BEFORE TERM BEGINS Research your Resources CHEAT SHEET Before your first class for each course, write a cheat sheet containing key course links and details. This might include direct links to lectures, forums, and resources, your class schedule, the course assessment outline, and the contact details of your tutors and course staff. Having this information handy will ensure that during stressful times, you can quickly access your course resources and academic support system throughout the term.
TEXTBOOKS UNSW courses provide many of their resources on Moodle or another learning platform, so be sure to check for emails from your course admin, lecturer or tutor. Course textbooks can be bought new from the UNSW Bookshop. Otherwise, the UNSW Textbook Exchange Facebook groups are the go-to place for buying and selling textbooks. StudentVIP and Zookal both have textbook exchange markets where you can buy and sell textbooks. Zookal also has textbooks available for loan.