The Disregarded Advantages of Hardwood Floors You most likely know that hardwoods look great and contribute an air of class to your home, but do you realize some of the major benefits of hardwoods are things that might not go across your mind. A lot of people are stunned once they find out that while tile flooring is apparently ceramic but it really is a petrochemical based that can burn and release toxic smoke and gases similar to carpet. Unlike hardwoods there is also no chance to repair or refinish fire-damaged carpet or tile, which means that even a small fire could lead to costly and time consuming repairs. Hardwoods are also healthier compared to other kinds of flooring. A properly installed hardwood floor prevents stains and does not keep moisture the way carpets can. This indicates that it does not provide a proper environment for the propagation of mold and mildew. Hardwoods are also easily cleaned and sterilized. For persons with severe allergies or depressed immune systems this is the difference between a healthy, comfortable life and one spent with unwanted health problems. For the allergy person there is absolutely no reason to go with anything but hardwoods. In contrast to carpets that can actually generate allergenic compounds hardwoods do not produce dust or other particles. Hardwood floors also do not maintain dust and dander meaning that with a basic dusting your hardwood floors will be clean, and more importantly, allergen free. Hardwoods also do not contain chemicals and dyes that can aggravate allergies. Surprising some is the fact that a properly installed hardwood floor can in fact help lower your home’s heating and cooling expenses. Hardwoods do not contain air pockets unlike most carpets. For this reason the hardwood will sustain the temperature of the air above it. To put it simply a hardwood floor is going to be warm in winter, and cool in summer and will keep drafts from rising into the room, and will keep your hot or cold air from seeping into the basement. It is also a myth that hardwoods are cold in winter when you get up in your bare feet. In case your flooring has been properly installed your tootsies will encounter a floor that’s the same temperature as the rest of the room.
One of the most overlooked benefits of hardwoods is the price. Do you know that hardwoods are frequently more affordable to purchase and install than carpets, tile, or concrete? Whenever you factor in that most hardwoods are evaluated to last at least 50 years-5 to ten times longer than most carpets-it starts to become clear that hardwoods are the way to go. What’s more hardwoods will need less maintenance than other types of flooring and their value will actually increase over time. Besides looking great and adding a touch of style to your home there are many reasons why you should pick hardwoods for your next building project. Before you decide to set up anything else speak to your builder or contractor about using hardwoods, and also review the benefits and prices with other materials. Chances are you will make the same decision that skilled builders have already been making for decades and hardwoods will compliment your home.