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GOLF SHOP NEWS: Reminder about Golf access

Golf Access by Membership Category
Members of Woodbridge have access to the golf courses & practice facilities according to their chosen membership category as follows:
Full Golf / Single Golf / Young Professional – Anytime Tuesday through Sunday.
Weekday – Anytime Tuesday through Thursday; before 10:00 am on Friday.
Twilight – Daylight Savings Time: 3:00 pm and after; Standard Time: 1:30 pm and after.
Sports – On a day when paying guest fees, 6 times per calendar year limit, non-primetime hours.
Dining – On a day when paying guest fees, 6 times per calendar year limit, non-primetime hours.
Golf Rules
Last Month’s Question
A player’s ball is believed to be covered by sand to the extent that they cannot find it. The player may, without penalty, touch or move sand to find or identify the ball only if the ball is believed to lie in a bunker. True or False?
The player may, without penalty, touch or move sand to find or identify the ball when it lies in a bunker, or anywhere on the course.
This Month’s Question
In Four Ball Stroke Play, the “Side” (player A & player B) must enter a gross score for each hole on the scorecard. Which of the following is incorrect?
1. The gross score of at least one partner must be entered on the scorecard.
2. There is no penalty for entering more than one partner’s score on the scorecard.
3. Each score on the scorecard must be clearly identified as the score of the individual partner who made it; if this is not done, the side is disqualified.
4. It is enough to identify a score as the score of the side in general.