W&D Magazine Winter 2018

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Winter 2018/19


Evangelism and Social Development in Colombia

Costa Rica

Being the Hands and Feet of Christ

Nicaragua Moving Forward Amidst National Unrest


An Introduction to the Mwanza Bible Institute

T h e O f f i c i a l P u b l i c at i o n o f W o r d & D e e d - A n I n t e r n at i o n a l R e f o r m e d R e l i e f M i n i s t r y

>foreword By Rick Postma

Christianity Under Attack My wife and I watched a debate the other night between Richard Dawkins, the author of The God Delusion, and John Lennox, the author of Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists Are Missing the Target. Both are professors at the University of Oxford in England. The New Atheists are but the latest wave of opposition against Christianity, although they broaden their target to include religion in general.

Church. The charge is that the building is being used to train men to force Hindus to convert to Christianity, which is a criminal act in India. The case is now before the courts. Please pray for Pastor Anup Hiwale, who was also threatened with jail, along with the MPM staff as they struggle to deal with this charge.

In other countries, Islam is on the march, offering homes and other incentives to join Islam. In Islamic countries, it As John Lennox explains in his book, the New is often very difficult to build a Atheists have a three-point agenda: THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK church or to worship the one 1) Prove that religion is dangerous true God. Another challenge to since it leads to violence war; Christianity in the developing 2) Use science to get rid world is the attractiveness of of religion; and the western lifestyle—this can often be a reason, perhaps 3) Present atheism as a subconsciously, to join a perfectly adequate basis for church, which leads to “rice ethics (God not needed). Christianity.” Some of our young people are In this issue, Pastor Anup tells being taken in by these challenges. us about the Reformed Theological We need to be ready to discuss difficult Institute (written before the previously questions with them and to assure them mentioned threat to destroy its that it is normal to wrestle with these building), Carlos Coffin tells us about questions, especially when they are shot difficulties related to the unrest in like arrows by those whom they respect. Nicaragua, we read about the work of There are a great deal of books and videos theological training in Tanzania, available to help—in addition and we learn about the to John Lennox, there are the challenges facing impoverished many resources available from we need to be children and young people in Ravi Zacharias (www.rzim.org) Costa Rica. As Pastor Moes and Answers in Genesis (to emphasizes in his Meditation, name a few). we are called to bring the Opposition to Christianity is compassion of Christ in words present in various forms in the and deeds, praying that we developing world as well. In India, as this may be instruments in His hands for the magazine goes to print, the fundamentalist salvation of countless precious souls both Bharatiya Janata Party has threatened to locally and abroad. W&D destroy a seminary building we funded for

ready to discuss difficult questions...

Mission of Peace Making (see article on page 10) and the Evangelical Reformed


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Rick Postma is the Director of Public Relations for Word & Deed Ministries.



Official Publication of Word & Deed An International Reformed Relief and Development Agency Free for sponsors and friends

winter 2018/19 Editor Rick Postma Assistant Editor Scott Koopman Graphic Design Knor Graphic Design Solutions Copy Editors Shelly Crites Hanna Korvemaker Kara Luiting Susan Trentacosti

By Pastor Dick Moes


In response to Jesus’ command to love others, Word & Deed is an international, evangelical relief and development ministry that provides funding to meet spiritual and physical needs among people in developing countries. With cooperating offices in St. Thomas, Ontario, and Hudsonville, Michigan, Word & Deed partners with Christian agencies in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Myanmar, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Malawi, and South Africa.

Canada Office PO Box 20100 St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4 Toll free 877.375.9673 office@wordanddeed.org Director of Projects John Otten Director of Public Relations Rick Postma Office Administrator Scott Koopman Support Staff Scott Dekorte John Kottelenberg Kara Luiting Board of Directors President – Harold Leyenhorst Vice President – John Vangameren Secretary – Dave Wielinga Treasurer – Henry de Waal Dr. Arjan de Visser Rev. C. Heiberg John Jagersma Bert Mulder Dick Naves Lyle Ypma Advisory Committee Mr. Jim Beeke – International Educational Consultant Dr. Gerald M. Bilkes – Professor of Old & New Testament, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Rev. Richard Bout –

URCNA Missions Coordinator

Rev. Danny Hyde – Pastor, Oceanside United Reformed Church

Rev. Mark Vander Hart –

Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary Rev. Frank Van Dalen – Former Executive Director of the Foreign Missions Board of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

United States Office PO Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 Toll free 866.391.5728 usoffice@wordanddeed.org Office Administrator Heidi Pronk Public Relations Dave Vander Meer Board of Directors President – Pete Vander Stel Vice President – Paul Laman Secretary – Harry Kooistra Treasurer – Karen Vander Sloot Eric Brandt Peter Van Kempen Jay Van Voorst Registered Charity Number (Canada) 89 120 0941 RR0001 EIN Non-profit Number (USA) 37-1429283

Branches of the Vine I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5).

A sense of identity is very important for every human being. Whatever this sense of identity is, it governs how you think about yourself and how you see your task in this world. In the light of John 15:5, Christians are branches grafted into the Vine, the Lord Jesus Christ, through faith. The Holy Spirit uses faith to join us to the Lord Jesus Christ so that we participate in his fellowship of love with His Father and His ministry of love from the Father in this world. Elsewhere, the Scriptures refer to this same reality as members of the church being members of the body of Christ. Just as a vine has many branches, so a body has many members. Just as the Lord Jesus Christ has many branches, so He has many members. As such, these members are His eyes, His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet in this world.

task to look at needy people with the same eyes of compassion as He did and to do something about this need. When two blind men asked the Lord Jesus to heal them, he heard their cry and healed them (Matthew 9:27–31). Christians see it as their task to listen to the cries of the needy with the same ears of mercy as He did and to do something about their need. When the Lord Jesus saw the people of Israel following him like sheep without a shepherd, He prophetically spoke into their lives and sent his disciples to do the same (Matthew 9:35–38). Christians see it as their task to prophetically speak into the confused situation of people’s lives today. When the Lord Jesus saw that the 5,000 men plus women and children did not have food to sustain them on their journey home, he took the little food He had and used it to feed the hungry people (Matthew 14:13–21). Christians take out of the abundance they have and share it with those who are in need. As branches of the Vine and members of the body of Christ, Christians go where the Lord Jesus would go, give what the Lord Jesus would give, speak how the Lord Jesus would speak, listen how the Lord Jesus would listen, and look at others like the Lord Jesus would look at them. They do this because faith joins them to the Lord Jesus Christ so that they participate in His ministry of love in this world. W&D Pastor Dick Moes is emeritus pastor of the Surrey Covenant Reformed Church (URCNA) and moderator of the ICRC (International Conference of Reformed Churches).

When the Lord Jesus saw the single mom whose only son had died, He was moved with compassion and did something about this (Luke 7:13). Christians see it as their

Bible quotations are from the NKJV unless otherwise noted.

winter 2018/19 I Word&Deed


>CoLoMBia By Liliana Giraldo

Evangelism and Social Development in Colombia

In recent years, the spread of the Gospel has increased in Colombia. Conviventia is an organization that is committed to educational and social intervention in vulnerable areas of Colombia, with evangelism as a basis of this work. We are convinced that knowledge of the Bible can transform the mind and change the lifestyle of the people, allowing them to gradually overcome the cycle of poverty. There are three projects run by Conviventia that target community development and evangelism: School of Practical Ministries The School of Practical Ministries (SPM) is a training program for leaders that seeks to inspire, motivate, and empower participants to fulfill the commandment of Jesus described in Matthew 28:19, 20. The SPM is not a theological seminary, but it does motivate the leadership to study and know God’s Word, to evangelize, and to disciple. Our wonderful teacher, Jesus Christ, is our great example in all of these things, who devoted much time to discipleship. The program also encourages its participants to interact in their communities. This work is not easy. In the midst


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of many beautiful things that God does, struggles such as discouragement, family issues, gangs, and drug addiction arise. Some leaders are threatened by the mafias. However, there are many testimonies of people who came to know the Lord through this project. This is the case of Genaro. When he enrolled his daughters in the Conviventia school in Cartagena, he lived without Christ. There he learned about salvation and began to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God. He participated in SPM in 2012 and there the Lord called him to the ministry. He became a pastor in his church. Today, the leaders he has discipled are also a part of SPM and participate in activities of spiritual growth in the school. Nutritional Supplement Program One of the main problems affecting children in Colombia is malnutrition. The Nutritional Supplement Program is designed to give nutritional support to 412 students at three different schools located in areas of the state with high rates of poverty and child abandonment. The beneficiaries of the program are identified through a nutritional assessment of each student. Those students

Junior catechism class.

who are underweight or pregnant are given a daily healthy snack with the necessary nutrients and minerals to improve their health.

childhood development. The school creates a stimulating environment for children from infancy to four years of age to prepare them for school life.

The beneficiaries of the program are also linked to a school garden project, which provides an opportunity for the students and their families to grow some food. This garden project can become a source of income for these families and an opportunity for them to consume healthy food.

There are ten annual training sessions, with topics related to each dimension of development (social, spiritual, and physical—motor and cognitive skills). The Word of God is shared with an emphasis on key messages of God’s plan for the family, and workshops are developed for babies and children. This program gives us a wonderful opportunity to share the good news of salvation with the families while also preparing children to enter school life.

Another fundamental part of the program is training parents and students about how to live healthy lifestyles based on the teachings of the Word of God. At the same time, we present the hope of the Gospel to the parents and students, as many of the children live in very difficult situations in their homes. This program continuously monitors its beneficiaries and their families to ensure not only a physical recovery, but also familial and emotional recovery. School of Infant Development The School of Infant Development is committed to training families. Because of the important role the family plays in strengthening new generations and communities, the program includes training for parents and promotion of

All of these initiatives bring Conviventia staff great satisfaction, uniting social and educational work while fulfilling the Bible’s command to preach the Gospel. Every year we continue contributing to the social development of Colombia, understanding that this will be possible only if we extend the message of salvation. Please pray for this ministry! W&D Liliana Giraldo is the Infancy and Youth Programs Officer at Conviventia in Colombia.

Conviventia Word & Deed partners with Conviventia to fund a number of projects in Colombia, including the School of Practical Ministries, the Nutritional Supplement Program, and the School of Infant Development. Through the hope of the Gospel, these projects are making a difference in this country which often struggles with violence and corruption, two evils felt most acutely by those who are living in poverty. Combined budget for these three projects in 2019: $121,000 CAD / $95,000 USD

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>CoSTa RiCa By John Kottelenberg

Being the






Pamela, Oscar, and John.

Juan teaching Education Plus staff members.

This past summer, I had the privilege of visiting the Education Plus project in San José, Costa Rica. Word & Deed was introduced to this project by Pastor Bill Green, a URCNA missionary whom many of you are familiar with.

mischief. During this time, Oscar, an Education Plus youth leader, continued to visit the children at the group home and maintained a relationship with their mother. Over a year and a half later, Pamela’s parents reconciled. The children were then able to move back home. Education Plus continues to support this family by involving both Pamela and her brother in their weekly Bible program, Bible and sports camps, and day-to-day suppport at the community center. Pamela is now a very happy girl. She has gained a lot of confidence and does well in school. She gives Oscar a lot of credit for giving her the confidence to complete high school. Pamela does confess to being a Christian; however, she does not attend church due to resistance from her family. It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide her to become a member of a Christian church when she becomes an independent adult.

The Director of Education Plus, Juan Carlos Ramirez, is an elder of the Reformed church in San José which also supports this project. Education Plus has a staff of six, a few of whom were supported by Education Plus as children. These staff members provide support to more than 450 children in the shanty towns of Los Guido, Pavas, and Alajuelita. In these areas, poverty is rampant and, as a result, children live in vulnerable situations due to poor housing, broken families, unemployment, drugs, and prostitution. Support is given by connecting with families through the provision of Bible lessons, the organization of games, discipleship, and tutoring. I had the opportunity to meet one of Education Plus’ beneficiaries, Pamela. She is 15 years old and had a very difficult upbringing. Her parents had trouble in their marriage when she was 11. As a result, social services got involved and took her and her brother to a group home. They got into a lot of trouble with drugs and other

Please pray for Pamela and all of the Education Plus beneficiaries, as well as their staff, as they seek to reflect Christ by bringing the good news of the Gospel to those who are lost. W&D John Kottelenberg works for Word & Deed in Project Management and Public Relations.

Education Plus Education Plus works in marginal urban areas in San José, Costa Rica, with young people who are at high risk for dropping out of school, joining gangs, or being involved in drugs and prostitution. Staff members work prayerfully with 500 children and their families to encourage students to complete high school. This has the potential to be a crucial turning point for these impoverished families and communities because it gives young adults the confidence and the competence to pursue further education or to enter the work force. Budget for 2019: $61,000 CAD / $48,000 USD


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NiCaRaGua < By Carlos Coffin

Moving Forward


Since April 19, life in Nicaragua has not been normal. There is much fear and uncertainty throughout the country. Contention between the government and the opposition is rampant and many protests have occurred. The government is arresting the leaders of the protests, blaming them for attempting to overthrow the government and acting as terrorists. This conflict has created a strong economic crisis: Many companies have ceased operations, the economy is failing, inflation and unemployment are growing, and thousands of Nicaraguans are migrating to other countries. Although the situation in Puerto Cabezas (the area where the Word & Deed supported projects are located) and a large part of the Caribbean coast seem to be calm, this is not the case at all. As long as no concrete solution has been reached between the government and the opposition, tensions will worsen and the entire country will continue in a state of unrest. In the midst of this national unrest, we continue to teach indigenous people to improve their living conditions in a sustainable way. It is a challenge that requires a lot of patience. Sometimes there are results that excite, but there are also situations that discourage. We have addressed the technical needs of producers through training, exchanges, and technical assistance so they can improve their crops. However, there are difficulties in putting into practice what these students have learned. Some start well, but as time passes, they neglect or abandon the work that they started. After making a detailed diagnosis, we discovered that the biggest thing preventing the future success of the community is in their way of thinking. We decided to address this problem with training on topics such as

National Unrest

biblical worldview, integral stewardship, covenant families, dignity of work, and others. These studies have impacted more than 200 families in a very positive way. In many cases, the families of the participants have been given greater value. People are making long-term life plans, instead of only focusing on the plans of today. The farmers work with nontraditional crops, striving to go above and beyond what they did before. Our prayer is that the Lord will allow our country to have peace and rest so that families can work safely as they strive to improve their living conditions, both physically and spiritually. W&D Carlos Coffin is the Director of Projects in Nicaragua and a member of the Word & Deed Nicaragua Board.


Commercialization This project is training locals in eight communities in sustainable agricultural production. Over the span of 10 years (2012–2021), the project is moving from education in basic farming techniques (developing and maintaining seed banks, exploring different types of crops, etc.) to commercialization of the produce and development of Christian leaders. Budget for 2019: $105,000 CAD/ $83,000 USD

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>TaNZaNia By Joseph Marwa

An Introduction to the

Mwanza Bible Institute

I am Joseph Marwa, the founder of Mwanza Bible Institute (MBI) in Tanzania. Like the young Joseph of the Bible I had a dream. I dreamt of an opportunity to share the Word of truth with the people of Tanzania. This dream came to life in 2012 at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, where I was molded and mentored into a Bible scholar. By God’s grace, my vision culminated with the establishment of MBI in 2015. MBI is a Reformed evangelical college with two goals: to improve the quality of education for ministers and to educate the church community about the need to live according to the Gospel. MBI believes that there is no way the whole truth can be proclaimed without preparing willing preachers who will, in turn, equip their congregations with the truth of the Gospel.

Mwanza Bible Institute Word & Deed partnered with Mwanze Bible Institute in 2018 by covering a portion of the costs for the construction of a building for their classes. This building will add needed stability to the project and, Lord willing, will enable them to train pastors in Tanzania for many years. Fully Funded.


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In Africa, there is a high theological crisis because many pastors are uneducated. Tanzania is one of the countries in Africa with the most untrained ministers. Most pastors in Tanzania have little to no formal biblical training, and they do not have the opportunity to attend seminary. As a result, ministers are easily swayed by any kind of doctrine that comes their way. Because many ministers are not trained, they are not able to distinguish the true doctrines from the false ones. MBI’s role model is Paul, equipping helpers (“Timothys”) to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2). All students are involved in serving in churches near the college, and local ministers provide guidance. Through this experience, students are also taught and equipped to excel in their local churches and the surrounding community. MBI is Christ-centered and believes that the Scriptures establish the basic principles that should guide our lives. These principles include the responsibility to love God with all our hearts, love our neighbors, seek after righteousness, practice justice, help those in need, forgive others, seek forgiveness, and exercise freedom responsibly with a loving regard for others. Part of our thankful service is also that we spread the Gospel message. Please pray for much strength and wisdom to be given to all those involved in MBI as they answer this call. Pray that the Lord will strengthen and grow His church in Tanzania. To God be the glory! W&D Pastor Joseph Marwa is the founder of Mwanza Bible Institute in Tanzania and is a graduate of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.



Are you considering meaningful Christmas giving ideas? Consider purchasing a gift from our catalogue this year as a means of blessing those in need.


6 cad 5 usd


10 cad $ 7.5 usd $

BIBLES Purchase a Bible to be distributed at projects in various countries. MEALS (COLOMBIA) Ten meals or high calorie snacks for a malnourished student in Colombia. This program also includes workshops for parents to better understand their child’s nutritional needs.

12 cad 9 usd

AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM (INDIA) Provide one month of care for a child in an After-School Program in rural India.

13 cad 10 usd

PRESCRIPTION (GUATEMALA) A round of antibiotics for the pharmacy at the Cubulco hospital.



$ $

150 cad $ 135 usd

LEADERSHIP TRAINING (COLOMBIA) Train one church leader or Christian school staff member in the principles of biblically based community leadership through the School of Practical Ministries.

240 cad 185 usd

UTILITIES (MALAWI) A month of utilities for the Logos Ministries Resource Centre in Malawi.

260 cad 200 usd

MEDICAL CARE (MYANMAR) Medical care for one month for 70 poor children at the Child Development Centre.

1500 cad 1150 usd

MOTORBIKE FOR PASTOR (MYANMAR) Purchase a motorbike for a pastor in Myanmar in order to provide him a means of transportation.




$ $



CLASSROOMS (MALAWI) The cost to build a basic classroom structure for the Neighbour Mission Orphan Care Program in Malawi.

20 cad $ 15 usd

SCHOOL SUPPLIES (HAITI) School supplies for one student for one year at Adoration Christian School.

18 cad $ 14 usd

BUNDLES OF LOVE Christmas gift (a toy and a practical item) for a student at Christian schools in Colombia or Guatemala.


42 cad $ 32 usd

CHAIRS (GUATEMALA) Ergonomic chairs for students and teachers at Christian schools in Guatemala.

ONLINE: Visit the Giving Hope web page to view the full catalogue, to place your order, and to make your donation via credit card.

70 cad 55 usd

HOME-BASED CARE (SOUTH AFRICA) Home-based care for one patient for one year through the Nakekela HIV/AIDS Clinic.

95 cad 75 usd

SEWING MACHINES (INDIA) Provide a sewing machine and fabric for an “untouchable” woman graduate of our one-year sewing course in India.

PHONE: Call 1.877.375.9673 (Canada) or 1.866.391.5728 (USA) to place your order. Payment can be made via credit card or mailed cheque.








125 cad $ 95 usd


MEALS (HAITI) Feed one student one meal a day for the school year at Adoration Christian School.

6000 cad $ 4500 usd



Acknowledgement Cards are available for those who wish to purchase a gift from our catalogue on someone’s behalf. Please note that cards will be mailed within seven days of receiving your donation.

View the full catalogue and order online at winter 2018/19 I Word&Deed


>INDia By Pastor Anup Hiwale


Reformed Theological Institute


Mission of Peace Making (MPM) is so thankful that it established a partnership with Word & Deed. There are various MPM projects that are fully supported by Word & Deed, and the Reformed Theological Institute (RTI) is one of them. RTI was founded in 2007 on the principles of Ephesians 4:12, 13c: “For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ...of the fullness of Christ.” Equipping of the Saints: RTI students learn all the Reformed historical, confessional, and biblical truths so that they become agents and laborers to practice the equipping of the saints. Work of Ministry: RTI also teaches their ministers to be deacons. Indian churches need ministers equipped to serve their congregations, and in their respective communities as social workers. The word “work” in Eph. 4:12b could also be translated as “serving others.” The RTI training rigorously develops these helpful attitudes in the students. Edifying of the Body of Christ: In RTI we see that our students are given courses with the goal in mind of being equipped to edify the body of Christ.


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Fullness of Christ: There are many anti-Christian agencies causing persecution in India. Some Christians are martyred; many face threats. A question then is, what kind of training would enable students to handle religious persecution? The answer is clear—they need a true and living knowledge of the Word of God. Therefore, RTI prayerfully teaches the Word of God to their students, leading each one of them to the fullness of Christ. mission of RTI offers diploma and degree courses which take two to four years to complete. We have a total of 74 students, 18 of whom are

peace making

For 11 years Mission of Peace Making has worked primarily with Hindus in India. They are witnessing the Gospel bring hope to many povertystricken people through a Sewing Program, pastoral training, and other development programs. Anticipated Budget for 2019: $205,000 CAD / $160,000 USD

full-time students, 14 of whom are Evangelical Reformed Church (ERC) candidates, and the rest are part-time students. One of the most successful programs that RTI runs is comprised of two months of classroom teaching and two months of fieldwork learning. This program has generated a great reputation for RTI, and has successfully trained more than 70 men since 2007, out of which 38 are ERC ministers. Apart from the above-mentioned courses, RTI also offers a four-faceted course known as EEPE (Education, A dorm room at RTI. Evangelism, Peacemaking, and Economic Development). The classes under EEPE are academically rigorous, so officer. He’s been working with MPM since 2002. Rakesh under the Education heading, students study for a higher is an ordained minister of ERC. He has also been education. Under Evangelism, they learn various ways to teaching for RTI since 2007. present the Gospel, write practical papers on the methods I have been blessed to witness the growth of RTI. In of preaching Christ, and assess the evangelical needs of 2005, RTI was a prayer of ours that we had written certain communities. Under Peacemaking, men and women out on paper. In 2007, the institute was inaugurated, handle and solve communal insurgencies, family conflicts, and in 2018 the organization moved into our new and individual depressions in the society. In this class, multi-purpose building. Our goal for 2019 is to seek THIS LEFT BLANK students also organize public healthPAGE medicalWAS camps.INTENTIONALLY And affiliation with Indian universities—we envision reaching finally, under Economic Development, students work with out to thousands of young Indians, offering them a their hands to generate income to become self-sustaining. Reformed university-level education, and providing The Board of MPM oversees RTI under the doctrinal ministerial candidates for the ERC in India. Please supervision of the ERC in India. MPM has also developed pray for the Indian youth, which make up 65% of the a second-line leadership: Indian population. Our prayer is to have the opportunity to provide many of them with a Reformed Christian Mr. Ramraj D. Dhalwade completed his Master of Divinity understanding, so that they will be a blessing to the in Old Testament Studies, and he is in charge of MPM’s future of India. W&D Education Department. He comes from the Maharashtra state of India. The Lord called him to faith from a Hindu, high caste, educated, farming family. He is the first Christian in that entire community. Pastor Rakesh Kumar is the Economic Development

Pastor Anup Hiwale is the National Director of Mission of Peace Making in India and is a graduate of both Mid-America Reformed Seminary and Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Mr. Ram Dhalwade teaching a course at the seminary.

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>SPONSORSHiP By Kara Luiting

Corresponding With Your Sponsor Child

What’s Appropriate? The rise of social media has impacted not only the way that we communicate with our friends and family members, but also the way we are connecting with sponsor children. Sponsor children are becoming increasingly interested in communicating directly with their sponsors via different online forums such as Facebook and WhatsApp. As a whole, Word & Deed does not encourage these interactions which often result in children requesting money from their sponsors. Please do not send your sponsor child any money outside of the funds sent through Word & Deed. We understand

the desire to bless your sponsor child, but handouts like these can do more harm than good by encouraging dependency instead of self-sufficiency. In addition, our partners are concerned that interactions like these will result in unrealistic expectations being placed on sponsors, and the disappointment of sponsor children whose expectations are not met. So, please use good judgment if you are interacting with your sponsor child via social media. If you have any concerns related to online interactions with your sponsor child, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Here are some ways that you can go the extra mile to bless your sponsor child: Personal Mail: Consider sending your sponsor child a letter letting them know you are praying for them, a picture of your family, and a small gift. You can mail your correspondence to our office and we will forward it on for you. Please include the name and registration number of your sponsor child on the outside of the envelope. Special Gift Fund: Make a donation to the Special Gift Fund through the Word & Deed office. Any amount is welcome, and your gift will be used to fund special items or events that will benefit your sponsor child in an indirect way. Some examples of items that have been purchased in the past using the Special Gift Fund include books for the school library, class trips, fun days at school, etc. This money will not be sent directly to your sponsor child. Bundles of Love: At Christmas, consider purchasing a Bundle of Love ($18 CAD / $14 USD) for your sponsor child in Guatemala and Colombia. The Bundles of Love program ensures that sponsor children in these countries receive a toy and an item of practical value at Christmas. Each child in the sponsorship program will receive this gift regardless of whether or not you specifically purchase one for your sponsor child. W&D Kara Luiting is the Administrative Assistant and Sponsorship Coordinator at Word & Deed Canada.


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STaFF Profile < By Maaike deJong




This past summer I had the privilege of working for Word & Deed. During my interview in the spring, I was asked what I knew about Word & Deed, and I did not quite know how to answer that. I knew they had a sponsorship program and that they fund Christian schools in the developing world, but that was it. However, as I worked here, my eyes were opened to how much they truly do and my appreciation for them grew immensely. I spent a lot of time working within their sponsorship program. It was eye-opening to read up on the sponsor kids and learn what their everyday lives are like. For many, the lunches provided in the schools that Word & Deed runs are the only time that they get a healthy and nutritious meal. Some of them do not know if there will be any food on the table for supper when they get home. Others are living with their grandparents or aunts and uncles because their parents abandoned them or passed away. And yet, even with these daily trials in their lives, they all have amazing life goals. There are many who want to be engineers, doctors, nurses, teachers, soldiers, and pastors. I hope that through the work of the Holy Spirit at the Word & Deed funded programs, these students will have the opportunity and ability to accomplish their goals. The sponsorship program is


Word & Deed

absolutely amazing and truly helps the kids daily and helps them aim for a bright future. Through this and the people that I had the pleasure of working with, I realized how Word & Deed is impacting so many lives around the world through their work. Children are receiving biblical instruction in school and are taking the Bible stories home to their parents so that they can hear them too. Meals are provided for them so that they have enough food every day. Word & Deed is giving so many children the ability to have a future. More importantly, they are bringing the light of the Gospel in all that they do and changing hearts and lives to serve Christ. Overall, it was a true blessing to work for Word & Deed this summer. I will miss the incredible people that Word & Deed has working for them and the passion that they all have for the work that they do. I hope and pray that God will continue to bless Word & Deed and that they will continue to work for the glory and honor of His name alone. W&D Maaike deJong is a member of Providence United Reformed Church in Strathroy, Ontario, and studies at the Covenant Canadian Reformed Teachers College in Hamilton, Ontario.


Students needing sponsors

Would you like to help support Word & Deed’s sponsorship program? Below are a few children who are available to be sponsored. Please contact Kara at office@wordanddeed.org or by calling 877-375-9673 to sign up today!



Joys Maria

Adrian Josue


Johan Manuel

Country: Myanmar Birth Date: Dec 23/05

Country: Myanmar Birth Date: Oct 10/09

Country: Colombia Birth Date: April 28/09

Country: Colombia Birth Date: March 9/11

Country: Colombia Birth Date: June 11/10

Country: Colombia Birth Date: Sept 10/12

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>FROM The BOaRD By Harold Leyenhorst


from the

Canadian Chair

With 2018 soon coming to an end, we reflect with thankfulness on another great year at Word & Deed. We are blessed by the support and donations received and the continued growth and success of our partner projects. Twenty-five years ago, Word & Deed was started with the vision to support those in need in the developing world. We now support 55 ongoing projects in 13 countries. Our growth is driven by donations and the many needs for food, health support, education, pastoral training, and desperate living conditions for many in the developing world.

We have added as observers to the board John Beeke, from the Heritage Reformed Church, and Wilfred Bout, from the United Reformed Church. After one year it is expected that they will join the board. We will continue to see changes to the Canadian board in the next four years as members complete their maximum of three terms of three years.

Please pray for Word & Deed staff and our partners running the projects that together we will be faithful to our Scott Dekorte Savior and do all our work to God’s glory. “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all As our support grows, so does the amount of work. in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God We are pleased to welcome Scott Dekorte as a new member of our staff. He has joined us part-time this fall the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17). W&D while finishing his degree at Brock University and will Harold Leyenhorst is the Chairman of the Word & continue as a full-time employee in January. We continue Deed Canada Board and a member of the Langley to monitor our staffing needs with growth and staff Canadian Reformed Church. retirement in mind.

Palu, indonesia

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moved? If you have moved, please contact our office to ensure that you receive all correspondence, including your year-end tax receipt.

Word & Deed is funding relief efforts in response to the earthquake and tsunami in Palu, Indonesia. Over 75,000 people have been displaced and several villages were swallowed up when the soil liquefied. In many areas over 90% of the buildings and structures have been destroyed. Our partner in Indonesia, Children of Light, has formed a disaster response team. They are focusing on two predominantly Christian villages, Kulawi and Jonoege. Immediate needs such as food and shelter are being provided along with the ministry of the Gospel, prayer, and encouragement. Word & Deed is fundraising for a large rebuilding phase including homes, churches, and schools. Please pray that the Lord will provide wisdom, safety, and blessing for the team in Indonesia. For more information or to donate visit wordanddeed.org


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winter 2018/19

credit card donations

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It is now easier to donate to Word & Deed via your credit card! We are able to receive credit card donations through our website so you no longer have to visit a third-party website. We also are able to accept credit card donations over the phone in both the U.S. and Canada.

PrayerRequestS Colombia: Evangelism and Social Development in Colombia • Praise God for the dedication of the Conviventia staff who work hard to meet the various needs of the children and families of Colombia. • Pray that the Lord would bless the Gospel message accompanying these programs for the good of many precious souls in Colombia.

Costa Rica: Being the Hands AND Feet of Christ • Praise God for working in the heart of Pamela and pray that the Lord would continue to strengthen her and all those that Education Plus ministers to. • Pray that the young people who are involved in Education Plus and are impacted by the Gospel would have the courage to live out their faith so that people whom they interact with will see the richness of life in Christ.

Nicaragua: Moving Forward Amidst National Unrest • Pray that Nicaragua would have peace and rest so that families are kept safe and able to work and worship in freedom. • Pray for patience for our partners who, at times, observe only slow changes in the thinking of those they work with within the agriculture programs. Tanzania: An Introduction to the Mwanza Bible Institute • Thank the Lord for the desire that Pastor Joseph and his team have to share the rich truths of God’s Word with those in Tanzania.


Word & Deed North America • Praise God for bringing Scott Dekorte to Word & Deed and pray that he will be both blessed and a blessing as he takes up his work full-time in the near future. • Pray that the Lord would strengthen Word & Deed staff over the next few months as they enter into their busiest time of year.

winter 2018/19 I Word&Deed


Word & Deed USA


P. O. Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 USA

Publications Agreement # 40595030

Meditation: Branches of the Vine 1. What is the motivation Pastor Moes identifies for Christians to care for the needy throughout the world? 2. There are several examples of Christians caring for the needy in this issue of Word & Deed magazine. Choose one example of this and outline the ways that the needy are being cared for. Colombia: Evangelism and Social Development in Colombia 1. Choose one of the projects mentioned in the article and brainstorm some ideas of how your church could create a similar outreach in your area. 2. Why is it that the three ministries mentioned in this article have the potential to change the lives of their beneficiaries for eternity? What message accompanies the programs? Why is this important? Costa Rica: Being the Hands and Feet of Christ 1. What are some of the challenges faced by families in the shanty towns where Education Plus ministers? What are some of the ways that the Education Plus staff are working to address these needs? 2. How does your life differ from the young people in these shanty towns? What are some of the ways that you can support them even from far away?

Nicaragua: Moving Forward Amidst National Unrest 1. In this article, Carlos has informed us of alarming national unrest in Nicaragua. Do some research online and report on the current situation in Nicaragua. Has it improved? What is the ultimate answer to this conflict? 2. What are some of the challenges facing the local leadership in teaching local farmers to improve their living conditions? How are they addressing these challenges? Tanzania: An Introduction to the Mwanza Bible Institute 1. What are the two goals of the Mwanza Bible Institute? Why are these important goals for all of Africa and specifically Tanzania? 2. What are the principles that Pastor Marwa says should guide our lives as Christians? How can you better apply these in your own life? India: The Reformed Theological Institute 1. Write out Ephesians 4:12, 13c. What are some ways that THIS INTENTIONALLY Mission of PeaceAREA MakingWAS is using the Reformed Theological Institute to train believers in these principles? LEFT BLANK 2. What does EEPE stand for and what are the ways MPM is applying each area through the RTI?

Integration: Integrate Bible, history, geography, critical thinking, current events, and reading comprehension (etc.). Missions: Challenge students to consider short-term mission trips and the use of their time, talents, and money to the glory of God while also having them ponder their relationship with the Lord. Problem Solving: Develop problem solving skills in response to problems presented in the articles. Awareness: Dramatically raise students’ awareness of what people in the developing world face on a daily basis. It will shape them for life. Compassion: Elicit compassion when students come face to face with the very difficult lives of their peers in the developing world. Thankfulness: Encourage thankfulness for God’s blessings in their lives.

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