Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities
Indicator Sets The report developed six indicator sets to measure discriminatory legislation on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. For consistency purposes, where relevant, EQOSOGI adopted indicator language from A Set of Proposed Indicators for the LGBTI Inclusion Index. This index was developed under the leadership of the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with LGBTI CSOs and other stakeholders; it was intended to be the indicators that will populate the LGBTI Inclusion Index, a UNDP initiative. The six EQOSOGI indicator sets are as follows: 1. Criminalization and SOGI 2. Access to inclusive education 3. Access to the labor market 4. Access to public services and social protection 5. Civil and political inclusion 6. Protection from hate crimes The indicator set on criminalization and SOGI examines the level of criminalization of samesex behavior between consenting adults and the outlawing of sexual and gender minorities. It also looks at whether sexual and gender minorities are indirectly discriminated against through vagrancy, public nuisance, or public morals laws. The indicator set on access to inclusive education examines the ability of sexual and gender minorities to have equal access to public education of a consistent quality across the entire population. The indicator set reviews whether laws and policies exist to combat the bullying of sexual and gender minority students. Similarly, the indicator set on access to the labor market identifies antidiscrimination laws and regulations to protect sexual and gender minorities from discrimination during the recruitment process in public and private sector workplaces. The indicator set on access to public services and social protection mechanisms is especially important to sexual and gender minorities because it analyzes access to health care, HIV preventive services, and gender reassignment surgery. The civil and political inclusion indicator set examines the level of political participation by sexual and gender minorities and civil society actors, as well as the ability of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to operate without fear of persecution. Finally, the indicator set on protection from hate crimes examines the existence of laws and mechanisms that criminalize hate crimes and provide protections for sexual and gender minorities or those perceived to be sexual and gender minorities. The EQOSOGI indicator sets were constructed using codified sources of national law— constitutions, education laws and regulations, labor codes, family laws, and criminal codes, as well as public moral, nuisance, and vagrancy laws. The study relies on responses from country