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Cumnor House School for Boys.
What sporting facilities do you have?
Both Cumnor Boys and Cumnor Girls Schools benefit from sizeable playing fields - fully equipped for the broad range of sports on offer throughout the year. Football and Netball in the Autumn, Rugby, Hockey and Cross Country in the Spring and Cricket and Athletics in the Summer. In addition, we have tennis courts, cricket nets and a large gymnasium used for gymnastics and ballet. Our 17.5m indoor swimming pool enables every child to have a weekly swimming lesson from Reception onwards and our Swim Squad are Croydon Schools Swimming Champions for 13 years running. All children have the opportunity to take part in competitive sports fixtures from Year 3 upwards thus experiencing the positive outcomes of leadership, teamwork, and competition. Cumnor House are the current U11 National Cricket Champions 2021 and feature in the top 50 Prep Schools for Cricket 2021.
How do you see the school evolving into the future?
At Cumnor House, we prepare our pupils for life beyond school, for careers that have not been thought of yet, giving them the life skills that they will need to be successful. Our Kindergartens and Preschools offer both term-time and year-round Early Years care to families and children take the first step on their Cumnor House journey with dedicated and trained Early Years teachers in our Preschool preparing the children for a seamless transition to both Cumnor Girls’ and Cumnor Boys’ Schools. The children in our Preparatory Schools experience a broad and varied curriculum recognising that children’s personal growth also lays outside of the classroom. Wellbeing and pastoral care is imbued into everyday life and we have a culture of openness where pupils know that their voice is heard. The future of Cumnor House is bright, developing the young minds and voices of the future and enabling every member of our community to be their best self.
Cumnor House is a family of schools located across Purley and South Croydon; Cumnor Boys’ School ( for boys aged 4 -13) and year round Kindergarten & Preschool (co-ed 2 - 4) in South Croydon; Cumnor Girls’ School (for girls aged 4 -11) and term time Kindergarten & Preschool (coed 2 - 4) in Purley. Each Cumnor school has its own characteristic, just as siblings do, but we are all united in belonging to one family. Cumnor House School is steeped in history, established in the early 1930s, Cumnor Boys has been a long-time associated feeder school to prestigious senior independent schools across the country. Boys take the 11+ and 13+ examinations with scholarship success to Harrow, Tonbridge, Westminster, Whitgift and Trinity. Cumnor Girls is located on the exclusive Webb Estate, Purley, it has outstanding facilities and consistent scholarship success at 11+ with prestigious awards to schools including Wycombe Abbey, Woldingham, Old Palace and Croydon High. Pupils at both the Boys’ and the Girls Schools have a proven track record of gaining places, and scholarships, to co-educational senior schools such as Caterham and Reigate Grammar as well as securing offers at the local Grammar schools.
Cumnor House School has a set of values that runs through everything we do, this is “The Cumnor Way”. At Cumnor we focus not just on the academics but also on building positive characteristics in each child that will take them on to be well-rounded and successful at every stage. Every child has the intrinsic motivation to be “their best self” in every aspect of school and this is what sets us apart from everyone else. At Cumnor House we pride ourselves in offering an extraordinary experience to each one of our pupils. We are passionate about education and believe that happy children thrive and succeed. From 2 - 13 our children are inspired, challenged and supported in all aspects of their development, Cumnor House is a compassionate and caring learning environment which allows each child to ‘be their best self’.
We believe that personal wellbeing and academic success are inextricably linked. We create such a challenging learning environment offering a breadth of opportunity that creates well rounded and engaging children. Our curriculum is one that stretches and supports every child in equal measure. Across Cumnor Boys and Cumnor Girls we have outstanding sporting, drama, music, and art facilities, 10 acre playing fields, dedicated design and food technology suites and an onsite swimming pool as well as a comprehensive extracurricular programme for each child to personalise to their interests.
Cumnor House School Tel: 0208 660 3445 www.cumnorhouse.com