Worcester Gymnasium's Circum (2018, Term 4)

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Ook Ingesluit Meet your new head leaders Graad 8’s kyk terug na 2018 Pseudo science: school rules


WG around the world En vele meer!

Hostel Life



Redaktrise Emily Voig t S ub-reda ktrise S imone Botha Na d ia Botha Be-Arthu r Da vid s Bia nca du Plessis Kyle Du venha g e Lea nd rie d u Toit Cou rtney Gempies M ikya ll Ha rris Zoë H end ric ks Ya seen Ja cobs Na bila h Will ia ms



Graad terug Kyle

Meet Head


FO TOGRAW E Hoof f otograaf Ga by Ja cobs Abyg a il Dra ke Anja Jou bert Ja na M a tthee Cha né Piena a r Ka yla va n Greu nen Lia m Wa ters M iché Wiu m Ca rla Wolstenholme

WG th



Contents Page 6

Page 18

Page 28

rade Day

Ontmoet Mnr le Roux

Christmas DIY

ah Williams

Nadia Botha

Leandrie du Toit Page 10

Page 30

d 8’s kyk na 2018

Hostel Life

December Survival Kit


Emily Voigt

Bianca du Plessis

Page 12

Page 22

the new d Leaders

Page 32

Pseudo Science

Cooking with Bee

Simone Botha

Be-Arthur Davids

Page 20

ney Gempies Page 24 Page 14

G Around he World

seen Jacobs

Soon to be Married Zoë Hendricks Page 26

Ask the Expers Page 16

Mikyall Harris

MEMES Duvenhage

Cover photo: Chane Pienaar



Yes, that’s what I’m starting this letter with. Uhm, will someo plain why I hear people talking about their Christmas plan aren’t we still in September? Uhm, I’m confused. What a p word to match my facial expression!

I seriously don’t think I’ve experienced a year that flew by quickly. It was about two days ago that I was shocked by

much bigger my Life Sciences textbook was compared to grade 10 one. It was also about two days ago that my tea started saying “Grade 11 is a very important year. You app

university with these marks.” Well, I guess that will never sto I’m in Matric, but then again, they’ll probably start saying,

“Grade 12 is a very important year.” Grade 12! My last yea school! Ahh!

Time is a weird concept for me. You’re probably thinking I zy. How does she not understand time? Because! It’s mad Hours, minutes, milliseconds, they’re all ideas humans crea

that they could plan things better. People used to wake w light of sunrise and settle down to sleep by the setting of th

Imagine that life. There were no alarm clocks or people sa

“Hurry up, we’re going to be late!” because “late” didn’t Now, okay, I’ll admit, time does ensure that we don’t expe a full-day Physics period (phew!) and it also helps us make we get to bed or switch on a light before the sun goes do think of the other things.

What is age? In essence, it’s the number of time units you’ been alive and this has an effect on how you’re seen by t

world. Hearing someone is 80 makes us think wow, this per

been alive long. Treat this person with care - until we see a fit human being that plays guitar better than you and who still takes his dog on walks in the early morning hours. I am often surprised

when a person tells me their age, but that’s exactly my point. Age makes us think older-looking, more fragile and less able. Because of time that has passed, we assume things about others. We should surely rather be judged on our maturity, fitness levels, wit, humour etc. than our age. That’s why time just doesn’t always work for me. What a tangent I went on! See, this is why I am deemed a crea-

one exns? Uhm, perfect

y this how

o my achers pply to

op until ,

ar of

I’m crade up! ated so

with the he sun.


exist. erience e sure own, but

’ve the

rson has

tive sort. I’ll constantly ponder ideas and conspiracies and spend my days daydreaming away - what if oxygen was actually poisonous, but it just takes you approximately 65 years to feel the

fatal effects? - and then I’ll land here like today, realising with a jerk that oh yeah, “time” is passing. Haha! Back to the logical world where time is a reality... It has seriously been a year since making New Years’ resolutions and back-to-school stationery lists. Soon all the shops will be decorated with fake snow in the middle of summer (makes no sense)

and the Christmas playlists will be on repeat. I love this time of the year because it makes me feel nostalgic and fuzzy inside. I reminisce with the people I love about all that has happened and plan for some things I want to do in the New Year. I enjoy seeing how many goals I’ve ticked off my list and how much I’ve learned and grown. This year I learned that flying alone isn’t so scary, Chemistry is pretty enjoyable if you understand it, those who don’t understand are more likely to judge, grade 11 is hectic, you can do anything, but not everything and that Café Hugo’s has the best coffee milkshakes imaginable. What have you learned? I hope you’re as ready as me to go into 2019 with full force and enthusiasm. I have a good feeling about this year! Stay safe,

Dear Readers, and enjoy the holiday after an almost-four-week exam season. Catch you on the flip side!


legacy that will live on… The ones who brought

The end is near. We now look back at their Matric Ball. The

the heat… They were the flame of 2018. It start-

stunning dresses and dashing suits, the Matrics had the

ed off at colour athletics where they stole the

ability to outshine the stars on this starry, starry night. Danc-

show as they walked around the field. All eyes were on

ing to their final song, with smudged makeup, no stilettos,

them watching the emotions change from happy to sad in

and undone ties added to a long, yet unforgettable night.

an instant, but also watching the many WhatsApp and

Instagram stories that were being uploaded as they took their final steps for their last colour athletics. Next came the swimming gala, one of the memories that they will never forget. Climbing the ladder to one of the biggest jumps they have had to face in 2018. Their legs trembled with

fear, but their hearts were all for it. In the next moment, all you could see were the flying Matrics jumping off the

board and into the water.

The final chapter: The Parade Day. What an emotional rollercoaster this was.

Elmari’s heart-warming message

and the comedic speech from Joubert helped write a perfect ending to a perfect chapter. This is what makes the parade day such an emotional rollercoaster, we remember all of the great times. From the colour athletics to this very moment. The Matrics of 2018 made a mark in our

hearts that the Gimmies will always remember. The grade 8s will never forget their first Matrics at Worcester Gymnasi-

Speeding through time, you realise that it’s their final Musi-


Teachers will never forget the ones who always

cal in Worcester Gymnasium. So many backstage mo-

brought the heat to class and who made their days just a

ments, inside jokes and excitement later, giving their all for

bit more memorable. So to the class of 2018, we salute you

their last, helped make Aladdin a magical evening. Inter-

and wish you the best of luck. You may be leaving, but

schools week followed and all eyes were on them. Playing

your flame will burn on.

their hearts out for their teams and playing for the love of the game, they helped make Worcester Gymnasium the

2018 Champions yet again.

By Nabilah Williams

Photos by Circum Photographers

“If I had to say, it would be the break times, going to girls and having all of my friends together for maths.” Scott Apollis “My favourite part of matric was probably getting to know new people, living in the moment, spending time with friends, even though they were very busy and just embracing everything that came on my path.” Hymne Lee “The thing that stood out in this year, must have been the Matric Ball and all of the things leading up to it. The matric after party was super fun with all of its fun stuff happening.” Dylan Woolward “Interschool’s was definitely my favourite and most memorable moment.” - Ashleigh Mahoney “Out of all of them, the highlight was the Namibian rugby tour. Good things happened on that tour and many memories were made.” Daniel Jansen van Vuuren “The Musical!” Calvineo Juries “40 days en interskole was ‘n groot highlight van die jaar. Maar ek dink die beste was hoe close ons almal was en om te sien hoe vriende meer soos familie geraak het.” Ethan Simpsom ”The parade day!” Asadum’odwa Tshazibana

“There were so many highlights this year, starting from colour athletics straight through to parade day. There were countless cherishable moments and unforgettable memories that I got to spend with not only my closest friends but also new companions.” Shakeera Williams

2018 was ‘n jaar vol opwinding, oorwinnings, gees,

volle dag en albei spanne het die skool baie trots

en vir ‘n sekere groep bosvarke (of eerder

gemaak. Tussendeur die sing songs en atletiekitems

bosvarkies), ‘n jaar vol eerstes: eerste kleureatletiek

het ons die geleentheid gehad om met Siba

in die hoërskool, eerste interskole teen De Kuilen,

Mbombo te gesels en te hoor hoe hy die

eerste musical, eerste dans, en tot baie opwinding

geesbelaaide dag ervaar het. Hy het gesê dat dit

vir die graad 8 seuns, eerste Mnr. & Mej WG. Ons

‘n ongelooflike dag was, en dat die beplanning

het met ‘n paar graad 8 leerders gesels om terug-

van so aard was dat dit soos atletiek op ‘n “pro-

voer oor hulle eerste jaar as Gimmies te kry, en hul

level” gevoel het. Die hoogtepunt, volgend Siba,

gevra hoe hulle hoërskool tot dusver ervaar. En in

was toe albei spanne kop-aan-kop was met die

‘n skool waar uitmuntendheid ons passie is, kan

geespunte en hul harte moes uitsing op die

dinge net lekker wees…

pawiljoen. Die atlete was uitstekend, die beplanning uitmuntend, die gees aansteeklik en die graad

8’s se eerste atletiek as Bosvarke was ‘n reuse Propvol entoesiasme en senuwees het ons jong


bosvarkies by die graad 8 kamp opgedaag, reg om hoërskool se eerste uitdagings by die horings te pak. Saam in die diep kant van die swembad is

Meneer en Mejuffrou WG is elke jaar ‘n kultuur-

hulle vriendelik verplig om mekaar, en die skool,

hoogtepunt op die skool se program, en hierdie

beter te leer ken. Hulle het die “bootcamp”,

jaar het nie teleurgestel nie. Met geverfde gesig-

boeresport, spookhuis en watokal na hul kant toe

gies, in kleurvolle tutus, het nege van die graad 8-

gegooi is, geesdriftig aangedurf. Taron Pretorius,

meisies die verhoog geklim, gereed om te skyn!

een van vanjaar se graad 8’s, het gesê dat die

Wilmien Roux, wat as Mejuffrou WG Junior op dié

kamp ‘n ongelooflike geleentheid was om mense

aand gekroon is, het gesê dat dit ‘n ervaring was

te ontmoet en vriende te maak. Sy sê dat, tussen-

wat sy nooit sal vergeet nie. Nie net het hulle baie

deur al die pret (en die spookhuis, wat, soos ge-

geleer by die koördineerders nie, maar die ouer

woonlik, ‘n hoogtepunt was), dit die jaar op ‘n

deelnemers het haar en haar mede-juniors vinnig

goeie manier afgeskop het. “The camp was a

laat welkom voel. Haar graad 8-familie in die ge-

great way of introducing us to high school and

hoor was ook baie ondersteunend, wat die ervar-

what we could expect in the near future.”

ing net nog lekkerder gemaak het. “Alhoewel ons baie tyd moes opoffer aan beplanning en oefening, was dit definitief die moeite werd,” het Wilmien

Met vlaggies in die hand en hulle “war-paint” op, het die spul hulle eerste kleureatletiekbyeenkoms in

die hoërskool bygewoon. Dit was ‘n gebeurtenis-


het hulle die dansvloer betree, en volgens Larissa Louw was dit die wag werd. “Dit was nie so lekker

soos wat ek verwag het nie… dit was lekkerder!” Die foto’s, dans, en om te sien hoeveel anders almal lyk as hul nie ‘n skoolhemp en Bronx dra nie,

het uitgeloop op ‘n asemrowende aand.

Natuurlik was daar baie ander eerstes, soos om vir die eerste keer ‘n chappie uit juffrou Nel se kouDie volgende groot sportgebeurtenis op die pro-

gompotjie te haal, of om vir die eerste keer uit die

gram was Worcester Gim se jaarlikse interskole-dag

roos-vierkant te kom. Dit is net ‘n paar van die

teen De Kuilen. Die junior bosvarkies is dalk klein,

hoogtepunte wat die graad 8’s hierdie jaar van

maar hulle was gemotiveerd en reg om die Kuilies

deel was. 2018 was opwindend, uitdagend, en,

‘n ding of twee te wys. Vir baie graad 8’s was dit

soos Dylan van Vuuren dit gestel het, “‘n roller

hul eerste interskole ooit! Bertus Roux het gesê dat

coaster van nuwe ervarings”. Ons glimlag breed

hoewel hy nog nie baie lank in die hoërskool is nie,

wanneer ons hoor hoe die jongspan WG geniet, en

dit vinnig duidelik was dat Worcester Gim se gees

sien uit om te aanskou wat hulle in hul volgende

uitmuntend is, en dat ons die beste sportmangees

vier jaar as Bosvarke gaan bereik.

op en van die veld af het. Weereens kan ons met trots sê: one love, Gim love.

Na maande se koor- en dansoefening was dit

uiteindelik tyd vir Aladdin om op sy towertapyt te klim, en vir die graad 8’s om gesig te wys by hulle eerste musical. In hulle kleurvolle kostuums het hulle

uit volle bors gesing, vol selfvertroue gedans, en waarokal hulle betrokke was, hul allerbeste gegee. Die






uitstekend, en die graad 8’s kon met trots sê dat hulle aandeel gehad het in wat regoor Worcester as ‘n meesterstuk bekend was. Die vriende wat hul gemaak het tydens die wonderlike warboel wat musical-oefeninge is, het die ervaring selfs beter

gemaak, en die lewenslesse wat hul geleer het (byvoorbeeld om nooit oefening te mis sonder ‘n verskoning nie) sal deur hulle hele hoërskoolloop-

baan by hul bly.

Uiteindelik het die vierde (en laaste kwartaal as die skool se babas) aangebreek, en dit het net een

ding beteken: graad 8 bal! Uitgevat en opgedollie

deur Kyle Duvenhage

At our Prize-giving, the following people were announced as our head leaders for 2019. We are extremely proud of them and wish them all the best for the coming year.

LEANDRIE DU TOIT HEAD GIRL What were emotions when you were first announced as head girl? Sjoe, ek het dit glad nie verwag nie. Ek was bang die mense wat in die eerste ry sit kon my das sien bewe soos wat my hart geklop het, dit was regtig verskriklik. Toe hulle my naam afkondig het ek eerste vir my ouers gesoek, want ek wou net vir hulle smile en wys hoe gelukkig ek is. Dit was regtig vir my n groot verrassing. Ek was overwhelmed met joy en blydskap. What do you plan on achieving in the year 2019? Ek dink wat altyd ‘n goeie matriekjaar maak, is as hulle united is, so as daar een iets is wat ek kan deur hierdie hele jaar bereik is net om die graad en die skool in daai manier net meer te unite en dat ons net by mekaar kom en nie divided is nie. Ons moet net daai bond versterk en net saam groei en as n united front voorkom

KYLE DUVENHAGE HEAD BOY What were your first emotions when your name was announced? Ek was verbaas. Die eerste ding wat ek gedink het is “ooh jinne, nou moet ek hierdie speech sê.” Maar ek was baie excited want ek het geweet matriek is n groot jaar en ek sien uit om dit aan te pak. What have you learnt from previous head leaders? You are much stronger united than what you are individually. You have to stand together. What’s the biggest cause of you falling?

My feet. I just don’t focus where I go. I’m always in thought, so next thing I see is I’m on the ground. Are you a Marvel or DC fan?

Marvel, I am the world’s biggest Marvel fan. Who is your favourite Marvel character? Ironman and Spiderman, definitely

What motivates you?


As ‘n mens met iets begin het en dit op jou lysie gesit het, om dit dan te kan af tick. Dan te se “ek het dit bereik en ek het dit gedoen”. Om jou eindresultaat te sien en om te kan sien dit wat ek gedoen het, was goed.


Wie is jou rolmodel?

I felt incredibly honoured and blessed to be chosen for such a position as a lot of my family were also recently in leadership positions. I felt a bit of relief because the pressure to perform was there and after I was announced, I just felt blessed because I know that it’s God’s choice for me.

My ouers, veral my pa, want hy werk verskriklik hard vir dit wat hy in die lewe bereik het. Ek voel ek’s baie trots op hom op dit wat hy bereik het. Hy leer vir my baie van deursettingsvermoë en ‘n aanhouer-wen-mentaliteit, maar ook om daai humanity te hou dat dit gaan nie oor wen ten alle kostes nie, jy moet ander mense in gedagte hou en daar wees vir hulle. ‘n Omgeepersoon wees.

What would your advice be to other people about leadership? Dit gaan meer oor hoe jy ander mense laat voel as wat dit is oor jy wat heeltyd in beheer moet wees, so jy moet humane bly deur dit alles. Jy moet weet jy werk met mense wat gevoelens het.

What were your emotions when your name was announced?

What have you learnt from previous head leaders? I’ve learnt not to let the small things bother you, to keep your eyes on the big picture and not to sweat the small stuff.

What do you plan on achieving in 2019?


I plan on uniting our grade, with the help of the other leaders. To truly stick up as one and to support one another in our coming year.


What’s your favourite book and why?

Leandrie: Happy, ambitious and hardworking

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay, because it challenges social inequalities. Who is your role model?

My role model is Barack Obama, for the marvelous way he led America through a time of hardship and struggles when they had the economic crisis.

Kyle: Thoughtful, funny and very very clumsy. Very clumsy. I fall like 6-7 times a day.

Jeanette: Honest, optimistic and naïve-because

What motivates you?

I believe there is good in the world even when

I want to be remembered by people. I want other people to speak well of me at my funeral.

faced with bad things.

Bru ce-Joh n:


Fu n ,



DEPUTY HEAD BOY What were your first emotions when your name was announced? I felt really privileged. To be named deputy head boy of Worcester Gymnasium is quite a prestige and it’s a high title in the school. There were strong candidates for the position and I’m fortunate enough that the people had faith in me. I’m just thankful that they voted for me and this opportunity came my way. What have you learnt from previous head leaders? Patience is a big thing. The biggest thing I learnt is that you have to put your own emotions aside for the greater good, for other people because they look up to you and you have to be the strong figure they need to depend on. If you’re not strong enough, it’s going to be difficult for other people to depend on you. What would your advice be to other people about leadership? It’s an action, it’s something you do. It’s about how you interact with your fellow pupils. You can’t be biased just towards certain people, you have to be open-minded, you have to be a bridge builder between two parties and you must have that personality towards being open to other people’s ideas. Leadership is something you do, it’s not something you have. You’re privileged to be in that position, but you have to work hard. Would you say you’re a movie person or a book person? Definitely a movie person. I’m sorry for the book lovers, but I’m a movie person.





Leandrie: Twee van my beste vriende—met baie klere, my Bybel, vrugtebome, sodat ek dit kan plant vir kos, daai pilletjies waarmee jy die

water suiwer, want ek wil nie dood gaan van water wat onsuiwer is nie Kyle: My cell phone, one of those charger pack

things- so that my cell phone doesn’t die, lip ice, bubblegum and shampoo - coconut shampoo.

Jeanette: A book- how to build rafts, ‘n paar tekkies, ‘n hoed, ‘n reuse slab chocolate en sonskerm.

Bruce-John: Bed, a chick to talk to, some foodlike strawberries and a blanket.

Were you treated like an outsider when you first came to South Africa?

You have no idea. Some still do, even in this school, but we have our comebacks now so be aware *wink*. If someone offered you $100 000 to move back to

your home country and never leave your home country ever again, would you take the money and go? Or would you refuse and stay?


Lidia, what makes Brazil the best country? Brazil has very delicious food. And it rains at least 2 times a week, so we don’t have to worry about any Worcester Gimnasium is bekend vir sy diversiteit. Ons


is almal verskillend, nie net omdat ons almal nie dieselfde lyk nie, maar omdat baie van ons leerders

What type of activities or holidays do you have

verskillende godsdienste en kulturele agtergronde

in Brazil?

het. Sommiges kom sommer van regoor die wêreld!

A very big and common activity is soccer, but they

Ons vind bietjie uit wat se tiepe tradisies en/of akti-

also have more holidays like Children’s Day on 12

witeite hulle het. Ons het vir Annaleen Kim (Suid -

October, Teacher’s Day on 15 October

Korea), Lidia Hugentobler (Brazil) en Simone Botha

If you didn’t move to South Africa, would you have

(Kanada) ‘n paar vrae gevra.

liked to stay in Brazil?

I think I would’ve stayed in Brazil and I wouldn’t even

Annaleen, what traditions do you have to follow

know how to speak English.

in Korea?

We have to speak formally to elders or someone in a higher position. Thus I can’t call my sister by her name, but rather by what she is to me, big sister.

How did it feel when you met your first South African teacher?

My first ever teacher was South African and I really liked her. Teachers in South Africa are very caring

Would you prefer South Africa or South Korea?

and considerate. They have a lot of patience.

Many people ask and my answer is the same. South

Africa is home. South Korea has a house full of my family, but South Africa is the home I need. How often do natural disasters happen in your home country? And have you experienced one yourself?

There aren’t many natural disasters but there’s air pollution. Every time I visited South Korea, I can see the foggy air and smell the difference. Credits to

Japan and China.

By Yaseen Jacbos Photos by Liam Waters





Lidia: Take a dictionary. Nobody there speaks English. And buy a lot of Havaianas sandals, they are very

cheap there. Annaleen: Watch out for that air pollution! Simone: Be nice, like really, the people there are really gentle. Also, Canada is very diverse, so be prepared for

a lot of different cultures.

Simone, when and how old were you when you moved to South Africa?

We moved in 2013. I was 10 going on 11. Why did you choose to move to South Africa? Our extended family lives here. My parents are South Africans and they wanted us to know our

grandparents and cousins. What’s your favourite memory about Canada?

I was born there...so I have way too many memories there to pick a favourite, but I have to say I loved

the nature there, and exploring was one of my favourite things to do.

How is the weather in Canada? The first place we lived was very rainy and cold. It’s the second rainiest city in Canada, so imagine the

rain here times 10. The second place we lived had a climate similar to Worcester’s in the summer, but we

had 4 seasons, so we had snow and autumn leaves and a nice spring, which is different here.

We all have different backgrounds, and we all

should treat each other the same. That’s why Gymnasium is so famous for its diversity. Even if you come from Korea, Brazil, Canada or you’re just not from

South Africa, We’re definitely all Gimmies. One love, Gim Love.

Worcester Gimnasium was in rep en roer toe ‘n

die hoof van die Wetenskappe-afdeling, en die

nuwe onderhoof by die eerste saalbyeenkoms

Wetenskappe en veral Biologie is sy passie.

van die kwartaal aangekondig is. Fluisterende stemme en ‘n gevoel van opwinding het die saal gevul. Na die aankondiging het Mnr. Le Roux heel

gemaklik en tuis, sy plek agter die mikrofoon ingeneem en die saal toegespreek. Dit is veilig om te sê dat hy ‘n goeie eerste indruk by die leerders

geskep het. Maar wie is hierdie meneer? Waar kom hy vandaan en hoe het hy by die Bosvark-familie

aangesluit? Mnr. Le Roux kom van Cradock waar hy ook skool gegee het. By sy vorige skool was hy

Nadat sy kinders uit die skool is, het hy en sy vrou

besluit dat dit tyd is om hulle horisonne te verbreed! Hy het by twee skole aansoek gedoen en geglo dat God die regte deur vir hom sal oop-

maak. Só het hy by Worcester Gimnasium se deure ingestap en is aangestel as die nuwe

onderhoof. Sover geniet hy die skool verskriklik baie en is veral beïndruk met die leerders se ingesteldheid en hoe hulle almal net vriendelik is. Hy erken dat dit ‘n


aanpassing is om aan die einde van ‘n jaar by ‘n skool aan te sluit, maar noem ook dat dit voordele

inhou. Hy het nou die geleentheid om aan al die stelsels en “reëls” gewoond te raak sonder die

druk van ‘n nuwe skooljaar. Volgende jaar is hy al ‘n goed geoliede masjien.

Grootste vrese? Ek is nie die “bang vir slange of spinnekoppe-tipe” nie, maar is eerder bang dat ek nie genoeg tyd

gaan hê om alles te doen wat ek nog wil doen

Mnr. Le Roux help ook tans uit in die Fisiese Wetenskappe-klas en sê dat hy skoolhou geniet en dat

nie. Gunstelingliedjie/band?

hy nie sal omgee om daarby betrokke te bly nie. Hy is egter van plan om van volgende jaar af sy gewig by die sport in te gooi. Hy beoog om te

help rugby afrig en, omdat sport een van sy groot passies, is wil hy graag so veel moontlik daarby

betrokke raak.

Ek het ‘n wye verskeidenheid smaak. Onthou, my

kinders is nog jonk so soms ruk my kar so bietjie en ander kere luister ek na musiek met mooi woorde. Watter sepies kyk meneer? Ek hoef nie ‘n sepie te kyk nie, ek kom net werk

Een vraag wat leerders altyd het is: Is die meneer

toe en dan is ek deel van ‘n sepie.

streng? Die antwoord wat ons ontvang het, was

Watter sport het meneer gedoen?

eenvoudig: “Julle sal dit maar moet uitvind.” Mnr

Le Roux glo dat hy nie net ‘n swart-of-wit-tipe mens is nie, maar dat daar grys areas ook is. Hy is altyd oop vir nuwe idees, maar leef met reëls

Rugby, tennis, krieket. Ek roei nog steeds so af en toe. Ek het ‘n dag voor my 50ste verjaarsdag nog

aan ‘n old boys rugby game deelgeneem.

binne die grys area. Hy voel baie tuis hier by WG


en is dankbaar vir almal wat hom so gou welkom

Pizza, ek geniet dit om my eie pizza te maak

laat voel het. Hy beweer dat die personeelkamer

saam met my gesin. Soms lyk dit meer soos ‘n

“een bondel vreugtevolle mense is” en dat almal

souttert maar ons geniet dit.

gelyk praat; ’n mens sukkel om by te hou. Hy sien

uit vir alles wat nog voorlê. deur Leandrie du Toit Foto’s: Kayla van Greunen

Vir watter rugbyspan skree meneer? WP, ten spyte van wat gebeur het, staan ek agter

hulle. Gunstelingvakansieplek? Stilbaai Gunstelingfliek? Ek hou van aksieflieks, maar kyk nou en dan ‘n

tranetrekker saam met my vrou. Rolmodel My ma, sy het my baie geleer in die lewe en ek kyk baie op na haar.

where you can say your stuff out loud if you’re practising for an oral for example. Are there social areas? Delmaine: Daar is ‘n TV-kamer, maar omtrent niemand gebruik dit nie. Ons ontspan maar in ons kamers. Where do you go if you need a shoulder to cry on?

Having lived at home most of our lives, for a lot of us hostel life is an unknown concept. In the future, quite a few of us will have to live in hostels because of the universities we’ll choose, or at the very least we'll have to leave the comforts of our mother’s nest. This can perhaps be a bit daunting. What even happens there? The Circum thought it fit to interview the recently elected Seminarie head girl Louleine de Kock and Brandwacht head boy Delmaine Swartz Here follows the A’s to your Q’s about hostel life. What happens if you’re not in bed or you disobey one of the hostel’s rules?

Louleine: Personally, my best friend is in the hostel, so I go to her and I feel like most of the hostel girls’ have best friends in the hostel, so that’s where we go. You can also ask your mom to visit a friend out of the hostel and if she gives you permission, you can let Mrs Tromp know and then go. It depends on how close you are to Mrs Tromp, but you can go to her too.

Can you have sleepover parties with the other girls in the hostel mid-week? Louleine: With permission, yes, but we don’t usually allow it because it’s chaos the next morning as you have to take your mattress back to your room and so on. It does happen sometimes, though.

Delmaine: Jy word gestraf.

What type of punishments are there? Louleine: There are different punishments depending on what you did, from washing the dishes, sweeping and not being allowed to go to town in the week. What is usually used if you really have a bad attitude is washing-up duty alone - without the machine! Studying works like this:

Both hostels have study halls where the learners study. The boys’ hostel has study sessions of 45 minutes each with 15minute breaks in between and the girls’ hostel has onehour study sessions with breaks in between too. During the exams, the boys have 5 study sessions per day and the girls have 4. What if you’re a learner like me and you study like a parrot? It would be weird to repeat my work out loud in the silent hall.

Delmaine: Jy moet dit net saggies sê, maar prefekte, Akandidate van graad 10 af en graad 12’s kan op hul eie in hulle kamers gaan leer. Louleine: It works the same at the girls’ hostel, but there is a TV room close to the hall

Do you enjoy hostel life? Delmaine: Ek geniet dit, ja, want iets snaaks gebeur elke dag. Daar’s nie bakleiery nie, maar altyd ‘n gestryery en dis nie ‘n normale gestryery nie. Die mense stry soos prokureurs. Hulle kan wragtig prokereurs word. What happens if you dislike or clash with your roommate? Louleine: I haven’t actually had that many roommates. Wat ek doen as ek en my kamermaat vassit is, ek reël ‘n kamervergadering. Jy sê net wat jy voel en jy praat dinge uit. Jy probeer dan ook spasie vir mekaar gee. Kan jy ‘n nuwe kamer aanvra en het dit al gebeur? Louleine: Yes and yes. This usually only happens when it’s really intense though, like somebody stealing your stuff or because of bullying. At the beginning of the year, you can usually choose your roommate.

Most important question of all… is there Wi-Fi? Delmaine: Nee, jy gebruik maar jou eie data (sê hy en lag).

Wat is julle leses vir 2019? Louleine: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Delmaine: Aan die brand, want ek wil hê die koshuis se naam moet soos ‘n vuur versprei . Ek wil ook hê die koshuismense moet die vuur gebruik om mekaar te help. What’s one goal you have for the new year? Delmaine: Ek wil meer “connect” met die graad 8’s wat kom en met baie ander mense. Ek en Jaco (onderhoofseun) het ook baie wat beplan is. Louleine: I definitely want to change the image of the hostel, because sometimes you walk around in school and then someone’s like, “It must be terrible in the hostel,” etc. which is not true. I want to make hostel life more fun and I want everyone to engage. I have a theme for this year: “Fun and Dames”, like “fun and games” (you have to give her credit for that, it’s genius!) So we’re going to have informal sokkies and game nights. We’re also going to have courses on etiquette, how to do your nails, how to socialise and things like that. For myself next year, I want to improve my time-management, although it’s not bad at the moment. I just have lots to do, so it’s hard to manage it all.

Die Circum wens die nuwe hoofmeise en hoofseun van die koshuise alle sterkte en sukses toe vir die jaar wat voorlê. Dankie vir julle tyd. Ons lesers het vir seker iets hieruit geleer! Emily Voigt



MORNING Delmaine: Dis doodstil. Ons staan op om 6:15. Die nuwe reël wat volgende jaar gaan inkom, is dat die prefekte deur die koshuis gaan stap met ‘n watergunnetjie en dan seker gaan maak dat almal wakker is. Teen 6:40 moet almal se kamers netjies wees en hulle moet by hulle kaste staan vir inspeksie. Regtig? Ja, jou bed moet opgemaak wees en alles in jou kamer moet netjies wees. ‘n Onderwyser en prefek stap dan deur om te kyk. 6:50 is dit stilte en dan sit jy op jou bed en lees Bybel of jy’s net rustig en dan kan jy dink oor jou dag. Ontbyt is om 7 uur. Hoe is die ontbyt? Flieks maak dat koshuiskos nie altyd lekker lyk nie. Dis eintlik lekker. Ons kry verskillende goed op verskillende dae soos muesli, Kelloggs en muffins.

AFTERNOON Louleine: You get home from school. Lunch is at 2:15 – 2:30. After that, we have 2 study sessions. On a Wednesday, though, it’s “Dorpdag”, so then you have off time after lunch until dinner which is at 17:45. During this time, you can go to town and buy what you need or want. During summer you can also swim in your off times.

EVENING: Louleine: Dinner is at 17:45 – 6. You then have an hour off (if you’re not a grade 8 or 9, because during this time, they wash the dishes). In this hour off, people usually watch 7de Laan or other things. Studies start again, the first one being from 7 until 8. After the last study session, it’s Bible time for 10 minutes. You don’t have to read the Bible if you’re not a Christian, but in this time you must be silent and respectful. At 9:30, the bell rings so then you have time to shower or do what you need to do before bedtime. At 9:55, there’s a bell to warn you to get ready for bed and then at 10:00, it’s lights out. Is there a “lights out” at the boys’ hostel too? Delmaine: Ja, 10 uur moet almal in die bed wees.


fortable clothes. The counterargument to this, how-

eeing as this is a factual article, let’s start with

ever, is that you can concentrate best when you are

a fact: School is packed with rules. You must


wear a specific uniform. The uniform must be neat.

Your hair must be done in a certain way, and with a

No learner, on an exam block day, gets up, puts on

certain colour hair elastic. You may not speak in

their school uniform and sits to study. NO! They put

class. You may not disrupt the class by laughing. You

on their most comfortable clothes (usually PJs of

may not chew gum. And so it goes.

some sort) and then settle down to focus their mind.

Lists and lists of precise and restrictive rules fill our dai-

Why should learning at school be any different? Es-

ly, scholarly lives. We live in fear, or at least in hate,

pecially when it comes to the height of summer and

of the “blue file”, and are constantly being remind-

the depths of winter, the uniform is particularly un-

ed what to do and how to do it.

practical. If the learners were allowed to wear hotter or cooler clothes depending on the weather, they

The Pseudo Science crew decided to have a look at

would have much more brainpower directed to

this issue from a totally unbiased, scientific perspec-

their studies rather than to how freezing or how boil-

tive. We took 5 of the school’s most notorious and

ing hot they are.

controversial rules and discussed them critical-

ly...using the data available and ultimately deciding


whether or not they were necessary and/or benefi-



It is commonly said that a fresh mind focuses best. So

when you are so drowsy that you cannot keep your eyes open, you are most probably not focusing anyway. Rather than living in terror of the consequences

Many teachers have complained against civvies

should you doze off, you should be allowed to catch

days, saying that children become suddenly rebel-

a quick nap and wake up refreshed for the lesson.

lious and unruly when they are in their normal, com-

What’s left of it, anyways.

RULE #3: CHEWING GUM and this will prevent the learner from concentrating.

We should unite to stop discrimination in our society! Freedom for HAIR!



One of the most hated school practices is having to

get up early in the mornings. With so many extramural activities, homework and tests, students are

often kept up late, and then forced to rise early the It has been said by UK psychologists that chewing

following day. This drains the learner of valuable en-

gum helps to improve memory. Chewing gum in

ergy that could have been given to studies and

class then, when the most important work is dis-

work. If only one more hour was granted to learners

cussed, can only possibly be beneficial.

in the mornings, and the day made to go on half an hour longer, we would still have a 6-hour school day,

Also, if all learners are allowed, even encouraged, to

and have much more energy for lessons. The teach-

chew gum, then the overall percentage of learners

ers will also be able to sleep later and so be less irri-

with dragon-breath will drastically drop, eliminating

table. It’s a win-win situation!

even more distractions from the class environment.


And our conclusion:

Are school rules necessary? Hair types, lengths

and thicknesses are as diverse as people. It is therefore



Sadly, despite all the evidence stacked

against them, we cannot deny that rules are vital in any society. However,

force people with


different hair types

Eames, specificity) may be somewhat

to abide by rules

excessive. It is up to us as a school to



filter through the rules and refine them.

one or a few hair

Maybe, one day, we can all look back

types. A simple ex-

and laugh at the fact that, long ago,


ample: If a student

has shoulder length hair, a ponytail will offer no more benefit than an





we were not allowed to wear onesies to class.

Alice band. In fact, a ponytail may even cause headaches when hair that is too short is pulled too tightly back,

By Simone Botha Photos: MichĂŠ Wium

Worcester Gymnasium’s students are a bunch of

hopeless romantics and with the December Holidays right around the corner; we are in desperate need of

name and was acting like the whole thing was for-

advice. The Circum editorial staff decided to ask the

mal. That moment marked a very special part in our

experts, our teachers. Since Mr Matthee and Ms Drey-


er are newly engaged we looked to them for guidance.

How did he propose? The plan was that we were meeting our friends at a

vineyard for their engagement photos. Little did I know that this was all a cover-up. He was acting How did you guys meet? I taught at Punt Highschool for my teaching practical in my 3rd year. My friend and I were staying in Mossel-

baai with my fiancé. For me it was definitely love at first sight. The following 3 weeks that we lived with him, I developed a huge crush on him. Fast forward 3 months later, he asked me to be his girlfriend. How did he ask you to be his girlfriend? Since my fiancé is from Mosselbaai, we drove all the

way through Knysna, and through Wilderness and we

weird for the whole trip . We went for a walk where he asked me all these really deep questions and I re-

member thinking that he was going to dump me. Then he proposed to me, using my full name like he did the first time, and of course I said yes. What are you looking forward to after marriage? I’m really looking forward to living with my fiancé and seeing him every day. It’s really corny, but my fiancé

is basically my best friend, so it is going to be like living with my best friend.

stopped to take photos at every stop. After that he

Do you have any advice for the hopeless romantics

took me to an elephant park where he asked me to

out there?

be his girlfriend. When he asked, he used my whole

I would advise you guys to not take anything too seri-

ously. Remember that heartbreak is normal and everybody goes through it. Stay true to yourself and know your self-worth, the right partner will come.

How did you guys meet? We were both studying teaching and we briefly met in 2nd year. In our 4th year, I saw her in the library and

I told my friend that she was the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen on campus. Luckily he was friends with her and introduced me. How did you ask your fiancée to be your girlfriend? I took her to the beach where we sang together. I played guitar and we had dinner and champagne

under the stars. I was really nervous, but luckily she said yes.

For anybody searching for certain someone this holiday, you can definitely learn from our teachers. We

How did you propose?

wish We went to camp in Knysna for the weekend. We

Mr Matthee and

Ms Dreyer happy and

wonderful marriages.

went to the beach where I first asked her to be my

girlfriend. I asked her to marry me and luckily she said yes. When we got back to the camp site, I surprised her with her whole family. What are looking forward to after the marriage? I’m really looking forward to moving in

with my

fiancée and stating a new chapter of our lives together. Any advice for the hopeless romantics of Worcester Gymnasium? Always be yourself with everybody you meet. Don’t

give up on love because of one heartbreak. Try to enjoy your youth and don’t take things too seriously. When you start to be yourself the right one will come,

never give up.

Zoë Hendricks


ie Circum wou bietjie raad aan die leerders gee, rakende alledaagse vrae. Wie beter om hierdie vrae te beantwoord as ons eie Bosvark-damesonnies! Hier volg ‘n paar nuttige wenke van die onnies om die skoollewe te verbeter:

Soos almal weet kan mondeling en die stres, klam hande en bewerige bene wat daarmee gepaard gaan ‘n gruwel wees. ‘n Mens is ook dikwels baie skaam, soos om daai meisie uit te vra of te oudiesie vir die dramagroep. Dan is daar die onnie wat net jou kop af wil byt! Juffrou Nel het vir jou raad: Hoe kan ‘n mens jou mondeling verbeter en jou klasmaats interesseer?

Sorg dat jy hulle aandag kry deur die gebruik van ‘n puik powerpoint, musiek of iets radikaals wat self uitgedink is. Gebruik ook pouses en verskillende stemtone sodat die gehoor bly luister. Dis ook baie belangrik om ‘n grappie of twee in te gooi — almal luister graag na ‘n grappie.

Hoe kan ‘n leerder sy/haar selfvertroue verbeter? My eie selfvertroue was baie min toe ek in die laerskool was (glo dit of nie), maar as jy hard praat en gereeld glimlag terwyl jy praat, help dit baie. In enige situasie waar jy voor mense praat, moet jy na hulle voorkoppe kyk in plaas van hulle gesigte, want hulle uitdrukkings mag jou ontstel. My een dosent het altyd gesê jy moet jou verbeel almal voor jou is poedelnakend kaal en skaam daaroor, want NET jy het klere aan en is dus in ‘n veel beter posisie.

Wat doen mens as ‘n onderwyser/es op jou pik?

Maak eers seker dat JOU kant altyd skoon is! Jy kan nie voel ‘n onderwyser pik op jou as jy dieselfde verkeerde dinge doen wat ander doen en net jy word uitgevang nie. Die feit dat ander fouteer, maak nie jou fout reg nie! Partykeer sien die onnie jou maar net makliker raak. As jy steeds voel jy word onregverdig behandel, maak ‘n afspraak met die onderwyser na klas en gaan praat mooi met hom/haar. Sê - sonder om aanvallend te klink – wat jy ervaar en vra vir hulle wat die probleem is. Geen volwassene met integriteit sal jou verskreeu of haat as dit so hanteer word nie. Julle moet onthou onderwysers is ook maar net mens en ons moet soms self ook hoor waar ons nie reg optree nie.

Natuurlik is dit belangrik vir ons as mens (en as Gimmies) om omgee mense te wees, dit is tog een van ons waardes. Wie beter as Juffrou Snygans om ons te help om beter Gimmies te wees! Dié raad is nie net van toepassing op die skool nie, maar ook in die wêreld daar buite.

Hoe stel ‘n mens iemand anders se behoeftes bokant joune?

Ek voel mens word maar met daardie instink gebore. Jy kan dit seker aanleer ook, maar dis bietjie moeilik. Dit is baie belangrik om nie selfsugtig te wees nie. Jy moet vir jouself sê dat om ander gelukkig te maak gaan jou ook geluk bring (lewensles!).

Met ‘n vol skedule, wat is ‘n vinnige manier om die gemeenskap en ons medemens te help?

wenke van hoe ‘n mens jou liggaam in puik toestand kan hou.

Hoe kan ‘n mens seker maak jy kry genoeg oefening in sonder om jou te ooreis?

Drie keer se oefeninge per week is genoeg afhangend van wat ‘n mens wil bereik. As ‘nmens net jou fiksheid wil behou is dit ideaal. As jy jou fiksheid wil verbeter is 3 tot 5 dae se oefening per week voordelig. Om jouself bietjie te ooreis is goed om jou fiksheidvlakke te verhoog, maar mens moet dit geleidelik neem en nie jouself sommer van die begin af oorlaai met oefening nie. Begin liggies!

Is dit goed om aanvullers te gebruik om spiere en stamina op te bou? Hoekom?

Ek is heeltemal bewus van die tieners se besige

Aanvullers kan help as dit gehalte-proteïne bevat, maar het jy geweet melk kan ook die werk van

skedule, maar ‘n uur of twee in ‘n maand ten minste is nie veel gevra nie. Binne in jou moet jy smag daarna om vir ander mense te help en gelukkig te

hierdie proteïne verrig? Dit verhoog jou spierglikogeen, wat tydens oefening afgebreek word vir energie. So hou mens langer uit tydens oefen-

maak. Dit is ook baie lekker om die blye gesiggies te aanskou na ‘n uitreik. Ek voel dat al is jy hoe besig moet jy ten minste ‘n kort tydjie afstaan. En al kan jy nie fisies uitreik nie, donasies wys ook jy gee om! Ek het al baie keer by die Earth Club-kinders gehad wat te besig was om ‘n uitreik by te woon, maar steeds iets bygedra het en dit sê vir my baie.

ing sonder om vinnig moeg te word en dit help ook om spiere vinniger te herstel na oefening.

CIRCUM WENK: Sluit aan by die Earth Club! Dit vat glad nie baie tyd uit jou skedule nie en die uitreik gee jou baie blydskap.

Wat is die mees kosbare ding wat mens aan ander kan gee? Daar’s eintlik drie dinge: Jou tyd. Jou liefde. Jou omgee. Omgee. Hand aan hand daarmee gaan respek want dan gaan jy van selfsprekend anders bo jouself stel. Dan is dit ook belangrik om jou liggaam in goeie toestand te hou. Juffrou du Toit (‘n kenner op die gebied) het kragte saamgespan met oudskolier, Adriaan van der Bank (WP-rugbyspler en sportwetenskapstudent) om te help met ‘n paar

Hoe belangrik is die inname van water tydens oefening? Jy moet water drink wanneer jy dors is dan be-

hoort jy nie te dehidreer nie. Waterregulasie tydens oefening is kardinaal, want ‘n tekort aan water kan lighooftigheid ens. veroorsaak. Jou liggaam sal jou aanduiding gee wanneer dit water nodig het en wanneer jy aan daardie behoefte voldoen het.

Na aanleiding van hierdie wenke kan mens jouself definitief verbeter! Nie net kan jy in die klaskamer of op kultuurgebied verbeter nie, maar ook op die sportveld en in die lewe daar buite. Maak die meeste van hierdie advies van ons alomwetende damesonnies en bobaaskenners en word die beste Gimmie wat jy kan word!

Mikyall Harris

Christmas is coming! Everyone knows that means one thing: PRESENTS! But it also means waving goodbye to your pocket money as you search for the right gift for those special (and not so special) people.

This article will help you to hold on to your money and still surprise everyone with how creative you were. This Christmas is DIY Christmas. Everyone has had that irritating moment when they ask someone what they want for Christmas and their answer is “Nothing”. Now that Christmas is just around the corner, you are getting prepared for this horrible answer and the last minute scramble to do something about it. But this year there is no need. I present to you the “Jar of Nothing”...

You will need: 

A clear glass jar

A piece of paper saying the following:

without worrying about spending too much money on someone who clearly wants nothing. It’s as easy as 1...2...3. But what about that good friend who's always there for you and deserves something special? Wouldn’t you rather give them a Jar of Something? And better yet, why not give them a jar to match their personality and favourite hobbies? Here’s how to do it:

Find out what your friend really loves doing in their spare time. I will be using a Movie Lover as an example.

You will need: 

A clear glass jar

A creative label for the jar

A lot of movie-themed snacks: Popcorn, M & Ms, Reese’s Pieces, toffees etc.

Super glue

A colourful ribbon.

Step 1:

Super glue.

Step 1:

Make sure your glass jar is completely filled with nothingness. Step 2: Use super glue and stick the piece of paper with your message onto the middle of your jar. Step 3: Give it to your unsuspecting friend and sit back and enjoy the show. Now you can have an enjoyable Christmas

Stick your label onto the glass jar with the super glue. Step 2: Pack all the snacks and goodies neatly inside the jar. Step 3: Close the lid and tie it with the ribbon. Step 4: Give it to your deserving friend and receive lots of hugs as a thank you. This process can be used for any theme with any friend. So let your creative juices flow this Christmas to make it special and memorable for those deserving (and undeserving) friends. Ho, ho, ho and Merry Christmas one and all!

Die somer is uiteindelik op ons! Nadat jy vir ‘n ewigheid droewig by jou venster uitgestaar het na die grys lig, terwyl jy bewe van die koue wat net nie wil verdwyn nie, nadat jy al moeg is van jou pajamas onder jou skoolklere aantrek, het die tyd nou aangebreek vir ontspan in die eindelose sonskyn. Dis tyd vir Desembervakansie! Ons almal kan asemhaal na

hierdie warrelwind van ‘n jaar. But what exactly do you need this holiday? What are the absolute essentials? We’ve got a few tips and tricks to make your vacation so much more enjoyable: your very own summer survival kit. This will save your life this December!

Heel onder in jou oorlewingskissie is ‘n paar “ pickup lines ”, want ons almal weet dis hierdie sêgoed wat werlik ‘n vakansie opkikker. 1. You must be from Tennessee. Because you’re the only ten I see. 2. Is your body from McDonald’s? Because I’m loving it. 3. Life without you is like a broken pencil...pointless. 4. Are you a 90-degree angle? Because you are looking right! 5. Do you like science? Because I’ve got my I on you.

What do you call a kid that does not believe in Santa? A rebel without a Clause!

HO HO HO kids! It’s the season to be jolly falalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… I hope you had a little voice in your head singing that... Welcome Gimmies to the last Cooking with Bee of 2018! It certainly has been a year of laughter,

tears, joy and amazing food. This time of the year the thought of “Where has the year gone?” comes to mind and even though I’m the Circum’s resident food fundie I have no idea! I have decided to end of the year on a very sweet note and make Christmas themed gumdrops!

Ingredients 

2,5 cups of sugar


1,5 cups of applesauce (if you have trouble finding applesauce, like yours truly, you can buy apple slices in syrand blend it up)

2 packets of jelly (your preference)

2 teaspoons of gelatin

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Method 1.

Coat a baking dish with cooking spray and scoot over to the side.


Combine sugar, applesauce, jelly, gela tine and lemon juice in a pot and stir.


Bring to boil over medium heat and stir constantly.


Stop stirring and let boil for 1 mi nute.


Pour immediately over into prepared dish.


Refrigerate until firm (I left mine overnight).


by Be-Arthur Davids photos by Gaby Jacobs


Cover a cutting board with parch ment paper and coat with lots and lots of sugar. (Oh what a dream come true!)


Loosen the sides of the gelatine with a spatula and move onto parch ment paper.


Use sharp cookie cutters to cut out gumdrops.


Leave the cut-out gumdrops on top of the sugar-coated parchment pa per for about 8 hours or until just slightly sticky.


Roll the gumdrops in remaining sugar and voila!

From the whole Circum team

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




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