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School Sport


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From the Editor


Squash is the name of their game


It was music to their ears


Giving her best in Norway


Merrifield riding the crest of a wave


We are all off to Holland


Back from the tour to Holland


Only six but already a menace on the green


Following in the steps of Big Brother


They were Border’s finest ... again



From The Editor It’s that time of the year again when friends and family meet and many others say goodbye. We are, of course, talking about the Christmas break when loved ones gather with family to celebrate while thousands of Grade 12 scholars say goodbye to school friends and teachers. To all, a blessed holiday and enjoy whatever the future holds. Otherwise it has been an eventful year for School Sport Extra. It was a year during which we celebrated our fifth birthday and later made the crucial decision to ‘go modern’ by using technology to send copies of the magazine directly to the many schools.

To all involved in this important process a big thank you. We would also like to thank those advertisers who have stuck with us through thick and thin in difficult times. To all those achievers who have featured in this magazine, well done, as you are the ones which School Sport Extra is all about. Lastly to all those hard-working teachers and students, enjoy your break and return fresh from a wonderful holiday. Brian McLean (Editor) 083 708 2734

At the Border senior prizegiving the Clarendon first squash team won the trophy for the ladies' first league (for the first time). Lara Patrick shared the Junior Sports Star Award, and Taryn Emslie was the named the Most Improved Junior Player. Pictured from left are Lara Patrick, Ms Demi-Rae Cooper (coach), Alexa Phillips, Alexia Brown, Amber Jacoby, Mrs Barbi Harrison (Clarendon teacher) and Taryn Emslie.



Chosen to play with the best jazz musicians in the country are Stirling High School pupils, from left, Lise Siebert, Eldene Bruiners and Emily Webster.



t was music to the ears when three Stirling High School pupils made it into the Standard Bank National School Jazz Band earlier this year. The three are Emily Webster (Grade 12), Lise Siebert (Grade 12) and Eldene Bruiners (Grade 11). Emily plays the trombone, Lise the baritone saxophone and Eldene the trumpet. The three were chosen following regional auditions and performing at the Grahamstown Jazz Festival at which schools from throughout South Africa performed. From here the final band members were chosen. At the time of writing the three were still to hear if the band was to perform in Cape Town. All three were excited at their selection with Emily saying it would be a unique experience performing


with the best musicians in the country. Said Lise: “I am so excited as my goal has been achieved. Said Eldene: “I have wanted this since coming to high school.’’ Emily added that a trombone was a big instrument and learning to play it had been a huge challenge. Lise said a saxophone was also rather large but she had got used to it. Eldene said originaly he had been a drummer and this had been the first year blowing the trumpet. “Drumming proved boring so moving to the trumpet allowed me to express my emotions more,’’ he said. All three said as a band they feed off the audience and this affected them emotionally when on stage. The common consensus was that the art of playing jazz is dying and Eldene, Emily and Lise said they were determined to keep jazz alive.



School Sport

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Tel: 043 642 2733 139 Alexandra Road, King William’s Town

SPORT STAR of the Month

Stirling Grade R student James Nicholas has the honour of being named the School Sport Extra star of the month. Only six-years-old, James is an avid bowler who never misses the chance to roll his brand new bowls. Although no claim to fame yet on the bowling green, his determination is acknowledged. His R200 cash voucher is on its way compliments of BUCO





or Grens High School cyclist Elne Owen it was her third time overseas – first to England aged two with her father then to the Netherlands and Belgium where she cycled. Elne, currently in Grade 12, set off in September this year with the SA Junior Cycling team to compete in Norway. Prior to her departure, Elne, who made the SA Junior side for the first time, pointed out there would be 123 junior girls racing from all over the world. “I am excited and thrilled that my dream has finally come true. I was at home when I received the news of my selection via email and naturally my dad Morne and mom Elsabe (she travelled to Norway with Elne) were also over the moon at the news,’’ she said. Prior to her departure, Elne said had been putting in extra training and working really hard. She was the only East London to be selected. Despite the expected cold, Elne said she was going to enjoy the trip and give of her very best. Grens High School cyclist Elne Owen who travelled to Norway with the SA Junior cycling team in September





errifield is one of the few East London schools that recognise and acknowledge surfing as a sport within the school environment. Many Merrifield College learners have received their Junior colours and colours for surfing this year. With surfing making its debut on the line up at the 2020 Tokyo

Olympics, the sport is going to take off. Loads of money has been pumped into the development of surfing as a sport around South Africa and soon the benefits of this energy and money will be realised. Surfing is considered one of the most challenging sports in the world. Not only are you required to be super fit, agile and strong but you also require a large dose of grit,


perseverance, and nerves of steel and some good old common sense. And if you don't believe me ask any surfer for their surfboard (if they will part with it) and go for a paddle at your local beach break and give it a try. Surfing is not for sissies! Surfing is also a lifestyle, a way of life, that encourages respect for the environment and builds a deep connection with mother earth.


U14 Girls: Zoe Steyn is a great surfer and she works extremely hard

U18 Girls: Danica Stockigt is a great surfer U14 Boys: Reilly Mare is a solid young surfer

We are very proud of the level of surfing at Merrifield in both the prep and the college, it has taken off this year. Six of the 22 Buffalo City Surf-riders that took part in the Billabong SA Champs at J-bay Lower Point this year were from Merrifield. Greg Emslie coaches a lot of our Merrifield surfers and he has this to say about each of the juniors that participated at SA Champs: U18 Boys: Miguel da Silva is a surfer who puts load of effort into everything he does. He surfed really well at SA Champs and I was impressed with him in a free surf at over 8 feet in Jbay this year. He always puts his hand up and helps around at contests, a trait that will serve him well in life. U18 Girls: Danica Stockigt is a great surfer who has had some good results this year. Her talent exceeds her results and consistency in heats lets her down. If she can believe she is the best, she will go far. U16 Boys: Thomas Lindhorst has improved incredibly this year. He is awesome to watch with a smooth precise style. If he focuses and trains hard in the next year, he could surprise many.

U14 Boys: Reilly Mare is a solid young surfer. When he turns it on, he is unstoppable. He needs to back himself more and work on consistency. U14 Girls: Zoe Steyn is a great surfer and she works extremely hard. This has paid off for her as she is the SA Champion in her age division and has won the last four major events in a row in South Africa. U14 Girls: Lhea Johnston is always unpredictable and can beat the best on the day with her lovely big turns. She is outstanding in point break conditions and needs to work on her beach break surfing. Thanks to all the moms and dads who are the major sponsors of these surfers and the incredible surf family in the Border area that contribute to the development of surfing in our region. It takes a community to develop sport in a region. With so many great master surfers in East London the sport will only go from strength to strength. Next year we embrace little shredder, Daniel Emslie, into grade 8 and hopefully we will start attracting more competitive surfers to the school. Picture credits: Kody McGregor and Ian Thurtell

U16 Boys: Thomas Lindhorst has improved incredibly this year



We are all off to Holland The Kingsridge hockey team pictured prior to their trip to Holland in September. Pictured in the back row are coach Mark Taljard and manager Renee (Toets) McCune.



group of hockey players from Kingsridge High School left on September 21st for a 14-day tour of Holland. Brian McLean spoke to the touring party prior to their departure while Quentin Hogge did a follow-up on their return. According to manager Toets McCune, the team was due to play six matches against various clubs as not all schools played hockey. Talks of a possible oversees tour started last year June with parents giving their consent. “Obviously the tour will be hugely

expensive but we are fortunate in that our school has supported us both on and off the field while added sponsors were found in Buco (clothing), Xenon (the main sponsor) as well as Nick’s Super Spar,’’ outlined Toets. “The touring team is a very young one with most players being U16 and only three are U17. We expect opposition to be of a high standard as they will all be U18. “But the experienced gained will be huge as the players will return having grown and having gained so much confidence.’’ Team coach Mark Taljaard said it would be his sixth hockey tour to Hol-


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land. “The benefits for the players far outweigh the cost of such a tour and I am proud to be involved,’’ he said. This what some of the players had to say prior to their departure: ROBIN SEPTEMBER, GR10: “I am very excited. It’s a chance to improve my game and it will also give the team great exposure. It’s my first trip overseas and I’m really looking forward to it. Robin is a link.’’ KIRSTY ELDERS, Gr 10: “It’s my first time overseas and I’m thrilled to be part of the team. We expect some tough games but our team is good as we are a family.’’ CHARMORNE THERON, Gr 10: “I have always wanted to visit Holland as their women’s hockey team is amongst the best in the world. I have been lucky enough to visit Poland and Ireland through karate. She is a striker.’’ NELA MBEDU, Gr 11: “I view it as a once in a lifetime opportunity and feel really honoured to be part of the team. It will also better my game as hockey is a passion of mine. I’m so excited I can hardly sleep at night. Nela is a link.’’




he Kingsridge High School’s (KHS) hockey team recently returned from a successful tour to Holland. The bare stats and facts are as follows: played 7 matches, won 4, lost 2 and drew 1. The final stat reads; goals for, 33 and against, 22. For the record, fortunes fluctuated: The first match, against Goes Ladies (adults) KHS won by 8-0. The next match was against the Goes Girls and KHS lost 1-5. Another high scoring match followed as KHS trounced HC Capella 9-4 but lost the next game to HC Swart-Wit 0-3. Two good wins were next, against HC Eindhoven (4-1) and HC Horst (8-2). The final game, against Boxmeer ended in a 3-3 draw. However, the tour was not all hockey. There were various excursions of both an entertainment nature and of a cultural bent. The girls visited the Efterling Amusement Park and according to team member Kirsty Elders this was “a real treat, filled with excitement and thrilling experiences”. Another highlight was the hiring of bicycles and the riding round the polders of the previously submerged lands and seeing the sights, “a real eye-opener”. The team was treated to a very traditional braai – tjops, boerewors, chicken legs, and a variety of salads by none other than his excellency the ambassador to the Royal Court at the Hague. Despite the freezing weather the girls enjoyed this taste of home. This lucky interlude was slightly diluted when it was discovered that the scheduled booking for a visit to the Anne Frank Museum had not been booked. The group then had to be contented with gazing wistfully at the

The Kingsridge hockey team visiting one of the many interesting places they visited in Holland during their recent tour.

façade of the building in which the sad events of Anne’s life were played out. A three day stay in Amsterdam proved to be another highlight to end off the tour. The team were treated to a tour of the Dungeon Museum. This is not a conventional museum, in that the exhibits are explained by guides dressed in period costume and the salient points of the history explained by these guides. Taigan Hall, another team member enthused, “It was a hands-on, living cultural experience which was very different to the usual humdrum dead exhibits behind


glass cases”. Jordan Herbst commented that the tour was, “extremely interesting in that we got to experience different perspectives of living a Dutch lifestyle. We got to try new types of food, with ‘stroopwaffles’ being the number one the new list!” The consensus of the team’s opinions was that the tour was an invaluable experience in that they learned a lot from the hockey and also being overseas in a foreign land and being able to absorb all the exciting and new aspects. The team expressed great gratitude to coach Mark Taljard and manager, Renee (Toets) McCune.




ames Nicholas is only six years old but you should see him perform on the bowling green. A Grade R student at Stirling, James can be seen at any tournament in which his father Ian plays, sending down bowl after bowl with accuracy towards the jack. “I always practise when my dad plays and I love it. My father recently bought me a new set of Taylor Ace Junior bowls which I just love,’’ he says with pride. James also likes rugby and golf but says he struggles at golf because he is left-handed. Ian, who was present at the interview, points out James started rolling a bowl almost as soon as he could stand and also plays carpe bowls Ian added James watches a lot of bowls action on Utube. Like all youngsters James loves action so no wonder his favourite bowler is Canada’s Ryan Bester, one of the fastest drivers (attacking the head with a single bowl at speed) in the world. So the seed has been planted for both bowls and golf and now it’s just the rugby front that has to be attempted. FAVOURITES Colour: Blue and purple Food: Everything Sports: Golf and bowls Pet: His cat named Will Hero: Father Ian

James Nicholas, aged six, poses with the new set of junior bowls his father bought him.



INGREDIENTS 200g margarine/butter, cold 250g plain flour + extra for dusting 5g baking powder 100g castor / granulated sugar Pinch of salt 2 large egg yolks


METHOD Preheat the oven to 190°C. Grease baking tins and/or line them with baking paper. Cut the margarine/butter into small pieces. Sieve the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Add the sugar, a pinch of salt, egg yolks and margarine/butter and mix


with a wooden spoon, hand mixer or cold hands quickly into a stiff dough (don’t mix for too long!). Wrap the dough in clingfilm and leave to rest and chill for 30 minutes in the fridge. Dust the work surface with a little flour and roll out the dough until it is about 5 mm thick. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters and place on the baking tray. Alternatively you can just roll the dough into balls and press them down lightly on the baking tray to make simple round cookies. Bake in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes until cooked and lightly browned. Leave the cookies to cool on the baking tray. Dust with sugar to finish (optional). These biscuits taste great as they are but you could also add chocolate chips or dried fruit and nuts for a variation.


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The Dale U13A team who were unbeaten during the past rugby season in the Eastern Cape. Seated front middle is Dale headmistress Patricia Thatcher with head coach Louis Mpande on her right and assistant coach Ignatius Genade on the left.



he Dale U13A rugby team captained by Kgotsofalang Moeketsi were crowned the top U13A team after being unbeaten in the Eastern Cape in 2017. In keeping with the high standard set by Dale, last year’s U13A team were unbeaten on the Border. Asked who the team’s toughest games were against Kgotsofalang, also nicknamed Zuma, quickly pointed out those against Hudson Park and Grey PE. Dale won narrowly 26-19 against Grey and 33-12 against Hudson. “Fitness of the team proved a big plus as well as the brotherhood and courage which developed through the season,’’ pointed out Kgotsofalang. An eighthman, Kgotsofalang has also played on the flank and at centre. He also plays hockey for the school’s U13B side and started playing rugby age 10. The team’s biggest score came against Cambridge who were beaten 48-5. Proud team coach Louis Mpande said: “If you told me

in February we would be unbeaten this season I would have laughed at you. “It was not the biggest team but the spirit within the side and the support from the school all played an important part.’’ He added valuable support had come from headmistress Patricia Thatcher, Ronnie Esterhuizen, Brendan Cloete and Thembela Mbada. “They glued everything together,’’ he added. Of the team, he said they played just like an All Black side, able to absorb pressure after pressure then break away in the final 10 minutes to score. According to Louis, Zuma proved a fine captain and helped instil that ‘never say die’ attitude within the team. He also paid homage to backline coach Ignatius Genade Unfortunately, Kgotsofalang was concussed in a game against Queen’s Primary and missed the annual end of season tour to Cape Town where the side lost their only game of the season to Western Province Preparatory.

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