1 minute read
ur imperfections make us very unique and also quite beautiful. Some of our appealing qualities are more profound when left imperfect than when considered flawless. Our blemishes and weaknesses can make us more charming and more beautiful. People who make mistakes are more fascinating than those who appear to be perfect. We cannot relate to perfect, we love people who are real. That is true beauty inside and out. Let's accept ourselves for who we are and who we are meant to be. We are all perfectly and authentically beautiful in our own special way and we should be proud of who we are.

Spring is in the Air
I somehow feel as if my senses are dramatically affected by this gorgeous season of Spring I feel so alive "There is a spring in my step" so to speak lol The anticipation of seeing the green grass again, planning my trips to the garden centre to purchase my pretty flower favourites and switching out my heavy winter curtains with my pretty romantic sheers tends to put me in a really happy mood With the winter months feeling so long, the excitement of this precious season makes me feel giddy with delight spring is the promise that everything will begin again, letting go and embracing something new New love, new beginnings, rebirth, birds, butterflies, and all the pretty flowers

WEhave some pretty incredible women. Some of these women have endured inconceivable heartbreak that one could not even imagine. The emotional, mental and spiritual strength these women encompass is evident in their touching stories of life, love and loss. Coping with the loss of someone you love is one of life's biggest challenges and can feel extremely overwhelming. I am completely inspired by their strength to perservere, their will to heal and live life to the fullest.

Dee's Creative Corner