KATHERINE POOLEY London As a former banker and a world-travelling a d d i c t , Ka t h a r i n e P o o l e y i s a c e r t a i n t y w h e n it comes to creating the most sumptuous yet comfortable interiors where glamorous a n d e xo t i c i n f l u e n c e s m i x w i t h e a c h o t h e r. The owner of one of the most soughtafter interior design studios in London, United Kingdom, the designer can provide a n e xc e l l e n t s e r v i c e , m e e t i n g t h e t a s t e s and needs of every client in the world. W i t h a “ k e e n e y e f o r d e s i g n ” Ka t h a r i n e i s a n i n s p i r a t i o n a l d e s i g n e r. C o v e t E D h a d the pleasure of interviewing this designer we happily call one of the most CovetED “ Wo r l d ’ s I n s p i r a t i o n a l D e s i g n e r s ”.
“No dream is too big. Clients often come to me with an incredible,
aesthetic has earned her many recognitions and commissions for landmark
completely unique and groundbreaking idea. I believe nothing is
commercial and residential projects around the world.
impossible and immediately set to work with my supremely talented team
The designer was named designer of the decade and believes that this
to realise their dreams.”, said Katharine when asked about her mantra in
is the biggest highlight of her career so far. “we work so hard to create
design. The British designer loves to be diverse, and “adores a challenge”,
some extraordinary design, it was fabulous to pause for a moment
“We are currently working on one of the largest Chateau’s in Cannes, it
and feel appreciated for all that we do to introduce the best of British
was the backdrop to Hitchcock’s ‘To Catch a Thief’ and is quite simply
craftsmanship, manufacturing and artistry to the wider world. To
mesmerising. I am proud to be the leading British Designer in the field of
be named a Great British Brand and leading British Interior Designer,
Luxury International Interior Design.”, she concluded.
specialising in luxurious projects, this year was then the cherry on the
Katharine Pooley is one of the most sought-after award-winning interior
cake!”, she added.
designers in London and internationally. She creates sumptuous and
Her eponymous Knightsbridge design studio was established over 15 years
inspiring interiors for the most discerning clients. Her refined yet eclectic
ago and continues to create unmatched luxury interior designs for the