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49ER UPDATE: Chilly January Play
The January chill has kept many 49ers off the course but we’re looking forward to warmer, longer days soon.
On Jan 11, we played River with the game being, throw out your worst hole. Despite the lovely, sunshine morning those who played would have preferred “throw out your worst 3 holes.” The good news, no one lost a ball!
Fun play ahead for February with a Valentine’s Party, an alternate shot day and best ball on the upcoming Thursdays.
Teresa will be hosting a putting clinic mid February for the 49ers; check your email for time, date and details.
We continue to tee off at 9am in February. Remember to call the Golf Shop at 209-369-2731 to sign up. Also, please call and cancel if you have a change of plans.
Sign up in the locker room for the Valentine Party hosted by Jennie Fuller and Shannon Hagen on Feb 8.
Hope to see you out there!