Circum 2017 Term 2

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DERBY 2017

Redaksie JO ER NALISTE Redaktrise Ja comi Breytenba ch S ub-reda ktrise Emily Voig t Aneeq Ja cobs Bia nca du Plessis Enriq u é Wilson Helee n Ther on Kha nya Fa da na Kyle S tynd er Kyle Du venha g e Lea nd ri d u Toit Lona S u ka ni Ma ri Vlok Mikya ll Ha rris Simone Botha Trisha Bha wa m

A Day Diffe

Emily Voigt




Nicku s Venter Abyg a il Dra ke Ru th Pretor iu s Ga by Ja cobs Elma ri va n d er Westhu izen Lize Jou be rt Cha né Piena a r Ka yla va n Greu nen Lia m Wa ters Winona S wa nepoel Elsje-Ma rié Jo rd a a n Ja na Ma tthee Thoma s du Preez



Index Page 6

Page 16

Page 24

in the Life of erent Cultures

Winter is Coming

School’s Out!

Kyle Duvenhage

Khanya Fadana

Page 18

Page 25

Page 8


Matriekafskeid? Date?!

Amber Beukes & Heleen Theron

What’s up with your Culture?

Leandrie du Toit & Bianca du Plessis

Page 19

t & Mikyall Harris

Most Likely To Page 10

Mari Vlok

A Youth With A Mission

Page 20

acomi Breytenbach

Onderwysermemes Kyle Duvenhage

Page 12

Pseudoscience: Hot Chocolate Simone Botha

Page 22

New Kids on the Block Trisha Bhawan

Khanya Fadana

Page 26

Winter Treats Mari Vlok


How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Winnie the Pooh Goodbye. It’s such an expressive word. It’s almost like a poem everybody interprets it differently. You know, like when you’re reading a poem titled: “The cat” and your teacher casually informs you it’s really about how humankind should be more self-sufficient... (Okay.) Goodbyes can be painful and tinged with regret, but it can also be filled with hope for the future. Yet, in the end, what really makes a goodbye special, is when you have something worthwhile to say goodbye to. Hierdie afgelope paar jaar was die Circum definitief een van daardie ondervindinge waarvan dit moeilik gaan wees om afskeid te neem. Ek het so baie geleer, veral in die tegnologiese afdeling. (Ek vra om verskoning vir al my onkundige vrae, Meneer van Niekerk...) Ek het ook geleer oor hoe om by veranderinge aan te pas, sedert die Circum self van ‘n paar dinge afskeid geneem het. Ons het binne een jaar van ‘n groentjie in die wêreld van tegnologie gegroei tot ‘n tegnologiese reus. The blog was one of those changes that swept us off familiar ground and into unknown territory filled with

technological challenges around every corner. (I’m exaggerating, but without Mr Van Niekerk’s guidance I definitely would have struggled more.) It was also extremely time-consuming and I learnt yet another skill –

time management! Although without the support of my sub-editor, Emily, who will be taking the reigns from me, I probably wouldn’t have survived. Emily, thank you for always being eager to help. Good luck with the Circum! I’m certain your journey will be just as marvelous and exciting as mine was. Die tema van hierdie kwartaal se Circum is “Die winter.”

Dit is tot oorlopens toe vol met lekker resepte vir winterhappies, eksperimente oor watter warm sjokolade nou eintlik die beste is en ‘n paar van Dirk se skreeusnaakse wenke oor hoe om die winter te oorleef. En, met die winter wat hierdie jaar met nuwe ywer gearriveer het, (seker om te kompenseer vir al die droeë, warm winters wat ons die afgelope seisoene moes verduur) is dit

vreeslik gepas. Ek is seker die meeste van ons het al vergeet wat om te doen in 0°C-weer! The theme is very applicable, not only because most of us need tips on how to survive this shiver-inducing weather, but also because winter signifies the ending of summer. It

is a period of change that nature has to endure to be able to grow and bloom when spring and summer arrives. The Matrics are also in a period of change, as their days at Worcester Gym, like the days during winter, grows pitifully short. Even though the thought of this drastic change makes most of us want to hibernate, in the end, it is up to us to decide whether we’re going to curl up in a ball or cherish the memories that we had made. In honour of the matrics, there’s also a “Most likely to”

article, filled with predictions about some of the matrics’ futures. So, it is with a bittersweet feeling of sadness and hope

that I write these words. The last words that I will ever write as Circum Editor. Goodbye.

“ parents u to trick me that get older accor

to how many bo you eat…”

Everybody has their daily routine, which to them is normal of course, but have you ever wondered if what you do is part of your culture or have you ever wondered what it would be like in a day in the life of another culture? Well, this was a daunting question to the Circum journalists as well and they decided to go and dig a little deeper.

Deva: On Easter Day it would be pickled fish and hot cross buns. Christmas meals include gammon, turkey and my aunt’s famous “sousboontjies”. Most of my family members, both on my mom and dad’s side, have a “soet tand”. Therefore during any celebration we end off with either my aunt’s famous peppermint crisp tart, Cremora Tart or ,my absolute favourite, “death by chocolate Oreo cheesecake”.

We decided to talk to Tineke Swanepoel (the Afrikaner culture), Siphe Giba (the isiXhosa culture), Ana Maressa Mendonca Santos (the Brazilian culture), Vida Park (the Korean culture) and Deva Willemse (the Coloured culture).

What do you wear on this day of celebration and why?

“ our culture mothers will have a specified time in the week where they will get together to gossip…”

Describe your culture in one word. Tineke: Tradisioneel (sê sy terwyl sy lag). Siphe: Vibrant Ana : Colourful Vida: Liberty

Deva: Colourful

What traditional dishes (from breakfast to supper) do you eat on a traditional day of celebration? Siphe: Well, all our meals are made up of mainly of meat, but breakfast is usually sadtu (mielie pap). For lunch we will have mphokoqo and supper is the traditional meat and samp. Ana: For breakfast we eat Pao de quejio (Brazilian cheese bread) followed by feijoada (bean and meat stew) for lunch and for dinner we have stroganoff. Vida: We recognize the Lunar New Year’s Day (1st of January on the lunar calendar) as our official New Year’s Day, affected by our ancestors who generalised the lunar calendar. We have so many fantastic traditional dishes representing this day, but the most important Is “tteokguk” which is sliced rice cake soup. I remember devouring about three bows of it because my parents used to trick me that you get older according to how many bowls you eat (e.g. 2 bowls = 2 years).

Tineke: Ons trek altyd mooi formeel aan (rokkies, broekpakke ens.), want dit is ‘n kerkdag. Siphe: It depends on which traditional event is taking place, but we mostly wear beads and a beaded or patterned skirt, dress or jumpsuit.

Ana: We wear country-styled clothing as this was the clothes that the generations before us wore while working on farms. Vida: We wear our traditional dress called “hanbok, which is characterized by vibrant colours and simple lines without pockets. The term literally means “Korean Clothing”, but we only wear it on special events. Our ancestors used to dress into “new” hanbok on this day, finishing the “old” year and hoping for good luck in the “new” year.

Are there any special rituals or happenings you do on this day? Tineke: Ons gaan kerk toe en maak die Kersboom as ‘n gesin op. Ou Kersaand maak ons geskenke oop en elke een reflekteer sy gevoelens tenoor die familie deur ‘n emsosionele praaitjie. Kersmiddag kyk die hele gesin elke jaar vir “It’s a wonderful life” Vida: There are a lot of meaningful and exciting activities that take place on this day, but the one that still takes place nowadays is the New Year’s greetings in which the whole family visits their elders and bows to them.

Deva: On Christmas Eve we attend church before midnight and attend church on Christmas morning. Confirmations include wearing a white dress or suit of your choice.

used you rding


Is there some symbolic meaning to these rituals? If there is, what is the symbolic meaning? Tineke: Daar’s nie regtig groot simboliek hieraan nie dit leer ons net die belangrikheid van familie en omgee.

Siphe: We do everything to always appease our ancestors.

Ana: The biggest meaning behind this is to celebrate the richness and beauty of our culture and our heritage. Vida: This was to show respect to them. The young ones get the “New Year’s money/gift” from the elders after bowing. This usually took place in the form of snacks or fruits, but nowadays in the form of money. This was give to the children with well-wishing remarks (wise sayings) from the elders, wishing the kids good luck for the year.

Deva: Wearing white symbolizes completion and purity. It is the colour of perfection. In colour psychology, white is the colour of new beginnings, of wiping the slate clean.

What do you find the weirdest in your culture? Siphe: In my family we have a ritual that when you are introduced to the ancestors they say “uyaqatywa” and this basically means that for a certain timespan you are not allowed to go anywhere and the furthest place you are allowed to walk to is the gate of your house.

Ana: Well, I guess most people do this, but in our culture mothers will have a specified time in the week where they will get together to gossip. Vida: In South Africa it’s very natural if you blow your nose in the middle of a meeting or an assembly, but in Korea it’s not something you would easily find. Deva: We have a tendency of going overboard with everything, but it makes my culture, our culture special. We go to the extra, EXTRA mile for those we love.

Have you had any bad experiences in South Africa because of culture and traditions? Tineke: Ja, mense het my op laerskool altyd “Sneeuwitjie” genoem omdat ek so wit was. Siphe: Not necessarily because of my culture, but because of what I do. I only understand isiXhosa up until a certain point so occasionally when visiting the Eastern Cape people will speak to me and I won’t understand what they are saying. As I have grown older I have also started to question why and how some things should be done, which is said to be disrespectful. Vida: Yes. One that I can’t forget was when my family went to a restaurant with an important visitor. Because it was quite a hot day, we asked for a table inside and the waiter came back with an answer that there were no tables left and that we needed to sit outside. He was offering us a table outside, but his attitude was clearly saying, “There is no table for you, so go sit anywhere outside and stop being irritating.” We were already very displeased at his attitude, but what made us more displeased was when the manager came out and offered us a table inside. To our surprise, there were only about three people inside. We never visited that restaurant again. Deva: Not necessarily, but because of stereotypes and how people have experienced us, we are known as the main reason for crime and gang relations, being loud or “just too much” for some individuals to handle. We have a great culture and know the true definition of unity and to stand up for what you believe in even if you’re protesting in the street, still in pajamas and rollers in your hair.

By Emily Voigt & Mikyall Harris

It’s the event that signifies the end of your teen years and matriculants everywhere are determined to make it the Best Night Ever. Yes, Matric Farewell is just around the corner and everyone is Stressed Out! Not to worry; we’ve got you! At least, we have some advice on how to ask your dream date to accompany you. Gone are the days when you could simply ask the object of your affection to a dance. No, you have to have a plan, buddy. The Circum journalists scoured the internet to find some of the best ideas out there...

times, even with all the gang violence. My mom goes there every week, knowing it’s dangerous, but she doesn’t care, because she knows they need help. The Lord has been telling my parents that they’re here for a reason. So YWAM is basically people telling other people how Jesus had changed their lives. We also go on outreaches. The group that danced at Worcester Gym recently, well, they are going to go on an outreach to Brazil.

What do you love the most about being part of YWAM?

An Interview with a Youth With A Mission By Jacomi Breytenbach

Whenever we hear the word, YWAM, we immediately picture a group of incredibly friendly individuals who simply radiate warmth. Yet, there’s so much more to these individuals than their infectious smiles. YWAM is a group of people who come from all over the world to spread the word of Jesus and serve the people of the community. The Circum decided to find out a little bit more about this group, by interviewing one of the YWAM-members, Isabelli Fontes Azevedo (above).

How long have you lived in South Africa and where did you live previously? I have lived in South Africa for about 6 years now. I moved to South Africa from Brazil when I was 8. What exactly is YWAM and what do you do? YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission. It is people that go around with passion for the Lord and Jesus and have the courage to tell everybody else about His love. YWAM has been changing a lot of lives in the communities. My mom and dad have been in Avian Park many

The fact that at YWAM we try to see everybody’s different cultures and we celebrate all the different ways everyone lives. We have something called “Nations to Nations” where we try to show each other the many different cultures we have. It’s amazing how we respect everybody’s differences and how we stay together. I know people from China, America, Madagascar, everywhere! How does the South African culture differ from that of Brazil? It is very different, for example: The w ay we dress, the way that we celebrate different things... In school, especially, it’s very different. We don’t have uniforms, we mostly just wear jeans and a t-shirt and we only have one break. The school days are very short. In Brazil, the school days end twenty minutes after first break in Worcester Gymnasium. So it’s really, really short. Yeah, and we can wear our hair down, we can wear earrings, make-up, everything. What is your favourite place in South Africa and why?

I love Table Mountain and I love Cape Town. I like looking at it, climbing it and seeing all the different animals. What Afrikaans word do you like the most and why? My favourite Afrikaans word is ghandskoene. [Interviewer: You mean “handskoene?”] Yes! Because if you translate it, it’s hand shoes, and I always wondered how you could have shoes for your hands. Like, what?!

What was the most extreme weather conditions you’ve had to face and where was it? It was in Brazil, when I was little, ‘cause in Brazil it rains a lot. We lived by a hilly place and one day it rained so much that by the top of the mountains the water actually cut off a part of the mountains. The water was coming down like a waterfall and it was flooding everywhere. What was the most dangerous situation that you’ve ever been in?

When you first moved to South Africa you must have had certain expectations of South Africa. Was it like you imagined it, or not at all?

Well, when we got here I was pretty surprised that there was actually something. You know, that there was actually water. ‘Cause I thought, when my family said we were moving to South Africa: “How are we going to survive here? There’s no w ater! Are we only going to have to send letters by hand?” My first expectation was that there would by lions walking around and that I would be living in this bush thingy. And when I got here, I thought: I could do this, this isn’t so bad. What type of South African food do you enjoy the most? What is that... I can’t remember the name, it’s like botjie... That thing that they put in a pot? [Interviewer: Potjiekos?]

Potjiekos! Yeah, I like Potjiekos a lot.

It was in Brazil and we went to a community there to help. While we were there, there was a gun fight. And it’s weird how even though I knew that going into these dangerous situations can lead to a gunfight, I was still so scared. My mom was pulling me down and I had my first real sensation of fear. Do you have any important advice for new YWAM recruits on how to survive South Africa? I would tell them to learn enough Afrikaans words, before they come. When people come to me, they always speak in Afrikaans. I know “goeie môre”, but that’s all. So, always say “good morning” in English, otherwise they are going to start speaking Afrikaans to you. Would you like to return to Brazil one day?

Well, my family is there, so I do miss them and I would definitely want to visit. But I don’t want to go live there, because this is now my home. I would stay in South Africa.

We would just like to thank this group for all of the amazing things that they are doing in our communities. Good luck with all your endeavors, you are in our hearts!♥

Most people love a nice, w arm cup of ‘ot chocolate on a wintry day. It’s encouraging when you’re studying for exams and uplifting when you have a cold or just plain feel cold. But, with so many brands to choose from, how can you know which one is right for you?

A ‘study’ was done on five popular brands of hot chocolate in order to help you pick: Nestle, Hug-in-a-Mug, Milo, NOMU and Cadbury. When conducting a “fair” science experiment (Mrs Wessels has told us countless times), you can only have one variable that changes (the independent variable), one that automatically changes because of the independent variable changing (the dependent variable), and the rest must remain constant. (Therefore, I couldn’t use the instructions on the back of each packet, as the instructions all varied.) Different brands were therefore used and the recipe below was followed thoroughly. If you like your hot chocolate rich and creamy, you must make it with very little hot water and lots of foamed milk. This makes a sort of hot chocolate cappuccino. It’s not too sweet, but it’s very enjoyable. It also doesn’t scald your tongue.

The recipe that was used is as follows (in this order):  1 tablespoon hot chocolate

powder  ½ tablespoon hot water  +- 2 ½ cups milk (heated

and foamed) cream top

 whipped


The different dependent variables that were ‘tested’ were: mouth feel (how the product tastes in your mouth), appearance (how it looks), smell, taste and overall feeling (how it makes you feel when you’re drinking it). Remember, this ‘study’ is based on the opinions of one person, so if you don’t agree, go perform the experiment yourself. It’ll give you an excuse to drink a lot of hot chocolate, all in the name of science! If you follow the recipe I used, and you w ant your hot chocolate more flavourful, then I recommend you add mostly hot water, or follow the instructions on the back of the packaging. You can always add sugar to taste if you want it sweeter and some hot water if you want it hotter. Now go and enjoy...and happy holidays to everyone!

By Simone Botha

Hug-in-a-Mug Everyone recommends this brand...and for good reason. It was the best one that was tried. Come get you some.  

 

Mouth feel: Rich, creamy and soft. Like a pillow. Appearance: Very want to drink it but you don’t want to mess it up. It doesn’t look like hot chocolate though...the colour is totally different. Smell: Faintly the cliche hot chocolate smell, but a good and non-powdery smell. Taste: Delicious...not too sweet, the perfect combination of milk, chocolate and sweetener.

Not too filling, very yummy. Feels like a a mug. Yes, yes, yes!

Cadbury Also known as “the purple one” to some...this was a hard-won second place.     

Mouth feel: Smooth and rich. Not too chocolaty or powdery. Taste: Rich but not overpowering. Perfect blend...sweeter than hug-in-a-mug. Smell: Very much the cliche hot chocolate smell...however, not powdery. Appearance: Awesome. Perfect colour. Overall feeling: Warm and cozy. Perfect for a winter day.

This is almost as delicious as Hug-in-a-Mug. If you can’t get that one, buy this.

Nestle Third place. Amazing.

    

Mouth feel: Smooth and soft. Appearance: Rich and foamy...just like they promised. Smell: Perfect. Not too hot chocolate, just perfectly sweet. Taste: A little bland. But it’s perfect if you don’t want your drink too sweet. Overall feeling: Very good. Warm and fuzzy inside...a perfect pick-me-up on a cold day.


Milo This brand does NOT work with the recipe I used for all the other brands. I tried it twice to make sure I hadn’t done something wrong, and I got the same results.  

Mouth feel: Smooth and soft...but it has an almost sticky after-feel. Appearance: The chocolate powder didn’t mix with the milk well, so pieces of chocolate were floating around.  Smell: Powdery...and does not smell like chocolate. More like fish food.  Taste: Very bland. Add sugar.  Overall feeling: I was disappointed. Maybe I should use it for its intended purpose.

It’s not actually a hot chocolate brand...and I found that out via experience.

A lot of people ask me, “Dirk, how do you keep busy during the winter? It is so cold and wet!� Well my friends, luckily this year we only need to worry about one of those problems. That is why today I am giving you 10 tips and tricks on how to survive winter! En aangesien ons heelwat Afrikaanse lesers het, het ek besluit om so paar nommertjies spesiaal in die moedertaal in

Bak Bel jou ouma en kry ‘n paar van haar gunsteling resepte (of soek dit op die internet as jou ouma meer van ‘n brei-tannie is.) Niks voel so lekker soos varsgebakte brood of kolwyntjies op ‘n koue dag nie.

RUGBY o.1 9A VERLOOR 7 - 47 0.19B verloor 0 - 14 o.19C verloor 0 - 75 o.16A verloor 12 - 31 o.16b verloor 0 - 45 o.15A verloor 7 - 36 o.14A verloor 17 - 35 O.14b verloor 0 - 37

GIRLS’ HOCKEY u.1 9A w in 6 - 0 u.19B win 6 - 0 u.16A lose 0 - 1 u.14A win 1 - 0

CHESS WG win 6.5 - 3.5

NETBAL o.1 8A wen 28 - 10 o.18B wen 15 - 8 o.17A wen 16 - 4 o.17B wen 23 - 4 o.16A verloor 11 - 12 o.16B wen 17 - 8 o.15A verloor 9 - 10 o.15b wen 8 - 6 o.14A verloor 10 - 17 o.14B verloor 9 - 13 o.14C verloor 6 - 10 o.14D wen 19 - 1

BOYS’ HOCKEY u.1 9A w in 3 - 0 u.19b win 3 - 0 u.16A win 1 - 0 u.16b draw 0 - 0 u.14A draw 1 - 1

We’ve all been there – bored out of our minds as our boredom looms on the edge of insanity during the holiday. While we get advice from people, most of the time our parents, that doesn’t really aid in being less bored. But alas, they give their advice. What if I told you that there was a way to be less bored? A means to end boredom, if you can put it that way. Here are 10 ways how to successfully defeat boredom. 

Start watching a new series. Come on, who doesn’t love finding out what happens to the main protagonist of the series during the best episode? But be warned, after you finish your final episode, at 4 am in the morning, you might’ve inadvertently missed a zombie apocalypse. (Trust me, you only focus on your laptop screen, and you’re on a mission to find out more.) Bak koekies vir jou naaste ouetehuis. Baie van die oumensies is alleen deur die jaar en hulle sal dit onsettend baie waardeer as iemand hulle bietjie bederf met koekies. Wees oorspronklik en bak dit self met easy-mix of vannaf scrap! Dit sal ‘n paar uur van verveling opvul.

Redecorate your room. Okay, I don’t exactly mean clean your room, but at least move things around, like move your bed to the opposite side of the room if it was in the front, paint your room a new colour (WITH THE CONSENT OF YOUR PARENTS!) or rearrange your desk.

Doen vrywilligerwerk by jou naaste dierekliniek. Die vakansie is ‘n baie moeilike tyd vir organisasies soos die DBV (Dierebeskermingsvereniging). Baie honde, katte en ander troeteldiere word sommer net agtergelaat as hulle eienaars met vakansie gaan. Wie weet, dalk vat jy ‘n nuwe wollerige maatjie huistoe?

Read a book. There are always going to be books in your house/room that you “haven’t found the time to read yet” because it looks like a tough read, or it isn’t really your type of book. Just do it,

you might end up enjoying it more than you thought you would.

Gaan deur die foto's op jou foon. Verwyder enigiets wat jy nie meer wil hê nie. Sorteer dit, gebruik die gunsteling knoppie en maak 'n nota van die fotos wat jy wil laat druk en raam.

Start a journal. The best way to enhance your writing skills is by writing, and by writing I don’t mean write about your day, I mean write short stories, poems, even write a letter to your future self. You can only get better at writing if you write a lot.

Skiet goed. Neem foto's van iets waarvoor jy lief is, of dit nou kos, jou self of jou hond is, edit dit en laai dit dan op die gram.

Find a new hobby. It isn’t easy to do something you’ve never done before, but if you at least try to get out of your comfort zone, you won’t be as bored, and you might learn something new that you can impress somebody with someday (future dates people, be as interesting as possible).

Samel klere in vir die kerk of vir ‘n liefdadigheidswinkel. Meeste kerke het ‘n welwillendheidsafdeling wat ou klere en komberse insamel vir minder bevooregte mense. Vra jou ouers, ander familielede en vriende om al hul ou klere bymekaar te maak en dit vir jou in sakke te sit. Jy kan ook kyk of daar l i edadi ghei dswinkels in jou area is, waar jy goed wat jy nie meer nodig het nie, kan aflaai.

Matrieks, hier is die lys mense vir wie julle gestem het, wat die grootste kans volgens julle het om in die volgende kategorieĂŤ te val. Sonder enige verdere ophoud, hier is hulle. “Drum rollâ€? please.

Most likely to become a rock star

Chadwin Phillips

Most likely to go into space

Jacques Groenewald

Most likely to own the dance floor at any party

Cassiem Fredericks

Most likely to fail the drivers test more than 3 times

Most likely to end up in jail

Gilberto de Nobrega

Most likely to marry first

Thomas du Preez

Most likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse

Jacorie Viljoen

Most likely to get a tattoo and regret it immediately

Tashreeqa Jacobs

Jacques Groenewald

Most likely to become a heartbreaker

Most likely to become president

Khanya Fadana

Javon Cupido

Ek is seker daar is van julle wat verras is deur van die uitslae en ander wat meer voorspelbaar was. Wees op die uitkyk om volgende kwartaal se opvolg artikel nie mis te loop nie.

Over the past six months the Bosvarke were blessed with new family members, and no, I am not referring to the grade 8s this time. It is with pleasure that the Bosvarke welcome new learners in almost each grade in both Term 1 and Term 2. Many of us noticed the new faces within the corridors and on the sport fields of Worcester Gymnasium, but how much do you know about them? The Circum had the privilege of getting to know a few of "The New Kids On The Block".

Who is your favourite teacher at Worcester Gymnasium? Mrs Wessels, of course! Where are you originally from? I was born in Cape Town. I then relocated to Vanderbijlpark when I was 2 years old and lived there for 15 years. I then came back and now I live in Worcester.

What is something you wish everybody knew about you? I am a lot smarter than I look!

Daniel Janse van Vuuren What is your favourite pizza? Chicken, avo and tomato.

Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother , who lives in Bahrain and an older sister who is 26. I also have a younger sister who is 7 years old. If you could travel to any place right now, where would you go? I would go to Bahrain and watch the Grand Prix. My brother also lives in Bahrain, so it will be easy for me to go on holiday there. What is you your favourite subject at school? My favourite subject is Science just because of the class, not the actual science.

Matthew Heradien What is something you would like the whole school to know about yourself? I am a very open person. I always say it like it is and I like to speak my mind. What is your perfect pizza? My perfect pizza is basically just a little bit of everything. Like all of your favourite ingredients, just whatever you want to do. What type of music do you enjoy listening to? I listen to music that nobody knows, like very alterna-

tive music eg. The Arctic Mountains and Youth Lagoon and stuff like that. What is the weirdest scar you have? The weirdest scar is on my foot. I got cut when I was swimming in the Worcester Dam, not during the Mountain Mill Mile though, I was just swimming there as a child. A piece of glass just cut half of my foot open. It was pretty gruesome! What is your favourite cheesy pick-up line? Are you a librarian? Because I'm checking you out!

Who is you favourite teacher in Worcester Gymnasium? So far , Ms Mills. I probably have to say it because I know she will see this! If you could relive any event, what would it be? "Love Project 2017" , a music festival that I was at. What do you do in your free time? I like chilling with my family and if I can't then friends or just on my own reading a book.

If you were President, what would be the first thing you do? I would sort out all the problems in parliament! I would kick out everyone and hire new people. I would change the whole school system and everything. And hopefully get some water in this country!

Marthino Hanekom What was the last lie you told? About 20 minutes ago, but I can't tell you what it was!

What is your best childhood memory? Jumping into Theewaterskloof Dam at the age of 3. What is something that you wish everybody knew about you? I am a spiritually enlightened person.

We trust that ALL the new Bosvarke will have a pleasurable and successful stay at Worcester Gymnasium. We hope that you will take advantage of all the wonderful aspects of your new school and that you will make memories that will last a lifetime. From all of us at the Circum:


LEARN A NEW SKILL It’s never too late to start doing anything, especially when you have ample time on your hands - who knows, it might even come in handy. 



Writing (surprise your language teacher with a killer essay)

Learning a new language

The latest dance move – ‘the

gwaragwara, perhaps’ 

Unfortunately for most of us the million-dollar question is inevitable. “Now what?” A person can only sleep, eat and binge on series for so

long before getting bored – and no, that was not a challenge. Here are a few ideas on ways to keep the urge to go back to school at bay.

DO SOMETHING FUN! Do something fun but think outside the box. Instead of normal movies with friends, spice things up by getting a projector and watching movies in the garage whilst lounging in the car or piling up lots of mattresses and blankets. Imagine a horror movie in those conditions. Seeing that wine or beer tasting is off the table – for obvious reasons – try hot chocolate tasting. Yes, you heard me. Different brands, toppings, flavours and all kinds of hot chocolate cocktails. We have a whole article in our Pseudoscience section that will help you get started. Divide yourselves in teams and play board games, the losing team gets to do dramatic acts of embarrassment – like I said, think outside the box. Remember, you are never too old for a little crazy.


A few cents have never been known to hurt anyone. The saying “take a job for what you will learn, not for what you’ll earn” couldn’t be any closer to the truth. Try to get as much experience, especially in jobs that are in your field of interest.

by Khanya Fadana

Driving Learn to play an instrument

CATCH UP ON ANY MISSED WORK I know the last thing you want to do is so school work, but going through the work you don’t understand or might’ve missed while you were absent, bunking or sleeping in class could only do you good. This is especially essential if you are a matriculate. Try revising grade eleven work that you are going to be examined on – most teachers don’t go through that work again


Find a cause that needs assistance, volunteer at old age homes or crèches or even a friend in need of help. Nothing can be more rewarding than the feeling of helping.

Most importantly, try to catch up on sleep, healthy habits, exercise, series and fun lost during the school term.

Multicultural week demonstrated and celebrat-

ed the uniqueness and diversity that Worcester Gymnasium has in style!

Worcester Gymnasium is indeed a very miscellaneous and distinctive school with a variety of learners from different cultures. These cultures are what make our school and amalgamate it. The RCL helped us celebrate and recognise these cultures by devoting an entire week to the individual cultures that make up our school. Multicultural week never disappoints and this year wasn’t different either. On Monday, the celebration of the “Coloured Mense” culture took place and they graced us with their energetic dance moves and flamboyant music. They also gave us the opportunity of tasting the food belonging to the culture which was sold during break -time.

Some said it was going to be “lit” and indeed it was. Black and Coloured people have one thing in common: energetic dance moves and loud music. At break-time face paint and African cuisine was on sale while the school danced to the music that triggered their muscles to move. During that same day, before the end of the school, the school assembled in the hall to witness the performances of the different cultures. An intro to all the cultures was given and the white learners took the stage. Conrad gave us a brief history of the culture and then the lads took center stage. Thereafter, we were graced by a beautiful performance from Berna and Luché. Mr Frohlich and Britta did a rather confusing performance when they communicated in German with Ms Keet as their translator. Shocking right? No one knew Miss Keet understood German.

“Wit Woensdag” had the whites showering us with their wonderful “sokkie” dances and rocking to their classic Afrikaans jams like “Naweek lyfie” and many more. Treats like pannekoeke and koeksisters were on sale which fed the starving Bosvarke.

The Indians were up next. Trisha led the three dancers in a hugely entertaining homage to Indian culture. The next act was the Coloureds and they woke the audience with their enthusiastic dancing. Winona and her crew honoured the Chinese culture by demonstrating the way that they danced and a Korean song was also performed. The black learners showcased a traditional wedding with Aya and Lundi as the “newly weds”.

On Thursday, we celebrated all those who were South Africans by spirit, but not by nation. We listened to their exotic music and lunched on their scrumptious food.

The show was concluded with all the cultures singing “School in Union” which showed that, despite all our “differences” and different cultures, we were one in heart and spirit. Worcester Gymnasium, truly a school

The following day was “Indian Tuesday”. Once again we had the pleasure of eating Indian cuisine and dancing to their music during break.

“Black Friday” (see the pun) had the darker skinned Bosvarke feeling really special about themselves.

in union.

by Lona Sukani & Kyle Stynder

Ready for the winter? Got a good book to snuggle up with or a new series to binge watch while we listen to the long awaited raindrops falling on the roof? That all sounds pretty good, but how about adding something to nibble on while you pull those blankets even higher? This winter we give you: something sweet, something salty and something hot. Snuggle up with S’mores Hot Chocolate, feed your inner sweet toothed monster with Unicorn Fudge and sizzle with a Hot Pressed Chicken BBQ Wrap.

 2 cups of milk  1 cup water  60 ml cocoa powder  2 tbsp chocolate syrup  3 tbsp sugar  Pinch salt  1 packet Marie biscuit (crush a few for the rim of the cup)  Half a cup of marshmallows 1.





Preheat the oven to a low grill and move the oven rack to the second from the top (high enough to grill your marshmallows). Place a baking sheet on the rack. Heat the milk and water in a saucepan over medium heat until warmed through.±5 min. Be careful not to overheat or scald the milk mixture. Add cocoa powder, chocolate syrup, sugar and salt and whisk vigorously until everything is combined. Meanwhile cut a marshmallow in half and rub the rim of your mugs with the sticky side so that the Marie biscuits will stick. Then dip your mugs in the biscuits until well lined. Pour the chocolate mixture and top each mug with half of the marshmallows. Carefully set the



mugs on the baking sheet in the oven and broil the marshmallows until browned. Watch them, in order to prevent the marshmallows from burning. Carefully remove the mugs from the oven with oven mitts. Serve them with coaster to protect you from the heat (they should cool quickly enough for handling). Top the mugs with some chocolate syrup and add some extra biscuits for texture. You can adjust the flavour by adding more cocoa powder or sugar to your preferred taste.

     

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


       1.


3. 4.

5. 6.

2 chicken breasts I medium red onion ½ tbsp. olive oil Salt and pepper 2 large tortillas 5 tbsp BBQ sauce of your choice 4-6 slices of cheddar cheese Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Grill over medium high heat until cooked completely. Shortly before moving from the grill baste the breasts with 2 tbsp of your preferred BBQ sauce. After you removed the chicken from the grill let it rest for 5 min before slicing it. While the chicken is being grilled, heat olive oil in a pan over medium heat and add the sliced onion and salt and pepper. Sauteè until onions begin to get translucent. Slice the chicken On each tortilla place a slice of cheese, sliced chicken, sautéed onion and about 1 ½ tbsp of BBQ sauce and top that with either one or two slices of cheese. Wrap it up by folding in the edges. Remember to fold it in nice and tight because you don’t want the filling to fall or ooze out. Place the seam side down in a pan over medium heat. Press it down and flip it once it is golden brown. Repeat with the other tortilla and serve.

Purple candy colouring 1 can condensed milk ¼ butter 1 cup sprinkles ½ cup mini marshmallows 500 g white chocolate chips

Prepare an 20cm × 20 cm pan with wax paper. Place white chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Melt the chocolate in 30 second intervals. Add a few drops of purple candy colouring. Keep adding until you get the desired colour. Melt the butter. Add the melted butter and condensed milk to the melted chocolate. Stir until it comes together. Add half of the sprinkles and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan. Use a spatula to make an even layer. And the rest of the sprinkles and mini marshmallows. Press the sprinkles down lightly so they would stick. Refrigerate until firm and then cut into squares.

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