1 minute read
great piece about time
I had this great piece about time The philosophic musings of a recent insomniac It got lost to the daylight
I had this great piece about time Capitalism, religion, grief, productivity It seemed so profound when I wrote it in my head
I had this great piece about time Then my uncle died, I wondered how you grieve someone you never really knew
I had this great piece about time But the paperwork of death made me question: What do I have to say about time?
I had this great piece about time Then considered if it was worth it Capitalism has no time for useless writing, right?
I had this great piece about time But then I spent hours thinking Even my deepest grief is wedged into spare moments and shower walls
I had this great piece about time Then the toll of existing in a pandemic and burnout hit And I wrote this instead
by alexis schutz