexibility needed to meet specific industry and company requirements. CableMES integrates seamlessly into CableBuilder Enterprise and a company’s ERP system, with real-time data transfers in both directions, keeping the business in sync with the shop floor at all times. Davis-Standard/Maillefer. The company will show both a VR experience into a fiber optic cable factory, and a secondary coating extrusion line that will feature SMART BUFFERING—its AI augmented line control package— designed to find and predict process problems before they lead to out of specification production and present the operator with recommended course corrections. 40Factory Srl. The company specializes in the end-to-
end development and delivery of Industrial AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things) solutions that range from edge computing applications (data acquisition, pre-processing, on-the-edge storage and data visualization) to cloud web applications for machine efficiency analysis, production traceability, process telemetry, energy consumption and predictive analytics (maintenance and quality).
InnoVites. The company’s display will feature CableERP, which is based on the innovative and cloudbased Microsoft Dynamics 365 business software. CableERP has been created to solve the unique prob62
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lems wire and cable manufacturers face, but which are not addressed by standard ERP packages. In addition to CableERP, InnoVites resells and implements CableBuilder Enterprise and CableMES across the wire and cable industry.
MFL Group. The company will demonstrate its proprietary, fully responsive MFL X Industrial IoT App running on MindSphere®, the cloud-based open IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) operating system from Siemens. Now available for steel drawing lines, copper and aluminum rod breakdown lines, multiwire drawing lines and extrusion lines, the MFL X AI Cable Analyzer captures cable images during production and analyzes cable surface roughness and color in real time. The data analyzed by its proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) agent completely eliminate the subjective evaluation of the operator. MindSphere World Italia. The company helps accelerate the adoption of Industrial IoT and drive digital transformation of manufacturing. Its mission is to create an environment in which thought leaders, developers, research institutes and manufacturers can network, develop standards and explore best practices. Oden Technologies. The company helps manufacturers make different, better and faster decisions through Machine Learning and Applied Analytics. The company’s technology platform is pioneering the use of real-time predictive and prescriptive analytic tools that uncover untapped value to make more, waste less and innovate faster. The company is working to transform the manufacturing industry by digitizing, analyzing and perfecting peak factory performance through automated insights, interactive dashboards and real-time alerts. Parsable. The company offers Connected Worker®,
which consists of modern digital tools that empower frontline workers and improve productivity, safety, and quality. W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
INTERWIRE 2021 Manufacturers are digitizing SOPs, checklists, and workflows with its Connected Worker solution. The results include reduced unplanned stoppages, waste and paper; increased OEE, throughput and compliance with digital traceability; and faster operator onboarding and certification.
Rockwell Automation. The company offers The Connected Enterprise®, which makes it possible to converge plant-level and enterprise networks, and securely connect people, processes and technologies.
4.0 BRIEFINGS Over two-days, there will be 14 Industry Briefs (each 15 minutes) presented by companies either at their booth or the Industry 4.0 pavilion. The briefings will focus on the presenting company’s experience for 4.0 for the wire and cable industry. Below are a list of the companies and the time and locations.
SIKORA. The company will show a laser gauge head which generates measured values of a cable and provides this data via an interface. The data processing will be visualized schematically as a number matrix. Additionally, the company will show an animated cable production line with its measuring technology and a control center where, besides general production data, the measured value of its LASER gauge is displayed.
10:30 am - 10:45 am | Booth 1309
TROESTER. The company will showcase its Industry 4.0 solutions with an emphasis on their proven Maintenance Advisor with Augmented Reality features. Attendees will see first-hand the value of the product relative to data acquisition and analysis as well as preventive maintenance and machine control. The main benefits are generated in reduced downtimes, production transparence, increased flexibility and quality control. TROESTER is well known for its cable production technology that includes CV-, silane-, jacketingand insulation lines.
1:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
MFL Group/40Factory/MindSphere Group 11:00 am - 11:15 am | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
11:30 am - 11:45 am | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
Rockwell Automation, Inc. 1:30 pm - 1:45 pm | Booth 841
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
Sikora AG
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm | Booth 1341
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27 10:30 am - 10:45 am | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
Oden Technologies
11:00 am - 11:15 am | Booth 1508
11:30 am - 11:45 am | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
1:00 pm - 1:15 pm | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
1:30 pm - 1:45 pm | Industry 4.0 Pavilion
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm | Booth 1240
The MGS Group
2:30 pm - 2:45 pm | Booth 1140
Continuus-Properzi W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G
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INDUSTRY 4.0 EXHIBITORS The following are companies, not located in the Pavilion, that offer technology that can be used as part of a 4.0 solution. The opposite page also highlights Industry 4.0 Exhibitor Booths you may choose to visit to get more scope on the 4.0 industry. View their booth descriptions in the preview.
ArgusIoT Inc. Tel. 408-218-3820 www.argusIot.ai info@argusanalytics.io USA Booth 326 See p. 104. ArgusIoT is a California-based technology company with a mission to digitally transform industrial companies. Digital data is the new plant raw material, which you may be inadvertently scrapping. At Interwire, stop by to learn how our digital assembly line can capture your existing data, visualize it and drive actionable insights for all plant stakeholders. We will share our pilot results from the wire manufacturing industry and the benefits derived. Whether your equipment is 50 years or five years old, or if your digitization budget is zero or seven figures, we can help you get started on your journey to data driven actions.
Conoptica AS Tel. 47-7283-0150 www.conoptica.com conoptica@conoptica.com Norway Booth 1023 Industry 4.0 is about data and information. Conoptica’s systems integrate seamlessly with corporate data systems and contributes to die shop automation with our automatic die sorting system.
EBNER Furnaces, Inc. Tel. 330-335-1600 www.ebnerfurnaces.com sales@ebnerfurnaces.com USA Booth 919 EBNER Industry 4.0 strategy has Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) at its core with aims of optimizing operating costs and increasing productivity and energy efficiency by using tools for continuous improvement and process development. EBNER’s VISUALFURNACES® 8 uses a new, state-of-the-art, web-compatible interface to support facility operation regardless of actual location, thus enabling resource optimization. EBNER “perfect’ software modules further enhance functionality by organizing maintenance planning; facilitating critical communications; enabling efficiency monitoring; leveraging data analysis for process improvements; viewing data remotely;
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and setting up databases to support analyzing IoT data streams. myEBNER digital platform puts facility drawings, parts, training, etc. a click away. It supports evolution of maintenance needs from preventative to predictive by using sensing technologies to enable more precise identification of required tasks and of available innovations and upgrades and thereafter leveraging digital catalogs to facilitate timely electronic parts procurement and digital tickets to speed timely servicing.
iiM AG measurement + engineering Tel. 49-3681-45519-0 www.cable-measurement.com visiocablepro.sales@iimag.de Germany Booth 1065 The measuring devices of the VisioCablePro® family were specially developed for measuring manufacturer-specific geometries on wire insulations and cable sheaths. In order to use the measurement results not only for monitoring but also for optimizing your production processes and material usage, the VisioCablePro devices VCPX5, VCPAlphaOne and VCPLab are equipped with a software interface. The measuring devices can be connected to the CAQ software ProCable3. External CAQ modules such as Advaris or CIQ by AESA are also available as existing interfaces. The compact and powerful ProCable3 was especially developed to meet the needs and requirements of cable manufacturers. Test plans with nominals and tolerances can be created, orders managed, measurement data archived, statistically evaluated and displayed in graphs. By analyzing the data, trends can easily be recognized and the quality of your production can be monitored seamlessly. Process changes can be counteracted without wasting time – directly during production.
Integrated Control Technologies Tel. 972-906-7445 www.integratedcontroltech.com dan@integratedcontroltech.com USA Booth 1012 Are you stuck in the past with outdated performance of older controls? Achieving excellence and insight into your process doesn’t require you to throw out the entire line and start over, but to move forward, you must escape historical designs. At ICT we have developed systems that can update your line and propel your jour-
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INTERWIRE 2021 ney forward toward Industry 4.0. Our newest product, the PDQ Wire: Extruder Control System sets the bar for true standardization with a system that is easy to understand yet sophisticated enough to give you missing insight to your process, all at a reasonable price delivered quickly. Price, Delivery and Quality – the key ingredients that make the pursuit of Industry 4.0 achievable.
The MGS Group Tel. 315-337-3350, ext. 160 sales@themgsgroup.com www.themgsgroup.com USA Booth 1240 Industry 4.0 is part of the efforts to drive the wire and cable industry to advances in data analysis, automation and more intelligent manufacturing. The MGS Group’s range of equipment supports many targets of this latest wave of more intelligent and efficient processing of wire and cable manufacturing. From data collection through more sophisticated programmable logic computer technology to robotic systems integrated into operations, the MGS Group will discuss how its technology can provide manufacturers the essential elements needed to attain the next level of production.
NDC Technologies (BETA LaserMike Products) Tel. 937-233-9935 www.ndc.com/betalasermike jay.luis@ndc.com USA Booth 1641 On a typical wire and cable production line, NDC Technologies’ BETA LaserMike smart gauges enable manufacturers to keep their “fingers on the pulse” of the jacketing extrusion process. By integrating NDC’s gauges into the production process, you can accurately capture measurement data, product data and variables along the critical points in the process for end-to-end inspection. Our process controllers, production personnel can intuitively visualize dimensional, SPC and trend data in realtime to maintain tighter product specifications. Closed-loop control with the extrusion line and integration with other networked systems enable manufacturers to maintain production accuracy, produce higher quality products and realize significant material savings. At the enterprise level, NDC’s process controllers can provide scalable connectivity across the organizational value chain via PLC, SCADA, MES and ERP systems. Measurement and process data becomes part of “big data,” enabling organizations to use cloud analytics for data-driven decision making, increasing agility and competitiveness.
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Industry 4.0 Exhibitor Booths 40Factory SRL ................................................ 1309, I-4.0 ADVARIS GmbH ............................................. 1301, I-4.0 ArgusIoT Inc. ..............................................................326 Calmec Precision Limited.........................................1064 Cimteq ...................................................................... I-4.0 Davis-Standard/ Maillefer Extrusion Oy ................................ 1241, I-4.0 Conoptica AS ...........................................................1023 Continuus-Properzi. SpA/ Properzi International Inc ......................................1140 EBNER Furnaces, Inc. .................................................919 Enkotec, Company Inc. .............................................1508 Extrusion Control & Supply, Inc ...............................1614 IDEAL Welding Systems ..........................................1251 iiM AG measurement + engineering .......................1065 InnoVites .................................................................. I-4.0 Integrated Control Technologies .............................1012 LaserLinc, Inc ...........................................................1158 Maillefer Extrusion Oy/ Davis-Standard............................................ 1241, I-4.0 MARPOSS ..................................................................517 MFL Group...................................................... 1309, I-4.0 The MGS Group .......................................................1240 MindSphere World ........................................ 1309, I-4.0 NDC Technologies (BETA LaserMike Products)...................................1641 Niehoff Endex North America Inc..............................841 Oden Technologies Inc............................................. I-4.0 P/A Industries, Inc....................................................1059 Parsable.................................................................... I-4.0 Proton Products Inc ..................................................1131 QED Wire Lines Inc ..................................................1361 Rockwell Automation, Inc. ....................................... I-4.0 Sikora International Corp ................................. 730, I-4.0 Teknikor ....................................................................1259 Troester GmbH & Co. KG ............................... 1451, I-4.0 Vinston US Corp .........................................................711 WAFIOS Machinery Corporation .............................1005 Zumbach ...................................................................1341 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1 W I R E J O U R N A L I N T E R N AT I O N A L