Women of Purpose Magazine - DARE TO BEE YOU!

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Connecting, Supporting and Empowering Women

DARE TO BEE YOU The Challenge

IWD 2022 Breaking The Bias MARCH 2022

A Woman Breaking Barriers

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March 2022


By Jenifer J. Johnson Ministry Director and Founder Women of Purpose Ministry

D - Determine to be different A - Always remember you are chosen R - Remember to travel light E - Embrace your uniqueness Live in the Now! We have all said no to things in our lives, but we can’t let the fear of failure or a lack of experience, talk us out of our Yes. God has chosen to adopt you because He has called you His own. (Ephesians 1:5) God being for you is more powerful than the world being against you. God has a plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) God also told Jeremiah, I was in the plan before you were born and I have not changed. God’s plan is always the “A” plan - God does not change the plan because we drift or disobey. The assignment God has for you, has your name on it and is an assignment only you can accomplish for Him. So DARE to Bee You. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are unique. There is only one you, so make the most of yourself. Leave a legacy. Refuse to live guilty or condemned because of past mistakes. Instead, step up to new situations confidently, knowing that God has forgiven you. Make today a fresh beginning. Who told you something was wrong with you? Travel light, Jesus took your burdens so that you can, so don’t carry any load that He has relieved you of. When persons want to remind you of your past or mistakes you have made, send them to Jesus. Jesus Got It! Embrace your uniqueness, there is no one on this earth exactly like you. So look into the mirror and embrace the image you see. Do not be ashamed of the person looking back at you. Hold your head high, put a smile on your lips and walk tall. Your Heavenly Father made you in His own image and He does not recall anyone whom He has created because of their uniqueness. In the creation story whatever He made, He said it was good. Love yourself for who you are - special and fearfully made by the creator of the universe. Precious and victorious. Lord Bless me indeed. Do something so big in my life that is obviously from you. Increase my influence and opportunities for you. Amen (1 Chronicles 4:10) These are the words Jabez prayed and God granted his request. Prayer: Lord Empty Me of Me, So you can Fill Me. Bee Blessed and determine to BEE the Best You!

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March 2022

DARE TO BEE YOU THE CHALLENGE by Minister Janet Sealey Chairman - Women of Purpose Ministry Let us welcome the experiences of 2022 with open arms and warm smiles, positive that the experiences of 2021 have equipped us with the strength and determination to navigate the uncertain waters ahead. COVID-19 continues to force its way into our space, challenging us to be innovative and creative in executing our personal and professional pursuits. I encourage you to be optimistic and align your thoughts with the Women of Purpose theme – “DARE to Bee You”. The challenge is on – to be daring, courageous, brave and defy all odds. Are you willing to take a risk and step out of the box of self-doubt, indecisiveness and procrastination? God has deposited in each of us the skills and abilities to be successful in some unique area, but sometimes we allow our environment to influence our thinking and slowly our enthusiasm and zest for achievement wanes and we become distracted. If you are feeling this way, don’t despair; Women of Purpose Ministry is here to help you refocus. Write down your goals for this year, daily re-affirm your ambitions, align yourself with persons of similar beliefs and regularly evaluate your progress. A bee is known for honey, in addition to sweetness, honey has healing properties so “Bee You” sweeten and heal yourself; reignite your passion and pledge to make 2022 your best year ever. Kindly accept our appreciation for the ongoing support to Women of Purpose Ministry through your gifts, monetary donations and participation in our virtual events. Remember “you can do all things, through Christ who gives you strength” - Phil 4:13.

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March 2022

DARE TO BEE CALLED OF GOD by Pastor Marion Corbin

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."(KJV) God has a purpose and plan for every Christian, but some people are appointed by Him for specific tasks. Long before your conception or birth God knew the kind of person you would become because the forming of the human fetus is His act and workmanship (Ps 139:15). The God who formed you knows for what purpose He has designed and intended for you - "before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee." His Spirit within you convinces you of who you are, gives you strength to fight any battle, to move any mountain and courage to go the distance to overcome any obstacle. You may not have a specific task assigned to you but you can fulfill the common mission of making disciples of others, being obedient, showing love and serving God. You are stamped with His approval because He has singled you out. Align yourself with His will and be obedient. God separates and sets apart those whom He calls to His service. He told Jeremiah, "I sanctified thee." He places His indomitable will and Spirit within you so that His work may be accomplished. Your life must reflect His glory so He makes your life fit for the appointed task. With God, age has no bearing. Jeremiah, though tender in years, was a chosen vessel and approved by Him to perform a very difficult task, in a difficult age and among difficult people. God has prepared you for all you are to be. Surrender your will to His. Accept His appointment to service and be willing to carry out His commands. Enlist in His army. Your call of God to service is an eternal one. It was done before the foundation of the world. You are special. You are of great value to Him. All ministers are appointed to their offices by God before their birth (Isa 49:1; Gal 1:15) so walk before Him circumspectly (Psalm 1:6). Accept your appointment willingly and be equipped by God for the tasks. Dare to have a personal encounter with the Lord. You were in God's mind and in His plan from creation so walk purposefully in God's pre-ordained plan for your life. Let your focus be God's focus because your ministry is a world wide ministry. Evangelize.

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March 2022


by Sakina Bakharia President of the Barbados Association of Muslim Ladies Member of Interim Committee of the National Organisation of Women.

In the name of God Most Gracious, Most Merciful. May the peace and blessings of the Almighty be with you. As individuals, we have the choice to accept responsibility for our thoughts and actions. We have the choice to break the bias in our homes, schools and places of employment; in our communities and country and together contribute to a changing perspective for the positive. This years theme "Breaking the Bias" speaks to me as it reinforces what women and men of varying racial, ethnic, religious and academic backgrounds can do when we join together for the common good to all humanity. We can begin to imagine a gender equal world where our uniqueness is embraced and not be a source of discrimination. A world of diversity, equality and inclusivity. We cannot progress without giving recognition to those who walked before us and paved the way for us to stand together today. Yet we must also acknowledge that there is much left to be done within our homes, schools, communities and country. As individuals we can do only so much, but collectively we can do so much more to contribute to ‘Breaking the Bias’ this International Women’s Day and Beyond.


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March 2022


She is a mother, an aunt, a teacher, former Scout and Girl Guides leader, community leader, community activist, psychologist, social worker, politician, mentor and so much more. For over 52 years Miss Forde has served the public of Barbados. She has worn many hats throughout those years, but what stands out the most is the size of her heart. A heart that is genuine and full of compassion. Miss Forde started teaching in 1970 and that is where her official work began, but from countless stories that have been told over the years, I believe she had a passion to serve and to help from much earlier than this. She has shaped the lives of many and is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure persons are living a comfortable life, a life of purpose and a life fulfilled, with the resources they have, as well as the resources she is able to assist them with. In 1994 Miss Forde became a Senator and the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs & Culture and this is where her official start in the political arena began. In 2001, she became an elected member of Parliament, which increased the scope of her impact and her reach. After being re-elected in 2018, she became the Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, an area that is very close to her heart. As the minister of the portfolio under which Women of Purpose Ministry NGO 832 falls, she was very supportive during her tenure and took every opportunity to convey words of encouragement and express her support in all of our endeavours. Miss Forde has dared to be herself over the years. She has not wavered in any of the tasks that she has been faced with and she has been steadfast in her pursuits to empower the lives of many over her 52 years. For that, we salute her on this International Women’s Day. As she begins to hand over the baton to the younger generation, we have no doubt that she will continue to mentor and be a blessing to others. DARE TO BEE YOU as you DARE to Empower Others Too!

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March 2022



Her leadership was truly a Blessing Her commitment was Unwavering Her contribution to WOP was Inspiring Ten years of faithful Mentoring. We’re thankful for her years of Giving Guidance to women who needed Empowering Building a foundation that they could Believe In themselves and keep on Developing. God richly blessed her For her faithfulness to His call He entrusted her with a task To which she gave her all. So farewell Sista Bev we will miss you dearly But we will remember the trails you blazed passionately. God said it was time for you two to meet Because your work here on earth was complete.

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March 2022

WOP REMINDERS MONTHLY PRAYER On the third Thursday of every month, WOP will be hosting Zoom prayer. With our changing world, we can never be too prayed up. Challenges arise daily and we need to be covered by God. We need to have on our full armor, that we can conquer this battle called life. We look forward to sharing and praying with you. Please see the below details for our next session.

DONATIONS BI-MONTHLY RADIO BROADCAST The program is aired every other Monday at 9:00 a.m. on Life 97.5 FM. Tune in! MONTHLY FOOD DRIVE We supply hampers to twenty-five (25) families every month. Adopt-a-Family! Your support would be grately appreciated to assist with the maintenance of these two drives, as we seek to feed and to teach our community.

YEARLY CONTRIBUTION Every year we make a contribution of at least $60 to assist Women of Purpose with its projects. Contributions can be made via direct deposit or to a member of the WOP board. For more details please contact us at womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com or (246)851-9215.

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March 2022

Women of Purpose Ministry Lodge Terrace St. Michael Tel: 246-851-9215/246-826-7798 Email: womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com To make an appointment to see a counsellor please call: (246) 851-9215 - Jenifer J. Johnson or email us at: womenofpurpose.bb@gmail.com

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