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49er Update: Love the February turn out
Despite rainy weather, the 49er Group was out in great numbers during February.
• On Feb 8 we enjoyed a fun round of golf and a terrific Valentine’s Party hosted by Jennie Fuller and Shannon Hagen . A two man scramble had the team of Juliet Fyffe & Ann Weisenberg and the team of Dora Shoemaker & Donna Aarons as winners.
• Alternate shot play on the 15th was well attended with Shannon Hagen, Jennie Fuller & Donna Aarons with low score.
• Feb 20 was stroke play with Jill Bratton, Kathy Cockayne and Donna Aarons with low net.
WNHGA representatives pictured with Melissa Krebill and Donna Aarons spoke with the group on all they have to offer and presented upcoming events.
We look forward to March events, which include a day with Mulligans, pro throws out our two worst holes and a guest day with low putts. Our St Patrick’s Day Party will be held on Mar 14 hosted by Barb Parejo and Terri Spring. Sign up in the ladies locker room.
We welcome our newest member, Nancy Little, who joined us last month and joyfully played through the fog and squishy turf.
Hope to see you all out there, looking forward to sunny days and increasingly warmer mornings.