Moxie Magazine - March 2021

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Fresh * Fun * Fabulous



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March 2021

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We’re smitten with the mitten.

March 2021





Welcome to March!

an you believe spring is almost here? I am so excited about the prospect of warm weather, sunshine, and everything waking up from winter. March is one of our favorite months here at Moxie. Not only because of the arrival of spring, but also because it is the month of our annual Women’s Lifestyle Expo. Of course, as we all know, things just aren’t the same with COVID and we have had to make adjustments to our annual events. While we won’t see you in March, we will be back and better than ever on October 29th & 30th. Mark your calendars as you won’t want to miss the 2021 Women’s Lifestyle Expo.


The March edition of Moxie Magazine is our Beauty Book, and I am confident that you are going to love the content provided by the amazing women who make up our writing team. We all know that beauty starts on the inside and this edition highlights some important subjects like “Kids and Body Image: Your Message Matters” and “When You Feel Good, You Look Good.”

In addition to being beautiful on the inside we have some fun features to help you look beautiful as well. The Kalamazoo Foodie invites us to “Prep. Pamper. Relax.,” around West Michigan. We introduce you, our readers, to Doug Mitchell, owner of UniQ Jewelry Gallery. Doug has specialized in helping women look and feel beautiful with his gorgeous, custom jewelry for over 25 years. You will find some great tips in this edition—whether you’re looking to build a great wardrobe, or embrace the unique dress code of your workplace.

“ I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself.” - Emma Stone

We hope that you enjoy this edition of Moxie Magazine as much as we have enjoyed creating it. And we hope your spring is filled with health, happiness and sunshine. Stay warm!


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March 2021

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6 | When You Feel Good, You Look Good

8 | Kids & Body Image: Your Message Matters

10 | Beholding Beauty 14 | How to Build a Great Wardrobe 16 | Embracing the Unique: Dress code at work Brought to you by Pest Pros of Michigan

18 | Prep. Pamper. Relax. Self-care in West Michigan 22 | For Jewelry that is UniQ-ly You



12 | Happiness vs. Peace: A monk, a pastor and a rabbi 20 | One Woman’s Opinion: The Post-COVID Bucket List 24 | On That Note: When Less is More 32 | Book Review: His Truth is Marching On 36 | Why Use a Library? Libraries of Southwest Michigan




26 | A Match Made in Heaven Brought to you by the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan

30 | Restaurant Review: Bruno’s Pizza 34 | Recipes: Irish Kitchen Delights - Irish Bangers & Mash - I rish Cream Pie


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Cricket Alexander Emily Betros Kim Carson Kristie Curier Kelly Duggan Rachel Kirtley Heidi McCrary Jenny Opdycke Dr. Marti Peters-Sparling Elizabeth Precopio

Hannah Reuter Marlita Walker Demarra D. West WEBSITE:

BY MAIL: Moxie Media Group, LLC P. O. Box 2284 Portage, MI 49081-2284


FOR SALES INFO: 269-350-5227 BY EMAIL:

March 2021



ellness and beauty are distinctly different, although both have the power to help you feel good. Being well can help you look beautiful, and feeling beautiful can increase your overall wellness. Beauty is about how you visually present yourself, and wellness is about your overall well-being—and there is a growing body of scientific data to support this interaction. According to Vivian Diller, Ph.D., psychologist and author of “Face It,” the psychological experience of feeling positively about oneself is known as subjective well-being (SWB) and has been shown to have significant long- and short-term health benefits, including eating healthier, sleeping better, and increased immunity. SWB can even extend longevity—adding up to over seven years of life. Having a positive attitude alone has been correlated with self-care behaviors like movement (e.g. exercise) and taking baths, and beautification behaviors, such as, getting manicures and pedicures— all of which have been correlated with feeling more confident and relaxed, which reinforces a positive sense of self, therefore supporting SWB. Getting a compliment on our appearance also has the ability to reinforce our desire to look good. When this happens, it creates what’s called a cognitive-behavior loop, which keeps the beautyhealth connection ongoing. In other words, when you When you take care of take care of yourself, you feel more relaxed, which yourself, you feel more makes you have a more positive attitude, which improves your overall health, which makes you more attractive. relaxed, which makes you have a more positive This loop stays on repeat as long as we engage in activities that make us feel more beautiful and well.

attitude, which improves your overall health, which makes you more attractive.“

Relaxation improves oxygen consumption, respiratory rate, blood pressure and our sense of well-being In one study, participants with greater emotional vitality (e.g. energy, happiness and life satisfaction) were 26% less likely to develop coronary heart disease over a 15-year period. Scientists have started to document the way pleasurable experiences translate into physiological changes in the body and brain. Findings show that emotions stimulated by beauty, love, laughter and joy influence the part of the brain called the orbitofrontal cortex, also known as the reward center. In a study by Kringelbach & Berridge, they found that neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, are activated and lead to a positive sense of well-being. While beauty routines themselves don’t necessarily give us that psychological boost, once our makeover or blow-out is complete, those feel-good emotions related to our appearance and overall wellbeing are very real—it’s our brain telling us we feel & look good. So, what are you waiting for?!? Go ahead and book that beautification treatment and carve out some time for a wellness practice, like journaling, walking in the forest, or yoga. What we know for sure is that both have the power to help us feel our best. And we all deserve that! Demarra D. West, MA, LPC, PCC, RYS Demarra is a certified yoga teacher, Reiki master, licensed therapist, and entrepreneur who has a deep passion for all things women and wellness. She is the founder of Be Well Beautiful Woman, a global platform created for women to heal, have abundant joy, and immense business success.


March 2021

Leading the way in cancer care For decades, Bronson has been a trusted provider of cancer services for adults and children in southwest Michigan. Now, with the opening of the new Bronson Cancer Center in downtown Kalamazoo, we’ve added a state-of-the-art destination for outpatient medical oncology and infusion services. From diagnosis through treatment, our team’s coordinated approach to care surrounds you with the expertise, technology, resources and positivity that you and your family need for your cancer journey.

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March 2021




hile we might not see the effects of negative body image in children until they are older, research shows kids start to develop feelings about their bodies as early as three years of age. At this age, most of the information children are hearing about their bodies, food, and feelings comes directly from the people they see most often. This gives immediate and extended caregivers an awesome opportunity to build a positive body image before they are inundated with messages from social media, TV or other sources. So, how do we help a three-, four-, or fiveyear-old build resilience and confidence about their bodies? The most important place to start is with your own language, actions, and conversation about bodies. We are not born hating our bodies and we definitely are not born with a desire to change them so strongly that we refuse to


March 2021

eat in order to do so. We are born with a very fine-tuned system that lets us know when to eat, when to stop eating and what types of nutrition we need to meet our needs at any given time. We are also born with curiosity about our bodies, not judgement. Our bodies are our vessel that helps us accomplish things, and we want them operating at their best potential so we can focus on other things. Knowing this is how a young person thinks about their body can give us a clue as to

{ } “Body image is the way a person thinks and feels about their body.”

how we can speak about our bodies in general, especially around them. Think about the last time you may have commented on your body or someone else’s body in front of your child. Was it positive or negative? Did it have moral judgement or worth behind it? Was it said with pride and admiration? Did the comment result in you deciding to do or not do something (as in, “I look fat in my swimsuit so we’re not going to the pool.” or “I was good yesterday [re: food] so I can have ice cream.”) How might a young person interpret comments like these? What messages about their bodies might they be starting to learn? Start to uncover and unpack your own body image language first, and see if that might be impacting how your child thinks as well.


What can you do as a parent or caregiver to help the next generation build confidence around body image? • Regardless of size, shape or appearance, teach your children that all people deserve respect • Reduce your criticism about other people’s appearance • Avoid images of unrealistic bodies, or at least try not to only praise the stereotypical attractive bodies • Help your children get excited about being active for the fun of it rather than to lose weight or get/stay skinny • Comment on or point out nonappearance related qualities about other people and yourself. Help your child equate worth with things other than their appearance • Avoid comparing yourself or your child to another person • Accept your child the way they are • Talk about differences in a positive way and emphasize that they are OK


Body image can be positive, negative, or a little of both. Many people think it only has to do with how someone looks, when in fact, body image is actually the way a person thinks AND feels about their body. The good news is that feelings come and go, so if you are having a challenging day with body image (which is ok!) we can reassure ourselves that it will pass. If we are feeling negatively about our bodies, there is likely something influencing this feeling. For example, if you have a stressful day that includes a fight with your boss, more dinner on the floor than in bellies, and you missed your haircut, there’s a good chance looking in the mirror isn’t going to reflect back a glowing,

positive feeling. Having awareness and perspective around this helps us to not put so much weight on how we look at the end of a stressful day; evaluating our success based on how we look can be a recipe for disaster. Helping our children gain this perspective too will help them build confidence that has less to do with their body image and more to do with who they are. Our body size and shape should not be the most exciting thing about us as humans! Our worth is so much more than what we look like. Teaching our children these values as early as we can sets them up to think and feel positively about themselves. If we can lay a solid foundation for them at home, they will have a greater chance of being able to fend off negative messages when they step out our front door.

• Acknowledge changes in your child’s body by saying something like, “it’s normal for our bodies to change shape.” Avoid saying that they will “lose their baby weight” or “don’t worry, you’ll get [taller, skinnier, etc]” • Create a home where teasing is not accepted, body diversity is good and normal, and appearance is not equated with worth.

Emily Betros Emily is a licensed clinical social worker, certified health coach, and owner of Reclaiming Health, LLC. She specializes in body image support, eating disorders, anxiety, life transitions, mindfulness, and women's issues. More info:

Get kids excited about being active for fun!

March 2021


eholding B eauty B S

ometimes, we assume beauty implies perfection. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Beauty inspires us to appreciate how flaws make imperfections perfect: the toothless grin of a child, the wrinkled face of your dear grandmother as her eyes twinkle with love and wisdom, or the lopsided, homemade birthday cake that a friend baked for you. All are beautiful.

beautiful in your life today? Was someone kind to you? Did you make someone laugh? Did you see an animal doing something cute? Are these things not beautiful?

What do you find beautiful? As the quote goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” No matter what you declare as beautiful, whether you’re looking at a sunrise, a new baby, or the face of your beloved, beauty inspires joy.

Love is alchemy; it transforms almost anything into beauty. Take anything ugly, add love, and you will get beauty. The grimace of anger met with compassion (love in action) softens into the pain beneath—healing begins. Healing is beautiful. The scrunched-up face and lolling tongue of a bulldog seen through the eyes of its adoring owner is beautiful. The dilapidated house sitting in shambles from years of neglect is rejuvenated

Beauty is all around us. Just like starting a gratitude practice, you can adopt a spiritual practice where you notice and appreciate beauty. Can you name three things that are


March 2021

The best part is that whatever you focus on will get bigger. If you look for beauty, you will find it. One of the fastest ways to do this involves choosing Love.

into beauty by the carpenter who loves restoring old buildings. Love is so much more than an emotion. It is a state of consciousness. The more we appreciate the beauty around us and within us, the more we fall in love with the world and ourselves. This inspires profound healing and leads to beauty beyond comprehension. Jenny Opdycke, PA-C Jenny has been practicing medicine for more than 16 years. Her specialties include holistic wellness, anxiety/depression, trauma recovery and intuitive, low carb eating strategies that promote self-awareness and healing. She loves spending time with her twin girls, friends, and fur babies. More info at

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March 2021


Happiness vs. Peace A monk, a pastor and a rabbi


Would you rather be happy or at peace? Is one more desirable than the other? I went right to the top, asking a monk, a pastor and a rabbi for some guidance on the answer. What started out as a fun girl’s night out on Zoom turned into something more philosophical. If the pandemic provided one positive outcome from its presence this last year, it forced many of us to press pause on our speedy lives. The hamster wheel of our life stopped just long enough we could take inventory of who we are and allow for deeper connections with those closest to us. Some, began a journey toward inner peace. But how does happiness really begin, spiritually speaking?

David Barringer

Steve Leder

STEVE LEDER, author of “More

Beautiful Than Before: How Suffering Transforms Us,” is a rabbi at Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles and has been twice-named by Newsweek magazine as one of the Top 10 Influential Rabbis in America.

Leder said: “I’ll change it a little bit. I don’t think we really have much control over how happy we are. I think we’re born with a kind of default happiness setting and the things that happen in our life changes it. But only temporarily. This is why, for example, lottery winners are so happy when they win the lottery, but a year later they’re right back in the world they were in before they won the lottery. And this is also true for amputees, people who lose a limb are very sad at first, but a year later they’re the same person they were before.

happiness. And peace by the way—let’s really go deeply for a moment into this idea of peace. What is peace really? Peace is not the absence of conflict. You know, let’s not talk about it. That’s not peace. Peace is the ability to address differences and conflict in a peaceful and loving and safe way. That’s peace, right? Peace is not the absence of conflict—it is the ability to address conflict in a loving way. That’s peace. And I think that’s more important than happiness because we don’t have any control over the happiness anyway.”

Real peace is not the absence of conflict. Real peace is conflict addressed with respect and decency. - Steve Leder

So, I don’t really think we have that much control over how happy we are but we have a lot of control over how good we are and what peace requires is goodness not


March 2021

Be where you are, otherwise you will miss your life.

- Budda


Mosaic Marriage and a pastor at Kalamazoo First says:

“The difference between peace and happiness is actually very simple. Happiness depends upon happenings. If the right happenings are going on in my life, it tends to produce happy feelings. So, in my opinion, the struggle with chasing happiness is absolutely tiring, because it is always dependent upon the next thing to make me happy.

CHIEZAN, ordained Buddhist

monk from the SokukoJi Buddhist Temple Monastery in Battle Creek, had this to say:

“That’s a pretty existential question right? In Buddhism, it being a spiritual path, contrasts greatly with what we might consider a mundane path. So, a mundane path is kind of a path of success and failure, and hope and fear, and the back and forth, and the idea being that somehow you can slowly begin to move towards one and away from the other. And it seems that when we begin to approach a spiritual path, at least in Buddhism, we talk about non-duality or transcendence. You can’t have happiness or peace at the exclusion of sadness or warfare. We have to begin to see the totality of the situation.

From our path we’re encouraged to receive and look at everything that shows up, so slowly over time instead of how our prejudice, opinions and preferences are the primary situation, our awareness and our ability to be with whatever is showing up becomes the main situation. Happiness and peace are temporary situations.”

Peace is a state of your soul. And when you have that deep spiritual stabilizing factor, it steals your soul and has very little to do with anything happening on the outward. It’s that calm in your soul when life seems to be in complete chaos. As far as inner peace, there needs to be a stabilizing agent that can transcend physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Because that’s the type of beings humans are. And the stabilizing factor of my life has always been Jesus. He becomes the foundation. I’m not just finding my peace, but I’m able to actually build my life from it.”

The pandemic revealed we need and benefit from having a firm foundation to stand on. As we cross paths with the storms of life, it is the intangible belief in something that holds us together. It is something we can depend on and turn to that will help to stabilize us and give us comfort or respite from the fear and uncertainty the future of the unknown can create. I read a quote recently, attributed to entrepreneur Syed Balkhi, “Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is the new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.” We have turned the page on a new chapter. Our lives are a continually woven tapestry. Up close, the darkness of the threads represents difficult times, while the lighter fibers reveal where life was easier. But only when we step away can we see the big, beautiful image those experiences have painted. Kim Carson Kim is an Author/Podcast/ TV/Internet personality. Watch and listen for her on WGVU TV’s Kalamazoo Lively Arts and J. Schwanke’s Life In Bloom. Learn more at and

March 2021


How to Build a Great Wardrobe Whether you are working remotely or in the office, you only have one chance to make the all-important first impression. Even today with the pandemic, it is crucial to make every day a day that you look your very best. Follow these tips to build an effective wardrobe, whether in or out of the office, that will convey confidence and style throughout your day.

Know the environment

Office climates are continually changing. Knowing what is considered appropriate for your office environment will ensure that you do not make any expensive mistakes when building your wardrobe.

Start with a closet audit

When starting to build an effective work wardrobe, you need to start by being sure of exactly what you have already—before you make a list of what you need. Pull out everything in your closet that could possibly be worn to work. Try everything on. Make sure it fits well, that it looks fantastic on you and that it is in good condition.

Build a baker’s dozen

Your goal should be to have thirteen outfits in your closet. That does not mean thirteen ensembles (e.g. suits). It means that with mixing and matching, your shirts, blouses, jackets, skirts and pants make up at least thirteen outfits that will comprise your wardrobe.

Start with your core color

Start with at least one great ensemble that fits you perfectly (e.g. mixed separates or suit), and in one of your neutral core colors. Your core colors are colors that are the same as your eyes or hair: black, brown, green, blue etc.


March 2021

Keep your budget in mind

Once you put together your shopping list, do not just grab your credit card and shop. Do some research to see what is out there, look for sales and calculate what a realistic wardrobe budget might be. When shopping, remember that quality is important and you are going to spend more for quality. Leave trendy clothes for your weekend activities. Start with clothes that will last for at least a few years.

Essential pieces

While the task of getting your closet into “professional shape” may seem daunting, this list will help you find the essential pieces to start with to build or grow your wardrobe:

 Two dark suits (or casual pant and cardigan) in one of your core neutral colors  One dark skirt (if skirts are your thing) in one of your core neutral colors  Two pairs of slacks/pants in one of your core neutral colors  Two solid shirts or blouses (not prints) in your accent colors

 Two accent-colored shells that look great under your jackets or cardigans  A novelty jacket that is tailored, yet loose, in an accent color  A knit shell in one of your core neutral colors

When in doubt, look to a professional resource

Consider the many resources available— whether a complimentary online tip sheet, books and magazines, or hiring an image professional to work with you to define your objectives and help you put together your best possible look and wardrobe. Follow and apply this same strategy to your casual wardrobe too. You will have removed the daily frustration of what to wear, leaving you feeling confident, comfortable and hearing “you have great style!” Kelly Duggan Kelly is an Image Consultant specializing in executive and personal image development, etiquette & communication skills. She is a certified member of the Association of Image Consultants International. Contact Kelly at:

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March 2021





Embracing the D R E S S C O D E AT W O R K

Here at Pest Pros, we believe there should be standards when it comes to how you present yourself at work. Yet, we really focus more on inclusivity. This idea is seen in our values and the way we promote people. We know people are our greatest resource and we want to do our part in ensuring our people’s unique qualities shine. Not only do we work to create a great workplace, we want Pest Pros to be a safe place where employees are comfortable expressing themselves. This type of approach has required us to go away from some of the traditional workplace practices we are accustomed to like strict dress code standards to maintain conformity. Instead, our dress code has specific standards based on regulations and our brand awareness. Outside of that, we do not have many requirements for appearance. We welcome many forms of self-expression and appreciate our team’s willingness to stand true to who they are.


March 2021

Presenting yourself in the workplace is not only accomplished through outward appearance, but through character as well. Our set of values are non-negotiable, and we embrace team members’ unique talents— allowing them to create a professional path that works for them. The workplace would be pretty boring if we all had similar life experiences and came from similar backgrounds, so we focus on diversifying our talent base. We have learned this approach allows us to be innovative and put team members in positions they find exciting and are passionate about. Creating a safe place to work has opened the door to many rewarding experiences with our team. We have open conversations about concerns or initiatives taking place, and really take the time to get to know each other on a personal level. Although this is not a requirement, we have found that we can have deeper relationships and a better

understanding of how each person functions. We believe work and life are synonymous and have strived to create an environment to support that. We would like to thank Maria Sorrentino, President of Pest Pros, for encouraging this kind of workplace culture and driving an initiative to do things differently. Please feel free to reach out for a conversation around how we are driving change at Pest Pros and promoting employees to be the best version of themselves—inside and out.

Chelsie Fall, SHRM-CP Chelsie is driven to change the way we think about employees in the workplace. This requires a shift from traditional practices to create an innovative, peoplecentered, workplace culture. Her work is her passion but her “why” is her favorite people of all: her husband and children.



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March 2021






Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While we may not have the same opinion on what is ‘beautiful’ or have differing expectations and taste in beauty products, we can all agree on taking a day for yourself, right?! As crazy as the last year was, it’s always a welcome idea to take time for pampering, whether that is at home with a face

Triangle Nails 615 Romence Road, Portage

mask (the kind for your skin – not the kind we have been wearing for months!) and a cup of coffee or wine, or at your favorite local spa for a girl’s day! Rachel Kirtley Rachel has worked in all levels of the food industry for over a decade. She is currently a Social Media Influencer, Content Creator and Restaurant Reviewer. You can visit her at

Opulent Blends 10511 W H Avenue, Kalamazoo

My personal all-time favorite way to pamper myself is getting my nails done along with a good pedicure. Triangle Nails is located in the Shoppes at Romence Village, across from The Crossroads mall. They have an amazingly clean, friendly, and professional atmospheres, while Triangle Nails offers your typical mani-pedi experience with regular polish, shellac and dip powder, and custom designs. One of my favorite parts of Triangle Nails is their private VIP room with seating for four people, especially if you’re looking for a private girl’s day, or just because. The VIP room has a TV, couch and high-top table if you wish to bring in food and drinks. You can also add on a custom experience to any service including a scented salt soak, mask, scrub or hot stone to your pedicures. If you want to make it a mommy-daughter day, Triangle Nails also has several child-sized chairs so you can get pedicures together.


March 2021

Michigan winters are notorious for causing extra-dry skin, and for myself, I love using body butters and have hand lotion in my purse at all times. Another of my favorite products, which you may have seen locally around town, is Opulent Blends. The company was founded on creating the highest quality of products using the best, ethically sourced ingredients. They offer a wide variety of products in varying sizes so you can keep some in your purse, or have some for the home or office. Opulent Blends offers a full line of naturally made facial products including cleansers, toner, and moisturizers. The brand doesn’t stop at facial products, but also offers lotions, body butter and balms, hair care, lotions and so much more. Visit their website for a full list of products and locations to find them, or get products shipped directly.





Shades of Lavender Farm

47222 24th Street, Mattawan If you are looking to pamper yourself at home, Shades of Lavender Farm offers some amazing products made in-shop. Love taking bubble baths? The farm offers lavender bath bombs, lavender and lavender rose bath soaks and body scrubs. If you are just looking to take some time for yourself to de-stress, Shades of Lavender offers eye and neck pillows with lavender to warm you up for the ultimate relaxation. You can follow up your bath or relaxation time with a room spray, candle, lotions and lip balms. All of the lavender for her products is sourced from the farm. Check the website for shop hours, or get everything shipped right to your door.


If you are not comfortable going out quite yet, you can always make a DIY face mask at home. Here are four easy, at-home recipes I found on Buzzfeed. Bonus? You might already have all of the ingredients in your cupboard!

Hydrating Honey Oat Mask ½ c. rolled oats, ground up 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1 Tbsp honey In a small bowl, mix ingredients until consistency is smooth (blender will work to grind the oats first). Apply to clean face for 15 minutes, then wash.

Exfoliating Cocoa-Nut Coffee 1 Tbsp coffee grounds 1 Tbsp cocoa powder 1 Tbsp coconut oil In a bowl, mix all ingredients until consistency is smooth. Apply to clean face for 15 minutes, then wash.

Soothing Brown Sugar Pumpkin ¼ c. cooked or canned pumpkin 2 Tbsp brown sugar 2 Tbsp water 1 Tbsp vitamin E oil In a bowl, mix all ingredients until consistency is smooth. Apply to clean face for 15 minutes, then wash.

Rejuvenating Matcha Yogurt ¼ c. Greek yogurt 1 Tbsp honey 1 Tbsp matcha powder In a small bowl, mix all ingredients together until consistency is smooth, and the matcha powder is fully incorporated. Apply to clean face for 15 minutes, then wash.

No matter what your beauty routine is, the Kalamazoo area has so many locally-made beauty products & places to get pampered! And what we could really use now is a day for ourselves for some self-love & self-care. 19




The Post-COVID Bucket List …and the problem with mine


A comedian recently stated that he was having problems knocking off anything on his bucket list. So, he simply changed the B to an F and washed his hands of it (I’ll let you think about that joke for a moment). So, what is it about bucket lists, and how can they help us in today’s environment? Bucket lists can be desired vacation destinations, financial and business goals, and promises of taking up defining activities that can range from running a marathon to skydiving. Or in my case, they can be offbeat. Yes, I’m still trying to knock off “digging up a grave” and “spending a night in jail.” I’m thinking that if I play my cards right, I can accomplish the latter as a result of the first. But we’ll come back to that…

In today’s environment, as we’ve overstayed our welcome in our own homes, hopefully we are entering the phasing-in of freedom once again. While the majority of bucket lists include defining moments and events, let’s take a minute, and draw up one that will help jumpstart our lives Post-COVID. I’m calling it the “Post-COVID Bucket List.” Grab a pen or your phone, and together, let’s build that list together… I don’t mind if you customize it to fit your style.

 Meet a neighbor. I’m convinced that the removal of the front porch is what killed our relationships with our neighbors. We can all do a better job of getting to know our friends next door beyond the hello as we pick up our mail. Once it’s safe again, let’s all agree to meet up for a beverage on the back deck.  Spread a little cheer. Remember those stimulus checks we all got? They were meant to, you know, stimulate the economy. Order take-out at your favorite locally-owned restaurant and tip like you’re someone special—because you are. Or go visit a locally-owned shop and BUY SOMETHING. They’ll love it, and you’ll be happy. It’s a win-win.

 Take up a new outdoor activity. Spring will be here before we know it, and now is the perfect time to take up something like take up pickleball, biking, or golf. It is NEVER too late to start something new that promotes healthy living, fresh air, and exercise. You don’t have to be good at it. But who knows, if you swing a racket or club all summer long, you just might surprise yourself.  Plant something. Growing something from seed can lift our spirits, and provides us with beauty, food (depending on what you grow) and accomplishment. Whether you plant flowers in the front window box that’s been empty for too long or go all out with a vegetable garden in the backyard, gardening gets us outside and allows us to watch something magically grow before our eyes.

We may need to start out slowly, but this Post-COVID Bucket List will at least get us out of the house. So, back to my original bucket list of digging up a grave and spending a night in jail—I’ll keep you posted on that….


March 2021

Heidi McCrary Heidi is a writer and a regular contributor to Moxie Magazine. Her debut novel, “Chasing North Star” is available now at Kazoo Books and This is a Bookstore. And online wherever books are sold. Follow Heidi at and


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March 2021


FOR JEWELRY THAT IS UNIQ-LY YOU A piece of jewelry is truly a work of art. The idea is this tiny investment is an extension of yourself and a representation of your style and personality. It is a statement…or a sometimes subtle look into the wearer of the piece. Paired with the right ensemble, it can be the center of attention or a wonderful compliment.

One jeweler in Mexico was so impressed by Doug’s designs that he began to produce them. Following his return home with his custom jewelry, the reception of his designs with friends and family was overwhelming. They wanted more of his work! So, in 1995, he would take his work to home jewelry shows to showcase his custom pieces.

For that, you want a jeweler who takes the time to understand that and can create something unique and one-of-a-kind—much like you.

Two years later Doug began his work for a Michigan jeweler to learn the ins and outs of the business—from behind the jeweler’s bench to the sales floor. There he would study the characteristics of gemstones and best techniques in creating a product from concept to finish. With several years of study under his belt, it was time to take his designs and passion, and venture on his own.


UniQ Jewelry Gallery opened its doors in 2005—but the story of the man behind the unique jewelry began just over a decade before. His jewelry roots go back to 1994, where Owner Doug Mitchell had journeyed and selected jewelry pieces to bring back as gifts. Upon his return, he received numerous compliments on the design and feel of his distinct selections. Inspired…he decided to take his own hand at sketching jewelry designs of his own.


March 2021

In 2005, “Diamond Doug” as he would come to be known locally, opened the doors to UniQ Jewelry in historic downtown Three Rivers. Ten years later he would make the move to the Portage location you can still visit today.


Doug’s forte is truly custom pieces. Whether you want to start with something completely new, or one of his favorites— turning something old into something new, Doug ensures customers are a part of the process from start to the finished product. Consultations with customers are key as he gets to know his customer and learns to understand what you truly want to come of your jewelry piece, saying, “I am inspired by every relationship with my customers. Each person brings a special perspective, which challenges me to find a creative way to fulfill their desire. I enjoy working with people, talking to them, learning their histories, and building new relationships with each individual.” Those consultations produce rough sketches and examples of which he eventually renders in a 3D program for a realistic view of the ideal piece. Final casting does not begin until you are completely satisfied with the design.

MARCH IS ME MONTH As UniQ loves to stay on top of what’s going on in the industry and the community, this month they aim to help celebrate YOU with the “March is Me Month.” His specialty though is working with jewelry customers no-longer wear. His interviews with customers get the ideas flowing and help him to create a unique piece or rather as he says, “turn yesterday’s memories into tomorrow’s heirlooms.” If it is something new you seek, Doug has an extensive network of connections to provide high-quality stones for affordable prices. He will work from his own personal gem collection or a vendor for the perfect fit for your needs. And his hard work goes beyond not only getting to know his customers and finding the perfect pairings for the personalized wearable art he crafts for the store. Doug also crafts his customer’s experience—with the aim to ensure your visit is not just another trip to the bridal ring shop. It should and will be as unique as the pieces he carries within it…modern, artsy and entirely independent.

He and his staff work hard to stay on top of the latest styles and trends (just look to last month as they shared how the Pantone’s Colors of the Years played into jewelry pieces!), as well as what’s going on in the local community. They want to make sure what you purchase and what you are going to wear will integrate into your life…where you wear the piece rather than it wears you. You’ll find it hard to leave without having gained not only a truly “UniQ” piece, but a friend as well! Lalita Chemello Lalita is our Editor, Writer and occasional photog. Her 13 years of writing has landed features with Panorama, published poetry and even a short film. She spends any extra time she can quenching her wanderlustian needs by finding new places to adventure with her other half, writing, or playing with their motorized toys.

March is Me is created in partnership with the Women’s Jewelry Association to recognize women and celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th. This month they aim to empower women to purchase jewelry for themselves—as women are still hesitant in celebrating themselves with a fine jewelry purchase (guilty!). How can you treat yourself to something new and never-before seen to celebrate you? Follow UniQ on social media for the latest on what they’re doing for the store during the entire month of March! You can find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

March 2021







I had a moment of enlightenment the other day—it was what inspired this month’s column. Some of you might be able to relate to this, but I hate having missed and multiple notifications. When I would come across someone with several hundred unread e-mails, or with 70+ unread texts, calls or voicemails, my body would cringe—it physically hurt me. How could they let all that go? But it also had me asking myself why was I so neurotic in keeping up on every means of communication? And what did that mean for other things in my life? In a way, many of my actions to “keep up” or be prepared were actually quite wasteful. So, I tried something. My day job is working in televised news. Do you know how many e-mails we get? And of course, many of them are important. I discovered once I left the office, it was easy to have 100 new e-mails before I would arrive for my next shift. With a couple days off during the week—expect at least a few hundred more. Yes, there are some I read through on my time off so I know what’s going on and don’t miss out on too much, as well as prepare for the next day of news, but to read them all? Impossible.


March 2021

My inbox could no longer be the “0” notifications I strived for and somewhat prided myself on. It realistically could not happen.

So…I let it be.

And you know what? Nothing changed. I read what I need to read, and double back if I have time. My job still gets done accurately as well. Oh, and surprise!—my “need” to check everything, is now a little less. So, I figured I would begin applying the idea to other things in my life. For instance, groceries—I now plan out my meals before I shop and only get what I need for those meals. Once in a while I pick up an extra thing (I can’t NOT have gluten-free mac and cheese in my house, just in case). We eat leftovers for dinner so we don’t forget that we have them and they don’t get thrown away. And I really am throwing away a lot less food—nearly none. Bonus is, I have been spending a lot less money. I have been trying to let go of other things I have always needed “just so.” And all this less—the less of worrying or being incredibly particular—is giving me more. More time to enjoy other things or trying new things. More

time of being relaxed rather than wound up over why things are not done. Even more time to get my job done. There is also the benefit of more money and peace of mind that I am not wasting food or other precious resources needed for others out there. Sure, it is not a Marie Kondo thing or revelation, and I did not clean out my house (okay, I did go through some stuff the other day…), but rather I cleaned up my priorities. I know with the pandemic our lives have all been really upturned, and we might have lost sight of what those priorities are or were. So, I ask you to take a look. What could you do with a little less of, and how much more will you gain? Lalita Chemello Lalita is our Editor, Writer and occasional photog. Her 13 years of writing has landed features with Panorama, published poetry and even a short film. She spends any extra time she can quenching her wanderlustian needs by finding new places to adventure with her other half, writing, or playing with their motorized toys.

New Dates!


Take a day away for some “me” time or make it a day with your friends! Explore the many businesses & organizations of the greater Kalamazoo area communities at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo presented by Moxie.

FASHION • PAMPER • BEAUTY • SHOP • PETS WORKSHOPS • DIY CRAFTS • ARTISTS VENDORS: There is still time to reserve your booth for the 2021 Women’s Lifestyle Expo (269) 488-9780 | | March 2021


Join us for the event of the year. You won’t want to miss it!

A Match Made in Heaven! Each year, Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan hosts a Girl Scout Cookie Bake-Off competition to benefit girls. In the wake of COVID-19, the Girl Scouts are pivoting to something new and exciting that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home: The St. Julian Wine & Girl Scout Cookie Pairing Event! The best part is that this night of fun will support girls who need and deserve to have the advantage of Girl Scouting in their lives. Kits will be purchased directly from St. Julian. Options include two- or four-pairings, with both dry and sweet options available. Each wine option is paired expertly with one of your favorite Girl Scout cookies. On Thursday, April 22, join us on Facebook live for a live pairing event with St. Julian consultants!

Think back to when you were a girl. Young, naïve, and trying to find your place in the world. You probably had some favorite hobbies, some best friends, and some challenges to face. Did you deal with bullies, low self-confidence, body image issues, or pesky boys?

In addition to the wine pairing event, a virtual auction will give you another option to treat yourself to a fun experience while supporting girls in our local Girls today face many of the same challenges that you community. The auction will feature items such as a did, and they deal with them in the technology age. safari trip courtesy of the Kalamazoo Safari Company, 2020 presented an added challenge for girls; the onset wine tastings, overnight stays in Chicago and of a global pandemic that has altered life as we know it. Northern Michigan, gym/spa/healthy living packages, While kids today have always been technology natives, amusement park trips, and more! The auction will the last year has been consumed with Zoom meetings be open from Monday, April 19 at 7:00 AM through and virtual interactions instead of in-person fun and Sunday, April 25 at 11:45 PM. memories. Girls are struggling in the wake of this pandemic. The connections, friendship, and belonging that girls experience in Girl Scouting means that this girl-led organization has never been more important. The test of time has shown that most female business leaders (over 50%), two-thirds of women in Congress (60%), and almost all female technology leaders (80%), were Girl Scouts. This is no coincidence. Girl Scouts fuels the female leadership pipeline. Girl Scouts builds qualities in girls that allow them to soar to their full potential. Girl Scouting is an affordable, life-changing


March 2021

memories. Girls are struggling in the wake of this pandemic. The connections, friendship, and belonging that girls experience in Girl Scouting means that this girl-led organization has never been more important. The test of time has shown that most female business leaders (over 50%), two-thirds of women in Congress (60%), and almost all female technology leaders (80%), were Girl Scouts. This is no coincidence. Girl Scouts fuels the female leadership pipeline. Girl Scouts builds qualities in girls that allow them to soar to their full potential. Girl Scouting is an affordable, life-changing

Preparing for the corner office

Art week at Camp Reimagined 2020

option among the dozens of activities from which a girl can choose. However, the unfortunate reality is that there are many girls with barriers in their lives which prevent them from participating in Girl Scouts. These barriers can be financial, or resulting from a lack of volunteer interest or capability. In some low-income or singleparent homes, volunteering to lead a Girl Scout troop Ready for Camp 2021

“Girls are struggling in the wake of this pandemic. The connections, friendship, and belonging that girls experience in Girl Scouting means that the girl-led organization has never been more important.” March 2021


would mean taking time away from work. This is simply not an option for some families. Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan, which covers 34 counties throughout the state of Michigan, will never turn a girl away due to financial barriers. In a typical year, Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan awards over $150,000 in scholarships for girls to participate in Girl Scouting. We are anticipating an increase in need of over 50%

Axe throwing is a new sport at our camps this year.

from typical years as families navigate the financial impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Parents report that children are spending more time isolated in their rooms, in front of their screens, and away from their friends. Children tend not to look beyond the challenges of our current circumstances, and this is why girls need Girl Scouting now more than ever. Girl Scouts gives girls the opportunity to learn how to, and become comfortable with, striving for more. They earn more badges, are more involved in their communities, complete more community service projects, and go above and beyond to achieve the Highest Awards Girl Scouts has to offer: the Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards.

solve within their community, and then implement a sustainable solution that will live on beyond the completion of their project. The Girl Scout Gold Award is so prestigious that it typically means automatic scholarships at various colleges and universities, and Gold Award Girl Scouts are entitled to enter the military at a higher pay grade.

These Highest Awards mark the greatest achievements in Girl Scouting, and are the most rigorous and prestigious awards for girls. To achieve these awards girls must first identify a problem they want to

The Daisies and Brownies of Troop 50414 donated 26 boxes of cookies to their school teachers and staff. Cadettes from Troop 50038 made blankets for the Youth Protection Council's Teen Parents Division for their Silver Award service project.


March 2021

The benefits associated with earning the Gold Award mean that a girl can change her life, and Girl Scouts today set their eyes on this highest award.

Girl Scouts is a program that changes the lives of girls here aingirl. southwest Michigan, to whenright you were Young, naïve, and and the St. Julian Wine & Girl Scout Cookie Pairing nd your place in the world. You probablyEvent will give you a chance to support girls near you. You’ll log with a avorite fun hobbies, some best friends, and full heart, a tummy full of cookies, nges to face. Did you deal with bullies, low and the knowledge that you are contributing the future success of a girl. nce, body image issues, or peskyto boys?

ace many of the same challenges that you Scouts Heart of Michigan ey deal with themGirl in the technology age. and Julian Winery nted an added challenge for St. girls; the onset Wine andlife Girl Scout Cookie Pairing andemic that has altered as we know it. oday have always beenEvent technology natives, Pairing has been consumed with Zoom meetings Thursday, April 22, 2021 interactions instead of in-person Virtual • 6:00 p.m. fun and Enjoy the fun! Purchase your kit(s) at Kits available beginning February 15! Virtual Auction Monday, April 19, 7:00 a.m. to Sunday, April 25, 11:45 p.m. The auction will be located at https://events.readysetauction. com/girlscoutsheartmichigan/ wineandgscookies

What’s on the Menu? Kit Selection: Two Bottles-Sweet Moo-Low On the Town with Thin Mints and Lemon-ups Two Bottles-Dry Brut Champagne Braganini Reserve Merlot with Thin Mints and Lemon-ups Four Bottles-Sweet Moo-Low On the Town Solera Cream Sherry Late Nights with Thin Mints, Lemon-ups, Samoas, and Do-Si-Dos Four Bottles-Dry Brut Champagne Braganini Reserve Merlot Cabernet Franc Reserve Pinot Grigio with Thin Mints, Lemon-ups, Samoas, and Do-Si-Dos

“You’ll log off with a full heart, a full tummy, and the knowledge that you are contributing to the future success of a girl.”

March 2021





Bruno’s PizzA 1528 W Michigan Ave | Kalamazoo | Tuesday — Saturday: 4 PM — 10 PM

Bread. Tomato sauce. Cheese. A simple combination to create at times, a delicious masterpiece. Many make the attempt, yet only few get it right. One that does get it spot-on? Bruno’s Pizza in Kalamazoo.


runo’s Pizza sits just near Western’s campus and has been a favorite to students and Kalamazoo residents since the ‘60s. When you go in, you’ll notice they have not updated the décor since the ‘70s, which is really a part of the whole charm. There’s even a jukebox that sits in the corner. The retro-style decor does not make the place old and dusty; they certainly keep it sparkly clean.

We went with a classic—PEPPERONI PIZZA. Don’t be alarmed when you see the pizza come out—they didn’t forget the pepperonis like I had first thought. The toppings were underneath the cheese! They also cut the pizza in large rectangular pieces, rather than the traditional slice we are so used to seeing. The crust is on the thinner side. The sauce, light. And the cheese was heavy, just how I like it. The rectangular pieces made it easier


March 2021

to eat. You get the perfect bite, every bite. I found myself reaching for corner pieces because the crust was soft yet crispy, and the corners gave me little more of that crust. My fellow diners for the occasion also loved it. We seriously could not stop eating it! We each tried a piece of the GRILLED CHEESE AND HAM, but I could have easily eaten the whole thing on my own. It appeared to be white bread piled with the super thick and flavorful ham. It was oh so cheesy! The sandwich was simply delightful and comfort food at its best.

The fries were good, but they were not anything extra special. Not bad, but definitely not the best thing about the meal. Lastly, the GARLIC TOAST WITH CHEESE AND MEAT SAUCE was delicious! The toast pieces were small enough to finish in a few bites, and a perfect pairing with the side of their rich

and hearty meat sauce. We devoured the dish pretty quickly—with plenty of the meat sauce leftover.

My meal was amazing. For 2021, I have been working hard on eating healthier…but I needed a cheat meal that would be totally worth it. Bruno’s Pizza made it absolutely worth it. Plus, after the past year we have all experienced, I think it is important to do something occasionally, to treat ourselves. That being said, it is also incredibly important to keep in mind supporting our small local businesses like Bruno’s Pizza. They are what make up the integral parts of our community. Elizabeth Precopio Elizabeth Precopio is a hairstylist by day and 24/7 food enthusiast. She visits restaurants in the Kalamazoo area and blogs about her experience at

Meeting of the Minds

Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan and St. Julian Winery

Wine and Girl Scout Cookie Pairing Join us on April 22. Purchase your kit today at

March 2021







I was a product of the ‘60s. I would sing along to Chubby Checker’s “The Twist,” or The Supremes’ “Stop in the Name of Love,” during my junior high lunch hours, which was pretty commonplace for myself and my friends. Though I thought I was open-minded and kind to all people; my white, blue-collar upbringing placed shuttered lenses over my eyes that I am still trying to shed. Jon Meacham’s most recent book, “His Truth is Marching On – John Lewis and the Power of Hope”, brought more clarity and aid to this shedding process. John Lewis was an American politician, statesman and civil rights activist and leader who served in the U.S. House of Representatives for Georgia’s 5th Congressional District until his recent death in July of last year. Lewis’s life reads like fiction: Born the third of 10 children to sharecroppers in rural Alabama, his parents never had the fight nor the spirit in them to fully support Lewis’s dreams of following Martin Luther King’s vision for a beloved community. His life was an activist’s life, a grueling life, a public life, a courageous life, and a life that did not make sense to his humble parents, who favored his original plan of becoming a preacher. Meacham would sometimes lose me in the many names, organizations and data he presents, although I know those details were extremely meaningful to a historian, reviewer, and presidential biographer. The amazing storyline was what captivated me. Here was a 25-year-old college student organizing regional marches, cafeteria sit-ins, and voter registrations for the South’s denied black citizens. Even when faced with repeated cruelty at the hands of powerful law enforcement, Lewis never quit his dream of changing governmental policies to bring true freedom for his Black brothers and sisters. In August 1964, Lewis’s organization brought compelling stories and testimonies before President Lyndon Johnson in hope changes would be made legislatively to allow Black delegates to attend the Democratic National Convention that year. Johnson verbally consented, but politics prevailed. When Lewis’s cautiously hopeful group arrived at the Atlantic City center, the regular Mississippi Delegation, with great derision, stood and walked out in protest. The group’s chairs had been purposely pulled, leaving them to stand alone in that huge arena...eyesores and outcasts once again in the middle of a white crowd. “As far as I’m concerned”, Lewis recalled, “Atlantic City was the turning point of the civil rights movement. I’m absolutely


March 2021

convinced of that. Until then, despite every setback and disappointment and obstacle we had faced over the years, the belief still prevailed that the system would work, the system would listen, the system would respond. Now, for the first time, we had played by the rules, done everything we were supposed to do, had played the game exactly as required, had arrived at the doorstep and found the door slammed in our faces.” And Lewis was right. With the loss of hope, the Black freedom movement turned to rioting in larger cities, with leaders like Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael, whose philosophy totally differed from the non-violent approach of Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis. But Lewis never participated in that type of activism. He broke away from the organization he had founded and made the turn to politics. Perhaps the door slamming in his face changed the way Lewis wanted to fight...for he turned his eye to Washington, D.C as an insider to bring changes in job opportunities, housing and voting disparities for his Black community. I have been struck anew in recent years learning my upbringing in a tiny northern all-white town kept me in a bubble that barely paid attention to the Southern problems of racism, nor the concerns of our Black brothers and sisters. I feel ashamed. March 7, 2021 marks the 56 years since Selma’s Bloody Sunday, where John Lewis and scores of other peaceful activists were brutally beaten by police. My hope is that Americans are challenged to contemplate that past event….and perhaps more shades will rescind from our blinded eyes, compelling us to choose change in 2021. Marlita Walker Marlita is a native Michigander, who returned back to the area after 18 years spent in IL and PA. When she is not on cruising adventures with her hubby in their vintage Roadtrek camper van; she relaxes by re-arranging her home decor, walking with friends, and connecting with her 10 grands who live in TN and CA. Read more book reviews at

← Look Familiar? Your Girl ← Needs Camp!

Anxiety, isolation, and boredom have been rough on our girls. Now, more than ever, they will benefit from spending time in a safe place, with lots of outdoor activities to do and loads of new friends waiting to be made. Risk-free registration is available until June 1. See you this summer!

March 2021




Irish Kitchen Delights This year, celebrate St. Patty’s Day at home by trying out these fun, Irish recipes. Don’t forget the Jameson!

Irish Bangers & Mash with Guinness Onion Gravy BANGERS:

1 lb uncooked bratwurst 1 Tbsp olive oil 3 oz Guinness (or stout beer of choice) MASHED POTATOES:

4 russet potatoes (peeled and cubed) 2 Tbsp butter ½ c half and half GUINNESS ONION GRAVY:

2 1 2 1 1

Tbsp butter medium onion (sliced thin) Tbsp all-purpose flour c Guinness (or stout beer of choice) c beef stock Salt & Pepper to taste


In a skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add sausages and stout. Cover with lid and leave a slight crack to allow enough steam to escape. Cook covered for about 10 minutes, turning half-way through. After sausages have cooked for 10 minutes, remove lid and allow the liquid to reduce a bit and coat the sausages. When the liquid is almost gone, lower heat to medium-low and continue cooking with the lid on, rotating occasionally, until evenly browned and cooked through, about another 10 minutes. GRAVY:

In a separate pot, heat butter over mediumhigh heat.


March 2021

Add sliced onions and cook until slightly brown and fragrant, 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle with flour and allow to cook 2-3 minutes. Add stout and scrape bottom of pan to deglaze. Add beef stock and allow to simmer until no longer foamy, 10-15 minutes.


In large pot cover potatoes with water and bring to a boil. Cook until soft. Drain and add butter and half and half. Mash to your preferred consistency. To serve, top potatoes with sausages and onion gravy.

Irish Cream Pie CRUST:

15 oz Nabisco Chocolate Wafers (about 1 1/2 boxes) 5 Tbsp unsalted butter melted 2 Tbsp granulated sugar * You may substitute a prepared chocolate crumb pie crust


1/2 c milk 32 large marshmallows 1/3 c Baileys Irish Cream liqueur 1 1/2 c heavy cream TOPPING:

1/2 c heavy cream 2 Tbsp confectioner’s sugar 1 Tbsp vanilla instant pudding powder


Add wafers to a blender or food processor and pulse until fine crumbs form. Pour crumbs into a medium bowl, reserving about 2 Tbsp, and stir in the sugar. Then make a well, pour in melted butter and mix until evenly coated. Press into the bottom and up the sides of a 9- or 10-inch springform pan. FILLING:

In a medium saucepan, heat milk and marshmallows over low heat, stirring constantly, until marshmallows are melted. Pour into a medium bowl and refrigerate for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from a spoon. Gradually stir in Irish Cream until smooth. Whip the heavy cream on mediumhigh speed in a large bowl or stand mixer until stiff peaks form, fold the marshmallow mixture into the heavy cream and mix gently until fully combined. Pour filling into prepared pie crust. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours and up to 48 hours. Just before serving, in a medium bowl or stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat the heavy cream, confectioners’ sugar, and pudding mix on medium-high speed for about 2 minutes until light and fluffy. Pipe cream around the edges of the pie and dust with the reserved cookie crumbs.

Heather Dombos Heather comes from a long, southern tradition of hospitality and hearty cooking. You can usually find her in the kitchen whipping up something special for family and friends.

March 2021



Libraries are a community cornerstone to provide not only resources for students and education, but many community-driven resources as well. They are also funded by your community, so a library should be within reach, no matter your location. At times, especially with the digital age, they are often forgotten as a resource, or someplace to find your next reading adventure. Here are some things to note about your local libraries, here in southwest Michigan.

Kalamazoo alone is home to five libraries: The Alma Powell, Central, Eastwood, Oshtemo and Washington Square Library. Surrounding libraries – most towns and townships of southwest Michigan offer library services either through their own or others. Locations include Portage, Parchment, Comstock, Richland, Galesburg, Vicksburg, Mattawan, Schoolcraft, Three Rivers, Marcellus, Paw Paw, Plainwell, Allegan, Marcellus, Dowagiac, Cassopolis, and Lawton. You could have TWO library cards. If you belong to some of these surrounding libraries, you are also able to register for a Kalamazoo Public Library card as well! Access the internet through Wi-Fi or sign out one of the library computers. They typically have programs such as Microsoft Office, Ancestry, and access to a printer. Digital apps make it easy to check out a book on the go – most libraries offering Hoopla or Libby (and Libby allows you to read books through Kindle if you prefer). Why purchase media when you can instantly download it? Interlibrary loans are another resource offered through the Michigan Interlibrary loan network. This allows you to request media from another library if yours does not own it! If it is a new book and you ask about it, they may just buy it as well.


March 2021

Looking for something to do? Libraries host a myriad of different events; many are even hosting online events right now. This includes book groups, trivia nights, author visits, writing groups, story times, book sales, contests, and educational programs. Searching for something in particular for research or a project? Librarians are there to help you maneuver through fact-checked resources from their database, finding referenced media for what you need. Libraries offer so much more than books. Nowadays they have a multitude of resources, both online and available in your community. This extends to print books, audiobooks, CDs, movies, TV series, newspapers, magazines and so much more. Relax. Cozy corners and nooks give you space to enjoy everything your local library has to offer.

SO, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Grab that library card (or register for one at your local library) and get out there! Hannah Reuter Hannah graduated from WMU in 2015 with a degree in Economics and currently resides in Portage. In her free time she enjoys strumming the guitar and painting. She is the author of two YA books under the pseudonym, H.B. Catherine. You can find information on her books and writing at


JOIN US FOR A DAY OF FREE FAMILY FUN! • Bounce house & obstacle course • Heroes and characters who love to engage and pose for photos • Rocking musical performances

• Trick-or-Treating • Kid’s costume contest • Princess story time • Face painting


VENDORS: There is still time to reserve your booth for the 2021 Expo (269) 488-9780 | | March 2021


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