Sustainable design
Discovering what is right Witteveen+Bos defines sustainability as doing what is right in an environment that is subject to continuous societal and natural changes. There is no such thing as a blueprint for sustainable solutions. That is why we started developing sustainable design principles years ago, to help our engineers acquire a sustainability-oriented mindset. The seven principles have now been implemented throughout the organisation and their application has already resulted in several noteworthy projects and solutions. Our set of sustainable design principles is a ‘living guideline’, by which we mean that they can be made more specific or strict as new insights emerge.
recording and upholding sustainability ambitions in the earth-moving, road construction and hydraulic engineering sector). However, none of these tools offer a comprehensive set of guidelines for sustainable design. A tool that focuses exclusively on the minimisation of CO2 emissions, water or energy consumption or use of materials has the advantage of providing actionable data. That makes it easier to link a quantitative CO2 reduction objective to a design, making it clear for designers how to ‘tweak’ their design in order to achieve the desired CO2 balance. The disadvantage is that many other aspects of sustainability are underemphasised. This sometimes has unintended negative secondary effects.
Comprehensive solutions Today’s major global challenges – nature conservation, ending poverty and assuring everyone’s wellbeing – demand comprehensive solutions and creative ideas. The global push for sustainable development is an irreversible societal trend that engineers will need to take into account in doing their job – designing public spaces in accordance with the highest possible standards. Realities may change based on new research, new insights or new developments. In such cases, engineers need to be able to adjust solutions to the changing situation. Our sustainable design principles will help them do just that, promoting a sustainability-oriented mindset rather than a ready-to-use solution. That is how we create comprehensive sustainable solutions in varying situations.
Appropriate level of abstraction Sustainable design principles require an engineer to ‘hold his/her step’ at a higher level of abstraction, as a balanced assessment and design will be based on a review of all aspects that are at play. Sometimes, this can make projects more complex because more aspects need to be taken into account in the design process, and more time may be involved for everyone to develop an understanding of how things will end up looking in practice. However, the advantage is that the eventual design will be a better one, and therefore the better solution for stakeholders in the project.
Instruments Over the past few years, different parties have developed tools pertaining to sustainable development that are relevant for the engineering industry, such as the CO2 Performance Ladder, DuboCalc (a software tool that calculates the environmental impact of the materials and energy used in infrastructure projects), Omgevingswijzer (a questionnaire-based tool for the systematic assessment of the sustainability performance of structures and projects in a specific area), and Ambitieweb (a tool for
Enhanced impact Using sustainable design principles allows us to give sustainability concrete form in our projects, thereby enhancing our contribution – in terms of social, ecological and economic aspects – to a sustainable world, in partnership with clients, partners and knowledge institutes. For that reason, Witteveen+Bos is committed to strengthening the application of its sustainable design principles. We offer internal training courses to our staff and we organise a number of different work sessions focusing on sustainable design principles. This special edition of Witteveen+Bos News is dedicated exclusively to the seven design principles and the experiences we have gained by applying them.
Development of sustainable design principles About ten years ago, the Dutch engineering industry started developing tools aimed at assessing and integrating sustainability in design and implementation processes. For many, sustainability was something of a catchall term and there was a strong need for a clear definition. This resulted in the multitude of ‘wheel’ diagrams centred on sustainabilityrelated themes, offering ways to deal with comprehensive decision-making in construction projects and designing. Initially, these themes mainly originated in the physical domain, e.g. water, soil, air and nature, and a few in the social domain, such as safety. Identifying the right approach Witteveen+Bos started looking for ways to define sustainability together with a number of European partners in the Sustainable Cities programme, aimed at creating a framework for sustainable urban development. The partners soon found out that the temptation to simplify was considerable – a tool needs to be convenient in practice too, without turning into a research project of its own – and the number of themes was practically infinite. And if we also add into the mix an engineer’s natural tendency to accurately measure all actual and potential effects, it could well be a recipe for failure. Along the way, Witteveen+Bos decided to translate its possible contribution to major global challenges into principles instead of into themes, giving rise to its sustainable design principles, not least because creating designs is the core business of an engineering consultancy. We based the actual principles on the principles of sustainable development as defined in 1992 by the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED, also known as the Earth Summit). For the application of the Rio principles, the Millennium Development Goals were developed, followed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both by the United Nations. Sustainable development is therefore the link between sustainable design principles and the global goals. The sustainable design principles challenge engineers to maximise the positive impact of their designs on people’s wellbeing. That may sound easy, but the tricky thing for engineers is to create their designs in such a way that the positive impact on wellbeing does not unwittingly result in marginal negative effects. That danger is always just around the corner, because the design assignment is often simplified to a single objective in order to keep the design process manageable. This makes it vital to keep a sharp focus on all themes, because the sting of unintended side effects is that very often we do not see them coming. To design is to anticipate and choose Designing is making choices with vision. In the design process, measures are devised aimed at resolving problems in order to promote wellbeing. That is a creative yet structured process, which involves: - a problem analysis: What is the problem? What are the obstacles standing in the way of wellbeing? What goals are we aiming to attain with a project? - a system analysis: How does the problem arise? What buttons can we push in order to remove the cause of the problem? - a function analysis: What functions will the design need to fulfil in order to resolve the problem? - a variant study: What are the different ways in which the
functions can be fulfilled? Which physical objects will that require? What are the dimensions of those objects? - a n effect study: What are the positive effects on wellbeing of each variant? Do the variants involve any unintended negative effects on wellbeing? What are the costs of each variant? The design process is subject to the condition that choices must be made based on the expected effects on wellbeing. In order to identify measures with beneficial effects, we use our seven sustainable design principles. Each principle has its own perspective, and complements the other six principles. Which principles are relevant will depend on the design assignment. No quality without sustainability Witteveen+Bos has made the sustainable design principles a part of its quality assurance system. This means that every project leader has to make clear in his/her project plan how the principles have been considered and what the outcome was. The result of this ‘comply-or-explain’ principle is that most Witteveen+Bos employees know about the sustainable design principles (the latest survey showed that 80 % know about the principles and 40 % applied them in 2017). In practice, this initially means an additional thought process: the applicability of each principle in an upcoming project has to be assessed. Eventually, this thought process will become second nature. That is how we commit ourselves to finding – together with clients, partners and other stakeholders – the best solutions, with the sustainable design principles as a guideline to do what is right. + communications@witteveenbos.com
Nature-based design The ‘Building with Nature’ principle means that natural processes are used to strengthen the design. Working with nature instead of against nature. This will help prevent unintended negative side effects and result in additional benefits, for instance in terms of nature values. It may also result in cost savings.
Flexible design The ‘Flexible Design’ principle means that a design can be easily adapted if circumstances change in the future. This may concern different climatological conditions or a change in people’s needs and preferences. By making a design flexible, creating added value in the future will become easier and more cost-effective.
Circular design The ‘Circular Design’ principle is about making choices for the current and future life cycles and ensuring closed material chains by making allowances in the design for the use of waste as a raw material. Circular design is aimed at minimising the depletion of natural resources.
Contributing to #globalgoals with sustainable design principles Scan the QR code to watch the video
Witteveen+Bos Special June 2018
Multi-functional design The ‘Multifunctional Design’ principle encourages engineers to look for multiple functions and ways to combine as many functions as possible, and to ensure the design addresses all of them as effectively as possible. The crucial point is to surprise the client with an additional function and thereby with more added value to society by a comparatively small adjustment in the design.
Participatory design The ‘Participatory Design’ principle means that designs should not be created for stakeholders, but together with stakeholders. Future users (the client behind the client) and people who may be adversely affected by the design are given an active role in the design process. This will boost the positive impact and reduce the negative impact.
Trias The ‘Triad’ principle means that the use – i.e. depletion – of energy and raw materials is minimised and optimised. This will also reduce the life cycle costs of the design.
Societal design The ‘Socially Responsible Design’ principle means that engineers think about how a project’s effects on prosperity could be enhanced. This principle is centred on the creation of (additional) societal benefits by applying measures that will affect people’s behaviour and/ or their socio-economic circumstances. This principle will help in achieving more of the intended design objectives.
Sustainable get-up-and-go Peter Struik has been serving the Directorate-General of Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat, RWS) as chief engineer and director of its programme for sustainability and the living environment since 2017. His ambition is to turn RWS into the government’s most sustainability-focused executive organisation. However, this ambition does come with its fair share of challenges and dilemmas. Karin Sluis, Witteveen+Bos’ Managing Director, spoke to Peter Struik about this. First of all, there is the ‘issue’ of comprehensiveness. Sustainable land use involves many policy areas: mobility, water, energy, spatial planning, the Environment Act and, of course, economic issues as well. Peter Struik: ‘Aiming for a sustainable living environment requires a shift from segmented thinking to acting in an integrated and sustainable manner. At RWS, we prefer to regard every assignment as area-specific by answering questions including: What functions and values does the area have? What connections are there? And what can be used for multiple functions? The central idea here is that the more comprehensive the question posed to us is, the more comprehensive the solution we can implement. But that does require a targeted effort. And even internally, RWS still does not always think in terms of functionality – the focus is often still on engineering.’ Karin Sluis recognises the dilemma: ‘Engineering agencies face the same sort of challenge. Sometimes RWS presents us with a question that we would have preferred to be just that little bit different. That’s why Witteveen+Bos is committed to applying seven sustainable design principles. These are part of our quality handbook and promote comprehensive thinking and having discussions along those lines with the client. Sometimes, an assignment is changed as a result. And what’s even better, in some cases these principles are the reason for awarding a contract to Witteveen+Bos.’ Peter Struik: ‘Engineering agencies help to put matters such as energy neutral operation and circularity on the agenda. We already share our concern for the problem, but no shared, joint solution has been identified yet. In other words: I am very happy about the intentions, but we really need to make some headway now. The operative word here is collaboration. And that leads up to the next dilemma. Sometimes, the rules and contracts imposed by RWS stand in the way of a comprehensive approach. Comprehensiveness requires a joint – chain-based – approach of drawing up an assignment. But how do you go about drawing up assignments and developing solutions using
a chain-based approach involving competitors? Engineering agencies are still very hesitant about sharing knowledge.’ Karin Sluis: ‘A degree of competition is necessary to drive innovation. And working in a chain is sometimes difficult. But it is possible nonetheless. We did build some experience in chain-based collaboration with EcoShape (Building with Nature), a publicprivate partnership with RWS and other government bodies, knowledge institutes, engineering agencies and contractors.’ What would be more effective in our industry – disruptive and radical innovation or taking things forward step by step and gradually? Peter Struik: ‘The issues our industry is faced with, are its most challenging to date and include the energy transition, circular economy and the new Environment Act. However, the industry itself is moving quite slowly. It is time for an upgrade, by pursuing strategies that are smarter and more comprehensive, by connecting engineering and financial engineering, and by looking at new types of arrangements and different types of contracts involving multiple partners of all sorts and conditions. If you look at a programme like Smart Mobility 2030, it could very well get the fire going if things are made concrete in, for instance, the details of the government’s Multi-Year Programme for Infrastructure, Spatial Planning and Transport (MIRT). We need to invest in a joint vision, and work together on drawing up a comprehensive assignment that we can divide up into manageable parts. Once again, effective and open collaboration is key. However, we do need to accelerate the realisation of our ambitions. For instance, the need to make the energy transition happen is widely accepted, but the immediate costs are often high. Although we are capable of achieving better solutions in the short term, we can’t afford them.’ Karin Sluis: ‘Sustainable investments could offer a solution there. Issues of this kind require a joint approach by not only RWS and the agencies but many more sectors in society. Entrepreneurship is not one of RWS’s core tasks, so that is where engineering agencies can extend a helping hand and close the chain. RWS and the agencies share the desire to change our part of the world for the better. It would be wonderful if different design principles aimed at sustainability and the living environment could be compared and be used as the basis for developing a code of conduct for engineers. That would give us the sustainable get-up-and-go we need. Witteveen+Bos’ seven sustainable design principles are a solid foundation for the further development of joint principles.’ + communications@witteveenbos.com
Witteveen+Bos Special June 2018
Nature-based design
NATURAL PROCESSES CREATE ADDITIONAL BENEFITS The ‘Building with Nature’ principle requires engineers to gain insight into the natural processes occurring in a project environment by determining their physical, chemical and/ or biological characteristics. Negative effects on these processes can then be avoided in the design phase, while such processes can also be used to create additional benefits. This principle is called ‘Building with Nature’. It is applied by performing a system analysis to consider the project in a broader context. Such an analysis involves determining the dominant processes, identifying key factors that can influence these processes, and finally identifying effective measures targeted at those key factors.
Listening to nature in Singapore Palawan Beach is a beautiful white sandy beach fringed with palm trees and azure water. However, there is an issue with the water quality. There are several potential causes, including excessive nutrient levels leading to algal overgrowth, excessive movement of sand or a combination of the two. In the Palawan Beach and Lagoon project in Singapore, Witteveen+Bos was asked to provide a second opinion on an existing design intended to resolve the water quality problem in Palawan Bay. Different causes require different interventions. The present design would see the bay turned into a lagoon through a complex system of 14 measures. ‘While developing the second opinion, it was clear to us right away that any solution would require quite
a few measures’, says Guus Kruitwagen, Witteveen+Bos project leader and ecologist. Previous interventions have had the effect of multiple band-aids stuck on top of each other to cover a single wound. The fact that no single, properly dimensioned bandaid was in place also made it clear immediately that no proper system analysis had been conducted beforehand. The proposed closure of the bay would involve a significant risk of ecological water quality issues. Together with a local agency, Witteveen+Bos monitored the situation for a full year. It turned out that the water quality deteriorated when the waves rolled towards the beach in a particular way. The conclusion was that the impact of waves on the beach had to be reduced in a way that would not cause any secondary problems.’ The solution contributed by Witteveen+Bos was to achieve attenuation of the waves by means of a floating
bridge, rather than to close off the bay entirely, thereby resolving the water quality issue without interfering in the exchange of water with the open ocean. Thanks to the prior system analysis, we could offer a solution without replacing one problem with another. Guus Kruitwagen: ‘Being ecologists, of course we always include nature in our designs. In other disciplines, people are sometimes unaware of how confined they are by their own specialisation, resulting in designs that fail to take the wider context into account. As a matter of fact, every discipline should conduct its own system analysis. Because listening to nature and other key processes can add a lot of value.’ + guus.kruitwagen@witteveenbos.com
ROBUST, ADAPTABLE AND RESILIENT By creating flexible designs, Witteveen+Bos can anticipate future developments and factor in uncertainties. We take account of long-term scenarios and developments, and work with our clients to look at whether upcoming changes and developments can play a role in the design. That could concern physical changes, such as climate change resulting in heat, drought, intense precipitation and sea level rise or soil subsidence, but also societal changes resulting from changes in policy or behavioural standards as well as consumer trends, such as the adoption of e-bikes, and new scientific insights and technological developments such as autonomous cars. The functionality and value of designs by Witteveen+Bos will therefore be preserved throughout their life cycle in a range of future scenarios. Three perspectives on flexible designs Robustness, adaptability and resilience are three perspectives to take into account when drawing up flexible designs. A robust ‘first time right’ design lasts the entire life cycle. This may be necessary in the case of a flood defence structure that needs to be reinforced to add 50 years to its life cycle, or for adding transmission capacity to a high-voltage line in anticipation of the energy transition. An adaptable design meets the applicable requirements during part of the life cycle, and can be easily adjusted when circumstances change. This may be necessary if software or equipment have a major role as in, for instance, drive mechanisms and/or infrastructural operating systems. And, lastly, rather than focus on the strength of an object, a resilient design will focus on the resilience of the system this object is a part of. This means physical solutions may not always be the only answer but that, for instance, taking out flood insurance, buying options or investing in relief and reconstruction plans instead of prevention plans are also investigated. Another good example of resilience is the solution by Share My City for water storage on private land.
Flexible design
Flexible design in Westergouwe Witteveen+Bos conducted a climate stress test and drafted an adaptation plan for the Westergouwe area development project in the city of Gouda. Considering the city’s location in a low-lying and settlement-prone area, climate adaptation is crucial for this development. The stress test focused on vulnerable and vital functions, flooding, heat and water quality. The stress test resulted in the drafting of a manual for designing climate-proof public areas, which is used in all design phases of the development. Examples are that more extreme precipitation patterns are factored into the design of sewerage systems, public utilities are situated in elevated locations and the implementation of rainwater infiltration solutions is included in designs. A water concept is being developed in partnership with the competent Water Authority to maintain water quality in the long term. In addition, an initiative was launched to encourage residents of the new quarter to keep their gardens green rather than pave them. Leon Valkenburg, project leader for Witteveen+Bos: ‘In this project, the sustainable design principle ‘Flexible Design’ played a major role. I actually like to call it ‘adaptive design’. The plan for Westergouwe takes into account the three perspectives of robustness, adaptability and resilience in order to anticipate the climate of the future in the context of soil structure and the water system.’ + leon.valkenburg@witteveenbos.com
Witteveen+Bos Special June 2018
Green synergy between Amsterdam and Utrecht Witteveen+Bos was asked by the local authority of Stichtse Vecht to develop a ‘green structure plan’ aimed at connecting green zones and water bodies in urban and rural areas within the municipality. Together with a team of local experts, we conducted a review to identify the different functional layers of the green zones. Four green layers were superimposed: zones adjoining infrastructure, such as road verges; cultural-historical zones, such as a historic oak-lined avenue that has always been a local hallmark; recreational zones, such as parks; and zones with ecological or natural significance, including ecological corridors. In addition, we looked at feasibility by examining the ownership structure and whether any restrictions apply in terms of permits. An analysis of opportunities and threats resulted in a map with ‘urgency spots’. ‘Superimposing the different layers allows you to see where individual functions interlink and value creation can be maximised’, says Alexander Gaydadjiev, Project Assistant. ‘One example is that there are various spots with planted avenue structures that have gaps in them. Our recommendation there would be to replant trees to restore the avenue structure, define the road outline and bring back its orientation function (‘Look, the road is over there!’). It benefits flying routes of bats and birds and it also improves the situation for cyclists because the trees shelter them from the wind. A functional approach of this kind shows local authorities how they can double the effect of every euro spent,
and that it pays to use cross-departmental ways of thinking and working.’ This project involved frequent collaboration with ecologists. ‘A good example of mixing functions is the attribution of value to the hedgerows lining Vogelweg, a road in Maarssenbroek’, says Tycho Muijen of Witteveen+Bos. ‘On the one hand, these green embankments act as conductors and screens for traffic, while on the other hand their linear nature and relatively rich variety of plant species make them a highly suitable foraging, nesting and migration zone for birds and other fauna. It used to be plain greenery, and now it has been given an additional value that policymakers can take into account.’ Project leader and landscape architect Harro Wieringa likes to work according to the ‘Multifunctional Design’ principle, keeping an open mind for new opportunities and additional benefits. ‘In our design assignments, we’re very apt at combining technical solutions with landscape-related and ecological values. That requires a different way of thinking of Witteveen+Bos too – to resist the tendency to stay on the straight-and-narrow and never look sideways. My challenge is to have our specialists contribute creative ideas and to create new opportunities within a project. Making that work leads to so much quality improvement!’
MORE FUNCTIONS, MORE BENEFITS The ‘Multifunctional Design’ principle encourages engineers to consider adding functions to a design. Questions like ‘How can I make optimal use of the space available?’ and ‘How many functions can be added and how do they reinforce each other?’ are important in that respect. It is also essential to make optimal use of existing values in an area, such as cultural/historical, landscape, recreational, social and nature values. Finally, careful consideration must be given to a future-proof design, for instance by using a clear urban development or landscape framework, and by reflecting on the future value of the spaces created and the materials used. There is commonality with the ‘Flexible Design’ principle.
Multi-functional design
+ harro.wieringa@witteveenbos.com
RWS’s Impulse Programme stimulates circular operations The Directorate General of Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat, RWS) aims to introduce circular business operations in order to halve its consumption of raw materials by 2030. In its Impulse Programme for the Circular Economy (2017- 2020), RWS focuses on developing services and products that encourage circular operations. Witteveen+Bos was commissioned by RWS for a number of projects in the context of this Impulse Programme. Circular Design Manual in the MIRT process In long-term processes, such as the Multi-Year Programme for Infrastructure, Spatial Planning and Transport (MIRT), incorporating circular design considerations is already a matter of urgency. 2030 may seem a long way off and 2050 even more so, but the choices made right now cast shadows that stretch at least 10, and in some cases even 50 years into the future. The manual was drawn up based on two perspectives and target groups: 1. Applying circular design principles at object level (designers and operators). 2. Creating space for circular design in the MIRT process (policymakers and advisors). The key principles of prevention, value preservation (existing objects) and value creation (new structures) have been translated into eight circular design principles with practical tips, rules of thumb and examples. One such tip is to make sure that a landscape and visual quality plan, which precedes the technical design, does not include any requirements (aesthetic or otherwise) that rule out the application of recycled concrete. For each MIRT phase, from initiation through to the call for tenders, the manual describes what can be done to create space for circular design. The objective is to avoid making any (conscious or unconscious) choices in the early stages of the MIRT process that rule out the application of circular design principles in a later stage (lock-in). Parallel to the preparation of this manual, Witteveen+Bos
worked on the widening of the A58 motorway (InnovA58), for which a circular design was created using that same manual. Rob Dijcker, project leader: ‘Many things are already self-evident: we integrate life cycle extension into our designs and don’t demolish anything for the sake of it. However, creating designs that encompass several lifecycles requires that you build a convincing case for particular expectations of future use. If you can manage that, it helps you to make the U-turn from value destruction to value preservation and value creation. In addition, the reuse of civil engineering works, life cycle extension or delayed end of life will not win you prizes – designing and building is just really exciting and that’s what we’ve been trained to do. It is time for the ‘reuser’ to become the new hero.’ ‘Materials passport’ for Princess Beatrix locks complex A typical tool for the reuse of components or materials is the materials passport. For the extension and renovation of the Princess Beatrix locks, Witteveen+Bos conducted a study with contracting consortium Sas van Vreeswijk to determine which (decision-making) information was required for high-grade recycling of materials and where in the construction chain this information can be found. Registering the required object details in a ‘materials passport’ ensures that this information is kept on file, and facilitates recycling. Reuse of Lek bridge Another Witteveen+Bos project that was part of the Impulse Programme involved investigating possible ways to reuse the redundant steel arch bridge across the Lek River at Vianen. The outcome showed that reuse would be profitable in terms of both sustainability and finances. The call for tenders for traditional demolition was withdrawn, because the bridge can potentially be reused. + rob.dijcker@witteveenbos.com
Circular design
DESIGNING FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW Circular design is about making choices that take account of current and future life cycles throughout the entire process: from the initiation phase through to exploration, design, execution, management and maintenance, followed by the next life cycle. That means thinking ahead about design and materials usage, at all levels and in all phases of a structure’s life cycle. In addition to the technical life cycle, designers learn to also consider the functional life cycle. Circular design is also about ‘closing the loop’ by using waste as a resource in the design process.
Witteveen+Bos Special June 2018
Hydropower in Sierra Leone – Power to the people In Sierra Leone, 80 % of people have no access to electricity. However, the country has a massive potential for generating hydropower. Some key questions to answer in this respect: Who will unlock this potential? What is the prospective output? And how can the local population benefit from hydropower generation as much as possible? Witteveen+Bos conducted a feasibility study into small-scale hydropower generation at seven sites in Sierra Leone. This study showed that the power output could be maximised by building dams at selected sites. However, this would involve flood risks and loss of arable land, income from sand and gold extraction, and biodiversity. For that reason, it was decided to impose a maximum dam height in order to minimise these risks as much as possible. Project leader Marcel Wauben backs this decision: ‘Climate change has made a number of aspects highly unpredictable. Witteveen+Bos wants to avoid having to conclude later on that we created dangerous situations for people in villages along the river. The basic principle here is that wellbeing comes first and output comes second. The potential negative impact on earning power and biodiversity has also been in serious consideration. All this resulted in a maximum dam height delivering a cost-benefit ratio that justifies the long-term investment.’ In addition, Witteveen+Bos advised the client to install local electricity grids in the villages near the hydropower facilities, to ensure local residents can also benefit from the investment and
WORKING WITH STAKEHOLDERS The ‘Participatory Design’ principle means that designs should not be created for stakeholders, but together with stakeholders. Future users and people who may be adversely affected by the design are given an active role in the design process. This approach increases public support and enables work to be performed more efficiently. Witteveen+Bos has develop an in-house, evidence-based statistical method for measuring public support. ‘We draw up a participation and communication strategy for each project, and try to ensure that stakeholders become truly involved and engaged’, says stakeholder manager Ehsan Nouzari. ‘Their local knowledge and ideas simply improve the quality of the design.’
Participatory design
are not simply left to witness how others use their river. Water management expert Herman Mondeel sees great potential for hydropower in Africa. ‘Witteveen+Bos is looking for alternative funding options to replicate feasibility studies, like the one in Sierra Leone, in other places. When several parties join forces to fund a study, such as public-sector bodies with developing aid money and funds that aim to invest in sustainable development goals, it help us get closer to making hydropower in Africa a reality. That means that for many Africans access to electricity will become a realistic prospect.’ Elisabeth Ruijgrok, an expert in socially responsible design at Witteveen+Bos, about applying the principle: ‘Adjusting the dam height will limit the damage, which I see as a behavioural measure on top of the technical measure of the dam itself. Installing a local electricity grid is a technical measure, implemented with a social intention – a wonderful way to enhance a project’s value. The best thing would be if we could implement a proper socio-economic measure, for instance by calculating a price per cubic metre of river water. In that scenario, not only would villagers pay an amount per kilowatt hour, but the electricity producer would also pay an amount per cubic metre of water to villagers along the river to ensure they receive part of the benefit too. That will change the relationship between the different stakeholders. That’s the kind of measures we have in mind when we use the ‘Socially Responsible Design’ principle.’
INCREASING PROSPERITY EFFECTS The ‘Socially Responsible Design’ principle encourages consideration of other measures besides just technical ones. The question ‘How can I increase the prosperity effects of my project?’ is central to this principle. This can be accomplished by technical measures, behavioural measures, or measures aimed at people’s socio-economic circumstances, or a combination of all three. Changing the socioeconomic circumstances of local residents can help them benefit from the project. Another example is putting up a traffic sign to reduce the speed limit, so that it is no longer necessary to construct an additional traffic lane. The speed restriction results in behavioural changes, which in turn can help reduce traffic congestion.
Societal design
+ jacobiene.ritsema@witteveenbos.com
Share My City – participation in water management Pressure on urban areas is increasing due to climate change and urbanisation. Flooding is a significant cause of climaterelated damage. Governments’ resources to deal with this issue are limited. Citizens will need to do their bit to make cities ‘climate-robust’. For that reason, Witteveen+Bos developed the Share My City concept, a unique platform that allows citizens to use their postcode to check which solutions for infiltration, storage or reuse of rainwater are suitable for their specific home. For local authorities, we calculate what the potential is for rainwater storage in privately owned areas and we advise citizens on how they can contribute to the solution. This information will provide a local authority with a basis for policy choices. The platform is flexible and can be adapted to or integrated in other websites, and helps to make water storage on private premises concrete and easy to implement. Share My City has been implemented in a so-called ‘Impact Project’ as part of the Spatial Adaptation Delta Programme of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. Pilot projects are ongoing in
the city of Breda, and Witteveen+Bos is talking to a number of other local authorities interested in Share My City. Urban Water Consultant Stephanie Gijsbers devised the Share My City concept together with a number of colleagues. ‘Space in the Netherlands is limited, especially in cities. Only a small portion of that space is publicly owned. Utilising the non-public space for mitigating or preventing flooding and heat stress seems an obvious choice. The question is how to do that effectively. Share My City offers a potential answer to that question.’ Project leader Jacobiene Ritsema: ‘When we started with Share My City, participatory design was the main point of departure. Participation is often used as an instrument to inform people and in situations where individual interests are involved. However, what could be more logical than to have citizens endorse common goals and participate in a tangible way? If all home owners in an entire street take sufficient measures together, their street will no longer flood during heavy downpours and the likelihood of heat stress will be significantly reduced. Expensive measures taking up lots of public space will no longer be required. Furthermore, the neighbourhood becomes greener and it will lead to more contact between residents and improve social cohesion. There’s no downside!’ Colleagues have suggested that Share My City can be expanded to other disciplines. ‘In ecology, we’re very excited about this because space for biodiversity is also limited in public areas. Imagine being able to create a main ecological structure by linking a number of back gardens. That would be a breakthrough’, says Rob Nieuwkamer, ecological planning consultant. + stephanie.gijsbers@witteveenbos.com
Witteveen+Bos Special June 2018
LIMITING THE USE OF RAW MATERIALS The ‘Trias Energetica’ design principle is aimed at minimising the use of finite (i.e. non-renewable) resources. It is a three-step strategy for producing an energy-efficient and resource-efficient design, and consequently also a strategy for reducing CO2 emissions. The three steps of the Trias Energetica are as follows: - Step 1: Limit demand and prevent unnecessary use and waste - Step 2: Use renewable sources for energy, and use waste as a resource - Step 3: Make efficient use of any non-renewable sources needed to meet the remaining demand
WATERWAY LIGHTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TRIAS PRINCIPLE The Directorate-General of Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat, RWS) owns and operates the lighting systems alongside the North Sea Canal and the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal. Most of the equipment in these lighting systems is due to be replaced. Witteveen+Bos is to perform a stakeholder analysis, create a design and draw up a performance contract aimed at making the 90 km worth of waterway lighting systems uniform and compliant with current laws and regulations. In order to give concrete form to RWS’s sustainability objectives, Witteveen+Bos explained its design principles in a work session and worked with an RWS team to examine the opportunies, which were found in the Trias principle. ‘We considered a number of options to minimise energy consumption and the use of materials’, says Paulien Hoogvorst, technical manager at Witteveen+Bos. ‘To start with, there was the difference between using traditional and LED light sources. On that count, it quickly became clear that LED consumes far less energy and requires hardly any adaptations. But we also needed to consider how to design the power supply for the lighting systems next to the waterway. Do you want to install thick power cables with multiple branches, or design an autonomous system with power storage and solar panels? Installing a solar panel may provide for a renewable power source, but does require more material for the wider foundation. In addition, the impact on the landscape will be greater. We also looked at possible reuse of the cables and the desired target situation: What is the envisioned life cycle following the lighting system upgrade?’ Eventually, material savings were achieved by reusing existing power cables and masts. Energy savings were achieved by installing LED light sources and by optimising the design of electricity consumers in such a way as to minimise the power demand. The design also includes local generation of renewable energy in order to meet the power demand. While the Trias principle may seem logical, its application does require quite some power of persuasion. ‘Ensuring reuse is given a fair chance is always a struggle, because designers and clients often prefer the certainty of a full replacement of all materials, ensuring no maintenance will be necessary for a long time. I think reuse involves a certain level of risk, but the same goes for new materials. We can predict the life cycle of power cables fairly accurately, which makes the risk manageable.’ + paulien.hoogvorst@witteveenbos.com
Trias Territoria for the energy transition in The Hague The ‘EnergieRijk Den Haag’ programme is aimed at making sixteen buildings in The Hague completely ‘fossil fuel free’ by 2040. Motion 2040, a consortium of Witteveen+Bos, DWA and Rebel, developed the Trias Territoria, a design philosophy that orders a sustainability assignment into a step-by-step approach that provides direction. The Trias Territoria requires the energy transition to be approached as follows: 1. First, investigate any local options for energy generation and energy efficiency gains. 2. Utilise options in the immediate environment, for instance underground storage. 3. Purchase sustainable energy to cover the remaining energy need, preferably from a source as close to the consumption site as possible.
In concrete terms, this results in the following plan: first reducing energy consumption and generating energy within individual buildings; followed by energy storage and exchange between the buildings included in the programme via a thermal energy storage network; connecting these buildings to a sustainable district heating network; and finally purchasing green energy. On that basis, variants can be considered that, for instance, place more emphasis on building-based energy efficiency measures through innovation or other solutions. The suggested transition roadmap also offers opportunities for flexible adjustment if certain measures are found to be ineffective along the way. The Trias Territoria design philosophy is effective in situations where space and renewable energy are scarce, as is the case in cities, and utilises all potential an area has to offer. + edgar.rijsdijk@witteveenbos.com
SDP SESSIONS Policy goals and sustainability ambitions are often highly abstract. In its projects, Witteveen+Bos helps its clients to give concrete form to these ambitions. To that end, we developed the SDP (Sustainable Design Principles) Session, comprising two parts. Part one is an elaboration on the seven sustainable design principles of Witteveen+Bos, including examples by addressing such questions as ‘Where did we apply SDPs?’, ‘Where did the client apply SDPs?’ and possibly ‘Where did Witteveen+Bos apply SDPs for the client in earlier projects?’. In the second part of the session, two cases will be presented to allow the client’s team to assess the applicability of each SDP to their
specific case. That can be a completed project, an ongoing project or a project that is about to start. The central question is: How can the client’s case be made sustainable? A project is often particularly suited to the application of a certain SDP, i.e. the dominant SDP. In case of large-scale or complex projects, there may also be several. One of the pitfalls here is wanting to include too many SDPs in a project when it does not necessarily add value. In addition, it is important to keep a close eye on other project objectives, such as safety, accessibility, budget, time and space.
Witteveen+Bos Special June 2018
Soil and groundwater remediation in India In October 2017, Witteveen+Bos concluded a framework contract with India-based Kadam Environmental Consultants (Kadam). The company is part of Kadam Group and was founded in 1981 by Mr Ashok P. Kadam. Kadam Group, which currently employs approximately 350 people, is headed by its founder’s two sons: Sameer Ashok Kadam and Sangram Ashok Kadam. Kadam and Witteveen+Bos have been close partners in soil and groundwater remediation projects in India since 2011. System analysis During the first three years of the partnership, Witteveen+Bos and Kadam mainly focused on projects funded by the World Bank and the Indian government. Near the airport of Hyderabad in the south of India, the two companies remediated a heavily polluted lake, together with Tauw and Cowi. The lake water was red as a result of industrial pollution originating from a number of factories around the lake, including from fabric paint manufacturing. Interviews with stakeholders soon made clear that simple remediation would not lead to long-term results – the existing industry had no infrastructure in place for disposing of waste, waste water and contaminated soil and would have no other option but to continue discharging everything in the lake. ‘Our recommendation to the World Bank was to alter the project’, says Sangram Kadam, ‘by completing the industrial infrastructure around the lake first,
and then start the actual remediation itself. Witteveen+Bos created a design for a treatment plant that was also capable of treating industrial waste water. So, first of all a system analysis, considering the local context, and then start on a design. The process also involved active participation by stakeholders. We put in extra effort to include our sustainable design principles in the project.’ Innovation and legislation The two companies also worked with Tauw and Cowi on another World Bank remediation project, involving the dismantling and remediation of a landfill site in Andhra Pradesh, a state in the south of India. Organic matter from the landfill itself was reused to create the topsoil. The project has helped to jumpstart innovative developments in India. ‘Over the past six or seven years, Witteveen+Bos has invested a lot in remediation projects in India’, says Sangram Kadam. ‘We’re now working as an integrated team, forming an ideal blend of knowledge of local circumstances and international experience. That is unique in my professional experience with international companies. Kadam’s main customer base are private parties in the industrial sector, including port operators, oil & gas companies, mining companies, cement manufacturers, energy producers, chemical/petrochemical companies and refineries. Together with Witteveen+Bos, we worked really hard to build a solid position for
soil and groundwater remediation in India. Now, the time has come to start applying our knowledge and experience in the private sector. We are currently advising the Indian government about legislation concerning soil and groundwater remediation. Once this legislation is adopted, the number of contracts in this sector will skyrocket.’ SDPs in India Witteveen+Bos’ sustainable design principles are also applied in India, knowingly or unknowingly. ‘Kadam always involves stakeholders and local residents in its remediation projects’, says Sangram Kadam. ‘We also look at options for renewable energy generation in remediation projects. After all, there’s no lack of sunlight here in India! As for socially responsible design, we created jobs in maintenance of the landfill site for a number of waste pickers (people who live on and make a living from landfill sites). In assignments for private parties, we try to apply on-site soil and groundwater remediation, which will halve the project costs. A poor country like India can’t afford expensive remediation solutions. We have a list of about 330 polluted sites currently known. But it’s the tip of the iceberg – we have more than enough work to do in soil and groundwater remediation in India.’ + communicatie@witteveenbos.com
System analysis for better designs When applying the sustainable design principles, system analysis is a much-needed ally. A water system, a soil system, a financial system, a computer system or a social system – taking effective measures that will influence a system in the right way is not possible until you understand how the system works. A system analysis involves looking at the condition a system is in relative to any processes that influence that condition. That is what ecologist Sebastiaan Schep has been doing for the past thirteen years. ‘For instance, we regularly analyse water systems by closely examining its present condition (What flora and fauna does it provide a habitat for?, What is the water quality like?, etc.) and identifying the (environmental) processes that potentially influence that condition. We subsequently analyse these processes – such as the external water supply, phosphate load from agricultural sources – to see if that actually provides an explanation of the condition the water system is in. That ‘dialogue’ between condition analysis and process analysis is repeated for as long as it takes to identify those processes that provide the best possible explanation for the condition. That is when ‘system-wide insight’ is achieved and effective measures can be identified. Measures that target the relevant processes but also measures that directly affect the condition.’
Sebastiaan Schep is convinced that the methodical approach used by him and his team has a wider area of application. He also thinks there is much to be learned from the way in which other disciplines use system analysis. ‘There are many similarities and learning opportunities in the various professional fields within Witteveen+Bos. Our ecological models, for instance, encompass many relationships derived from economics, and water movement models are also used for fire safety calculations in stations. Working together to ensure we rank among the best in system analysis will have a positive effect on quality company-wide, and will enable us to make even more of an impact!’ + sebastiaan.schep@witteveenbos.com
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