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1 Mohinder Gulati, Satya Priya, and Edward Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An Innovative

Approach to Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan” (The World Bank, January 2020). 2 Gulati, Priya, and Bresnyan. 3 Anurag Vaishnav, “Rajasthan Budget Analysis 2020-21” (PRS Legislative Research, February 20, 2020), https://www.prsindia.org/parliamenttrack/budgets/rajasthan-budget-analysis-2020-21. 4 Gulati, Priya, and Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An Innovative Approach to

Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan.” 5 Gulati, Priya, and Bresnyan. 6 Ashwin Gambhir and Shantanu Dixit, “Solar Agricultural Feeders in Maharashtra,” Akshay Urja, April 2019. 7 Shripad Dharmadhikary et al., “Understanding the Electricity, Water and Agriculture Linkages. Volume 1: Overview” (Pune, Maharashtra: Prayas Energy Group, September 2018). 8 Mohinder Gulati, Satya Priya, and Edward Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An Innovative

Approach to Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan” (The World Bank, January 2020). 9 MNRE, “Memorandum: Guidelines for Implementation of PM-KUSUM” (MNRE, July 22, 2019), https://mnre.gov.in/img/documents/uploads/8065c8f7b9614c5ab2e8a7e30dfc29d5.pdf. 10 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Final Order PM KUSUM 2020” (Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory

Commission, February 11, 2020), https://rerc.rajasthan.gov.in/rerc-user-files/tariff-orders. 11 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Final Order PM KUSUM 2020” (Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory

Commission, February 11, 2020), https://rerc.rajasthan.gov.in/rerc-user-files/tariff-orders. 12 “India Says All Villages Have Electricity,” BBC News, April 30, 2018, sec. India, https://www.bbc.com/news/worldasia-india-43946049. 13 Ann Josey, “Prayas Lecture” (Lecture, Teleconference, September 16, 2020). 14 Nicholas Ryan and Anant Sudarshan, “Rationing the Commons” (National Bureau of Economic Research, July 6, 2020), https://doi.org/10.3386/w27473. 15Gulati, Priya, and Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An Innovative Approach to

Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan.” 16 Shripad Dharmadhikary et al., “Understanding the Electricity, Water and Agriculture Linkages. Volume 1: Overview” (Pune, Maharashtra: Prayas Energy Group, September 2018). 17 MNRE, “Memorandum: Guidelines for Implementation of PM-KUSUM,” July 22, 2019. 18 MNRE. The rent payable to the farmer may be designated either in terms of (a) rupees per annum per acre or (b) rupees per unit energy generated per acre of land area. Method (a) yields truly fixed income, while method (b) may yield income that varies somewhat by season. Still, the variation in income under method (b) is certainly less than the variation in income earned by selling power to the grid, since the sole source of variation in the former, seasonality, is just one source of variation in the latter. 19 MNRE. 20 Mukhya et al., “Agriculture-Cum-Solar Farm Scheme in NCT of Delhi,” accessed November 21, 2020, http://web.delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/connect/79b16c8047369c4d813ccd4bb6226757/Mukhya+Mantri+Kisaan+Aay +badhotary+Yojana.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&lmod=-276071204. 21 Tushaar Shah et al., “Promoting Solar Power as a Remunerative Crop,” Economic and Political Weekly 52, no. 45 (November 11, 2017): 14–19, https://www.epw.in/journal/2017/45/commentary/promoting-solar-powerremunerative-crop.html. 22 Siddharth Sareen, “Politics, Procurement, Bail-Out and Buy-In: Woes and Ways of Rajasthan’s Distribution Sector,”

Working Paper, Mapping Power Project (Centre for Policy Research and Regulatory Assistance Project, April 2017). 23 Mohinder Gulati, Satya Priya, and Edward Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An

Innovative Approach to Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan” (The World Bank, January 2020). 24 “Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy 2019,” RajRAS - Rajasthan RAS (blog), December 20, 2019, https://www.rajras.in/rajasthan-solar-energy-policy-2019/. 25 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “(Renewable Energy Obligation) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2019,” January 2019,

https://www.recregistryindia.nic.in/pdf/RPO/RERC(Renewable_Energy_Obligation)(5th_Amendment)_Regulatio ns,_2019_Dated_11_01_2019.pdf. 26 MNRE, “Memorandum: Guidelines for Implementation of PM-KUSUM,” July 22, 2019. 27 MNRE. 28 MNRE. 29 TERI, “Policy Paper on Solar PV Manufacturing in India: Silicon Ingot & Wafer - PV Cell - PV Module” (TERI), accessed November 19, 2020, https://www.teriin.org/sites/default/files/201908/Solar%20PV%20Manufacturing%20in%20India.pdf. 30 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Final Order PM KUSUM 2020.” 31 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Petition No. 1757/2020,” July 2020. 32 Iqbal, Mohammed. 2020. “Rajasthan First to Complete Farmers’ Selection for Solar Plants.” The Hindu, July 10, 2020, sec. Other States. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/rajasthan-first-to-complete-farmersselection-for-solar-plants/article32037215.ece. 33 “Installed Capacity Report.” 2020. Government of India Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority. https://cea.nic.in/wp-content/uploads/installed/2020/11/installed_capacity.pdf. 34 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Final Order PM KUSUM 2020.” 35 figures based on conversations with Discom officials 36 MNRE, “Memorandum: Guidelines for Implementation of PM-KUSUM,” July 22, 2019. 37 “MNRE Issues Guidelines for Implementation of Feeder Level Solarisation under Component-C of PM-KUSUM

Scheme.” n.d. Accessed December 6, 2020. www.pib.gov.in/Pressreleaseshare.aspx?PRID=1678286. 38 Commisionerate of Agriculture, “Rajasthan Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2017-2018” (Jaipur, Rajasthan, India), accessed November 22, 2020, http://www.agriculture.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/agriculture/Agriculture%20Department/agriculturalstatistics /rajasthan%20agriculture%20statistics%20at%20a%20glance%202017-18-merged.pdf. 39 Department of Agriculture, Government of Rajasthan, “Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project Social

Assessment and Management Framework,” 2012. 40 M S Rathore, “Groundwater Exploration and Augmentation Efforts in Rajasthan,” February 2005, 33, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/57a08c6fe5274a27b20011db/R8169-

AGRAR_Review_Rajasthan.pdf. 41 Amal Kar, “Agricultural Land Use in Arid Western Rajasthan: Resource Exploitation and Emerging Issues,”

December 1, 2014. 42 Commisionerate of Agriculture, “Rajasthan Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2017-2018.” 43 Kar, “Agricultural Land Use in Arid Western Rajasthan.” 44 “58 Years of Agricultural Statistics of Rajasthan (1956-57 to 2013-14)” (Yojana Bhawan, Jaipur, Rajasthan: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Planning, Rajasthan., n.d.). 45 “Rajasthan Faces Power Cuts as Coal Shortage Hits Production,” Hindustan Times, October 8, 2017, https://www.hindustantimes.com/jaipur/rajasthan-faces-power-cuts-as-coal-shortage-hits-production/story9ZTbMq9C7Ryg56AT0tqamK.html. 46 “Breakdown in Units, Rajasthan Power Crisis Worsens,” DNA India, April 19, 2018, sec. Jaipur India, https://www.dnaindia.com/jaipur/report-breakdown-in-units-rajasthan-power-crisis-worsens-2606487. 47 Dev Ankur Wadhawan, “Rajasthan: Parts of Desert State Reeling under Severe Power Crisis This Festive Season,”

India Today, October 12, 2017, https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/rajasthan-power-crisis-bikaner-bharatpurdholpur-1063771-2017-10-12. 48 Sujith Koonan, “Legal Regime Governing Groundwater,” in Water Law for the Twenty-First Century: National and

International Aspets of Water Law Reforms in India (Abingdon: Routledge, 2010), 182–204, http://www.ielrc.org/content/a1011.pdf. 49 Jesse J. Richardson, “Postcolonial Evolution of Water Rights in India and the United States,” in Land Policies in India:

Promises, Practices and Challenges, ed. Sony Pellissery, Benjamin Davy, and Harvey M. Jacobs, India Studies in Business and Economics (Singapore: Springer, 2017), 51–70, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4208-9_3. 50 “State Water Policy” (Jaipur, Rajasthan: State Water Resource Planning Department, Government of Rajasthan,

February 2010), https://water.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/water/water-resourcesdepartment/Miscellaneous/WaterPolicy/Rajya%20Jal%20Neti_English.pdf.

51 “State Water Policy” (Jaipur, Rajasthan: State Water Resource Planning Department, Government of Rajasthan,

February 2010), https://water.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/water/water-resourcesdepartment/Miscellaneous/WaterPolicy/Rajya%20Jal%20Neti_English.pdf. 52 Trevor Birkenholtz, “The 2010 Rajasthan State Water Policy and the Urbanization of Water,” IWMI-Tata Highlight, 2012, 8. 53 “11 Things to Know about the Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Campaign of Rajasthan,” Rajasthan Mukhya Mantri Jal

Swawlamban Abhiyan, 2015, http://www.water.rajasthan.gov.in/mjsa/blogs/11thingstoknowaboutMJSA.html. 54 Correspondence with Pratiti Priyadarshani, Foundation for Ecological Security, November 20, 2020. 55 “Water Commons Influencing Practice” (Anand, Gujarat, India: Foundation for Ecological Security, June 2016). 56 Rathore, “Groundwater Exploration and Augmentation Efforts in Rajasthan”; National Water Mission, “Vulnerable &

Over Exploited Areas | National Water Mission, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, RD & GR,

Government of India,” accessed November 20, 2020, http://nwm.gov.in/?q=vulnerable-over-exploited-areas. 57 Block is an administrative sub-division under district level and is made up of several Gram Panchayats (village council or local self-government over a cluster of villages). The local government body at the block level (tehsil / taluka) is called Panchayat Samiti, and it is the link between Gram Panchayats and Zila Parishad at the district level. 58 “Block Wise Ground Water Resources Assessment - 2017” (Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti,

Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, n.d.). 59 International Finance Corporation, “Rajasthan Water Assessment: Potential for Private Sector Interventions,” accessed November 20, 2020, https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/REGION__EXT_Content/IFC_External_Corporate_Site/South+Asia/R esources/Rajasthan+Water+Assessment. 60 “State Water Policy” (Jaipur, Rajasthan: State Water Resource Planning Department, Government of Rajasthan,

February 2010), https://water.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/water/water-resourcesdepartment/Miscellaneous/WaterPolicy/Rajya%20Jal%20Neti_English.pdf. 61 “Water Commons Influencing Practice.” 62 “Block Wise Ground Water Resources Assessment - 2017” (Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Jal Shakti,

Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, n.d.). 63 J. S. Famiglietti, “The Global Groundwater Crisis,” Nature Climate Change 4, no. 11 (November 2014): 945–48, https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2425. 64 Dharmadhikary et al., “Understanding the Electricity, Water and Agriculture Linkages. Volume 1: Overview.” 65 Reena Badiani, Katrina K. Jessoe, and Suzanne Plant, “Development and the Environment: The Implications of

Agricultural Electricity Subsidies in India,” The Journal of Environment & Development 21, no. 2 (2012): 244–62, http://www.jstor.org/stable/26199424. 66 Shilp Verma, Neha Durga, and Tushaar Shah, “Solar Irrigation Pumps and India’s Energy–Irrigation Nexus,” Economic and Political Weekly 54 (January 12, 2019): 62–65; Gulati, Priya, and Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double

Farmer Income: An Innovative Approach to Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan”; M. Dinesh

Kumar, “Impact of Electricity Prices and Volumetric Water Allocation on Energy and Groundwater Demand

Management:: Analysis from Western India,” Energy Policy 33, no. 1 (January 1, 2005): 39–51, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0301-4215(03)00196-4; Reena Badiani and Katrina K. Jessoe, “Electricity Subsidies for

Agriculture : Evaluating the Impact and Persistence of These Subsidies in India DRAFT,” 2011, /paper/Electricitysubsidies-for-agriculture-%3A-Evaluating-Badiani-Jessoe/0eb2682bb27429fc27c7d5e52804e1c89f55a3d1. 67 Verma, Durga, and Shah, “Solar Irrigation Pumps and India’s Energy–Irrigation Nexus.” 68 Poonam Priyanka Payal, “Role of Irrigation in Development: The Rajasthan Experience,” International Journal of Recent

Technology and Engineering 8, no. 6 (March 30, 2020): 2430–35, https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.F7938.038620; Kar,

“Agricultural Land Use in Arid Western Rajasthan.” 69 Dharmadhikary et al., “Understanding the Electricity, Water and Agriculture Linkages. Volume 1: Overview.” 70 Kar, “Agricultural Land Use in Arid Western Rajasthan.” 71 Chandni Singh, Henny Osbahr, and Peter Dorward, “The Implications of Rural Perceptions of Water Scarcity on

Differential Adaptation Behaviour in Rajasthan, India,” Regional Environmental Change 18, no. 8 (December 1, 2018): 2417–32, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-018-1358-y. 72 David Blakeslee, Ram Fishman, and Veena Srinivasan, “Way Down in the Hole: Adaptation to Long-Term Water

Loss in Rural India,” American Economic Review 110, no. 1 (2020): 200–224, https://econpapers.repec.org/article/aeaaecrev/v_3a110_3ay_3a2020_3ai_3a1_3ap_3a200-224.htm.

73 Suresh Kumar, B.L. Dhyani, and Raman Singh, “Depleting Groundwater Resources of Rajasthan State and Its

Implications,” Popular Kheti 01 (October 3, 2013): 64–68. 74 Gustav Olofsson, “Water Scarcity and Slow Violence: The Effects of Water Scarcity in Gansu, China and Rajasthan,

India,” 2017, http://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/record/8909263. 75 Siddharth Sareen, Mapping Power: The Political Economy of Electricity in India’s States, ed. Navroz K. Dubash, Ranjit

Bharvirkar, and Sunila S. Kale (Oxford University Press, 2018). 76 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Petition No. RERC 1541/19, 1542/19, 1543/19,” February 6, 2020. 77 Sareen, Mapping Power: The Political Economy of Electricity in India’s States. 78 “The Story of a Peasant Struggle in Jiwandesar, Rajasthan,” Economic and Political Weekly 55, no. 40 (June 5, 2015): 7–8, https://www.epw.in/journal/2020/40/commentary/story-peasant-struggle-jiwandesar-rajasthan.html. 79 Anurag Vaishnav, “Rajasthan Budget Analysis 2020-21.” 80 Ministry of Power, Government of India, “UDAY (Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana) Scheme for Operational and

Financial Turnaround of Power Distribution Companies,” November 20, 2015. 81 Anurag Vaishnav, “State Budget Analysis - Rajasthan 2019-20” (PRS Legislative Research, July 10, 2019), https://www.prsindia.org/sites/default/files/budget_files/State%20Budget%20Analysis%20-%20Rajasthan%20201 9-20%20English%20v2.pdf. 82 Anurag Vaishnav, “Rajasthan Budget Analysis 2020-21.” 83 Anurag Vaishnav. 84 Anurag Vaishnav, “State Budget Analysis - Rajasthan 2020-21” (PRS Legislative Research, February 20, 2020), https://www.prsindia.org/sites/default/files/budget_files/State%20Budget%20Analysis%20-%20Rajasthan%20202 0-21.pdf. 85 “The Story of a Peasant Struggle in Jiwandesar, Rajasthan.” 86 Sangeeta Pranvendra, “Rajasthan: Opposition Parties Channelling Energies to Exploit Farmers as Vote Bank,” DNA

India, October 8, 2018, https://www.dnaindia.com/jaipur/report-rajasthan-opposition-parties-channelling-energiesto-exploit-farmers-as-vote-bank-2672859. 87 “Doubling of Farmers’ Income Issues & Strategies in Rajasthan” (NRMC, March 2018), https://www.nabard.org/auth/writereaddata/tender/2802192439Doubling%20of%20Farmers'%20Income%20Issu es%20&%20Strategies%20in%20Rajasthan.pdf. 88 “The Story of a Peasant Struggle in Jiwandesar, Rajasthan.” 89 “Power Subsidy Held up for Months, Farmers Plan Protests in Rajasthan,” The Indian Express (blog), June 5, 2020, https://indianexpress.com/article/india/power-subsidy-held-up-for-months-farmers-plan-protests-in-rajasthan6443077/. 90 Navroz K. Dubash, “The Disruptive Politics of Renewable Energy,” The India Forum, May 22, 2019, https://www.theindiaforum.in/article/disruptive-politics-renewable-energy. 91 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation. 2019. “Annexure A. Details of All Rural 33 KV Sub-Stations for Solar

Power Plants Installation by the Farmer under KUSUM Component-A: Jaipur Discom.” In Request for Selection For

Selection of Developers for Setting up of Decentralized Solar PV Plants Each of 0.5 MW to 2 MW (AC) Aggregating to Total 113.5MW Capacity Be Installed and Connected at Discom’s 33/11kV Substations in Rajasthan. https://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/energy/rrecl/pdf/Home%20Page/1.%20JVVNL%20List%20for %20RUVN%20for%20Component-A%20(1).pdf. 92 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation. 2019. “Annexure B. Details of All Rural 33 KV Sub-Stations for Solar

Power Plants Installation by the Farmer under KUSUM.” In Request for Selection For Selection of Developers for Setting up of

Decentralized Solar PV Plants Each of 0.5 MW to 2 MW (AC) Aggregating to Total 113.5MW Capacity Be Installed and

Connected at Discom’s 33/11kV Substations in Rajasthan. https://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/energy/rrecl/pdf/Home%20Page/2.%20AVVNL%20List%20for %20RUVN%20for%20Component-A%20(1).pdf. 93 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation. 2019. “Annexure C. Details of All Rural 33 KV Sub-Stations for Solar

Power Plants Installation by the Farmer under KUSUM (JdVVNL).” In Request for Selection For Selection of Developers for

Setting up of Decentralized Solar PV Plants Each of 0.5 MW to 2 MW (AC) Aggregating to Total 113.5MW Capacity Be Installed and Connected at Discom’s 33/11kV Substations in Rajasthan. https://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/energy/rrecl/pdf/Home%20Page/3.%20JdVVNL%20List%20for %20RUVN%20for%20Component-A%20(1).pdf.

94 Anjali Viswamohanan, and Manu Aggarwal. 2018. “Curtailing Renewable Energy Curtailment.” Rethinking Renewable

Energy Power Purchase Agreements. Council on Energy, Environment and Water. 95 Anjali Viswamohanan, and Manu Aggarwal. 2018. “Curtailing Renewable Energy Curtailment.” Rethinking Renewable

Energy Power Purchase Agreements. Council on Energy, Environment and Water. 96 ; Avinash Kishore, Tushaar Shah, and Nidhi Tewari, “Solar Irrigation Pumps: Farmers’ Experience and State Policy in

Rajasthan,” Economic and Political Weekly 49 (March 8, 2014): 55–62. 97 Mohinder Gulati, Satya Priya, and Edward Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An

Innovative Approach to Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan” (The World Bank, January 2020); Shripad Dharmadhikary et al., “Understanding the Electricity, Water and Agriculture Linkages. Volume 1:

Overview” (Pune, Maharashtra: Prayas Energy Group, September 2018). 98 Mohinder Gulati, Satya Priya, and Edward Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An

Innovative Approach to Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan” (The World Bank, January 2020). 99 Avinash Kishore, Tushaar Shah, and Nidhi Tewari, “Solar Irrigation Pumps: Farmers’ Experience and State Policy in

Rajasthan,” Economic and Political Weekly 49 (March 8, 2014): 55–62. 100 Frank A. Ward and Manuel Pulido-Velazquez, “Water Conservation in Irrigation Can Increase Water Use,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, no. 47 (November 25, 2008): 18215–20, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0805554105. 101 Factsheet | HGIC 1804 | Published: May 21 and 2008 | Print, “Landscape Irrigation Management Part 5: Irrigation

Time of Day,” Home & Garden Information Center | Clemson University, South Carolina, accessed November 25, 2020, https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/landscape-irrigation-management-part-5-irrigation-time-of-day/. 102 Shilp Verma, Neha Durga, and Tushaar Shah, “Solar Irrigation Pumps and India’s Energy–Irrigation Nexus,”

Economic and Political Weekly 54 (January 12, 2019): 62–65. 103 Tushaar Shah et al., “Promoting Solar Power as a Remunerative Crop,” Economic and Political Weekly 52, no. 45 (November 11, 2017): 14–19; Meera Sahasranaman et al., “Solar Irrigation Cooperatives: Creating the Frankenstein’s

Monster for India’s Groundwater,” Economic and Political Weekly 53 (May 26, 2018); Avinash Nair, “Gujarat: Solar Co-

Operative at Dhundi Village Sells Water Instead of Electricity | India News,The Indian Express,” The Indian Express,

August 14, 2016, https://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/gujarat-solar-co-operative-at-dhundivillage-sells-water-instead-of-electricity-2974172/; Shilp Verma, Neha Durga, and Tushaar Shah, “Solar Irrigation

Pumps and India’s Energy–Irrigation Nexus,” Economic and Political Weekly 54 (January 12, 2019): 62–65. 104 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, “Final Order PM KUSUM 2020.” 105 J. S. Famiglietti, “The Global Groundwater Crisis,” Nature Climate Change 4, no. 11 (November 2014): 945–48, https://doi.org/10.1038/nclimate2425. 106 Amal Kar, “Agricultural Land Use in Arid Western Rajasthan: Resource Exploitation and Emerging Issues,”

December 1, 2014; Gustav Olofsson, “Water Scarcity and Slow Violence: The Effects of Water Scarcity in Gansu,

China and Rajasthan, India,” 2017, http://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/record/8909263; Chandni Singh, Henny

Osbahr, and Peter Dorward, “The Implications of Rural Perceptions of Water Scarcity on Differential Adaptation

Behaviour in Rajasthan, India,” Regional Environmental Change 18, no. 8 (December 1, 2018): 2417–32, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-018-1358-y; David Blakeslee, Ram Fishman, and Veena Srinivasan, “Way Down in the Hole: Adaptation to Long-Term Water Loss in Rural India,” American Economic Review 110, no. 1 (2020): 200–224. 107 Dinesh Kumar, Water Policy Science and Politics (Elsevier, 2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/C2017-0-02539-9. 108 M. Dinesh Kumar, Christopher A. Scott, and O. P. Singh, “Can India Raise Agricultural Productivity While Reducing

Groundwater and Energy Use?,” International Journal of Water Resources Development 29, no. 4 (2013): 557–73. 109 “Personal Communication with Mohinder Gulati,” November 25, 2020. 110 “Water Commons Influencing Practice” (Anand, Gujarat, India: Foundation for Ecological Security, June 2016);

Bryan Bruns, “Common Pools and Common Knowledge” (Foundation for Ecological Security, March 2016). 111 Gulati, Priya, and Bresnyan, “Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income: An Innovative Approach to

Addressing Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Rajasthan.” 112 “Solar Manufacturers Extend Support to Govt’s Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, Energy News, ET EnergyWorld,” accessed November 19, 2020, https://energy.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/renewable/solar-manufacturersextend-support-to-govts-atma-nirbhar-bharat-abhiyan/76146564.

113 Utpal Bhaskar, “India Gets 10 GW Proposals for Setting up Solar Equipment Manufacturing Capacity,” accessed

November 19, 2020, https://www.livemint.com/industry/energy/india-gets-10-gw-proposals-for-setting-up-solarequipment-manufacturing-capacity-11599569420346.html. 114 Uma Gupta, “India Could Have 20 GW More Solar Manufacturing – Pv Magazine India,” accessed November 19, 2020, https://www.pv-magazine-india.com/2020/10/08/20-gw-of-additional-solar-manufacturing-coming-up-inindia/. 115 Rishabh Jain, Arjun Dutt, and Kanika Chawla, “Scaling Up Solar Manufacturing to Enhance India’s Energy Security,” n.d., 34. 116 TERI, “Policy Paper on Solar PV Manufacturing in India: Silicon Ingot & Wafer - PV Cell - PV Module.” 117 Srikanta Tripathy, “ReNew Power Plans 2,000mw Solar Manufacturing Unit in Rajasthan | Jaipur News - Times of

India,” Times of India, August 5, 2020, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/renew-power-plans-2000mwsolar-mfg-unit-in-raj/articleshow/77360479.cms. 118 Jules Scully, “India Approves Multi-Billion Dollar Financing to Support Domestic Solar and Battery Manufacturing |

PV Tech,” PV Tech, November 12, 2020, https://www.pv-tech.org/news/india-approves-multi-billion-dollarfinancing-to-support-domestic-solar-and-battery-manufacturing. 119 MNRE, “Current Status | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India,” accessed November 19, 2020, https://mnre.gov.in/solar/current-status/. 120 Srikanta Tripathy, “ReNew Power Plans 2,000mw Solar Manufacturing Unit in Rajasthan | Jaipur News - Times of

India,” Times of India, August 5, 2020, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/jaipur/renew-power-plans-2000mwsolar-mfg-unit-in-raj/articleshow/77360479.cms. 121 The larger upper bound compared to the lower bound is due to the fact that Rajasthan currently only makes up 15% of total solar capacity in India despite having targets set to 30% of India’s total capacity. Thus, it is more likely that

Rajasthan’s rate of installing solar capacity relative to the rest of India will continue to increase. 122 Ayush Verma, “Govt in Favour of Domestic Solar Manufacturing, Market Not so Much,” Saur Energy International, accessed November 25, 2020, https://www.saurenergy.com/solar-energy-news/govt-in-favour-of-domestic-solarmanufacturing-market-not-so-much. 123 MNRE, “Memorandum: Implementation of CPSU Scheme Phase-II for Setting up 12 GW Solar PV Power

Projects,” April 13, 2020, https://www.eqmagpro.com/implementation-of-cpsu-scheme-phase-ii-for-setting-up-12gw-solar-pv-power-projects/. 124 World Bank, “India Project Update: Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Program,” World Bank, accessed

November 25, 2020, https://www.worldbank.org/en/results/2019/02/27/grid-connected-rooftop-solarphotovoltaic-project. 125 Jain, Dutt, and Chawla, “Scaling Up Solar Manufacturing to Enhance India’s Energy Security.” 126 TERI, “Policy Paper on Solar PV Manufacturing in India: Silicon Ingot & Wafer - PV Cell - PV Module.” 127 MNRE, “Memorandum: Guidelines for Implementation of PM-KUSUM,” July 22, 2019. 128 MNRE. 129 “Design, Survey, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years Comprehensive Maintenance of Distributed

Grid Connected Solar PV Systems for Solarization of Grid Connected Agriculture Consumers under ‘KUSUM

Scheme - Component C’” (Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited), accessed November 21, 2020, https://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/energy/avvnl/pdf/Tender/Project/TN84/Upload_RFP_KUSUM_C_TN84.pdf. 130 “Design, Survey, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years Comprehensive Maintenance of Distributed

Grid Connected Solar PV Systems for Solarization of Grid Connected Agriculture Consumers under ‘KUSUM

Scheme - Component C.’” 131 MNRE, “Memorandum: Guidelines for Implementation of PM-KUSUM,” July 22, 2019. 132 “Design, Survey, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning & 5 Years Comprehensive Maintenance of Distributed

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Decentralized Solar PV Plants Each of 0.5 MW to 2 MW (AC) Aggregating to Total 113.5MW Capacity Be Installed and

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Power Plants Installation by the Farmer under KUSUM (JdVVNL).” In Request for Selection For Selection of Developers for

Setting up of Decentralized Solar PV Plants Each of 0.5 MW to 2 MW (AC) Aggregating to Total 113.5MW Capacity Be Installed and Connected at Discom’s 33/11kV Substations in Rajasthan. https://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/energy/rrecl/pdf/Home%20Page/3.%20JdVVNL%20List%20for %20RUVN%20for%20Component-A%20(1).pdf. 166 Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation. 2019. “Annexure A. Details of All Rural 33 KV Sub-Stations for Solar

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Power Plants Installation by the Farmer under KUSUM (JdVVNL).” In Request for Selection For Selection of Developers for

Setting up of Decentralized Solar PV Plants Each of 0.5 MW to 2 MW (AC) Aggregating to Total 113.5MW Capacity Be Installed and Connected at Discom’s 33/11kV Substations in Rajasthan. https://energy.rajasthan.gov.in/content/dam/raj/energy/rrecl/pdf/Home%20Page/3.%20JdVVNL%20List%20for %20RUVN%20for%20Component-A%20(1).pdf. 169 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission. 2020. “Petition No. 1757/2020.” 170 Iqbal, Mohammed. 2020. “Rajasthan First to Complete Farmers’ Selection for Solar Plants.” The Hindu, July 10, 2020, sec. Other States. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/rajasthan-first-to-completefarmers-selection-for-solar-plants/article32037215.ece. 171 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission. 2020. “Petition No. RERC 1541/19, 1542/19, 1543/19.” 172 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission. 2020. “Petition No: RERC/1587/19.” 173 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission. 2020. “Petition No. RERC 1541/19, 1542/19, 1543/19.” 174T Paranjoth and H.K. Mishra, “Dhundi Solar Pump Irrigators’ Cooperative | International Cooperative Alliance -

Asia and Pacific” (International Co-operative Alliance), accessed November 22, 2020, https://www.icaap.coop/icanews/dhundi-solar-pump-irrigators-cooperative.. 175 Shah et al., “Promoting Solar Power as a Remunerative Crop.” 176 Kavita Kanan Chandra, “Two Years after It Was Launched, the World’s First Solar Cooperative Has Transformed

Gujarat’s Dhundi Village,” The Hindu, April 14, 2018, sec. Society, https://www.thehindu.com/society/two-yearsafter-it-was-launched-the-worlds-first-solar-cooperative-has-transformed-gujarats-dhundi-village/article23528444.ece. 177 Think Change India, “World’s First Solar Cooperative Has Transformed This Gujarat Village into a Land of ‘Solar

Farmers,’” YourStory.com, April 17, 2018, https://yourstory.com/2018/04/dhundi-village-gujarat-solar-powered.

178 Avinash Nair, “Gujarat: Solar Co-Operative at Dhundi Village Sells Water Instead of Electricity | India News,The

Indian Express,” The Indian Express, August 14, 2016, https://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-newsindia/gujarat-solar-co-operative-at-dhundi-village-sells-water-instead-of-electricity-2974172/. 179 Maulik Pathak, “Gujarat Farmers Can Now Produce, Sell Solar Power under Suryashakti Kishan Yojana,” mint, June 23, 2018, https://www.livemint.com/Industry/Yo4kUy3NeBkdU293IJ3rMO/Gujarat-farmers-can-now-producesell-solar-power-under-Sury.html. 180 Pathak. 181 Maulik Pathak, “Cloud over SKY: Gujarat Scales down Pilot Solar Project | Ahmedabad News - Times of India,”

Times of India, March 15, 2019, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/cloud-over-sky-state-scalesdown-pilot-solar-project/articleshow/68416667.cms. 182 Nair, “Gujarat: Solar Co-Operative at Dhundi Village Sells Water Instead of Electricity | India News,The Indian

Express.” 183 Mukhya et al., “Agriculture-Cum-Solar Farm Scheme in NCT of Delhi.” 184 Pretika Khanna, “Kejriwal Govt Approves Scheme for Farmers to Earn by Leasing Land to Solar Power Firms,”

Mint, July 24, 2018, https://www.livemint.com/Politics/xDY0nbEUJ2K8Zom6ageoQP/Kejriwal-govt-approvesscheme-for-farmers-to-earn-by-leasing.html. 185 Mukhya et al., “Agriculture-Cum-Solar Farm Scheme in NCT of Delhi.” 186 Shah, “Kick-Starting the Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan.” 187 ushaar Shah et al., “Promoting Solar Power as a Remunerative Crop,” Economic and Political Weekly 52, no. 45 (November 11, 2017): 14–19; Nair, “Gujarat: Solar Co-Operative at Dhundi Village Sells Water Instead of Electricity | India News,The Indian Express.” 188 Sujith Koonan, “Legal Regime Governing Groundwater,” Water Law for the Twenty-First Century: National and

International Aspects of Water Law Reform in India, ed. P. Cullet, Routledge, 182, 185 (2010). 189 Indian Easements Act 1882 § 7, Illustration (g); see also Koonan, supra note 188, at 185. 190 Philippe Cullet and Sujith Koonan, eds., “Protection and Regulation of Groundwater,” Water Law in India: An

Introduction to Legal Instruments, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 342 (2017). 191 Sujith Koonan. This rule, termed the ‘absolute dominion’ rule, derives from English common law and entered the

Indian legal system with the passage of the Indian Easements Act 1882. Contrast India’s approach with that of

United States courts which, for the most part, have shifted to a ‘reasonable use’ rule. This rule may aid water conservation by placing limits, even if admittedly imprecise, on the amount of groundwater landowners can extract.

For more on the differences between the English and Indian regime on the one hand, and the American regime on the other, see Jesse J. Richardson, “Postcolonial Evolution of Water Rights in India and the United States,” Land

Policies in India: Promises, Practices and Challenges, 52–54 (2017). 192 Indian Constitution, Art. 246 (“Seventh Schedule”), List II—State List § 17; Philippe Cullet and Sujith Koonan, eds.,

“Regulation of Water: General Instruments and Issues,” Water Law in India: An Introduction to Legal Instruments, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 70 (2017). 193 Model Groundwater (Sustainable Management) Act 2016. 194 Cullet and Koonan. 195 Cullet and Koonan. 196 Rajasthan Ground Water (Rational Use and Management) Act 2005, §§ 4(15)(1)–(5), 5(20)(1).s 197 Sujith Koonan, “Groundwater Legal Regime in India: Towards a Paradigm Shift,” Governance (2016). 198 International Energy Agency, “Agricultural Demand Side Management (AgDSM) Programme,” IEA Policies

Database, accessed November 21, 2020, https://www.iea.org/policies/7460-agricultural-demand-side-managementagdsm-programme. 199 Ministry of Power, Government of India, “Best Practices Adopted by Rajasthan to Achieve UDAY Goals,” https://smartnet.niua.org/content/95e28202-295b-420f-a0ec-5db52ee1b9a2. 200 RAJRAS, “Important Government Schemes in Rajasthan,” Important Government Schemes in Rajasthan, October 2017, https://www.rajras.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Important-Government-Schemes-in-Rajasthan.pdf.

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