W&D Magazine Fall 2021

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FALL 2021

Disaster Relief Hope and Help in the Storm

Costa Rica Education Who?


Building Leadership


Continued Development Through Christian Education

South Africa Cause for Celebration


Christian Education with Word & Deed


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Official Publication of Word & Deed An International Reformed Relief and Development Agency Free for sponsors and friends

By: Pastor Ed Marcusse

FALL 2021 Editor Rick Postma Assistant Editor Scott Koopman Graphic Design Knor Graphic Design Solutions Copy Editors Shelly Crites, Hanna Korvemaker, Kara Luiting, Susan Trentacosti Word & Deed North America is an evangelical and Reformed humanitarian relief and development organization. Our aim is to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God. With cooperating offices in St. Thomas, Ontario, and Hudsonville, Michigan, Word & Deed partners with Christian agencies in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Myanmar, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Malawi, and South Africa.

Director of Projects John Otten Director of Public Relations Rick Postma Director Heidi Pronk Support Staff Scott Dekorte, Scott Koopman, John Kottelenberg, Kara Luiting Dave Vander Meer Canadian Board of Directors Chairman – Corney Les Vice-Chairman – John Vangameren Secretary – Harold Leyenhorst Treasurer – Henry de Waal Wilf Bout, Dr Arjan de Visser, Pastor Christo Heiberg, John Jagersma, Bert Mulder, James Neven, Lyle Ypma USA Board of Directors President – Paul Laman Vice President - Jay Van Voorst Secretary – Harry Kooistra Treasurer – Karen Vander Sloot Paul Beezhold, Eric Brandt, Eric Greendyk, Pete Vander Stel, Pastor Adrian Dieleman Advisory Committee Mr. Jim Beeke – International Educational Consultant

Dr. Gerald M. Bilkes – Professor of

Old & New Testament, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Pastor Richard Bout –

URCNA Missions Coordinator Pastor Danny Hyde – Pastor, Oceanside United Reformed Church

Pastor Mark Vander Hart –

Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary

Pastor Frank Van Dalen –

Former Executive Director of the Foreign Missions Board of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

Your Partnership

IN tHe



“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:3–6, ESV). The book of Philippians is one of Paul’s “prison epistles,” so-called because he wrote it while under arrest, being held in Rome awaiting his appeal before Caesar. Bible scholars also refer to this book as Paul’s “epistle of joy.” This is because joyful praise and thanksgiving abound throughout this letter as the apostle gives thanks to God for the true faith in Christ shown by the believers in Philippi. Over the course of Paul’s ministry, these believers had proven their faith by giving regular gifts to him so that he could continue carrying out the work of the Lord, and another gift had just recently been received by Paul once again (see Phil. 4:10–20). Because of this, the apostle considers the believers in Philippi to be his partners in doing the work of God’s kingdom (see Phil. 1:5 and 4:15). These gifts reminded Paul that he was not alone and forgotten out on the field, and so his joy overflows in praise to God. As another school year has begun for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere and as our church education efforts have once again begun in earnest, it would be good for us to ask ourselves how well we practice and teach this same partnership in the Gospel in our own

churches. Do our missionaries know that they are not alone and forgotten? Do mission related ministries regularly hear from us? How often do we pray for them? Think of them? Give to them? Do these missionaries and ministries know who you are? More telling, do you even know who they are? Let us make use of every opportunity to have our missionaries and our partners (like Word & Deed) come to our churches and speak to us so that we can be made more aware of God’s work in far-off places. I am now in my seventh decade, but I still remember those times as a child when a missionary would come to church and show their pictures to our Sunday School. It helped me see visually that God’s kingdom was far bigger than the four walls of my church building. Please consider how you yourself could become a more active member in this partnership in the Gospel, and also how you could ensure that the next generation of partners in God’s church are made more aware of this great privilege that we have as believers in Jesus Christ of working with those who are serving in God’s kingdom, but who live so very far away from us. May our missionaries be able to say of us, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you” (Phil. 1:3)! W&D Ed Marcusse is the pastor at Oak Glen United Reformed Church in Lansing, IL.

Canada Office PO Box 20100 St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4 Toll free 877.375.9673 office@wordanddeed.org United States Office PO Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 Toll free 866.391.5728 usoffice@wordanddeed.org Registered Charity Number (Canada) 89 120 0941 RR0001 EIN Non-profit Number (USA) 37-1429283

Bible quotations are from the NKJV unless otherwise noted.

FALL 2021 I Word&Deed


>DisasteR ReLieF Hope


Help in tHe Storm

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South Sudan Food Relief

The civil war that began in December 2013 continues to affect millions of people in South Sudan. People are being forced to flee from their homes and stay in refugee camps. Since 2019, Word & Deed has partnered with the Sudanese Reformed Church to help provide food for people in the camps and outside the camps. The beneficiaries included members of the SRC churches as well as unbelievers in the communities near the churches. Due to flooding, a large portion of the food crop in South Sudan was washed away this year. Because of this increased need, Word & Deed has committed to sending $30,000 USD to help provide for 2,253 internally displaced people, with a focus on women, children, and the disabled. The food packages that are being distributed include rice, flour, beans, and oil. Five hundred and twenty feminine hygiene kits are also being distributed among the women. This physical relief is always accompanied by spiritual relief as the beneficiaries are ministered to by evangelists from the SRC who labor sacrificially among the people. It is our prayer that the leaders and members of the SRC churches will be a light in the midst of the darkness of war and unrest.


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FALL 2021

God’s providence is His almighty and ever present power, whereby, as with His hand, He still upholds heaven and earth and all creatures, and so governs them that leaf and blade, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, food and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, indeed, all things, come not by chance but by His fatherly hand. HC, Answer (HC, Answer 27) 27

Nigeria Disaster Relief

Led by missionaries from the Netherlands Reformed Churches in Holland, The Nigeria Reformed Synod was formed in 1988 as an independent body of congregations and continues to establish churches and send out evangelists to proclaim God’s Word.

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27

In the early morning hours of May 30, 2021, Fulani herdsmen attacked four villages and surrounding areas in Izzi resulting in many deaths, injuries, and lost property. The Nigeria Reformed churches were able to reach out to the victims of this violence and have so far assisted 886 people with emergency food aid in the form of vouchers. The church also covered medical expenses for ten people and pharmaceutical costs for a number of others. In addition, four children received tuition assistance. Church-appointed committee members were also able to spend time counseling victims and providing pastoral care. It is likely that another 250 people will need emergency food assistance very soon and additional children will require education support. In addition, the rebuilding of destroyed homes will be part of a future phase of assistance. The compassionate concern and care that was shown to the people in these villages led many of them to remark on how surprised they were that the churches were unconditionally ministering to ALL of the victims, not just church members. We pray that this faithful and selfless witness of the church and the sharing of God’s Word will be used to the salvation of many. FALL 2021 I Word&Deed


>Costa Rica By Dave Vander Meer

Education Who?

Costa Rica is a beautiful country, particularly from above as you look down while landing in a plane. You are left with the impression that everything is serene. However, like so many places around the world, it too has been rocked economically. Because of its beauty, Costa Rica has a large tourist industry. Unfortunately, tourism has been brought to almost a standstill due to the pandemic and unfortunate government decisions. Estimates show that tourism in Costa Rica is down nearly 75% from 2019. The economic impact of the pandemic is real in Costa Rica, but the bigger problem is people’s spiritual needs. Statistics seem to bear that children have suffered the worst during the last year and a half. So how do you minister when you are not allowed to have group meetings? This past spring, board member Jay VanVoorst and I traveled to Costa Rica and visited the shantytown ministry in three San Jose neighborhoods. When the pandemic hit in March 2020


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FALL 2021

...no creature shall separate us from His love; for all creatures are so completely in His hand that without His will they cannot so much as move. HC, Answer 28

and the country was put into lockdown, the ministry’s first response was to meet with children and families separately. Instead of the big group meetings, children were brought individual Bible lessons, a much more time-consuming work, often with much-needed groceries in tow. Group meetings restarted in February 2021, so Jay and I could observe them when we were there, with children wearing masks and social distancing. The ministry was functioning as normally as one could hope. Then a few weeks after we left, some government-mandated restrictions resumed, including school closures for two more months. What would they do now—stop group meetings and go back to individual visits? No, the ministry continued and with schools closed, more children than usual attended the Bible club meetings! The annual summer camp was canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions but we are thankful to the Lord that it took place this year! What a blessing for

the children who have been cooped up in small shanties with their whole family to experience a few days of what is normal for North American children. Unlike the treacherous shantytown life, these precious children had a great deal of fun and heard rich biblical instruction. Since September 2019, the children of the shantytowns have had little education. First, there was a 4-month teacher strike and then, in March 2020, schools were closed all year (except for one month). Virtual education was supposed to happen, but most children living in the shantytowns do not have internet access. Some children received an occasional packet of work from school to do at home. Concerned for these children’s educational well-being, they hired a Christian school teacher (from the CECRE school, associated with Pastor Bill Green) to be a part-time tutor for 120 children starting in October 2020. Schools reopened in February of this year, meeting 4–6 hours a week. Then in May through mid-July of this year, the public schools were closed again with no virtual education attempted.

PrayerRequestS 1. 1

Pray for the many suffering from violence, natural disasters, COVID-19, and famine in India, Nigeria, South Sudan, and around the world.

1. 2

Pray for the students in Costa Rica whose education has been severely interrupted and for the Education Plus staff as they minister to them.

1. 3

Pray for Randy Lodder and Wilfride Maurice as they seek to lead Adoration Christian School in the ways of the Lord in Haiti, a very difficult country.

1. 4

Praise God for the opportunity to start a Christian high school in Palu, Indonesia, and please pray for the school staff as they minister in an area with many Muslims.

1. 5

Praise the Lord for the new MCA school property in South Africa. Pray that this new building will give new opportunities to minister to many children who lead difficult lives.

It was clear on our trip that many have neglected the needs of the children in the shantytowns. However, others are lovingly caring for these precious children both academically and spiritually. Who, do you ask? Education Plus, Word & Deed’s partner in Costa Rica, who is dedicated to ministering the Gospel to the children and supporting their education. W&D Dave Vander Meer works for Word & Deed in the Public Relations and Projects departments.

Education Plus

Education Plus works in marginal urban areas in San Jose, Costa Rica, with children and young people at high social risk to prevent them from dropping out of school. The director of this project, Juan Ramirez, is an elder in Pastor Bill Green’s church (URC Missionary). Five hundred children and their families are helped by God’s grace to build a different story than the typical life of dropping out of school, crime, and drugs all too common in these communities. Education Plus provides school supplies, weekly Bible classes, family visits, and summer camps. Budget for 2021: $61,000 CAD / $46,000 USD

...prayer is the most important part of the thankfulness which God requires of us. Moreover, God will give His grace and the Holy Spirit only to those who constantly and with heartfelt longing ask Him for these gifts and thank Him for them. HC, Answer 116

FALL 2021 I Word&Deed



Building Leadership

By randy lodder

We are grateful to the Lord for the partnership we have with Word & Deed which encourages and supports the focus on building and investing in leadership. It is essential for the long-term success and faithfulness of our school community to have leadership in place that is passionate about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, passionate about Christ-centered education, and passionate about nurturing and discipling children and youth so they can grow in their faith and love for God. With Word & Deed’s support we have been able to take the next step in hiring an Assistant Director, Wilfride Maurice, who will be working alongside me for the next few years as we train him in leading the Adoration community. We warmly welcome Wilfride as he joins our team! As leaders, an important role we have is that of “CRO” of the school—Chief Reminding Officer—working to constantly remind the staff of who we are, why we exist, what our vision is, what values we want to hold to and encourage, how we want to serve our community, and what the name “Adoration” means. Most importantly, our role is to remind them of, and share with them, the Word of God! May the Lord, in ...everyone is His grace, continue to duty-bound build up the leadership at to use his gifts Adoration so that we can readily and continue to lead others to Christ, for His honor and cheerfully for glory! W&D the benefit

and well-being of the other members [of Christ].

HC, Answer 55


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FALL 2021

Randy Lodder is the Director of Adoration Christian Centre in Haiti where he lives with his wife, Karen, and their children.

wilfride maurice My name is Wilfride Maurice, born on October 31, 1979, in the southern part of Haiti. I am a servant of God. I got baptized in 1998. I got married on December 28, 2009. God has given me a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters. My wife’s name is Rose and my daughters’ names are, respectively, Lynn (9 years old) and Ann (7 years old). I have an Associate Degree in Theology, a Bachelor’s Degree in Administration, and am studying now to get a Master’s Degree in Education. I led an English Bible school for one year and taught in that school for four years. I dream of getting a Doctorate in Education.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to work at Adoration, where the Executive Director to whom I report is very enthusiastic about applying Christian values ​​in all aspects of the school. During my little time there, I have had the opportunity to take part in two special day activities, one on May 17, where the students took part in a recreational activity by putting their skills to good use through the different games that were organized. The other one was on May 18, the date we celebrated the national flag. There was a good parade on that day, and all the students were very happy to take part in such activities.

I am currently working at Adoration as Assistant Director, as of April 5, 2021. I love the ministry of children and youth, which is the main reason I chose to work at Adoration. After much reading about the mission and vision of Adoration, I had come to realize that I would have more opportunities to give my input more easily in contributing to the training of children and youth to help Adoration with its vision, which is: “to see a new generation of Christian leaders prepared and equipped to serve and impact their communities for the glory of Jesus Christ.”

I pray that God will bless the ministry of Adoration and give me more wisdom to know how to use my knowledge and skills to help Adoration accomplish its mission. I request your prayers for my wife who had a car accident last October, where her leg was broken and she spent several days in a coma. I ask you to pray to God for Haiti since our country is facing many difficulties of all kinds. Thank you. Wilfride Maurice is the Assistant Director of Adoration Christian Centre in Haiti.

Adoration Christian Centre Through Adoration Christian Centre, children in Haiti are brought Christian education, basic medical care, and the hope of eternal life through the Gospel. The focus of their education is “Learning for Serving.” It is our prayer that with the Lord’s blessing the communities served may be transformed and that over the long term families will become more self-sufficient. Praise God for the fruit that can be seen in the growth of the local Presbyterian Reformed Church, due in part to membership by Adoration students and family members. Budget for 2021: $375,000 CAD / $281,000 USD

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fall 2021

Cristo es la Luz After-School Sponsorship Program

The Cristo es la Luz sponsorship program in Guatemala is an after-school program (ASP) ministering to needy children in the community. They have recently expanded the program in Cubulco to a larger location in Chicuxtin (10 minutes from Cubulco). Previously, there were 50 children enrolled in the program which operates three days a week at the center in Cubulco. With the larger facility, an additional 50 children now have the opportunity to enroll in the ASP.

The Lord willing...


Upcoming Business Group


Word & Deed’s staff look forward to meeting with many Business Groups this fall, the Lord willing! There are 23 Word & Deed business groups with over 400 members. Members consist of business owners as well as professionals such as sales managers, programmers, engineers, and lawyers. To learn more, visit wordanddeed.org/businessgroups. If you would like to join or start a business group in your area, please email publicrelations@wordanddeed.org.

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september 2021 Damary


Cambridge, ON


Gender: Female Gender: Male Gender: Female Age: 9 years old Age: 5 years old Age: 6 years old

Hamilton, ON Ancaster, ON Abbotsford/Langley, BC Chilliwack, BC Yulissa Gender: Female Age: 13 years old



Gender: Female Gender: Male Age: 5 years old Age: 5 years old

Niagara, ON

october 2021 Wyoming, ON

call us today!


Ripon, CA Visalia, CA Southern Alberta Calgary, AB Edmonton, AB Neerlandia, AB

Kervin Gender: Male Age: 7 years old


Central Alberta

Gender: Female Age: 7 years old

November 2021 Thunder Bay, ON

December 2021 Grand Rapids, MI



Gender: Male Gender: Male Age: 11 years old Age: 9 years old

If you are interested in sponsoring one of these new students, contact Kara at


West Michigan Norwich, ON *Please see our website for new events and for dates and locations as they are determined.

fall 2021 I Word&Deed


>SOUTH AFRica By heidi pronk

Cause for Celebration

Tiny beads of sweat formed on little foreheads as we sat in the baking midday sun awaiting the beginning of festivities. All 116 students of Musawenkosi Christian Academy (MCA) in South Africa sat wiggling in their seats as we gathered for the dedication ceremony of the new school property. Karen VanderSloot, a US board member, and I were there for the occasion in May. The excitement of the children was palpable as they sang songs, listened to testimonies from the first alumni class, and heard speeches from various “dignitaries” while the enticing scent of grilling meat wafted through the air. MCA recently celebrated its tenth anniversary as a Christian educational institution serving grades K–7. For the first seven years, two businessmen from North Carolina, Ed Rettig and Keith Brown (working under the name Friends of Mukhanyo), raised the support to keep the school running. As the school grew, so did the operating costs and three years ago Word & Deed was asked to step in with a commitment to fill the gap while new sources of funding were secured. The purchase of the new five-acre property with five existing classrooms is a first step in that direction as it will allow the school to enroll tuition-paying students from the new neighborhood—a move that will help it become more locally sustainable over time, while still ensuring the most vulnerable children are served. Over 90% of the students currently enrolled at MCA have lost at least one parent, and about 60% of them have lost both parents. Some of the children have special needs; nearly all of them come from low-income homes and have difficult family situations. The mission of the school is to bring hope to these children by speaking and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But academic excellence is not neglected in this endeavor, as the school was recognized in 2019 for having the highest standardized test scores in the district. Elizabeth, the new school principal, and Cinderella, the Bible teacher and administrator, are passionate about ensuring that the children receive a distinctly biblical education and that their minds, bodies, and souls are lovingly cared for.


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FALL 2021

He will provide me with all things necessary for body and soul, and will also turn to my good whatever adversity He sends me in this life of sorrow. He is able to do so as almighty God, and willing also as a faithful Father. HC, Answer 26

Cinderella shared the story of a girl in 6th grade whose father was murdered by her stepbrother. In the midst of the chaos of her home, this little girl went to live with her aunt. In her grief and anger, she began lashing out at her aunt, telling lies, and refusing to do her schoolwork. Elizabeth meets with her daily to pray with her and check her homework. Cinderella, Elizabeth, and her teachers have been talking to her about God’s forgiveness and the power of prayer and she is slowly starting to heal. This is the kind of personal, compassionate attention that sets MCA apart from other schools in the area and it is what these hurting children need most. As we chatted with some of the older students, they shared with us that what they loved most about their school was the atmosphere of kindness, a beautiful testimony to the Christian character of the teachers and staff who model Christ’s love for these children. After the official ceremony ended and a delicious lunch was served, the staff, students, alumni, visitors, and community members walked the property and prayed for all who would pass through the gates in years to come, giving thanks to God for His good provision and seeking His direction for the future. Please join us in this prayer for God’s blessing of salvation to be upon all the children who come to Musawenkosi Christian Academy now and in all the years God gives. W&D Heidi Pronk is the Administrator for Word & Deed USA and the Project Manager for Malawi and South Africa.

Dinner Tour Join us for our Annual

USA Tour We hope to host Dinner Events Confirmed Locations in both the US and Canada this November, the Lord willing. Lynden, WA Thursday, Nov 4 (Dessert Evening) Northwest Iowa Saturday, Nov 6 Northwest Indiana Thursday, Nov 11 Canadian tour Locations to be announced. Watch www.wordanddeed.org for details.

www.Wordanddeed.org fall 2021 I Word&Deed


>EDUCaTiON By Dave Vander Meer

Christian Education


Word & Deed

“I don’t think about things going on in other countries much, but in learning about Word & Deed, I have also learned about people in those countries that are hurting and need help.”

—N.K., 7th-grade geography student

Country education videos are now available from Word & Deed for both Christian schools and home school. Whether at a Christian school or in the home, shaping a student’s worldview is an essential aspect of every lesson. Instructing students in a biblical world-and-life view that keeps every thought captive to obey Christ (II Cor. 10:5b) has always been a key part of Reformed education. All of life is to be looked at through the spectacles of Scripture for God’s glory. His Word is the guide in interpreting the cosmos He has given us. Each student’s Christian worldview will affect their thinking, reflection, investigation, and action. Word & Deed wants to come alongside educators to help instruct students about the real-world difficulties that many Christians face and about what it means to truly love your neighbor (Matthew 22:39). Word & Deed has created several educational videos and packages on various countries where we work through our partners (we hope to add more in the future). These videos are 10–12 minutes long and are geared toward 5th–9th grade students but can be enjoyed by anyone.


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FALL 2021

They are educational, missional, and cross-curricular. The videos include geography, history, religion, culture, and ministry projects for each country explored. The videos are stand-alone or can be used in conjunction with an optional ready-made package. The package includes student questions and an answer key based on each video. It also consists of an article or two related to the country that can be read for further study. Educators can pick and choose whichever components of the package they would like to use. The videos are on Word & Deed’s YouTube channel, and the packages can be requested by contacting the Word & Deed office: office@ wordanddeed.org. In addition, there is a special Christian Persecution video and package available that is not visible on our public YouTube channel but can be requested. These videos are a great way to get introduced to some countries and Word & Deed’s projects worldwide! W&D Dave Vander Meer works for Word & Deed in the Public Relations and Projects departments.

colombia haiti guatemala s. africa

“The videos were very informative and well done. I shared them with my home school group which is about 60 families and got good feedback. They really appreciated them.”

—Kerri Radsma, Home Educator

Reviews from those who have used the videos and materials (please also see quotes in red circles): “I love the education material that Word & Deed publishes and shares. It is a wonderful way for my 7th-grade geography students to learn the history of a country, but also to learn about the creativity of God through different cultures. The videos show the beauty of the country and the people, but also the hurt they are experiencing and the spiritual needs they have. They highlight ways that Word & Deed is helping these countries, but also ways that we can all be a part of the support and restoration.”

Meditation 1. Why did Paul thank the Philippians for their “partnership in the Gospel”? What did they practically do that allowed him to carry out the work that the Lord had called him to? 2. What are some ways that you also can be a partner in the Gospel for missionaries and mission agencies? What sacrifices may the Lord be calling you to make? Costa Rica 1. What do you think would be the impact on your life if you didn’t have any formal education for more than a year? How has COVID-19 and the government response impacted the education of the children of the shantytowns in Costa Rica much more than for most students in North America? 2. What is Education Plus doing to ensure that the children are able to receive an education? Why is it so important that this is done from a Christian perspective? Haiti 1. Why do you think that solid leaders are so essential to the running of Christian schools both in North America and around the world? 2. What are some of the things that the leaders at Adoration Christian School remind their students and staff of? Why is this important? South Africa 1. What is the hope that the Musawenkosi Christian Academy (MCA) school staff are able to offer the students who come from difficult situations? 2. How do you think the new property will be a blessing to the MCA school community? What would this mean to students who come from low-income families?

—Mrs. Stacy Soerens, 7th-grade geography teacher, Central Valley Christian School, Visalia, CA FALL 2021 I Word&Deed


Word & Deed USA P. O. Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 USA

Publications Agreement # 40595030

2nd Annual


Bike-a-thon sept.25.2021

The 1st annual event in September 2020 raised over $300,000 CAD / $225,000 USD for the Nakekela HIV/AIDS Clinic in South Africa. We look forward to the 2nd annual event to help raise funds for the Nakekela HIV/AIDS Clinic and the MCA Christian School which both serve many vulnerable families in South Africa. Please join us! Find out more and register at:





Integration: Integrate Bible, history, geography, critical thinking, current events, and reading comprehension (etc.). Missions: Challenge students to consider short-term mission trips and the use of their time, talents, and money to the glory of God while also having them ponder their relationship with the Lord. Problem Solving: Develop problem solving skills in response to problems presented in the articles. Awareness: Dramatically raise students’ awareness of what people in the developing world face on a daily basis. It will shape them for life. Compassion: Elicit compassion when students come face to face with the very difficult lives of their peers in the developing world. Thankfulness: Encourage thankfulness for God’s blessings in their lives.

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