August 2017: Prayer and Preparation

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EDITOR'SNOTE BY DANYA GRANADO You also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. ? Matthew 24:44

For the month of August, as students go back to school, recent graduates settle into their dorms, and the weather begins to cool, we decided to focus on prayer and preparation.

temporary, why bother to plan or prepare at all? Knowing that change must come, how do we prepare ourselves for it without losing hope?

We are in flux; life here on earth seems to be a never-ending cycle of change and adjustment to that change. We grow older, friends and family come and go, we transition into different stages of life, and the world around us sways from one opinion to another. We are reminded everyday that, as JFK said, ?change is the law of life?.

I would contend that, while our life circumstances may change, we can find comfort in knowing that God remains constant, as does His will for us. Scripture reminds us the Lord?s unchanging nature time and again:

Thanks to change, our pasts seem irretrievable, and our futures may seem uncertain. We may make plans for ourselves far ahead in the future, only to see them disintegrate as time goes on. I?m reminded of the words of Proverbs 27:1: Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. And of James 4:13-17: Now listen, you who say, ?Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.? Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. It?s easy to take those scriptures and conclude, as Solomon did in Ecclesiastes, that everything is ?vanity?. If our lives are

(James 1:17) Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. I believe that God has a plan for me, and that His plan is good. But what is my part in bringing that plan to pass? I believe that I must prepare spiritually, not by meditating on ?things below?, which are fleeting, but rather on ?things above?. I believe that I must align myself with the will of God, through prayer-- making His will my priority. My mother says that, ?Everything that God does with men has been wrought -- prayer.? The word ?wrought? suggests to me that prayer is not a passive pursuit, but an active one. Prayer requires perseverance and seeking God?s face, choosing to set aside time to hear from Him, and asking for His direction.



by Wendy Templeton-Stone

STORY Th e Ret r eat


by Donna L. Barr



by Karen Weigner



by Teri Young

A Woman?s Heart and Soul Magazine Pro31Media LLC Designer: Danya Granado Copyright Š 2017 by Pro31Media All rights to articles reserved by the author of the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




ne of my greatest delights has been learning to be aware of God?s Presence in every moment of every day. I remember a time when I would feel guilty if I didn?t do my Bible study daily and set aside time JUST to be with Him through the study of His Word. I felt good about myself if I could put a proverbial check in the box next to ?Bible study? but felt like a failure and disappointment to God if I?d go more than a day without my study time.

At that time in my life, I viewed and experienced God as an outside entity whom I strove to please. I now truly believe that God desires to be invited into every moment of our lives whether big or small. It is not that He is not already in every moment, but my acknowledgement and recognition of that fact has made all the difference in how I experience this earthly life. I often invite Him to help me pick out my outfit for the day. Does it really matter what I choose to wear? No, it doesn?t, especially in the light of my worth/acceptance by

Him, but what fun we have when He inspires me to try a new combination that puts an air of confidence in my step. It?s like inviting my girlfriend or daughter to help me pick out an outfit for a special occasion. My Best Friend and I choose my outfit for the day and then walk hand in hand through each moment of the rest of the day just enjoying being together, sometimes chatting, sometimes laughing, sometimes just being comfortable with silence, and sometimes crying together. I

truly think this is the kind of thing Paul exhorts us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when he (through the Lord) says ?pray without ceasing.? It is simply ongoing

5 communion with God, enjoying together- time all the time.

But, I have also learned the importance of setting aside time just for him. It?s no longer about checking the box, it?s about soaking in His Love, His Presence. It?s about allowing His Living Word to renew my mind according to Truth, bringing revelation of all that He is and all that I am in Him. It?s aligning myself with my oneness with the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). It?s about understanding my desperate need of Him and utter dependence upon Him for, in, and through all things. This is something that Christ completely understood when He walked this earth as a man. Without this understanding, He could not have completed His mission here on earth.

After Jesus started His public ministry and began performing miracles, throngs of people were constantly pressing in on Him trying to get their ?piece of the pie.? He was being pushed and pulled on every side, but Jesus understood His oneness with The Father, evidenced by His words in John 14:10, 11, 20, John 10: 38 and John 17:21. Despite knowing His oneness with The Father, Jesus, the Son of God, still found it necessary to spend alone time with The Father in order to be able to carry out the mission for which He came to this dark, fallen world. Mark 1:35 tells us, ?In the early morning, while it was still dark,

Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.? Luke 5:16 says, ?But Jesus Himself would often (emphasis added) slip away to the wilderness to pray.? In the garden of Gethsemane just before His crucifixion, Jesus came alone before The Father three times, greatly grieved and distressed, pleading with The Father to deliver Him from having to die an excruciating death on the cross. (Matthew 26:36-44) I believe that it was in those alone times with The Father

It?s no longer about check i ng the box, i t?s about soak i ng i n Hi s Love, Hi s Presence. that God reaffirmed His pleasure in His Son just as He had done when Jesus was baptized as recorded in Luke 3:21-22. ?Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, ?You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.??

All those times of prayer alone with The Father affirmed Christ and empowered Him to carry out His mission, to endure the constant pressures of people?s demands, the pain, suffering, persecution, abandonment and betrayal as well as the crucifixion.

Those alone times with Daddy, the all-powerful, all-knowing Creator of the universe, allowed Christ to be grounded in The Father ?s Love and reminded Him of the Joy that was set before Him. Those alone times with The Father, being affirmed in The Father ?s love, empowered Christ to fulfill the mission to which He was called.

Do you sense The Father calling you to do a work beyond your human capacity? Is fear keeping you from moving forward in that calling? Be diligent in spending alone time with Father. Allow Him the delight of affirming His love for you. Bask in His Presence (which is Love), receive the Love being poured over, in, and through you and know the reality of Perfect Love casting out fear. Rise up empowered and walk in His victory as, in your oneness with Him,


The Retreat BY DON N A L . BARR Th e m ovie War Room in spir ed m e t o cr eat e a pr ayer space in m y h om e. Th is space ch an ged f or m occasion ally, bu t set t lin g on a con sist en t pr ayer r ou t in e pr oved even m or e ch allen gin g. Wh en m y pr ayer s ar e n ot of t h e sh or t sen t en ce var iet y br ou gh t t o m in d t h r ou gh ou t t h e day, f ocu sed pr ayer occu r s on t h e sof a, at t h e k it ch en t able, in t h e solit u de of t h e sh ow er , or w h ile dr ivin g in t h e car . Ideally, each day w ou ld allow f or Bible r eadin g an d pr ayer on ou r pat io w it h it s t r an qu il view s an d lilt in g bir dson g, bu t som et im es f lu ct u at ion s in day-t o-day sch edu les n ecessit at e cr eat ive pr ayer ven u es.


But how could I cr eate tim e? Long for gotten im ages alone with God in a peaceful wood dur ing a youth gr oup r etr eat suddenly r esur faced lending inspir ation to an em er ging idea. When my daughter became a senior in high school, I observed similar struggles in her own life. Between honors and AP classes, working part-time, drama rehearsals, youth group, and senior activities, her plate was overflowing! Despite touring five colleges and being assessed by a professional development testing organization that examined her strengths and suitable areas of study, this future Salutatorian remained undecided regarding her college choice and major. She was overwhelmed, and I grew concerned that her lack of time was interfering with opportunities to reflect on these decisions and to seek the Lord for His will. But how could I create time? Long forgotten images alone with God in a peaceful wood during a youth group retreat suddenly resurfaced lending inspiration to an emerging idea.

?What do you value and enjoy most?? . . . ?What have been your most rewarding or least fulfilling experiences?? . . . ?What are your strengths, weaknesses, stressors, fears?? A picnic lunch and fishing concluded our memorable day together, a day she appreciated. I wasn?t expecting immediate answers to her future decisions, that would unfold the following year. I simply desired an atmosphere for her to commune with Jesus. I hoped that on the day we commemorated the discovery of the New World, she would discover afresh the love, peace and purpose a trustworthy God had for her in His perfect timing. As she grows in the future, I pray she will know when to incorporate periods of spiritual respite in her busy life and that of her family?s.

Sunlight sparkled off the glassy surface of the secluded fishing pond welcoming us upon our early arrival. ?I?m giving you a relaxing retreat, honey, to spend time with the Lord,? I explained as I arranged my chair close enough for safety purposes, yet far enough so as not to talk, interrupt or be a distraction. This was her date with her Creator!

Jesus likewise sought refuge with His Father in nature, retreating to the mountains or a garden to pray prior to an important life event or during difficult situations (Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12, 9:28, 22:40-46). Deuteronomy 4:29 tells us, ?You will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.? Prayer seeks the Lord! Contrasting the effects of prayer, or lack thereof, provides perspective. ?And he (King Rehoboam) did evil because he did not prepare his heart to seek the LORD? (2 Chronicles 12:14) . . . but ?the children of Judah prevailed because they relied on the LORD God of their fathers? (2 Chronicles 13:18b). Prayer clears away the obstacles that easily distract us, and enables us to walk in faith the unique road He?s chosen for us.

I had prayerfully written numerous prompts in progressive order on 3 x 5 cards to help prepare her heart for worship, prayer and meditation with her Father. ?Journal what you are thankful for ? . . . ?Sing your favorite worship songs to Jesus? . . .

Perhaps Austin Phelps, American Congregational Clergyman, sums it best: ?Prayer is the preface to the book of Christian living; the text of the new life sermon; the girding on of the armor for battle; the pilgrim?s preparation for his journey.?

Finding a mutually agreeable date for this special excursion in October 2015, I selected a remote location and planning began. A decorative box with a bow would hold necessary supplies: a journal, pen, Bible, water bottle, and sunglasses. Packing the car the day before, I concealed the surprise with blankets.


Th r ou gh th e watch es of th e n igh t I l isten for You r voice Pr ayin g You ?l l r eveal to m e Th e wisdom of You r ch oice? You r per fect wil l , You r h ol y pl an , Th e r oad You ?d h ave m e tak e;

To wal k by faith an d n ot by sigh t Is al l th at You r equ ir e.

I l on g to fol l ow str aigh t an d su r e You r path with ou t m istak e.

Th ou gh I am bou n d by tim e an d space An d con fin es of th e fl esh , W ith in m y bein g th er e?s a pl ace

You ?ve tol d m e to be patien t

You r H ol y Spir it r ests.

An d to tr u st an d be assu r ed; So I?l l obey an d l isten , Lor d An d wait u pon You r wor d.

It?s in th at pl ace I?l l h ear You r voice In tr u th r eveal ed to m e.

To k n ow You an d to pl ease You

You r l igh t wil l sh in e u pon th e path

Is m y deepest h ear t desir e?

An d I wil l cl ear l y see.



Scr ipt u r e m edit at ion s & devot ion als Per son al essays & r ef lect ion s Par en t in g Hom esch oolin g Hom em ak in g Recipes Decor at in g Dealin g w it h gr ief Dealin g w it h illn ess Social issu es & ch ar it able cau ses Ar t s & cr af t s


Poet r y & cr eat ive w r it in g Recipes & cook in g Social ou t in gs & t r avel Film , m u sic & cu lt u r e Ph ot ogr aph y M ar r iage Blen ded f am ilies Gr aph ic design Illu st r at ion Lif e af t er divor ce Sin glen ess & dat in g Beau t y Healt h an d n u t r it ion Wh at ever is on you r h ear t !

If so, we're always looking for contributors! Email us at if you feel led to contribute to A Woman's Heart and Soul in any capacity. We'd love to have you share your gifts and your unique perspective with other women.


God?s Speed.


hese words continue to rattle in my head over the next couple of weeks before our eldest flies back to Texas. Her new home far away from Pennsylvania. In a by-gone era, Mission Control would utter ?God?s Speed? when our astronauts were about to be catapulted into outer space. They were words to convey a blessing that God would allow them to succeed. I begin to ponder the fact that it would have been an appropriate term for someone to use at the hospital when our babies were placed in our arms. Most of us like to think we have an idea of what we are getting ourselves

into. Once that little bundle of joy is given to us and we look into their eyes, everything changes. The weight of the responsibility of a human life can make us feel like we are on top of several thousand pounds of jet fuel that have been ignited, and there?s no stopping the journey ahead. Yes, ?God?s Speed? would have been appropriate to say. One late night a few weeks after this elevator blessing, I stand in our darkened foyer looking at our eldest daughter ?s suitcases all packed to get on the plane that will whisk her far away. As I swallow hard the lump in my throat and push back the fear that


wants to paralyze me, I start to take steps up to bed and see more evidence of impending change. Plastic bins, new bedding, supplies of toiletries litter the hall and foreshadow the story of another far away journey our second daughter is about to embark upon. The lump grows bigger and the tears start to pool in my eyes. How did all this change happen so fast? I refuse the thoughts of fear that the enemy is trying hard to penetrate my mind with. The enemy that wants me to believe God isn?t enough to go with my children to all the places He has called. The enemy that wants me to believe my God is impotent and unfaithful, or even completely non-existent. This enemy wants to paralyze me with thoughts of what if, and have me question why we would ever encourage our girls to follow their dreams, especially so far from home. What were we even thinking? Yet as those fears try to get control, these two words come back to mind.

God?s Speed. God will be with them wherever their adventures take them, of this I must be certain. Just as our astronauts could communicate back to Mission Control, I have a connection with God Almighty that never experiences dead zones. God certainly had the heart of parents in mind when He tells us not to be anxious in anything, but to PRAY about everything. These seasons of change force me to a new depth in understanding of God?s Word. As these girls spread their wings, prayer becomes as natural as my next breath.

The final words the astronauts heard from Mission Control at launch time signified their training was complete and they were in the hands of their Creator.

Whether you are beginning a new journey, nearing the end of one you aren?t ready to conclude, or perhaps you feel lost and have charted off course. Know that as a child of God you are never alone. God is ever present and calls out to you to call out to Him. Trust His heart. Trust that He knows the plans that have been laid out for you and nothing is a surprise to Him. The fear of change can be paralyzing but as we cling to God?s word, we can embrace it with prayer knowing we are buckled up in His Sovereign love. God?s Speed my friend. Enjoy the ride.



At the Rose Andom Center, individuals impacted by domestic violence only need to come to on e place to access com m u n it y or gan izat ion s and gover n m en t agen cies who work together to provide a wide range of services.

Too m an y people in ou r com m u n it y exper ien ce ph ysical, em ot ion al, psych ological, an d f in an cial abu se in t h eir in t im at e r elat ion sh ips. Par t n er agen cies in clu de:

Vict im s an d t h eir ch ildr en can access: -

Domestic Violence Counseling Advocacy Crisis Intervention Civil legal support Law Enforcement Services Job Search Assistance Housing referrals Public Benefits Assistance

These services, among others, are available w h et h er or n ot a victim chooses to report to law enforcement 720-337-4400 | Services available at 1330 Fox Street Denver, CO 80204


SafeHouse Denver Project Safeguard Colorado Legal Services Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Denver Children's Advocacy Center Denver Department of Human Services Healing from the Heart Servicios de la Raza Dress for Success Mental Health Center of Denver The Blue Bench Project PAVE Asian Pacific Development Center Denver Domestic Violence Coordinating Council Denver Police - Victim Assistance Unit Denver City Attorney's Office Denver County Court Probation Victim Advocate


SUBM ITTED BY TERI YOUNG 1 Pet er 3:1- 2 ESV L i k ew i se, w i v es, b e su b j ect t o y o u r ow n h u sb an d s, so t h at ev en i f so m e d o n o t o b ey t h e w o r d , t h ey m ay b e w o n w i t h o u t a w o r d by t h e co n d u ct o f t h ei r w i v es, w h en t h ey see y o u r r esp ect f u l an d p u r e co n d u ct . To p ar ap h r ase w i th 2 d i f f er en t ou tcom es:

O h God , th e w or d s l i ke d agger s p i er ce ... h er ton gu e p r ep ar es to m atch th e d ar t an d Ch r i st step s i n , H i s str en gth al on e. Sh e h u m bly bow s h er h ead an d tu r n s an d p eace su r r ou n d s th e an ger gon e. T h e m an h e l ook s an d w on d er s w h y an d sees th e l i gh t of Ch r i st d i v i n e.

obedience O n th e oth er h an d ...... H i s d agger s f ly to p i er ce h er h ear t an d sh e r esp on d s w i th w or d s al i ke. T h e d ar ts th ey f ly an d d ar k n ess l au gh s an d God bow s H i s h ead an d cr i es.


H er h ear t h as tu r n ed to cl ai m ju st r i gh ts, th e m an car es l ess n o r esp ect. T h e cau se f or both i s u p i n f l am es

an d n ei th er h e n or sh e w i l l w i n or gai n .


PrayingtheLord'sPrayer So much can be said about prayer and there have been many wonderful books written about prayer, yet many Christians still feel so inadequate in this area. There is however a perfect prayer, because it was given by a perfect Savior, who knew what was the will of our perfect Father....The Lord's Prayer. Many times, we take note of the words spoken by The Lord Jesus in the Bible. We commit these words to memory and use them in our prayers, especially the promises or assurances of Jesus. But I wonder how many believers miss an opportunity to partner with GOD to bring his will to pass, because The LORD's Prayer is not part of their prayer life. I have heard much spoken about it showing us how to pray, giving us the essential elements of prayer, or of it being a good example of prayer. Not very often

have I heard it said, that it is an essential prayer. Our LORD Jesus told his disciples to pray like this, and these are His words. Elsewhere in John 6:63 He tell us.... "It is the spirit that giveth life, the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I have spoken unto you are spirit, and are life." "Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." This prayer opens with praise for GOD the Father, and for His Holy name. We acknowledge that our Father has a kingdom

15 in heaven and ask Him to allow his Kingdom to come on earth, in the way it is already in heaven. What a beautiful invitation to God our Father to establish His kingdom with and among us, so that His will can be done in us and through us. Prayer is cooperation with God to bring His will to pass and we should feel privileged to be able to do it. "Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" God is our source, He is the one we look to for our bread. He is our provider, and the one to whom we look with expectation, this is what we are praying. Jesus tells us to ask forgiveness from God, but only considering our forgiveness of each other. This is no surprise as Matthew 5:23-24 tells us that He (Jesus)said, before coming to offer gifts to God reconcile with your brother. We know that forgiveness lifts the burden of sin off our shoulders and restores our Peace, so we should be willing to give that gift to others. "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." It is not that God ever tempts us, rather Jesus is teaching us to ask The Father to deliver us from the snare, the trap, that the enemy is laying for us. Jesus knew that the enemy would be lurking

about as a roaring lion seeking to devour us. We are asking The Father to lead us on a path away from temptation, a path that brings deliverance and freedom in Christ, instead of one that leads us into hands of the enemy. Could it be that the enemy of our souls, knowing the power of this prayer on the lips of believers has tried, with all subtlety, to discourage us from ever praying it? Or have we become so convinced of the power of our own words of prayer that we have no need for the prayer from the very lips of GOD. I have been praying this prayer since I was a child, I learned it by rote then. However, it was only when I was born again and began to read the Bible and believe the word of God, that it became so significant to me. I cannot tell you how many times it brought me comfort, helped me overcome fear, lifted me up and caused me to dream again. During my mother 's passing, when none of my own words would come to mind these words did and allowed me to embrace His will over my own. When worry or fear seem to encroach upon me, this prayer enables me to place my cares back in my Father ?s hands, and feel the Peace of God make room around me once more. When it felt like opportunities were missed and dreams would never become reality, praying The Lord's Prayer lifted me up. It encouraged me to hope again and trust that my Father God has . "The Kingdom and The Power and the Glory, now and forever!" Remember that Jesus says His words are spirit and they are life, and ... PRAY.

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