1 minute read
Tania(th rbalist)Khazaal
I mastered the world of social media, growing my audience and continuing to share information to empower others to learn the basics of healing and living a healthier and more vibrant life
I soon learned that I can only share so much information because there are so many modalities into healing, from plant medicine, to nutrition, to traditional birthing, to fitness and training, to chiropractic care There was just so much, and I couldn't learn and teach it all. At that moment I decided I needed to create something to help others build their passion into a successful online wellness business and that is when the Healer's 6-Figure Formula was born. It is where I teach other healers and aspiring healers to turn their passion into profits through content creation, social media strategies and digital products to help the world empower themselves and learn they too can overcome common ailments and illnesses they face today
My purpose is to help others know that they are meant for more, they can do more and they deserve to feel great while doing it
Let me know how this works for you
IG: https://www.instagram.com/taniatheherbalist/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/taniatheherbalist
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taniatheherblst
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@taniatheherbalist
Website: https://www.taniatheherbalist.com/
Ella Cora Hind (1861–1942)
Ella Cora Hind was A Canadian journalist in Western Canada
Because she was a woman, she was denied a reporter position at the Manitoba Free Press in 1882 Tenacious as she was, she became a public stenographer and kept a close eye on prairie crop yields Although she was denied a fulltime position, she continued to submit farming articles to the Free Press, and her farm upbringing made it easy for her to speak with agricultural workers

During the Great Depression, she became famous internationally for her accurate predictions of Canadian prairie crop yields. Her opinions and accurate predictions often influenced Winnipeg Grain Exchange prices. Eventually, she was hired as Manitoba Free Press’ agricultural editor, and also founded the Canadian Women’s Press Club’s Winnipeg branch in the mid-1900s. She fought for women’s rights and eventually brought to law in Manitoba to grant women the right to vote and hold office https://www.readersdigest.ca/culture/canadian-women-in-history/