Circum 2019 - Term 1

Page 1


Valentin e’s Special WG’s Most Eligible Single s

Quiz: Teacher Valentine

Pseudo Science The Science of Dancing

Ook I ngesluit Ever after: behind the scenes Ask the experts:—teacher edition Kwartaal een hoogtepunte Matric glowups En vele meer!





Redaktrise Emily Voigt Sub-redaktrise Simone Botha Nadia Botha Be-Arthur Davids Bianca du Plessis Kyle Duvenhage Leandrie du Toit Courtney Gempies Mikyall Harris Zoë Hendricks Yaseen Jacobs Nabilah Williams


Behind t



Ask th

Teach FOTOGRAWE Hooffotograaf Gaby Jacobs Abygail Drake Anja Joubert Jana Matthee Chané Pienaar Kayla van Greunen Liam Waters Miché Wium Carla Wolstenholme



Term One



Contents Page 6

Page 18

Page 26

Ever After:



the Scenes



Page 20

Page 28

do Science

WG’s most eligible bachelors

Matric Glowups




Page 8


Page 10

Page 22

he Experts

Cooking with Bee

Quiz: Teacher Valentine


her edition



age 12 - 16

e Highlights

Matric Ball: Dos and Don’ts


Be-Arthur Davids

Page 16

Page 25

ol Records

Baba Bosvarke


Nadia Botha

Cover photo by Gaby Jacobs

Page 24


Ah, yes. It’s the fresh new start of a year and I, uhm … want it to end already haha. Woah, sounds depressing. I’m just joking… maybe. Where do I start? No, I’m not hating 2019… I’m just… looking forward to 2020. Disclaimer: this might sound dramatic, but I feel very stuck-inroutine and in a very lame, gray space in life because of school. See, I, like many others, have been in schooling for 12 years now and I just feel ready for a change and ready to leave, you know? I get it, we all have to go through it and I should just push through it. You’re a few months away from the end of your school career. You’ll miss it so much once you leave. I know, I know, but allow me my emotions! Don’t get me wrong, I do not hate school, I have subjects I thoroughly enjoy (like Maths…unpopular opinion) and school has given me the opportunity to meet some real gems of humans. I have been able to accomplish so much with it and I have learned so, so much, but it’s been very much the same. Crazy hard work throughout the term, the end of it draws near and then it’s crazy hard studying for the big tests. Now rinse and repeat. I guess some of it is my fault (I’m admitting it, Mommy and Dadda) because I am a low-key perfectionist. Carefree when creative, but when it comes to handing in tasks or doing things for marks… it has to be basically flawless or I won’t hand in at all. Throughout my schooling career, I have tried to take part in a LOT of things and keep my academics at a high standard too. I did so much for exposure to different things to enrich myself as a human being, but I also wanted that resumé to look…magnificent. Now what this resulted in, Dear Readers, was an insanely busy-allthe-time, stressed human doing too much after school, balancing homework, social life, good grades, sleep, career decisions - the

whole lot while still trying to remain sane. As you can guess, this very nearly ended in me reaching a burnout in grade 11, near the end of the year (a.k.a. worst time period of my school life to say the least) where I was feeling so unprepared, stressed and ill-equipped for the future when in reality I was simply thinking too far ahead. Thankfully, I didn’t reach a complete burnout, like many unfortunately have to go through, to have an epiphany. After quitting some activities, caring less about the unnecessary and saying no to things that don’t really benefit me or bring me joy, I find myself much happier. Through realising that in the future I will not see the people I see daily or experience what I currently so often do, I have come to appreciate schooling a little bit more. I am privileged to be able to go to school and be taught by amazing teachers. I am not frolicking into each lesson, beaming with joy, taking out my pen enthusiastically and writing my notes with a huge, goofy grin on my face. I don’t think anyone can accomplish that daily, but I am not wishing the year away anymore. I don’t have much more time on my hands. It’s a new grade, so it goes without saying that there is more to do, but I am surviving. Am I still looking forward to 2020? YES in Caps Lock because I am planning to do a 5-6 month course I have been wanting to do for so long and a trip to France… France! I’ve been dreaming about this for years, so yes, this makes very excited for 2020, but I’m enjoying the time I have between now and then. I am saving and working for the future…2020 and beyond and I’m so excited for it. So, though it may feel like you are learning things you’ll never use, (which is very likely to be true) and you might also want your school career to end, let me be cliché and tell you to push through and try to enjoy it. Time is never given back to you and like the other chapters in your life that you miss, school will be one. I am missing parts of last year even though it was tough. I am still too inexperienced to be giving much advice, but if there’s one thing I can preach it is: don’t conform. You’ll lose time trying to fit in and you can burn yourself out for that magnificent resumé everybody wants to have. Hard work does pay off, but academics don’t define you. I’m preaching to myself too. I hope term two treats you well and, for the both of us, I hope those June question papers are lovely.


M 1 2 M 1 2 M 1 2







nce upon a time, in a school between the mountains, there were 27 finalists for the Mr and Miss Worcester Gymnasium. At the end of a gruelling first term, we once again witnessed a magical night. Before the spectacular night took place, I had the opportunity to get to know and interview some of our contestants. Each and every one of them showcased incredible talent, but there could only be one winner.

MISS WG JUNIOR - ZITA STANLEY & KIRSTEN BOSHOFF Hoe sal jy jouself in 3 woorde beskryf? Zita: Adaptable, compassionate and funny Kirsten: Spontaan, snaaks en vriendelik Wie, van die hele groep, vind jy die antreklikste? Zita: Ek, myself, obviously (giggling) nee ek joke, ek joke. Ek kan nie se nie, maar Kirsten Boshoff. Kirsten: Seuns? Joh, daars nogals mooies daar. Ek moet se JW, Russouw, Dawid en Hannes.

Waar sien jy jouself in die toekoms? Zita: Hopelik as ‘n model by Boss models of as ‘n criminal psychologist. Kirsten: Hopelik in ‘n kantoor as ‘n aktuaris of aktrise, dis baie verskillend.

MR WG - IVAN ROODBOL & JASON DAVIDS How do you feel about being on the stage? Ivan: I feel like it’s the role of the entertainer. It’s fun to make everyone laugh


MISS WG SENIOR - HOLLIE DU PREEZ & JUANITA MCPHERSON Out of all the finalists, who do you find most attractive? Hollie: Oh wow ( laughs ) I think that everyone is attractive in their own way (extreme laughing), but if I have to say then obviously Russouw. Juanita: Of the guys, I could actually say my partner JW. It's not that I like him, its just like, he has a nice personality and he treats a girl very nicely. Would you say you are more adventurous or indoors? Hollie: I feel like I’m a bit of both. I really like going on adventures and trips and to the mall. My theme is Alice in Wonderland, so I think it really suits me. If you were given a million rand today, how would you spend it and why?

Juanita: I think I would just like to tour the world I guess and give some of the money to charity. Did you enter to win or just for the fun? Hollie: Oh no, definitely just for the experience. I don’t think you can enter thinking you’re going to win, because that’s how it works. If you’re there for winning then I don’t know. Just making new friends and just all practising is so much fun.

Who do you find most attractive between your finalists?

If you could live your life all over again, which part would you change?

Jason: In terms of girls, Lerecia. She is very fun and very beautiful. Juanita is a very nice girl, she is very attractive. I’m forgetting all my finalists here as I am on the spot.

Juanita: In grade 3 cause I was never in school, so they held me back.

What is your life philosophy? Jason: I believe that people are going to judge you no matter what you do. So you might as well do it. Ivan: The most artistic thing there is to do, is to love. If you were given the chance to change something from your past, what would it be? Ivan: I wouldn’t change anything. Everything has led up to me becoming who I am today and that’s how I’m happy. Jason: I was a real irritating bloke. When I was in grade 8 I was a fat, irritating person. I would change that.






It is our greatest regret to part ways with the mastermind behind all these wonderful evenings:





What are your fondest memories? Uhm, dis moeilik. Met 7 jaar was daar altyd iets spesiaals met elke show. Wat die meeste vir my uitstaan elke jaar is die kinders met wie ek werk. So ek onthou my scenes en ek onthou die beoordelaars en die MC, maar wat ek altyd dink is net die ongelooflike kinders met wie ek werk. Why is this your last year?

SIMONÉ NORTMAN PRETORIUS As an actress, the MC for the night was naturally comfortable and very eager to answer some of my questions.

Watter tipe wenner dink jy soek die beoordelaars? Ek dink ons samelewing is op ‘n plek waar ons weet dat uiterlike skoonheid oppervlakkig is en dat dit nie sustainable is nie. Baie meer mense kan relate met mense wat persoonlikheid het of intelligent is en wat die complete package is. Ek hoop en ek glo dat die wenner so iemand gaan wees. Do you have any experience in beauty pageants? When I was younger I actually wanted to become Miss South Africa, but I was really very short and I had a mullet. I did modelling when I was younger. My mother used to enter me for beauty pageants, like “Little Miss Sunshine”. I stopped when I started going to high school. How do you feel about being the presenter?

It’s a tough job, because you need to keep the crowd on their toes. Its all fun, I really love it! What’s your most embarrassing memory from school? Ek is ‘n baie lomp en awkward mens en op skool was dit net amplified. My hele hoërskoolloopbaan is so bietjie awkward: die draadjies, en ek het 10kg opgetel op ‘n trip Duitsland toe. Toe ek terug kom, het almal my “chipmunk” genoem. Ek het ook een keer perongeluk my kougom in iemand se hare gespoeg toe ek gehardloop en gelag het. Ek het eintlik baie van hom gehou, so dit was baie awkward. Ek kan nie eers daaraan dink nie.

Ek voel daar’s ‘n tyd om te kom en ‘n tyd om te gaan en mens gaan as iets op ‘n hoogte punt is. Ek voel ek het nou alles ingesit vir die show wat ek kan en hy is nog op ‘n hoogtepunt, so dit is net vir my beter om totsiens te sê, al wil ek nog nie. Ek het ook onlangs getrou, so nou kom my man eerste. Ons het nou ander prioriteite en dis moeilik om van Robertson in en uit te ry. What type of winner are the judges looking for? Dis wat lekker is, om 5 verskillende beoordelaars te hê wat niks van mekaar af weet nie, want elkeen kyk vir iets anders. Hierdie jaar is daar ‘n runway coach en hy gaan na hoe die persoon stap kyk en of sy/hy daai tipiese loopplankskoonheid is. Van die ander gaan weer vir iemand wat ‘n sprankelende persoonlikheid het kyk. How do you feel about doing the Mr and Ms WG competitions? Ek is altyd opgewonde, altyd gespanne, altyd emosioneel. Dit is ‘n groot storie en dit is uit en uit my passie. Dit is sleg vir my om na ‘n 5 weke pad wat ek met hulle gestap het die kinders te groet. Maar hierdie jaar is ek nog meer emosioneel omdat ek weet ek groet die skool finaal. Where do you get all of your inspiration? Ek sal sê net die Here het my die passie gegee en al die inspirasie gee Hy ook. Ek sien iets raak op TV of ek hoor ‘n liedjie en eweskielik kry ek al hierdie idees, so ek het nie ‘n spesifieke roete wat ek volg nie. Do you have any past experience in beauty pageants? Ja, ek was self ‘n Mej. WG finalis in 2003, many moons ago. Daar het dit my eintlik al geprikkel dat ek graag meer betrokke wil wees by hierdie tipe goed. Toe ek geswot het, was ek 2 keer ‘n finalis by Mej. CPUT. As ‘n 6-jarige was ek die tweede prinses van “Ms Tinkerbell”.

As all stories come to an end, the night ended with the crowning of the winners. We would like to congratulate each and every one for their participation and input to make it a special night to remember.

By Courtney Gempies Photos by Gaby Jacobs


any of us have experienced it. That moment when the beat drops, the music builds up within you, and ‘Oh, baby, all you wanna do is dance.’

have taken upon ourselves the task of teaching everyone to dance – and not with ridiculous, meaningless phrases like “feel the beat” or “follow your own rhythm”, but with a topic all of us can understand: Science.

And then it hits you. People are watching. There are witnesses. If you bust out your disjointed, unsynchronized moves here, in public, you might just as well have signed your own social death certificate. So, instead of ‘Let[ting] the music take you’, you stand awkwardly to one side, swaying gently to the beat and, if you dare, trying a funky arm movement or two. But you never ‘Let it go’ and ‘Give it all’.

For some of you, this may seem a strange reality. Shyness on the dance floor is not an ailment that inflicts all. However, for many, if not most of us, this is a frequent reality. The desire to ‘Shake it off’, ‘Let loose’ and ‘Rock around the clock’ is overcome by the greater desire to not look stupid. And so for many of us, public dances end in an internal tug of war between keeping a pose and striking a pose.

We, the Circum Pseudo Scientists, have decided to end the fruitless struggle for all of you. We



QUENCY OF THE SONG Frequency, as you all know, is the number of vibrations per second - in other words, the bass BUZZ you hear when a song plays. All you have to do to make sure you’re in rhythm by consciously controlling your heart rate to match the frequency of the song playing. Simple!



Right angles have a nasty way of getting involved in trigonometry – and if there’s two things that don’t mix, it’s dancing and trigonometry (sharp elbows in faces, awkward pointy knees, etc.). So don’t let your body form any right angles – keep all your body angles (arms, elbows, legs and knees) obtuse and smooth. This should also help you to flow along with the music, rather than jerking through it with sin, cos and tan. Yeeugh.

The normal force is the force of a surface against an object resting on it. To destroy the normal force, you need to get into the air. When everyone is jumping, the last thing you want to do is to stand still like a pillar in the middle of an ocean of bodies. So, get rid of that normal force, and JUMP (or fly and hover, if you prefer).

DANCE INTO PEOPLE Usually, dance advisers would say the opposite of this. But they clearly don’t know about Newton’s Third Law: if a force is exerted on an object, the object exerts an equal but opposite force back on the original object. So, scientifically, if you dance into someone with dancing skills (a not-sogreat dance force), they will exert an opposite (great dance force) but equal (equally great compared to your not-so-greatness) on you, and you will be able to dance better! Isn’t science amazing?



WAVELENGTHS OF THE SONG. Arms are one of the hardest aspects of dancing to master. If you try a crazy arm sway/throw/ flow, it may very well end up horribly wrong, and end your career as a member of society. To solve this awkward issue, we have discovered that analyzing the wavelength of each song’s sound, and matching your arm movements to these waves, will ensure dancing dominance. All you need to do is remember your oscilloscope when you plan to do some dancing.

GET SOME DANCER ELEMENTS We all know elements have different properties, and when mixed together with other elements these compounds have their own properties. Our scientists have discovered that a very special combination of Dubnium, Americium, Nitrogen, Carbon and Erbium will result in special DbAmNCEr Skills! (for you linguists, the b and m are silent).

DbAmNCEr ‘Now you know’. There’s a lot more to dancing than meets the eye, but with these special tips, you can feel comfortable on the dance floor. So go, ‘Have some fun’, be ‘Confident’, and ‘Enjoy yourself’! And if all these tips and tricks still fail to turn you into a rhythm-queen/king, then ask yourself a simple Investigative question: ‘Are we human, or are we dancer?’ And if you aren’t a dancer, proudly pronounce that you are human, and that all those other rocking, jumping, swaying people are not. Experiment concluded.

By Simone Botha Photos by Miché Wium

O spireer…

80’s en 90’s, doen navorsing oor die inhoud van jou skryfstuk en lees Gordon Ramsey se outobiografie (die inspirasie agter meneer se klasgee-styl). En indien jy jou opstelpunt wil lig, het hy twee woorde: sterk inleiding! “Skryftalent is nie hoe min spelfoute jy maak nie, maar hoe jy ‘n situasie kan beskryf wat praat met ‘n persoon.”

Meneer du Toit - Skryf


nderwysers is nie wie jy dink hulle is nie. Wat jy van onnies sien by die skool is net

‘n halwe waarheid. Hulle het geheime vaardighede; verskuilde talente, en hul “tips” oor hoe JY in hul voetspore kan volg, mag jou dalk net in-




Dis geen geheim dat hierdie entoesiastiese jong juffrou baie musikaal is nie. Nie net speel sy die ukulele, klavier en mondfluitjie nie, maar sy sing al van voordat sy 8 jaar oud is. Juffrou Keet het later ook aan die Stellenbosch Libertaskoor behoort, en hulle het opgetree vir onder andere TopDogs en Helen Zille. Sy is dus duidelik ‘n kenner in dié kuns, en daarom het ons haar gevra vir ‘n paar musiekwenke vir beginners.

Al ooit gewonder waar Meneer du Toit se skerp grappe vandaan kom, of hoe hy dit regkry om blitsvinnig ‘n lukrake storie uit te dink? Hierdie onnie is meer kreatief as wat meeste mense weet… Dit maak dan sin dat hy nie lyfwegsteek wanneer dit by skryf kom nie. Meneer du Toit se skryfloopbaan het in graad 10 begin, toe hy ‘n opstelkompetisie van die stadsraad gewen het. Intussen het sy skryfwerke al, onder andere, in die Burger verskyn! Hy glo álmal kan hul skryftalent verbeter deur die volgende eenvoudige “tips” te volg: omring jouself met “out of the box” mense, luister musiek van die

As jy wil leer hoe om ‘n instrument te leer speel, of te leer sing, moet jy Juffrou Keet se advies volg: oefen elke dag, leer liedjies waarvan jy hou en geniet dit! Sy sê ook dat leerders met geen musiekagtergrond nie by die ukulele kan begin, en dat dit makliker is om jou stem te “train” as om ‘n instrument te leer speel, omdat jy meer beheer oor jou stem het. Of jy jou eie “band” wil stig, of dalk die volgende Bruce Springsteen wil wees, Juffrou Keet se raad is hier vir almal!

Meneer Wentzel - Sport

Juf. du Toit - Leer ‘n nuwe taal

“The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.” Dié Japannese spreekwoord het vir Meneer Wentzel al baie op die sportveld, spesifiek die tennisbaan, beteken. Hy speel al vandat hy sewe jaar oud is tennis en het in Hoërskool Bellville se eerstespan gespeel. Meneer Wentzel glo dat mens altyd daarna moet strewe om balans te handhaaf, so om jou algemene sportvermoëns te verbeter moet jy op vaardigheid, sowel as fiksheid, fokus. “Om te gaan draf of fiets te ry is eenvoudig genoeg, maar om rekreasieaktiwiteite, soos om sokker,

French-cricket, strandtennis of “touchies” met jou vriende te speel, is belangrik.” Meneer Wentzel meen dat die

Meneer en Juffrou du Toit het vir 5 jaar

sleutel om fiks te bly wanneer

(van 2007 tot 2011) in Suid Korea skool



gegee. Nie net was dit ‘n ongelooflike

meeste van die Gimmies s’n is,

kulturele ervaring nie, maar hul het

in prioritisering lê. Hy glo ook

ook (deur die boek Lonely Planet te

dat dit belangrik is om ‘n

lees en tyd met die “locals” te span-

gesonde dieet te volg, geno-

deer) Koreaans geleer praat. Juffrou

eg te slaap en dit nie te

du Toit het ook op skool Noord-Sotho

oordoen nie! Jy moet uitsien

leer praat, en daarom het ons haar

na sport, nie opsien daarna

gevra om bietjie raad te gee wanneer

nie. Al wil jy dalk nie die vol-

dit kom by die uitdagende taak van ‘n

gende Schalk Burger of Serena

nuwe taal leer.




Williams wees nie, is sport ‘n stokperdjie waarby jy baie kan

Juffrou du Toit se drie “tips” om ‘n

baat. So gryp jou

nuwe taal aan te leer, was om ‘n prak-

drafskoene, oorfone

tiese taal (wat jy in die toekoms gaan

en Meneer Wentzel se


praat) te kies, Duolingo op jou selfoon


af te laai, en te begin terwyl jy jonk is.

you’re good to go!

“Hoe jonger jy is, hoe makliker is dit om ‘n nuwe taal

te leer én jy het dan meer tyd om te oefen,” het sy Onderwysers is nie wie jy dink hulle is nie.

gesê. Volgens Juffrou du Toit is daar verskeie voor-

Hul besit ‘n rare wysheid oor spesifieke

dele daarin om ‘n nuwe taal aan te leer, byvoor-

vaardighede wat net met ervaring (en

beeld dat jy vir mense kan sê net wat jy wil en hulle



sal jou nie verstaan nie! Ongeag of jy ‘n nuwe taal

keer wat jy raad benodig oor ‘n sekere

wil leer om jou CV te versterk of omdat jy ‘n buite-

“skill” of net nie weet waar om te begin

landse meisie wil beïndruk, dis nooit ‘n slegte idee

met jou nuwe stokperdjie nie, gaan ge-

om ‘n nuwe taal by die horings te pak nie.



sels met ‘n onnie. Hul mag jou dalk net inspireer…

Deur Kyle Duvenhage

The best things never last forever, so let’s look back and recap all the amazing things that happened this term... starting at the very beginning.

The First School Day 9 January 2019

A big day with a bag packed with mixed emotions. “What class am I going to be in? Is this year going to be fun? Why am I so nervous for what the future holds?” These are just some of the questions that ran through our heads. New grade 8’s became part of the Bosvark Family as well as other new students. Oh, and let’s not forget the extra long assembly to endure every first day of school.

Colour Athletics

16/17 January 2019 Some screamed their lungs out, some ran as fast as the wind, some jumped further than your eyesight and some jumped even higher than your grades. Both teams, Red and Blue, tried their utmost best to compete for the Athletics Trophy, but also the Spirit Trophy. The Matrics of 2019 also did their last round around the field and surprised the crowd with a dance of their own.

School’s 27th Birthday 4 February 2019

The hall was buzzing with spirit and coloured decorations. Prizes were given out to those who gave the correct answers to the Chinese New Year’s Eve Quiz and, speaking of dances, some of the learners performed a lovely Chinese dance. The cakes were brought in and birthday wishes were made. Everyone enjoyed snacks and danced on the field.

Interschools Athletics 5 February 2019

Fields aren’t only used for fun, but for sports too, you know? Once again our school did a splendid job. It was a battle as the other teams tried their best to beat us, but the athletes, cheerleaders and sing-song members brought the trophies home (of course they would!). As Gimmies we love and support the other schools too, so our win wasn’t achieved with any hard feelings.

Valentine’s Week

11 to 15 February 2019

While we’re on the topic of loving and supporting, we had a whole week filled with love for Gimmies, teachers, food and much more. The school was painted red in ribbons and paper hearts. Every person once again experienced how close-knit the school family is. With the whole no touching-inlove-or-hate rule, Gimmies naturally turned to another expression of their love, pouring out their feelings in letters and sending them to their spec ones. Some letters crossed even school borders a children from schools like HTS Drostdy and Monta experienced some special Gimmie love. These are the things that bring a little light into our school days, aren’t they? They are the events that everyone is excited for. There are three more terms to go, planned and packed with more exciting events like these and lots more fun to come. Let’s make the most of it, shall we?

By Yaseen Jacobs

cial and ana

Julia M

Hoe warm jy op voor jy lekker begin dans?

Jy sit eers ‘n liedjie aan en voel die beat. Daarvandaan, as jy nou nou voel dis ‘n lekker liedjie, begin jy met jou nekkie (skud sy kop asof ‘n liedjie speel en glimlag) en dan begin jy net dans. Waar het jy geleer om so goed te dans? Ek het nie eintlik formeel geleer hoe om te dans nie. Dit kom nou al van kleins af. As ‘n liedjie soos ghom gespeel het, het ek begin dans. Wat is jou gunsteling dansliedjie?

Cecil le Roux, Rubik’s Cube

Havoc Family by DJ Ngamla en Tarenzo. Die beat is (begin die denkbeeldige dromme speel).

Dans is een ding, maar vinnige vingers is in ‘n heeltemal ander kategorie. Die volgende rekordbreker kan ‘n Rubik’s cube in 26, 37 sec oplos. Cecil le Roux is die Rubik’s Cube-rekordbreker. Wat doen jy om jou vingers fiks en fluks te hou?

In die oggende los ek die kubus ten minste tien

keer op voor ek skool toe kom. Nadat ek dit gedoen het, trek ek hulle (my vingers) liggies terug sodat hulle nie seer is daarna nie.

Hoeveel kubusse besit jy? Net drie – ‘n magnetiese een, ‘n Original Rubik’s Cube en ‘n Volk 3 wat ‘n profesionele een is. Wat is die geheim? Dit gaan cliché klink, maar jy moet net hard oefen. Dit het my 8 maande gevat om die kubus in ongeveer 20s op te los. So, oefen hard en leer al die formules.

“Stella, Stella, let down your golden hair!” voel ons om te skree as die dag nou net té warm is en ons nes haar by die derde vloer ook wil wees. Met hare wat amper 1- meter lank is (97cm), vat Stella Byleveld (graad 10) die Rapuzel-titel .

Stella Byleveld, Rapunzel

Losste Lyf is toegeken aan iemand wat fiks, rats en nie skaam is nie. Nie baie sou teëpraat as ons vir Heinie al aan die begin van die jaar gekies het nie, maar sy vertoning van sy vaardighede by die Kleure-Atletiek het beslis die koek geneem. Dus is Heinrich Hartog gekies as Losste Lyf van 2019.

Heinrich Hartog, Losste Lyf

Besides sport- and academic achievers, there are many record-breakers that roam the school with talents unspoken. Fast fingers, Rapunzel hair and jelly-like dancing etc. we found the top six recordholders in the school.

Was jou hare altyd lank? In speelgroepie was my hare in ‘n bob gesny, maar verder was dit lank. Ek hou niks van my hare sny nie, al is dit ‘n piepklein stukkie. Wat is die nadele van lang hare? Die sjampoe… dis só groot uitgawe in ons huis. Dis ook baie moeite om ál jou hare droog te maak en uit te kam wanneer dit gekoek is. Al die vrae en almal wat net aan dit wil vat raak ook te veel somtyds. Hoe pas jy jou hare so goed op? Ek het hierdie spuitgoedjies (sy wil net nie die geheim weg gee nie!) wat ek gebruik om te maak dat ek my hare beter kan uitkam.

Marone, Beste Glimlag

‘n Ware, gemaklike, aansteeklike en pragtige glimag is iets skaars en mooi. Ons moes lank oor hierdie titel se wenner gedink het. Sangeres en positiwiteitsentoesias Julia Marone, vat die “Beste Glimlag” titel van 2019. Wat maak jou regtig glimlagbly? Dit sal wees as enige van my familie of vriende goofy optree.

Who takes your photos? Realistically, mostly only my friends like Bianca (i.e. the other Insta Top Dog) sometimes my mom too, even though she’s not brilliant haha. What are some tips to increase followers? If you don’t have a good quality camera - iPhone is the best – take photos in portrait and use a camera. That’s what I used to do or I’d use my parents’ phones. If a photo doesn’t look too amazing, but you like it, a Black and White filter saves everything. Also, in general, go socialise… you’ll gain friends and followers too!

Watter vlakke van glimagte kry ‘n mens?

Jy kry die valse glimag. Jy kan net sien jou oë lyk nie geïnteresseerd nie en jou glimlag is half. Jy kry ook die sarkastiese, o-ek-het-nie-geweet-nie glimlag en laastens kry jy die ware smile. Jou oë is lewendig, hulle smile ook en jou tande wys. Hoe pas jy jou glimlag op? Ek maak seker dit tjip nie. As die kinders rugby ens. speel in die oggende, maak seker dat jy jou rug na hulle toe gedraai is. Beskou jy jouself as positief in die algemeen? Hoe kry jy dit dan reg? Ja. Ek onthou altyd dat as ek in Tamatiestraat loop, sal die Here altyd vir my deurkom. Omring jouself met positiewe mense wat jou net opbou en sal help.

Taking good photos, planning genius captions and keeping up with the trends are talents a quality Instagrammer has. The two Top Dogs of Instagram at our school are Kayla van Greunen and Bianca du Plessis, (both having over 4 500 followers). By a close cut, Kayla van Greunen takes the “Most Instagram Followers” record of 2019 with a followers count of 4 656 and a 5:1 Followers to Following ratio.

We’ve had agile dancers and speedy fingers, but what about the speedy talkers? It takes 79 muscles to say a word and to say 297 words per minute like Safina Shaikh can, your muscles must probably have hidden six packs. What’s your tongue twister?

Safina Shaikh, Speedy Talker


The “Betty Botter bought some butter” one.

What are the disadvantages of speaking so fast? Number one is orals… I really can’t pace myself well and that leads me to receiving 9/10 oral marks where I could’ve gotten a full mark. Sometimes where you’re explaining something, people lose your words and can’t keep up. What are the advantages? People describe me as funny. Because I talk fast, I sometimes stumble over my words and people are entertained by this which makes me happy. You also get selected for articles like this one and get some publicity.

I speak fast, which means my brain works faster. This usually means I have better comebacks and jokes than the others. Kayla van Greunen Instagram Queen

What’s your growth rate? It depends on the season. For example, at the start of December I had 4000 followers and at the end I had like 4500. Now, though, I get like 5 per week because it’s school again.

There you have it, 6 of the records so far this year. Did any surprise you?

By Emily Voigt Photos by Chané Pienaar

Deur Kyle Duvenhage

Graad 9 NURANAH JACOBS Perfekte date: Ek en die ou , moet eers net lekker langs die see loop en gesels , en dan die sons -ondergang kyk. Daarna moet ons, ons kombersie oop gooi, en net lekker piekniek hou en lekker musiek speel (‘n picnic under the stars).


et die dag van liefde wat verby is en ‘n hele jaar wat voorlê het ons ’n paar alleenlopers uitgesonder met die hoop dat hulle liefde sal vind. Hulle is twee eenvoudige vrae gevra, naamlik beskryf die beste date en hoe lyk die perfekte ou/meisie. Hier is wat hulle geantwoord het:

Perfekte ou: ‘n Ou wat altyd eerlik sal wees. Dit moet iemand wees wat my sal op cheer op slegte dae. Die ou moet goeie maniere hê, asook respek vir my en vir homself. Laastens hy moet lekker drukkies gee.

JOSHUA B OSHOFF Perfekte date: Een waar ek niks hoef te betaal nie. Daarby moet die date met die perfekte meisie wees, met wie ek kan praat oor goed wat my interesseer. Die date kan ook maar gerus by 'n lekker luukse plek wees met lekker kos en 'n goeie uitsig.

G ra ad 8 JANÉ BESTER Perfekte date: Iewers rustig waar ons lekker kan gesels en games speel of om te gaan stap langs die strand. ‘n Goeie date hoef nie altyd geld te kos nie; dis die klein dingetjies wat saak maak. Perfekte ou: Eerstens moet Jesus sy alles wees. Hy moet my respekteer en aanvaar net soos ek is en hy moenie probeer verander om my of ander mense te impress nie.

J ANDRÉ S CHOLTZ Perfekte date: Solank ons net lekker kan gesels sal dit ‘n perfekte date wees Perfekte meisie: Sy moet dit nie oor doen met make-up nie. Sy moet goeie maniere hê en nie skaam wees om met my te praat nie. Sy moet ook mooi wees op haar eie manier.

Perfekte meisie: 'n Mooi, enkelkind, wat op 'n mooi groot plaas bly. Die meisie moet definitief van sokker hou, en laastens moet sy ook verstaan dat Antman die beste Avenger is.

G r a a d 10 LENÉ BURGER Perfekte date: Om piekniek te hou op die strand onder die sterre. Perfekte ou: Moet my kan laat lag en smile. Hy moet my kan ondersteun en spesiaal laat voel. Hy sal so nou en dan my moet kan bederf. Hy moet verseker langer as ek wees sodat hy vir my lekker drukkies kan gee en my kan optel as hy moet.


G r a a d 12

Perfekte date: ‘n Piekniek op die strand.


Perfekte meisie: Mooi van binne en buite, sy moet sportief wees met ‘n goeie hart. Sy moet ook nie skaam wees om my hand vas te hou nie

Perfect date: My ideal date would be like two friends hanging out, going to the movies or taking a long stroll. Something cliché.

G ra ad 11 CORNÉ HAVENGA Perfekte date: Niks fancy nie, net ‘n braaitjie by die huis. Dit is baie belangrik om gemaklik met die persoon te wees. Perfekte ou: Daar is niks so aantreklik soos ‘n man met ‘n goeie sin vir humor nie. Hy moet verkieslik ‘n sportliefhebber wees. Ek moet hom kan vertrou en hy moet eerlik wees.

Perfect guy: Manners are essential. If he can sing it is a bonus. We should be comfortable around each other. Someone with no baggage.

D AWID KOCK Perfekte date: Ek sal sê ‘n piekniek op die strand met champagne, lekker peselhappies en ‘n kombers. Ons kyk die sonsondergang en geniet mekaar se geselskap en grappies. Perfekte meisie: Sy moet avontuurlustig wees en saam met my avonture aanpak. Sy moet ‘n goeie sin vir humor hê en vir my grappies lag. Sy moet lief wees vir God.

JASON CEASAR Perfekte date: It should be relatively romantic, with typical things like flowers and chocolate and the mood should be quite romantic. The date itself should be exciting and adventurous, we should both be doing something that we've never done before, like paragliding Perfect girl: Should be intelligent and have a good sense of humour. She'd preferably be quite adventurous and outgoing and kind and caring, this is mainly to contrast my blunt and cynical personality. Lastly, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have physical preferences, so an athletic body type is preferred.

As een van hierdie kandidate jou beskryf het, gaan maak ‘n move dalk slaan jy hulle voete onder hulle uit!

Deur Leandrie du Toit

Foto’s: Kayla van Greunen

What would you describe as the perfect date?

Which of these are the best location to have a date?

A: Watching a movie, cooking together and going for a walk in the park.

A: Sushi Place e.g. Star Park

B: The all-time classic: going to a restaurant with good food and good company C: Having a romantic picnic at the beach with sunny weather D: Grabbing a pillow and sleeping for 10 hours’ straight Which 3 traits should your partner have? A: Sense of humour, compassionate and intelligent B: Hard working, sense of humour and a rugby lover C: Romantic, sense of humour and passionate D: Tender, sense of humour and gentle What is the best movie to watch on a date? A: Crazy, Stupid Love B: Nightmare on Elm street C: Any Marvel Movie D: The Notebook What is the best movie genre to watch on a date?

A: Musicals B: Horror C: Romcom D: Sci-Fi/Action What is best pick up line to use? A: You must be tired of running, because you’ve been running through my mind all day. B: Hey. (Forgets pick up line) C: Hey, how much does that polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. D: Are you from France, because Eiffel for you.

B: Somewhere secluded like a farm C: The beach D: In Cappadocia in Turkey, drinking Turkish coffee, watching the hot air balloons rise Which hobbies or common interests should he/she should have? A: Watching series together, listening to music B: Sport lover, active C: Coffee lover, explorer

D: Adventurous, outdoorsy Which of these artists are the best to listen to with that special person? A: Whitney Houston B: Oasis C: Ed Sheeran D: Coldplay What is your favourite ice cream Flavour? A: English Toffee B: Bubble Gum C: Chocolate D: English Toffee What is the ideal restaurant to go to on a date? A: Fowlers B: Ocean Basket C: Star Park D: Pub and Grill


Mostly A

e beautiful, graceful

Ms Keet

Mostly B

Mostly C

Mostly D

The charming, dashing

The gentle, gorgeous

The intelligent, charismatic

Mr du Toit

Ms Dreyer

Mr wentzel

by Mikyall Harris, photos by Abygail Drake

T he Date DO

Make sure that the person you aim to ask as your date and you are comfortable with each other and enjoy each other’s company. This is after all a night you will remember for the rest of your life and you wouldn’t want it to be awkward.


Don’t ask someone based on popularity or status. Girls and guys in relationships are off limits! Be realistic, don’t ask someone you have no relationship with or haven’t even said one word to in your whole high school career.

T he Question DO


Gestures with sentiment always tend to win the other person’s heart. Be unique! Think of doing something that is special for the two of you, something that only you share. If all else fails, you can never go wrong with flowers, balloons and puns! It is not a good idea to GO BIG or GO HOME. The typical high school movie shows the teenager doing something spectacular like standing on the table in the matric-quad and shouting it in front of everybody or having the sing-songs spell it out, however this is not always the best. The outcome might be negative and you may be really embarrassed or the other person may feel forced to say yes to spare you the embarrassment. Keep it simple!

T he Announcement DO

Ask your closest friends what they think of your idea for a date and a proposal and take their advice into consideration.


Do not spread rumours about who you are going to matric ball with if you haven’t even asked the person yet or if the person hasn’t asked you. Keep your plans low-key, this will spare you a whole lot of embarrassment!

T he Outfit DO


Guys, pleads and stripes don’t match! Go for a neutral suit colour and stick to it. Ensure that your suit is tailored to fit your body shape, while at the same time doesn’t choke you. Girls, in the 21 st century less is more! You can still feel like Cinderella without the veil, try toning down while still keeping it elegant. Your shoes must complement your dress perfectly and check that you and your partner’s clothing complements each other. Your hair should also be well fitting to your clothes and the overall look should be completed with the necessary jewellery. Don’t overdo it! Maintain a moderate budget in your clothing. Ladies, a bit of cleavage is okay but too much can portray an unwanted idea about your character. Gents, do not wear awkward socks with the suit – make sure your socks add value to the look and don’t detract from it. Another very important thing to keep in mind is to not spoil your look by over accessorising.

And finally the big question, what is your opinion about the older kids? They constantly think they are better than us! Then we went to chat to the Afrikaans kids to see how their opinion might be different. Vir watter VRL lid is julle die bangste? Mircia

Vir watter meneer of juffrou is julle die bangste? Mnr du Toit


e’ve all observed the new “Baba Bosvarke”. We’ve made our judgments and formed our opinions. But who’s to say that they haven’t done the same to us? Who’s to say that they haven’t got a few things they would like to tell US for a change? Well, this article is just that. It’s time for the babies to pass judgment on the old. So brace yourself, you might not like what they think. We first met up with some of the English-speaking babies. Which RCL member are you the most afraid of? Siphe

Watter skoolreël wens julle julle kon vernietig? Wat is die skoolreëls? EN Almal van hulle! Hoe voel julle oor die roosvierkant? Dit laat ons klein voel. Hoeveel van julle doen huiswerk in register? 50% En natuurlik, die belangrikste, wat dink julle van die ouer kinders Kind 1: Wie tel as ouer? Kind 2: Almal wat nie ons is nie. Kind 3: Van hulle is ‘nice’. Kind 4: Dis net omdat hulle almal van jou hou!

Which teacher are you the most afraid of? Ms Mills Which school rule do you wish you could destroy? The one that says we have to wear a red band. How many of you do homework in register? 90% How do you feel about the rose quad? Nuh uh. It sucks.

And there you have it, the absolutely soulcrushing judgment of the little ones in our school. Now the scale has been balanced and you can pass all the judgment you want knowing that the Grade 8’s are doing the same to you. After all, fair is fair.

By Nadia Botha Photos: Anja Joubert

The #10yearschallenge has been trending on Instagram, making us all a little nostalgic. It's time for the Circum to put its own little spin on the new trend.

School When it comes to physical changes Worcester Gymnasium has definitely been through it all. A 2009 Worcester Gymnasium would look very different. It’s almost impossible to imagine the school without an astroturf or without the beautiful pebbles in the matric quad. The introduction of e-learning surely has changed our schooling system. We can definitely say it’s been an upward curve since 2009. Worcester Gymnasium has improved by a large scale, making huge changes these past 10 years. Through all these changes, one thing hasn't changed at all and it's the gees and unity of the bosvarke.



It's hard to think that teachers actually have lives outside school. Nevertheless, 2009 was a very different time, the change (or lack thereof) is very interesting to see. Here are some of the teachers who kindly participated in our #10yearschallenge



It's good to be nostalgic now and then, but remember change is inevitable. Whether you are proud or embarrassed about your 10-year transformation, you have the next 10 years to prepare for the next #10yearschallenge!

By ZoĂŤ Hendricks Photos by Liam Waters

We’ve all heard the phrase: puberty hit ‘em like a truck! The matrics of 2019 have come a l since our gangly, long-limbed grade 8 days. We went from awkward and ill-proportioned to dent and striking. I think we can refer to it as a “collective glow up”. Let’s compare our pas our present selves, and see how far we’ve come! Here’s the Matric Glow Ups of 2019.

By Bianca



ong way o confist selves to

a du Plessis


ticky, lots of chocolate and full of calories… I mean, what more could you ask for?!

Valentine’s day is over and that special someone still has not noticed you… don’t you worry ladies, as always Bee always knows the way to a man’s heart.. With these

No-Bake Caramel Tarts

there will be no way that he will be forgetting you anytime soon. Pro Tip: always let him know that you’re the ideal definition of wifey material. Anyhow kids, holidays are coming up, which means that the gym will be closed for the next 3 weeks for most of us (smirk) and that the hunger that you get from boredom will be making its appearance soon. But say NO to those Big Macs and get up and start to be creative in your kitchen. It is the perfect opportunity to silence the hunger and to level up on those wifey skills for Mr Right…


24 Oreos

4 tablespoons butter, melted

1½ cups of sugar

½ cup of water

½ cup of heavy cream

½ teaspoon of vanilla

½ cup of heavy cream

A slab of baking dark chocolate

METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


Use a food processor to crush Oreos as fine as possible. Combine crumbs and melted butter and mix until it clusters. Put a spoonful of the crumb mixture into muffin trays and form into crusts. Freeze for 2 hours. Heat sugar and water in a saucepan until it is amber brown… DO NOT STIR! Take off heat and pour in heavy cream and vanilla, stirring until the caramel forms. Pour caramel into cookie crusts and wait until it is firm. Approximately 5 minutes. Microwave heavy cream for a minute and add to dark chocolate. Let the chocolate sit in the cream for a minute and stir until smooth. Pour a spoonful of chocolate over caramel mixture and refrigerate for an hour or until caramel is firm.

10. Lick the remaining chocolate and caramel out of their bowels….Kidding! (Maybe…) Happy Cooking! by Be-Arthur Davids photos by Gaby Jacobs

The Circum is looking for new journalists and photographers! If you think you’ve got what it takes, please follow the instructions below to apply.




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