Circum 2017 Term 3

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Goodbye Derby Mr Fransman and others share their thoughts

Ook Ingesluit „n Emosionele finale onderhoud met die eerstepan kapteins.

Girl Power Celebrating women, Gimmie style!

Circum? We explore the colourful history of our fine paper

Wie is die dans onderwysers? „‟n Spesiale onderwyser “Most Likely To” Poets Corner En vele meer!



Redaktrise Emily Voigt Sub-redaktrise Simone Botha Be-Arthur Davids Bianca du Plessis Enriqué Wilson Ian Steyn Karla de Bod Kyle Stynder Kyle Duvenhage Leandri du Toit Lona Sukani Mikyall Harris


Emily Voig


Abygail Drake Chané Pienaar Elmari van der Westhuizen Elsje-Marié Jordaan Gaby Jacobs Jana Matthee Kayla van Greunen Liam Waters Lize Joubert Ruth Pretorius Winona Swanepoel

Ps Days

Index Page 6

Page 20

Page 28

Goodbye Derby

Interschools Memes

Matric Farewell

gt & Mikyall Harris

Kyle Duvenhage

Kyle Stynder

Page 8

Page 22

Page 30

Girl Power

Most Likely To


Bianca du Plessis

Emily Voigt

Enrique Wilson

Page 10

Page 24

Page 31

iracy Theories

Dance Guys

Poets Corner

Karla de Bod

Be-Arthur Davids

Elsje Jordaan / Lua Badi

Page 12

Page 25

Page 32



First Team Captains

Ian Steyn

Lona Sukani

Mikyall Harris

Page 14

Page 26

seudo Science: s of the Week

Page 34

Onderwyser Matriekafskeid

Cooking With Bee

Simone Botha

Leandrie du Toit

Be-Arthur Davids

EDITOR’S Letter It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela When I first heard this quote, it hit me. I was only about 12, but I specifically remember thinking that‟s so true. I looked back at passing all my grades and finishing the projects I used to have and thinking to myself wow, Emily, you‟re accomplishing things. I wish I could whisper to my little self that no, the things you‟re doing are barely difficult, young one. Wait until you‟re older and your work load will feel quadrupled. You‟ll also barely have time for anything recreational! I realise, however, that that would be quite demotivating to tell someone. I also realise that once you look back at the things you‟ve been through, they seem easier to overcome. It‟s like standing at the base of an enormous mountain you have to climb. You feel like it will swallow you whole, but once you reach the peak, you have this beautiful view and can see everything clearly. This basically describes my journey to editorship this year. Although I was still sub-editor at the beginning of the year, I could slowly feel the pressure bubbling up inside. The first day of the third came and it felt like, “Bam! Here‟s your hiking equipment and a water bottle. Go climb that mountain!” I was so nervous to be a leader in the process of publishing our school‟s newspaper along with balancing my school life on top of it. Well, Dear Readers, the term is already over and look at the beautiful piece of art we‟ve created! Die derde kwartaal voel altyd die besigste (wel, vir my doen dit). Jy kry take, daar‟s sportsdae en toetse en dit

voel asof niks afgestel of verminder word nie. Jy kry jou huiswerk elke dag en jy het ook buitemuurse aktiwitiete wat jy nie kan mis nie terwyl jy nog moet leer vir môre se toets. Alhoewel dit moeilik was, moet ek sê dat ek eintlik dankbaar daarvoor is dat ek so besig was. Ek het geleer om my tyd beter te bestuur en het ook baie in die tegnologiese afdeling verbeter. Ek kon nie alleen hierdie berg klim nie en het hulp van my sub-redaktrise, Simone, gekry. Thank you for your help and visible enthusiasm, Simone. Thank you, as well, to Mr van Niekerk for helping me improve my (*cough* basic, sorry) technological capabilities. Thank you, of course, to the whole editorial staff whose energy and enthusiasm made me less nervous and more excited to start this colourful, new journey. In terms of technology, our school has developed drastically this term. Almost all our learners have received their long-awaited tablets onto which our school textbooks are downloaded. This makes our bags way lighter as we no longer need to carry the physical 200 page textbooks around at school. Another drastic concept we‟ll have to adapt to is the cancellation of one of the highlights of our school year, the Derby. For more insight, there‟s an article in the Circum that you can dig into. Seeing as Women‟s Month was part of term 3, there‟s also an article touching on feminism, female empowerment and body positivity. In this term‟s edition, we get to know the teachers in our school a bit better and three articles are based on them! All the other fun stuff like memes and Pseudo Science etc. are, of course, inside as well. And so another term ends, another chapter comes to a close. It‟s put onto our shelf of memories to look back on. The mountain has been climbed and it was not the last or the biggest yet. We are equipped with everything we‟ll need to climb the future mountains and eventually we‟ll be rewarded, once again, with the beautiful view we‟ll see once atop. So dive in, Dear Readers, and enjoy the view of the past term, the term you‟ve overcome! .

Who would‟ve thought that the annual Classic Clashes of 2017 would be the last Classic Clashes. Derby, with all the memories we will cherish forever, has been brought to an abrupt ending following a tough decision by the Governing Body of Worcester Gymniasum. This decision will have widespread impact, so the Circum journalists thought it appropriate to ask some current learners how they feel about it. Please note that the views are the opinions of individuals and may differ from the school‟s position.

Hané van der Merwe, a Bosvarkie new to Bosvarkpark, experienced her first and only Derby this year. When asked how the experience was she told the journalists that it was really nice and that the Singsongs was definitely a highlight that contributed to the overall feel. She also remembers the adrenalin rush she got, regardless of the sport, and how it taught her to always try your best. She also explained how sad she is now that Derby was cancelled as this was an enjoyable week in the school filled with spirit and fun. As many learners end off their high school careers, one prominent memory that they have is their Matric Classic Clashes. Unfortunately, like all the other future matrics, Elmari van der Westhuizen, currently in grade 11 and playing first team hockey, will not have this privilege next year. She reflects on her first Derby back in grade 8 playing as a Bosvark. It was an enjoyable day of mixed emotions, despite how windy she remembers it was. She sadly wasn‟t able to be at the Singsongs because of how the scheduling worked and it was also hard losing against the Donkies, but it is still a happy memory. Die gees was lekker, she adds with a smile. She previously heard rumours about Derby being cancelled, so when the decision was finally announced,

she was not too shocked. She says that everything felt like it was about the rugby and that wasn‟t right. “Dit haal die fun uit alles uit.” At the same time, she‟s disappointed that she now won‟t become a dirigent at the Derby, which was one of her aspirations for matric.

Francois Prinsloo, as a strong sportsman, has been looking forward to playing first team rugby against HTS Drostdy at the Derby and has been working diligently to reach this goal. This dream of his was abruptly crushed when he heard it was cancelled. Before attending Worcester Gym he was convinced the Derby was war. “My brother was in Gym and I knew how he got excited for Derby and that excitement rubbed off on me. I‟d see my brother play and all I knew was that it was war.” He remembers the extreme excitement and, of course, the nerves before the first Derby game he played. There was a lot of hype around the Derby and he wasn‟t sure what to expect, but at the end of the day, it was a fantastic day for him. It was the highlight of his grade 8 year and at that moment he felt like he was really part of the school, despite his team losing that day. It was also the year where the first team won and, “We felt like it was because of us,” he adds, smiling broadly. While Francois understands (and begrudgingly agrees) with the cancellation, he‟s still, in his words “disappointed” and “furious”. He says the learners see it as playing good competition against each other. He thinks the problem was with the adults who “have beef with each other,” and the learners have to suffer , “because grown-ups can‟t act their age”.

He says one good thing he‟ll think back on from the Derby was when Worcester Gymnasium won in 2015 “That was the maddest thing I have experienced in my life. The crowd flopped. I punched my brother in the face accidentally.”

Mr Fransman is somebody who was part of Worcester Gymnasium and experienced the Derby as a scholar and first team rugby captain. He now is a teacher at Worcester Gymnasium and this gives him a unique insight as being involved in all sides of the Derby. Back in 2004, when he was in grade 8, he remembers that they lost about 36-0. Over the years, his team improved and in 2008 he captained his first team where they lost narrowly by a mere 3 or 5 points. After he left the school, he says that as an old Gimmie, you come back to show your pride in the school and watch the matches being played. In 2013, he came back, but now he was a teacher. “Now it‟s a totally different ballgame.” He explains that now, as a teacher, you observe things differently and see much more than when you were a student. He now sees how involved parties use the events of the day for aggressive and often negative marketing strategies. He also added that as a coach you are on the receiving end of a lot of abuse, because suddenly the objective is to humiliate the other school, not just healthy competition. When asked what one of his best memories as a learner of Derby was, he explained that back then the team building and spirit were different to what it is now. In the week of Derby they would walk down to Drostdy and go sing the school anthem, School in Union and other team building songs in front of their school gates. In the same manner Drostdy would

Where tradition is concerned one must always be careful that the what doesn‟t completely overpower the why. There certainly was a very good why when Derby started all those many years ago, but much has changed and Derby now is not the same as Derby of yesteryears. Whether you agree or disagree with the Derby ending, it is over.

also march to Worcester Gym‟s school and “attack” them with wet toilet paper, “They made a massive mess on the Seminarie‟s roof once,” he added with a chuckle, but everything was done in good spirit. Mr Fransman noted that both schools had had a change of management with different views and ideas for the respective futures of their schools. According to him the two schools have been growing apart in their approach and ethos for some time. In addition, he mentioned that in the past Derby was solely a rugby day, but as the years progressed other sport codes also got added to Derby. The pressure and drive to win just increased exponentially, causing more and more conflict. When asked in which aspects he thought Derby changed the most he answered that the school spirit for both schools has transformed tremendously. He thinks that the tradition transformed into a win-at -all-costs competition. It stopped being a form of healthy competition as the drive and need to win consumed everything else and created a great deal of negativity, which was admittedly often not experienced as directly by the learners. We put Mr Fransman on the spot and asked whether he agreed or disagreed with the cancellation of the derby. Understandably, he had mixed views on this. As an ex-scholar it saddens him that it had to come to an end, but as a teacher with a view of the whole picture he understands and agrees that it is the right decision. For him it came down to the idea of peers getting to compete in a healthy state of sportsmanship, which he feels had been lost in the Derby and could be found else-

Like the end of any tradition, it will be missed and there will be a certain vocal contingent who will give voice to their disappointment. This does not mean that all the good memories that were made over the years must be erased. We must celebrated and cherish the past, but look forward with excitement to the bright future ahead.

“She wasn‟t looking for a knight. She was looking for a sword.” - Atticus Girl power is a wide concept, but we have narrowed it down to its fundamentals so that the Gimmies can get their inner Beyonce on and promote this uplifting cause! “Who run the world? Girls!” Girl power can be summarised by referring to three important categories that correspond with it: feminism, female empowerment and body positivity.

bit of advice: Girls, we seriously need to stop bringing each other down with hateful comments and bullying! There are a lot of people in this world who are against us. We can‟t give them the satisfaction of being against each other as well. STAND TOGETHER! Why would you bring other girls down when you can lift them up? You‟ll feel better about yourself in the process, I promise you. Tell other girls how bomb their hair looks. Or how poppin‟ their highlights are. Tell them they‟re powerful and intelligent and could turn the whole world upside down. DON‟T criticise their choices

Feminism is closely associated with “girl power”. It can be defined as a range of political and social movements and ideologies that have the common goal to establish and achieve equality of the sexes. Feminists have also worked to promote bodily autonomy and integrity, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment and domestic violence. Major works of feminism include A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792), The Subjection of Women (1869) and The Second Sex (1949). There‟s a distinction between biological sex and gender as a role. Feminisme kom dus al vir eeue aan en speel nogsteeds „n belangrike rol in vandag se samelewing. Alhoewel ons nie meer glo, soos „n paar honderd jaar gelede, dat vrouens nie mag werk nie en besluit het dat hul enigste rol NIE net is om kinders te kry nie, is daar nog nie algehele gelykheid tussen mans en vrouens nie. Feministe sal aanhou baklei vir vrouens se regte totdat die mispersepsie van vrouens se onbevoegdheid nie meer bestaan nie, totdat verkragting en seksuele teistering uitgeroei is. Nie net meisies en vrouens mag feministe wees nie. Ons almal kan deel word van die beweging! GIRL POWER: POWER FOR GIRLS. Female empowerment is encouraging girls to become emotionally stronger and more confident, indirectly helping them to stand up for their rights and bodies. A

in clothing, choices in lifestyle, choices in ANYTHING. Support them. Be constructive. Help where you can, but don‟t shoot down their opinions and ways of life because of your perception. Respect is key, ladies. It boosts empowerment. Let girls be comfortable in their own bodies. Be proud of them. GIRL POWER: POWER TO GIRLS. Ons moedig jou aan om „n meer vergewensgesinde en bevestigende houding teenoor jou liggaam aan te neem, met die doel om jou algemene gesondheid en welsyn te verbeter. Liggaamspositiwiteit, meisie! Dit begin by JOU. Ja, ander meisies moet jou help, maar jy sal self iets moet doen om beter oor jouself te voel.

WHAT DO THE GIMMIES SAY “Feminisme is „n beweging wat „n voorbeeld wil stel van wat gelykheid tussen verskillende geslagte beteken. Dit is mense wat help om geregtigheid te laat geskied en seker maak dat vrouens hul belangrike rolle in die samelewing kan vertolk.” - Leandrie du Toit

Laat “girl power” jou steun wees. And love the heck out of yourself! Hoe doen jy dit? Wel, dit gebeur nie oornag nie. Maar daar is maniere hoe jy liewer kan word vir jou lyf.

1. MOENIE JOUSELF MET ANDER VERGELYK NIE. Ons standaarde vir skoonheid word grootliks beïnvloed deur die media en populêre kultuur. Deur onsself te vergelyk met foto's en filmsterre, ontwikkel ons swak selfbeelde. Media kan moeilik wees om te ignoreer, maar jy kan die greep van die meerderheidsregering losmaak deur te besluit om jou liggaam lief te hê omdat jou liggaam werklik is en nie „n “photoshopped” uitbeelding nie.

2. KOMPLIMENTEER JOUSELF! Jy moet jouself behandel met vriendelikheid en bewondering. Hanteer jouself soos jy iemand sal hanteer waarvoor jy lief is. Jy sal waarskynlik nie 'n ander persoon se liggaam kritiseer oor dieselfde dinge waaroor jy jouself kritiseer nie. Moenie huiwer om jouself 'n kompliment te gee nie. Vergeet van die selfhaat en vervang dit met begrip en waardering.

3. WAARDEER WAT JY HET! Fokus op jou goeie punte! Besluit wat aan jou liggaam vir jou mooi is en herinner jouself daaraan wanneer jy sleg voel oor jou tekortkominge. Practice hygiene, wear comfortable clothes, commit to daily affirmations, eat a well-balanced diet, get regular exercise. ANYTHING to learn to love yourself. You are beautiful and powerful. GIRL POWER: POWER OF GIRLS. Daar is „n hele paar Gimmies wat graag “girl power” bevorder en staan vir feminisme, bemagtiging en liggaamspositiwiteit. Daar is onderhoude met hierdie sterk dames gevoer om „n beter begrip te kry van “girl power”. Gimmies, real queens fix each other‟s crowns. Feminism, female empowerment and body positivity - we are practically radiating with golden girl power! POWER FOR GIRLS. POWER TO GIRLS. POWER OF GIRLS.

“In our modern society, pressure still exists on both males and females to conform to specific stereotypes, but women are still given a harder time. Whether it‟s being generally considered less fearless and incapable of leading, being sexualised in the media or being catcalled for simply walking down the street, society consistently puts women second. They don‟t get positions where they could do just as well as men. They are degraded in ways men aren‟t usually degraded. Feminism strives to address these issues and create a world where there‟s equality amongst males and females.” Edna Rossouw “Be happy for other women‟s achievements. Appreciate each other‟s inner and outer beauty. Share advice and wisdom. Compliment other women and support them unconditionally.” - Abby Louwrens “Gender violence is a major issue. There is more abuse towards women than towards men. We can help the abused women and support them. We can encourage them not to go back to those dangerous circumstances. We can educate people on this issue and promote feminism and women‟s rights in schools.” - Siphe Giba “Feminists definitely don‟t hate men. Being a feminist doesn‟t mean you think all men are evil. Being a feminist doesn‟t mean you believe that all men are rapists. Being a feminist doesn‟t mean you blame every individual man for hundreds of years of oppressive behaviour. And it definitely never should.” - Dané du Plessis “A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.” - Tineke Swanepoel

Conspiracy theory: noun. A Belief that some covert but influential organisation is responsible for an unexplained event. Conspiracy theories exist all over the world. Famous conspiracy theories include seriously important questions, such as, “Do aliens really exist?” and, “Are all blondes really that stupid?”. Questions we‟ll probably never know the answers to. If conspiracy theories exist all over the world, it certainly exists in our little world, known as Worcester Gymnasium. Everyone has questions about the secrets that our school holds. Secrets of which the answers lie deep within the concrete of the walls, around every corner, in each footprint in the passages and in each particle of the pieces of bubble-gum stuck underneath the desks. Once again, questions we‟ll probably never know the answers to, but we can always allow our creative juices to flow and think about them. I mean REALLY think about them. Or we can always ask a Circum journalist, like me, to find out the answers for us.

I‟m pretty sure that by now you all have witnessed the scene of the school shoes lying on the roof of the 1st floor. And if you haven‟t, go and take a look, they‟re probably still lying there, as they have been for this past year. Whose shoes are they? Why are they there? How did they get there?





I‟ve done some top secret research and uncovered the mysteries around three of these conspiracy theories: Whose shoes have been lying on the roof for the entire year? What really happened to Ms Sheriff‟s leg? And, most importantly, why is Ms L van Wyk‟s hair green?

A grade 8 lost a hand tennis match. The penalty: Throw your shoes on the roof and suffer the consequences. Edna Rossouw thinks it‟s Oom Hennie‟s shoes and that he forgot it on the roof after he finished his adventure.  My personal opinion: Mr. Brummer told someone to go and photosynthesise on the roof, and so they did.

We all saw Ms Sheriff conquerALLY HAPPE ing the stairs day after day CASE 2: WHAT RE whilst walking with her crutches ‟S LEG? TO MS SHERIFF due to her injured leg. The cause of this injury? According ESTER GYM LOCATION: WORC to Ms Sheriff, she tore her liga17. ments while coaching netball. NASIUM, ROOM But do we really believe that? Whispers have been roaming 17. DATE: 3RD TERM 20 around school, telling us that her reason might not be the entire truth, it may not be the truth at all. The question is, what is the truth?


Elsa Burger said that she fell off the motorbike she drives on the weekends.  Winona Swanepoel said that she‟s part of a secret fight club, and broke her leg in the ring during the finals.  Hymne Ley said that she secretly takes Hip Hop dancing classes and hurt her leg while popping and locking too hard.  I also heard that Ms Sheriff is actually Wonder Woman, and hurt her leg while trying to save the world.



I‟m nearly 100% certain that every learner in Worcester Gymnasium has noticed Ms L van Wyk‟s green hair. And I‟m nearly 100% certain that nobody has a clue as to why her hair is this “spontaneous” and “natural” colour. This conspiracy theory is special, seeing that is has been roaming the school for years. unanswered. I thought of how I could approach this case, how I could approach my subject. I decided that it would be best to ask the opinions of learners in the school, as well as the answer from Ms L van Wyk herself.








HERE ARE SOME OPINIONS OF LEARNERS IN THE SCHOOL:  Harry Hewitt said that he thinks her favourite vegetable is broccoli, and that she decided to embrace this glorious vegetable a bit too much.  Conrad Le Roux said that while she was with Noah on the ark, green was the new black, and that green has been the new black ever since.  Suané Smit said, and I quote, “Groen is die kleur van Genade.”  There are also rumours that Ms L van Wyk once promised a matric class that if they all pass matric, she‟ll dye her hair green. And so they passed, and so she dyed her hair green.  An old learner, Brandon van Heerden, once asked her why her hair was green and her reply was, “Brandon, ek kan vir jou baie redes gee, maar nie een van hulle het met jou uit te waai nie.” Nadat ek met die leerders gepraat het en moontlik steeds nie die waarheid uitgevind het nie, het ek met Juffrou L van Wyk gaan praat en by haar die waarheid uitgevind. Die onderhoud het as volg gegaan:

Wat is die menings van ander wat Juffrou al van gehoor het, rakende Juffrou se groen hare? Wel, mense dink dat ek van Mars af kom. ĺs Juffrou werklik van Mars? Ek glo dat my voorvaders dalk van Mars af gekom het. Na hierdie onderhoud het ek steeds nie my antwoorde gekry nie, en hoe meer ek die vraag, “Hoekom is Juffrou se hare werklik groen?” gevra het, hoe meer het Juffrou L van Wyk se storie verander. Haar tweede storie het as volg gegaan: “Ek was „n lang tyd terug met vakansie in Spanje, waar ek „n virus gekry het wat veroorsaak dat my hare elke jaar groen slaan en dan stadig verdof.” Haar finale storie was dat sy op die ouderdom van 18 „n weddenskap met haar ma gemaak het dat „n persoon op die meeste 30 smarties in sy/haar mond kan pas. Sy het die weddenskap verloor en as gevolg van hierdie, moes sy haar hare groen kleur. Ons kan self besluit of haar finale storie die werklike antwoord is, of ons kan aanvaar dat ons eenvoudig nooit die antwoord sal weet nie.

Conspiracy theories exist all over the world, theories we‟ll probably never know of. Answers we‟ll probably never get. My investigation has reached its end and the cases are closed. But is a conspiracy theory really a conspiracy theory if an answer for it exists? You can decide that for yourself, but for now all we can do is keep quiet and listen to the silent whispers that sway through the passages of our little world, Worcester Gymnasium.

released in 1974, consisting of a stack of typewritten papers stapled together. Interestingly, it was referred to as a magazine rather than a newspaper. The first ever chief editors were E. Bohnen,





Shochat. The editorial staff also included ten sub-editors, thirteen reporters and six co-operating teachers. Though both Bohnen and Jones noted the lack of enthusiasm from the rest of the school in their editorial letters, the Circum is still alive and kicking. This year we celebrate the 43rd birthday of





happened in between now and then? For fifteen years the Circum changed little in format, content,




type. Few photos were included in the content, although some editions (including the first one) had a shiny black and white photo page at the back. Covers were occasionally printed on a coloured sheet of A4 paper, but any intricate logos or drawings were We‟ve all heard about the Circum, but where does

done by hand. It was published biannually.

it come from? What does its name actually mean? If you want to be literal about it, circum is a Latin

Then, in the year of Mandela‟s release, things


changed dramatically. The Circum changed from






„encompassing; surrounding‟. This is where we get

a magazine to a newspaper,

words like circumference and circumnavigate.

not only in name but also in

However, we can be pretty sure the founders of the

format. Though still B&W, photos

Circum did not mean for it to travel the world in a

were everywhere, as well as

ship like Magellan. So, what does it mean? To find

what led to this marvellous

out, we have to go way back to 1972 (yes, that‟s

change: advertisements. Tons

right: the Circum is older

of them. The stu-

than our school).




“collected adver1972 is the year that




the Circum jour-

School and Worcester

nalists wrote arti-

Girls High School amal-

cles. In other words, kids found out



whose parents owned a business and

Worcester High School.

asked them to sponsor the school





to Circum



The next amalgamation – that of

In the second term of 2015, the first

W.H.S. and Worcester-Oos Hoërskool

ever online Circum was posted on

in 1992 – made little difference to This created many new

the Circum. The first Bosvark editor

possibilities for the Circum: colour could

was Rene Mentz, winner of a school

be used without bounds, formatting

award for journalism. The Circum

was made easier and publishing the

retained its newspaper format, but it

paper became more convenient.

was noted in the 1993 and 1994 annual reports that it was struggling


financially and that it was becoming

beginning of this year a Circum blog

harder and harder to find sponsors.

was started to cover more current

One bright spot in this dark period

events (such as interschools or culture







was the buying of a computer at the


end of 1993, for which the editorial staff

hasn‟t been a major success so far,

had been saving for four years.




largely because most people don‟t have either the time, desire or internet

In 1995, a new era of the Circum

access to read it. Luckily our new

emerged. The ads were scrapped

tablets are here, so the Circum and the

for the most part, and the Circum

Circum blog will be more accessible

took on the look of an A4 pamphlet

than ever. What with the internet being


all around us these days…





referred to, for some reason, as a newspaper). I quote the editors:

Wait. You see that? All around us.

“This is the first edition where the edi-

Bohnen said in his editorial letter: “…

torial staff did everything, including

Circum; wat juis beteken „Om ons











decided to shake off the limitations

means „around us.‟”). So, there you

of sponsoring businesses, presenting their

have it: the Circum is, and always has

newspaper in a simpler format, printed

been, all around us. Not because


everyone reads it, but because it contains



In 1996 the Circum was upsized from A5

Anything worth mentioning ends up in

to A4. During the next eighteen years,

here. In other words, all around you are

almost nothing changed for the

the things you will see in the Circum. It‟s

Circum except the quality of the

about us, for us, by us.

photos and type. There seems to be very little consistency in the logo of the Circum – the earliest editions each featured a different hand-drawn picture incorporating the name. From 1995 onwards a number of different logos were used, with only

By Ian Steyn

two having any sort of consistency - the current one and the one on the left. Up until the end of 2013, the Circum was still printed in black and white. Term 1 2014 sported the first ever 100% full colour edition of the school newspaper, but it was ridiculously expensive.

Photos by Ruth Pretorius & Elmari van der Westhuizen

Weeks. There are fifty two of them in a year, and seven days in each one. Every day of every one of the 52 weeks is identical to the next in length...but it is the routines linked with the specific days that upset or excite most people. We all wake up groaning on Mondays, and we all run screaming for joy from the schools as soon as the Friday end-of-day bell rings. Because of this, it‟s obvious that people will have ideas about which day of the week is the best for them.

Thursday: Thursday is named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. And while some people love thunderstorms, others hate them. So we‟ll go with half points for this one. 4 points

Individuals, unyielding as they are, will always have a fixed idea that they will stand by unless it is scientifically proven otherwise: And that‟s what I‟m about to do. Using a point system, I am going to combine several different sources of information to determine which day of the week really is the “best day”.

Saturday: This name comes from the ancient Roman god of fun and feasting, Saturn. And I have to say, two of the things that people love most are fun and food. 7 points


1st the worst, 2nd the best, 3rd is the one with the hairy chest. 4th is king, 5th is the queen, 6th is the one in the washing machine. 7th the angel, 8th the ghost, 9th the one who thinks they‟re the worst. 10th is ace, 11th wins the race, and 12th is the one with the frilly lace.

Did you ever stop to wonder where the names of the days of the week come from? I mean, who or what was Wednes, because for some reason it has a day. And because names have power, this will definitely affect whether a day is a “good” or a “bad” day. Sunday: Sunday is named after the Sun, and after a pagan Roman holiday named dies solis, literally meaning Sun‟s Day. Not very exciting, except for the fact that we need the Sun to live. 2 points Monday: Monday is also derived from Latin, from dies Lunae – day of the Moon. So Monday is actually Moonday. Slightly more exciting than the Sun...its romantic, we sleep for most of the time that it‟s up, and it‟s more mystical. But you can‟t tan in the moon. 3 points Tuesday: The name Tuesday is horribly misspelled. It should be spelt Tiusday or Tiwsday – because Tuesday is named after the Anglo-Saxon name (Tiu or Tiw for the Norse god of war, Tyr. (Tyrsday?) And no-one likes war. 1 Point Wednesday: This weekday was named after the king of the Norse gods, Odin or Woden. Should it be the king of the days? 6 points

Friday: Friday‟s name comes from Frigga, Odin‟s wife. She was the symbol for love and beauty. And isn‟t that end-of-day school bell on Friday such a beautiful sound? 5 points.


Whatever that means. But in all investigations, it is important to go back to the roots. The people of past generations who wrote these rhymes had the information fresher and less muddled than we do. So we‟ll accept their expert knowledge without too much questioning... Sunday: The worst – 1 point Monday: The best – 7 points Tuesday: Hairy chested – Great if you‟re a guy, not so great if you‟re a girl. 3 points Wednesday: King – 5 points Thursday: Queen – 4 points Friday: In a washing Machine...? Makes me dizzy just thinking about it. At least you‟ll be clean. 2 points Saturday: Angel...enough said. 6 points



When investigating an important (or semiimportant) subject, it is imperative to consider the “voice of the people.”

Everything in the world cannot be positive, so we will have to include a negative point count in this investigation as well – just to keep this highly scientific study above the level of grade 1 Maths. In this case, the negative count is the days on which children get punished the the form of blue files.

Therefore, I conducted a survey amongst 35 of the finest human specimens lurking in the corridors of Worcester Gymnasium to find out which day they thought was the best day of the week...

Sunday: The day you realise you should do your homework or you‟ll get a blue file… -1 point

Sunday: 2 votes 5 points Monday: 1 vote 2 points

Monday: The day you get blue files for all the homework you forgot. And for sleeping in class. -6 points

Tuesday: 1 vote 2 points

Tuesday: The day your parents have to sign your blue files. -7 points

Wednesday: 1 vote 2 points

Wednesday: The day your teacher has to sign your blue files. -4 points

Thursday: 1 vote 2 points

Thursday: The day you are so used to the school week you‟ve forgotten your homework again. -3 points

Friday: 19 votes 7 points

Friday: The day when you‟re so excited that it‟s almost weekend you forget your homework AND misbehave in class... -5 points

Saturday: 12 votes 6 points

Saturday: The day you should be thinking about all the blue files you got but you watch TV instead.-2 points.


2 + 1 + 5 - 1 = 7 points


3 + 7 + 2 - 6 = 6 points


1 + 3 + 2 - 7 = -1 point


6 + 5 + 2 - 4 = 9 points


4 + 4 + 2 - 3 = 7 points


5 + 2 + 7 - 5 = 9 points


7 + 6 + 6 - 2 = 17 points

And there you have it folks! The overall winner of the days of the weeks – Saturday. So when anyone tries to tell you otherwise, just tell them that Worcester Gymnasium‟s Pseudo Scientist proved it. Ok. Maybe leave out the Pseudo part.

I know what you are thinking: ‚Dirk, it is almost the end of the year. What must I do to survive?‛ Well my friends, today I will be sharing ten tips and tricks on how to make the most of the last term of 2017.

Doen jou huiswerk.

enstorting te kry omdat jy ine ewe nu se ‘n s et to die aand net voor As jy daarvan hou om die jy egter graag op datum As . nie en do te k er isw hu ef jy beslis geen niks werk verstaan nie, ho kant, soos ‘n wenner. ne bin die n aa il hu en k, aa eke moet oopm wil wees, sal jy maar die bo

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Moenie sykouse by W oolworths koop nie Hierdie een is spes

iaal vir die meisies: Hoew el Woolies lekkerder ko s as enige ander winkel in Worcester het, is hulle sykouse swart. Koop re g; koop blou.

Wh I don’t kn en in doubt, c ho ow why it works. It ose C must be science


t Charge jou table‘n liederlike ding is, raak hulle

sê het dat tegnologie ‘n ge al e ni on e rd de ke gemaklike situasie met on ‘n Hoewel el y m er V . is p pa teld as jou tablet nogsteeds redelik onts die laaier in die gat. onnie, en druk betyds

Be kind

Radiate love like the su n radiates sunniness. No thing attracts good luck like a warm smile. And and other people money, as mentioned in tip number 6.

Hide your money suddenly, kids swarm around u take out a R20, and t,

feeling: Yo u need to be smar yo , ol ho sc gh Everybody knows the hi e iv rv su nd a dead bokkie. To you like vultures arou at hiding cash. sly, and above all, good

Bly op datum met pop-kultuur Ek word gereeld gevra, ‚Dirk, hoe kan ek meer selfvertroue in ‘n gesprek hê? Jy laat dit so maklik lyk.‛ Wel, liewe lesers, dit ís maklik. Jy moet net op datum wees met die nuutste flieks, musiek en TV-reekse. As jy kan praat oor Riverdale en Taylor Swift, kan jy praat oor enige iets.

Don’t die

could do is to just suru yo g in th t an rt po im rm of 2017, the most alive. To survive the last te school if you are not to go t n’ ca u yo l, al er vive. Aft

Deur Kyle Duvenhage

RUGBY o.19A verloor 20 - 22 o.19B wen 10 - 3 o.16A verloor 12 - 17 o.16B wen 19 - 15 o.15A wen 34 - 0 o.14A wen 21 - 7 o.14B wen 46 - 9

GIRLSâ€&#x; HOCKEY u.18A win 6 - 0 u.18B win 6 - 0 u.16A wn 2 - 0 u.16B win 1 - 1 u.16C draw 1 - 1 u.14A win 6 - 0 u.14B win 7 - 0

CHESS A-team lose 1 - 4 B-team lose 1.5 - 3.5

NETBAL o.18A verloor 20-34 o.18B wen 30-12 o.18C wen 21-5 o.17A gelykop 20-20 o.17B wen 22-10 o.16A verloor 18-23 o.16B wen 15-10 o.16C verloor 7-16 o.16D wen 14-4 o.15A wen 26-20 o.15B wen 16-8 o.15C wen 19-15 o.15D verloor 8-13 o.14A wen 15-12 o.14B wen 15-11 o.14C wen 19-13

BOYSâ€&#x; HOCKEY u.18A draw 1 - 1 u.18B win 4 - 0 u.16A win 3 - 0 u.16B draw 1 - 1 u.14A win 1 - 0

This term the Circum thought it would be quite entertaining to ask a few learners in the school which of the teachers they thought would be the most likely to do a few interesting (to say the least) things. A total of over 140 learners from each grade in the school (from English and Afrikaans classes) were asked to vote - and here are the results. Compiled by Emily Voigt (text) and ChanĂŠ Pienaar (photos)

Go shark-cage diving without the cage

get married Next

Lie about farting

Drive straight into a tree

Go to jail for graffiti

Talk to plants

Get stuck on a deserted island

Arrive late for a meeting

Win a cooking competition

Win a modeling competition

Climb Mount Everest

Push open a “pull� door

Continue teaching after retirement

Get a tattoo

Win a marathon

You have seen their moves, but do you know their story? Be-Arthur Davids finds out more with Liam Waters getting some snaps of everyone’s favourite dance instructors. Neakay and Vurswill Seconds, the two brothers from Paarl who are the founders of the dance hip hop crew, The Royal Kingdom, magically appeared last year from dance heaven and have been teaching dance as a subject at our school ever since.

SA‟s got Talent is coming up - if you guys won, how would you spend the money? V: We would go to KFC and buy some... (both start laughing). We would actually like to start our own boot camp as Royal Kingdom for all the youngsters to get their dance performance to the next level. N: Wow, that‟s a great question. A boot camp will be great and learners can study at the boot camp in case something at their house is not working out - and of course they will come to have fun.

How do you react when a learner can‟t dance at all?

When did you develop a passion for dance?

V: If we see a learner that can‟t dance at all, we‟ll try to do a different type of style to make it easier, but will still look super cool. We want them just to see the character, which they didn‟t even know was there, being awakened.

V: The moment I was sitting in McDonalds and I was having a Big Mac (starts laughing). We actually saw the movie, You Just Got Served.

N: Good,‟s all about waking up the character.

And for all the girls that have been wondering, are you guys single? (both start laughing)

What do you guys enjoy the most about being dance instructors at our school? N: We love it: the school is nice and we learn a lot from the students. My brother and I enjoy it a lot and so do the students. Are you inspired by learners to be better dancers?

V: No, I actually have a girlfriend in Paris. N: No I‟m not. If you had the opportunity to dance with any famous artist, who would it be? V: I would love to dance with Chris Brown. N: Definitely with Omarion.

V and S (together): YES! V: The learners inspire us a lot. Being a dancer is about constantly learning to be better at what you do. If you win today, you could still lose a competition tomorrow. You just need to pick yourself back up again and head back to the studio. What has been your best experience while teaching? V: Wow! To see the performance of students who have never ever danced in their entire life and they didn‟t even think they could be so awesome and amazing. (All together): It just blows our minds! (both laugh)

Who is your ideal girl? V: A girl with a nice personality - for me it is not just about the looks. We have to connect. She has to be herself and she should be a little hard-to-get. N: A good personality; she has to be smooth, but not too smooth. She has to respect me as a person and I will respect her too. We have to be able to trust each other. There you have it Gimmies! Vurshill will be heading off to Paris soon to be expanding The Royal Kingdom to give many more youngsters the opportunity to live out their passion to become dancers. So please don‟t awaken my krump!

Adriaan van der Bank, first team rugby captain of

between and losing your voice on the pavilions, at

2015, once said, “When you are in rugby match,

the end of the day it‟s worth it because as we‟re

especially when you‟re playing for the first team,

standing there singing, together as Gimmies, of ons

there are people making derogatory comments

nou swart, wit, groen of pers is.

from the rugby fields, people fighting with the referees and people rooting for the opponents, but

Ms Nel also said that she thinks Singsongs is a real

it is the pavilion where I first look and for that split

asset to the school because people are constantly

second, I feel like I am not only playing for myself,


but also for those who are singing their hearts out

headmasters of the schools that we played against

and that‟s why Singsongs is so significant for the

phoned Mr Schoeman and praised our school‟s

school and I believe that it was those Singsongs that

Singsongs, asking how we managed to get it right

made us win.” This was in reference to 2015‟s Derby

as they also want a Singsongs group like ours.







win over HTS Drostdy. “Ek is absoluut mal daaroor want die kinders wat dit Some say that Singsongs is significant because they

doen wil dit graag doen. Dit is vir my so lekker om



met ons skool se kinders op „n informele manier ook

scholars; others say that it is a way of demonstrating

te werk en nie net in die klassituasie. So vir my is dit

the school‟s spirit and a way of supporting the

net ontsaglik lekker. Dit is baie moeite om elke

players and the rest say that it is a manner of uniting

Saterdag op „n pawiljoen te wees, maar die

the sport players and the audience. Indeed,

dirigente maak dit vir my baie makliker. Ek sal nooit

Singsongs do seem to be quite an essential part of

toelaat dat Singsongs gestaak word by die skool

the school with a very lengthy and stimulating

nie,” said Ms Nel when she was asked about what

history as Ms Nel would put it.

she thought about the Singsongs.

In an interview, Ms. Nel said, “Ons het nie altyd

Singsongs demonstrates how the school doesn‟t

Singsongs gehad nie. In omtrent 2000 het Mev. van

dedicate its focus on only the sport, but also on the

der Westhuizen begin met die Gees-bou kompetisie

cultural aspect. Singsongs is really one of those

tussen die verskillende graadgroepe waar liedjies in

moments where the school is unified and stands

die graadgroepe gesing is en ons het dan

together as one whether we win, lose or draw.






beoordeel watter graadgroep die beste gesing het. Dit was om gees te bou in die graadgroepe en

By Lona Sukani

dan het hulle „n beker gekry. Die rede daarvoor was om die skool „n lekker gees, „n lekker vibe te gee en ook om die kinders saam te bind om „n eenheid te maak.” It‟s really true what Ms Nel said that Singsongs does really unite us, learners of Worcester Gym. Although a lot of effort goes into making the Singsongs perfect, like the long practises with few breaks in

One Love, Gim Love

Juf Sherriff Hierdie beeldskone dame lyk asof sy uit „n sprokiesverhaal ontsnap het en al die harte in Hartswater gesteel het. Sy het die rok van haar drome in „n winkelsentrum gesien en was dadelik versot daarop; selfs vandag is dit steeds een van haar gunsteling rokke. Haar metgesel het al graad 10 seker gemaak sy hak by hom in as hulle by die matriekafskeid aankom. Hierdie sprokies prinses is juffrou Sherriff.

Ms Conradie Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. This beautiful young girl borrowed this dress from one of her friends - and she absolutely loved it. When she was asked about how she felt about it now, she just laughed and said, “Oh my word, I can‟t believe I went like that! Dis verskriklik.” However, we feel that Mrs Conradie definitely pulled off this dress.

Ms Mills With the dress specially made, and hair and makeup professionally done ,this woman felt like someone in Hollywood. Miss Mills still remembers her matric farewell as if it was yesterday (because it was, she assures us). The thing that stood out for her was just having a blast with all of her friends for the last time. Even at the after party, when they went to someone‟s house to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics, they made memories that will last a lifetime.

Juf Neethling Wie nie waag nie, wen nie. Met hierdie rok het juffrou Neethling beslis „n hele paar harte by haar matriekafskeid vinniger laat klop. Sy is as „designated driver‟ vir die aand aangestel...en dit het nie te goed gegaan nie. “Ons het met die kar vasgeval,” sê juf Neethling, terwyl sy uit haar maag lag. Nog iets wat sy vir altyd sal onthou is dat haar ma onderwysers aangestel het om op haar te spioeneer by die matriekafskeid.

Mnr du Toit Daar is nou wel nie „n foto van Mnr du Toit by sy matriekafskeid nie, maar hierdie is „n foto van hom in matriek. Vir Mnr Du Toit se matriekafskeid is „n hemp hier geleen en „n broek en skoene uit die kas gesnuffel. Karre en foto‟s was glad nie belangrik nie. Mnr du Toit was baie geheimsinnig oor wat gebeur het na die matriekafskeid, en ons moet maar wonder…

Juf Snygans Twee weke voor die matriekafskeid het díe juffrou se matriekafskeid rok nie gepas nie! Annique se “shakes” moes toe van oggend tot aand gedrink word om perfek te lyk op die aand. „n Kar is gehuur en plate is gemaak vir hierdie besonderse event. Die juffrou beskryf haarself as baie “outyds” en sê vir hulle after party het haar vriendinne en hulle metgeselle by haar huis kom DVD‟s kyk. „n Interessante feit is ook dat hierdie juffrou in Worcester Gimnasium was - juffrou Snygans.

Juf Schoeman Juf Schoeman het, soos sy dit stel, met die “hunk” van die skool matriekafskeid toe gegaan. Dr Chris Barnard se vrou, Babra, was die inspirasie agter die rok - maar dit het egter toe glad nie uitgekom soos wat die oorspronklike rok gelyk het nie. Die hele matriekgroep het na die matriekafskeid na elke onderwyser se huis gestap en buite die huis vir hulle gestaan en “serenade”. Glad nie hoe dit in vandag se tyd gebeur nie!

Juf Hofmeyer Met „n blommetjie het Juffrou Hofmeyer se kêrel haar matriekafskeid toe gevra. Van die kosbaarste herinneringe wat sy het is hoe hulle vier mense voor in „n bakkie moes sit om matriekafskeid toe te ry. Met „n opwinding in haar stem vertel juf Hofmeyer al die herinneringe wat sy gemaak het, van dans in die reën voor die matriekafskeid tot die kies van die rok. Voorwaar „n aand om te onthou!

Juf DU TOIT Juf Jacobs Juffrou Jacobs was die toonbeeld van elegansie by haar matriekafskeid. Net „n jammerte haar metgesel vir die aand het heeltyd met ander meisies gedans. Beslis net hy wat verloor! Omdat dit so „n klein dorpie is het almal hul hare by dieselfde haarkapster in die dorp laat doen.

Die manne het tou gestaan om hierdie meisie matriekafskeid toe te vra. Alhoewel sy nie nou meer baie van haar rok hou nie, het sy toe beeldskoon gevoel. Na die matriekafskeid is al die matrieks van Durbanville Hoërskool na „n klub wat spesiaal vir hulle bespreek is - en musiek het gespeel tot die volgende oggend sesuur. Met hierdie uitrusting het juffrou Du Toit beslis „n paar harte gebreek.

We all have a dream. A dream to reach your true beauty and be the true gentleman you were born to be. The dream became a reality for most on the evening of 27 September 2017. The guests of honour arrived in their chariots, dropped off into the night. When the ladies placed a foot out of the motor to reveal the woman she has become, everybody gasped in awe and celebrated the achievement of getting to this point and looking like an absolute dream while doing it. As the camels took their seats in the halls of Goudini Spa Resort the lanterns were lit to all to the theme of The Forbidden Lands of Egypt. The tables were decked with gold and black accents seating the Kings and Queens in royalty. After receiving an encouraging and motivating speech from Mr Joubert they took what he said to heart and seized the moment, this time hitting to the dance floor. All the ladies looked gorgeous, going for similar trends of the season, but still making it their own. One such a lady was Aya Bono who wore a light pink dress that complimented her dark skin beautifully. Many said that she looked like Elsa from Frozen, who is typically associated with beauty and love. Therefore Aya deserves best dressed Lady of the evening. If anyone of you are hating on this decision, just let it go! All the gentlemen were dressed in their fitted suits, sharply polished shoes or sneakers (if you preferred) and watches that were used for more than just looking at the time. It was a simple art that they all mastered. Best dressed man goes to Pieter Miennie for a simple, yet sophisticated fitted look. Your mother would be very proud Pieter.

Walking arm in arm down the red carpet with chants and screams from the sidelines, the couples were overwhelmed by the glory and praise they received from outside in the driveway straight past the cheering waiters waiting for their presence on the inside. The Best dressed Couple of the evening belongs to Veegan Carolus and Kaylin Amsterdam, with a subtle olive green palette; they dropped jaws as they were the perfect pair. You guys were stunning. To our amazement it wasnâ€&#x;t only the Matrics that put effort into their looks, but the teachers as well. With a formal event like this they had to try hard not to steal the spotlight from the guests of honour. Even though they all looked dazzling, we must send a special shoutout to Ms Keet; she stole the show with her new short hair look and elegant dress. After speaking to some of the Matrics to hear what they thought about the night, many of them could agree that it went by too quickly. After almost a whole yearâ€&#x;s preparation for the big night, it went by in a flash. Joe-Elin Mouton also added that Mr Joubertâ€&#x;s speech really inspired him and many others to do well in their futures; it was his favourite part of the evening. The host, Conrad le Roux and his right hand woman, Karla de Bod and many of the Gr 11 waiters, really got to see and experience what awaits them in the nottoo-distant future and appreciated that they could serve the people that they looked up to in the last year to guide them into what to do when their time comes in Matric. A special thank you to Ms Delport for all the arrangements she made, Mr and Mrs Schoeman, all the teachers who helped them along the way and most importantly the Matrics of 2017. We are truly proud of you. As their night slowly but surely came to an end after tearing up the dance floor, they left with their heels in their hands and blazer over the shoulder, ready for the final hurdle of matric.

MNR JOUBERT & JOUBERT VAN DER WESTHUIZEN: Joubert … en Meneer Joubert – al catchy genoeg? Hierdie twee alter-ego‟s kan as persoonlikheidsdubbelgangers beskou word weens hul positiewe ingesteldheid, hul betrokkenheid en hul belanstelling in die welvaart van hul medemens. Hulle is albei ook baie verantwoordelik en agtermekaar − een van daardie persone wat wanneer jy weet hulle baie besig is, steeds sal tyd maak om hul hulp te verleen.

LIZE JOUBERT & MNR JOUBERT: Lize Joubert en haar pa is tot meer as net bloed verbonde; hulle deel albei „n vriendelike voorkoms en ook „n buitengewone, unieke en soortgelyke humorsin.

EDNA ROSSOUW & MS MILLS: Edna Rossouw and Ms Mills share many similarities. Besides being tall on the leg, they both have enthusiastic spirits, both are daunting but amorous figures, they share great devotion to jams of Maroon 5 and The Script‟s finest hits, they often bond over topics of tennis and also share a very „witty‟ mind – ask no questions and hear no lies, wink wink.

LECHIA AMSTERDAM & MS KEET: You‟re probably thinking: nope. Not true, can‟t be … but here‟s exactly why Ms Keet and Lechia Amsterdam will most certainly be twins in the next life ─ for one, they both share a unique sense of humour and ample good will. Secondly, they can both rock their textured ringlets in a perfect bun. Thirdly, their fashion tastes differ vastly, yet still reflect signs of similarity (even with just the tuck of a scarf) − AND, finally, have you ever just noticed how their eyebrows can arch at the same angle? Convinced yet...?

ANJA BYLEVELD & MRS Z. JORDAAN: Let‟s face it: this is a match that will never cease. Even without Anja‟s 2015 short-hair-don‟t-care hairdo, there is still a force that draws Anja Byleveld and Ms. Z. Jordaan‟s similarities together – they are both tall in appearance, fierce on the netball court, and once sported long hair. Coincidence? I think not.

Granaat deur Elsje-M

arié Jordaa


Haar hart was soos ‘n granaat oo Die waarhe pgebreek id het my v in gers gevlek Helder ska rlakenrooi Pitte van h aar siel Hard was haar omhu lsel Maar mak ilik geska ad Kliener de eltjies van haar word Uitgepluk onthul, deur die gu lsige same Se bloedbe lewing vlekde vin gers Sy is niks meer nie Net ‘n leë d op ‘n Vergete skil op ‘n k omposhoop Haar doel nie meer Haar hart was soos ‘n granaat oo Die waarhe pgebreek id het my vingers ge Helder ska v le k rlakenrooi Pitte van h aar siel Gretig opg evreet en v ergeet Karakter g esteel Persoonlik heid verlor e Niks Niks Niks Behalwe ‘n geskade, g ebroke, haw elose siel. Haar hart was soos ‘n granaat oo Die waarhe pgebreek id het my vingers ge Helder ska vlek rlakenrooi

African Queen Lua-Naledi Badi O gentle goddess Your crown shall never fall Those around her fall to a monstrous, bland world She is a Queen, a swan A rock. A feisty lioness Unlike the lion, you don’t need a mane to show your world The blood of royalty runs through your veins It pulses in your smooth skin, your bright eyes and character. Dipped in chocolate Bronzed in elegance Polished with grace Toasted in beauty She is a black woman

These words were the fuel that drove these exemplary people, along with their teams, to the heights that they achieved. Not only did they develop on the sports field, but also as people, and it is now time to say goodbye to the final season of their high school sport career. They played a huge role in the school not only the past year, but for the past five years and therefore the Circum thought it well to acknowledge them and their melancholic ending to a beautiful season.

nooit al die ure ingesit het, of Maandae se fiksheid sessies klaar gemaak het as dit nie vir my span was nie. Ek het geleer om aan te hou in „n wedstryd al kon ek nie meer nie, want die idee dat ek my span in die steek gaan laat was vreesaanjaend. Wat maak dit so moeilik om as eerstespan netbal kaptein finaal te groet? Ek het my spanmaats op „n dieper emosionele vlak leer ken. Hierdie jaar was ons span „n gom wat nie kon los kom nie. Ons het baie meer as netbal met mekaar gedeel en hulle beteken meer vir my as wat woorde ooit kan beskryf. Hulle sal vir altyd in my hart bly.

NETBAL KAPTEIN (NATALIE VAN DER VYVER) Die jong dame wie se passie en geloof haar en haar span tot hoër hoogtes gelei het, het met baie emosie die vrae beantwoord. Hoe het jou passie vir netbal begin? Ek kan nie aan een spesifieke oomblik dink wat ek nie geweet het dat netbal regtig my passie was nie. Aangesien my ma „n Protea netbalspeler was, het almal van my verwag om in haar voetspore te volg en ek het geweier. Maar in preprimêr was ons besig met netbal en almal het in elk geval verwag ek moet speel en ek was nog nie een dag spyt daaroor nie. Wat is jou geliefkoosde herinnering van jou netballoopbaan van graad 8 tot 12? Sjoe, dis nogal moeilik om te kies. Vir my is dit nie Saterdae sportdae waar ons groot wedstryde gewen het nie. Ek het met mense te doen gekry met wie ek nooit sou te doen gekry het sonder netbal nie. Na „n lang, moeilike dag kon ek na „n netbaloefening toe gaan met „n glimlag en effense giggel wat nou en dan uitgeborrel het as ons weg gestap het. Hoe het netbal jou menswees help ontwikkel? Netbal, leer jou iets van hardwerkendheid, lojaliteit en geduld. Dit mag nou dalk vreemd klink, maar ek sou

MEISIE HOKKIE KAPTEIN (TANISHA STORM) Die dame wat haar “klein maar getreinde” span dra met haar skreeusnaakse grappies en snaakse motiveerende grappies. Wat is jou geliefkoosde herinnering van jou hokkieloopbaan van graad 8 tot 12? Graad nege by DF Malan. Ons hele span het ons kreet geoefen en het toe op Wrecking Ball buite op die gras begin dans en gemaak asof ons deel is van die musiek video. Noem een iets wat jy die afgelope jaar by jou span geleer het Dat „n span saam wen, maar meer belangrik ook saam verloor. Dit is belangrik dat „n span mekaar dra en „n goeie verhouding handhaaf. Wat maak dit so moeilik om as eerstespan meisies hokkie kaptein finaal te groet? Al die herinneringe wat ons span saam gemaak het. Ek en van my spanmaats kom al van graad nege af saam in die 1ste span aan en dit gaan moeilik wees om nie so lekker te lag en pret te hê met my meisies nie.



Hierdie jongman het die afgelope jaar „n span gelei wat besonderse hoogtes behaal het, maar steeds het hy met sy nederige persoonlikheid die toon aangeset.

Last but certainly not the least...The guy who carried his amazing team through thick and thin, even when times looked at their darkest he lead them through it and proved that they are still full of surprises.

Wat is jou geliefkoosde herinnering van jou hokkieloopbaan van graad 8 tot 12? My geliefkoosde herinnering was die wedstryd wat ons vanjaar teen Pearson College gespeel het, waar ons 20 agtergeloop het in die wedstryd en toe wonderbaarlik die spel omgedraai het en 3-3 gelykop die spel beëindig het en gevolglik die showdowns gewen het.

How did you develop your passion for rugby? Growing up in a family that loves sport, it didn‟t take me long to fall in love with a sport and after watching South Africa win the 2007 Rugby World Cup, I developed a deep passion for the sport as I idolised players like Bryan Habana.

Hoe het hokkie en jou span jou menswees help ontwikkel? Hokkie was nog altyd vir my „n groot deel van my lewe. Die spel self en my broers (mede-spanmaats) kon vir my enige slegte dag na „n goeie dag verander. Hulle het my gehelp om geduldig te wees en uithouvermoë te hê.

What is your most precious memory of your rugby career from grade 8 to 12? Our opening game against Hoërskool Punt when Jacques Groenewald picked up the ball from behind a scrum and held off three defenders at the same time and then passed the ball to me, allowing me to ease my way to the try line and score under the posts.

Noem een iets wat jy die afgelope jaar by jou span geleer het Die grootse ding van die baie dinge wat my span my geleer het is dat dit nie saak maak hoe goed jy regtig is nie, jy moet altyd die ouens om jou ophelp. Soos daar al dikwels gesê was: “There is no I in team!”

How did rugby and your team help develop the person that you are today? The bond we (my teammates and I) had from the beginning of the season helped me deal with the pressure that came with being the captain. The support I got from the guys came as a confidence booster and I wouldn‟t be the person I am today without that. Of course, not only the first fifteen, but the whole team and our coaches for always believing in us.

It is clear to see that although they‟ve given their all to their respective sport and teammates, all good things have to come to an end, but their memory will continue to live on and although they‟re ending their one journey, this is only the beginning of a new exciting one

What makes it difficult to say farewell as 1st Team Rugby Captain for the final time? Facing the nasty reality that most of us won‟t see each other again after saying our final goodbyes. The thought of the bond we shared and the people we came to love won‟t be there on a Saturday morning, or the fun bus rides anymore where we shared our joy, pain, laughter etc. What makes it most difficult is saying goodbye to family…

- By Mikyall Harris

It‟s spring, and even though the winter belly is still there, it is more than okay for you to have a few sweet treats now and then. I mean, it is not like anyone will ever know… Here I present to you two of the best and easiest spring snacks for you to make and enjoy – hassle free! So grab a pen and start writing these recipes down immediately!


2 Peaches

3 Tea bags

1 Cup sugar

7 Cups of water


Cut peaches into strips.



Place water, sugar and peaches in mediumsized pot over med-high heat until they come to boil.

Remove tea bags and allow to cool to room temperature.


Add syrup to tea and refrigerate.


Reduce heat and crush peach slices as you stir to dissolve sugar.


Serve over ice and garnish with peaches slices.


Strain syrup to remove fruit pieces.


Bring water to a boil and soak your tea bags for 5 minutes.


2 cups of flour (sifted)

1 ½ cups of white sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

¾ cup of butter, softened

3 eggs, lightly beaten

Different colours of food colouring

Cream cheese

2 tablespoons vanilla extract

2 ½ cups of icing sugar mixture

2 tablespoons milk

1 container cream cheese (softened)

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 cups icing sugar, plus more if needed


Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C if fan-forced). Fill up one round cake tin with cupcake holders.


Place the flour, sugar and baking powder into a bowl. Using a mixer, beat in milk, vanilla, the softened butter and eggs until combined. Beat the mixture for a good 4 minutes.


Divide the mixture evenly in separate bowls and add a different colour food colouring to each bowl.




Use a teaspoon and take a scoop of each colour mixture and pour into each cake tin. Pour each directly into the centre of the tin to create layers.


In a large bowl, mix in cream cheese and vanilla


Stir in icing sugar as needed until frosting is thick.

Bake for 20 minutes and cool before applying cream cheese icing


Spread or pipe frosting on the cooled cupcakes.

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