The Wise Mom, Autumn 2010

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wise: (adj) informed, aware

holistic therapies what you need to know what is a “green” pediatrician? magic of breastmilk

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

© The Wise Mom, Holistic Moms Network. Issue 2, August 2010.

thewisemom 4 From the Editor 6 News & Announcements 10 Member Profile 12 Volunteer Profile 14 What Should One Know Before Choosing a Holistic Therapy? 16 What Holistic Therapy Do You Use? 18 Holistic Pediatricians What Does It Mean To Be A “Green Pediatrician”? 22 Homeopathic Medicines 24 Healing Infertility 28 Who Can Help You If Breastfeeding Is Difficult? 30 Gluten and Mood 32 Energy Medicine: Body Talk 34 The Magic of Breastmilk


Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

thewisemom EDITOR


Aimee Wood

For advertising rates and information about Sponsorship, please e-mail us at or call


us at 877-HOL-MOMS.


The Wise Mom is published four times per year and is

Nancy Massotto

distributed electronically to members of the Holistic Moms Network. For information about membership, please visit

The Wise Mom is a quarterly publication of the Holistic

us at

Moms Network (HMN), a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for parents interested in holistic health and


green living. The Wise Mom is the voice of the members

Interested in writing for The Wise Mom? We look for a

of the Holistic Moms Network as well as an informative

variety of submissions, from personal stories and

publication offering views, perspectives, and wisdom from

experiences from members to informative research articles

our parents, wellness practitioners, and experts in the

based upon our issue theme each quarter. Want to share

broad field of holistic living and parenting.

your photos with us? By submitting a photo to The Wise Mom, you agree that you have the right to distribute the

The information provided in The Wise Mom is not intended

image and maintain that all people depicted agree to have

to replace professional advice from a qualified healthcare

their image published.

professional and is not intended as medical advice. The articles and information presented in these pages

Email for details on

is intended as a sharing of knowledge, information, and

submitting articles or photos for an upcoming issue.

experiences. We encourage all of our readers to become informed about the many healthcare and parenting

Š The Wise Mom, Holistic Moms Network. Issue 2, August 2010.

decisions they may face and to make the choice that works best for their unique family. The Wise Mom is a publication of the Holistic Moms Network and supports the mission and purpose of our non-profit organization.

Nancy Massotto Executive Director

Copyright Š2010 holistic moms network


editorsnote Dear Members, Starting out on a holistic journey may seem daunting. Do you remember the day or the situation that put you on your holistic path? Or maybe you were born and raised a holistic child? For me, the Holistic Moms Network provided me with a fantastic support system. I knew in my heart what was right for my family when my first son was born, but discovering HMN helped me through those rough times and those days of doubting myself. The focus of this issue of The Wise Mom is Holistic Therapies. The purpose of this issue is to highlight various holistic therapies that we holistic mamas use daily and find useful, sharing what we know to work. We have experts writing about various therapies in their chosen fields as well as personal accounts from members. It is a fantastic issue. As always, we welcome your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact me at: If you are interested in writing for a future issue, please contact me at the same address for submission details. The theme for December 2010 will be Exploring Dietary Choices and the theme for March 2011 will be Finding Balance and the Need for Self-Care. Submissions for both issues will be due by November 15th, as I will be on a maternity break starting in the New Year. Please email me at the above address for submission details. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I did while compiling the articles! A special thank you to all of our contributors! Enjoy the fall and the entire splendor it brings. Warmly, Aimee K. Wood, Editor

Copyright Š2010 holistic moms network


news&announcements I’m a Holistic Mom/Dad Because... Why are you a Holistic Mom or Dad (or future parent, grandparent, wellness provider, or caregiver)? What’s your holistic passion? How do you hope to impact the future? Tell us in a picture for our new “I’m a Holistic Mom/Dad Because . . “ project! Submit your JPG or GIF image to us at and join thousands of holistic parents who will appear on our website and online community! Photos must be received by September 30th, 2010 to be included. Join us and tell the world why you’re a Holistic Mom or Dad! Permission: By sending any photo(s) of you for the “I’m a Holistic Mom/Dad because . .” project, you, the submitter, give the Holistic Moms Network permission to post the photo(s) on any HMN medium including, but not limited to: the Holistic Moms website at or online community at, HMN’S Facebook Page, YouTube, etc. without any fee or other form of compensation. You the submitter declare that the photo(s) is/are the original work of the submitter and not subject to copyright by anyone other than submitter. If the photo(s) contains a minor, submitter declares that he/she is the parent or legal guardian of the minor, and is permitting publication of the photo. Submitter declares that no other recognizable person is depicted in the photo, and if so, has obtained permission to publish the photo by that person.

Meet Motherlove:

New HMN Sponsor Motherlove has been the trusted leader in herbal pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby products since 1990. All of their products are rated zero for toxins by Skin Deep, the toxicity database. Based in Laporte, Colo., Motherlove Herbal Company was conceived by nationally recognized herbalist and author Kathryn Higgins. Through Motherlove, the journey of childbirth is supported by Nature’s healing herbs. Motherlove is dedicated to crafting the finest quality, safe and effective products for pregnancy, breastfeeding and babies, while supporting the sustainable practice of growing and gathering herbs with integrity and reverence for our planet. Learn more about them at! 6

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

It’s Not Too Late!! The 2010 Natural Living Conference is almost here! Attendees will not only have the opportunity to hear Keynote Speaker Sally Fallon Morell, Founding President of the Weston A. Price Foundation and author of Nourishing Traditions, but can take part in fabulous workshops on meditation, holistic pediatrics, self-care, and more! In addition, dozens of holistic, natural, and sustainable vendors and HMN Sponsors will be on hand to meet and answer questions, our holistic silent auction items will be hot, and our attendee bags are loaded with more than $30.00 worth of samples and coupons for natural-minded families. Don’t miss out! Register today!

Join us on Facebook! Are you on Facebook? Connect with the HolisticMomsNetwork on Facebook to stay on top of exciting news and happenings of our

New Chapters Forming! Get connected to a local HMN community! Check out our new Chapters in

growing community. Chat with other holistic

Los Altos/Mountain View, CA

moms, get great suggestions and tips, and find

San Francisco, CA

out about new Chapters and events of our organization!

New Haven County, CT Plymouth/South Shore, MA Gallatin Valley, MT

You can also connect to HMN’s Natural Living Conference and The Wise Mom on Facebook. Join us!

NYC Uptown Montgomery County, PA S. Chester County, PA

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


Think about the moment you discovered holistic living. It probably all started with a story. Perhaps someone shared their healing story and suddenly you started thinking differently about your own wellness. Or perhaps your journey started with a diagnosis…But after reading someone else’s healing story on a message board or forum, you realized you had options. You had choices. You had community. You had hope.

We’re inviting you to share your story so you can make a difference in someone else’s life. Someone who might just be waking up to wellness. Will you join us? Wellness Possibilities is collecting healing video testimonials from people whose lives have changed for the better since seeing a holistic practitioner. Videos can be homemade, only need to be 2-5 minutes long, and can be emailed to Thanks for your contribution. We look forward to hearing your story!

September 2010

memberprofile This month we are interviewing HMN member Emily Sunwell of the American River Chapter, CA.

Emily Sunwell

What got you interested in holistic living? My beautiful daughter Mekhi. She changed my life in

Tell us about yourself (occupation, hobbies, children,

that sense. Before we decided to have a baby, I lived

passions, etc):

a very different life - western medical views, shopped

I am a proud homebirth mommy. I LOVE being a stay-

at a regular grocery store, did not know much about

at-home mommy, watching our daughter experience

organics, used over-the-counter medicines and used

life, learn and grow, it’s such a joy. One of my passions

regular every-day products. Right before we decided to

is living as holistically and “green” as possible. I love

have a baby, I started changing the way I ate and what

cooking and baking, especially when I get to cook with

I put into my body. My spouse and I knew we wanted

my spouse or bake with our daughter. It can bring so

the best for our future baby, so we decided to make

much more love and joy into cooking when they are

some huge lifestyle changes. Processed foods left my life

there experiencing it too. I also love nature, especially

and organics came in. Toxic chemicals were no longer

being by the water, there’s something just so magical

in our home and only “green” products came in. As my

about it. The best thing ever though is getting to spend

pregnancy progressed we left my OB/Gyn care and

quality time with my family and dear friends.

decided to have a homebirth. This was probably the most important and best decision I have ever made in

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

my life. Over time, I learned more about homeopathics,

health. I use herbs daily to make nourishing herbal tea

“green” household products, natural body products, etc.

infusions. I use specific tinctures daily for myself and

It all has been a journey, it still is, but the beauty of it is

also for our daughter. We also use specific homeopath-

it all comes back to our daughter.

ics daily. So this has been really important in our life.

What are your top three holistic passions?

What un-holistic lifestyle or practice do you still participate in (or refuse to give up)?

1) Nourishing cooking - discovering different methods, what really is healthy and nourishing, cooking to heal

I’m trying to think of something unholistic and the

and for health.

only thing that comes to mind is watching the soap opera “General Hospital”. I love it! I don’t always get

2) Holistic healing - learning new ways to heal our bod-

to watch it, but I certainly look forward to watching it

ies whether it is from toxic mold (my family’s situation)

every weekday. It’s the only TV show I get to sit down

or something as simple as a cold, love learning more

and watch anymore. I grew up watching soaps with

about herbs and how amazing and powerful they are,

my mom, specifically “As the World Turns” and “General

learning more about different tinctures and homeopathics

Hospital”, so it kind of stuck.

and what they are beneficial for. How has HMN affected your life? 3) Natural childbirth - I love helping spread the word

I have made such dear friends through HMN. When

to women about natural childbirth and that there are so

I attended the first meeting (our local chapter), I left

many options that women in our society just don’t seem

there telling my spouse that it felt like these were my

to know about.

people, like coming home. I am so blessed to have these beautiful friends in my life. I have also learned

What holistic lifestyle or practice could you not live

so much from the national loop, the wisdom and shar-

without and why?

ing that goes on is just so special. I love knowing that

That’s a hard one because I can think of so many. I

I can post questions and that someone is always there

guess what comes to mind first is homeopathics, herbs

to help, support and share knowledge. I have also met

and tinctures. Basically my first-aid kit or “medicine”

another dear friend through the national loop, Wysteria.

cabinet. These have been so important for my family,

She answered one of my questions and from there

not just in terms of first-aid, but for health and heal-

we became friends. We’ve never met in person, but

ing. These became especially important to me after we

she is one of my dearest friends. She has been such a

found out that we had been living in toxic mold for over

support system for me, a caring, loving, strong, amaz-

two years. Our daughter lived in this environment for

ing mama. The knowledge I have gained from HMN

most of her life, she’s 3 now. It severely affected her

has been wonderful and I have been so blessed by the amazing friendships that I have gained.

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


September 2010


This month we’d like to take the time to get to know one of our wonderful HMN volunteers. Emma Catarino became a member volunteer back in May and helped us re-launch the new and improved quarterly e-magazine, The Wise Mom. Not only is the design more appealing to the eye, the e-magazine format is much more interactive and easy to read. Thanks Emma for all that you do!

Emma Catarino What is your Chapter Affiliation? I have been a member of the Triangle, NC chapter for 3 years. What is your volunteer role for HMN? I have been working on designing the new quarterly e-magazine. What have you been working on recently? Currently, I’m working on the September 2010 issue of The Wise Mom. Why do you volunteer for HMN? I love HMN and feel that they have helped me improve both mine and my family’s life immensely. Also, as a scholarship mom, I wanted to give back in some way. Tell us about yourself. How did you become interested in holistic living and HMN? What are your passions? I became interested in Holistic Living after having my first child. I was breastfeeding and needed a baby carrier I could use while nursing. I attended a Baby Wearer’s Meeting, learned more about Baby Carriers, and met several people there who lived a more natural lifestyle. As I started to learn about holistic living, it appealed to me, so I researched the subject further. As the years have passed, we have adopted more “green” practices and work harder at taking care of the earth. The more I learn, the more I


Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

want to know. I feel very at peace with where our life is headed and feel that abandoning a consumerist mentality and trying to live in a more earth-conscious way has proven extremely beneficial in many ways to every member of my family. Some of my holistic passions include natural birth (including homebirth, we had an HBAC with our second child), eating local and organic, and limiting chemical exposure. What is your favorite holistic therapy? Chiropractic care is probably my favorite. I have suffered from terrible backaches for years. Other than begging my husband for a daily massage, going to my chiropractor (a fellow Holistic Mom!) is one of the few things that

what HMN members are

Talking About . . . If you haven’t already, please join us on the new Online Member Community at: There have been some great conversations already started on the OMC. Check out what we’ve been talking about (this is just a small sampling):

In Our Chapters: Chinese Medicine, Austin, TX Chapter (Sept) Rhythmic Alchemy, Indianapolis, IN Chapter (Sept) Making Your Own Soaps, Monroe County, PA Chapter (Oct)

helps to ease the pain. It also helped to open my pelvis in order for me to have my successful HBAC.

Breast Health, Boston North Shore, MA Chapter (Oct) Self-Care 101 Tacoma, WA Chapter (Nov)

Join the Conversation! Jump on the OMC today and see what members are talking about or post something new! It is a great benefit of membership!


Treating a Cough/Sore Throat Without Antibiotics Money Saving Ideas/Tips Improving Listening in 4 and 7 year old! Candita Diet Help! Fleas! Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


What Should One Know

before choosing a holistic therapy? By Amy Reissner


olistic therapies take into account the whole person, not just the physical, mental and emotional symptoms, which is the tendency of the conventional medical model. After one tires of being poked, prodded, and pricked with little

resolution of symptoms other than a diagnosis, it is often then that one decides to seek the care of a holistic healing practitioner.


Copyright Š2010 holistic moms network

There are an array of holistic modalities available and it can

get better. The body wants to heal, and every cell in the body

be quite confusing to determine what might be right for

carries an extraordinary innate intelligence and fortitude.

you or your loved one. Will Reiki, Homeopathy, Rolfing,

While we all sometimes need outside help and direction,

Chiropractic, Reconnective or Pranic healing be the

healing is an inside job.”

right selection? In order to make that determination, it is important to examine what one is seeking. Before exploring a

If this creates fear and ambivalence within you, acknowledge

particular modality, it might be a good idea to consider these

that this is a process and not a destination. Take a deep

questions as an exploration of one’s inner desires and

breath and recognize that the first step is finding a

motives in regards to healing.

practitioner whose personality and caring make you feel safe and confident. The practitioner should listen to

• Am I seeking to heal a particular physical, mental, or

you and your unique goals. It is equally important to check on

emotional problem?

their credentials and education in a modality that appeals to you.

• Do I want to place myself in the care of a healer and allow

As a holistic healing professional and RN, it is my opinion

them to do all the healing work on me?

that a good healer will empower you in your own self-healing rather than create a dependency on their healing work. Being

• Am I ready to make some life changes?

able to reach out and receive help is crucial, but it is equally important to follow through with a commitment to good

• Do I want a quick fix or am I interested in a transformative self-care. In the long run, developing a partnership with your journey?

practitioner, practicing the tools that you learn, and tapping into your own ability to heal will create the most lasting and

• Am I ready to empower my own self-healing potential and

significant change.

utilize useful energy tools on myself or loved ones? Every journey begins with the first step. The healing process • Am I ready to awaken to the possibility of a miracle in

promotes awareness and self-understanding in which the true

which a healing can happen in an instant?

nature of the individual emerges. Ultimately, true healing is remembering the perfection of who we already are.

• Am I ready to recognize that my thoughts, emotions, choices and actions all play a possible role in my current

Amy Reissner: RN, homeopath, writer, lecturer,

state of health?

certified Eden Energy Medicine and Reconnective healing practitioner and mother maintains a

There is no right answer that fits every individual because

practice at the Wainwright House Estate in Rye,

the healing journey is ultimately one of self-healing. Accord-

NY. She has been a practitioner of the healing

ing to Donna Eden, internationally recognized healer, teacher

arts since 1996 and specializes in women’s health,

and author of best-selling book, Energy Medicine, “The body is designed so that if you tap into its healing energy, you will

birth, and the teenage population. Amy is a member of the South Westchester County, NY chapter.

be led toward health. It is not only the personality wanting to Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


What Holis

do yo

HMN member Amara W. ’s holistic kids apply Young Living Essential oils on themselves and their dolls.

Many thanks to our members for sharing with us what your favorite holistic therapy is. As always, we welcome your feedback. Please write to us at:

Community Acupuncture practice in Massachusetts. Photos by © Scott Erb

Elizabeth W., age 3 taking Apis to help with her reaction to mosquito bites (she’s allergic and the apis keeps the swelling down). Michael M. getting his first adjustment at just hours old. 16

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

stic Therapy

ou use?

The short story is that I’ve had great success working with a chiropractor and the nutritional response system. After the birth of my second baby I was having difficulties with digestion, fatigue and my son was very loud/grunty/squirmy and a horrible sleeper. I suspected some digestion problems, he just seemed very uncomfortable. An old classmate/friend of mine said I should come see her, so I did! It was amazing.

I did an absolute sugar-free, grain-free, mold-free, and

She did a non-invasive analysis of possible food allergies,

fermented-free detox (candida diet) for six months and it

immune challenges and nutritional deficiencies. After

resolved everything from my chronic bronchitis to brain fog

eliminating some foods and supplementing with whole nu-

and acne to frequent urinating. It was tough, but well worth it!

tritional supplements my son and I changed completely. I’ve

Tina G., Central Wisconsin Chapter

continued periodic treatment since (it has been 14 months) and have had success with other issues that have come up.

For me, it would have to be chiropractic. I discovered it in my

Dr. Sarah T., DC, Chicago, Illinois Chapter

mid-twenties and through the several amazing chiropractors I have had over the years (multiples only because we have

Eating real whole food (organic, grass-fed, pastured, wild),

moved a few times), I continued on my holistic journey. I am

avoiding sugar/caffeine, eating frequently enough to keep

so, so thankful to have been introduced to chiropractic and

blood sugar stable, avoiding food intolerances (gluten is a

everything else that I have discovered on this path.

very big one!), optimizing digestion, eating super foods like

Melissa W.-M., Greater Pasadena Area Chapter

fermented foods/bone broths + slowing down, getting enough sleep, laughing and having fun exercising! (But as a nutri-

After receiving a TB test and other vaccines, I had a violent

tionist I’m biased!)

reaction with vomiting and convulsions. I thought I was going

Trudy S., American River, California Chapter

to die and soon after I began to break out in hives. I broke out in hives for years! Then I discovered that my body was filled

Constitutional homeopathy goes deep and to the core, balancing

with lots of bad bacteria and almost no good bacteria. I found

all the planes: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I

the pH Miracle and went 100% alkaline. My hives went

have observed as well as experienced amazing results from

away, my eczema type rash went away, my facial skin cleared

it. No physical molecules are in the remedies. Homeopathy

up, my mind became clear and not foggy, and I lost a lot of

contains the energetic imprint of healing substances that

weight. I felt great! I’m not 100% Alkaline today but I try to

impart the required message to the Vital Force. That Vital

eat a diet that is probably 70/30 and if I start to have any ill

Force is in every living being, doing its job of bringing the

health symptoms develop, I quickly become alkaline.

multi-dimensional forces back into balance - healing is both a

Fran T., Gulf Coast, Florida Chapter

science as well as an art. Jhuma B., Metrowest Boston Chapter

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


Holistic Pediatrics What does it mean to be a “green pediatrician”? By Lawrence D. Rosen, MD


have been called a “green” pediatrician. I take this as a great compliment and a serious responsibility. The term ‘green’ reflects doing what is best for

our planet. Green products are considered safe for the environment and healthier for people who use them. Are green doctors the same? I think so. The central tenet of green medicine is mindfulness about the effect the environment has on health and wellness, and about the effect health care has on the environment. We specifically designed our practice as an environmentally responsible healthcare facility and operation. 18

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

We built our space using ecologically

and every child responds uniquely to each and

sustainable materials, use nontoxic cleaners

every therapy, each and every time. And most

and are virtually paperless, using a state-of-the-

importantly, we recognize the connection

art electronic medical record system. We wanted

between doctor and patient (and in pediatrics,

the space we work in to reflect the type of

doctor and family) as crucial to health and

care we deliver. Furthermore, we discuss at


every visit, starting with prenatal consultations and going all through adolescence into young

Integrative medicine, therefore, is

adulthood, the important environmental

relationship-centered. The bond and

factors in creating optimal health. Organic

communication between pediatrician, child

foods and mattresses, nontoxic toys, growing

and family is crucial both diagnostically and

and making your own food, how to avoid

therapeutically. Furthermore, the interaction of

air and water pollution – these are just some

each child with his or her environment (local,

of the issues we discuss in ever yday

global, natural and artificial) is key. The com-


munity aspect of integrative health care is so important. We do not exist in isolation, and

But to be a green doctor, I think, also means

we have an obligation to work together for our

adopting holistic, “whole child” philosophies


with a key focus on promoting and supporting wellness. In health care parlance, this is

Lawrence D. Rosen,

known as integrative medicine. Integrative

MD is a board-certi-

medicine – and by association, integrative

fied general pediatri-

pediatrics – is in part about using

cian committed to

c o m p l e m e n t a r y t herapies, like acupunc-

family-centered, holis-

ture or yoga, along with conventional rem-

tic child health care.

edies when appropriate. We do value natural

He is the founder of

solutions when safe and effective – but we

the Whole Child Center in Oradell, NJ. Dr. Rosen

also deeply believe in a philosophy of health

is a contributing editor and pediatric columnist for

care that is more than about acute disease

Kiwi Magazine. This article was adapted from his

treatment. It’s about prevention and creating

blog, “The Whole Child.” (link to http://kiwima-

wellness and understanding the importance of

to be a green doctor...

means adopting holistic, “whole child” philosophies


mind-body-spirit connection in helping kids be as healthy as they can be. True health is considered not just the absence of disease, but the presence of optimal functioning. Additionally, we value individuality and understand that one size does not fit all. Each Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


a safe

Homeopathic Medicines

family choice

By Dr. Lauren Feder, MD

For short term conditions that come on quickly such as ear infections, bee stings or the common cold to chronic conditions such as arthritis or insomnia, homeopathic medicines are recommended by more than 100,000 physicians and used in 85 countries. Homeopathic medicines use natural substances in micro-doses to relieve symptoms by stimulating the natural ability of the body to rebalance and heal itself. As with many treatments, the exact mechanism of action in homeopathic medicines is not known. For example, let’s say you’re stung by a bee. It stings,


swells and itches. So, if you have similar symptoms— perhaps from hives, a rash, or even another bee sting— the homeopathic medicine to treat the symptoms is actually made from a tiny amount of the bee. Instead of masking the symptoms, the medicine sends the body a signal to help it rebalance and heal. Originating in Europe more than 200 years ago and amassing a history for safety, these over-the-counter drugs offer the following advantages:

Work safely and naturally without causing side effects. A 15-minute tutorial and more information can be found Do not interact with conventional medications or herbal remedies,

through the leading producer of homeopathic medicine on

allowing you to complement other treatments; there’s no risk

of overdose. Dr. Feder is a nationally recognized

Do not contain any of the ingredients questioned by the FDA

physician based in Los Angeles who

for young children. An FDA panel questioned the safety and

specializes in primary care medicine

efficacy of decongestants, antihistamines and cough suppres-

for children and adults. She is a frequent

sants in children younger than 6 years of age. While the FDA

lecturer for parents and professionals and

takes time to investigate how these ingredients affect children

has been seen nationally on various health-

of a gamut of ages, manufacturers of these products have vol-

oriented television and radio programs

untarily relabeled the medications, instructing parents not to

including Oprah and Friends, interviewed

use them in children younger than 4 years of age. Homeopathy

by Dr. Mehmet Oz. In addition to her comprehensive book she has

fills a void for safe cough, cold, flu and allergy treatment op-

written for Mothering Magazine and has been featured in the Los

tions for little bodies.

Angeles Times, and many other publications and websites. Her book, Natural Baby and Childcare, can be

Work naturally with the body instead of masking or suppressing

purchased through or Amazon.

symptoms. As in our example above, these medicines work in a different way. The principle is that the body knows what to do best for itself. Instead of working against the body as a suppressant, a homeopathic cough syrup like Children’s Chestal® ( acts as an expectorant, helping the body do what it does best to help itself. That’s

Top Ten Homeopathy Remedies To Have On Hand by Christophe R. Merville Director of Education and Pharmacy Development at Boiron

why it’s not dangerous to combine homeopathic medicines

1. Arnica montana 30C for trauma, bumps, bruises, muscle overexertion

with other substances, in case parents decide to administer a

2. Apis mellifica 30C: insect stings, red eyes, sunburns, hives

cold medicine on top of cough syrup.

3. Histaminum hydrochloricum 30C: allergy symptoms (food, skin, hay fever)

Kid-friendly as they are easy to use and taste sweet. Doling

4. Gelsemium sempervirens 30C: stage fright, mild anxiety

out the remedy can escalate into a wrestling match, ending

5. Nux vomica 6C: nausea, vomiting from overindulgence

with you wondering about the dangers of giving more due to spillage. Homeopathic medicines make administration much easier! Look for these medicines in many different forms such as tablets, gels, ointments and creams, syrups, eye drops, and

6 . Arsenicum album 6C: traveler’s diarrhea, diarrhea from food poisoning 7. Belladonna 6C: high fever with profuse sweating, local inflammation from wounds, burns 8. Hypericum perforatum 30C: acute nerve pain from crushed fingers, back or shoulder pain

suppositories. The most traditional form is in melt-away pellets

9. Cantharis 6C: blisters

that dissolve quickly under the tongue without water.

10. Magnesia phosphorica 6C: abdominal cramps (from digestive or menstrual origin)

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


Healing Infertility

By Mariana Bernstein


y husband and I tried unsuccessfully to conceive for more than a year, when I decided to go to the doctor for a checkup. After he checked

everything for both of us and found no problems, he shrugged and said there was also such a thing as unexplained infertility. It is the situation where everything seems to be fine, but still the desired pregnancy does not happen. His offer for us was obviously to start with the IVF, mostly because I was an emotional wreck by then and he said that with these levels of stress it is almost impossible to conceive (and that was a very mainstream doctor, who said that). At that point, I realized that maybe the key was my

body agrees to become pregnant. The help from my doctors

emotional and spiritual balance and that there was

was limited to the physical layer of my life and came up empty.

something the Universe was trying to teach me. I was

My teacher dealt with the all three layers and I conceived. We

addicted to my doctor, going to him once a week to

got pregnant.

check for ovulation and even had two cycles of insemination. It was at that time when I was lucky to meet a medical intuitive,

One of the first changes I noticed when I started paying

who became our partner in this journey and my teacher for

more attention to non-physical was that my dreams became

life. She brought

more lucid, and

me to realize that

I started pay-

the process of

ing attention to

trying to conceive

them. I had a

a baby involves

few obvious

all three layers of

messages, and

existence: physi-

received guidance

cal, emotional,

on what to do next

and spiritual.

to insure concep-

Obstacles which

tion. I felt like my

block conception

baby was

and inhibit healthy


pregnancies are

with me long

not always rooted

before we actu-

in the physical

ally conceived

realm. Moreover,

her, I just could

these conception blockers can have emotional, psychological,

not hear her voice behind all the medical equipment. It was

and even spiritual roots that require healing before giving up

such a breakthrough to realize I had that spiritual connection

or resorting to more invasive maneuvers. Any or all of these

with my baby, and that such a thing existed. Looking back,

realms may be off balance and require balancing before the

I think it would have been much harder for me to get what

Copyright Š2010 holistic moms network


I wanted without the support of my teacher; which most of the time was emotional and spiritual (not forgetting the physical of course). My journey to parenthood was full of ups and downs. It has changed my life completely for the better. I have met people I wouldn’t have otherwise. I became a different person and I’m so grateful for this experience and the baby, who is smiling at me right now. When I see her, I realize I would have gone through everything again - just for this smile. The biggest part of this journey is HOPE and INSPIRATION, which gave me the strength and energy to continue.

Resources: I worked closely with an herbalist and traditional indigenous healer – Arzu Mountain Spirit. Genealogically rooted within a long succession of indigenous healers and midwives, Arzu is an initiate in the traditional healing practices of the Garifuna, which remain wholesome, ancestor based, and connected to nature. Her main focus is helping couples struggling with infertility to achieve and sustain pregnancy and bring to the world a healthy baby. I’m a life coach and educator. I was born in Moldova (one of the former Soviet Republics). When I was 15, my family and I immigrated to Israel,

Get Your HMN Gear On!

where I graduated from high school, served in the army for two years and earned two degrees

Show your support for HMN and get some

in education and psychology. After I finished my graduate school

sustainable, organic items to spread the

in Israel, my husband and I immigrated to US, where we started a family. It took us 4 years overall to conceive our baby. I joined HMN last year (after my baby was born), I live in Brooklyn, NY and am affiliated with the Brooklyn, NY Chapter.

word of Holistic Moms and to support our growing non-profit organization! Visit our website at and click on HMN Marketplace to see all that we have to offer!


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who can help you

if Breastfeeding is Difficult? By Diana West, BA, IBCLC


veryone says breastfeeding is “natural,” but it sure isn’t easy for a lot of mothers and babies. There are so many problems that can make it difficult – a high intervention birth, low milk

supply, breast or nipple problems, latching problems, or any number of other issues. When this happens to you, where can you turn for help?

You might have started by looking online. There sure are a

that they’ve developed over many years. As we said in the

LOT of breastfeeding websites out there. Some might have

eight edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, it’s like the

given you a few ideas, but not enough to solve the problem. You

difference between reading a travel book before taking a trip, or

might have bought or borrowed one of the many breastfeeding

going with someone who lives there. The resident has a wealth

books on the market today.They

of information and insights that the

may have other great ideas, but it’s

book can’t begin to cover.

hard to sort through all of them to figure out what to do to help your

Another nursing mother is usually the

particular situation. After all that

best place to start. Mothers helping

reading and searching, you might

mothers is how breastfeeding problems

feel as if you’ve tried everything

have been solved throughout history.

out there. But have you talked

This is how La Leche League and other

to anyone in person about what

breastfeeding volunteer organizations’

you’re going through?

have very effectively helped countless mothers over the last half century. Or


Websites and books are great, but

the breastfeeding mother who helps

when it comes to getting help for

you might be your own mother, grand-

breastfeeding problems there’s

mother, aunt, sister, or friend.

just no replacing talking to a real

Sometimes the breastfeeding mothers

person IN person. Breastfeeding

you know aren’t able to help much

helpers can work with you personally to listen to your story,

because they just don’t know how to solve complex

see your baby, maybe even see your breasts, and come up

breastfeeding problems or they have misunderstandings or in-

with a strategy to resolve your problem. If they have a lot of

correct breastfeeding information. So where do you turn if the

experience and expertise, they’ll have tools, tips, and education

moms in your area can’t help you? Go see an expert. That’s Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

what we do when we have any other medical problem. A lacta-

To find an IBCLC in your area, ask your breastfeeding friends to see

tion consultant is a professional lactation expert. Yes, you’ll

who has helped them or look at I also keep a list of IBCLCs

have to pay a fee for a lactation consultation, but the average

with expertise in low milk supply at

rate of $100-$150 is a whole lot less expensive than the cost of formula and the illnesses that can result from using it.

Even though IBCLC’s are certified to have a high level of experience and expertise, their professional and personal skills

Of course, anyone can call herself a lactation consultant.

can vary widely just like other professionals. Some have bet-

(There are a few male lactation consultants out there, but most

ter diagnostic skills, some keep up with the research and latest

are women, so I’ll just refer to them that way.) In the world

information more, and some are just easier to get along with.

of breastfeeding, the most qualified expert is an International

Since it’s not a requirement for certification, a few IBCLCs don’t

Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Only the

have personal breastfeeding experience, which might mean she

breastfeeding experts who have this credential are certified

doesn’t really get what you’re going through. So if you don’t feel

by an extensive international examination process to have

like your IBCLC is really helping you – if she doesn’t leave you

the highest level of specialized anatomical and physiologi-

feeling better than you did at the beginning of the consultation –

cal knowledge and extensive experience in resolving complex

don’t hesitate to look for another IBCLC. Sure, it’s tough to fork

breastfeeding problems. Some have other medical credentials

out the fee all over again, but again, it’s cheaper than formula

such as RN or MD. But it is the IBCLC certification that as-

and there are some really great IBCLCs out there.

sures that you’re working with a true breastfeeding expert. Above all, try to hold onto this: breastfeeding is supposed to IBCLCs work in many settings. There may have been one

work well, your baby was born expecting to breastfeed, and

in the hospital where you delivered. But the type of IBCLC

many, many, many mothers have worked through very difficult

who can help you after you leave the hospital is one who has

breastfeeding experiences and gotten to the other side where

a private practice. She may have a clinic or she might come

breastfeeding happens smoothly and effortlessly and the baby

to your home for the appointment. During the visit, she will

gains well. I know: I’m one of those mothers. As an IBCLC

take a fairly clinical approach, although usually in a gentle,

I help mothers exactly because I know what it’s like when it’s

warm, and low-tech way. She’ll assess your and your baby’s

difficult and I’ve learned how to help them get to the other

health history, your breasts and nipples, and your baby’s

side. Who knows, one day soon after you reach that better

anatomy, particularly his or her mouth and tongue. She will

place, you may find yourself helping other mothers!

assess your and your baby’s latching technique. And she’ll probably weigh your baby before and after a feeding on a

Diana West is a La Leche League Leader and an

highly sensitive electronic scale to know how much milk

IBCLC in private practice, co-author of the 8th

transfers. Then she’ll determine what she thinks the underly-

edition of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding,

ing problem is and make recommendations for strategies to

The Breastfeeding Mother’s Guide to Making

resolve the problem and help you reach your breastfeeding

More Milk, and author of Defining Your Own

goals. She’ll work closely with you to customize those strategies

Success: Breastfeeding After Breast Reduc-

so that they work for your situation, preferences, and home

tion Surgery. She is the administrator of the popular,

environment, tweaking them as you go. In some cases, your websites, and has been a member of the Morris

IBCLC may suggest that you or your baby also consult with

(West) and Warren, NJ, Holistic Moms Network chapters.

another type of specialist. Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network



and Mood

By Trudy Scott, CN (Certified Nutritionist)


here are many studies supporting the gluten-mood connection, including those linking it to anxiety, social phobia, depression, and schizophrenia. A 2002 Polish study by Potocki, titled” Psychiatric symptoms and celiac dis-

ease” states that celiac disease “should be taken into consideration in patients with psychiatric disorders particularly if you are not responsive to psychopharmacological therapy, because withdrawal of gluten from the diet usually results in disappearance of symptoms”. Gluten elimination trial followed by provocation I assess all my clients for gluten intolerance and many have seen dramatic improvements on a gluten-free diet – improved mood, less anxiety, more energy, better sleep and improved digestion. One of my clients saw an almost complete resolution of the eczema that had been plaguing her for over 10 years. The easiest and most affordable test is a 2-week gluten elimination trial (and see how you feel) and then provoke or challenge with gluten (and see how you feel). The 2 week trial will mean zero consumption of food containing wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, triticale or oats. Oats must also be excluded as they are frequently contaminated with gluten during


Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network

processing. It really is best that you eat

powerful for my clients than any lab test. I’ve

home-made, real, whole foods (always,

seen symptoms ranging from severe mood

but especially during the trial) as gluten

swings to terrible anxiety to stomach aches to

is so often “hidden” in many processed

general aches and pains to fatigue and brain

foods. Watch for ingredients like

fog (and all of the above in some very sensitive

hydrolyzed protein, textured vegetable


protein and all derivatives of wheat, oats, rye and barley (including barley malt, modified starch, most soy sauces and natural flavoring).

Other wonderful grains and nutritious starchy vegetables

Many nutritional components can affect your mood Celiac disease/gluten intolerance is just one of many “nutritional” components that can affect your mood. Neurotransmitter and hormone imbalances so often play a huge role. Others include: sugar consumption, blood sugar

Rice, corn and buckwheat are accept-

swings, nutrient deficiencies (such as zinc and

able, as are the wonderful ancient

vitamin B6), fatty acid deficiencies and digestive

grains like quinoa and amaranth. You

problems. Each of us is biochemically unique

can find gluten-free-everything – pas-

and all of these factors must be assessed and

ta, crackers, you-name-it – made from


rice, bean, potato, coconut and corn flour. There are also many wonderful

For references for this article and further

recipe books but some call for margarine,

information on gluten and mood, lab testing

soy milk and excessive sugar – so

for gluten intolerance, as well as other nutrient-

make substitutions as needed. Rather

related mood problems, please email me at

than simply replacing the problem grain with another grain, consider incorporating more vegetables into Trudy Scott, CN (Cer tified Nutritionist) is a Food Mood

your diet. Starchy vegetables like sweet

Expert and has a thriving nutri-

potato and squashes are a wonderfully

tion practice with a focus on Food,

nutritious source of carbohydrates.

Mood & Women’s Health. Trudy works with women looking for nat-

Adding back the gluten Once you have removed the gluten from your diet and have seen improvements

ural solutions for anxiety and other mood problems, and she is working on her first book, “The Antianxiety Food Solution”™. Her websites are and

in your mood and other symptoms She is Vice

(digestive or otherwise), add it back

President of National Association of Nutrition

after 2 weeks and see if it affects you

Professionals and a member of the American River,

adversely. This test is often more

California HMN chapter.

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


Energy Medicine: BodyTalk

By Sarah Rosa

Suffer from depression or anxiety? Got allergies? How about insomnia? Headaches, digestive issues, general pain...? I know a treatment that will help heal any ailment you may have. It’s called BodyTalk. Body what? Yeah, you read that right - Body. Talk. 32

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Even after progressing to natural methods of self-treatment,

After the session, I pondered the experience for a while.

and seeing a naturopath, I wasn’t able to resolve all the health

BodyTalk is such a unique form of healing. I had to take it

issues that I was facing - until my ND referred me to a treat-

all in! I mean who would think that my extreme upset and

ment called BodyTalk.

anxiety would dissipate with some tapping and moving of fields of energy within my body to be released through my

In short, as you can probably guess by its name, BodyTalk

bowels?! I went from the lowest of lows, to the greatest high

is a method of energy healing where your body says what

in just a couple of hours. I am a changed person because I

it needs. The basic philosophy of BodyTalk is that any kind

took the initiative to ask my body what it needed.

of illness is caused by stress--intense memories, emotions, physical stress or trauma--all of which interfere with the

Here is what Jeannie says about BodyTalk:

body’s functioning. The amount of stress held in the body

“Imagine a world where you can actually ask your body

comes out in the form of physical and mental malfunctions.

what’s wrong with it... And your body can answer”!

The goal of BodyTalk is to fix the communication breakdown

Every BodyTalk session is unique. Every person is different.

and make the body whole and at ease again. In working with

Some people may need one session. Some will need more

a practitioner, the body is asked a series of questions through

than one. The great thing is that when you feel off-kilter, the

neuromuscular biofeedback, or muscle testing. The body

BodyTalk method is right at your fingertips. Yes, there are

responds based on what it needs help with first. BodyTalk is

methods you can do at home!

completely safe, and has no side effects. BodyTalk Facts: Are you skeptical? I was skeptical too. But the fact is, that

Created in 1995 by a man named John Veltheim.

after one session, I went from feeling like I wanted to hide

Incorporates principles from Quantum Physics, Chinese

under a rock to feeling like I could conquer the world! What

Medicine, Applied Kinesiology, Craniosacral Therapy,

did my practitioner do? Well, here’s what happened my first

Chiropractic, Psychology, and Western Medicine.

session: I went in for some ease of upset from a nervous breakdown I had a week prior. My practitioner,

Sarah Rosa lives in downtown Los Angeles with her boyfriend and three parakeets. She writes and illustrates children’s books, enjoys

Jeannie Elmstrom, was amazing. She made me feel

photography and a good cup of herbal tea. Awaiting the

completely comfortable from the very beginning.

possibility of pregnancy, Sarah is thrilled to be a part of Holistic

Through a series of tapping the head and sternum,

Moms Network (Greater Pasadena, California chapter). Visit her

and reallocating areas of breakdown within my

website at Find a Body Talk

body, I came out of the session a different person.

practitioner by going to:

Jeannie moved the energy fields of despair, which was stuck in my lower back, and grief, which was stuck in my bladder, to the parts of my body that would know what to do with them. That meant they would be expelled in my next bowel movement, and I would be freed of those stresses! Yup, that sounded crazy to me! But hey, I went with it. I am so glad I did.

Copyright ©2010 holistic moms network


the magic of



By Kate Wright

Copyright Š2010 holistic moms network

Dear Breastmilk,

duced and the burns will dry up faster. (The combination of breastmilk with blueberries seems to work even better!)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

Dabbed onto chapped lips or cold sores, breastmilk will quickly heal the irritated skin. When used on insect bites

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

or rashes (including chicken pox), breastmilk helps to stop

My soul can reach…

the itch. Breastmilk can be used to clean a wound in the

I love thee to the level of everyday’s Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

event soap and water are not available, and it helps to heal wounds when they are saturated with the lovely juice itself. Cotton balls or gauze soaked in breastmilk work well for this type of treatment. Using the same method, breastmilk

Thankfully, Mom and Babe. All true – breastmilk is the best nutrition a baby can receive. It is perfectly made for the tiniest of tinies, with the exact make up necessary for good health at every stage. Its reputation precedes it with mention of: fewer ear infections, food allergies, and incidence of SIDS; lower rates of asthma, respiratory infections, and bacterial meningitis; lower blood pressure, higher IQ, and leaner adults; better immune system, and who could leave out better bonding between mother and baby. Overall, this package looks like fewer doctors’ visits and a happier baby. Not to mention the benefits to mom – lower stress levels, lower risk of ovarian and breast cancer, faster weight loss, fewer expenses, and again, perhaps our favorite, better bonding between babe and mom. Yes, breastfeeding is to be loved and cherished but not only

can be used to treat pink eye or other eye irritation. Leave the saturated cotton balls on the eye for a few minutes, if possible. The saturated cotton ball also works to dry up warts. A few minutes twice a day for several days should do the trick. And if your teenager will allow it, breastmilk can be used on a clean face to help treat acne or remove eye makeup. A few drops of breastmilk in your child’s ear can also be used to treat ear infections, and when gently squirted into baby’s nose can then be suctioned or squeezed out to help relieve stuffy noses. And so we send our appreciation and admiration to breastmilk, liquid of the goddesses, elixir of love and life. Kate Wright spends her days as a mom… freelance writer/editor…and birth/postpartum doula. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband, their son, and their kooky pooch.

for these better known reasons. I like to view breastmilk as a magic potion that can generally be used to heal wounds and treat infections across the board. A few examples to whet your whistle: A gentle rubbing on sore or cracked nipples – beats all nipple creams, hands down. A generous amount applied to

Be Inspired by the Power of Women Nursing in Public!

diaper rash will soothe and heal the most tender of bums. For those of us blessed with fair skin, when breastmilk is applied to burns and sunburns, pain is significantly re-

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