MAY 2023
A Publication of Woodbridge Golf & Country Club
Published by Woodbridge Golf & Country Club 950 E Woodbridge Rd, Woodbridge, CA 95258 Digital version available at
President Cody Diede | VP Mark Berry | Treasurer Nolan Person | Secretary Danny Miladinovich | Past President Nick Salvetti
Stan Demski, Dan Grauman, Greg Kozlowski, Chris Phelps, Laura Reeves, Josh Sturman
Club Contacts
Questions about this publication should be directed to Kristine Roberson, 263-0115 or
THE TAP IN Short, quick news
Builders Exchange Coming May 5
Membership & Marketing Director Kristine Roberson 263-0115 |
Office Manager Evelyn Chinchiolo 263-0116 |
Human Resources Manager Mindy Adolf 263-0114 |
Administration Office 334-5454 x 100
Events Manager Jessica Johnstone 263-0121 |
Food & Beverage Supervisor Kelley Mori 263-0133 |
Cafe 263-0133 | Private Events 263-0121
Head Golf Professional John Hughes, PGA 368-2685 |
Class A Golf Course Super. Kurtis Wolford 368-9040 |
Player Development Professional Ryan Williams 369-2371 |
Golf Shop/Tee Times 369-2371
Fitness Center 370-6330
Tennis Professional Mauricio Achondo, USPTA 327-5659 |
Tennis Professional Haley Marais, USPTA 275-5158 |
Tennis/ Court Reservations 370-6330
Heads up, Golfers! The annual Builders Exchange Golf Tournament is returning Fri, May 5. This year’s private tournament is lower in attendance, requiring one shotgun at 1pm. We will be offering our members a 9am shotgun (9 holes). Due to the size of the tournament, Friday Night Dinner will be canceled that night, and Cafe service will close to members at noon.
May 31 is deadline for last names starting with S-Z
If your last name starts with S-Z, your food and beverage quarterly minimum ends this month. As a reminder, our events, Cafe food and beverage, beverage cart and wine bottle purchases all count toward your food and beverage minimum.
Woodbridge Pool Officially Opens Memorial Weekend
The weather may be finally warming up, but please keep in mind our pool, while always open to lap swimmers, is not exactly “swimsuit ready” for the season. Please excuse our mess and organizational challenges while we ready the pool and Oasis for the summer months. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Upcoming Member Events
May 13: Tennis Round Robin
May 14: Mother’s Day
May 20-21: Men’s Ryder Cup
May 25: Couples Twilight — Celebrate America Theme
May 29: Memorial Day & Pool Officially Opening
May 31: Men’s Twilight Kick-Off
Death by Committee (Meetings):
May 4: House & Social Committee
May 10: Sports Committee
May 11: Membership Committee
May 16: Finance Committee
May 23: Board of Directors
Our most-informed members are on our app! Are you?
Want to see what’s happening at the Club, make tee times, book dinner reservations, or find your Club friends easily? Be sure you have our Club App installed on your phone! It’s easy! Go to your phone’s app store, and search for “Woodbridge Golf & Country Club.” You’ll see our W logo. Your sign in credentials are the same as the website.
2 MAY 2023
3 MAY 2023 10 & 11AM 1 & 2PM
Despite the long winter weather this year, membership sales have remained steady with the 2023 Sales Plan. So far this year, we have welcomed 27 new members to the Club, and said goodbye to 25, for a net addition of two for the year. That may seem low — and resignations were a little higher than normal first quarter — but we are now starting to hit our peak membership sales season with the warmer weather here (thanks Mother Nature!). Last month alone, we welcomed 10 new members (see right), and I expect to see similar numbers for May and upcoming months.
Our Legacy Program ran earlier this year, resulting in 12 new members and 10 member upgrades — another successful year! Thank you for refering your family to the Club, and thank you to those of you who took advantage of the program to upgrade your memberships.
At its last meeting, the House & Social Committee asked to see a break down of spending trends according to membership category. The results are interesting, and I thought I’d share the numbers with the entire membership. It’s no surprise that of all memberships, the Full Golf category spends the most on food and beverage at the Club — their unlimited accessability to all Club amenities makes these members the highest users of the Club. But second place may be a surprise to you — it’s nearly a tie between Single Golf and Sports! Here’s the breakdown of the sales data, from Jan 1 through Apr 27, 2023 when I ran the report:
Total Sales: $323,748
1. Total Full Golf Sales: $116,410
2. Total Single Golfer Sales: $55,552
3. Total Sports Sales: $55,326
4. Total Young Professional Sales: $42,630
5. Total Twilight Sales: $22,895
6. Total Dining Sales: $18,835
7. Total Senior Options: $8,126
8. Total Weekday Sales: $3,393 (also included in the total are our student golf and tennis members, totaling nearly $600)
If you take the category counts, and divide the totals, here’s what the numbers reveal:
Total Members: 817 Sales per membership: $396
1. Full Golf: 210 $554
2. Single Golf: 113 $491
3. Young Pros: 91 $468
4. Twilight: 72 $318
5. Weekday: 11 $308
6. Dining: 64 $294
7. All Senior Options: 32 $253
8. Sports: 219 $252
(Our student golf and tennis memberships are averaging about $120 in spend)
Looking at the second perspective, with a number count above the Full Golf category but less than half the spend, it appears (at least from a marketer’s perspective) that offering more food and beverage options that are attractive to our Sports members would increase our sales from that membership category.
APRIL’S Jeff King
New Members
Sponsor: D Vasquez
Category: Single Golfer
Gordon Spector
Sponsor: D Connolly
Category: Proprietary
Randy Pierson
Sponsor: P Rosado
Category: Dining
Ricky Hoffman
Sponsor: S Guthrie
Category: Single Golfer
Ed Van Houten
Sponsor: J Moffat Category: Proprietary
Zac Ellis
Sponsor: J Kingston
Category: Sports
Michael Donaldson
Sponsor: J Keith
Category: Proprietary
Kevin Garlick
Sponsor: Membership Category: Sports
Jerry Trafton
Sponsor: J Moreno Category: Proprietary
Monico Gomez
Sponsor: J Moreno
Proprietary Golf 414 Senior 32 Select Golf 88 Sports 219 Dining 64 Total Members 817 MEMBERSHIP AS OF 4/30/23
4 MAY 2023
Spring is finally here. With it comes wildlife activities, allergies, and lots of work for the crew. The mowers are out every day this week trying to keep the spring flush of growth mowed down. With the amount of growth we get, we mow as much as we can and are increasing our frequencies. We even get out our turbine blowers to break up clippings when we have the labor available. We will be increasing our rolling to keep greens speeds above 10.0. It’s a fine balance between the correct amount of growth so greens recover from ball barks and normal usage and keeping greens speeds up.
With increasing spring temperatures, we start using growth regulators to keep growth in check and to help with greens speed. We also use growth regulators to help minimize poa seed heads. As we get into May, we start using growth regulators based on what’s called Growing Degree Days (GDD). GDD’s are used to estimate the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. The concept we use is that the chemistries in the plant will be processed when the cumulative temperature exceeds threshold, or base temperature. We count our GDD to time our applications of many plant growth regulators and insecticides. This way we have a constant regulation of growth while we are in season. As we get into summer this is especially important for us.
Our mowing frequencies
• Greens 7x at .100HOC
• Rolling greens 4-5x Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sundays
• Tees and Collars 2x at .50in HOC
• Fairways 2-3x at .50in HOC
• Rough 1-2x at 1.5in HOC
The crew is continuing with the irrigation head replacement. We are currently on #2 Lake. We will come back at another time to replace some of the heads that have root intrusion or are under water from the flood. We are trying to maximize productivity and get all the easy ones done first and come back to do the more difficult ones.
River flows are holding around 3684 CFS. We are pumping out a few areas on #1 and #7 River. Our hope is to get some of the stagnate water out and get fresher water into the areas. The crew is making a few plywood ramps so carts can drive over the hose without damaging it. Please utilize the ramps and drive carefully. River flows will continue to be high for the foreseeable future.
5 MAY 2023
Many of you have undoubtedly heard that advice applied to your putting or chipping motions. Overall, it makes sense; a shorter shot should be played with a smaller swing and the club should be speeding up when approaching the ball. That said, when pushing that concept to the extreme, your ability to control distance and repeat a consistent strike will be greatly compromised.
Almost every poor lag putter or chipper that has sought out my help has been trying, for years in some cases, to not “decel” or “flip their wrists.” The reality is that the pursuit of a short motion with loads of acceleration is the main source of these players’ struggles. For the next two months’ columns, I’d love to convince you that most great short game players in the game’s history have employed a motion with a longer backstroke than through throughstroke. Let’s start this month focusing on Putting!
Think of a pendulum swinging back and forth at a constant speed at a hypnotic rhythm. The pendulum accelerates at the rate of gravity as it reaches the bottom of the arc and then slows down at the rate of gravity as it reaches the top of its arc on either side. Although the rhythm is constant, the pendulum is speeding
up until it reaches the bottom. Now, imagine that the pendulum collided with an object at the bottom. Obviously, the pendulum would go a shorter distance after that collision. The best putters of all time control the length of their stroke in a similar fashion. Take a look at maybe the best putter of his generation, Jordan Spieth (above).
Notice that his putter travels well past his right foot on the way back and stops even with his left foot. This is textbook and is one of many reasons why he’s holed long putts at a higher rate than almost anyone who has every played. So, how can you begin to learn to this rhythm great putters tend to share? Here are two drills sure to help:
One-Hand-Only Drill:
Simply roll putts of all distances using the hand of your choosing. The putter will naturally feel heavier and because you are only using one hand, you will not be able to control the putterhead as much as if you were using both hands. This is the drill’s purpose: to “give in” to the way the putterhead wants to change directions on its own. The more you manipulate your stroke away from that natural rhythm, the less consistent you will be and the more you will have to practice.
Start and Stop Drill:
Place a tee next to where the ball is resting on the ground. Then place a tee just beyond where your right foot is placed on the ground and one more even with your right foot. Then, hit putts taking the putter back and through to each tee. Essentially, you are copying the image above of Jordan Spieth using tees as your guide.
Those drills will get you started down a great path. Modern technology has confirmed this concept as being the most ideal. Club Measuring devices such as SAM Putt Lab or Blast Motion has shown us that the best putters employ a 2:1 tempo when comparing duration of backstroke to throughstroke. Even simply listening to the game’s greats gives further credence that there is an ideal rhythm or sequence! David Toms would simply whisper his name to himself when hitting putts. “David” (two syllables) on the way back, “Toms” (one syllable) on the way through: that simple thought produced one of the most beautiful putting strokes ever.
Struggling with your putting? In particular, distance control? Give these concepts a shot and don’t hesitate to reach out for a discussion on your game!
6 MAY 2023
With all the wet weather earlier this year, sales in the Golf Shop have lagged behind the norm. The Shop has a great selection of apparel and accessories, so take advantage of your low “member prices.” Remember, we beat any price! New arrivals: Peter Millar & GG Blue.
Woodbridge Ryder Cup
Sign up at Golf Shop!
Sat, May 20 & Sun, May 21
Day 1: Four Ball - 8:30am Shotgun - Vineyard/River
Day 2: Individual Matches - 8am Tee Times - Vineyard/Lake
Upcoming Golf Events
• During May-June: Men’s Club Championship Matches
• May 20 & 21: Woodbridge Ryder Cup
• May 31: Men’s Twilight League (start)
• June 14-16: Ladies Invitational
• June 22-24: Tokay Invitational (field full, waiting list started)
Pace of Play
When on the golf course, always be aware of:
1. Your time –> 4 hours or less
2. Faster groups behind –> invite them through
Fitting Days at Woodbridge
• Sat, May 6: PXG
• Sat, May 13: Callaway
• Fri, May 19: Mizuno
• Sat, May 20: Titleist
• Sat, Jul 1: Callaway
• Sun, Jul 9: XXIO
• Sat, Sep 9: TaylorMade
• Fri, Sep 15: XXIO
Golf Rules
Last Month’s Question
In four-ball stroke play, player B's ball lies just off the putting green. His partner A's ball lies near the hole in a position to serve as a backstop for B's ball. B requests A to leave his ball in that position. Partner A complies and B makes his stroke with A's ball in position. What is the ruling?
1. A gets a two-stroke penalty.
2. B gets a two-stroke penalty.
3. Both partners get a two-stroke penalty.
4. The side is disqualified.
Answer: Both partners get a twostroke penalty.
This Month’s Question
A player may not move a natural object to see if it is loose if in doing so the lie of the player's ball is improved.
True or False?
7 MAY 2023
What’s trending in Wellness & what we can offer
Northern California is renowned for its health-conscious culture. Yet did you know our area — San Joaquin County — tends to be one of the most unhealthiest residents of the state? Our entire Sports Complex is an excellent place to start or continue your fitness and wellness journey. Here are some of the trending wellness modalities — do any of these resonate with you?
Yoga & Meditation
California loves its yoga and meditation (myself included). Practicing yoga and meditation can help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and promote overall well-being. Yoga and meditation have been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. It also helps in improving flexibility, balance, and muscle strength. At Woodbridge, we offer three weekly yoga classes — Mondays at 5:15pm; and Wednesdays at 8:30am and 5:15pm. Would you like to see more yoga classes or even meditation classes on the schedule? Let us know!
Outdoor Activities
We are so blessed to live in a state filled with stunning natural scenery. Do you take full advantage of this with outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and water sports? These activities not only promote physical fitness but also offer a chance to connect with nature and reduce stress. The Club offers its members ample outdoor opportunities with golf, tennis, pickleball and swim, but adding outdoor, member-based groups that meet regularly is always a fun option! What types of groups would you like to see form at the Club?
Mindfulness-Based Practices
In addition to yoga and meditation, mindfulness-based practices such as tai chi and qigong are also trending. These practices involve slow movements, deep breathing, and meditation, and have been shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity and promote overall wellbeing. If this type of class interests you, please let us know so we can guage interest and begin offering these programs.
Woodbridge is your Club, and we want to see you get the most out of it. If you’d like to see any of these ideas — or even have similar ideas of your own — please share them with us at or with me at
Upcoming Tennis Events
Mark your calendars!
May 13: Mother’s Day Round Robin 9am-noon
June 3: Summer Kickoff Round Robin 9am-noon
June 16: Beer, Balls & Barbecue 9am-noon
Kyu Kim is 13 years old and attends St Peter Lutheran School in the 7th grade. Kyu enjoys Tennis, Golf, Fishing, and Snow Skiing. Currently loves learning about mechanics and dabbles in gardening. Can’t wait for summer to get out on the boat! Kyu doesn’t have too many dislikes, unless you’re talking about food!
QR code for Fitness Class Times!
10 MAY 2023
11 MAY 2023
Full Month of Play APRIL RESULTS
April was the first month of 2023 during which we were finally able to play our scheduled tournament days and begin the three-day Handicap Tournament. Granted, some of the days had us dressed like eskimos, but at least the sun was out. Our scheduled Charity Day collection benefitting Lodi & Tokay Girls Golf was Apr 4 and netted more than $400.
River Valley Team Play was kicked off in March with our Team traveling to Del Paso, always a beautiful course to play. We were well dressed for the function and gave a valiant effort to score points. The second scheduled team play event found us hosting the River Valley Teams at Woodbridge. Many of us assisted our capable Team Captain, Ginny Pelton. We looked sharp and did we kick some ….., let’s just let the scores speak for themselves: First place in Net and third place in Gross. Major congratulation-7s to Jami Martin, Debbie Wall, Janice Morehead, Linda Fyffe, Laura Reeves, Kim D’Angelo, Sharon Daegling and Donna Brundy.
Following Team Play on Mon, Apr 17, we held the first day of play of our day Handicap Championship. Many of our members were unable to play but a field of 16 brave ladies took up the challenge. It was a day of many ups and downs but lots of good times.
Thanks so much to Kim D’Angelo and Pro Teresa Ishiguro who have spent many hours working on the numbers and scheduling of tee times. Looking forward to the final round Tues, Apr 25. Results from our 2 regular play dates:
Apr 4 – Low Net
Merlot Flight
1. Trudy MacLeod 74
2. Jackie Katzakian 74
3. Vicki Gallego 85
Flight 1
1. Kim D’Angelo 74
2. Dianne Wheeler 75
3. Debbie Wall 75
Flight 2
1. Sharon Daegling 73
2. Laura Reeves 74
3. Beth Handel 75
Apr 11 - Low Putts
Merlot Flight
1. Cynthia Bannon 34
Flight 1
1. Sondra Huff 31
2. Sandi Small 33
2. Pamela Hughes 33
Flight 2
1. Cynthia Neely 29
2. Linda Fugazi 30
3. Beth Handel 33
3. Donna Brundy 33
12 MAY 2023
3. Beth Grady 33
Plans for our 2023 Invitational scheduled for June 14, 15 & 16 are well underway. Please turn your Team Registration forms in to me as soon as possible as I am working on our budget. Also please help us bring in Sponsors. We have flyers explaining what is involved. The money brought in goes to cover prizes and other incidentals. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Until next month, Kathie Holtzapple and Beth Handel Co
13 MAY 2023
49er UpdateApril play results
Hey 49ers! The weather is beautiful — come out to golf! Last month, we had a great group lesson with First Assistant Golf Pro Teresa. I know it helped some of us. She is thinking about giving us another group lesson. Keep a look out for the announcement and sign up on our bulletin board. I need more help so I am looking out for it.
We had a small group for the Fun, three-week, Match play, but it was good to play the format since if you blew up on one hole it would only be one lost hole and you would still have a chance to win. The photo has the winners. First place was Jackie Katzakian. Second place was Barbara Parejo. Third place was Kathy Cockayne. Thanks also goes to Kathy, who filled in for me and arranged the prizes (A Woodbridge glove with marker, lip balm and cash) and lunch, and even the snack on the first day of the contest. The delicious dessert was paid for by the 49ers, and enjoyed by all. Guest Day was the last Thursday of April. I had a guest who couldn't make it for March so I just said how about April. The last Thursday of every month, until and, including October will be Guest Day. Low putts. Winner for guest flight and for member flight. They can be female or male, with or without handicap. Plan on inviting someone. Start making arrangements with them.
May starts the earlier Tee times at 8:30am.
May 4--Lake--Tee times from 8:30--Stroke play
May 11--Vineyard--8:00 check-in, 8:20 shotgun. Merlot. Best Ball Twosome. General Meeting at lunch
May 18--River--Tee times, Combo. Threesomes. Cha-Cha-Cha Team score (par 5 use one score, par 4 use 2 scores, par 3 use 3 scores)
May 25--Vineyard--GUEST DAY--Snack 8:00, 8:30 /shotgun. Low Putts, lunch meeting with WNHGA advisers Judi Phillips and Lauren Dummer. They will be our 49er guests playing with us also. Then at lunch going over New and old rules and answering any questions we might have.
Please check bulletin board for all the away events. Sign up and leave your check in the envelope on the bulletin board. I like to play away I can give you a ride. See you on the course. Arleen
April Scores
Group 1 — Liza Kanemura and Mary Slate 4010
Group 2 — Susan Maley and Shirley Spiekerman 3310
Group 3 — Beth Handel and Janet Dillon 3190
Please remember to post your make-up scores to remain in competition!
14 MAY 2023
15 MAY 2023
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 CLUB CLOSEDPRIVATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 2 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm PIlates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9amGuest Day Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 3 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 4 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm 49ers 9am Tennis Drop In 9:30am Charity Bridge Noon Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm House & Social Committee Meeting 4pm Power Hour 5pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm 5 BUILDER’S EXCHANGE GOLF TOURNAMENT Member Shotgun 9am Carts in by Noon No Cafe Service after 11am Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am 6 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 7 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 8 CLUB CLOSEDPRIVATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 9 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am PIlates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 10 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm Sports Committee Meeting 5:30pm 11 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am 49ers 9am Tennis Drop In 9:30am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Membership Committee Meeting 4:30pm Power Hour 5pm High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm 12 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER 5-8pm Sr Men’s Home & Home at Pine Mountain Lake Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am 13 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Round Robin Tennis Drop In9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 14 MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH Pickleball Drop In 1pm 15 CLUB CLOSEDPRIVATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 16 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Pilates 8:30am Tennis A Team Match 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Finance Committee Meeting 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 17 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 18 LUNCH 911m-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm 49ers 9am Tennis Drop In 9:30am High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm 19 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER 5-8pm Sr Men’s Home & Home at Oakdale Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am 20 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Ryder Cup Day 1 Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 21 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Ryder Cup Day 2 Pickleball Drop In 1pm 22 CLUB CLOSEDPRIVATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 23 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9amGeneral Meeting Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 24 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 25 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am 49ers-9am shotgun Tennis Drop In 9:30am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm COUPLES TWILIGHT KICKOFF High School Tennis Drop In-6:30pm 26 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER 5-8pm Fit for Life 9:30am Zumba 11am 27 BREAKFAST 9am-1pm LUNCH 11am-3pm APPS 11am-7pm Water Aerobics 9:30am Pickleball Drop In9:30am Tennis Drop In-9:30am Zumba 9:30am Barre 10:45am 28 BREAKFAST 7am-1pm LUNCH /APPS 11am-7pm Pickleball Drop In 1pm 29 CLUB OPENMEMORIAL DAY BBQ AT THE POOL 1-5PM Tennis Drop In 9:30am Zumba 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am Yoga 5:15pm 30 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-7pm Cycle 6am Pilates 8:30am 18-Hole Ladies 9am Let’s Do This! Senior Tone Up 4pm Power Hour 5pm Water Aerobics 6:15pm Tennis Drop In 6:30pm 31 LUNCH 11am-3pm / APPS 11am-8pm DINNER BUFFET 5-8PM Yoga 8:30am Water Aerobics 9:30am Power Hour 10:45am MEN’S TWILIGHT GOLF BEGINS Yoga 5:15pm MAY