A Publication of Woodbridge Golf & Country Club
Published by Woodbridge Golf & Country Club 950 E Woodbridge Rd, Woodbridge, CA 95258 Digital version available at www.woodbridgegcc.net
President Cody Diede | VP Mark Berry | Treasurer Nolan Person | Secretary Danny Miladinovich | Past President Nick Salvetti
Stan Demski, Dan Grauman, Greg Kozlowski, Chris Phelps, Laura Reeves, Josh Sturman
Club Contacts
Thomas Schunn, General Manager 263-0113 | tsschunn@woodbridgegcc.com
Questions about this publication should be directed to Kristine Roberson, 263-0115 or kroberson@woodbridgegcc.com
Storm Dollars
Membership & Marketing Director Kristine Roberson 263-0115 | kroberson@woodbridgegcc.com
Office Manager Evelyn Chinchiolo 263-0116 | elchinchiolo@woodbridgegcc.com
Human Resources Manager Mindy Adolf 263-0114 | madolf@woodbridgegcc.com
Administration Office 334-5454 x 100
Food & Beverage Director Nick Chamulak 263-0112 | nchamulak@woodbridgegcc.com
Events Manager Jessica Johnstone 263-0121 | jjohnstone@woodbridgegcc.com
Food & Beverage Supervisor Kelley Mori 263-0133 | kmori@woodbridgegcc.com
Cafe 263-0133 | Private Events 263-0121
Head Golf Professional John Hughes, PGA 368-2685 | jhughes@woodbridgegcc.com
Class A Golf Course Super. Kurtis Wolford 368-9040 | kwolford@woodbridgegcc.com
Player Development Professional Ryan Williams 369-2371 | rawilliams@woodbridgegcc.com
Golf Shop/Tee Times 369-2371
Fitness Center 370-6330
Tennis Professional Mauricio Achondo, USPTA 327-5659 | machondo@woodbridgegcc.com
Tennis Professional Haley Marais, USPTA 275-5158 | hmarais@woodbridgegcc.com
Tennis/ Court Reservations 370-6330
The unusual operating and financial activities for 2023 are still unfolding. The storm destruction and shutdown in January caused the Club to file a large damage claim with our insurer. We will be receiving insurance proceeds for damage to trees, the golf courses, the driving range, and courtyard patio canopy. There were some additional smaller property damages. We are additionally filing a business interruption claim with our insurer. In a strange way, the storms helped the Club financially. On the flip side, it terribly impacted members’ ability to fully enjoy their Club. It also was a sad story to lose so many trees. The insurance claim will likely be the biggest news for finances for the year. Last year’s biggest news was unbudgeted income from a payroll protection loan that was forgiven. It amounted to almost $600,000. The prior year to that was about covid shutdowns and restrictions. Your Club was the beneficiary of all sorts of programs during and after covid that were available to small businesses and non-profit entities. It started at the end of 2019 with a Small Business Administration loan. Next, the Employee Retention Tax Credits became available to qualifying businesses. There was also a sizable insurance claim for storm damage in 2020. Finally, the Payroll Protection Plan monies became available and forgiven. These were all huge financial events for the Club. We are hopeful the storms that rolled through at the beginning of the year are the only dramatic event impacting the membership experience and finances for 2023. All clear sailing hopefully from here!
Courses Update
The golf course maintenance team has been totally immersed in storm recovery. Our workers and several contractors did a remarkable job. We are still not done. In addition to fallen and damaged trees, there was debris everywhere. The cleanup efforts were time consuming. Many members commented on a job well done when the Vineyard and River Courses reopened. It was not as saturated as they expected either. We decided to move as quickly as possible into the sprinkler replacement project, starting with the River Course. It is expected to take a minimum of three weeks per course. It has not been decided which course will be next in que for new sprinkler heads. On top of this, there are still more storm damage repairs that need completion. Soon thereafter, there will be the spring maintenance and aerification on the calendar. The golf course maintenance crew is busy indeed.
Still Projects
There are some storm damage projects to be completed at the driving range and on the Courtyard Patio. We had damage to irrigation controllers that need to be replaced. We had damage to a wash station in the maintenance yard, too. These will take some time to repair or replace. The solar project is nearly complete. PG&E will administer the “switch over” in the upcoming days. The resurfacing of the north parking lot as well as new striping will be completed at the end of the month or beginning of March, when the warmer temperatures permit.
In the Know
We are on a campaign to make all members better informed on happenings at the Club. We would like you to update your roster information on the website — items such as work, birthdays, dependents, and more. It is helpful to have a picture on the electronic membership roster. The employees can extend even better hospitality in that the club software system has a built-in membership recognition program. If you have not downloaded the Woodbridge app, for whatever reason, you should. If you need assistance, just stop by the business office and someone will guide you. The text messaging system is fantastic for getting prompt information. The text system requires “opting in” through your smartphone. Again, someone in the office can assist you, if needed.
We are back to hosting events. Dining is returning to normal as well. The hours for regular member services will soon be extended in accordance with the longer days of the year that are coming with Spring. See you around the Club!
Did you know? App users are informed faster!
the Gift of Legacyfor you & your family
Woodbridge Golf & Country Club is known in our community as a welcoming family club. We are proud of this legacy, and it is because of this long-standing value that we are opening membership to your children, grandchildren and immediate family through the Gift of Legacy.
For a limited-time, the Gift of Legacy program allows you to offer any of our Woodbridge memberships to your children, grandchildren or immediate family with no upfront Initiation Fee, with a two-year commitment to membership. Our families, who are just heading down their chosen career paths and starting families of their own, want a Woodbridge membership, but the Initiation Fee is very likely a barrier of entry for them. The 2023 Legacy Program will allow them to join your Club with no upfront costs, now through March 31, 2023.
Also through March 31, 2023, current members can upgrade their memberships to a higher category for no upgrade fee, providing they sign a new two-year commitment to membership!
See Kristine in the Membership Office for more information!
Friday Dinners are back
Our Dinner Menu runs each Friday night, 5-8pm. Reservations are highly recommended, and can be made online using the QR code below.
Download the Club App! Available at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store! YOUR APP SIGN IN IS THE SAME AS YOUR WEBSITE SIGN IN Go to your phone’s app store, and search for “Woodbridge Golf & Country Club.” You’ll see the green “W” image above. 3 FEBRUARY 2023
SAVE THE DAY with our To Go Packages
This month, we are offering two great to-go packages in the Food & Beverage Department for our members:
SuperBowl To-Go Packages
The Super Bowl is serious business. The challenge is, how to get all the great party food ready without being stuck in the kitchen and missing the game (or worse, the commercials!). That’s why we are offering our members to-go packages, so you can relax, enjoy the game and your company, without having to spend the day in the kitchen. Here’s what we are offering:
Three Dozen - $45
You’ll receive one dozen each of BBQ, Buffalo & Teriyaki flavored wings, with Ranch, Carrots & Celery
One Dozen - $35
You’ll receive Pulled Pork Sliders with slaw & BBQ Sauce
You’ll receive a seven-layer dip that includes beans, guacamole, sour cream, salsa, cheddar cheese, black olives & green onion, along with our housemade chips
Your choice of red or green salsa (1 qt each), with our housemade chips
Valentine Sweetheart Package
Surprise your beloved with this great package that includes a bottle of champagne and 6 chocolate-covered strawberries. Simply choose the bubbly:
Anderson Valley - $50
Collection 242 - $80
With both packages, the deadline to order is Feb 9. Orders are being accepted online.
JANUARY’s Rachel Berg
Sponsor: Membership Committee
Category: Sports
Chuck Flesher
Sponsor: D Grauman Category: Full Golf
Roger Vincelet Sponsor: D Brundy Category: Single Golfer
Kari Maldanado Sponsor: Category: Full Golf
New Members Proprietary Golf 396 Senior 32 Select Golf 97 Sports 221 Dining 65 Total Members 811 MEMBERSHIP AS OF 1/31/23
Scan for SuperBowl Package Ordering
Scan for Valentine Package Ordering
SET UP FOR SUCCESS Before hitting the ball
Ben Hogan once said, “The swing is 90 percent over at address.” Claude Harmon, Sr, Masters Champion in 1948 and father of legendary coach “Butch” Harmon, spoke endlessly about “Grip, Alignment, and Balance.” Even as a budding golf nerd, I would go into lessons with Tommy Masters expecting him to tell me something fancy within the swing itself when, the majority of the time, he would make small tweaks to my posture or ball position. What dawned on me is how highly great minds in the game value how a player positions his or her body relative to the ball and see clearly its influence on both the quality of the strike and the direction of the shot.
To borrow from another titan of golf instruction, John Jacobs said, “The sole purpose of the golf swing is to produce the correct impact.” Below are tour averages on the PGA Tour for what is happening at impact:
Let’s focus the rest of our conversation on controlling the “Attack Angle” or the degree to which the clubhead is swinging down or up at the moment it collides with the ball. Having the Attack Angle be within certain parameters is crucial to the quality of the strike; for example, a player with a positive Attack Angle (club moving in an upward direction)
will not be able to hit an iron or wedge consistently. To dive deeper into the data, the shorter the club, the more down a player would ideally swing while the strike with a driver is much more level. On the LPGA Tour, the players actually average swinging up on their drivers.
All things being equal within the swing itself, a player’s address position has a huge effect on producing the ideal impacts displayed on the graph above.
Pitching Wedge: set-up should encourage a descending strike
1. Ball slightly back of center
2. Weight more to front side with level shoulders
3. Stance slightly narrower than shoulder-width
7-Iron: set-up should encourage descending strike
1. Ball in middle of stance
2. Weight centered or very slightly to left side with slight shoulder tilt
3. Stance shoulder-width
Driver: set-up should encourage a level or slightly ascending strike
1. Ball forward in stance (under logo on left breast for a right-handed player)
2. Weight evenly distributed with slightly more shoulder tilt
3. Stance slightly wider than shoulder-width
For the smallest motions in golf (chips and pitches), don’t be afraid to go even narrower, ball even further back in your stance, with your weight stacked even more to your front side.
So now that you know the parameters and the set-ups that encourage “ideal impacts,” take a hard look at what happens in your ball flight. Do you pop drivers up? You’re very likely swinging too far down at impact. Do you top fairway woods or blade wedges? The most common cause for both is not swinging down enough! Before you go making complicated changes within the swing, find out whether you can make a simpler change before your swing even begins!
WINTER RULES Advice for all players
There are drawbacks to playing preferred lies: First, it conflicts with the fundamental principle of the game in playing the ball as it lies. Second, it tends to lower scores and a player’s Handicap Index. Finally, it can be penalizing in a competition when the player cannot play preferred lies. So, whenever you can, “play it down!”
Play Fast
Make sure you’re not the reason your group falls behind. It doesn’t matter how good you are or how bad you are, just keep moving. You’ll find that you score better. Try it.
And … Take Care of the Course
Fix balls marks, fill divots, rake bunkers, keep carts 40 ft. or more away from the greens.
Men’s Tournaments in 2023
Date Event
Feb 18
Mar 11
May 20 & 21
June 22, 23 & 24
May 31
Kickoff Tourn./NCGA Zone Qualifier
St. Patrick's Day Scramble
Woodbridge Ryder Cup
Tokay Invitational (not part of points race)
Twilight League (start)
Matches in June Club Championship
July 15
Aug 19 & 20
Sep 23 & 24
Oct 28
Matches Oct-Nov
Nov 18
Triple Play Tournament
President's Cup
Vocker Cup (not part of points race)
Superintendent's Revenge Tourn.
Senior Club Championship (not part of points race)
Golf Finale Tournament
18 Hole Ladies Tournaments in 2023
Date Event
Apr 18, 20 & 25
June 14, 15 & 16
Sep 12, 14 & 19
Handicap Tournament
Ladies Invitational
WWGA Championship
WHAT January
storms wrecked havoc on the course
Boy is the maintenance crew glad January is over. Mother nature kept punching us in the gut over and over again and would not let up. After the barrage of storms we had, here are some weather details from our weather station.
• 16.63 inches of rain in 20 days.
• Maximum wind gust that ranged from 42-60 MPH.
Mother nature had us on the ropes for sure. The damage was obvious. The course looked like a hurricane went through it — branches everywhere, trees broken in half, trees down, trees on houses. The total number of trees either downed or damaged so much they needed to be removed was 61. We also had many other damages to the Club, such as the driving range net, patio sail shade cover, irrigation controllers etc.
The crew worked their keesters off when we could in a safe manner in between storms. We even called in some reinforcements from employees from the restaurant, and outside service staff to help pick up branches. Of the 61 trees needing work, our crew did 50 trees. Grover Tree provided us a bid for all the tree work, but out of the total bid, our crew did equivalent to $80,000 worth of tree work in 20 days.
Let's talk about debris removal. We hauled off 150 tons of wood. Thank you to Casey and Rudy Vaccarezza at Cal- Waste for being awesome partners and helping us out with the hauling of wood logs debris. All of the twigs, branches, and wood chips from the tree work went to our dump area.
We did save a few logs from special trees that we can turn into benches in the future. These series of storms have a striking similarity to the storms of 2017, when the Club lost a lot of trees. We have a long road to recovery. Grover Tree and the crew have already started grinding tree stumps and preparing those areas for new sod. We will be working diligently on getting the course back into shape.
We received the new sprinkler heads from Toro during all these storms. We are formulating a plan to install them. The new sprinklers will give us better performance, applying water over a radius of 65-70 ft. Many of the heads on the course are 30+ years old and worn out. We are also replacing the small valve boxes with many of the lids worn out. We are replacing them with a bigger thicker valve box. Like with many infrastructures type items, irrigation heads are not the miracle fix for all wet and dry spots. We have numerous environmental factors influencing performance such as tree shade, tree roots, and slopes. The new sprinkler heads are laying the foundation for years of good performance and being able to irrigate correctly. This is a BIG project on our plate. It will take us time to get all 2,300 new heads installed. Look for updates over the next few months as we dive into that project.
We have lot of work to do as we roll into spring and the golf season. I hope Mother Nature gives us a break and has a nice mellow summer for us.
2023 Goal Getter Grand Prize Winner!
Fitness Center Updates
Congratulations to Brook Reich, who was our first member to complete 30 workouts in 2023! She won the grand prize of a tshirt and water bottle. All of our Goal Getter participants who finished the challenge — 30 workouts in 6 weeks — won a prize as well!
We noticed our Dish Network service in the Fitness Center wasn’t functioning properly last month. It appears that Dish is suffering with shorthandedness like so many of us. A repairman has been slow in getting to the Club, but we hope to have the fix completed before this article goes to print.
We are looking to sell two more our the spin bikes.This will accomplish two things — free up some space in the spin room to allow for more multifunctional use of the space; and allow us to purchase an additional recumbant bike to alleviate usage congestion for the machines we have.
Speaking of cardio equipment, the Club’s policy is to NOT take reservations for cardio machines. All equipment is first come, first served. If someone is waiting for the specific equipment you’re using, we ask that you limit your workout to 30 minutes.
Upcoming Tennis Events
Mark your calendars!
Mar 4: St Patricks Round Robin noon-3
Apr 29: Easter Round Robin noon-3
May 13: Mother’s Day Round Robin 9am-noon
June 3: Summer Kickoff Round Robin 9am-noon
June 16: Beer, Balls & Barbecue 9am-noon
Thank you to both the member limiting their time on the machine, and to the member, who respectfully and patiently waits their turn.
Swimming Pool Updates
The pool has two heaters that work throughout the winter to keep the water temperature a pleasant 82 degrees. But about halfway through last month, one of the heaters began malfunctioning. Our pool maintenance company was notified immediately of the problem. Unfortunately, as is the case these days in many industries, we’ve had to wait for labor and parts to become available. We hope to have this heater up and running again by the time this newsletter hits press!
We’ve also been on the hunt for a backstroke flag solution that won’t require us having to drill into the pool deck, and we believe we have a good solution! Look for these flags while you’re backstroking this month!
Tennis Updates
Last fall, the Sports Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the tennis courts be resurfaced. We have budgeted for these repairs starting
in the summer (court repairs cannot be successfully completed while the ashphalt is cold).
With the Central Valley Tennis League in full swing, we are working on upping our communication game with maintenance staff so that our Club presents itself to visiting teams in the best possible light. We want clean courts, bathrooms and a pleasant experience for members and visitors alike at the Sports Complex.
Did you know that pickleball is THE FASTEST growing sport in America? It’s true! Forbes reported that Bill Gates is a big fan. Pickleball—which Gates described as a “mashup of tennis, badminton and pingpong”—has surged in popularity over the past few years, but Gates has been playing his entire life. Gates said he thinks the sport’s gaining traction is partly because the game is so simple to learn and easy to play, writing that everyone “from the super young and super old” can take part with just a net, paddle and ball. But Gates thinks the best part about pickleball is that “it’s just super fun,” adding that he plays with friends and family at least once a week, and usually more often in the summer months. Why not give pickleball a swing at the Club?
My name is Mick Manna. I am 5 years old. I have a big sister Mari and big brother Max. I enjoy playing tennis, basketball, baseball, and football. My brother Max is my best friend. He plays with me all the time. We also love to play PS5. When I grow up, I want to be a farmer like my Dad. My favorite part about playing tennis with teacher Haley is learning how to volley.
Scan QR code for Fitness Class Times!
10 FEBRUARY 2023
Two to three times a week, you might see a giant Sysco truck at the back of the kitchen. Have you wondered if we get all our products from them? Do the soups come out of a bag? Do the dressings come out of a jar? What about sourcing locally — we are in the bread basket of California? These are all great questions and observations I have heard from the membership.
Let's start with the bread.
We get our bread in almost daily from Genova Bakery in Stockton. Since 1918, Genova has been serving fresh-baked, Italian-style breads. We buy our sliced sandwich bread, dinner rolls, and Focaccia from them. My favorite product is the focaccia we serve during dinner — spongy, a little oily and just the right amount of salt.
Dairy Products
We get our dairy from Challenge Dairy. One of their warehouses is right here in Lodi! Founded in Los Angeles in 1911, they use hormone-free dairy and support more than 600 dairies. We order milk, cream, butter, cheese, eggs, and our orange juice from Challenge. Of course my favorite product is the cream! It’s perfect for making alfredo sauce, fresh whipped cream with berries, and our popular New England Clam Chowder that we make in house every Friday.
Local Produce
We get our produce from Produce Express. A warehouse out of Sacramento that started in 1984, they are committed to providing the freshest products from farms and grows all over California. Almost all of our veggies and fruit come from Produce Express. I appreciate their daily deliveries and the super high quality of their food. I even get specialty products from them, including 73 percent dark chocolate for chocolatecovered strawberries, vanilla paste for our desserts and whipped cream, and fresh pasta made daily from Paragary's. My favorite product is the Chef's blend of mushrooms. With five to six changing varieties such as porcini and oyster mushrooms, it's a great mix we use for sauces and pastas.
Local Beef
Finally — and the Jewel of this list — is Curtis Thomas Beef. We get all of our hamburgers and some of our specialty cut steaks, such as Tomahawks, from Curtis and Lauren Ranchers in Herald. You really cannot get any closer than that when it comes to locally sourced. They grow all angus beef and we get to reap the rewards for all their hard work. I love the flavor of their burgers and their high quality.
The Sysco trucks might be the most visible when they are in our parking lot, but myself and the rest of the chef team do our best to source locally and be diverse in our purchasing power when it comes to the quality of the food we produce here at Woodbridge.
11 FEBRUARY 2023
Wet start to the year
January 2023 came in wet and windy, messing with our course and delaying the playing of our first 3 tournament play days. We also felt it wise to reschedule general meeting until such time as we might have members willing to attend. Mother Nature brought much needed rain – we would have liked it at a more moderate pace and without the wind. Altogether the course was closed 21 days.
Thanks to Kurtis and his super staff, the Vineyard and Lake Courses were able to open Sat, Jan 21. Some of us were excited to get out on the course to see what had changed and to awaken our rusty golf muscles. The weather was beautiful on Saturday and it was amazing to see just how much havoc had been wrecked on the course.
With 2 nines open, the WWGA women kicked off 2023 play on Tues, Jan 24 with a field of 23 players. The courses had dried out sufficiently so we were able to use the 90 degree rule, which helped tremendously for us non walkers. Play from the Merlot tees also provided relief for those of us just getting back into the swing of things. The greens were in great shape providing a nice back drop for our low putts sweeps.
Low Putts results were:
1 Dianne Wheeler 29
2 Jami Martin 30
2 Joy Sasaki 30
2 Carolyn Chatfield 34
1 Sharon Daegling 32
2 Cynthia Neely 34
2 Becky Goehring 34
2 Beth Handel 34
2 Diane Gardemeyer 34
Our first General Meeting was held after lunch with Co Captain, Beth Handel presiding. Minutes of the meeting will be forth coming.
A brief discussion was held regarding Medallion play. WGANC Medallions, or pendants, are given to clubs based on number of members. Based on our number of members, we have two Medallions to award. To qualify for the award, a member must play in at least 3 or more of the 7 scheduled Medallion play days (check your roster calendar). The players having the lowest total for 3 net scores for the period shall be the winners. In the event of ties, a fourth net score may be used, fifth net score, etc. Additional Medallions are not given for ties. So mark your calendar for the Medallion play days.
BE SURE TO SIGN UP!!! Valentine Party — Feb 14 — Threesome Scramble. Sign up in the locker room.
Flight 1 Putts Flight 2 Putts
12 FEBRUARY 2023
13 FEBRUARY 2023
49er Update February Play Days
Hey 49ers! Last month only saw a few of you because the courses were closed. I hope to see many more of you this month and through the rest of the year. Consider golfing as exercise and then you might easily reach your goal of exercising more this new year. I want to thank Melissa Krebill for stepping up to do the Valentines party. I know it will be fun.
February Play
2: Lake; tee times, stroke
9: Vineyard; Valentines Party — 8:30am check in & snack; 8:50am shotgun; 11:30am Lunch, set. No general meeting.
16: River (if open); tee times, stroke
23: Lake; Merlo Combo Tees; tee times, Low Putts
Next month, the courses are closed again for maintenance March 1216. So our play day that week is FRIDAY. This means St Patrick party is on Fri, Mar 17, the actual date. However the 18-holers will also be playing that day, because their Tuesday play day was closed, too.
Any way, come out to golf and stay for lunch. Even if you can’t golf, come for lunch between 11am and noon, when the Cafe opens for food and we will see you (some finish playing earlier than others). See you on the course or for food, which is the best part of my game…Arleen
Group 1 — Pat Kishida and Kathryn Munson: 3870 Group 2 — Linda Bush and Sheryl Raumann: 2990 Group 3 — Cynthia Bannon and Jackie Katzakian: 2930
Please remember to post your make-up scores to remain in competition!
January Scores
14 FEBRUARY 2023
15 FEBRUARY 2023
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Yoga 8:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 2 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Cycle 6am 49ers 9am Charity Bridge noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm House Social Committee 4pm Power Hour 5pm Dance Lessons 6pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm 3 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm DINNER 5-8pm Fit for Life 9:30am Beginner Cycle 11am Zumba 11am 4 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In9:30am 5 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH/APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 6 CLUB CLOSED Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 7 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm PIlates 8:30am Tennis A Team Match 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Finance Committee 5pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 8 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Yoga 8:30am Tennis B Team Match 8:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 9 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm 49ers 9am Tennis C Team Match 8:30am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Dance Lessons 6pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm 10 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm DINNER 5-8pm Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am 11 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In9:30am VALENTINE DINNER DANCE 12 SUPER BOWL TO GO PICK UP BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH/APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 13 CLUB CLOSED Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 14 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am Tennis A Team Match 8:30am VALENTINE’S TO-GO PICK UP 18-Hole Ladies 9am Valentine’s Party Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm VALENTINE’S FOUNDERS DINNER 5-8PM Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 15 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Yoga 8:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 16 LUNCH 911m-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Cycle 6am Tennis C Team Match 8:30am 49ers-9am shotgun High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Dance Lessons 6pm 17 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm DINNER 5-8pm Fit for Life 9:30am Beginner Cycle 11am Zumba 11am 18 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-5pm MEN’S KICKOFF TOURNAMENT Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In-9:30am 19 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 20 PRESIDENT’S DAY CLUB OPEN Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Lunch Spin 11am Yoga 5:15pm 21 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6PM Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 22 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Yoga 8:30am Tennis B Team Match 8:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 23 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Cycle 6am 49ers-9am shotgun Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Dance Lessons 6pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm 24 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm DINNER 5-8pm Fit for Life 9:30am Beginner Cycle 11am Zumba 11am MARDI GRAS SHRIMP BOIL 25 BREAKFAST 9am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In-9:30am 26 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-5pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 27 CLUB CLOSED Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Lunch Spin 11am Yoga 5:15pm 28 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-5pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am Tennis A Team Match 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm