Display Ideas
Merchandising on a Limited Budget
Re a d Be twe e n the Lin e s
Books Abound.
We are a nation of non-readers. People are always discarding books.
The Pa pe r Cha se
Roll It. Cut it. Apply Paint.
Art Butcher Cardstock Construction Copy Crepe Handmade Magazine Newsprint Note Wrapping
Fold it; crinkle it or hang it.
Manipulate paper however you like.
I n the Ba g Empty lunch bags and spray mount can be your friend.
All Tie d Up
Stretch it with elastic cord.
String or twine is sold almost everywhere. And don’t rule out yarn.
Crepe-paper streamers or ribbon. What could be more easy?
Str ips of Str ipe s
Railroad board, flexible plastics, and even bender board can make a statement.
Bl ue Pla te Spe c ia l Old plates or new plates. Plastic, paper, ceramic. Solids, patterns.
Pie c e d Toge th e r Discarded logs and unwanted timber create excellent texture.
Ce l e br a te Visit the party store for festive supplies.
Party stores provide product in volume and generate inspiration around every corner.
Who doesn’t like brightly colored balloons?
Chip Off the Old Bloc k
Home building stores are filled with endless possibilities and free samples, such as paint chips and scrap lumber.
Have you ever thought of inexpensive paint brushes dipped in left-over paint?
Get with “oops” paint
White-pine cut into pieces is always an option.
Planks of wood can only be limited by your lack of imagination.
Hom e Bound Thrift stores, yard sales, and Craigslist are places to find inexpensive or free home goods.
Candles and candlesticks are plentiful in the secondhand market.
Frame of reference. Just add color.
Start Creating!