Yousir magazine

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Offline. Discover yourself

discover the wonders of


Win a trip to S de ee t ins ails pag ide e 13 |


MARCH 2017 edition


pg 4:

Disocover luxurious Dubai & things to do.

pg 6:

London Trump Protest; What went on.

pg 9:

Win a trip to Sharm El Sheikh with ‘Offline’

pg 10:

Interviews with travelers; their stories.

pg 11:

Win a holiday to Dubai, UAE, enter our contest.

pg 12: Food and Scenery in Istanbul; Turkey 2

Editors message Spring is finally here and I am excited to present this months issue of ‘OFFLINE’, we started this magazine to target younger people and encourage and spread the message of the importance of travellng. This issue features countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Egypt, Hong Kong etc. We also featured some young travellers to interview so you can read on travelers experiences and get some advice. We hope to inspire more young people to travel to discover themselves and get out of their comfort zone and experience the world. We hope you enjoy this issue & thank you for purchasing it, we hope you all can get some inspiration on where to plan your next trip and how to get there.

Discover yourself.



Luxurious DUBAI


ubai has incredible architecture, amazing skylines, luxurious fashions and a beautiful desert to discover, Dubai is always thriving to expand and improve. It is no shock that Dubai has attracted many tourists from all over the world. There are many activities available, such as extreme zip lining where you get to enjoy the beautiful view of Dubai whilst zipping through the sky. Discover the world’s largest shopping mall at Dubai Mall, which contains over 1,200 shops ranging from luxury brands to local brands and was the most visited building 4

in the world in 2011. Experience luxury and adventureby skydiving, enjoying beautiful views and experiences the exrtreme and adventerous lifestyle that Dubai has to offer, a great place to finish off your bucket list. Dubai has the greatest weather all year round with barely any cold or snow; perfect for people who love the sun and need a getaway from the cold. You can explore the beautiful desert in the UAE in Dubai, by taking a desert safari and experience great nightlife in the middle of the desert, from dance performances to dinner in the desert.



LONDON TRUMP PROTEST On February 4th, an estimated 40,000 people came together in front of the U.S embassy and protested the U.S travel ban against Muslim majority countries. It started at 1100 and made its way to Downing Street towards the end. The movement (which main goal was to discourage the muslim ban) also protested global issues such as police violence, islamophobia, many issues faced by Americans also. Several speeches were conducted by different groups and “showing their complete


solidarity with Muslims threatened and victimised by Trump. Jeremy Corban also protested the state visit of Trump to the United Kingdom and left a video message expressing that "I support the demand of millions of people in Britain that Donald Trump should not be welcomed on a state visit to this country while he continues to propagate his anti-women, anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican policies" Overall, many people got together to discourage Islamophobia and any form of racism

Want to travel? On a budget? Check the best deals on


a trip to

Sharm El Sheikh with ‘Offline’*

H RT O W P TO U 00


, £5

*Win two return tickets to Sharm El Sheikh via Cairo for one week at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. All expenses paid.

How to enter: Send us an e-mail at telling us why you want to win this trip and your contact details; address, contact number, and facebook. If you win we’ll be in touch,





Tell us a bit about yourself.

“My name is Deena, i’m currently 22 years old living between London and Dubai. I had started university right after finishing sixth form at 18 years old, after a few semesters i realized that I did not enjoy university as much as i thought i would, and wasn’t sure whether this would be the right path for me, therefore I decided to take a gap year in my second year of university to travel the world, and have never gone back since.”

First country you travelled to?

“My first country was Lebanon at a very young age, because I am Lebanese myself and was visiting family at the time. Although I don’t remember much of my first time in Lebanon, it was a great experience. The first country I visited at the start of my travelling journey was Italy though, where I had amazing food and experienced great culture.”

Country you’d most like to visit?

“One of the countries i’d most like to visit that I haven’t been to yet has to be the Maldives, it’s a very beautiful spot so i’d love to pay a visit soon. I always see pictures of it on social media from other travellers & have been told it’s one of the best places to see.”


Where is your next trip planned?

“My next trip is planned to visit some family back in the United Arab Emirates, i’ve been there before so I know my way around, after travelling for a while it’s nice to catch up with family. Then i’ll be driving around the Gulf area to visit other countries nearby like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. It’s nice to travel to countries other than planes, you get to enjoy great views and it’s less time consuming.”

Any advice for young travellers?

“Try not to be in a rush to visit as many countries as possible in a small time frame, it can tire you and demotivate you from travelling again, I say you should take every country indivudually and enjoy most of your time, try your best to make most of the moment. You also don’t always have to be travelling or know when your next trip is, you should take long breaks inbetween travels (if you can) and go visit family, rest and make sure you save up enough money before you splurge on another big trip to anywhere. I would also say to be very careful when travelling and try not to visit countries or regions where there is disstabilility.”



Tell us a bit about yourself.


Your most fun experience yet?

“Well I was born in the city of Paris in France “One of my favourite experiences was visiting and have two sisters, when I was in my teenage India and seeing the Taj Mahal for the first years (16) I took the risk to moving to time, i’d always wanted to visit India ever since London, and i’m currently 19 years old. I just I was young because of the rich culture there, recently finished off sixth form with 3 A-levels when I did it it was an amazing experience and and knew from a young age that i wanted to i’d love to go back. The Taj mahal especially take a gap year to travel, so I did. I have been stood of out to me because I have an interest in to 10 countries and counting since starting my architecture. “ journey. I’m planning to go back into education, How do you budget travelling? and study Media part time in London, so I can “I currently work through my blog, so I am able keep up travelling and education at the same to keep up my travels easily. I also receive some time.” promotions and paid sponsorships for counWhat would you do if you were not tries in return for a blog post. At first it was funded by myself with money I had saved up travelling? over the years and support from my parents, “My family owns a restaurant franchise in but with help from my blog i’m able to keep Paris so i’d probably be working there along travelling.” with my family, which i’d still like to do someday in the future, otherwise, i’d probably focus Country you’d most like to visit? more on writing, since i’d always wanted to be “I’d most like to visit Japan since it’s such a a writer one day, I do some writing in my blog beautiful country and has amazing scenery, though, which I enjoy, but i’d like to write a i’ve always seen it in movies.” novel one day.”


The only city in the world, sitting on the border of two continents connected by the famous Bosphorus Bridge seperating Europe from Asia. At your first glimpse of Istanbul you'll be guarenteed to have a great view, the oriental-fantasy skyline of domes and minarets, and its narrow cobbled streets lined with quaint old wooden houses, lies on a tapering peninsula makes for great scenery and images. Contrary to belief, Turkish food consists of more than just Doner kebab and it consists of inspiration of Arab food, it shares many different foods to Arab cuisines such as Dolma, Baklava and others. In the summer meals with Aubergine is very popular ingredient to add and to enjoy in the sun. It also takes inspiration from Ottoman court cuisine using a lighter type of spices. Turkey is also known for it's variety of breads, one of the most famous being Simit is a circular bread with sesame seeds, mainly eaten for breakfast. Istanbul is a great area to visit for cheap but good food and amazing sceneries and clear skies.

Food and Scenery in Istanbul.


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