Worcester Gymnasium's Circum, Term3, 2018

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Agter die skerms Ook Ingesluit Term 3, a brief recap Wg’s prodigies Teacher firsts

Mr Du Toit’s Classroom SECRETS REVEALED

Cooking with Bee En vele meer!




Redaktrise Emily Voig t S ub-reda ktrise S imone Bo tha Na d ia Botha Be-Arthu r Da vid s Bia nca du Plessis Kyle Du venha g e Lea nd rie d u Toit Cou rtney Gempies M ikya ll Ha rris Zoë H end ric ks Ya seen Ja cobs Na bila h Will ia ms

FO TOGRAW E Hoof Fot ogra af Ga by Ja cobs Abyg a il Dra ke Anja Jou bert Ja na M a tthee Cha né Piena a r Ka yla va n Greu nen Lia m Wa ters M iché Wiu m Ca rla Wolstenholme



A Bri


First Team


Behind t


Mr C


Index Page 6


drie du Toit

Page 18

Page 28

Generation Z

Onderwysers as Disney Karakters

Nadia Botha Page 8

Leandrie du Toit

Term 3: ief Recap

Pseudo Science

Page 30

a du Plessis

Kyle Duvenhage

Cooking with Bee

Page 20

Be-Arthur Davids Page 10

Page 22

m Coaches

WG’s Prodigies

seen Jacobs

Zoë Hendricks

Page 14

Page 24


Teacher Firsts

he Scenes

Emily Voigt

ah Williams Page 26 Page 16

du Toit’s Classroom

mone Botha

Which Greek God are you? Courtney Gempies

Cover photo: Anja Joubert


It’s actually pretty amusing how many situations I have been propelled into that pushed my comfort zone to its extremes since I last typed out an Editor’s letter. I went to a Maths and Science camp during the June Holidays (nerdy, I know). It was really scary, to be honest. Why? For starters, it was my first invitation to that particular camp, an event I’ve never heard of and then the venue was almost in the middle of nowhere. I was also the only one from my school attending (meaning there would be more than 50 unfamiliar faces surrounding me, sharing a hostel and classes for SIX DAYS away from home) and the signal was insanely weak. For all I know, they could’ve captured me and thrown me into the surrounding mountains. People would most likely not have been concerned until the six days had passed and by then it would’ve been too late because I’d be decomposing somewhere in a bush. Ha! That didn’t happen, though. Hier’s ek nog steeds, lewendig, gesond, breinselle versterk en met ‘n klomp herinneringe wat ek vir niks sou verruil nie. Ek is glad nie spyt dat ek daardie kamp bygewoon het nie, al was dit meer as 6 ure van werk per vakansiedag. Jitte! Ek het soveel geleer nie net uit boeke nie, maar ook van die mense wat rondom my was. Met my terugkeer kon ek weereens in my gemaksone inkruip? Ha! Twee dae daarna moes ek stoksielalleen uit Suid-Afrika na ‘n vreemde land vlieg waar my familie alreeds met vakansie was. Niemand by die lughawens het my gehelp nie, seker omdat ek lank is en dus oud genoeg lyk om op my eie voete te staan (terwyl ek eintlik binne my hartjie bang was).

Going through customs alone, making sure my bags are correctly checked in and collected again, entering the right gate, careful-

ly guarding and presenting, when requested, the 376 documents I had with me (all because I was still a minor)... those worries scared the life out of me. I obviously didn’t appear scared or too young because the lady at customs happily proceeded to interrogate me. With panic almost getting the best of me, I thought the worstcase scenario would be that I’d have to find my own way back to South Africa because she had found me suspicious or because I lacked document number 377! Out of nowhere, I gained the courage to stand my ground and ask her what she meant when I was cross-questioned. I kept an inexplicable “cool head” throughout this insanely tense ordeal. Comforted by a reassuring smile from an unknown lady next to me, I proceeded onwards and just about exploded with relief through the glass doors where my family was waiting on the other side of the arrivals gate. Finally, I was going to enjoy my holiday and I could relax. Hierdie kwartaal was ‘n warrelwind van ervarings vir my. Ek is ten volle vir groei, uit situasies leer en uit jou gemaksone uitbreek, maar sjoe! As iemand vir my aan die einde van die tweede kwartaal gesê het wat ek als moes deur maak sou ek beslis gelag het of die haas se pad gekies het. Die lewe het my suurlemoen na suurlemoen gegooi en ek moes blitsvinnig leer om suurlemoensap te maak. Ek het liters gemaak, dit kan ek jou sê! Ek voel meer verryk as ‘n persoon en ‘n groot les wat ek geleer het, is dat ek gans te min weet van die mense rondom my. Toe ek meer mense beter leer ken en gevolglik beter verstaan, het ons ‘n sterker band gevorm. I think you can agree with me that Term Three was everyone’s personal whirlwind and soon we’ll tackle the Terrific Term Four Tide. I want to encourage you all to step out of your comfort zone. I know it’s scary - nobody is ever not scared - but I promise you, when you look back at what you went through and what you’ve accomplished, you’ll no doubt feel so proud.

Work hard through this super short term and I’ll catch you on the flipside. Enjoy it, dear Readers!

out in the crowd while still remaining very formal


and sophisticated. Dae voor die groot aand word van die dames al

linders in die maag. Spoggerige motors

gepamperlang van sonbed-afsprake tot hare en

wat by die bult op beur. Groot glimlagte.

grimering proewe. Hierdie is egter alles die moeite

Rooitapyt. Matriekafskeid 2018.

werd as jy soos ‘n Hollywood-ster lyk en voel op

Dit is veilig om te sê dat vanjaar se matrieks asem-

rowend gelyk het toe hulle by Goudini Spa inkom. Weg is die skoolkouse, poniesterte en vervelige skoene. En hallo grimering, Hollywood-uitrustings

en kleurvolle sokkies. Matriekafskeid is ‘n hoogtepunt in baie leerders se hoërskoolloopbaan. Hierdie aand is vol onvergeetlike herinneringe

waaroor jy kan terug kyk in jou gryser jare. Die matrieks is hartlik verwelkom deur Bruce-John Josephs en Lana van den Berg. Mnr Raal het die groep leerders toegespreek en gemotiveer oor al die

uitdagings wat hul na skool sal trotseer. Die dames het omtrent elegant en stylvol gelyk, kompleet asof hulle reguit uit fasion week gekom het. Cathy-Ann Hugo is aangewys as die “best

hierdie spesiale aand. Elmari van der Westhuizen is

aangewys as die dame met die mooiste haarstyl vir die aand en Cerét Goosen as die meisie met die beste grimering. Christopher Cardoso het ook sy unieke

stempel afgedruk toe hy met ‘n hout strikdas matriekafskeid toe is. Die breins agter die das was sy ma en sy pa het dit vir hom gemaak.

All the couples at the dance looked amazing but one that stood out was Shane Blom and Ashleigh Mahoney. It all started after a netball game when he

asked her to the matric ball with a bouquet of flowers . As a couple they were simply jaw-dropping. The teachers attending the matric farewell also looked dashing in their outfits. The teacher who

took the cake, however, was Mrs Tromp.

dressed female”. Sy beweer dat sy haar rok se

And so all good things must come to an end. After a

“look” ses keer verander het en haar rok die dag

night filled with laughter, delicious food and lots of

voor die matriekafskeid eers gekry het. Sy het beslis

dancing the matrics walked into the night. Blazers

‘n paar harte gesteel

over their shoulders and shoes in hand, they set off,

The handsome young men also cleaned up really

prepared for the final hurdles of high school.

well and were perfect gentlemen. Kyle Stynder took

By Leandrie du Toit

everyone’s breath away in his orange suit, standing

Photos by Carla Wolstenholme and Anja Joubert


anting, chest heaving, breath rasping

USA at least 4 times.

in our throat, muscles burning, sweat

The point is, a lot of

coating our brow. We’ve been run-

ning for seventy-four days straight, from the

snarling, sneering proverbial monster known

time went into this illustrious production.

The second week of the term was Sem Week: a frantic hustle-and-bustle. It was organizing, delegating

as Term 3. It’s like something out of a 1980s

and planning, everyone swept up in the spirit of it

horror film - almost comical, yet still hair-


raising. Toe kom die sportdae. Die monster was op ons Yes, we’ve been sprinting for our lives, trying to stay ahead with schoolwork while still balancing a social life and extra-curriculars. Students and teachers

alike are desperately trying to avoid Term 3’s greedy claws that tries to pull us under.

en wedstryde amper elke naweek. Ons is byna

gevang! Van Parel Vallei tot Vredenburg tot Nederlandse toerspanne tot rugby teen Birkdale. Die Gimmies was konstant in rep-en-roer. Ons het natuurlik

menigde suksesse behaal, maar dit was uiters uit-

So how did we survive? How did we escape Term 3’s snapping jaws, struggling against the shackles of responsibility clamped around our ankles? It seemed

nearly impossible.


Amidst all the chaos, the grade 11s suddenly found themselves living in a ubiquitous state of anxiety in the build-up to the Circus on the 8th of August.

We kicked the term off with nine-and-a-half hours

of musical practice. Yep, we didn’t exactly have a head-start on the beast. At the end of the term, we had practised a total of NINETY-FOUR

hakke, met oefeninge ten minste drie keer ‘n week

Mountain biking, Radikale Redenaars, chess, jukskei, Montagu Youth Arts Festival, you name it, we

did it! The Science Expo was on the 23rd and 24th of August, but piled on top of of that was the Big Brag


that same evening! And, before we could stifle a

That’s roughly 4 times the lifetime of several in-

yawn or rub our eyes, interschools was upon us. The

sects. In 94 hours, you can watch 8-12 seasons of

Term 3 monster gobbled up our utter exhaustion.

your favourite series. In 94 hours, you can fly to the

Ons kon skaars asem skep, toe begin die toetsreeks. Deur al dié buitemuurse aktiwiteite, is daar van ons verwag om by te bly met ons skoolwerk. En behoed

jou siel as jy nie het nie, want die toetse was die régte riller. Die matrieks het 40 Days gevier en moes onmiddellik begin voorberei, met die stres van die

mondelinge steeds vars in hulle geheue, vir hulle rekordeksamen.

HOW ARE WE STILL ALIVE? ! This horrifying term, while leaving us spent, didn’t manage to break us. We didn’t let the monster chew

on our perseverance, we didn’t let it near our passion, our tenacious Gimmie nature. We wielded diligence, and killed the monster with a forceful blow.

Cheers, Term 3, we weren’t scared of you anyway. While you were certainly a nightmare, you weren’t a

patch on Freddy Krueger!

Almal dink altyd dat afrigters net daar is om jou te

laat sweet en jou sleg te sê as jy iets verkeerd op die veld gedoen het. Wel sonder hulle, is daar dood– eenvoudig nie spanne nie. Wat is die A-Team

sonder ‘n A-Rated afrigter? (Eintlik net ‘n doodgewone span as jy my vra...don’t kill the messenger though!) Geen sport kan wen sonder hulle nie. Ons

was nuuskierig om uit te vind hoe die onderwysers so wonderlik spanne afrig. Ons het vir Mnr. Raal

(Eersterugbyspan), Juf. Sherriff (Eerstenetbalspan) en Mnr. Olivier (Eersteseunshokkiespan) ‘n paar vrae daaroor gevra.

Wat was die sleutel tot sukses vir die spanne? Mnr. Raal: Geleenthede wat elkeen het om deel te wees om sy skool te kan vertoonwoordig en om

trots te kan wees om in ‘n span te kan speel waar almal dieselfde waardes moet deel, en daardeur sukses bereik asook om die spel te kan speel waar-

voor jy lief is. Juf. Sheriff: Definitief spangees en omgee. Mnr. Olivier: Oefen, oefen en oefen....en geloof in hulleself.

Hoe goed het juffrou gevoel oor die netbalmeisies voor die interskole? Juf. Sheriff : Die A–Span gaan les op sê! De Kuilen weet nie wat vir hulle wag nie.

Hoe het meneer gevoel oor die hokkiespan se

Worcester Gimnasium het die Interskole Beker


gewen, asook die rugby-, netbal-, hokkie- en

Mnr. Olivier: Die span het uitstekend gespeel die jaar.

Wat kom eerste in meneer se gedagtes as meneer aan De Kuilen dink?

skaakbekers. Ons bedank elke afrigter en speler

wat so baie toewyding aan u span getoon het. Die werk is nog nie verby nie, ons moet seker maak ons bring daai beker volgende jaar weer huis toe! So

sluit ons die Winterseisoen af op ‘n goeie noot.

Mnr. Raal: Die feit dat dit interskole is en dat die

hele skool agter jou staan tydens die laaste

Deur Yaseen Jacobs

wedstryd van die jaar wat die hoogtepunt in enige

Foto’s Miché Wium

speler se lewe is.

Hoe was die gees tussen die hokkiespelers? Mnr. Olivier: Baie baie goed en positief.

Op ‘n skaal van 1 – 10, hoe het juffrou oor De Kuilen gevoel en hoekom? Juf. Sherriff: 8, Die skool het ‘n baie groot en goeie geskiedenis van netbal. Ek het nogals meer

verwag. Wag het ek gesê 8? Nee ons gee hulle maar ‘n 7.

Wat is die eerste woord wat in meneer se kop kom

as meneer die naam De Kuilen hoor? GO! Mnr. Olivier: Just another game.

Maak die volgende sin klaar : There’s no I in team

but... Mnr. Raal: I am part of something much bigger than myself.

Het juffrou enige raad vir volgende jaar se spanne? Juf. Sheriff : Harde werk. Doen jou bes en geniet elke oomblik.

RUGBY o.19A verloor 17 - 19 o.19B gelykop 19 - 19 o.16A wen 45 - 7 o.15A wen 34 - 5 o.15B wen—49— - 17 o.14A wen 20 - 0 o.14B wen 33 - 0

GIRLS’ HOCKEY u.1 8A win 6 - 0 u.18B w in 4 - 0 u.1 6A wn 2 - 0 u.16B w in 3 - 0 u.16C win 4 - 0 u.14A win 9 - 0 u.14B w in 6 - 0

CHESS A-team win 4 - 2 B-team win 4 - 2

NETBAL o.18A verloor 15 - 21 o.18B wen 16 - 0 o.17A wen 13 - 12 o.17B wen 7 - 7 o.17C wen 10 - 1 o.16A wen 17 - 16 o.16B wen 17 - 5 o.17C verloor 6 - 10 o.15A wen 8 - 3 o.15B wen 11 - 2 o.15C wen 7 - 2 o.15D wen 13 - 3 o.14A gelykop 9 - 9 o.14B wen 13 - 9 o.14C verloor 3 - 9 o.14D 6 - 6

BOYS’ HOCKEY u.1 8A win 5 - 2 u.18B w in 4 - 0 u.1 6A w in 2 - 0 u.16B d raw 0 - 0 u.14A win 3 - 0


formers, each being choreographed to execute

ights, camera, action! And the audience is

their scenes to perfection. These high school

in awe, so how did we do this? As we bask

learners were true professionals on the night.

in the magnificence of yet another world-class

musical production by Worcester Gymnasium, we shall take a few moments to reflect on the gargantuan effort that went into Aladdin.

The collaboration of Worcester Gymnasium and the Hugo Naudé Art School was yet another suc-


They made the fictional Arabian city of

Agrabah a reality. With our very own Gucci de-

Let me take you behind the scenes of the Worces-

signer, Ms Delport, the costumes and props

ter Gymnasium production of Aladdin. A rigorous

helped our actors to become one with their char-

practice period of eight months, five days per


week and countless hours of practice, repeat,

practice, repeat, MacDonald’s and


practice repeat, practice and... repeat.

Our wardrobe assistants, fixing last minute costume malfunctions, added some behind-the-

scenes drama, but certainly contributed to the

Eight months of preparation, filtered down to a

success of Aladdin. Despite the quick changes

one-and-a-half hour production, with 300 per-

from one costume to another, the anxious re-

hearsing of lines and dance moves backstage, our learners were able to deliver a magnificent per-

formance. It took almost 15 people to change the backdrops and props on stage for every scene and to test the technical equipment. Speaking of props, recogni-

tion must be given to Nikul Soma. He was able to bring life (not to mention some serious scares during the dress rehearsal) to the magic carpet.

One has to wonder whether he required a driver’s license or a pilot’s license for that thing.

Although, the learners were constantly silenced by teachersduring the musical, all of the efforts

put in behind the scenes, made this an unforgettable experience. To all the parents for their selfless contribution throughout the musical, the teachers’ help and

guidance, especially Ms Nel and Ms Conradie, for putting in countless hours of hard work and de-

termination, as well as the cast of thousands, we salute you!

By Nabilah Williams Photos by Gaby Jacobs


onspiracy theories, ghost stories, and

that same side either fuse and flicker whe

unsolved mysteries. We are all drawn to

they’re turned on or don’t turn on at all. There ar

the idea that our mundane world isn’t as

also constant reflections in one set of windows o

mundane as it appears – that there are aliens on

children sitting in the desks that are empty

Mars, that vaccines are meant to control our

which is why those windows remain shuttered

minds, and that world leaders are shape-shifting

Mr du Toit also says that the class was locke

reptiles. These crazy notions brighten up our days

down when he came to the school, and no-on

and make us look twice at every phenomenon.

knows the reason. He is the first person to hav

used it for decades. Who knows what sort of tor

In our own mundane world of school uniforms,

tured spirit roams the classroom, endlessl

classes and tests, it is logical for us to come up

sweeping the floors, watching the classes, seek

with crazy conjectures to keep our days interest-

ing revenge for a meaningless blue file?

ing, But one classroom in our school particularly

draws the attention of not only the theorist, but of every inquisitive pupil. Classroom 27, the mys-

terious class of Mr du Toit, has an infamous amount of secrets and riddles to set your mind


#2) Mr du Toit is immortal.

If the fact that he’s said it several times himse

isn’t enough, his habitually worn armband

seemingly endless knowledge of history and par

Here are the top 5 Conspiracies concerning classroom number 27:

ticular interest in the paranormal all hint towar

the idea that Mr du Toit’s age is not what it ap

pears to be. Copper has long been known as a

anti-aging agent, and Mr du Toit is never see

#1) The Class is haunted.

without his simple copper armband. Also, h

seems to know exactly which games and movie We’ve all been warned

are historically accurate, and he recreates histori

NOT to venture near

cal scenarios in a way that screams experience

room 27 at night, as

His interest in paranormal and

Mr du Toit claims the

unsolved mysteries could be

class is haunted. The

written off as a curiosity...or

one side of the class

it could be his search for a


similar immortal being.



than the other side,

and the lights on












they “said” to read the message, and anyone who didn’t, to ignore it. And what better material to use than something that is known to be collected for the purposes of charity? All

#3) The box in the corner contains something extremely valuable. Few of us have noted the small, inconspicuous

rectangular box Mr du Toit keeps in the corner of the class above his door. He has described its innocent appearance and position as a “way of hiding something”. Also, he rarely refers to the box,

making it even less noticed. What better place to hide something extremely precious than in plain sight? Speculations about the contents usually lead to some valuable gems or ancient historical documents. Another more macabre suggestion hints that the box contains the tongue of the only person who has ever discovered Mr du Toit’s secrets.

#4) The bread tags are a secret code.

questions and suspicions are instantly flushed away.

#5) The door at the back of the class

is a portal back in time. If Mr du Toit is not immortal, he must get his immense historical knowledge from some other

very reliable source. Most “cracks in the fabric of time” appear in ordinary places, such as in a basement, or above the East River. And the strange, never-opened door that seems to lead to nowhere in the back wall of Mr du Toit’s class serves as the

perfect cover for a portal into the past. This portal could be the reason Mr du Toit knows so much about his subject matter. Or could he just be popping back in time to visit some old friends or alter some historical event.

The window which Mr du Toit covers up would,


All of us have seen the rows and rows of bread


therefore, be a window in time, looking back at

tags hanging in Mr du Toit’s class – they’re kind


of hard to miss. And those of us with OCD have been ruffled by the fact that there is no apparent

people who have long passed away. Mr du Toit has warned that whoever looks into the window



may shortly find themselves behind the glass...


pattern to how the bread tags are organised. This phenomenon, however, is not an accident, or lack

These presumptions may change your outlook on


of motivation to sort through endless amounts of

history classes for all eternity, or they may simply



seemingly useless pieces of plastic. These tags, which he staunchly refuses to be rid of, are clearly

make you laugh. Either way, they will brighten up the dullness of our school


visible to anyone who enters the room, and it


would be simple for anyone who understood what

lives, and make us think twice about room 27. And meanwhile, in some mysterious place hidden from


knowledge, a certain history teacher is either panicking over exposed secrets or laughing at our suspicions and whispering, “Mission Accomplished.”

By Simone Botha Photos by Miché Wium

Everyone is tired of hearing about millenni-

als, Gen X & Gen Y. The future belongs to Generation Z.

But who is Generation Z? The answer is: Worcester Gym’s students...and

every other high school student in the world. We are the iGeneration, Generation Sensible and

Post-Millennials, or simply Gen Z. What have we done to fit into this special class?

The answer isn’t anything special. To tell the truth, to most people it is normal to be a perfect

Gen Z baby. ‘n Gen Z-baba is enige persoon wat tussen 1996

en 2014 gebore is en wie al van ‘n jong ouderdom die internet gebruik en gedurig op so-

siale media is. So basies...almal. So does being a Gen Z baby make us sensible? We are, after all, known as Generation Sensible

(a fact most parents would disagree with). Is it really sensible that most teens have cell phones

without really needing them? In 2012 teens were more likely to share information that teens in 2006 would consider extremely private. Not all

that sensible...

We may be the now, but don’t start a parade just yet, because we are already on our way

out. The Alpha Generation (born 2015 and onwards) is already pushing its way up, and pushing us out. So make your mark and live up to the

name given to us by a bunch of strangers we’ll never know...Generation Sensible.

WHAT DEFINES GEN Z 1. “Instant” is a Given “I want it all and I want it NOW” could just as well have been Gen Z’s motto. To Gen Z “instant” is the only option. We have grown up knowing only instant, immediately and now. We are the present living in the future.

2. Freedom to be ME Previous generations had to fight for freedom and opportunity, whereas Gen Z believes in “Anything is Possible”. The freedom we have is about being ourselves. We can be who we want to be, when we want to be it.

3. Ons besit die Wêreld Hierdie generasie, te danke aan die internet, voel dat hulle ‘n stem het. Ons het die vermoë om te veg vir wat reg is. Hierdie is ons wêreld en ons vat beheer. Out with the old and in with the new!

4. We not ME Because of social media, everyone can be, and usually is, in contact with anyone at any time. This makes us more social and more inclined to work and think in groups. Most of the things we do will be WE, not ME.

5. Access to everything The heading is self–explanatory. We (not me) have access to everything, thanks to handy things like online shopping and Wikipedia. We can get almost any product we want or any information we need by simply pressing a few buttons.

By Na dia Botha Photos by Jana Ma tthee


teek jou hand op as jy elke dag skool toe sloeg

en sukkel om jou oë vir sewe periodes oop te

hou, net om weer huis toe te gaan en die siklus môre

te herhaal. Steek jou hand op as jy so gewoond is aan jou daaglikse roetine dat jy elke aspek daarvan so goed soos jou handpalm ken. Meeste tieners verstaan hierdie gevoel, en is vasbeslote dat hul daaglikse

Wat is die kans dat jy gevang gaan word as jou huiswerk onvoltooid is?

gang by die baksteengebou wat ons “skool” noem uiters voorspelbaar is. Maar hoeveel weet jy werklik

Jy storm by die registerklas in en

van jou lewe as skolier? Die Circum het besluit om

kyk op jou horlosie: minder as 20

ondersoek in te stel om die dag-tot-dag lewe van ‘n

minute voor die klok lui vir die

Gimmie te ontleed. Ons het vyf aspekte van ‘n WG-

eerste periode! Soos ‘n soldaat op


‘n slagveld ruk jy jou geweer (of,






uitvoering óf intense navorsing te doen, en ons pseudo-

wetenskaplike vindinge het ons help vasstel dat dit die fynere details is wat kleur aan die storielyn gee…

Hoeveel kalorieeë verbrand jy

in hierdie geval, jou pen) uit en begin jy haastig huiswerk

afskryf. ‘n Nuwe Riverdale episode het gisteraand uitgekom, so natuurlik moes jy prioritiseer en skoolwerk

los vir die volgende oggend. Nou skryf jy soos ‘n waansinnige, net sodat jy die vyand en sy wapen (die

onderwyser en sy rooi pen in jou blouleêr) kan vermy. Ons het egter goeie nuus: indien jy in graad 10, 11 of

matriek is, staan jy slegs ‘n 35%-kans om uitgevang

daagliks deur

te word. Nadat ons vir meeste onnies gevra het hoe

trappe te klim?

het ons ‘n paar somme gedoen en bepaal dat die alge-

Daar’s net een ding erger as

gereeld hulle kyk dat leerders se huiswerk gemaak is, mene leerder ‘n 65%-kans staan om ‘n blouleêr vir “tuiswerk onvoltooid” te ontvang. Dit beteken egter

dat graad 8’s en 9’s in die rooi is, en eers die

om aan die einde van die dag dubbel Rek te hê: die stelle

onderwysers se vertroue moet verdien. Raad aan die jun-

trappe wat geklim moet word om by die Rekeningkun-

iors: maak maar seker dat jou huiswerk elke dag klaar is.

deklas uit te kom. Die algemene Gimmie klim ongeveer

Jy sal wel eendag die vrugte daarvan pluk!

8,5 stelle trappe per dag. Volgens die webtuiste urbansome.com verbrand mens 5 kalorieë per stel trappe wat jy

klim, wat beteken dat elke Bosvark daagliks min of meer 42,5 kalorieë (of 1778 kJ) verbrand. Hoewel dit nie na besonders baie klink nie, is dit meer kalorieë as wat daar in 100g Sprite is. So as jy weer jou bedenkinge het oor of jy dit gaan maak tot op die derde vloer, dink aan die peuselhappie wat jy later sonder skuldgevoelens mag verslind, omdat die pasella oefening wat jy nou doen daarvoor


Vinnige Feite Min of meer 42,5 kalorieë per dag verbrand op die trappe! Jy het ‘n 65% kans om ‘n blouleêrinskrywing te kry vir huiswerk nie gedoen!

Hoërskoolverhoudings het slegs ‘n 2% kans van langtermyn sukses!

Hoeveel Bigga is

Hoe om wakker

te veel Bigga?

te bly in die klas:

It’s a tale as old as time: die

Die laaste aspek van die




tussen ‘n Bosvark en sy pakkie Bigga-tjips is een waarvan die hele dorp weet. Die stapelvoedsel van die Gimmies




daagliks motiveer om die skooldag aan te durf, want ons weet dat ware liefde in verskeie geure voorkom. Maar het



lewe wat ons bestudeer het, is een waarmee byna

almal sukkel: wat kan ek doen om nie aan die slaap te raak in die klas nie? Liewe vriende, om te slaap terwyl die

onnie klasgee is geen grap nie. Jy mag dalk belangrike inligting mis, wat lei tot ‘n swak toetspunt, wat ‘n laer

jy geweet dat daar in hierdie geval wel iets soos te veel

gemiddeld veroorsaak, wat jou keuring tot universiteit

liefde is, en dat dit maklik kan uitloop op ‘n ongesonde

benadeel, wat jou werksgeleenthede beperk, wat beteken

verhouding? Volgens die webtuiste Healthy Eating, is dit

jy gaan finansieël sukkel, en uiteindelik arm en alleen

baie ongesond om daagliks tjips te eet. Die vet in hierdie

iewers langs ‘n straatkaffee sit. Die volgende wenke kan

peuselhappies kan lei tot hoë cholesterol, en die sodi-

gevolg word om hierdie horribale lewenspad te vermy en

umvlakke kan hoë bloeddruk veroorsaak. Wanneer

meer energie in die klas te hê: drink baie water, eet

matigheid voor oë gehou word, is daar egter geen gevaar

grondboontjiebotter, jogurt, vrugte of kaas tydens pouse,

nie, en kan jy smul aan jou Bigga sonder bekommernis. Ons kennis is beperk, maar ons beveel nie meer as een

pakkie elke tweede of derde dag aan nie. Hou jou verhouding met Bigga gesond en net liggies. Want ligte liefde is lekker


Wat is die kanse dat jou

maak gebruik van geure wat jou energievlakke opstoot (Healthline beveel handerome of spuitgoed met ‘n

ondertoon van sitrus of pepperment aan), of loop badkamer toe om jou bloedomloop te jump s tart. Deur smiddae ná skool te oefen en blou lig (die lig wat deur jou selfoon of televisieskerms afgegee word) voordat jy gaan slaap te vermy, sal jy ‘n

verhouding gaan hou?

beter nagrus kry en makliker aandag gee by die

Hierdie vraag word nie vergelyk met ‘n ro-

onderwyser sê of ‘n “fidget toy” te koop, word jou

mantiese fliek nie, maar eerder met ‘n

konsentrasie verhoog en sal jy meer waaksaam

tragedie. Romeo en Juliet, Brad en Ange-


skool. Deur notas te maak van alles wat die

lina, en Jack en Rose het vir ons geleer dat

die beste liefdesverhale in trane, ‘n bak roomys, en in sommige gevalle, yskoue

Skool is dalk ‘n eindelose siklus wat vir vyf dae

water van die Noord-Atlantiese oseaan

van die week herhaal word. Maar deur vrae te

eindig. Meisies, julle mag dalk glo dat julle hoërskool

kêrel jou trouman is, en ouens, dit is dalk ‘n bitter pil om te sluk, maar die kanse dat jou huidige verhouding ‘n sukses gaan wees, is uiters skraal. Huffpost.com stel dat slegs 2% van nuwe huwelike in Noord Amerika as “high school sweethearts” begin het. Die oorgrote meerderheid van verhoudings gaan dus heel moontlik as ‘n tragedie

vra oor die klein dingetjies, wat ons meestal as vanselfsprekend aanvaar, mag jy dalk uitvind dat jou lewe nie so

vaal en eenvoudig is as wat jy gedink het nie. Jou lewe is dalk soos ‘n fliek wat op ‘n “loop” speel, maar kyk daarna

deur 3D brille: bewonder die details. Dit mag dalk net bietjie kleur aan jou vervelige dag leen..

eindig, en hoewel alle Gimmies nie tans in romantiese verhoudings betrokke is nie, beïnvloed dit ons almal op ‘n

Deur Kyle Duvenhage

sekere manier. Meisies, spaar julle trane en geniet die

Foto’s deur Carla Wolstenholme

lewe van die enkellopendes. En seuns, spaar julle geld deur realisties te wees en dinge te beëindig. Of vat die kans, hê lief, en dalk, net dalk, eindig julle storie as ‘n romanse en nie ‘n tragedie nie.

really good. At the time athletics was my main focus. Through athletics, I started getting fitter and

faster. Around the age of 15/16 I started focusing on rugby and got into the first team. After I got Boland in 7s rugby and then SA in 7s rugby, I started to

realise that rugby was my passion.


orcester Gymnasium’s students are thriving

How do you balance sport, studies and a social life?

when it comes to sports. Some of our ath-

It has been very difficult this year, especially with

letes are leaving their mark on the athletics com-

all the tournaments I’ve been to. When I do miss

munity and are even competing at an international

school, I just make sure I get extra classes in the

level. These Gimmies are our young prodigies!

difficult subjects. Every afternoon I have practice

At every assembly we hear about how these athletes

are achieving these remarkable accomplishments, but do we realise the amount of effort that goes into




Circum decided


enlighten us, and took a look into the remarkable

and I also take part in extracurricular activities. On the weekends, I do sometimes go out - it all depends. The main key is to prioritise and plan your schedule ahead. That way you will get more free time.

lives of Rogail Joseph, Ethinique Adams and

What advice would you give to other athletes in the

Francois Prinsloo .


ETHINIQUE ADAMS Ethinique is the

rugby star who saved


Persistence is key. If things aren’t going your way, even though you are working hard, never give up.

There is a time for everything, your time will come. Not everyone peaks at the same time. When your

time does come, use it. Keep on working hard and pushing yourself. Who is your biggest inspiration?

games and captured the hearts

Wayde van Niekerk has been one of my biggest

of many Gimmies.

inspirations. His accomplishments and beliefs are

Ethinique was one of

very inspirational and he is someone I aspire to be

12 rugby players chosen to

represent South Africa in the Rugby 7s African Youth Games held in Nigeria. In the tournament, South Africa

was victorious over Namibia. How did feel representing your country?






run….really fast. In June, Rogail

It was very exciting and the whole experience was a

represented South Africa at the

dream come true. I felt like a true, proud South

IAAF World U20 Championships

African. The best thing was definitely meeting oth-

in Finland. In April, she achieved

er players and bonding with teammates. I learned a

a gold in 100m hurdles at the Re-

lot of new skills that I will keep with me forever.

gional Games in Boksburg. We will definitely be seeing this star in the

When did you realise you had a talent in rugby? I have played rugby my whole life and I wasn’t

headlines one day, probably quite soon!

How were the SA championships for you?


It was a really good experience. It was my first big world completion and it really exposed me to new

things that I need to work on. I learned a lot of new

Not only is he throwing his way up the ranks, but

tips and tricks in Finland.

also into the Gimmie’s hearts.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

Francois attended

My coach, Rodney Booysen, is my biggest inspiration. He always motivates me to reach my goals. He taught me everything I know. I owe what I have to him. When did you start to realise you had a talent in

athletics? In 2016, when I was accepted in the SA team for the first time. After that I started to realise that my

hobby could result in a career one day. Will you be doing athletics next year? Yes, I was accepted into the University of Free State. There I will work with Wayde van Niekerk’s

coach, which is an amazing opportunity for me. How do you balance athletics, schoolwork and having a social life? It’s really hard; my friends feel like I don’t give

them enough attention sometimes. My schedule is

the Africa Champs in July and achieved a 1st place for discus. This means that Francois is currently in the Top 10 in the world for discus. Who is your biggest inspiration? Rai Prinsloo, my brother, is my biggest inspiration. Not only is he a role model, but he also shows me what not to do. He is always motivating and guiding me in the right direction. How do you balance sports, academics and a social life?

Prioritising is key. You need to organise activities according to importance. From least important activities like social life, to more important activities like sports and academics. Remember just to stay strong and trust in the Lord.

very busy with practises before and after school. And with the amount of homework you get in

matric, it’s hard to keep up. I cope by planning everything out beforehand. What advice would you give to aspir-


Any advice for future athletes? Always stay true to yourself and don’t change for others. Don’t compare yourself to the person running next you - you are your own competition. Always work for yourself.

athletes? It all comes down to how much

self-respect you have. You decide where you go in life. Al-

ways keep your eye on the prize. Always give your best, so you don’t regret not putting in the

work afterwards. And remember never give up.

In conclusion, as we are lying on the couch binge watching ‘FRIENDS‘, the athletes of our school are out there on their everyday grind. If there is one thing we learned today, it is that you create your own destiny. You don’t like something? Change it. You control your own future. Who knows... maybe you’ll be the Gimmies’ next prodigy.

By Zoë Hendricks Photos: Gaby Jacobs

First time you knew what you wanted to become


mongst us roam undercover guitarists, kind-hearted humans, ex-army soldiers, gap year experts, discipline-avoiders and experienced Blue-File-Givers all in the form of the teachers we see every day. It’s about time we uncover a little more of what really makes our teachers our teachers. What makes them more than just the test-markers and trained professionals we all know? The Circum went ahead to quiz Mrs Conradie, Mr Joubert, Mrs Olivier and Ms Dreyer on their first experiences of certain things.

MRS CONRADIE First Kiss (Giggles) Oh, I was very young. I was in grade 7. Was it a romantic kind of kiss or was it just a dare? Oh, no, it wasn’t romantic at all. I think it was over a game of Spin the Bottle. The kids back in those days were much rougher than today’s kids. I’m so thankful my kids didn’t grow up like we did.

First Major Injury I was in Pick ‘n Pay with my mom and I was swinging on a pole. My mom told me to stop, but of course I didn’t listen. I fell and broke my wrist.

First Job I did lots of waitressing. I started at the Bay Hotel in Camps Bay. Woah, fancy! Yes, it was very fancy. It wasn’t Silver Service, but it was 5 star. I first worked there in a coffee shop.

First International Travel I went to London and then worked there for 8 months, alone. That’s a big step. Was it scary, what with customs, suspicious staff and arriving in a completely different environment? Yes, it was scary, but being there was amazing. Once in your life, you must travel and have these experiences. I lived in a big house with people from all over the world so I met a variety of people. It was a wonderful experience. First Memorable Date In grade 9, my boyfriend took me to this fancy restaurant in Sea Point on the beachfront. That’s pretty fancy for a grade 9 student.

Yeah, but he was a bit older. He thought he was quite fancy, but turned out to be an idiot. (Giggles)

I started at varsity, wanting to become an industrial psychologist. During the course of that study, I had a course in Bioscience. I then realised I wanted to do what I loved and I loved Biology. How did your parents take that? Well, they weren’t too worried because I had a student loan, so I had to pay for it. They paid some it, of course, but they were quite supportive.

MR JOUBERT First Flight It was when I was in the army after school. We had to fly in what we called the “flossie”, the army aeroplane. It wasn’t a nice flight. It was very rough and quite scary actually. First Job It was at Correctional Services. I finished my studies in ’93, so in the beginning of ’94, I started at Correctional Services working for the youth centre. I taught the youth in prison. First kiss Wow, I still remember. It was a very innocent kiss. I was in grade 10. Was it romantic or was it a dare?

No, it wasn’t a dare. I liked the girl. It was a very shy kiss on the cheek (laughs). First memorable date We had dances and things like that when I was at school. I’m not really a dancer and I couldn’t dance, but I joined the party to be part of the group. The girl that was my first kiss, we were kind of together, so we went to a party. First time you knew what you wanted to become I was unsure of what I wanted to do after school when I finished matric. I went to the army first, because during those times you could choose to work for the army before or after you studied. After two years, I was still unsure so I enrolled for a BSc in Agriculture. My dream was to specialise in Animal Science specifically livestock and genetics. I had this dream of having my own cattle and livestock. I realised I really enjoy working with people and I love sport, so the idea of becoming a teacher started to interest me. I changed to studying Human Movement Studies. I enjoyed the course so much and now I’m a teacher. I’m still enjoying it every day.

First car and how did you get It While I was studying, my brother bought a cheap Nissan 1400 bakkie. When he finished his studies, I actually bought the bakkie from him and it gave me many problems. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere a few times because of that bakkie.



First major injury

First Major Injury

I was at Girls’ Primary and I was riding one of my friends’ bicycle and I fell over the handlebars and broke my thumb. I was about ten.

I haven’t broken a bone, but when I was about thirteen, I went on a slip-andslide that had a dog bone underneath it. I slid and the bone scratched me from my big toe up to my knee.

First job

It was at Hugenot High in Wellington. That’s now except for the jobs I used to do as a student. Over long holidays I worked to earn a little bit of an income to make it easier for my parents and so that I could also have a little something. I worked at one of my uncles’ shops. First Kiss It was grade 10 I think. By then I’d moved to Caledon. It was a good friend and then we started a relationship.

First International Travel When I was about ten, my whole family: mom, dad, sister and two brothers went overseas. My parents are both Portuguese and we went to the island where they were born, that’s Madeira. Ma’am, I hear you’re fluent in Portuguese or is that just a rumour? I am somewhat, I really need to practise it, but I can understand everything. First memorable date, maybe one with Mr Olivier? At the end of one year, some of our teachers, about 12 of us, went away together. It was just a very special time together – all of us sitting around the fire and singing with the guitar. It wasn’t even a date, but it was just a lot of special moments. That’s what it’s meant to be. Do you perhaps play the guitar, ma’am? Yeah-yeah. I used to take guitar lessons for classic guitar, but I didn’t just want to do classic guitar. I wanted more strumming so that I could sing, just for me. My teacher moved and then lessons ended. Now, I just pull out my guitar and play. We learn something new every day. First time you knew what you wanted to become

I was very young. I’ve always wanted to become a teacher. My cousins, my sister and I always used to play schoolschool. Some people would say “really? Is that really what you want to do?”, but I had some amazing role models as teachers. So you don’t regret your decision? No! I don’t regret it at all. People think teaching could get boring, but it’s never static. Sometimes learners ask things that I’ve never thought about in my 30 years of teaching, so that’s amazing and because the learners are different, it’s different every time. You need to challenge yourself and get involved at different levels and you can.

First Job I was an assistant to a hairdresser.

First Kiss It was in grade 10, just before I turned 16, so I couldn’t say “sixteen and never been kissed”. He was a really awkward boy.

Was it a dare kiss or was it more romantic? It was meant to be romantic, but it was just awkward in general. We were dating, but it was awkward dating.

First International Travel (far right) I went to Thailand in 2008, so I was in grade 11. It was a Tourism and Hospitality Studies tour. We travelled and made lots of food.

First Memorable Date 8 August 2015 because that’s the date that my fiancé and I officially started to date.

What did you two do? He took me to an elephant farm in Knysna. We watched the elephants and then he was like, “So, do you wanna be my girlfriend?” It was so official - he was using full names and everything! First time you knew what you wanted to become

That was when I was working in a coffee shop. I was taking a gap year and I really didn’t know what I wanted to do. My father was teaching at Montana at that stage and I was helping him grade papers. I just knew then: I can communicate with kids and I’d like to do this for a living. Have you always lived in Worcester? We moved here at the end of my Matric year which was 2009. I had a gap year and then went back to study at Tuks as I moved here from Pretoria. That didn’t work out, so I came back here and took another gap year. In that gap year, I realised okay, what I want to do is this. You are truly able to learn something new every day. Who knows what else remains unknown, what else might hide under the lab coat of your science teacher?

By Emily Voigt Photos by Chané Pienaar

Courtney Gempies What’s







Photos: Anja Joubert What do you like to do on



a. b. c. d.

a. Eat b. Sleep, sleep and more

My first kiss Braces


My awful style School pictures

c. Watch movies d. Go out and party

What superpower would you love to have?

a. b. c. d.


A genius level intellect Time travel Invisibility

What are you like in high school?

a. b. c. d.

a. b. c. d.

People who text “k”

Slow texters Read receipts The never-ending typing


Sporty Artsy

You get another super power,


these are gods after all! So what is it this time?

Party animal

You’re out and about on a Sunday afternoon, when you encounter someone doing the rudest, most annoying behaviour ever witnessed in your life. What’s that monster doing?

a. b. c. d.

What’s the worst thing about texting?

Walking slowly Sitting with their legs spread really wide Literally everything

Talking loudly

a. b. c. d.

Shape shifting

Super speed Super strength


What time do you wake up?

a. b. c. d.

Early morning before 6am Mornings 6-9am Late mornings 9-11am

Whenever, I don’t keep track

You have three friends, one is dating the second, but you find out she is cheating on him with the third. What do you do?

a. Nothing, it’s none of my business b. Talk to them and encourage them to stop c. Talk to the third friend and tell him what is going on

d. Tell the story all over, destroying all three’s reputations

You are in love with three people, each is special in their own way. The first is well-connected, regal, he/and graceful. The second is very beautiful, but a little empty headed. The third is wild and exciting, always introducing you to new things. Which do you choose?

a. The first, he/she is the calmest and most practical of the bunch

b. The second, he/she is beautiful and easy for me to manipulate

c. The third, they keep life fun and interesting d. All at once, I shouldn’t have to choose, just as long as none of the others find out

Mostly A’s: You are ZEUS. Father of the Greek Hero Hercules. God of thunder and sky. You are strong and powerful.

He received a lightning

bolt, as his weapon of choice, FROM the cyclops.

You are regarded as

strong, wise and fair. Unfortunately you are also easily angered.

Mostly B’s: You are HERA. Queen of the Olympian gods. She is the gra-

cious protector of the heroes. She has the ability never to forget an injury. She was known as the protector of women. Although you are regarded powerful and incredibly beautiful, you are also seen as

jealous and vain. Mostly C’s: You are POSEIDON. He is the god of the sea and protector of all waters. He is also known as the “earth shaker”, because he had the ability to create earthquakes on land. He is considered one of the most violent

and ill-tempered and greedy Olympian gods. He wielded the trident or three -pronged spear as his weapon. You are mostly noble, but have undeniable shades of grey.

Mostly D’s: You are ATHENA. Goddess of war. She served as a guardian OF Athens. You are regarded as one of the most respected of all gods and goddesses. You are a peacemaker and never let emotional decisions

Met die musical wat verby is en die personeel-konsert wat ’n reuse sukses was, het die Circum besef daar lê ‘n paar ongesluipte diamante onder die onderwysers. Dis geen geheim dat skool glad nie ‘n sprokie is nie, maar ‘n paar van die Gimmie-onnies toon verdagte ooreenkomste met van die Disney-karakters.

Tarzan met sy bultende spiere en sportiewe eienskappe kan met Mnr. Fransman vergelyk word. Mnr Fransman oefen hard en gereeld om homself in top kondisie te hou. Met sy sportiewe voorkoms en gespierde arms is hy Tarzan se ewebeeld.

Het jy ‘n Wiskunde som waarmee jy sukkel? Geen problem, juffrou Conradie het alreeds ‘n oplossing. Hierdie slim juffrou kan vergelyk word met die beeldskone Belle van “Beauty and the Beast”. Belle word daaraan geken dat sy baie van lees hou en ook baie intelligent is vir ‘n dame van haar tyd. Juffrou Conradie deel haar liefde vir lees met Belle en sy word geken aan haar flinke brein.

Wat sou Frozen wees sonder ‘n warm, positiewe karakter? Jy nie kan help om van Olaf se karakter te hou nie. Mnr. Joubert word gesien as ‘n positiewe onnie wat jou vinnig kan bemoedig na ‘n moeilike dag. Hy stap die ekstra myl met sy leerders en doen dit met ‘n glimlag. “Some people are worth melting for.” Mnr. Joubert het definitief ‘n passie vir wat hy doen en daarom is geen moeite ooit te veel vir hom nie.

Almal ken die storie waar die Beast, van Beauty and the Beast, eers die gemene monster is en soos die film verloop verander hy in ‘n saggeaarde prins. Mnr. du Toit mag dalk baie streng en kwaai voorkom, maar hy is eintlik ‘n “softy”. Hy wys sy tande as jou geskiedenishuiswerk nie gedoen is nie, maar koester nie ‘n wrok nie. Die prins word ontbloot met ‘n grappie of twee en ‘n staaltjie oor sy geheimsinnige deur…

Leandrie du Toit | Photos: Chané Pienaar

Elke gr. 8 se bene bewe as hulle vir die eerste keer by Worcester Gimnasium instap. Gelukkig het hulle ‘n Fairy Godmother wat mooi na hulle omsien. Juffrou Nel is ‘n moeder-figuur vir baie, maar veral vir die nuwe graad agts. Haar passie vir kinders kan gesien word in haar entoesiastiese lesse. Sy het altyd ‘n glimlag en ‘n oor om na probleme te luister.

Tydens vanjaar se musical het Francois Prinsloo diep in die gehoor se harte gekruip met sy vertolking van die humoristiese rol van Genie in Alladin. Onder die onderwysers word Mnr. Olivier geken aan sy snaakse grappies. Hy is altyd gereed met ‘n opmerking om enige iemand se dag op te kikker. Die feit dat hy nog ’n “handyman” ook is dra net by tot die feit dat hy wonders kan verrig.

In die Wiskunde-klas maak hierdie meneer dit moeilik vir die skoner geslag om aandag te gee. Mnr. Matthee word gesien as Prince Charming. Sy persoonlikheid maak dat hy as die perfekte “gentleman” geklassifiseer kan word. Hy is altyd vriendelik en staan reg om te help. Dit is baie geloofwaardig dat hy uit ‘n sprokie ontsnap het.


pring has sprung and it is time for those summer-ready bodies to come out…… ha! “Sorry Summer, maybe next year!” I mean, why be attractive when you could be eating attractive looking food…? Did you know that the 16 th of September is National Peach Pie Day? As peaches are third favourite fruits (strawberries being first and apricots being second) for this Cooking edition, I decided to make Peach Pie Cheesecake Parfaits. Okay, okay, stop screaming and yelling at the screen saying, “Bee, how on Earth am I supposed to make that?!” Just calm down, my fellow Gimmie, it’s easier than it sounds and it only takes 15 minutes to make. That’s 15 minutes of your life spent satisfying your belly and craving. I also decided to incorporate the fruit into my Cooking Edition for those of you who are trying to still look out for that summer body. It is an easy way to cheat by telling your body that there is fruit in it. Lie and tell yourself, “Yes! This is extremely healthy and I will not gain weight at all.” It is all in the positive thinking, sister.

Ingredients 

1 tub of cream cheese

¼ cup of brown sugar

Tub of caramel ice-cream

1 cup of fresh cream

1 can of whipped cream (for garnish

and not for you to squirt into your mouth) 

2 tins of peaches in a can

1 Swiss Roll

Mint leaves (optional)


Feel free to replace the peaches with any other fruit of choice. Remember to whip the fresh cream before folding in!


Cut the Swiss Roll into small cubes.


Cut the peaches into smaller pieces.


Beat the cream cheese, sugar and caramel ice-cream until creamy.


Beat the fresh cream with a mixer until fluffy and fold in.


Layer the parfaits as follows – cake, peaches and cheesecake mix ture. Repeat until jar is filled to the top.


Top off with whipped cream and mint leaves. Serve while icy cool.

Happy Cooking!

Serves 6.

by Be-Arthur Davids photos by Gaby Jacobs

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