WJI October 2020 Feature Sample

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wire Düsseldorf UPDATE

WAI’s ‘Fundamentals’ program deemed an online success. Series continues on Wednesdays this month. See p. 40.



ASSOCIATION HIGHLIGHTS Early reviews for virtual ‘Fundamentals’ program are overwhelmingly positive The WAI’s first-ever online presentation of the Fundamentals of Wire & Cable Manufacturing (Fundamentals) course got very favorable reviews for the first segment, held Wednesday, Sept. 16. A total of 111 participants signed up, with 97 attending the first week sessions, while others later watched the recordings on WAI’s video server. A total of 41 different companies from 11 countries were represented.

Presenters in the first leg of WAI’s seven-week “Fundamentals” online course did a commendable job.

Comments from attendees: “I was impressed by the excellent quality and organization of the event.” “Kudos to João. He handled the boring–but very important– subject of dies with humor, passion and expertise. We all loved it.” “I’m a beginner, so I would like to have seen things broken down for a beginner. It was clear that this was more an intermediate/advanced session.” ”The two presentations were clear and focused on language and pronunciation, for which I am very grateful. I hope that the following sessions continue with the same quality, since there are people who do not attend sessions in English commonly.”


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Moderated by Fort Wayne Wire Die President Eric Bieberich, the first section, the General Track, saw instructor Matt Reinoehl, process metallurgist for SDI La Farga, present the mechanics of wiredrawing. He was followed by instructor João Noroña, director of R&D development at Paramount Die Company, who presented drawing dies. Both 70-minute sessions covered a lot of shop turf. A survey of attendees rating the presentations on a 1-5 scale came in at 4.5. Of note, at least one participant thought the presentations were too advanced while another wanted them to be even more so. Fundamentals runs for seven Wednesdays. The live presentations are available to attendees two weeks after the broadcast. It is still possible to sign up for the remaining sessions at www.funwiremfg.com. The schedule for the final three sessions is as follows. Oct. 14: Ferrous Track, 9 am to 11:15 am, Ferrous Testing and Properties, instructor C. Richard Gordon; and Nonferrous/Electrical Track; 11:30 am to 12:45 pm, Fundamentals of Electrical Testing, instructor TBD. Oct. 21: Nonferrous/Electrical Track, 10:00 am to 11:15 am, Marking & Printing, instructor Huck Hyde; Ferrous Track, 11:30 am to 14:45 pm, Ferrous Heat Treatment, instructor C. Richard Gordon. Oct. 28: General Track, 10 am to 11:15 am, Manufacturing Problem Solving, instructor Stacy Martin; and 11:30 am to 12:45 pm, Operations Panel (Jan Sørige, Enkotec; Tom Heberling, Southwire; and Jim York, Insteel).

“I appreciate that you are able to provide such informative webinars at affordable prices. “Please include more information in the presentations.” “Good instruction for people who draw wire. For those of us who use the wire after the wire drawing process, not so applicable.“ “Excellent information.” “Most things I knew, but there was plenty I did not know. The things I knew were brought back to my attention, which is great.” “Well worth the time, looking forward to the next sessions.”

W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G

The door to WAI’s virtual classroom opens with one key.

Introducing the...

Fundamentals of Wire Manufacturing Course NOW { with more time } ONLINE.

Classes start in September

When you enter WAI’s virtual classroom you’ll gain access to a solid background in the key principles of wire & cable manufacturing. Presented by experts in the field, this course is WAI’s most popular training program and refresher course for operations personnel, sales and administrative teams, and new hires. EDUCATION

Now the course is available online! More time for you; more time for the instructors to delve into topics and clear up any question you have. Starting on September 16, 2020, you will be just seven Wednesdays away from a greater understanding of wire making. Don’t delay. This virtual offering vanishes when in-person courses resume. Take advantage of special pricing for current and new WAI members: $145 - members; $175 - new members; and $245 - nonmembers. Details and registration: www.funwiremfg.com


© Photo: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

wire Düsseldorf Update wire Düsseldorf organizers have reaffirmed that the event, rescheduled from March 3-April 3 to Dec. 7-11, will indeed be held. This article was to include booth listings, but those will now be presented in the November issue. Instead, it includes details/comments from Messe Düsseldorf and key trade associations; a look at a post Covid-19 event held at the Messe Fairgrounds; and a sense of what the iconic event offers by re-presenting WJI’s February insert. Messe Düsseldorf will go forward as rescheduled. A press release from the organizers of the world’s largest wire and cable trade show stated that industry organizations support the event at the Fairgrounds. “In a meeting of the European associations acting as conceptual sponsors of the events in Düsseldorf, the decision has now been taken that a commitment to the leading trade fairs from their respective sectors of industry is indispensable despite these challenging times,” the release said. “Personal encounters, one-on-one conversations and the expert exchange at the trade fair stand have never been more important than in the current situation.” The release cited both the support of industry organizations as well as the commitment to safety and the ability to provide a safe venue (see p. xx). While not all industry trade groups have come out in support of the decision, those that did believed it was the right thing to do in a difficult period.


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“All parties are making an effort to return to a normal course of affairs in spite of the existing Covid-19 measures and risks,” said WAFIOS AG CEO Dr. Uwe-Peter Weigmann, who is president of VDKM, Germany. “We are confident that personal conversations and live demonstrations of machinery offered by a trade fair cannot be replaced by video conferences. This is why WAFIOS will exhibit its latest innovations at the trade fair, albeit on a smaller scale than usual. We are aware that the trade fairs in December will not be comparable to a ‘normal’ wire and Tube. But we expect customers to come and want to be at their service.” Machinefabrik Niehoff GmbH & Co KG CEO Ralf Kappertz, president of IWCEA, said it was important to keep close to customers. “We want to prove this partnership also in difficult times like these ... by making a convincing appearance at the trade fair in Düsseldorf ... even if different from previous trade fair years. ... We will W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G


now be doing our utmost to also make this wire and Tube—despite being held under special circumstances—what they have always been: the communication and business platforms of the wire, cable and tube industries.” “The industries need their most relevant sectoral platforms in order to present innovations and meet their business partners again,” said TKT Group CEO Ferruccio Bellina, president of ACIMAF. “A major share of the EU COVID-19 recovery funds adopted will be invested in the extension and renovation of infrastructure and therefore also flow directly into our industries.” RichardsApex Inc. CEO Drew Richards, the president of the WCISA, and Mike McNulty, WCISA executive director, approved the decision. “We applaud Messe Düsseldorf’s efforts to stage wire 2020 in a manner that meets the current conditions of the industry and world. WCISA is also supporting its member companies that plan to exhibit in the North American pavilion as well as on their own, and we respect the individual decisions of each member company.” IWMA Executive Manager Andy Lewis said that uncertainty about the rescheduled event is understandable. “However, following the comprehensive hygiene and infection protection concept published by Messe Düsseldorf, (we are) keen to take this opportunity for businesses to get back to some sort of normality; therefore, IWMA will be exhibiting as normal with social distancing enforced on the stand, finding new ways to provide the best service possible for our members.” AWCMA/VOEDKM, the Austrian association, reports that it will be represented with a small booth in Hall 10, although various member companies decided not to take part due to the still ongoing global pandemic. IWCEA France President François Chambellant said that, despite the 2020 event being very different and smaller, he supports the staging because it is important for the industry to maintain business momentum through this exceptional business platform. “The partnership with Messe Düsseldorf remains strong, and our goal is to see Wire 2022 back to the event’s original and exceptional international influence.” Messe officials were pleased by the support. “We are all the more delighted to send a positive signal to the industries by holding the two events,” said Friedrich-Georg Kehrer, global portfolio director wire, Tube & Flow Technologies. Daniel Ryfisch, project director wire, Tube & Flow Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, added that the international situation has to be re-assessed anew every day. “We are aware that in the current situation, most visitors will come from Europe to see us, and wire and Tube will have a primarily European character in 2020.” For further information, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312- 781-5180. info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com.


Editor’s note

North American Pavilion sponsor: Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA)

This feature was meant to be a preview of wire Düsseldorf, but some exhibitors needed more time to finalize their plans and booth listings. That led to three decisions. One, that there would be a second article, in the November issue, and two, something had to be done to fill a lot of suddenly empty pages. That led to three, the decision to update the status of wire Düsseldorf here, and to reproduce the February insert showcasing technology at the Fairgrounds from 39 exhibitors. While not all those companies and technology will be at wire Düsseldorf, the collective entries present a sense of the essence of the event. One has to be flexible in these uncertain Covid-19 times. W W W. W I R E N E T. O R G

Show name: wire 2020, International Wire and Cable Trade Fair Dates: Dec. 7-11, 2020 Location: Düsseldorf Fairgrounds, Germany Venue: • Halls 10 to 14: wire and cable • Hall 15: mesh welding and spring machinery • Halls 16-17: spring and fastener making technology and products • Hall 17: meet China’s expertise Show hours: 9 am – 6 pm, Dec. 7-10 9 am – 4:30 pm, Dec. 11 U.S. contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America info@mdna.com; www.mdna.com Industry partners: International Wire and Cable Exhibitors Association (IWCEA) IWCEA France Austrian Wire & Cable Machinery Manufacturers Association (AWCMA) International Wire and Machinery Association (IWMA) Association of Wire & Cable Machinery Manufacturers, Germany (VDKM) Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association (ACIMAF) Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA) N. American Pavilion organizer: Messe Düsseldorf North America

Admission: (online only) 1 day: 60 euro | 42 online 5-day pass: 100 euro | 82 online Show program Separate Wire/Tube: 33 euro Bundle Wire/Tube: 60 euro

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