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Exams Cancelled

Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about May 21 and June 21. Gemini is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux, known as the Dioscuri.

Die sterreteken ”tweeling” word vanaf 21 Mei tot 21 Junie jaarliks gevier. Ons by Gimnasium spog met al die tweelinge wat ons het.


Kiara and Tiara Hendricks

What are some of the weirdest questions you experience?

Kiara: Do you know which twin you are?

Tiara: Are you identical? Do you have twin telepathy?

What are a few differences between the two of you?

Kiara: I feel like I speak a lot more.

Tiara: And she’s more aggressive … and she’s more emotional.

Things you guys like doing apart?

Kiara: She, I think, likes drawing more and I like to beon my phone more.

Wilmien and Nicola Roux

What are the differences between you two?

Wilmien: Sy’s ’n introvert en ek’s ’n ekstrovert.

Nicola: Sy hou meer van slaap as ek. Sy’t baie meer sproete as ek.

Wilmien: Ek’s ‘n aandpersoon en sy’s ‘n oggendpersoon.

Nicola: Sy hou meer van eet as wat ek doen.

What are some questions you’re always asked?

Nicola: “Is julle regtig ‘n tweeling?” Want ons lyk nie dieselfde nie.

Wilmien: “Wie’s die oudste?” Hulle dink sy is die oudste.

Nicola: “Baklei julle baie?” Nee, ons stry baie.

What do you guys like doing apart?

Wilmien: Sy hou van karate. Ek hou baie meer van kuier.

Nicola: Ek hou meer van lees.Wilmien: Ek hou baie meer van TV kyk.

Lindsey and Charné Coffee

What are five questions you experience a lot?

Lindsey: “Who’s the oldest?” “Who’s better at sports?”

Charne: “Who’s better at academics?” “Who’s stronger than the other one?” “Who’s better at art?”

How would you describe the other person using three words?

Charne: Cool, naughty and rude (sometimes).

Lindsey: She’s loving, sometimes naughty and also caring.

What’s the biggest differences between the two of you?

Charne: Our personalities. She's the one who would be quiet, and I would just continue talking.

By Courtney Gempies

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