Referencebook Witteveen+Bos Indonesia

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Project references PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia


Personal note


Project references PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia

CONTENT 4 Witteveen+Bos 6 PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia 8 About our Indonesian colleagues 12 Our Corporate Social Responsibility programme 14 In-house expertise 18 Specialisations

Reference projects 24 Kapuk Naga Indah land reclamations Jakarta 28 Pantai Indah Kapuk and Kosambi coastal protection Banten Jakarta 30 Development of Center Point of Indonesia South Sulawesi 32 Detailed design of Cileungsi River riverbank protection West Java 34 Banger polder development Semarang, Central Java 36 Indocement water resources study West Java 38 Flood control for extension to Komering sugar cane plantation South Sumatra 40 Flood mitigation quickscan at Cargill Plantation Southwest Kalimantan 42 Building with Nature – securing eroding delta coastlines Central Java 44 Technical assistance for resort development North Sulawesi 46 Coastal protection and urban development Jakarta 48 Feasibility study CBL Canal and Inland Waterway West Java 50 Road Channel and Wharf Design for Sungai Puting Coal Mine South Kalimantan 52 Feasibility study at the fish and cargo port of Ambon Maluku 54 Strengthening jetty for chemical plant Riau 56 Coal transport by barges on the Musi River South Sumatra 58 New water supply and sewerage system for new industrial park West Java 60 Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia water and environmental services Bali and Java 62 Hutan Arsari Lestari feasibility study East Kalimantan 64 Feasibility study Jakarta Port expansion Jakarta 66 Urban Master Plan GEM City East Java

30 34 46


Consulting engineers operating worldwide


Witteveen+Bos is an employee-owned, internationally operating group of consulting engineers. Established in the Netherlands in 1946, the firm has gradually expanded to an international staff of more than 1,000 people. We work in interdisciplinary teams in countries worldwide, with offices currently in Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Latvia, Ghana, Dubai, Belgium and the United Kingdom. We reach out to even more countries via our Strategic European Expertise Network (SEEN). SEEN is a network of independent European consulting engineers, consisting of Artelia, NIRAS TyrĂŠns AB and Witteveen+Bos. To remain a top-class firm, our international quality orientation is geared towards markets and products. Our knowledge is kept up to date by a combination of day-to-day designing and feedback from works under construction, combining new technologies with pragmatic solutions, participating in numerous committees and professional and academic organisations, and by following and initiating new technologies and developments. We focus on quality-driven markets and clients who seek state-of-the-art engineering excellence. Between them, our offices offer high-end expertise in disciplines including: - earthworks, dredging and land reclamation with soft and hard soils - port and logistical planning, design and construction - complex coastal and river works and drainage systems - advanced hydraulic and morphology studies - flood protection and flood safety analysis - advanced geotechnical engineering, including seismic analyses - coastal zone management - communal and industrial water/wastewater treatment systems - urban and environmental planning with cost-benefit analyses - integrated planning and feasibility studies in complex environments.


PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia

Rooted in Indonesia, enriched by international experience


Witteveen+Bos established a branch office in Jakarta in 1978. Having originally specialised in water management and land reclamations, we now provide a wide range of services. In 2016 we transformed the representative office into an Indonesian entity. Our office currently has a weighted composition of colleagues of Indonesian, Dutch and international origin. All members of our team are familiar with the Indonesian setting and most have been enriched by an international education or working experience. In our office, we combine the best of East and West. Many of our projects require integrated designs and plans with wide-ranging expertise. For this, we can rely on our own international experts and our extensive network of trusted business partners. In our Indonesian office, we offer services in the following disciplines: - l and reclamation design and coastal, port and river engineering - water supply, wastewater treatment, flood management and drainage - advanced geotechnical engineering, including seismic designs - structural engineering, seismic analysis - advanced drafting with AllPlan, Civil3D, AutoCAD and GIS.


About our Indonesian colleagues


Victor Coenen (Director) and Sawarendro (Deputy Director) lead the management team consisting of Indonesian and international group heads and project managers. Frequent knowledge exchanges between international and Indonesian staff and on-the-job training in projects are an important part of our quality philosophy. Sawarendro: ‘I have worked for Witteveen+Bos Indonesia for more than twenty years and have seen the office grow from being run by a handful of people to the busy organisation that it is now. A large part of this growth is due to the consistency that Witteveen+Bos Indonesia has displayed in involvement with its projects, its members of staff and its continuous gathering of new knowledge and expertise.’ Victor Coenen: ‘Although we are based in Jakarta, we encourage our engineers to visit projects on site, both in Indonesia and elsewhere in the world. Many of our Indonesian colleagues spend some time in the Netherlands, where they take relevant training for their projects but also seize the opportunity to expand their networks. Experts in different fields can then easily communicate with each other, wherever they are in the world.’ Sawarendro: ‘Smooth communication is essential in our line of work. We need to discuss our designs with colleagues with

different expertise in order to successfully complete a project and alert each other if improvements can be made to any design. This also goes for communication with clients and the general public.’ Victor Coenen: ‘Continuing to discuss projects and designs at the development stage is a must. Our world is changing around us all the time, and we must be able to adapt to it quickly and efficiently. To that end, we keep investing in knowledge that will help us create the best solution to any problem. Some of the computer programs we run, like Plaxis and Sobek, are so sophisticated that they can be challenging to use, but they provide us with many essential details for earthquake and hydrodynamic modelling.’ Sawarendro: ‘Ultimately, I think it is the involvement of all our employees in the projects they work on that makes the job we do here so rewarding. They bundle their individual talents and aim for successful designs while working as a team, and they stay engaged with the project long after it has left their drawing tables. There are many enthusiastic professionals in our office and they want to see their work finished with optimal results. Even during the economic crisis of the late 1990s, our teams remained involved in, for example, the land reclamations at Kapuk Naga. They feel responsible for their projects from start to finish and do not shy away from challenges.’




Our Corporate Social Responsibility programme


Working as a civil engineering company in Indonesia often means working in natural areas. This comes with environmental and social responsibilities. PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia has integrated sustainability design principles in our daily work. We do not only observe international standards, but we are also actively involved in development of new engineering concepts leading to more sustainable solutions. Our Building with Nature project in Demak and the Hutan Arsari Lestari projects are examples of such a new development. In 2014, the NGO Jakarta Animal Aid Network asked PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia for assistance in protecting the coastline around their wildlife rehabilitation centre on the island of Kotok (located in the Thousand Islands Marine Park). This coastline was eroding fast due to destruction of the surrounding coral reef by fishermen. Not only the rehabilitation centre was threatened by erosion, also the nesting areas of the sea turtles were washed away by waves. As part of the CSR programme, PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia developed a coastal restoration strategy and made a design with groynes based on Building with Nature principles. Volunteers then removed old structures and built new groynes. This resulted in new beach formation and, after two years, the turtles returned. The next stage was the restoration of the coral reef executed in 2016 using the Biorock technology (metal support structures and applying solar powered electric fields facilitating the growth of coral). In 2017, this pilot project will be evaluated and, if successful, expanded.


In-house expertise


Land reclamations In the past decades, the construction of large land reclamations has been the solution used to alleviate the pressure on densely populated areas of Java. In Jakarta Bay, there are plans to build seventeen large artificial islands. Since the first reclamation in the 1980s, Witteveen+Bos has played a prominent role in the design of most of these islands, making us the leading specialists in all engineering aspects. One of our key fields of expertise is geotechnical engineering of soft soils and seismic analysis. Using advanced tools like Plaxis and Strata, we are able to predict settlement of soil materials and behaviour of ground works and large structures during earthquakes. As we have a long-standing track record in integrated design work for these islands, we know in advance where critical situations could occur in places such as dikes, pumping stations and other facilities.

systems, water supply systems, wastewater treatment plants and flood safety systems in challenging environments using advanced tools like SOBEK. We work for large private companies such as multinationals in the plantation, food and beverage, oil and gas and mining sectors. In the area of flood protection and drainage we are also working on the planning and design of the sea defence for the provincial government of Jakarta on behalf of the Indonesian government.

Besides planning and designing the islands of Kapuk Nada Indah in Jakarta Bay, we have been designing land reclamations in Balikpapan, Batam, Makassar and Sumatra, as well as abroad in Myanmar and Singapore.

Coastal and river engineering Many of the world’s capitals, economic centres and tourist resorts are located along the coast and major rivers. Indonesia is no exception and, due to rapid urbanisation, the need for protection against high waters and managing erosion and sedimentation is becoming increasingly important. Coastal and river engineering often consists of more than just modelling and engineering: integrating urban designs, infrastructure and industries in designs is becoming common practice. This requires a broad vision and wide-ranging expertise on the one hand and in-depth knowledge of hydraulics, morphology, hydrodynamics and several civil engineering specialisations on the other. Our Witteveen+Bos office in Jakarta

Water management Indonesia faces a challenging future with regard to living with water. Both an excess and scarcity of water are becoming substantial concerns. Floods, over-used water resources and poor water quality are common problems in Indonesia. Providing the right conditions for sustainable use of water is a significant challenge as well as a matter of great importance to society. Over the years Witteveen+Bos has been involved in planning and designing major drainage

PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia has a wideranging portfolio of water management projects. We design wastewater treatment systems for major food and beverage and oil and gas companies. We have also produced water resource analyses for mining companies and production facilities. For residential, industrial and agricultural areas we design flood protection, drainage and water supply systems.

offers all of this and is therefore able to fully support clients in achieving their goals, whether they are purely technical or wider in scope. To provide the best possible advice, we rely on state-of-the art numerical models such as Delft3D, Mike11 and Mike3D, as well as modern concepts such as Building with Nature, a soft-structure approach to protecting shores and river banks. Witteveen+Bos is involved in most of the land reclamation projects in the Jakarta Bay. One of our tasks is to design the coastal protection systems on a conceptual level as well as on a detailed design level, using advanced models like Delft3D. For the NCICD project (Jakarta coastal protection project), we designed the flood protection system and prepared conceptual designs for sea walls. For our port and jetty projects we also prepared the coastal and river protection systems. Urban master planning Cities in Indonesia are rapidly evolving beyond the capacity of their existing infrastructure and public services. Early strategic planning is becoming more and more important. Investors are also creating new residential areas, requiring integrated planning and designs. The conditions often impose constraints: a lack of clean freshwater, poor road structures, challenging soil conditions, earthquakes and floods often create serious engineering and planning challenges. Witteveen+Bos is the engineering partner in several largescale developments, both in the Jakarta metropolitan area and elsewhere. We understand the world of urban design and are able to fully integrate it with aspects such as water management designs,



infrastructure and flood protection systems. When it comes to applying international standards we can also rely on our international staff and engineering experience as well as our international urban designers and architects. Examples of recent large master plans are the master plans for the coastal development of the National Capital (NCICD) project and the Engineering Master Plan GEM City (Gresik, East Java). In these projects we designed the flood protection systems, the urban drainage system and the road layouts and assessed the urban and environmental impacts, among other things. Port design and planning Ports form an essential link in many logistical chains in Indonesia, a large archipelago and maritime nation. Designing ports starts with careful planning and looking at the bigger picture, since good connections with the hinterland and strong ties with industrial nodes are crucial for the proper functioning of a port. Furthermore, design, construction, operation and management have to be attuned to achieve a high level of service. This calls for multi-disciplinary teams with strong interface management, especially in challenging conditions. Witteveen+Bos specialises in preparing port designs to cope with challenging environments such as exposed shores with large ocean swells, strong currents and sedimentation. The services we offer range from preparing feasibility studies, master plans, designs, tender documents and construction cost estimates to construction management and supervision of construction works. In Indonesia we have been involved in many port designs, both for mining and other industries as well as for general cargo. An example of such a recent project is the


production of a master plan and preliminary designs (including a wave penetration study, a mooring study and a manoeuvring study) for a dry bulk port on South Java. We also recently performed a feasibility study on Roll On/Roll Off networks and port and ship designs. For a petrochemical facility in Tanjung Priok (North Kalibaru expansion), we provided project planning support. Water availability and land suitability for agriculture Despite its enormous size, Indonesia still imports a lot of agricultural products. Due to increasing prosperity and population growth, the demand for suitable agricultural land is increasing substantially. The Indonesian government wants to be more self-sufficient and agricultural companies, investors and government agencies are looking into possibilities for new agricultural areas and ways of increasing production in existing areas. Water is the main issue in all these areas and research is essential for gaining a better understanding of common issues such as flooding, salt intrusion and water scarcity. Groundwater studies for water availability, flooding risk assessments and land suitability for specific crops play a vital role in developing sustainable measures for agricultural development. Technical support Most projects require integrated teams supported by experts from other disciplines as well as well-equipped support colleagues. We provide qualified in-house experts in structural engineering, cost calculations, AllPlan, Civil3D, AutoCAD and GIS. Besides supporting our local teams, we also design for our international partners all over the world.



Witteveen+Bos designed the first waterfront developments in Jakarta in the 1980s and we are now also the first company to do so in East Indonesia, strengthening our position as market leader. Geotechnics: soft soils and seismic design Our geotechnical experts provide advanced designs for all structures built with or in the soil. We cover the entire array of geotechnical engineering services, having gained comprehensive experience with projects carried out in seismically active and soft soil areas (e.g. reclamations in estuaries) and other locations with challenging geotechnical conditions. Our geotechnical advice on quay walls, retaining structures, foundations, land reclamations, dikes and dams, coastal protection structures and river training structures is based on a detailed knowledge of the site and familiarity with the range of issues to be considered. Hydrodynamics and morphological modelling For impact assessments and design studies, we use 2D and 3D flow and wave models to assess hydrodynamic conditions. We possess suites of generic models which we use to build specific models that we can apply to water bodies worldwide. Numerical models are used to hindcast and to predict extreme flood events (e.g. for input into flood early warning systems) at sea, in estuaries and in rivers. We use morphological models for designing or performing impact assessments on hydraulic structures, port access channels, beach nourishment and river training work. Our experts can combine

the model results with expert data analyses of historical morphological developments to obtain a clear picture of potential impacts and effects. Building with Nature In traditional infrastructural projects, negative impacts on nature are minimised and compensated for as much as possible. A different approach, however, is to aim to proactively incorporate and integrate natural values and processes in the process of identifying and evaluating technical solutions at an early stage of the project. This ‘Building with Nature’ approach combines nature development with functions such as flood protection and infrastructure development. Witteveen+Bos participates in the Building with Nature research programme and applies this concept in projects. Contract management, technical assistance and supervision High-profile and multidisciplinary, complex civil projects such as land reclamations, coastal protection works, water treatment plants and water supply projects are very common in Indonesia nowadays. These projects can only be successfully implemented if they are properly planned, designed and constructed. However, during every project site conditions will vary from earlier assumptions, in which case speedy and effective solutions are required. Witteveen+Bos’ highly experienced Technical Assistance and Supervision team is well equipped to provide these services. In addition, our contract specialist will handle any contractual disputes that may arise during the construction phase, saving our clients time and effort.



Strengthening jetty for chemical plant Dumai p. 54


Coal transport by barges on the Musi River Palembang p. 56 Flood control for extension to Komering sugar cane plantation Komering p. 38

Pantai Indah Kapuk and Kosambi coastal protection Tangerang p. 28 Coastal protection and urban development Jakarta p. 46 Feasibility study Jakarta Port expansion Jakarta p. 64



Detailed design of Cileungsi River riverbank protection Bogor p. 32 Indocement water resources study Citereup/Bogor p. 36

Flood mitigation quickscan at Cargill Plantation Pangkalun Bun p. 40

Technical assistance for resort development Manado p. 44

Road Channel and Wharf Design for Sungai Puting Coal Mine Lok Buntar p. 50 Hutan Arsari Lestari feasibility study Balikpapan p. 62

Feasibility study at the fish and cargo port of Ambon Ambon p. 52

Kapuk Naga Indah land reclamations Jakarta Bay p. 24 Banger polder development Semarang p. 34

Development of Center Point of Indonesia Makassar p. 30

Building with Nature - Securing eroding delta coastlines Demak Central Java p. 42 Urban Master Plan GEM City Gresik p. 66 Feasibility Study CBL Canal and Inland Waterway Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Water and Cikarang Environmental Services p. 48 Bali and Java New water supply and sewerage system for new industrial park p. 60 Karawang p. 58 Offices Witteveen+Bos




Jakarta Bay

North Jakarta Coastal Development


Kapuk Naga Indah land reclamations The only solution is an integrated solution The need for additional land in the fast growing region of Jakarta resulted in plans to reclaim land from the sea along the coastline of Jakarta. In 1995 the Government of Indonesia, through DKI Jakarta, approved the land reclamation plan in the North Jakarta Coastal Development Project (Pantura project). In 1995, the Kapuk Naga Indah Land Development Project (approximately 10,000 ha) was initiated by PT Kapuk Naga Indah. The project area is located in Jakarta Bay offshore from the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, extending from the Angke River westward up to the Cirarab River. The most eastern sectors (sectors 1 and 2) in the Kapuknaga plan (City Walk, Golf Island and River Walk and the eastern part of Little Venice and Little Amsterdam) were later integrated into the DKI Jakarta Reclamation Plan. City Walk and River Walk will be developed as residential and commercial areas. Another island, Golf Island, is located between the two. The northern part of Island 2A will be developed as an 18-hole golf course, while the southern part of the island will be developed as a residential and commercial area. The areas of these islands are 176, 309 and 284 hectares respectively for City Walk, Golf Island and River Walk.



Witteveen+Bos’ involvement started in the initial stage and continued throughout all the stages of the project. Reclamation work for Golf Island started in 2012, followed by reclamation of River Walk in 2014. The islands have been reclaimed on extremely soft soils approximately 10 meters thick. The stability calculations for the construction and design phase have to cope with these circumstances. Construction methods have to be attuned to this and verification of actual site conditions is essential. The islands are in Jakarta Bay and are exposed to waves. During construction the client decided to perform wave model tests in order to reduce the armour grading, since it was difficult to purchase. These tests were done in the laboratory at Deltares in the Netherlands under the supervision of Witteveen+Bos. As a result of the test, the design was optimised and investment costs were reduced. After the sea defences and pumping station were finalised, a polder system lying below sea level was constructed to house over 85,000 people. The entire water management system was designed in close coordination with geotechnical and coastal experts. The polder system will keep residents safe despite climate change effects and land subsidence issues.

Client PT Kapuk Naga Indah

Services feasibility study, preliminary

and detailed design, technical assistance, supervision, permits and procedures

Expertise land reclamations, urban water

management and drainage, hydrodynamics and morphology, geotechnical engineering, water quality management, coastal engineering


Tangerang and Jakarta Banten, Jakarta

Pantai Indah Kapuk and Kosambi coastal protection Preparing land for an expanding metropolis


The Greater Jakarta metropolitan area, with over 30 million inhabitants in the Jabodetabek region, is located in a low-lying coastal area. The need for housing and industrial and commercial space is forcing the city to expand into areas with challenging natural conditions: muddy, low-lying areas prone to flooding and earthquakes, which present challenging conditions from an engineering perspective.

Client PT Kukuk Mandiri Lestari

The Pantai Indah Kapuk area (total size: 1,200 hectares) has been under development in different stages and sectors since the early 1990s, with construction work starting in 2001. Construction of the final sector (Utara Barat) started in 2008 and was completed in 2010. In 2016 the development work continued westwards, where there are plans to develop another 1,000 hectares (Kosambi Land development) in Banten Province. The urban water management system and drainage for the polder system at the Kosambi Land development was completed at the beginning of 2017.

morphology, geotechnical engineering, coastal

Services feasibility study, preliminary and

detailed design, permits and procedures, site supervision

Expertise land development, urban water

management and drainage, hydrodynamics and engineering


Makassar Sulawesi

Development of Center Point of Indonesia The first waterfront reclamation in East Indonesia


Center Point of Indonesia, a 157 hectares land reclamation, is an iconic development project for both the Makassar area and eastern Indonesia. Fifty hectares of the area will be handed over to the South Sulawesi Government for the City Centre project. The rest of the area will be developed by Ciputra as a Central Business District in which housing, business and entertainment venues are integrated in one area. Center Point of Indonesia will be the first waterfront development in eastern Indonesia. The reclamation will be in the shape of the Garuda Bird, the national emblem of Indonesia, with the head and two wings visible from the air. The coastal zone of Makassar contains soft soils which are a challenge for the reclamation. The contractor will use an innovative spraying pontoon to build up the reclamation.

Client KSO Ciputra Yasmin

Services basic design, hydrodynamic

modelling, tender assistance, contract

preparation and management, construction supervision, technical assistance

Expertise dredging technology, project

management, hydrodynamics and morphology, geotechnical engineering, coastal engineering land reclamations

Witteveen+Bos’ involvement in this project started with the preliminary design and subsequently continued with the preparation of the tender documents and assistance with the tendering process. Following the award of the contract, Witteveen+Bos extended its involvement by providing contract management and supervision during the construction phase (a Design and Build contract). Both technical assistance and construction supervision were approached from a risk-based perspective.



Detailed design of Cileungsi River riverbank protection Protecting industries against the river 32

PT Sinoma Engineering Indonesia built a cement plant close to the riverbanks of the Cileungsi River. Since the site is narrow and workshops and other buildings are located near the riverbank, good riverbank protection is required.

Client PT Sinoma Engineering Indonesia

Witteveen+Bos performed an assessment of the existing conditions in the project area. The results were used to identify the problem areas and prepare an overview of possible solutions for providing adequate riverbank protection. Different types of structures such as alterations to slope angles, retaining structures and armour were considered and applied. The geotechnical (protection against sliding/failure of soil) and hydraulic (protection against erosion) aspects of the design were checked.

Expertise urban water management and

Services site inspection, drainage system review, alternative study, design bank protection, design validation

drainage, dredging technology, project

management, geotechnical engineering

Besides riverbank protection, Witteveen+Bos evaluated the drainage system and designed storm drainage outflow structures for the surface drains. The hydraulic conditions (quantity and velocity of storm water) at these outflow locations were determined and additional slope protection in front of the outflow structures was designed.


Semarang Central Java

Banger polder development Creating a safer living environment with a 'Polder system'


The northern sub-district of Semarang Timur experiences flooding and rob (daily flood caused by the raising of sea level). The land subsidence of nearly 10 centimeters per year and the sea level rise of 6 millimeters per year are exacerbating this situation. This sub-district covers over 500 hectares and has a population of 80,000.

Client Partners for Water

In 2001 a memorandum of understanding was signed between the government of Indonesia and the government of the Netherlands to explore the use of the Dutch polder system as a sustainable solution to the problems caused by daily flooding in Indonesia waterfront cities. The Semarang Banger Pilot Polder project is a pilot project for the use of an urban polder system in Indonesia. As a result, the Banger Pilot Polder will become an example for polder systems replicated in other parts of Semarang and other waterfront cities in Indonesia.

drainage, dredging technology, project

Services dike design, dredging plans, design of urban drainage system in the city including retention basins and pumping stations

Expertise urban water management and management, institutional development, geotechnical engineering

Witteveen+Bos has been commissioned to design a polder system. The Banger area will be protected from the sea by an embankment known as a ring dike. A dam will be installed at the nearby estuary of the Banger River to block water coming from the sea. The Banger River will be dredged and normalised to lower the water level. A pumping station is needed to control the water level in Banger River. A large retention basin will serve as temporary storage for heavy rainfall. All the existing drainage and channels throughout the area will be normalised and upgraded. All these packages work as an integrated solution for overcoming the flooding issue. In October 2016 the pumps were started and the water level was lowered by 1.5 meter. This is a major improvement in the living conditions of the inhabitants of the Banger polder.


Citereup/Bogor West Java

Indocement water resources study Securing water supply in times of increasing demands and climate change


The Indocement cement factory relies on river water intake from the Cileungsi River for its cement production. During the dry season, it was observed that the water levels are dropping and dry spells are lasting longer. There has always been sufficient intake water available so far, but there are concerns that a water shortage might occur due to ongoing urban development upstream in the catchment and due to climate change.

Client PT Indocement Tunggal Prakasa

Witteveen+Bos produced an extensive hydraulic model of the Cileungsi River catchment, including land use, topography, measured cross sections and soil data, and calibrated this model against existing water level recordings. Long-term satellite rainfall datasets were corrected with ground station data. The ongoing urban development was schematised in different scenarios of land use change. Extreme dry scenarios were generated from the rainfall data and combined with urbanisation scenarios.


Services data collection, hydraulic modelling, scenario simulations, identification and

quantification of alternative water resources

Expertise water resources, water management and drainage, hydraulic modelling, project

By simulating all these scenarios, Witteveen+Bos was able to analyse and report both the current and future water security situation to the client. A temporary water shortage did occur in some extreme scenarios. We provided a qualitative and quantitative insight into how to overcome these dry spells with alternative sources, groundwater abstraction, rainwater harvesting and storage and by building on-site water reservoirs. Based on this study, Indocement is able to anticipate the decreasing dry season river discharge. The possibility of creating an on-site storage reservoir is currently being assessed.


Komering South Sumatra

Flood control for extension to Komering sugar cane plantation Modelling for better anticipation of water availability


A large-scale sugar cane plantation has recently acquired around 7,000 hectares of neighbouring land which it intends to develop as an additional sugar cane plantation in order to increase production. These lands are situated in lowlands next to the Komering River and are currently flooded to a large extent on a regular basis. This is very harmful for sugar cane, which cannot withstand a flood for more than a couple of days. In order to grow sugar cane, these lands must be protected against floods.

Client PT Laju Perdana Indah

Witteveen+Bos carried out several site visits to the area to collect data. A hydraulic and hydrologic model of the river and the catchment was created based on topography data, land use and measured cross sections. A simulation of different wet season scenarios resulted in informative 2D flood maps of the area, from which it could be concluded that the area is very vulnerable to flooding due to its low elevations and proximity to a large river.

modelling, feasibility studies

Services data collection, mapping of area

prone to flooding, development and design of flood prevention measures, impact analysis of flood prevention measures, cost/benefit calculation

Expertise flood management, hydraulic

Several development scenarios were assessed, with different areas to be protected, ring dikes, edge drains and pumping stations. A total of five scenarios were examined and simulated. The results showed that with different combinations of measures a large area could be protected. The implementation costs were estimated and expressed per hectare in order to provide the client with an idea of the project’s financial feasibility.


Pangkalan Bun Southwest Kalimantan

Flood mitigation quickscan at Cargill Plantation Flood management to protect oil palm plantation


The Cargill oil palm plantations are regularly flooded, causing newly planted oil palm trees to die and impacting strongly on yields from more mature trees. The question is whether these lands can be efficiently protected against flooding and turned into productive oil palm plantations or whether they should be returned to nature. Oil palm companies tend to acquire new lands to extend their production but these lands are not always suitable.

Client PT Earthline, Cargill

Witteveen+Bos visited the plantation in Southwest Kalimantan to assess the flood prevention measures which the client had already implemented. These measures were partly reducing flooding on the plantation but were increasing flooding levels in nearby villages. In order to assess the impact of additional flood prevention measures, the cost and extent of these measures and their financial feasibility, Witteveen+Bos created an extensive 1D-2D hydraulic model of the rivers flowing through the land. In cooperation with our partner PT Earthline we obtained highresolution topographical data which greatly increases the accuracy of these models.

management, impact assessment

Services data collection and site

investigations, establishment of the cause

of floods, development of flood prevention

measures, preliminary design, cost/benefit analysis of plantation flood prevention Expertise hydraulic modelling, flood

By simulating several flood prevention measures and their impact, Witteveen+Bos provided the client with an understanding of the impact and the cost of flood prevention on its concession. The financial analysis supported the client’s decision on whether to continue developing these areas or return them to natural forest areas and in doing so create a more sustainable oil palm business.


Demak Central Java

Building with Nature – securing eroding delta coastlines Innovative approaches for resilient coastal protection


Northern Java’s deltaic shorelines suffer from severe erosion and related flooding hazards caused by mangrove conversion for aquaculture, groundwater extraction and infrastructure development. In some places, many kilometres of land have already been lost. As a result, over 30 million people in Java are at risk. The agriculture and aquaculture sectors, two engines driving economic growth, have suffered multi-billion losses. Conventional hard infrastructure solutions have been found to be ineffective, expensive and impossible to adapt to climate change. Furthermore, they fail to bring back the economic, environmental and social benefits that healthy mangrove coastlines offer.

Client EcoShape

This pilot project introduces the Building with Nature approach with the aim of accomplishing resilience along eroding delta coastlines. This innovative approach combines civil engineering with mangrove rehabilitation in order to build safe and adaptive coastlines while simultaneously introducing sustainable land use. This project aims to secure the eroding coastline in Demak, a district on the north coast of Central Java, Indonesia.

Building with Nature Indonesia is a programme

In a large-scale Building with Nature project in Demak district, we are first providing coastal security and supporting the sustainable revitalisation of 6,000 ha of aquaculture ponds along a 20 kilometers shoreline. This is enhancing the safety, inclusive economic growth and self-reliance of 70,000 vulnerable people. Technical measures to protect the coastline in Demak include restoration of the sediment balance using permeable structures and mud nourishments, alongside mangrove rehabilitation. Socio-economic measures to promote sustainable land use include the development and introduction of sustainable aquaculture and livelihood diversification (such as seaweed cultivation and crab and shrimp farming). The measures in Demak will be rooted in community development plans and integral government master planning and will be governed by community bylaws and funding mechanisms. This enabling environment is being created through extensive stakeholder dialogue and capacity building.

Environment, Nature Conservation, Building

Services design, implementation and

monitoring of soft coastal restoration measures, preparation of guidelines, knowledge sharing Expertise hydrodynamics, coastal

engineering, system understanding,

implementation, tender and supervision, integrated coastal zone management, institutional development

by EcoShape, Wetlands International, the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and

Fisheries (MMAF), and the Ministry of Public

Work and Human Settlement (PU), supported by supported by the Dutch Sustainable

Water Fund and The Federal Ministry for the and Nuclear Safety (BMUB).


Manado North Sulawesi

Technical assistance for resort development System understanding as basis for the design


A resort is being developed around one hour’s drive to the north of Manado, North Sulawesi. The development area is about 200 hectares and according to the master plans it will consist of white beaches, lagoons, a jetty, villas and gardens. The coastal area currently consists of mangroves, sandy beaches and rock outcrops. The seabed condition of part of the project area has been identified as coral. The seabed slopes gently away from the shoreline for around 500 meters and is a typical reef flat. At that distance the edge of the reef changes to a very steep slope. This reef flat falls dry during low tide. The inland consists of trees and shrubs. Rainfall in the area is limited and storage is an important aspect.

Client PT Bhineka Mancawisata

Services site investigations, design of

beaches and civil structures on piles such as

jetties and water villas, preparation of concepts for water resources and water management

Expertise hydrodynamics and morphology, modelling, coastal engineering, structural engineering, water resources and water management

The initial concepts for the development were validated based on a sound understanding of the system. Several coastal areas have been identified as having the most potential for development as white beaches. Witteveen+Bos will produce the design for the beach and lagoon for these areas and for the water villas on stilts. At another location a jetty will be constructed and we will produce the design and cost estimate for that structure. The resort will require a lot of water for all its activities. The water resources and their management and reuse are being investigated again based on the system in order to avoid depletion.


Jakarta Java

Coastal protection and urban development Long-term protection for Jakarta against flooding from the sea and rivers


Jakarta is used to flooding in the rainy season. In North Jakarta, flooding is set to become the worst in the area due to land subsidence. The average rate of subsidence is 7.5 centimetres per year, but in some coastal areas a subsidence rate of 17 centimetres per year has been measured. This will lead to flooding that will cause damage running into millions of dollars. However, the worst aspect is the fact that the safety of 10 million inhabitants and the sustainable economic development of Indonesia’s national capital are at stake. Indonesia needs to rise to this enormous challenge in order to protect the Jakarta metropolitan area against permanent flooding. Long-term investment is therefore needed to solve this problem.

Client Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) is a mega-project which follows on from the Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy Project (JCDS) in responding to the urgency of the extreme land subsidence that is happening in the northern part of Jakarta. Its objective is to reduce and prevent floods in the national capital by building three lines of sea defences which will be completed in a period of 20-30 years.

management, land reclamation, coastal

Government of Indonesia

Services strategy development, master

planning, feasibility study, preliminary and detailed design, cost estimates

Expertise flood management, master

planning, urban water management and

drainage, hydrodynamics and morphology, geotechnical engineering, water quality engineering, project management

Not only does NCICD aim to provide a solution for the long-term protection of Greater Jakarta against flooding from the sea, but it also provides much more than that: it creates new space in the national capital for over 1.5 million people from all income classes in response to the limited space available in the Jakarta area by providing seaward expansion in a planned manner. It also helps to solve the current connectivity problems in West Java and Banten and addresses many of their current environmental problems. Since january 2017 the NCICD project entered its second development stage which should lead to the final investment decision in 2018. In NCICD-2 teams from Korea and Japan joined the consortium under Witteveen+Bos management.


Cikarang West Java

Feasibility study CBL Canal and Inland Waterway Water transport as alternative for the regional road system


The Cikarang Bekasi Laut Inland Waterways Project (CBL) is a Private Participation in Infrastructure project aimed at relieving congestion on Jakarta’s road network and create an efficient corridor for transporting containers between Tanjung Priok and the industrial estates in the Cikarang and Karawang area. An area of 200 hectares has been allocated for the development of an inland waterway terminal and container yard.

Client PT Pengembang Pelabuhan Indonesia

Witteveen+Bos provided recommendations on the strategy and project components for the development of a system along the CBL canal and for the provision of a technical, financial and organisational framework for implementing the project. This CBL system consists of the following project components in the transport chain: - operations at Tanjung Priok - navigation from Tanjung Priok through the CBL canal to a future terminal along the canal - operations at the future CBL Inland Port terminal.



Services analysis of existing situation, market

analysis, site selection for port terminal, design of navigation canal, access road design, land acquisition issues, financial feasibility study, business case and project phasing, permit

Expertise port design and planning, business case, feasibility study, project management

The alternative of implementing an Inland Waterway Transport system transporting cargo from/to Tanjung Priok from/to a terminal to be built along the CBL canal has been studied. In light of the current operations at Tanjung Priok and the heavy pressure on the regional road system (congestion and delays), an alternative that will improve these operations is required.


Lok Buntar South Kalimantan

Road Channel and Wharf Design for Sungai Puting Coal Mine Coal transportation from source to customer


Baramulti Sugih Sentosa runs a mining operation in Kalimantan. Part of the transport chain is a load-out facility in Lok Buntar where 180 foot barges are loaded and a transhipment facility at Sungai Puting where the cargoes of the 180 foot barges are transhipped into 300 foot barges. Baramulti was seeking opportunities to upgrade their production and transport capacity.

Client PT Baramulti Sugih Sentosa

A preliminary transport capacity study was conducted to identify the present capacity as well as the bottlenecks in coal transport between the terminals at Lok Buntar and Sungai Puting by barge through Sungai Puting and Sungai Mati. The aim is to handle a capacity of 10 million tonnes per annum (MTPA).

Expertise preliminary design, detailed

Services transport capacity analysis,

assessment of existing loading facilities,

channel and embankment design, dredging and construction method, cost estimate designs, construction supervision

Witteveen+Bos has been providing consultancy services to support Baramulti with its mining operations in South Kalimantan since 2009. To enable coal transport from the mine to the port of Banjarmasin for subsequent onward shipment, a system of channels, berthing facilities and stockpiles was developed. Due to the expected growth in mine output in the years to come, further widening and deepening of these channels is required. Among other things, Witteveen+Bos prepared the detailed design for the berthing facilities and channels as well as the dredging plans and logistical studies. Witteveen+Bos is also supervising the construction works.


Ambon Maluku


Feasibility study at the fish and cargo port of Ambon Port development as an economic catalys The provincial government of Maluku aims to develop the economy on the Island of Ambon by building an integrated fishery and container cargo port with an industrial zone. The current container port (75,000 TEU per year) will reach its maximum handling capacity in 10-15 years. However, this port is located in the city of Ambon and has severe congestion problems. Moreover, the growing number of passenger vessel visits at the same location is creating an unsafe working environment. It was therefore decided that the container terminal activities should be relocated at the earliest possible opportunity. Waai in the north of Ambon City was selected as the port location.

Client Embassy of The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Government of Maluku

Services port feasibility study comprising

met-ocean data, site selection, port layout, conceptual design, financial feasibility and business model

Expertise feasibility study, port design, project management

The fishery port would be operated as the landlord port authority and the container terminal as the operating port authority. The financing perspective for the container terminal would be that the returns would be attractive to most funding options except for international private sectors. The financing perspective for the fishery port provides fewer options as the returns are lower. Government funding would be required in that case. A combined structure could be considered whereby the overall return is lower but could be improved with financing from government. Ports create jobs and provide income for operators, governments and workers. They also act as catalysts for economic development.


Dumai Sumatra

Strengthening jetty for chemical plant Structural engineering and asset management


Sinarmas Group is building an oleochemical plant in Lubukgaung district in the city of Dumai. As an integral part of the plant, a multipurpose port facility for handling liquid products and various types of cargo had been constructed, starting in 2013 and completed in 2015. However, since completion, concerns have emerged about the actual condition of some maritime structures.

Client PT Energi Sejahtera Mas

Witteveen+Bos Indonesia has been appointed to undertake an assessment of this jetty by conducting inspections and measurements of the existing jetty structure and reviewing all the available design and construction documentation. A range of tests and measurements were conducted to diagnose the jetty symptoms and a desk study was carried out to analyse the existing jetty capacity. As a result of this assessment and study, it was concluded that the jetty has less capacity than its original design, which jeopardises its structural integrity, especially when accommodating larger vessels up to 50,000 deadweight tonnage. The assessment study was then followed by a detailed engineering design (DED) for strengthening the jetty.

contract management

Services site inspections, validation of

structural integrity, design review, preparation of tender document

Expertise structural detailed engineering

design, port design, geotechnical engineering,

In order to regain jetty capacity to allow it to accommodate 50,000 DWT vessels, Witteveen+Bos designed a new layout and jetty strengthening method. To prevent the total demolition of the existing structures, the strengthening method made the best possible use of several existing facilities in which the capacity and stability is adequate. For the strengthening work, a new, strong structure needs to be integrated into the existing structure in order to accommodate 50,000 DWT vessels in the deep seabed.


Palembang South Sumatra

Coal transport by barges on the Musi River Feasibility study for transportation over water


The development of a coal stockpile facility and access road close to Sungai Musi, Palembang in South Sumatra was planned. Witteveen+Bos is providing technical assistance in the process leading up to realisation. At the start of its assignment for the study of coal transportation by barges on the Musi River, Witteveen+Bos carried out a reconnaissance survey from the intended coal loading point near the client’s concession site to the transfer/loading point for seagoing vessels in order to identify the various obstructions and hazards to navigation in the Musi River channel.

Client PT Energi Sejahtera Mas

Services site investigation, inland waterway study, cost estimate, technical assistence Expertise feasibility study

Thereafter, the study scope identified two distinct development phases, namely a fast-track study for the immediate barging solution and a second transportation study for the longer term. On this basis, Witteveen+Bos assessed the different barge transportation options and compared them on the basis of factors such as the related costs. The second phase of our services comprised the formulation of a long(er)-term barge transportation strategy which addressed aspects such as the use of tailor-made barges and larger-scale improvement works to the river. The second phase comprised the following steps: - identification of suitable barge loading locations for the most economical barge transportation solution - identification of locations where transhipment into larger size barges would be advantageous for onward transport downstream on the Musi River - development of long-term barge transportation options - estimation of the CAPEX and OPEX for the infrastructure works and the barges in each transportation option in order to identify the cost of the coal transport from mine to offshore transhipment location.


Karawang West Java

New water supply and sewerage system for new industrial park Master plan development for sustainable water resources


PT Pertiwi Lestari is planning to develop an industrial park in Karawang of about 800 hectares. The new industrial park will house various industrial activities. A small area will be dedicated to limited residential, commercial and community/ institutional purposes. A memorial park will also be included in the estate. It is projected that there will ultimately be about 38,000 workers in the area. Based on the master plan, the development of the area is staggered in three phases. Areas of 200, 300 and 300 hectares will be developed in the first, second and third phases respectively. Witteveen+Bos prepared a master plan for the development of the new water supply and sewerage system in the 800 hectares industrial park. The master plan will include a water supply system consisting of a river water intake, treatment, transmission and distribution network and a sewerage system consisting of sewerage collection, treatment and disposal facilities.

Client PT Pertiwi Lestari

Services layout of the water supply and

sewerage system, water treatment design, cost estimate

Expertise preliminary design, water supply and treatment

Aspects handled by Witteveen+Bos for the master plan development include the following: - data collection and inventory of current water supply and sewerage system - future projection of water demand and wastewater production including staging of developments - assessment of water sources and possibilities for a water storage pond - preliminary design of main water supply system - preliminary design of main sewerage collection system - functional specification of intake, discharge and treatment facilities - construction cost estimate per stage of the development.


Several locations Bali and Java

Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia water and environmental services Wastewater treatment compliance assessment and optimisation


Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia operates nine production locations in Indonesia. All nine production locations produce various kinds of products and every location has a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The conditions and regulatory compliance status of all nine WWTPs were determined at the production locations during a twoday site visit. Witteveen+Bos provided recommendations on what changes and optimisations should be made in order to achieve or maintain compliance. The compliance check was structured around the following themes: effluent discharge requirements, documentation management, plant operation, plant capacity and management of sludge and other by-products.

Client Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia Water and Environmental Services

Services wastewater treatment compliance assessment and optimisation

Expertise urban water management and drainage, dredging technology, project management

In addition to the compliance check, we also performed other activities. For two facilities, we assessed the capacity of the water treatment plant (WTP) for a future scenario in which the number of production lines is expanded. The expansion of the production locations will result in higher water demand at the factories, so the capacity of the WTPs may also have to be expanded. Witteveen+Bos provided an assessment of the impact this expansion would have on the two WTPs. For three facilities, we ran a capacity check for the future situation of the WWTPs after increasing the production capacity. An increase in the production capacity at the factories would also mean an increase in the volume of wastewater. Witteveen+Bos provided an assessment of the impact on the three WWTPs. Operational assistance is currently being provided for one of the wastewater treatment plants.


Balikpapan East Kalimantan


Hutan Arsari Lestari feasibility study Sustainable water supply Balikpapan region

Much of Indonesia’s tropical forest has been destroyed. An ecologically responsible farming system, which includes reforestation based on the principles of agroforestry, enables forest cover to be maintained alongside sustainable production of food and other natural resources. This method helps improve the economic, environmental and social value of the forest.

Client PT Arsari Tirta Pradana

As part of its agroforestry concept, Arsari intends to put the necessary infrastructure in place to capture (in the first instance) about 143 million square meters per year of river water in the Hutan Arsari Lestari area and send it by pipeline to its own industrial site in the Bay of Balikpapan, known locally as Kenangan, for use in a cassava factory and several other smaller-scale operations. The remaining water will then be piped to the other side of the estuary for delivery to the city of Balikpapan and its industries.


Services technical feasibility, cost estimation, geological survey, hydrological study

Expertise water supply, water treatment,

hydropower, feasibility study, geotechnical

The water will be collected in a reservoir by constructing a dam of several hundred meter long. The water from the reservoir will be transported through a headrace tunnel and transportation pipelines to a powerhouse and water treatment facility and subsequently to the various end users.



Feasibility study Jakarta Port expansion Expanding a mainport and industrial zone within a congested metropolitan


The Port of Tanjung Priok is the busiest and most advanced Indonesian seaport, handling more than 50 % of Indonesia’s trans-shipment cargo traffic. Expanding this ‛hotspot’ of economic activity poses various challenges considering its position within the greater metropolis of Jakarta: its current size and location already creates many urban and environmental issues.

Client Government of the Netherlands, Port

However, there is a commercial and socio-economic need to expand the port in close connection with industrial development in the hinterland and development of neighboring industrial islands. To manage this development, a joint venture was initiated between Indonesia Port Corporation (IPC, port operator), PT Jakarta Propertindo (JAKPRO, state-owned property developer) and the Port of Rotterdam.

engineering, geotechnical engineering

of Rotterdam, Indonesia Port Corporation, PT Jakarta Propertindo, DKI Jakarta

Services integrated strategy development, spatial planning, social and environmental

assessments, project management, coastal Expertise project management, strategy development, coastal and geotechnical engineering

Since 2015, in parallel with the joint venture development, Witteveen+Bos has been the driver behind the concept development on the sustainable expansion of the port together with three artificial industrial islands. An integrated ‘Jakarta Port Concept’ was developed which was endorsed by the main stakeholders like IPC, Port of Rotterdam, the metropolitan city of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), JAKPRO and key Indonesian ministries. In 2017, a feasibility study was awarded to a consortium led by Witteveen+Bos. The goal of this study is to develop a sound business case, an integrated port and industrial zone design for the expansion as well as a social and environmental assessment.


Gresik East-Java

Urban Master Plan GEM City Developing a 800 hectares residential area in challenging conditions


AKR Land Development started to build its masterpiece development in East Java, AKR Grand Estate Marina City, mostly known as AKR GEM City, an integrated township development covers area of 800 hectares located at Gresik, 40 minutes from Surabaya. AKR GEM City is part of a 3,000 hectares integrated development called JIIPE (Java Integrated Industrial & Port Estate), and consists of industrial estate, a port estate and a residential estate in one area. Witteveen+Bos, together with urban planners of Alami Group, prepared an Urban Master Plan consisting of an urban development concept including traffic and civil engineering concepts. Water management was an important design aspect (flood management, internal drainage, water supply, water sanitation). The development area is dominated by fish ponds on soft soils, creating challenging geotechnical conditions. Witteveen+Bos provided geotechnical advice and designs Client AKR Land Development

Services project management, urban strategy

development, flood management strategies and

designs, water supply and sanitation strategies and concepts, geotechnical engineering

Expertise integrated urban development,

urban water management, project management, geotechnical engineering


Text Witteveen+Bos Concept and design Houdbaar Printing SMK Grafika Desa Putera Photos and illustrations Carel de Groot Cynthia Boll Š Witteveen+Bos, 2018 PT Witteveen Bos Indonesia Park View Plaza, 6th floor JI. Taman Kemang no.27 Kemang - Jakarta Selatan 12730 Indonesia t 0062 21 719 12 82 f 0062 21 719 12 83 e i


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