The Cost-efficient Bamboo Flooring Alternative One of the most important considerations when making the choice from among several flooring options is cost efficiency. Keep in mind that the cost aspect has two components – first, the initial cost outlay used in the purchase and installation of the flooring products; and second, the cost for maintenance over the lifetime of the floors. In both components, the cost efficiency of bamboo flooring cannot be overlooked. In terms of initial outlay, bamboo flooring is a cost-efficient option. The cost varies from $5 to $8 per square foot depending on the color, texture and thickness as well as overall quality of the bamboo flooring. At these prices, bamboo floors are at par with the prices of many hardwood floors although it must be said that lower prices can be enjoyed, thanks to comparison shopping and price negotiations.  Just remember that quality should not be considerably compromised in favor of cost considerations – you will get what you pay for in bamboo flooring, too. But the purchase cost will still be increased due to the supplies and labor necessary for the installation of the bamboo flooring. The labor component, however, can be reduced in case you can install the bamboo floor as a do-it-yourself project. In case you want professional installation, be sure to add $3-$5.50 per square foot for the services. The money paid will be well worth it considering the excellent results – no warping, bulging and cracking, among other visible signs of amateur installation. As to the cost to the environment, yet another important cost component, bamboo flooring has one of the lowest carbon footprints. Bamboo is a renewable resource because it reaches maturity (i.e., suitable for harvest) within a 5-6 years and it can be planted in sustainable forests.  In contrast, hardwood trees like ash, oak and maple takes decades to mature. In terms of maintenance costs, bamboo flooring has higher cost efficiency than many flooring options.  Bamboo flooring is well known for the following qualities that make it one of the most cost-efficient choices:
Durability. Bamboo floors wear as well as hardwood floors especially when these are well taken care of.
Stability. Bamboo floors can resist the pressure from high-traffic areas, which means that it has greater stability than many types of flooring options including hardwood.
Ease of maintenance. Bamboo floors are easy to maintain. Vacuum and mop bamboo flooring with a hardwood floor cleaner when necessary.
When chosen, installed and cared for properly, bamboo flooring will provide great returns on investment and that’s as cost-efficient as can be.