Connecting, Supporting and Empowering Women
October 2021
Vol 2021.4.1
by Jenifer J. Johnson Founder/Ministry Director ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus was the theme of our Joint Prayer Retreat 2021 with our Arima Sistas in Trinidad. As a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic we were unable to choose an island location, so the decision was made to have a joint prayer session on the Zoom platform. We never would have imagined the fellowship and the strong presence of God we would have experienced. It was an awesome session of prayer. We recognize that it is truly sweet to trust God. The speaker, Minister Janet Sealey gave us a powerful presentation. It is a joy to trust God in this time. There are so many reasons to be fearful, but our trust is in God. We came away with a powerful truth “The Deeper our Trust in God, the Harder our Test, but we can be assured of a Sweeter Victory". So hold on to God my sistas, for as God said to Apostle Paul, “My Grace is Sufficient for you, for my power is being perfected in your weakness". This has surely been a season like we have never seen, but we are learning every day that we can trust God to bring us through. He cannot fail, He will not fail. We will overcome if we trust Him in every situation. Let’s give God some Praise for the victory is on the way. Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, true ability or strength of someone. So let us trust the God Job trusted. We can’t give up Sistas, it is not an option.
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October 2021
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by Diann Atwell story: Breast cancer survivor since 2013
"God is able, more than able to accomplish what concerns me today. He is able, more than able, to handle anything that comes my way.” This song held Diann Atwell together for the past 8 years. Living life, loving her job and leaning on God was Diann’s posture. She never thought that cancer would happen to her. “That will never happen to me”, she would think. Exclaiming, “You felt shielded.” But the news of stage 3 breast cancer, diagnosed in 2013, left her wondering if she was going to make it. She said, “The news really shocked me, I felt timid and did not know how advanced it was. I cried and prayed. "Thank God that I am here today to tell my story." Diann is a mother of two and a grandmother of three. This seventy plus warrior was determined that she was going to make it with the help of God. Her fight with cancer started February 2013 with just a lump. A lump which she said, if not detected early could have caused her life. She urges women out there to get tested early, do not delay. Diann recalls the journey of her discovery. “I remember visiting the doctor for my yearly checkup and she suggested a mammogram. Somehow that year passed and I was back before her. This time she decided to check my breast and there she found a lump.” It is from there that Diann headed to the Cancer Society for a mammogram. The test was conducted and to her surprise she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, which was in its early stage. I was thinking, “Am I going to make it?” She said. She remembered praying to God and asking Him, if it was His will to heal her. Diann further explained that she wanted this healing to change her way of thinking about life and others. She promised God she would serve Him for the rest of her life. The surgery was scheduled for May 2013. Coming out of the surgery and being alive was a moment of rejoicing. “I don’t really like to talk about it but there is so much to give God thanks for. There is always alarm when I hear someone die but I thank God for His protection, for bringing me through 6 doses of chemo and no radiation.” The road to recovery was cushioned with family, friends, prayer and calls from the church members. The road to recovery was Page 3
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cushioned with family, friends, prayer and calls from the church members. There were other survivors who were there to encourage her and share their experiences. She reminisced on one particular church sister who daily came and sat with her, they talked, prayed or sometimes just sat there for company. These acts of kindness helped and are cherished. Diann “really felt loved. "God encouraged me from His word, reminding me that He is my shepherd and I shall not want". (Psalm 23:1) “Cancer is not a death sentence, early detection save lives. Trust God and do what the doctor says, if you hear go, then go and get tested. Follow the instructions, don’t delay”, she advised. Diann’s doctor helped her detect the cancer early. She agrees that there are some cancers that are aggressive but “early detection save lives.” To my fellow sisters be prepared to make any changes. “For me, I had to completely change my diet.” Small price to pay for life, Diann intends to keep serving God and using the time to encourage others, helping them to be committed to wanting to be well. Her desire is to see her granddaughter grow up. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God (Isaiah 41:10) has become an anchor.
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Breast Cancer can occur in both men and women, and it can either be detected early, once we stay in tune with our bodies. Below are some symptoms that may manifest and be an indicator that you the need to go to the doctor to investigate what may be going on in the body. Our health should be of paramount importance to us, so women, be sure to carry out your breast self examinations and have your mammograms as directed by your doctor. Let us also encourage our men to engage in some self care as well, by carrying out self examinations on themselves. Please see page six (6) for guidance on the correct way to perform breast self examinations on females and males.
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by Jenifer J. Johnson
Every year as we learn and hear about early detection of Breast Cancer, the fear of women who are diagnosed and the number of survivors, I remember my mother's response on hearing her diagnosis. “It is not a death sentence, but it can be the time to go home”. Muriel Gwendolyn Roach, a woman of great faith, was diagnosed with breast cancer. After diagnosis mom had surgery, and as she prepared for chemotherapy, she asked God to grant her one wish, not to let her hair go. She was content with the thought of meeting her God, but wanted to look beautiful in the casket. She would say "Christians want to go to heaven, but don’t want to die". She got a little book and made the plans for her funeral service. She wrote the order of the service, she spoke to the persons she wanted to give the special selections, the hymns to be sung and the names for the obituary. She gave away her clothing and kept what she wanted to be buried in. She gave a word to her children and blessed her grandchildren with a word of prayer. We wanted her to live and she was looking so much better, but she was convinced that it was her time to go. Mom was only 67 and we loved her so much, we couldn’t think of life without her. She reminded us that God would take care of us. Her final day was so beautiful, she asked to have her hair plaited, so that when the nurse realized she was gone, her face would look beautiful. Our dad felt she was going to come home, but she meant she was going home to heaven. She said this would not be easy for him because they were married for 40 plus years. Dad later died on the day of the 11th month, after her death. In the last 12 weeks of her life, when the pain came she would sing, or recite a psalm. She didn’t complain or fuss. She held strong. And yes the next morning she was gone, she had a smile on her face and her long white braided hair. Her God had granted her request. Mummy knew of many persons who had survived, but mummy knew it was her time to go. Breast Cancer Awareness month is sometimes painful, but her faith and trust in God makes it easier. She had a good life and was prepared to meet her heavenly father. It was a joy for her to tell visitors, “don’t pray for me, pray for the salvation of my children and grandchildren”. She was an intercessor, an encourager and a great woman of God. She didn’t have wealth to leave for her seven children, but she left a legacy of faith, strength and deep trust in her God.
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from “Becoming A Woman of Worth Devotional” – Karen Moore
I have observed something else in this world of ours. The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skilful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don’t always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. - Ecclesiastes 9:11 NLT
You’re a unique woman and you’ve defined yourself in a hundred different ways. You have your favourite outfits, recipes and dance steps, and you also have a touch of something else. You’ve got a touch of renegade! You’re totally comfortable with the idea that life takes a little risking now and then. You’ve proved it over and over. Chances are that every big thing you’ve ever done took a little extra risk to make it happen. The teacher of Ecclesiastes may have been trying to send the message that life just happens. I don’t really think that’s the whole message though. We might read it as runners don’t necessarily win if they don’t get outside their comfort zone and compete just a bit ahead of their skill level. Warriors don’t always win if they don’t know how to pick their battles. Being smart, or skilled or educated won’t take care of things for you either. Maybe sometimes you have to step out and take a risk. When you do that, regardless of the outcome, you win. What would you risk for God this week?
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by Joelle Johnson
Sistas, we need to be more sensitive about our actions and the words we allow to come from our mouths. It saddens me that many of us do not think about the consequences our words and actions have, and how they may affect others. Many of us are walking around fighting silent battles, battles we are afraid to share or have only shared with a select few. So be gentle with me sista!
Be Gentle with Me Sista… My emotions are shattered and I do not know where to turn or who I can trust to share my story with. “But you can trust me!”, the sista says and I tell her my troubles. Sista, my marriage is struggling and I do not know where to begin to pick up the pieces. I am being abused, my husband is unfaithful, our relationship has grown apart to a state of disrepair. But this sista tells me, I am stupid for staying so long in an abusive relationship. “How could you be so foolish?" "Why you stay there so long for?" "You really feel he was gonna change?" "Them children gonna hate you!” This was her opportunity to find practical ways to assist me, pray with me and direct me to someone who can help me, but she continued to berate me. To add insult to injury, she told my story to several other sistas in the church, who now look at me and laugh.
Be Gentle with Me Sista… I have been feeling overwhelmed with life, I am feeling stressed, I am constantly crying and I am always feeling sad. I shared my story with a sista and she said, “Girl, you’ll be fine, that happens sometimes! Just ask for a vacation because you probably just need to rest!” I subsequently tried to kill myself and was admitted for a psychiatric consult, and was later diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. I told the sista and she appeared sympathetic, however, she goes on to share my story with others and tells them, “I was saying to myself recently she acting a little crazy yah know, now look at she!”
Be Gentle with Me Sista… I am the only one working in the household and I have been struggling financially for some time. I don’t have enough to pay my bills or to buy food for the family. My rent is now due and we have not eaten since yesterday morning. I go to church and a sista sees me crying, and asks what is the problem. She makes a call, asking someone from an organisation to assist me. She prays with me and tells me to go home, and wait for the call, but she never assisted me. The sista never checked back on my family and the organisation didn't call. My children remained hungry, but asked to go outside to play with friends. They go to a neighbour’s house and came back with something to eat for the night. During the week we received help from the organisation. On Sunday at church, I saw the sista and she waves at me from a distance, however, she later gives me a bag of groceries and says “yah gotta handle yah money better, yah hear me!”.
Be Gentle with Me Sista… I am going through a health crisis and I am a bit afraid. The prognosis is slim and I am struggling to keep the faith. I may not attend church often but I am not backsliding. Those are the moments I don’t feel well and I am in bed ailing. Sista don’t call me being condescending, telling me “You like you backsliding”. When I tell you I’m having health issues, don’t ask me “What sin yah commit now that God punishing yah?” Instead, ask me, “Can I pray for you and be one of the intercessors there to pray you through?”. You can also be a source of practical assistance and ask me “How can I assist you?” “Do you need a ride to your next appointment?” “Can I cook for you?”
Be Gentle with Me Sista… you don’t know the cross I am carrying. I need support, I need prayer and I need practical help. I don’t need your ridicule. If you see me appear as though I am slipping, don’t judge me, just let God guide you and do your part. Just be gentle with me sista because I am very fragile and your words may make or break me. Sistas let’s be there for each other in a positive way… Be Gentle with Me Sista! Page 9
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Every month on the third Thursday, WOP will be hosting Zoom prayer. With our changing world, we can never be too prayed up. Challenges arise daily and we need to be covered by God. We need to have on our full armor, that we can conquer this battle called life. We look forward to sharing and praying with you.
We will be sharing Christmas joy with our children again this year. As we continue this program, we will be rebranding and implementing a new focus. We want to instill in our children, both past and present, the importance of giving back. When they have passed through the program, they will seek to sow a seed into the lives of other children, as they have reaped the benefits of seeds sown into their lives.
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If you are interested in being a part of the baby bottle drive, please contact us. The proceeds from the coins collect, go to assist the family in our WOP community.
The Bi-monthly radio program and the monthly food drive are still running, however, we are always in need of funds and any other tangible contributions that can be made, to assist with the expenses.
Every year we make a donation of at least $60 to assist Women of Purpose with its projects. If you have not made a donation for 2021, you are still free to do so.
We want to say a special thank you to the persons who invested in our back to school program 2021, whether monetarily, physically or through prayer. We were able to reach our goal and all of our children were blessed with packages to assist with their back to school needs, because of your sacrificial gifts. The Lord has indeed been faithful and He has manifested His faithfulness through all of you. For that, we are eternally grateful. Again, Thank You! Let us continue to keep our children in our prayers, as they are currently engaged in online school. May God grant them wisdom and the ability to comprehend all that is being taught amidst these unprecendented times.
A sample of the items WOP distributed for the 2021 Back-to-School program. Page 11
Women of Purpose Ministry 137 Lodge Terrace St. Michael Tel: 246-851-9215/246-826-7798 Email: womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com To make an appointment to see a counsellor please call: (246) 851-9215 -Jenifer J. Johnson or email us at: womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com