EDITOR'SNOTE BY M ICHELLE GRANADO The invitation to ?come and rest? is an open invitation that Jesus gives us. No time is stipulated, no date given...on purpose. He is giving us choice, and He is waiting.
Yet in a world of so many unknowns, it is good to know that Rest can be found in Jesus .... still. We can be found in His Rest. Those broken parts can be mended, those lost truths about who we really are can be found, in the rest of His open arms and His Holy presence.
We can rest in the truth that, He is the Shepherd and we are His sheep. As the Shepherd, He is the one to protect us from the wolves, the snares and the dangerous places.
We can rest in the truth that, He is familiar with the path we must take. He is The Way, and has already taken the path as Savior, ahead of us. Now He calls us to follow Him on a path that He has made for us. Can we trust that he knows the verdant pasture where we can find rest for our weary souls?
by Donna L. Barr
Com e Un t o M e
by Barbara Elkin
REFLECTION In Def en se of Sleep
by Sandy McClaury
Rest , def in ed by Michelle Granado
A Woman?s Heart and Soul Magazine Pro31Media LLC Designer: Danya Granado Copyright Š 2017 by Pro31Media All rights to articles reserved by the author of the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
s the ease of summer fades into a distant memory, and fall emerges center stage declaring its full array of enticing opportunities in bold color, it?s easy to be swept up in the allure of its invigorating breezes, only to be tossed to and fro by the season?s demands. As changing seasons merge seamlessly from one to the next, so we experience seasons of activity and rest in evolving cycles. We cannot appreciate rest without work, and work suffers without the advantage of rest . With the school year bringing full calendars, new routines and an increased workload, can we endure without needing Calgon to take us away? Work schedules, family size, extracurricular activities, health conditions, finances, circumstances, and personality types vary among us and affect our stress levels differently.
Striving for balance in my family life has been a long-time personal goal after previously working my most hectic, yet favorite, job in a hospital for over seven years. I certainly didn?t want to maintain that pace with my own family. Sometimes, however, circumstances are beyond our control. Ten years ago, when my mother-in-law was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer, I found myself with a new job helping my husband
oversee her care while he continued to work. Family life was a blur as we attended appointments, coordinated resources, communicated with out-of-state family, and dealt with multiple, significant caregiver issues while living an hour away. After laying her to rest, the Lord allowed us to recharge at a beautiful log home with picturesque views in the North Carolina mountains. In our excitement to see all the sites, the stress that drained me melted into a puddle of tears that craved more family time at the house and with God. As the work of packing up her house loomed ahead, I didn?t want this chance at relaxation to elude me.
Moses encountered similar human plights throughout his work, family life and ministry. In Exodus 18, we find him succumbing to these pressures when God intervened through our hero Jethro. This man of integrity, likely acquainted with Moses?history in Egypt, was a father figure to him, and arrived in auspicious manner. This scene vividly captures their respectful embrace, their caring, sincere relationship as they converse, and their joy recounting God?s deliverance as they worshipped Him together.
Jethro observed Moses working as a judge, rendering big and small decisions for the people
5 day and night, and he expressed his concerns. ?This is not good, you are going to wear yourself out, it?s too much for you, you can?t do it alone.? Moses, humble and teachable, listened to Jethro?s plan: teach and train others, select qualified men to handle the smaller matters, rank them with an accountability system in place, seek God?s will first. You will endure, the people?s needs will be met, and you will all be at peace!
Discerning leaders know when change is necessary, so how about us? Can we find balance between boredom and burnout, between indolence and overwork? Following Jethro?s example, perhaps we need to communicate with our families and ask some thoughtful questions. What are your expectations or goals for the months ahead? What changes can be made to meet them? Can you realistically commit to your activities and plans long-term? Do you have all the facts before making this decision? Can you be reliable and keep your word? Do you need to set boundaries, ask for help, or delegate? Do you need to check your motives? (God doesn?t want us to be a ?one man show.?) Have you prayed before you agreed to this? Does this experience utilize your interests or gifted areas? Would someone better suited prefer the chance at this opportunity?
Whether God is calling you to ?sit and rest a spell? or to ?stand your ground?, peace and contentment are attainable knowing we ?can do all things through Christ who strengthens us? (Philippians 4:13) as we remain ?steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.? (I Corinthians 15:58) And He?s probably not opposed to a Calgon moment. Now where?s that Mr. Clean when I need him?
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Ph ot os by Wen dy Tem plet on -St on e Left: Aspens in Rocky Mountain National Park Above: Sunset in Albuquerque, New Mexico Cibola National Forest, Albuquerque, NM
St op ju d gi n g y ou r sel f by y ou r ser v i ce t o M e. I d esi gn ed y ou f or r el at i on sh i p , n ot sl av er y. Gi v e u p y ou r gu i l t an d y ou ?l l f i n d y ou r sel f f r ee To l ov e an d ad or e m e m or e v i br an t l y. I m ad e y ou i n M y i m age, gav e y ou br eat h t o su r v i v e. I i m p l an t ed a sp i r i t so y ou ?r e f u l l y al i v e. I f ash i on ed y ou r h ear t as M y p l ace t o abi d e, An d I of f er y ou w i sd om t o assu r e y ou w i l l t h r i v e.
Qu i t r u n n i n g an d r u sh i n g an d ch asi n g y ou r t ai l . Si t a sp el l i n M y p r esen ce so M y p eace can p r ev ai l . Tak e som e t i m e t o ad ju st t o M y cou r se as y ou sai l . L i st en an d l ear n of M y l ov e t h at w on ?t f ai l .
Th e w or l d beat s y ou u p w i t h d em an d i n g assi gn m en t s. I t m ak es y ou i m bal an ced an d ou t of al i gn m en t . You f al l p r ey t o w or l d p at t er n s of u n n at u r al con f i n em en t . Br eak ou t of t h e w i l d n ess. Ch oose M y r est an d r ef i n em en t .
Fi n d a p l ace t o escap e, an d w e w i l l m eet t h er e. You can soak u p M y w or d . W e?l l f i n d t r easu r es t o sh ar e. Tr u st i n gl y br i n g m e t h e bu r d en s y ou bear . Com e u n t o M e. N ot h i n g el se w i l l com p ar e.
est. It should be easy for me to write something about this topic, right? After all, my husband says I am basically an expert on sleep. At least, if a million hours spent doing something qualifies as expertise. I think I hit that threshold in my teens. If experience trumps education, I?d be willing to bet I could qualify for an honorary Ph.D. from Hibernation U. There is no one in my family who hasn?t remarked upon my rather amazing ability to doze. My mom once gave me a refrigerator magnet that has a sleepy bird on it and the Proverbs saying, ?Do not love sleep or you will grow poor.? Well, friends, no amount of wise words can keep me from enjoying my sleep. I have to admit I would rather be well rested and poor, than rich and deprived of my not-really-a-problem-at-all snooze addiction. I?ve been compared to our lazy pet cat more times than I can recall, and my daughter once mentioned that the sloth must be my spirit animal considering how many of my daylight hours are spent in slumber. My worst nightmare is if I suddenly become an insomniac. What would I do without my beloved sleep? I relish my siestas. I adore my bed. I daydream about naps. Sometimes, I am thinking about bedtime when my feet hit the floor in the morning. I become a cranky zombie when I
have not gotten my allotment of z?s. For most folks, that amounts to 8 hours. For me? 10 minimum. And that does NOT include naps. When my children were babies, they did not respect the shuteye their mommy needed in order to function. So many nights with all of us in tears and lots of begging? please, please just sleep! Now, they know. If I start to get irritable, one of them will sweetly suggest that I close my eyes for just 15 minutes (and probably not so they can do whatever it is they want to do.) You don?t have to ask me twice! I?m sure you know that sleep deprivation has long been used as a way to torture someone into compliance. I think it?s even a no-no in the Geneva Conventions. This leads me to the assumption that I was never chosen to be an international spy because there is no doubt in anyone?s mind that after 12 hours of no sleep, I would sing like a bird in order to get a nap. Hmmm, maybe this sleep thing has affected my career choices more than I thought? There you have it. My confession. My name is Sandy and I am a sleep-a-holic. Give me catnaps and visits from the sandman or give me, well, lots and lots of coffee. Because if there?s anything that I love almost as much as I love sleep? It?s coffee.
Photo credit: Wendy Templeton-Stone Pearl Lake State Park, Steamboat Springs, CO
Let m e fin d m y r est in You , Lor d, Castin g al l m y car es aside, Fir st to l ist th em , th en r el ease th em , Sim pl y to in You abide. Cu t th e cor ds th at k eep m e teth er ed To th e cl ock an d to th e task . Teach m e h ow to cl ear m y m in d. H el p m e, Lor d, I h u m bl y ask . If I al on e cou l d en ter in An d feel You r pr esen ce fil l in g m e, Each con cer n wou l d fal l away Leavin g m e at peace an d fr ee. Yet som eth in g stal k s m y h u m an h ear t Th at I can ?t tou ch , con tr ol or l eave. Its fin ger s str an gl e m y best effor t To fin d in You m y sou l ?s r epr ieve. So, Lor d, I seek You r power an d m er cy. Cen ter m e with in You r gr ace. As I r el in qu ish fear s an d tan gl in gs, Lead m e to You r r estin g pl ace. Th er e n oth in g can distu r b m y spir it. Th er e you r goodn ess fil l s m y n eed, An d m ay You r ever l astin g ar m s Upl ift m y sou l u n til it?s fr eed, Fr eed to soar above th e con fin es Of th is wor l d th at won ?t r el en t, Fr eel y r estin g th er e an d tr u stin g You ?l l r epl en ish wh at I?ve spen t. At l ast I fin d th e per fect h aven W h er e I?m sh el ter ed fr om above. Ren ewal fl ows th r ou gh You r em br ace Revivin g m e with h ol y l ove.
Photos taken by Wendy Templeton-Stone near Pearl Lake State Park, Steamboat Springs, CO
est seems to be an elusive goal in our present age. We are all striving for more of it, but are disquieted within our own persons. In our homes, workplaces, schools, cities and nations there is a sense of unrest, in fact these times are filled with, and marked by unrest. This unrest is sometimes a result of war, or the threat of war, nationally or globally. Some people are uncertain of their future because of natural disasters, such as storms, hurricanes or earthquakes, that have devastated large areas of the US, as well as our neighbors in the Caribbean and Mexico and many other nations around the world. Homes have been destroyed and lives have been left in disarray, and in this void, hopelessness and despair begin to creep in. So, I urge you, to pray fervently for those affected by any of these reasons for unrest, that they be comforted physically and spiritually by God's people, so that they may know His love. "Rest" defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary
is, in part: -
Repose, sleep, specifically: a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic activities. Peace of mind or spirit At rest- free of anxieties
In the English Oxford Living Dictionary, "rest" is defined as:
r est / r est / verb 1. cease w or k or m ovem en t i n or d er t o r el ax , r ef r esh on esel f , or r ecover st r en gt h . When we examine these two definitions of rest, we begin to understand that rest includes sleep, but sleep itself is not all that Rest is about. Rest
13 requires us to stop moving, to be still so that we can get to a state of real relaxation and even sleep. This helps us to be restored in physical strength, but also promotes peace in our minds and spirits. This state of being at rest is, a place where we can be free of anxiety and worry. But how can we attain this in our times? In this society, we are bombarded with ideas for us to achieve maximum rest, from softer more comfortable beds that conform to our movements, to all-inclusive vacations where we can be waited on for our leisure. We are told that every advance of technology will enable us, at some point to have less to do and more time to do it. Yet with every advance, particularly with our hand-held devices, rest becomes more elusive. Now, we are in a constant quest to be connected, both with those we know and love, and with the world at large. Staying connected is a good thing because relationships are formed and kept through our connections. But, if for all our connectedness to each other we lose our connection with God, what then? You see sometimes, it is our connectedness to each other that causes us to worry (as we lay awake in our comfortable beds at night) about our children, our parents, our marriages or our health. Sometimes, it is through our connectedness to each other, that thoughts of worthlessness, hopelessness and despair fill the minds of many, as they compare themselves to their peers, or the world, seeking worth, but finding only discouragement. As Believers in Jesus, Christ we should understand 'Rest 'in the context of 'Peace with God?, not just in terms of the physical body, but inclusive of our minds and souls being at peace. This 'Peace 'cannot be attained without fellowship with God through His Word and His Spirit. We should continually seek this 'Rest ?, which enables us to live peaceably, in a war-torn world, and hopeful in times of hopelessness. We stay in Faith when faithlessness abounds around us, because, we have found rest for our souls in Christ.
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