7 minute read
Once there was a Mom
Lynette Snook
once there was a Mom who watched him study who knew how hard he tried who saw him put on a gown and walk across a stage who watched him open letters who helped him pack who cried as he drove off and they were both scared once there was a Mom who watched him walk down the aisle who heard him say "I do" who was happy he was happy who became a Nan who held a little girl who read to her who sang to her who loved her dearly and they were scared once there was a Son who loved his Mom who made her smile who fed her soup who read to her who told her he loved her who held her hand who said good-bye who knew his Mom loved them beyond the stars and that she would not be afraid anymore once there was a Son who was a Dad and he was scared.
My name is Lynette Snook. I am a mother, a teacher, and an author. I strive to write stories that will endure time, books that are more than text, and words that create experiences. I write books that have a heartbeat and whisper, "You are loved". I have been a primary/elementary/special education teacher for almost three decades. I have always loved teaching and writing and I strive to use both in hopes of making a positive change in the hearts and minds of children.
Forever My Heartbeat


and Wellness Expert Nutritionist
Darpan is a
Certified Live Blood Analyst
Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN)

Plant Therapist
Holistic Nutritionist
Weight Loss Counselor
Body and Blood Hacker
Product Knowledge Expert, Educator/Teacher
Creator My Golden Root™ Fermented Turmeric (CA-GMP cert lab)

And soon to include Functional Medicine
Practitioner to her wide selection of credentials
For over 20 years Darpan Ahluwalia (a.k.a Total Nutrition Diva) has been the CEO of the "Manotick Natural Market '' health food/supplement store and the one of a kind unique clinic/wellness Hub based in Manotick, in the Ottawa Valley, Canada. She is also the Creator of "My GoldenRoot™" - a gut-focused, Immune support and Anti-Inflammatory product, approved and made in a GMP approved lab in Canada. This product with it's great success has made its own life and energy and has traveled around the Globe.

Her sayings are "Listen to your body" & "You are what you Absorb" - Prevention is key!
How do I know what supplement is the best ?
Well, for most quality third party products, how they are tested and where the raw materials are coming from is key. How would an average person know? There is lots of research involved in knowing what products to use, so firstly, stop asking your friends, neighbors and Google. One thing you have to understand is everyone is unique as everyone has a different biochemistry. What your symptoms are, what medications you might be on and interactions are just some of the points you need to be aware of. Best thing is to go to a practitioner similar to myself to find the root cause of your imbalances to make the right protocol for you. Taking supplements that are the latest fad, or suggested by Dr Oz or a friend is not the anwer. Once you know what your body needs then that's the best supplement(s) for you.
Why is magnesium not working for my sleep, what do you suggest?
Magnesium is one of the most depleted minerals in our soil in Canada, yet not everyone still needs magnesium. Taking the right form is what's going to work. For example if you are taking Magnesium oxide which are generally found in pharmacies and grocery stores, is not the correct form for sleep issues These are more so used for laxative purposes. So knowing the form you are using would give me a better understanding. Another point that would be beneficial to know is what are the causes of your sleep issues to thus guide you to a better remedy accordingly. Other possible sleep support remedies are melatonin, valerian, lavender, German camomile, lemon balm, coffea cruda, etc.
What herb will help me with menopause, I do not want to use HRT which my mom and grandmother used and got cancer?

Without stepping on the medical boundaries, I suggest you ask your doctor for a hormone panel test (covered generally by ohip). If they deny this test, you are welcome to reach out to me or Any other practitioner who can order that for you (paid by pocket). Knowing your levels I can then suggest herbs and vitamins more accurately. Herbs like rhubarb, maca, Sage, red clover. I would highly suggest to support your Adrenal glands during that process. Basic active B complex can help. An appointment would be highly suggested to understand your symptoms and find the root cause
Why is it important to have supplements, why not just get it from food?
I get that question all the time and I love answering it! We as a society have definitely evolved but our misuse of mother earth and chemicals has depleted our soil -so in turn the quality of our food is not as good as it used to be, that's number one. Number 2 is that the majority of people have a compromised digestive system due to bad habits like not drinking enough water, taking too many medications and feeling too much stress in my opinion from what I see in my live blood consultations/assessments with thousands of clients. It is needed more so than just food to get back on track with imbalances and deficiencies. So I do recommend supplements, herbs, teas as they are what were used since the beginning of time for healing.
GoldenRoot™ is a great product that will help with bloating as it is a great digestive aid and because it helps with healing the gut lining, ie. "leaky gut" which is one of the main factors of bloating.
Do we have to come in person for a consult with you or do you do virtual appointments ?
Great question! I see clients virtually all across the globe, both for nutrition, weight loss and supplement review, medication interactions etc. When I need to see a client in person, it initially is when we are doing a live blood cell analysis consultation, my favorite modality in my practice as I need to prick the fingertip to get a drop of live blood to read under a dark field microscope. Once we have found the root causes and imbalances, the rest can all be done virtually as well. You are welcome to connect anytime.
Why can't I get my doctor to do a hormone test, where else can I go?
Not all doctors are keen on giving the hormone panel requisition. For many reasons, Including the main reason they don't see the benefit in doing so especially for certain age groups. There are many reputable labs out there , I use a few with my clients. You do however need to see a nurse practitioner, naturopathic doctor or practitioner like myself who can order the lab tests and discuss the findings with you.
Want more of your questions answered? email Women Rock or me directly for the next issue of ask the expert column
Darpan Ahluwalia
Total Nutrition Diva
Manotick Natural Market and Wellness Hub

Author of "Context Eating Method for Women"

Herbalist homeopath functional medicine practitioner certified Live Blood Analyst,plant Therapist, registered Holistic Nutritionist, product knowledge expert and educator
Click darpandiva@gmail.com https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1738822710/ref=tmm_ pap_swatch_0?
_encoding=UTF8&qid=1677505846&sr=81&fbclid=IwAR1q8eyf2UO9EuPX6a501EXPO9TxYO 0UyAqeRZYj--c_Hmg_PpvSLD1bPpk https://manoticknaturalmarket.com/ https://www.facebook.com/manoticknaturalmarket
I feel sick and neverending burps when I take fish oil capsules. What do you suggest?
Oh that's so common. Various reasons again as I have mentioned plenty of times. We all have a different biochemistry so not one product will work for everyone. A few reasons could be as follows you are not taking the fish oils with food or with a full stomach, you don't have a gall bladder, you are not breaking down your fats. Another very important reason is that the product is not of good quality, or often rancid causing the burping effect. It's not what you eat it's what you absorb. You have heard me says this in my tag line often - if you have not heard this, let it sink in now.
I was told detoxes are dangerous. What are your thoughts?
I think detoxes can be misleading and dangerous to use for some. But detoxification is essential. With all the toxins Internal, external, environmental, chemical. We bring in so many toxins in from the time we wake up tuntil end of day and then repeated everyday, day in day out. You would be surprised at how much abuse our body takes on. I say 30 - 50 things you don't realize you are putting on your body. ( If interested in getting the list. I am happy to send it to you, email me darpandiva@gmail.com ). Detoxification is essential herbs, teas, exercise, oxygen, sauna dry brushing etc always talk with a practitioner like myself for guided support. Knowledge the medical history, allergies, medications, blood sugar levels, bowel movements all are taken onto consideration
I have borderline low iron and I do take supplements every other day for it but my stomach gets upset often when I take them. Is there anything else you would recommend besides iron supplement pills? Do you suggest anything else that would bring my iron and energy up?
I often hear that complaint. The form of Iron does make a big difference. A Polypeptide form will be more absorbable. It's not what you eat but what you absorb. Maybe you are not absorbing it so take with vitamin C. Other forms of iron from food is sourdough hemp pasta, stinging nettle tea, Alfa Alfa, cilantro, parsley, spinach, and lentils are some of the high iron food sources. Active B12 can help with energy. With all of that being suggested though, there could be other underlying causes that need to be looked into as well.

My anxiety is really bad sometimes especially when I am stressed. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do or take to relax and not stress so much about everything?
Stress is the biggest cause of diseases in the mind body and soul. Deep breathing, exercise, laughter yoga, journaling, meditation, hertz music anything like that, that takes you to your zen space will help calm your nerves. Lemon balm, B complex, theanine, htp, ashwagandha, magnesium are some helpful remedies.
NOTE - (Liability Disclaimer): These are suggestions so don't just go buy, please reach out for a one-to-one mini consultation.