Speaker bios
Speaker bio: Siyasamkela Jinoyi Siyasamkela joined the University of the Witwatersrand in January 2020, assuming a role as an Academic Advisor at the Associate Lecturer level in the Commerce, Law and Management (CLM) Faculty, bringing with her more than 05 years’ experience of working with students in the higher education sector. She is a qualified and a licensed counselling psychologist, trained at the Nelson Mandela University. Besides her interest of working with students on a day-to-day basis; optimizing their academic and personal mastery, she takes interest in research-based initiatives that guide the practice of academic advising and the initiatives that enhance students’ academic performance. She also takes special interest in human rights related issues, as such, she views part of her role as being to advocate for the students’ rights and inclusion of students’ voices in the interventions that concern them. Her other research interest is in the field of femicide and gender based violence.