Circum 2019 - Term 2

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MATRIEK CHECKLIST Wat is alles op jou matrieklys?

Wat het hulle ons geleer?



We greet Mr van Niekerk and Mrs Lucy





Redaktrise Emily Voigt Subredaktrise Simone Botha Nadia Botha Be-Arthur Davids Bianca du Plessis Kyle Duvenhage Leandrie du Toit Courtney Gempies Mikyall Harris Zoë Hendricks Yaseen Jacobs Nabilah Williams

FOTOGRAWE Hooffotograaf Gaby Jacobs Abygail Drake Anja Joubert Jana Matthee Chané Pienaar Kayla van Greunen Liam Waters Miché Wium Carla Wolstenholme Layout Assistant: Helena Stynder

Words o



Refor Scho






Contents Page 6

Page 16

Page 24

of Wisdom

Good Kid vs Bad Kid

Exams Cancelled

Emily Voigt

Nadia Botha

Simone Botha

Page 8

Page 26

e Avengers

Page 18

Gemini: Twins!

e Duvenhage

Survival of the Dark Ages

Courtney Gempies

Page 10

Nabilah Williams

Page 28

rming the ool System

Cooking with Bee Page 20

ca du Plessis

Ontspan na Eksamen

Be-Arthur Davids

Yaseen Jacobs


Page 22

ndrie du Toit

Pseudo Science: Sport ZoĂŤ Hendricks

Page 14

her Memes

e Duvenhage

Cover photo by MichĂŠ Wium

Page 12


My time has come to say goodbye. Ouch. That stirs up sadness, but it also feels like I can simply add it to the list of things that have come to an end thus far. The Matrics have been saying a lot of goodbyes — it’s almost a routine now. Goodbye Last First Day of School, goodbye last orals (yes!), goodbye athletics, goodbye Mrs Olivier and Mr van Niekerk – what?! Yes, an unexpected goodbye to them too. It is sad saying goodbye, knowing that you’re leaving something valuable behind. On the other hand, what lies ahead, could be something better (or equally amazing…let’s not offend anyone). Time moves with or without you, so many goodbyes are purely inevitable. You are kind of forced to embrace ‘em through the difficulty. What makes it special, is having something that’s hard to say goodbye too. As a young grade 8, I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I sent in my application article for the Circum. I wanted to start something new and see where it took me. It all happened so fast after that. In grade 9, I’d been asked to be sub-editor. WHAT? (my internal reaction) On the outside, I was just smiling. With shocked excitement, I answered, “Yes!” without really thinking about it. I had no idea what becoming sub -editor entailed and was it nerve-racking! My first task was to inquire about printing prices for magazines all over Worcester or Cape Town. I was still very introverted and shy, so that was very scary. I had also internalised pressures that every aspect of my life had to become more organised all of a sudden because I was in the

running for future Circum Editor. I thought I could never make a typo or grammar mistake at school because people would think I was not worthy of the title. I was honestly not having the best time until I actually listened to my repetitive thoughts. Literally no one actually told me I should be perfect. I was still Emily, still a friend, still a learner, still a normal, imperfect human. Upon realising that, the rollercoaster ride started (in a good way). I relaxed and thoroughly started enjoying being part of this amazing team. Our

brainstorm sessions were seriously so much fun. This team of journalists have really been the best in terms of enthusiasm and creativity. This is what makes saying goodbye hard. Hierdie kwartaal was ’n warrelwind, maar ek dink elke kwartaal is maar net sy eie, unieke warrelwind. Die spoed word net vinniger en die take meer, maar dan word die tyd vir ontspanning en die tyd met mense net soveel meer waardevol. Met die verloop van tyd kom die verandering van seisoene en ons is tans in die middel van ’n koue winter. Gaan haal ’n kombers, maak ’n koppie koffie en geniet ons artikels van kwartaal twee. Ons het ook heerlike resepte voorsien vir ’n gemaklike piekniek in die huis! Simone Botha will be taking the reigns from me with a brand new crop of photographers and journalists. Simone, I wish you all the best with the Circum. Thank you for your willingness to help and crazy-amazing ideas! I have no doubt you’ll enjoy the experience! Thank you, Mr van Niekerk, for every bit of extra effort you’ve put into the Circum, your enthusiasm and willingness to help us all

with our technological issues (we don’t know how you still have patience left, but we appreciate it!) All the best with your new chapter. You will surely be missed! Mrs Bergenthuin will be taking the reigns from him. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your holiday, dear readers. I won’t catch you on the flipside this time round. My final words as Circum Editor remain: Goodbye.

lives. I think my greatest achievement so far is that I have an incredibly happy family life and that, to me, is the most important thing.

BIGGEST REGRET? Mrs Olivier: I think it would be not spending

enough time with my children and allowing my school life to domiMrs Olivier and Mr van Niekerk’s chapters at Worcester Gymnasium are drawing to a close. Through the years of teaching, they’ve had many experiences, so the Circum thought it best to see if some of these life lessons could be shared...

nate my life to such a point that I sometimes feel that I neglected them. They don’t feel that, they tell me, “Mom, you were around. You were there for us,“ but if I could have my life over, I would maybe have said no more to what the school expected of me, which I did over and beyond what lots


of other people do. I just feel I missed out on spending more time with my kids.

Mr van Niekerk: Be careful of making a hobby into your career. It’s dangerous. What happens very quickly, which I learned the hard way, is that once your hobby becomes your job, you stop enjoying it as much. Look at the kind of person you are, try and figure out what’s going to make you happy – working with people, working with numbers,

etc. don’t look at the potential




Mr van Niekerk: Just try a little bit harder. I wish I could go back to my high school or university self and just say try a little harder.

paycheck, because if you work hard, and well, you’ll

Mrs Olivier: Breathe. Stay calm and breathe because

get paid well enough and you’ll be happier – simple as

God is in control. Especially this year, I’ve learned to just


give over things I can’t control. I feel if you have a rela-

Mrs Olivier: It must be something you’re passionate about and something that you know will not only suit your ability but also your heart. I think too many people decide a career based on the financial gains and you must not want to work every day just because you want the salary. You need to find something that you’re excited to get up in the morning for and where you can make a difference.

GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT? Mr van Niekerk: My son! But honestly speaking, it’s seeing learners I’ve taught going on and doing very well in their

tionship with God, you’re never alone, no matter what you face. I think I want to have everything under control, I want everything to be organised, but He’s taught me to breathe.




Mr van Niekerk: The kids. The fact that you get to work with amazing children and you get to create amazing

opportunities for them and see them grow – definitely miss that the most.




Mr van Niekerk: One of the teachers I admire the most, is


definitely Mrs Malan. She just has such a good heart and such a gentle approach to life, which is a wonderful thing to have and see. I don’t think she has a mean bone in her body. I try to be more like this, but I mean, come on, when a person’s acting like an idiot, I get an-

Mr van Niekerk: I firmly believe in the potential of e-learning, but I also believe that a lot of the right decisions involving e-learning

noyed and she’s just not like that at all. I really admire

aren’t being made. I think the management

that quality in her, it’s something I aspire to - to have

in e-learning at the moment misunderstands

that kind of unwavering kindness and compassion for

the purpose of e-learning. That misconcep-

anyone and anything.

tion is resulting in the failure of e-learning. I’d like to be in the position [E-Learning Advisor


for the District] where I can start influencing

Mrs Oliver: My husband! (Giggles) I’ve built a lot of good

those decisions and start guiding the process

relationships with older and younger staff members, so I

so that we can start delivering effective

wouldn’t want to single out a favourite, but Mrs L. van

e-learning because I’ve seen the undeniable

Wyk has really inspired me. I wish I could be as organised

potential. I’d like to get involved so that we

as her!

can do it right. I think it can make an impact AND WHAT HAS

on a bigger group than the one I’m helping


at the moment. I’m definitely going to miss






Mrs Olivier: It’s my




though. 30th

year. I think one of the biggest

changes has been the staff here. When I started, there was a huge gap in younger staff members and that was

Mrs Olivier: I didn’t ever think I’d apply for a

a problem. Now, the school has brought in a really great

job like this [Subject Advisor for Life Sciences],

group of young, dynamic, diverse staff members.

because I’m extremely happy in teaching,


but in the last ten years, I’ve had opportunities to develop not only as an educator but

Mrs Olivier: I use amazing quite often in class. I like

also in presenting workshops for teachers

“amazing”. I just think there are so many moments that

and that’s where I realised that I really enjoy

are amazing, you need to look for them. I also love

teaching teachers and adults, then this op-

enthusiasm and motivation because I think if that’s part of your lifestyle, you’re never going to get bored because any little thing that happens, you can get excited about – I love that!

portunity arose. What it entails is being there to support educators. My hope is to motivate educators to learn and be the best they can be to the benefit of the learners. I like to see that as the main reason I’m shifting over.

Our school has definitely lost two gems - we’ll miss them greatly! However, we celebrate with them that a new chapter is beginning and we wish them all the best for the future!

By Emily Voigt


á 11 jaar, 21 flieks, 48 uur op die silwerskerm en meer as $18 biljoen in die sak het die Marvel franchise sy langverwagte klimaks bereik: Avengers Endgame. Hierdie fliek was ’n pronkstuk, en het nie net Box Office-rekords (en harte) regoor die wêreld gebreek nie, maar dit was die laaste fliek waarin die legendariese super squad, die Avengers, almal sy aan sy sou veg. Dié helde het oor die jare bewys dat hulle meer is as net vegters wat skiet, skop en wheelie, en aanhangers het al baie by hul geleer. En baie van dié lesse is van toepassing op ons skoollewe ...

“aanhouer wen”-benadering het al baie mense geïnspireer en kan as groot motivering dien wanneer dit by akademie kom. In ons skoolkurrikulum is daar baie uitdagings, maar Iron Man het bewys dat harde werk en toewyding ’n mens ver kan dra. Soos Corné Havenga (graad 11) gesê het: “’n Mens hoef nie superpowers te hê om ‘n held te wees nie.” Jy kort net ‘n titseltjie deursettingsvermoë.


AANHOUER WEN Die eerste Avenger met wie ons kennis maak in die Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), is die selfversekerde besigheidsman Tony Stark. In sy rooi en geel blikpakkie is hy nie net ‘n krag om mee gereken te word nie, maar is hy in baie se oë die vader van die Avengers. Sy pad tot held was egter nie een wat maklik begin het nie: As gevangene in ’n grot (in die fliek Iron Man) moes hy ’n super suit bou om te ontsnap. Dit was die begin van ’n nuwe stokperdjie, en deur die Marvel-reeks het hy deur trial-and-error aanhou bou en verbeter. Iron Man se

Daar’s min oomblikke in die Marvel Cinematic Universe so hartseer soos wanneer Steve Rogers in Captain America: First Avenger vir sy geliefde sê: “I’m gonna need a raincheck on that dance,” net voor hy in die sneeu duik. Hoewel hy aan die einde van Endgame wel ’n geleentheid kry om op te maak vir die verlore dans, is die kans dat die meeste van ons so ’n do-over kry baie skraal. Daarom het Cap vir ons geleer hoe belangrik dit is om jou geliefdes te koester. Waar die matrieks minder as vyf maande in die skool oor het, raak hul pouses saam met vriende en kanse om herinneringe te maak al minder en is dit belangriker as ooit om die tyd met hul geliefdes te geniet. “Captain America taught me to appreciate my loved ones, because once the moment’s gone, it’s gone,” het Laxmini Patel (Graad 8) gesê.

self en sy groen wederhelfde kon aanvaar. En toe Bruce dít regkry, was hy sterker as ooit vantevore. Jana le Roux (Graad 10) sê: “Hulk showed us of the power that lies in embracing our unique qualities.”

SPORTMANGEES Die god van weerlig (ook bekend as “Strongest Avenger”) is bekend vir sy krag en spiere (of, ná Endgame, net sy krag). Hy is egter ook bekend as een van die helde wat die grootste karakterontwikkeling ondergaan het en hy verander geleidelik van ’n selfbehepte waaghals na ’n sensitiewer omgeepersoon. Zaakir Nagia (Graad 12) het dit mooi opgesom deur te sê: “Thor taught us that even though you’re the strongest member amongst your peers, you’re allowed to be sensitive and vulnerable.” Hierdie lewensles is veral van toepassing op die sportveld. Waar baie mense glo “wen is alles” en sensitiwiteit is swakheid, vat dit guts om, soos Thor, weg te draai van die norm en te fokus op dit wat regtig saakmaak: selfontwikkeling en die mense wat jy langs die pad ontmoet.

AANVAAR JOUSELF “Hulk, smash!” Die wetenskaplike Bruce Banner is ’n belangrike deel van die Avengers, en is definitef die grootste, groenste lid van die span. Hy’s egter meer as net Shrek se ewebeeld, en ondergaan, nes Thor, ernstige karakterontwikkeling. Waar hy aanvanklik geglo het Hulk is net ’n mean, green killing machine, moes hy eers ’n pad van selfontdekking stap (met ‘n pitstop op ‘n ander planeet) voor hy hom-

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE Hierdie twee helde is so tight soos Spongebob en Patrick, so na aan mekaar soos Joey en Chandler, en meer onafskeidbaar as Loki en die Tessaract. Nie net is hulle beste vriende nie, maar hulle is ook (in vergelyking met die res van die span) doodnormaal. Nie Natasha Romanoff of Clint Barton het ‘n yster-suit, spesiale kragte of die vermoëns om weerlig te beheer nie, maar met hulle swart pakkies en splintervaardighede speel hul steeds ’n baie belangrike rol in die MCU. “Just because someone else can do the job doesn’t mean you shouldn’t,” sê Eduard Klüsmann (Graad 11) het hy by dié duo geleer . Enigiemand kan iets eenvoudig doen soos rommel optel, ‘n klas skoonmaak of leiding neem by die skool. Sodra ’n mens dit besef, kan jy, nes Black Widow en Hawkeye, die wêreld verander.

Die Avengers was ‘n belangrike deel van baie Gimmies se lewens, en dis met ‘n seer, trotse hart wat ons afskeid van hulle neem. Hoewel ons nooit weer die ses oorspronklike heroes saam gaan sien veg nie, sal ons vir altyd vashou aan die lesse wat ons by hulle geleer het. Deur hierdie lewensvaardighede by die skool toe te pas, hou ons hul legacy aan die lewe. Dis ons plig. Avengers, we salute you.

Deur Kyle Duvenhage Foto’s deur Carla Wolstenholme


stantly changing. Neverthehe average high school student today has

less, our educational sys-

the same levels of anxiety as psychiatric pa-

tems haven’t changed for

tients in the early 1950s. We are overworked, held

hundreds of years! They are

to unrealistic expectations and told we’re going to

archaic! The current system is modelled in the

fail miserably in life if we don’t achieve A-

interests and image of the Industrial Age with the

aggregates. Of course this is stressing us out. The

primary purpose to produce factory workers. This

school system incentivises insecurity and emotional

mentality of mass production and mass control still

turmoil. Our well-being is completely disregarded.

forms the foundation of schools in the 21st century.

“Here, take this material, do all your homework

Children’s lives are governed by bells, dictated by

and know everything we discussed in class off by

following instructions.

heart tomorrow. Oh, and do that same thing six

“Sit down, take out your books, turn to page 100,

more times today.”

solve problem number 1.”

“You only got home at eight after choir and athletics practice? You were up until 3 AM studying? Not

This is an example of an Industrial Age value.

my fault you procrastinate.”

You’re awarded for doing exactly what you’re told, for not questioning your superiors and for sup-

It’s honestly exhausting! We are demotivated and

pressing your own ideas and opinions. But the

despondent. On top of this, we are all seen as im-

modern world values workers who can be crea-

mature and entitled, when in reality we’re just try-

tive, who can communicate their ideas and who

ing to keep our heads above the water, and being

can collaborate with others. We never get the

diminished and treated like petulant children

chance to develop these skills during our school

certainly isn’t making it any easier.

years. We are faced with a complete lack of au-

tonomy, trapped in steel-coated boxes that inhibit We are being sent to school to prepare us for the “real world”, for the future, which is mutable; con-

our innovation and originality.

Learning has become inauthentic. It relies on the

memorisation of a generic set of knowledge. Exams are administered to determine how much has been retained. You need to learn the same thing in the same way as everyone else. This creates an extremely unhealthy culture in which we only value marks and not broadening our horizons. There is no room for passions and interests. How fundamentally dehumanising is that? Potential goes unrecognised in the current system.

We can all agree that REFORM IS NECESSARY!

ardised tests should be diagnostic, they should help, and they should not be the dominant culture in schools. They should support learning, not ob-

So what would an effective and

struct it.

engaging school system look like? Education needs to become digital, au-

Teachers should mentor, stimulate, provoke and

tomated and highly personalised for the individual

engage. Thankfully, there are teachers out there

so that we can use our natural inclinations to make

who succeed in enlightening and developing chil-

the world a better place. The system needs to stop

dren by using interactive methods in class and

bombarding us with insurmountable amounts of

making the work thought-provoking.

work. Schools need to consider switching to collaboraFinland has the shortest school days in the entire

tive learning so students can capitalise on one an-

Western world, and their students rank first in the

other's resources and skills. It will develop a higher

world. They don’t have a drop out rate either. This


is all because the immense pressure is removed,

management, and leadership skills. It promotes

and instead they are taught to think critically and

student-faculty interaction. It increases student re-

for themselves while also having the liberty and

tention, self-esteem, and responsibility. It exposes

time to pursue their hobbies. More focus needs to

students to diverse perspectives and it prepares

be put on the arts and humanities since these sub-

them for real life social and employment situations.






jects develop the parts of children that are otherwise untouched. We need subjects that actually

The current school system is restrictive and needs

manage to switch on our brains.

to be dismantled and replaced with a propitious and interactive paradigm.

Human beings are different, diverse and prone to curiosity. Forcing us to fall within the very narrow

“Once you stop learning, you start dying.�

spectrum that schools perpetuate will never deliver

And once you start going to school, you stop

positive results. We need a system that helps us to


flourish, a system that excites our creativity. Stand-


et die helfte van die jaar wat al verby is en die uurglas wat vin-

nig uitloop vir die graad 12’s, het die Circum dit goed gedink om ’n matriekchecklist saam te stel. Hierdie lys sal seker maak dat jy nie een van die belangrike gebeure van die jaar of die nabye toekoms vergeet nie.

3. BESTUURSLISENSIE Dit is baie pret om self van punt A na punt B te ry, maar wat nie so pret is nie, is om uit te passeer. Wenk: Dis okei as jy die clutch so baie gebruik dat hulle hom na die tyd moet vervang, maar hou nou net vir te lank jou oë op die pad en nie jou spieëls nie, dan kan jy maar nág ’n afspraak maak.

1. MATRIEKAFSKEID DATE!!! As jy teen dié tyd nog nie gevra het nie, is dit amper reeds te laat. But







sjarmantste glimlag op, pluk ‘n blommetjie uit die bure se tuin en vra die metgesel van jou drome. As jy ’n bietjie skaam is, los ’n brief, wat Shakespeare soos ’n amateur sal

laat lyk, in die spesiale persoon se tas.

2. UNIVERSITEITSAANSOEK Wat jy vir die res van jou lewe wil doen, is een van die belangrikste

4. 40 DAYS

besluite wat jy gaan moet neem.

Dit klink dalk nog ver, maar hierdie

Maak seker dat jy nie die bus mis nie. Sit

geleentheid is definitief die hoog-

ten minste ’n naweek uit om al die vorms

tepunt op enige matriekleerder se kalen-

in te vul, want die pakkie is amper so dik

der. Sorg dat jy nou al iemand kry by wie jy

soos ’n chemiehandboek.

’n broek of ’n rompie kan leen. Die rede hiervoor is sodat jy weet jy steeds daarin gaan pas na al die eksamen-snacks.




Niemand kan op ’n leë maag leer nie. Gaan koop ’n groot sak bigga by One Up en hou dit vir die September- en Novembereksamens.

6. EKSAMENROOSTER Beplan vroegtydig vir die September- en Novembereksamen. EN HOU BY JOU SKEDULE. Maak som-

mer nog ’n afskrif wat jy in jou blouleêr kan hou







#onsisvoorbereid #browniepoints.

7. FOTO’S Maak seker dat jy ‘n folder of fotoalbum maak van alles wat jy in matriek aangepak het, sodat jy eendag vir jou kinders kan wys:“Ja, ek was ‘n looker op my dag.”

8. INFINITY AND BEYOND Laaste op ons “to do”-lys is dat jy moet





toekoms en wat jy nog wil bereik. Gebruik jou studiebreke om te beplan hoe jy jou baard volgende jaar wil groei of watter kleur jy jou hare wil maak.

Matrieks, geniet die laaste bietjie van hoërskool. Eendag gaan jy terugkyk en na dit verlang. Maak seker jy het memories wat jou laat glimlag as jy eendag op die ouetehuis se stoep sit.

Deur Leandrie du Toit Photos deur Gaby Jacobs

Deur Kyle Duvenhage


f you’ve ever watched a cliché American High School movie, you’ve seen it. You get the jocks and the nerds, the barbie-dolls and the goths,

the witbroodjies and the rebels. And although in real life the social ‘classes’ aren’t set in concrete like they are in Mean Girls, many of us have received

labels that distinguish us as a certain ‘type’. “Oh, don’t let her hear, she’s a pliggie.” “Yeah, he stole his dad’s car this weekend; he’s one of those guys.” Such labels can be irritating, to say the least. They create the assumption that you are a certain type of person, and that certain type only, when in reality, you’re not. Just because she doesn’t talk much and always does her homework, doesn’t mean she doesn’t secretly have a dark sense of humour and a

pair of Ray Bans™. And just because he likes to be a bit of a daredevil, doesn’t mean he doesn’t work his hardest at school to get into a good university. Now this emotional stuff is all well and good, but no matter how many times people tell society not to label others, they still do it – and labels stick. It will take much more than just a strong word from a Circum Journalist to change others’ opinions. So, let’s abandon the hackneyed ‘it doesn’t matter what they think’ philosophy, and get down to some real, constructive advice – how to strategically influence what others think of you.

There you have it. Simple tips and tricks playing on people’s stereotypes in order to defeat their stereotypes. Using fire to fight fire - a genius ploy if ever there was one. And what’s best about it – it doesn’t cause any permanent damage! Hair can be re-dyed, and stolen book-bags returned! And if you change your mind, you can turn back at any time, and people will label it as an identity crisis (which it is, if you think about it) and forget all about it (hopefully…probably not). If these changes don’t affect the general

By Simone Botha Photos by Miché Wium

public’s view on your social classification, nothing will. Give it up. Just be yourself!



See load shedding as an opportunity

hey’ve taken our NikNaks, put restrictions on

for you to eat all of the ice cream in

our water and brought darkness to our light,

the freezer. A simple excuse, if

yet again. Ladies and gentlemen, guess what? Our

caught, could be,

long-awaited friend, who always manages to pop

it’s gonna melt.”

“But mummy,

up at the right time, is back. Please give a round of applause to our friend, we know it, we love it, LOAD



Alone in the

dark could be de-

Ahh yes, the dark time. The time for you to lay on

scribed as one of those ro-

the ground (in the dark of course) and question

mantic moods, so invite that

your entire existence. How much longer? Did I




blanket over and why not have a cuddle?

charge my phone? Do I have data? Is this what my life has become?

Load shedding is the perfect time for some of these






questions to infest your brain during these dark stag-

advance, play it on your


pre-charged laptop, grab

For some, it might feel like travelling back to the past, back to the era of our grandparents. Yes,





some me-time.

those days where they communicated using bricks, took selfies by staring into mirrors and sending mes-


Having trouble warm-

sages via pigeon. This was the era where something

ing your food and, unfortu-

entertaining to do would be to clean and clean

nately, do not have a gas

and clean.

stove? An easy solution to this problem is simple, have

But luckily for you, my 21st-century youth, I have 8 ways for your light to keep shining.

some patience and wait.


Invite a couple of friends over and make use of the old communication



talking. Make your own music and maybe have a cry session or two. Connect with them like you used to before you became so wrapped up in your own world.


Load shedding is the

perfect time for you to play


Blindemol or board games. Now is your chance to go back to your old childhood ways.


Take some time to contemplate life. Read a book,

try out yoga or stare blankly up at the stars. Basically just find your zen.


If all else fails, SLEEP!







Load shedding, the thing that most of us dread, is actually not half bad. Work out a few compromises, try out some new activities together and you and it will be very happy together. May your relationship last and have a never-ending SPARK.

By Nabilah Williams Photos by Anja Joubert

Eksamen? Klaar. Geen stres, geen bekommernisse en die belangrikste … Geen skool! As jy daaraan dink, het ons omtrent vir ses weke geleer en week na week vraestelle geskryf. Natuurlik is dit uitputtend en ons kon nie wag om ons voete by die skool uit te sit nadat ons daardie laaste vak geskryf het nie Wel, nou kan ons!

Hier is vyf wenke om lekker te ontspan ná die eksamen:

1 Ontspan



êrens anders

Kom ’n bietjie weg an die goed wat jy die meeste sien. Dieselfde vier mure en ’n dak kan nogal vervelig raak na ’n rukkie … Kuier by vriende of, familie, of vat net tyd af vir jouself. Dit laat jou vergeet van alles in verband met skool en laat jou agterkom dat jy nog vir ’n drie weke lank elke dag dít kan doen!

2 Eet! Ek bedoel nie “maak koffie en ’n broodjie” nie. Studies sê die beste kos om te eet of drankies om te drink vir ontspanning, is die volgende: Groentee, sjokolade, heuning, mango’s en kougom. Ander kosse wat jy kan eet, is tuisgemaakte kos of jy kan sommer een aand gaan uiteet.

3 Mediteer Vind innerlike vrede. Dit is nie nodig om terug te gaan berge toe nie — vyf minute van vrede is al wat nodig is om die voordele van meditasie te oes. Daar is bewyse dat net twee vinnige stil meditasie-sessies per dag stres en depressie kan verlig. Vind ’n gemaklike, stil plek, konsentreer op jou asemhaling, en voel hoe die angs begin verdwyn. Voorbeelde van nog meditasie-maniere is: asemhalingsoefeninge, tel van 100 tot 0 of die beste manier van hulle almal ... slaap.

4 Ontspan jou lyf Het jy nog ’n bietjie spaargeld oor? Die spa is die regte plek om heen te gaan. ’n Massering is een van die beste maniere om te ontspan. Opgeleide masseuse weet hoe om al die stres en seer uit jou liggaam te druk sodat jy soos ’n nuwe, verligte persoon voel as jy by daardie deure uitloop. Doen so nou en dan ’n aktiwiteit buite. Om aktief te bly kan jou ook laat vergeet van alles waaroor jy bekommerd is. Wees vir ‘n rukkie in die son, maar nie só lank dat mense dink jy fotosinteer nie. Net lank genoeg dat jou lyf ’n bietjie suiwer vitamiene D kry.

5 Musiek Almal hou van ten minste een soort musiek. Of dit hip-hop, rap, R&B, K-pop, rock, klassiek of sommer Gqom is, musiek laat ’n mens ook lekker ontspan, so sit jou oorfone in, kies jou gunstelingliedjie, en laat die musiek sy werk doen. Vir dié wat hul vingers vinnig kan beweeg, ‘n groot asem het, of net hou van goed slaan, leer om ’n instrument te speel. Anders kan jy liedjies skryf. Om al jou gevoelens op papier neer te spoel in die vorm van ink en woorde, is ‘n oue maar goue manier om ontspanning te verseker.

Oefen dié wenke sodat dit ná ’n ruk vir jou makliker word. Teen volgende kwartaal sal jy baie meer ontspanne en gefokus wees. Onthou: Probeer is die beste geweer, maar moenie jouself in die voet skiet nie!

EVIDENCE #3 SKILLS Skill is a very important aspect of sport. We wouldn’t have sports if we didn't have skill. This means different sports require different levels of skill.


ith Worcester Gymnasium’s winter sports season in full swing, the ongoing battle of the sports continues. Why are some sports more supported than others? Why do some have more injuries? And, most importantly, what is the science behind all of this? Your local scientist here at the Circum has answered all the questions, WITH SCIENCE! In this investigation, we must first establish what is considered a sport. By definition, a sport is any activity involving physical exertion and skill. This can range from playing firstteam rugby to hurriedly copying homework while the teacher isn’t checking!


Many people spend years mastering the perfect kick for posts, while others can play netball without any effort. There are many skills that a person must master: The skill of mastering dribbling a hockey ball around your opponents, the skill of deathstaring your chess opponent, the skill of bending the rules without conceding a penalty, the skill of copying down an essay question when you forgot your homework! And so forth...

EVIDENCE #4 LET’S GET PHYSICAL Even though you might work up a sweat while playing chess, concerning physical effort hockey definitely uses the most effort. The astro and the field are big areas. Since hockey is much faster than rugby, hockey requires a greater effort.

CHESS Brain Power used: IQ 200 Dangers: Being considered too smart Things to remember: Try not to correct everyone

It’s inevitable that sports will result in injuries, with that being said, when is it too much? Hockey is probably one of the most dangerous sports out there. It’s the only sport where you can possibly lose a tooth! It’s quite odd that the most dangerous winter sport in school is also unisex.


It’s a well-known fact that rugby players probably have the most endurance. Either that or the coaches are trying to kill their players. It’s been noted that sometimes players play while bleeding out their skull. It seems that the ‘toughest’ sport out there follows the most basic of theatre terms: “The show must go on”.


If you want to keep it nice and safe, chess is the way to go, you might sprain a brain muscle, but all in all, chess is the safest way to go.

Brain Power used: IQ -10 Dangers: Death or other debilitating injuries Things to remember: Try not to die out there.

Brain power used: IQ 100 Dangers: May be accused of being too simple Things to remember: Always always always listen to Miss Sherriff.

Brain Power used: IQ 115 Dangers: Might lose a tooth Things to remember: You will get a weird leg tan, beware.



The final results:

All sports require some sort of intellect, some more than others. With every sport, you need brain power, but let’s be honest here. I don't think you need a PhD to be able to kick a ball around. It doesn't take Einstein to figure out how to get a ball through a hoop in netball. Chess, however, definitely uses a lot of your brain power.

This results of this research are inconclusive. Sports are a subjective matter to the person paying it. Just like Worcester Gymnasium is proudly multicultural, our sports have many differences, but it all boils down to the same thing, having healthy fun. Sometimes we get so caught up in all the fuss, we forget the whole purpose of playing sports. Sports is about enjoying yourself and making memories! So whether you are playing for the first team rugby or playing chess in the library, the importance is that you enjoy it. Win, lose or draw.

Legend says the moment to put on a chess badge your IQ increases to 200! Seems legit.



If you don’t think you’ll

s we all know, exams aren’t exactly the

come out on top in a fight

highlight of our term calendar. They are

or other violent methods, try

however inescapable. Or are they? If you are so


desperate to get out of exams, here are some


“valid” ways to get out of writing them and still get



the grade average…. possibly.




way. Tell every that



have to write their subject’s exam as you already know

Warning: Do not follow these

everything. At some point,

instructions unless you are

you’ll find the right teacher who will give you more than

very, very desperate.

just a blue file for your arro1.

gance. If your teachers are

Break all your fingers (on both hands just to

super chilled, slap them. In most cases, you

be safe). However painful, it will still save you

won’t get hit back, so you can take your sus-

the mental pain of exams. 2.

pension (or expulsion) without ending up in the ICU.

Punch a few people in the face the day before exams start. If you are lucky you will only get suspended long enough to miss exams. If you do end up getting expelled, well at least

you tried. And who knows, with your brandnew track record of violence you might never have to go to school again.


Have an “emotional breakdown” (you need to be a good actor). Arrive at school looking tired and teary-eyed (makeup is useful here). Right before you have to start writing, fake a faint. When you get sent home, convince your mom to let you stay at home

for the rest of the exams. The school will hope-

Now you will be able to enjoy your grade average,

fully give you the grade average.

a longer vacation and the publicity of being the kid

that escaped exams. You won’t be any teachers’ 5.

Trick a teacher into giving you a hiding in

favourite kid, but now you have enough room in

class. Instead of writing exams spend all your

your brain to figure out how to win your way back

time creating a court case against them. The

into their heart. If you do happen to get expelled,

excuse of a lengthy, and stressful court case

well, enjoy your permanent vacation.

and the effort of recovering from your trauma is an excellent reason to skip school, and exams.


Photos by Abygail Drake

Fall asleep in all your exams. If you have a convincing enough story about working late nights to buy yourself food, you might be able to convince someone that your marks should not count.


Start a rebellion. Find yourself a group of people who are just as desperate as you to get out of exams. Preferably choose strong and scary looking people. Collect enough food for a few weeks and go to school. You and your new group of “friends” will take all the desks out of one of the classrooms and barricade one of the passages (preferably one with a bathroom). Then you wait until either exams are over or the teachers agree to cancel them to get rid of you.


Fake your death. This one is really selfexplanatory. How you are going to miraculously be resurrected I have no idea, you’ll

By Nadia Botha


hey, have

missed exams.

What are some of the weirdest questions you

Gemini is the third astrological


sign in the zodiac, originating

Kiara: Do you know which twin you are?






Gemini. Under the tropical









zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about May 21 and June 21. Gemini is represented by the twins Castor

What are a few differences between the two of you? Kiara: I feel like I speak a lot more.

and Pollux, known as the Dios-

Tiara: And she’s more aggressive … and she’s more






word vanaf 21 Mei tot 21 Junie jaarliks gevier. Ons by Gimnasium spog met al die tweelinge wat ons het.

Things you guys like doing apart? Kiara: She, I think, likes drawing more and I like to be on my phone more.

What are five questions you experience a lot? Lindsey: “Who’s the oldest?” “Who’s better at sports?” Charne: “Who’s better at academics?” “Who’s stronger than the other one?” “Who’s better at art?”

How would you describe the other person using three words? Charne: Cool, naughty and rude (sometimes). Lindsey: She’s loving, sometimes naughty and also caring.

What are the differences between you two?

What’s the biggest differences between the two of

Wilmien: Sy’s ’n introvert en ek’s ’n ekstrovert.


Nicola: Sy hou meer van slaap as ek. Sy’t baie meer

Charne: Our personalities. She's the one who would

sproete as ek.

be quiet, and I would just continue talking.

Wilmien: Ek’s ‘n aandpersoon en sy’s ‘n oggendpersoon. Nicola: Sy hou meer van eet as wat ek doen.

What are some questions you’re always asked?

Nicola: “Is julle regtig ‘n tweeling?” Want ons lyk nie dieselfde nie. Wilmien: “Wie’s die oudste?” Hulle dink sy is die oudste. Nicola: “Baklei julle baie?” Nee, ons stry baie.

What do you guys like doing apart? Wilmien: Sy hou van karate. Ek hou baie meer van kuier.

Nicola: Ek hou meer van lees. Wilmien: Ek hou baie meer van TV kyk.

By Courtney Gempies

“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snoooow!” Yes, my dear Gimmies, those are the wise words of our dear Dean Martin’s classic song, “Let It Snow!” and honestly, what is better than cuddling up on a cold winter’s evening with your loved ones, a good selection of movies and an even better selection of food! The theme for this term’s cooking With Bee is “A Winter’s Movie Night!” (Special thanks to my cojournalist Leandrie for this great idea). While playing around in my humble kitchen, I started throwing ingredients into a dish that looked like a pizza but kind of wasn’t? After much research, it had come to my attention that this delicious dish was actually called Quesadillas and they certainly were one for the books. In celebration of making it through half the year, I decided to make Nutella stuffed flapjacks as well and I can honestly say that that has been the best decision that I’ve made all term. This article would not have been complete if I didn’t give a special shout-out to my photographer for the past two years, Gaby Jacobs, for being my co-chef in the kitchen and being there with me between all the flops and disasters in the kitchen. You have truly made doing these articles worthwhile to me and I appreciate all the effort that you have put into my photos for the last two years. But the show must go on and I’m wishing all of you guys a blessed and happy winter’s holidays.

By Be-Arthur Davids Photos by Gaby Jacobs

Nutella flapjacks 1.

Make palm wide circles of Nutella, place on cling wrap and allow to set until firm.


Sift flour and sugar into a mixing bowl. Add the egg, milk and vanilla essence.


Beat with a fork until smooth.


Brush a non-stick pan with oil and allow to heat until it has reached medium temperature.


When the pan is hot, spread thin spoonful’s of the mixture into the pan


Add the Nutella “circles” in the centre.


Add another spoonful of mixture to cover the Nutella.


Cook until golden brown on both sides.

This incredible group of matrics are retiring from the Circum. Many of them started this journey with me way back when they were in Grade 9 when I took over from Ms le Roux and it really has been one for the ages! Thank you for the excellent contribution you’ve made over the years. Good luck to Mrs Bergenthuin and her new group of journalists and photographers! I’m very excited to see what you’ll be coming up with next!

Mr van Niekerk

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