EDITOR'SNOTE BY M ICHELLE GRANADO With all the disputes surrounding Christmas today? disputes about the actual day of Our Lord?s birth, about whether or not we should celebrate with a tree, about whether or not we should do the Santa thing, why do we continue to celebrate it? Well, we celebrate Christmas because of what we know God has done for us. The birth of Christ was for us. It was for us, that he humbled himself and stepped down from his lofty place in heaven, to tabernacle in a body of flesh, among men on earth. It was because of the Love of God the Father that He came. (John 3:16) We needed a kinsman redeemer, one who looked like man and felt like man, to take our sins upon him, so that we could receive the gift of His righteousness in exchange. The unfair exchange, our rottenness for His righteousness. He was born to be the propitiation for our sins. God our Father gave to us first, the gift of His love, the gift of His righteousness, the gift of reconciliation to Himself through His son, and because He first gave, we can give gifts. We love because He loved us, and we give because He gave. We Joy in the good news of Salvation. We Joy because our King has come, and this Joy is unspeakable. 1 Peter 1:8 says, ? ...whom, having not seen, you love: and in whom, though you do not see Him now, you believe, and you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory...? We have set aside this day to celebrate and to announce to the world the gospel, the good news of ?Emmanuel ?God has come to be with us. In the words of that beloved Hymn by Isaac Watts:
?J oy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her K ing. Let every heart prepare himroom, A nd heaven and nature sing.?
Th e Fu lln ess of Joy
by Wendy Templeton-Stone
POETRY Ch r ist m as In vit at ion
by Barbara Elkin
PERSONAL TESTIMONY Gr ievin g Du r in g t h e Holidays
by Brittany Pannapacker
DEVOTIONAL Revealed t o Sh eph er ds an d Pr oph et s
by Michelle Granado
A Woman?s Heart and Soul Magazine Pro31Media LLC Designer: Danya Granado Copyright Š 2017 by Pro31Media All rights to articles reserved by the author of the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Jesusarrivesinjoy, departsin joy, and callsustogreat joy throughunbroken f ellowshipwithHim. - Margaret Feinberg
I love Margaret Feinberg?s insight about Jesus and Joy in her Women?s Bible Study entitled Fight Back With Joy. After quoting the angels?proclamation at Jesus?birth in Luke 2:10 (NIV) ?I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people,? and Jesus?promise spoken to His disciples before His ascension in John 15:11 (NASB) ?These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full,? she says, ?Jesus arrives in joy, departs in joy, and calls us to great joy through unbroken fellowship with Him. The gospel is an invitation to experience more of God?s joy in our lives ? not just when we get to heaven, but beginning here, now, today.? There was a time in my life when I thought I had lost my joy. I was desperately searching for it but could not figure out where to find it and how to get it back. I was doing everything I possibly could to be the good Christian woman I knew God wanted and expected me to be. I was serving in full-time ministry, tithing, witnessing to others, involved in worship ministry, reading God?s Word regularly, praying multiple times throughout each day, and yet I had no joy in my walk. I was plagued by a critical spirit which I knew displeased God, and thus, I saw myself as a disappointment to God. I have heard so many women grieve what they believe is a loss of joy in their lives. In part, this misconception is due to many thinking that joy is an emotion. In fact, joy is the
5 fruit of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22). It is the manifestation of Christ?s life being lived through a believer. It is God?s will, as we can see from the scriptures quoted above, that we experience joy. 2 Peter 1:3-4 assures us that He has given us everything we need for life and godliness and that we are partakers of His divine nature. If that is true and His divine nature includes joy, then we have all the joy we need. We haven?t lost anything. If we have received Christ, we are one with Him, and that cannot be undone. (John 17:20-22; Hebrews 13:5; John 10:29). So what is it that hinders us from experiencing the joy that is ours in Him?
true nature of our God and seeing Him as a God who IS LOVE (1 John 4:8) and wants only the best for us, a God who is for us and not against us (Romans 8), a God who is able and wants to meet our EVERY need (2 Corinthians 9:8, Philippians 4:19), a God who delights in us and rejoices over us (Zephaniah 3:17). Sisters, join me in exchanging your self-sufficient life for Christ?s all-sufficient life. Declare with me Psalm 16:11:
Ultimately what hinders joy from being manifest in our lives is our flesh. Flesh is a mindset or condition that we acquired and lived from when we were apart from Christ and had no choice but to live from self-sufficiency. God?s design was for man to be completely dependent on Him but when Adam and Eve were deceived by Satan and chose to disobey God so they could be ?like God? and be independent, they were separated from God. This separation forced them to live in self-sufficiency and try to get their needs met, protect themselves and make life work apart from God. This way of living ultimately brings conflict and frustration.
Dear ones, if you are in Christ, you are never apart from His presence. Enjoy the Fu lln ess of JOY!
Sadly, even after receiving Christ who is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control - all that we need for life and godliness - most of us still choose to live independently of Him and in dependence on self. As a result, we miss out on much of what He came to give us. The solution is simple. Romans 12:2 says, ?And do not be conformed to this world [and live in self-sufficiency ?my addition], but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.? What did we say God?s will for us was? That His joy would be in us and our joy would be made full. We simply need to renew our minds according to the truth that Joy lives within us and we have all the Joy that we need. It?s about being aware of His Presence in us and all around us. It?s about transforming our minds according to the
?You [God] will make known to me the path of LIFE; In You r pr esen ce is t h e FULLNESS OF JOY; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.?
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M erry Christmas!
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ou know it's that time of year again when Christmas rolls around and you're bringing out the decorations and turning your home into a festive wonderland. You find yourself listening to the cheerful peppy tunes on the radio, but somewhere deep inside, your heart is aching. You may be able to fake that "merry and bright" attitude, but within you feel a heavy weight tugging your heart down.
Although it's been over 18 years since my dad went home to be with the Lord on that dark November night, every year I still feel a heavy weight nagging at my heart and competing with the joys of the season. When family gets together I somehow always leave feeling like I'm missing that one important piece of me that seems like it will never be fully replaced. Something I see others blessed with, and often take advantage of, and I'm left with an empty heart longing for it to be filled with that same happiness. People often think that time heals all wounds, but in my experience it definitely doesn't. Within time we can heal, but like with all wounds they are sensitive and can easily be reopened. The tiniest memory can open up that deep dark wound we thought mended years ago. Any loss of a close loved one causes heartache to follow, not just immediately after, but depending on our love for them, it could last a lifetime. Even down the road when we experience another similar loss, all those same memories come flooding back in allowing us to pull up those recollections from the past. Even the happiest of memories can cause the deepest
pain, because we are quickly reminded that we can never enjoy those cherished moments with them again. They are gone, and it hurts to recall the good times knowing they aren't here to reminisce and enjoy their presence. Others often think the pain of losing a loved one is best to be left unspoken. They try to avoid any remembrance of the pain it might cause. They don't know what to say. They don't want to feel awkward. They don't want you to become emotional or upset. Although by ignoring your loss, it sometimes deepens the pain. You feel alone and the one you love has been forgotten as well. That part of you that was so deeply touched by your loved one has been silenced. Since they are no longer here, it feels like their memories have been nullified as well. The deep pain your heart feels weighted down with, is left unseen and unheard. If only they knew that you've been craving for someone to ask about them. Your heart has been holding onto the pain and everyone else has so easily moved on. I have heard that how much you grieve displays how much you love. The deepest of wounds on our heart often are caused by those we love the most. Over the years it often has seemed like those whom I grew close to, were either taken away or God took them home to be with Him. It was difficult knowing God knew what was best, when all I wanted was someone who would remain by my side, without doubts arising whether they would be sticking around for long.
9 I can honestly say that even amidst the grieving, many funerals and pain, I have come to realize that even though God blesses us with friends and family, we shouldn't become too dependent on them for our satisfaction. I remember many seasons of my life feeling like God had stripped everything from my life and I felt so alone. I questioned what God was doing. I didn't understand how it could be His will to leave me so empty handed and heart-broken. Looking back I can see how God was using those darkest of moments to strengthen my relationship with Him. Because I didn't have those relationships with others I went to Him with my worries, problems and tears. Unlike everyone else whose commitment and acceptance I questioned, I was able to fully open my heart up to God and rest assured He would never leave or reject me. Even through the darkest of nights and the endless
BRITTANY PANNAPACKER Brittany Pannapacker isa recent college graduatefrom Liberty University. A graphicdesigner. Handletterer. Writer. Typography fanatic. Color palette enthusiast. Beach lover. Shelikestouse her skillstoencourageand inspire others. Design isher pursuit, but God is her passion.
Read more from Brittany on her blog: encouragementforeverydaystruggles.blogspot.com/
questions of my past, God has provided me with hope of an eternal home, where I will spend eternity with Him and also see all those who have gone before me, where we will live pain-free and not be limited in our time with one another. Even amidst the pain and heartbreaks you have faced, you can rest in the promise that God works all things together for good. He's got an amazing plan for your life and every step is perfectly planned out. Nothing is being overlooked or misguided. There's purpose to those darkest of valleys God has led you through, and He's been by your side all the way. God could be using those deepest wounds to influence and prepare you to provide comfort to others who are enduring similar struggles. Let God use your broken heart, shattered life and find joy knowing He is strengthening and using you to display His power and glory!
Evergreen wreaths with scarlet bows adorn iron filigreed lamppost s that illumine snow-trodden streets. A horse and buggy clip-clops toward town, carrying a love-struck couple snuggling under woolen coats like a pair of cooing turtle doves. Warm candlelight fills snow-dusted windowpanes with its inviting glow as tawny deer gaze upon quaint cottages nestled in this country-side winter wonderland. Swirling smoke from stone chimneys reaches heavenward, as colorful tree lights twinkle beyond picture windows evoking images of tranquility within. All is calm. All is bright. Neatly wrapped packages tied in shiny ribbon rest under garland-laced boughs awaiting the eager anticipation of little hands. Children laugh and play before a cozy fire as adults smile and talk in soft, gentle tones while sipping creamy, hot cocoa or warm apple cider with cinnamon sticks. Ladies smooth their long, velvet, tight-waisted gowns as men in top hats straighten their striped ascots while singing holiday carols. Joy fills the air and peace abounds as the lights of the season perfect the mood of this serene scene. Centuries before, prophecies of old foretold of the Dayspring from on high, the Rising Sun, who would give light to those who sit in darkness, guiding our feet to the way of peace. Yet it began not as it would seem. A bustling village beckoned weary travelers to its dusty doorsteps. Crowds pressed in searching for shelter and provisions in limited supply. Light filtered through cracked surfaces into darkened alleyways, and cattle jostled and grunted in their wooden stalls. Shepherds ambled towards a nearby field in preparation for their night?s work as countless stars blinked above. Unexpected visitors suddenly set the sky ablaze, the glory of the
11 Lord?s majestic presence shining its pure light, enveloping them in its embrace. This angelic encounter echoed God?s peace and goodwill in the form of a babe. Light to the lowly. Wise men from afar sought the newborn King, following a radiant star Eastward to the Christ Child. This uniquely bright star equaled in magnitude the exceedingly great joy welling up in their hearts as they neared the expected Messiah to worship Him. Days pass, and an elderly man?s dying wish is fulfilled as he jubilantly beheld Salvation with his own eyes, and in his own hands, a light bringing revelation to all people. Even a wilderness wanderer exalts his own kin as the true Light which came into the world to give light to mankind. Is it any wonder that lights are used in our Christmas celebrations today when they were so prevalent throughout the events surrounding Jesus?birth? The Light cried it?s first words, ?I love you,? to the meek and majestic alike for Love came down, and this Light from Heaven was shared. My selfish heart is stirred as I contemplate how I can use my own actions and words to wrap His gift of Light in such a way that others want to open it. After all, the greatest gift we can give and receive is not wrapped in paper, but in Light! Matthew 4:16 tells us, ?The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.? Having sat in the darkness myself, I want to compassionately share His Light with those who remain in the dark. Like the Olympic torch that is passed from one runner to the next as it travels around the world, Jesus said, ?You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. . . Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.? (Matthew 5:14-16) Jesus passed the torch to us, not to keep, but to share! As our journey continues, we need not fear.
Darkness cannot overcome light. Light always overcomes darkness! Though the world grows increasingly darker, the Light becomes more pronounced penetrating the darkness like a beacon leading the way Home . . . Hope for the desperate, Peace for the fearful, Love for the lonely, Light for the world. (Ref.: Matthew 2:2,9-10; Luke 1:78-79, 2:9,13,30-32; John 1:9)
he Christmas story is filled with lessons for us about believing God, cooperating with Him to bring His will to pass, about how much God loved us and why He sent His son to earth. Some of the characters in the Christmas story get more attention from us than others. The shepherds and the prophets in St. Luke?s account of the gospel seem to have amplified roles, as God is shown to reveal much to them. We should not be surprised however, because shepherds watch, and prophets pray. Throughout the Bible it is to those who watch and pray that God reveals Himself. The shepherds are in the fields, keeping watch over the sheep, they are awake and alert. God reveals His plan to those who watch, but God is specifically interested in shepherds who are watching over their sheep in the darkness. Luke 2:9-12 says: ?An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ?Do not be afraid, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: you
will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.? The angels investigate find God?s words to be true and spread the gospel of good news. In Ezekiel 34 God had spoken against the shepherds of Israel who were not taking good care of the flock and promised that He will search for His sheep himself Ezekiel34:11-16) and God talked about setting up one shepherd over them in Ezekiel 34:23. Jesus will call himself the good shepherd in the gospel of John 10:11: ?I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.?And will also further proclaim that in Him there will be one shepherd and one flock. John 14:14 -16. God is specific about the ones to whom he reveals himself. He reveals to the shepherds that His Messiah had come. Jesus would be God?s shepherd that would make all his sheep of one flock. To the prophets God revealed His son and his plan at the presentation of the child in the temple, eight days old. Simeon and Anna, both devout, spending time in prayer and in the presence of the Lord and in the house of the Lord, looked with anticipation for the redemption of Israel and God allowed them to see His Christ.
13 Luke 2:29-32 says: ?Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.? The Word of God says that God does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his prophets (Amos 3:7) So that when Simeon speaks of what Jesus will do and what will be done to him it is by revelation of the Holy Spirit. Luke 2:34-35 says: ?Listen, this Child is destined to cause the rise and the fall of many in Israel and to be a sign which will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of
many hearts may be revealed. And a sword will pierce through your own soul also.? To the prophet the word of God is precious, and he/she waits with anticipation of Its fulfillment. When the word is good news the prophet rejoices with the people, but when the word is one of judgment the prophet laments and repents. Simeon and Anna rejoiced with great Joy at the news of The Messiah, The Savior, who is Christ the Lord! May all of God?s children begin to watch and pray, so that he can reveal His will and plan for us and for the Church, so that we too can Joy in the fulfillment of good news, (Christ has come!) and repent when a coming judgment is revealed.
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Georgetown Christmas Market Each December the town of Georgetown, Colorado transforms for two weekends into a bustling Christmas scene reminiscent of Christmas of long ago. Thousands come to this beautiful mountain town to experience a traditional Holiday where Christmas hasn't changed in 100 years: roasted chestnuts, Holiday shopping, horse-drawn wagon rides through Historic Georgetown, and wonderful sights and smells.
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