Email scams giving students, WKU headaches BY TAYLOR HARRISON NEWS@WKUHERALD.COM WKU students have been receiving more scam emails in the last few months than the school’s Information Technology Department has seen in quite awhile. Gordon Johnson, associate
vice president of Information Technology, said common scams that try to get people to give up their money offer “work at home” jobs, where people can earn quick money. “We actually have not had a lot of those over the last three to five years,” he said. “Just within the last three to six months,
Energy fuels annual fashion show
BY KAE HOLLOWAY NEWS@WKUHERALD.COM My Friday night was spent living every fashion columnists dream: sitting front row at a fashion show, surrounded by a sea of well-dressed individuals. No, I didn’t get whisked away to a big European fashion mecca, or flown to Austin, Texas for fashion week. I got my fashion fix right here in Bowling Green for the fifth annual Rip the Runway. The show is thrown by the Black Student Alliance in Preston and acts as a fundraiser, collecting canned goods and charging a minimal fee for admission. The event and clothes shown were sponsored and donated by Francesca’s, Crisp Boutique and JCPenny. While my experience after the show was a little shocking, the show itself was exciting, adrenaline fueled and FIERCE. The all caps are entirely intentional. The models rocked it. Every one brought their A game with their walk and poses. It honestly made me want to jump up there and see if I could rock the runway myself, though common sense kept me from doing so. All the girls rocked towering heels with each outfit. Now, you might see me on campus in heels on a good Tuesday or Thursday, but these girls were rocking those heels at heights I couldn’t even fathom. One of the six collections shown that night was a swimsuit collection designed by Louisville junior Coumba Sow. Sow, originally from Africa, was inspired to create her line after an eye-opening trip to Trinidad and Tobago over spring break. Her influence of the native style of that country showed. Girls walked the runway with intricate masks and bikinis covered in jewels, feather and flowers. The one bold man strutted the catwalk in something similar, though obviously not a bikini. I definitely applaud Sow for not only her boldness and ambition to put her work on the runway, but for her use of color and material to bring the style of Trinidad to Bowling Green. Altogether, however, bravo BSA. This event was unforgettable.
TUE 72°/57° WED 79°/54° THU 61°/43° FRI 64°/43°
there’s been several of those that have come through here.” Ronnie Ward, the public information officer for the Bowling Green Police Department, said recently two WKU students filed police reports stating that they had money stolen from them through these scam emails.
One of the students said they received an email through a WKU email account about online employment, according to the police report. After researching the company mentioned in the email, they replied with information, including their name, address and phone number. Then, they
received a confirmation text from the supposed company. The student then received a check for $2,350 and was instructed to send a Moneygram of $2,000 to Bennie Smith in Florida, the police report stated. After following through with these instructions, the stuSEE SCAM PAGE A3
Rocking the
runway Louisville sophomore Caylin Scaten (right) struts down the catwalk during Rip the Runway Friday at the Preston Center. Scaten wore a bathing suit designed by Nashville senior Coumba Sow, who drew inspiration from Carnival while studying abroad in Trinidad and Tobago. MIKE CLARK/HERALD
Students strut catwalk for Rip the Runway hashtag #wkuriptherunway in anticipation of the big
Preston Center was transformed Friday night into a
This was the second time the event was hosted at
high fashion, adrenaline fueled runway show for the
Preston after being relocated from its original location
fifth annual Rip the Runway event, hosted by the Black
in DSU.
Student Alliance. The gym lights were dimmed, spotlights were brought out and a makeshift runway with
The show kicked off at 9 p.m. and was emceed by Al Greene and CJ Calhoun. “We want to thank everyone for coming out,” Greene
multi–colored sequins lined the floor. With songs from artists ranging from the Notorious
B. I. G. to Mike Will Made It shaking the gym, specta-
The first collection kicked off the show with a catwalk
tors and fashion fans poured in and lined the runway,
full of white- and black-clad models wearing cuts and
flooding Instagram with selfies and tweeting using the
WKU closing gap between male‚ female salaries BY SHELBY ROGERS NEWS@WKUHERALD.COM On the national level, for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes on average only 77 cents. On WKU’s campus, female professors average over $2,000 less than their male counterparts. While that number is better than the national average, it's much improved from the nearly $6,000 deficit in 2008-09, and half of the gender deficit WKU had among fulltime professors in the 2011-12 school year. Frequently used reasons for the wage gap range from lack of experience in the workplace, maternity leaves, physical distinctions and extreme claims — those implying women are less intelligent or capable than men. For Deborah Wilkins, WKU's chief counsel and one of a handful of women on the university's Administrative Council, she sees wage disparity stemming more from women not asking for raises rather than outright gender biases. “I don't know that it's all discrimination,” she said. “I think part of it is a factor of women having less SEE SALARY PAGE A3
2008-09 school year Full-time professors
2012-13 school year Full-time professors
$87,822 $85,452
$85,121 $79,671
Full-time associate professors
Full-time associate professors
$69,762 $66,914
$66,914 $61,762 Female