Sse oct 2015

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Melodine’s over the moon By BRIAN McLEAN


Melodine Jacobs of Grens, left, who has earned a place in the SA U19 netball squad.

Grade 12 Grens High School’s Melodine Jacobs is over the moon after making the South African U19 netball squad. Melodine’s talent was spotted while representing the East Cape side at the national tournament in Margate, KwaZulu-Natal. “I have been playing netball for eight years now after starting in junior school I was never really serious about my game. But now I’ve made the squad I am so proud of myself. “If selected it would be a great honour for me to represent my country and it provides a chance to play at a higher level,’’ she said. Melodine, a defender, has represented her school’s first team for three years and this year was named captain. She believes Grens is the best netball playing school in the Eastern Cape but paid homage to Hudson Park and Cambridge who she said provided the toughest opposition. “Netball can be rough on a defender and at times one has to absorb a lot of punishment. When we played against the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal teams in Margate our hardest games came from them as they were very physical and targeted the body which was not nice,’’ she said. Melodine’s most serious injury? A twisted ankle after Purchase an ix35 Premium falling badly. this September, and only

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s there anybody out there that would like to come aboard and sponsor the School Sport Extra Sports Star of the Month? If so please contact Brian McLean on the cell number or email address below and we will follow up. Our previous sponsor’s contract has come to an end and we are extremely thankful to the Spur Group for their generous monthly donations to deserving scholars. As mentioned before, the School Sport Extra magazine is purely advertising driven and each and every business is sincerely thanked

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for their contribution. Please continue your support. Now to the content itself. If anything has come from the hundreds of the interviews done, one thing has stuck out and that it has been sheer hard work and the hours and hours of dedication that has got athletes to the top. Hopefully this message will go out to the many who hope to follow their dreams in whichever sport. With just two editions left, we wish those matriculants all the best for the upcoming final exams and hope your dreams are realised. Brian McLean (Editor) 083 708 2734

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It all adds up for Ruan 2



e’s a maths boffin of note and attends Nahoon Primary School. We are talking about Grade 7 pupil Ruan van Rooyen who at the end of last month was invited by Prof Japie Engelbrecht to at-

tend a Maths Fun Day at the Nelson Mandela Metro University. Ruan began maths when in Grade 5 and after doing well in an exam became interested in what many consider a difficult subject. “I like to solve problems so maths is also a challenge but I also like social science and history,’’ he says. This explains why, when in Grade 6, he got 50 out of 50 maths questions correct. So how does he solve a maths problem? “If at first I can’t find an answer then I usually go through all the options and choose the best one,’’ he explains. Ruan says why a lot of kids struggle with maths is because they don’t listen properly in class but concedes one is probably born with a maths brain. On the sports field Ruan is a wicketkeeper- cum-batsman for his school U13A team and plays right wing for the U13A rugby side. Grade 7 Nahoon Primary maths boffin Ruan van Rooyen who has an exceptional talent.

Nahoon Primary gymnasts, from left, Caitlin Higgs, Lienke Evans and Zilke Barnard who came away with medals after competing in Oudsthoorn.

They have a spring in their step By BRIAN McLEAN


ymnastics is the name of the game for four Nahoon Primary students. The four, Caitlin Higgs, Lienke Evans and Zilke Barnard all Grade 3 and Jana Steytler Grade 2, excelled for the Eastern Cape team at a tournament held in Oudtshoorn in August where they competed in the vault, bar, floor and beam events. Their opponents came from the Western cape, Boland and Southern Cape. Caitlin competed at Level

three, Jana at Level 2 and Lienke and Zilke at Level 1 with all coming away with medals. Asked if they were nervous before performing, Lienke said yes, Caitlin said sometimes and Zilke said never. Unfortunately Jana could not make the interview on the day. The young girls, who all attend the Julie Warrington Gym based at Stirling, train two days a week and said they loved the sport. And at the end of the interview, the three weren’t shy to show off a few floor moves either. Wonderful.

Support the Baysville Fun Fest By BRIAN McLEAN


aysville School will be hosting a Fun Fest on Saturday, October 24 – an event which caters for the entire family. The Fun Fest kicks off with a trail run/walk at 7am, followed by mountain bike races at 9,30am. Trophies will be awarded to the first three positions in each category. There will also be a floating trophy up for grabs for the school with the most entries in the MTB race. The categories for the MTB races are as follows: U10 boys and girls; U12 boys and girls; U14 boys and girls; U16 boys and girls; U18 boys and girls and an open category for men and women. The fun and trail races will be followed by netball

and soccer matches for high school teams. For the less active family members there will be vintage cars on display, as well as craft and food stalls with a variety of interesting and delicious goods. The public can also enjoy live music from 8am to 2pm in the Coffee Shop & Deli. Entry fee to the Fun Festival is R10 per person. Entry forms for the trail run/walk and mountain bike races are available from the school office, but people can also enter on the day. Registration for the fun run/ walk starts at 6am and at 8am for the MTB races. Entry fees for the trail run/walk is R20 and for the MTB races, R50. Contact the school office at 043-7210270 for enquiries and more information.

Christopher de Jager, headboy of Baysville School, shows his talent as a cyclist ahead of the upcoming Fun Fest set for October 24. Picture: Supplied




rowing up in Stutterheim, Tayla-Jade Cawthorn learnt to swim at Stutterheim Primary and always wanted to try her hand at water polo but it was not a school sport. She got her chance after moving to Stirling High in Grade 8 where water polo is a major sport and hasn’t looked back. Like Erin Sims of Clarendon, Tayla-Jade was off to Prague with the SA U17 team where they lost in a penalty shoot-out in the final against Slovakia. “Everyone got on so well while there and I loved my teammates just as much as I love my fellow Clarendon first team players. There was never any conflict and everyone got on so well,’’ she said. A visit to the Prague city centre and to the Charles Bridge - a famous land mark - was a highlight of her trip. Tayla-Jade said unless one committed oneself to training, no-one would achieve anything. “If you want to achieve you must work hard. For instance I train every day then rest over weekends.

The right sport for Tayla-Jade

Stirling High’s Tayla-Jade Cawthorn takes a breather after representing the SA U17 water polo side in Prague: Picture: Supplied


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it’s a bulls

sarah r o f eye



rade 10 student Sarah Atterbury of Clarendon High tried her hand at archery with her brother Josh when in Grade 8 after joining the Gonubie Archery Club. Since then Sarah, last year, came second in the Grade 10 girls event at the nationals in Cape Town and just a few weeks ago at the provincials staged in Gonubie walked away with a first place in the girls’ all age category (Grades 8 to12). Overall she finished sixth out of 117 archers and this month will again attend the nationals set for Parys. “One has to be dedicated and I practise every second day for an hour. It’s different in that it’s not a team sport and I would really like to receive my provincial colours,’’ she said. So how expensive is the sport? Well Sarah’s bow cost R2000 and arrows are R50 each.

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Their careers are on the rise By BRIAN McLEAN



hree Stirling High rugby players are on the rise and have been invited to attend to a provincial Sevens tournament this month in Cape Town. The three, Sakoyisa Makata, Ronaldo Leendertz both in Grade 11 and Stephen Fourie, Grade 10, all recently made the Border U17 Sevens team. School Sport Extra asked the three for comment: Sakoyisa (outside centre and first team captain): “It means a lot to me as it will lead to exposure.’’ Ronaldo (eighthman): All our hard work has paid off and hopefully open doors.’’ Stephen (open side flank and U16A captain): “I agree as on leaving school it will be on our rugby CV’s and this could help.’’ Sakoyisa and Stephen both started playing rugby aged

The three Stirling High rugby players who were invited to a provincial Sevens tournament in Cape Town are from left, Ronaldo Leendertz, Sakoyisa Makata and Stephen Fourie. Picture: Brian McLean

seven while Ronaldo started when 12 and all three love the game. But their talent doesn’t just lie with the oval ball game as Sakoyisa is a 100m sprinter, Ronaldo also plays club soccer for Shiloh FC and Stephen turns out for the school’s first water polo team. The best of luck boys.

Sheer joy after 21 years Selborne first team water polo vicecaptain Ian Donovan doing what he does best...... keeping goal. Picture: Supplied



here was sheer joy coupled with astonishment when after 21 years the Selborne College first water polo team won the prestigious South African College Schools’ annual tournament staged in Cape Town. According to the Selborne team’s vice-captain and goalkeeper Ian Donovan who started playing water polo in Grade 2 while at Selborne Primary, the team went through unbeaten from 12 games which included two draws. “The critics didn’t give us much of a chance as we were not considered a good team but mentally we were right up there. For instance in the quarter-final against Pretoria Boys’ High we were 3-1 down but we held our nerve, stayed cool and won it 4-3

in extra time,’’ he said. In the final Selborne, under coach Stanislav Gospodinov, played Grey High and won it 2-1 which also proved a tough game. “The boys were ecstatic at winning as winning meant such a lot to us and the school. I think we astonished some people,’’ said Ian. Ian, who turns out for the third rugby team and also plays club football, said Selborne had previously won the tournament in 1992, 93 and 94 and that quite a few Selborne players from that era had been there to watch. Speaking of the current team which has been together since Grade 9, Ian said despite the fact a number of Grade 12s would be leaving at the end of this year, Selborne had enough depth to continue their excellent water polo tradition.

SUTTON SPAR Spaghetti Bolognaise Serves: 4 Ingredients 1 large onion, finely chopped 30 ml SPAR Olive Oil 250 g lean beef mince 2 rashers SPAR Rindless Streaky Bacon, finely chopped 1 stalk celery 1 carrot, peeled and finely chopped 2 large garlic cloves, finely chopped or crushed 1 can SPAR whole peeled tomatoes bay leaf 400 g SPAR Spaghetti Salt and pepper to taste



Method Heat the olive oil in a pot over medium heat and saute the onion until softened. Add the mince and bacon, and brown, stirring all the time. Add the celery, carrot and garlic and cook for 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and bay leaf. Simmer covered on low heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. A small amount of beef stock or red wine may be added if necessary to stop the sauce drying out.

Rugby’s in their blood

The Dale U12A rugby team, above, with assistant coach Dave Williams and head coach Gordon Ephraim and the Dale U12B team, right, with head coach Brendan Cloete. Both teams went through the 2015 season unbeaten. Picture: Supplied

By BRENDAN CLOETE Head of Marketing at Dale Junior and U12B coach


he Dale Junior U12 rugby age group has been a formidable force to contend with for many schools this year. Both the A and B U12 teams were unbeaten this season with the C team only losing three of their matches to Selborne, Queen’s and Grey PE. The success of the age group is largely due to the effective coaching, discipline and passion shown by both coaches and

players. They are a competitive bunch of players backed by some daunting muscle power. I have been privileged to coach this particular B team for three seasons (U9, U11 and U12) and they have always been very physical. If one looks at the 2014 and 2015 seasons, the A team only lost one match - to Grey PE on their home turf . The B team only lost against Queen’s Junior in Queenstown while the C team lost two matches last year. They were the home and away fixtures against Selborne. Most memorable moments of the season:

U12A captain Liyema Adam: The match against Selborne in East London. We were 0-15 down at half time. We made a comeback in the second half and beat Selborne 21-15. U12B captain Misokuhle George: The away match against Selborne, when four of the starting lineup were unable to play due to sickness and injuries. We still managed to beat Selborne 14-0. U12C captain Sibobuhle Geja: The tight and physical match played against Queen’s Junior, at home. We managed to beat them 21-0, breaking their unbeaten streak.

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