W&D Magazine - Spring 2022

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Spring 2022

Disaster Relief The Philippines: Typhoon Odette


Pandemic Education in Barranquilla


In My Distress I Called to the Lord


A New Partnership by His Grace


New Gospel Opportunities

Helping Hands 100 Women with $100


>foreword By rick postma

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Spring 2022



Official Publication of Word & Deed An International Reformed Relief and Development Agency Free for sponsors and friends

By Pastor carl van dam

Spring 2022 Editor Rick Postma Assistant Editor Scott Koopman Graphic Design Knor Graphic Design Solutions Copy Editors Shelly Crites, Hanna Korvemaker, Kara Luiting, Bethany Post, Susan Trentacosti Word & Deed North America is an evangelical and Reformed humanitarian relief and development organization. Our aim is to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God. With cooperating offices in St. Thomas, Ontario, and Hudsonville, Michigan, Word & Deed partners with Christian agencies in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Myanmar, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Malawi, and South Africa.

Director of Projects John Otten Director of Public Relations Rick Postma Director Heidi Pronk Support Staff Scott Dekorte, Scott Koopman, John Kottelenberg, Kara Luiting Dave Vander Meer Canadian Board of Directors Chairman – Corney Les Vice-Chairman – John Vangameren Secretary – Harold Leyenhorst Treasurer – Henry de Waal Wilf Bout, Dr Arjan de Visser, John Jagersma, Bert Mulder, James Neven, Lyle Ypma USA Board of Directors President – Paul Beezhold Vice President - Jay Van Voorst Secretary – Harry Kooistra Treasurer – Karen Vander Sloot Eric Brandt, Eric Greendyk, Paul Laman, Pete Vander Stel, Pastor Adrian Dieleman Advisory Committee Mr. Jim Beeke – International Educational Consultant

Dr. Gerald M. Bilkes – Professor of

Old & New Testament, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Pastor Richard Bout –

URCNA Missions Coordinator Pastor Danny Hyde – Pastor, Oceanside United Reformed Church

Pastor Mark Vander Hart –

Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary

Pastor Frank Van Dalen –

Former Executive Director of the Foreign Missions Board of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

Canada Office PO Box 20100 St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4 Toll free 877.375.9673 office@wordanddeed.org United States Office PO Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 Toll free 866.391.5728 usoffice@wordanddeed.org Registered Charity Number (Canada) 89 120 0941 RR0001 EIN Non-profit Number (USA) 37-1429283 Bible quotations are from the NKJV unless otherwise noted.



LORD Will Give What Is Good

Psalm 85 was probably written after the people of Israel returned from exile. After a time of experiencing the wrath of God in the destruction of Jerusalem and being sent away into exile to a foreign land, the Lord had restored their fortunes. He had forgiven their sins and iniquities. He had withdrawn his wrath from them, and they could again experience His favor! The psalmist prays in verse seven that the Lord would show them His steadfast love and grant them His salvation. We know that the Lord has answered this prayer so wonderfully and miraculously in the coming of His beloved Son in the flesh. God showed His love for us by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for us and to endure God’s wrath in our place. His sacrifice gives to all believers the complete forgiveness of all their sins. And so, we may be reconciled to God and experience His blessings and fellowship. The last verses of this Psalm show some of these blessings from the Lord. Truly He gives what is good. In verses 10–11, we read, “Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven.”

the vivid imagery of love and faithfulness meeting, righteousness and peace kissing. And then faithfulness will spring up from the ground and righteousness will look down from heaven. It is a picture of perfect harmony. It is a picture of holiness and righteousness in all things. When we work with the Gospel in our daily lives, whether in the city or in the country, whatever our task might be, then we will want to love one another and be faithful in our dealings with each other. And where righteousness is found, peace is found as well. These are all good gifts from the Lord. He not only blesses the land and gives abundant harvest (verse 12) but also gives all spiritual blessings. May we all live out of Christ’s righteousness in our interaction with our neighbors and testify of the wonderful gifts of God’s grace so that many more may also come to life and renewal through the power of the Holy Spirit. W&D Pastor Carl Van Dam is the minister of the Carman East Canadian Reformed Church in Carman, Manitoba.

When the Word of God is heard and received in faith, when His message of peace to us sinners is believed, then it will bear rich fruit in our lives. This salvation, ultimately fulfilled completely in the new heaven and the new earth, is pictured here with

Spring 2022 I Word&Deed


>DisasteR ReLieF By kara luiting


Philippines: Typhoon Odette

On December 16, 2021, Typhoon Odette made landfall in the Philippines as a Category 5 superstorm and made its way through several islands over the next few days, evacuating and quarantining thousands of people in its path. Fishermen scurried to shore and tied up their boats, flights were canceled, and festivals were postponed. The day after Odette hit the Philippines, we received this email from a member of Student Ministry Outreach (SMO), one of our partners in the Philippines: “It was a super-strong wind that caused destruction to most of the structures, houses, and facilities within Bacolod City and Negros Occidental, including our very own facility at the Promised Land. There is a scarce drinking water supply and total electricity shutdown because of the broken electrical posts. There’s flooding due to the continued rain, but thank God by now it had subsided. Even our crops were greatly damaged: Bananas, vegetables, and four fruit-bearing jackfruit trees were also uprooted. Thank God our farm animals (goats, hogs, chickens, and ducks) were all safe after we rescued them from their destroyed houses.” Despite many church members having their houses damaged or destroyed, we were thankful to hear that SMO and the church community were preserved from loss of life.


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Spring 2022

Throughout the days following Typhoon Odette, Word & Deed gathered information from SMO and two other ministries that we partner with there: Breadnet and God Is Our Help Ministry. We were in communication with them on how best to respond to this natural disaster. In the end, Word & Deed agreed to send a total of $50,000 USD for emergency aid to help with the repair of school buildings and homes, and to aid in the construction of very basic one-room houses to replace homes in the community that were destroyed. Volunteers from the local church went to work right away to help construct these homes. The volunteers have not only built and repaired houses for these people, but they are also using this opportunity to share the Gospel message, proclaiming an all-powerful God who is mightier than any storm that will ever hit their city. At the end of the email that we received from SMO the day after the storm, our partner ended with these fitting words: “The sun now shines, and the Lord is granting us another new day and hope. Please pray for us. On Christ, the solid rock, we stand!” W&D Kara Luiting works as the Administrative Assistant and Sponsorship Coordinator at Word & Deed’s St. Thomas, Ontario, office.

SPONSORSHIP adoration christian school in haiti

As mentioned elsewhere in this magazine, the staff and students of Adoration Christian School in Haiti have been experiencing a number of challenges. However, despite the unrest in their community, the school is still open, and the children are still attending school!

Adoration’s focus is to provide a quality, Christian education for at-risk students, equipping them so that they can impact their churches, their communities, and the world for the glory of Jesus Christ. To sponsor a student at Adoration, email Kara at office@wordanddeed.org or visit wordanddeed.org/child-sponsorship.


Marc Woodley



Age: 10 years old

Age: 9 years old

Age: 5 years old

Age: 11 years old spring 2022 I Word&Deed



By Liliana Giraldo Bayona

Pandemic Education

The education of the younger generation is the basis of the future development of a nation. For this reason, Conviventia’s approach to education is focused on highly vulnerable neighborhoods. Our focus is on the students’ protection and education, including the extension of Christian principles and values. In Barranquilla, a city located on the north coast of Colombia, we have focused our attention on a sector that is impacted by poverty and indifference to the development of children. For several years we have been able to develop an educational model that includes children from preschool age all the way through to high school. All these students receive an education in which the Word of God becomes a central part. Over the past couple of years, we have had great challenges in the education sector in Colombia. The arrival of the pandemic impacted all the sectors, and because we had several months of isolation, adaptations had to be made to continue on with the education of the students.


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Spring 2022



Of course, in our commitment to the development of the most vulnerable, we did everything possible to ensure that boys and girls, despite being at home, could access the educational resources that would make it possible to continue with their education. But above all, our priority was that their needs would continue to be provided for and the message of the Gospel would continue to be promoted through our programs. 2020 was a year of coming up with strategies and resources so that we could reach children and parents virtually or by phone, keeping in touch with children and their families. In 2021, we had expected to return to the classroom in the first semester of the year, but the health situation forced us to continue remotely. In addition, the city of Barranquilla suffered serious health effects which affected the health of the children and their families, and even our staff members. However, in the second semester the process to return to in-person learning began, and


Word & Deed partners with Conviventia to fund a number of projects in Colombia including the Family Protection Program and Christian education. Through the hope of the Gospel, these projects are making a difference in this country that often struggles with violence and corruption, having the largest effect on those who live in poverty.

we were thankful to have direct contact with the students again.

and their families. This is an aspect of the children’s education that is very important to us.

The return to in-person learning was a slow process since the health situation in the area was sometimes complex and lockdowns did occur again. We made good progress in the first and second semester in impacting the children and families through the message of the Word of God that brings renewal of the mind, and through the educational program contributing to the future success of the students in improving their living conditions and access to other levels of education.

We are very grateful to God because despite the situation that the entire world had to face in the pandemic, we were able to continue with the school’s activities, continue in providing an education to the children, and most importantly, continue promoting a knowledge of the Word of God, and with this, the purpose of life that God has for each one of the students.

During this time, many families were affected by the loss of their relatives, loss of employment, and reduction of their income; we were able to provide support to each situation that they had to go through. With different resources we managed to continue developing the prayer time, praise, and teaching the Word of God to the children

We started the 2022 school year just a few days ago, and it is exciting to have our children back in the school. We are sure that we will continue advancing and strengthening them and their families in the biblical principles and values that will bring salvation and opportunities to overcome their poverty. W&D Liliana Giraldo Bayona works as the Infancy and Youth Programs Officer for Conviventia in Colombia. spring 2022 I Word&Deed



By randy lodder


My Distress I Called to the LORD

Lamour Desir, Adoration Christian School’s Grade 6 teacher, had his last day teaching at Adoration on February 22. Lamour is a solid, humble, and gifted teacher who has a real love for the Lord and the students. We are very sad to see him leave and have really been blessed by his service. We are also very saddened for the cause of his leaving. Lamour is caught in a situation which many families, students, and staff are facing. Port-au-Prince is so dangerous right now because of insecurity and rampant gang activity, that it has become very risky and dangerous to venture the roads every day to come to school. Lamour lives on the outskirts of the city and so each day he, along with many of our other staff and students, must navigate gang-controlled territories risking gang violence and warfare, kidnapping, and robbery, for the 15 kilometer stretch to and from Adoration. There have been many days this past year when it has not been safe for them to come to school. Lamour came to the realization that the risk was too great and made the hard decision to move away to the countryside where it is much safer.

Randy Lodder is the Director of Adoration Christian Centre in Haiti.

This extreme level of violence and insecurity has been caused by political unrest (intensified with the assassination of the president in July), gangs being heavily armed, inadequate policing, and economic hardship. Kidnapping has become the main source of income for these gangs, as hundreds of people are kidnapped each month. Our staff and students live in constant fear. It is very depressing as they do not see much hope for their future, and they are deeply saddened by the downward spiral their country is in and possess a sense of powerlessness to do anything about it. Through all of this, by God’s grace, Adoration has continued to open its doors to serve the community. We are blessed to provide a nurturing environment, a safe place, a quality Christ-centered education, a supportive community, and a warm meal each day. Most importantly, we have an opportunity to share hope by proclaiming the truths of the Word of God and His promises and mercies. Psalm 62 repeats the refrain in verses 2 and 6, “He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved.” And in Psalm 33:20, “Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.” You have really made a big difference in the lives of these children by offering them hope, a supportive community, and allowing them to adoration christian centre be encouraged with the Word every Through Adoration Christian Centre, children in Haiti are brought Christian education, day and reminded of the One who basic medical care, and the hope of eternal life through the Gospel. The focus of their is their help, shield, and their education is “Learning for Serving.” It is our prayer that with the Lord’s blessing the communhope. Thank you for your ities served may be transformed and that over the longterm families will become more partnership in the self-sufficient. Budget for 2022: $474,000CAD / $355,000 US Gospel! W&D


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Spring 2022

generational impact by

giving in your will Your will is your final act of stewardship and care, a means to purposefully allocate your resources to support the people and causes you hold dear. By including charitable giving in your will, you model a legacy of generosity to your loved ones, and you help ensure that Word & Deed Ministries continues to have an impact, well beyond your lifetime.

Gospel focus Indigenous leadership Self-sufficiency under Christ Ministry integrity & accountability

Lamour Desir in happier times.

To learn more about this opportunity contact Dave Vander Meer at dvandermeer@wordanddeed.org or at 269-760-0771. spring 2022 I Word&Deed



By Pastor Eric Ngala Mutumb


New Partnership


His Grace

We at the Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) of Bumala, Kenya, are grateful to the Lord for the new partnership agreement signed with Word & Deed Ministries in October 2021. This partnership will allow us to carry out many projects and share the Gospel with those in need in Kenya. Here are some highlights of projects we’ve already been able to do together by God’s grace: Famine Aid – We provided food relief as well as seed and fertilizer to the most impacted, needy, and vulnerable people in our churches and communities to cushion the impact of the drought as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. There was no food in many households, leading to a surge of domestic violence. More than 1,000 families have been assisted, consisting primarily of widows, single parents, and other vulnerable families. We pray that the Gospel message brought with this physical relief will lead to great transformation in these families and communities. Reformed Theological Seminary Librarian - We thank the Lord for assistance in hiring a librarian for the seminary. Previously, the library was closed on most days due to the lack of a librarian who could be available during working hours. We are thankful that we could hire a Christian who was educated at the African Bible University. We are thankful that students, as well as church and community members, can now read, borrow, and return books during the day. Mukhanyo Distance Courses – Through this program, 20 pastors are taking distance courses from Mukhanyo Theological College in South Africa. This support has made it possible to bring back students who had been forced to drop out due to the cost of modules. May this training be blessed in equipping many pastors to faithfully preach God’s Word. Agriculture Inputs – This program is focused on improving crop yield by providing seeds and fertilizer. We are also educating the farmers on the importance of early land preparation, planting methods, crop monitoring, and evaluation. This program was implemented in four different areas of Kenya. Over 300 farmers were trained. We pray that the Lord would bless the crop as well as the Gospel message which has been shared. On behalf of the RTS and Net Foundation West Kenya I want to say thank you so much for your assistance. May all the glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ. W&D Pastor Eric Ngala Mutumbi serves as the Principal of Reformed Theological Seminary in Bumala, Kenya.


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Pray for our new partner in Kenya. Pray that the theological training at RTS would be a blessing to the churches and that the seed project would have a good harvest so that many families and vulnerable people can be fed. Pray for the families that were affected by Typhoon Odette. Pray that restoration of buildings would be completed, but more importantly that some may come to know the Lord through the relief efforts. Pray that all of our educational projects will be able to function “normally” again, particularly the one in Barranquilla, Colombia. Pray for the staff and students of Adoration Christian School who have to contend with political unrest and gang violence. Pray that the rich hope of the Gospel would shine brightly in this dark place. Praise God for the 100 Women with $100 initiative and pray that the funds raised would be a blessing to many women in India.

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Spring 2022

Thank You, Pastor Heiberg After 18 years of serving on Word & Deed Canada’s board of directors, Pastor Christo Heiberg has decided to step down from his role with our organization to focus on his other areas of ministry. Pastor Heiberg served since 2004 and we are thankful for his friendship and participation in the leadership of Word & Deed. His first-hand knowledge of the African culture was very valuable to us and to our partners. We wish him and his family the Lord’s blessing! W&D

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>HeLPiNG HaNDS By Anita Van Rootselaar

100 Women



From the editor: Volunteer coordinators are a key success factor for Word & Deed’s capacity to host fundraisers. The board and staff of Word & Deed become encouraged when they see the initiative and creativity of these volunteers! Anita Van Rootselaar is one example. She attends Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Guelph, Ontario, and helped kickstart the 100 Women with $100 fundraiser. The following is an explanation from Anita about the event and what prompted her to organize it. When the Lord places a project upon your heart that you can be passionate about, the work is blessed and the results are many! The seed for 100 Women with $100 was planted in my heart at a 2019 Word & Deed fundraising dinner and, with careful watering, grew into an event two years later. While the pandemic halted plans for 12–14 months, we trusted in God’s timing. We can all recognize and agree that raising funds is a common occurrence in our com-

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Spring 2022

munities, yet this event was unique in that it was geared toward women only, it was organized through social media, and it specified a minimum donation amount which culminated in a specific amount raised. Having gone through a year dominated by a pandemic, we were prayerfully confident that the hearts of women were ready to form this community around blessing other women and their families in needy countries. Last spring, we began to move this project forward. Seeing how quickly and eagerly women began to commit to this fundraiser, we planned for an in-person event to be held in the fall at a central location. Options to attend in person, as well as online, were happily received. On November 4, 2021, 65 women gathered at Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Church in Guelph, Ontario, to learn more about three Word & Deed projects that would directly support women and their families. Although not everyone was able to make it out, many women still participated by watching

the live-streamed event. Votes on which of the three projects to support were tabulated and it was announced that the Women’s Sewing Project in India would be the recipient of our thoughts, prayers, and money. Fun and tasty treats celebrating the “100” theme made the occasion festive and celebratory. Commitment to the 100 Women with $100 goal caused those not able to attend to participate through prayer and donation so that we could reach and surpass our $10,000 goal. God be praised! W&D Anita Van Rootselaar works as a Realtor®️with Guelph Area Living for RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Ltd in Guelph, Ontario.

If you are interested in starting a 100 Women with $100 group in your area, feel free to reach out to us today! We would love to help you launch this simple, yet effective, fundraiser.

Colombia 1. Find Barranquilla, Colombia, on a map. How has the pandemic impacted the children’s education there? Did it impact yours in the same way? Haiti 1. Why did Lamour have to stop teaching at Adoration Christian School? What are the various factors? 2. What are the benefits offered to the students at Adoration? Which of these is the most important? The Philippines 1. What classifies a storm as a typhoon? How did Word & Deed respond to Typhoon Odette? How did the partner end the email that they sent to Word & Deed? Would you be able to respond like that?

spring 2022 I Word&Deed


Word & Deed USA P. O. Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 USA


Publications Agreement # 40595030



3RD Annual



JUNE 4, 2022 With the Lord’s blessing the 2nd Annual Coast-to-Coast Bike-a-thon in 2021 was again a tremendous success. 200+ riders on 20 different teams across North America raised over

$207,000 CAD / $166,000 USD

for the Nakekela HIV/ AIDS Clinic and MCA school in South Africa. Let’s do it again! Plan to enjoy a bike ride on June 4 with a few friends or family in your local area. Watch

wordanddeed.org for more details!

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