Our annual Mariathon has become the main artery of our worldwide mission. We’re seeing, not only how important it is for the mission of every Radio Maria station in its own country and for its listeners, but also how crucial it is for the expansion of Radio Maria in the world. As World Family, we have become like a large fishing net that the Mother is constantly throwing into the sea of this world to “collect fish of every kind” (Mt 13,47).
In 2023 we need once again a strong net to be able to land the fish that have been entrusted to us. This year is not just about starting new projects or expanding existing ones, it’s also about strengthening and renovating existing structures. To be able to do that, we ask each of our listeners, not only for donations, but also prayers and sacrifices, all with a spirit of gratitude and joy, because “God loves a cheerful giver”. (2 Cor 9,7). Then, our net will be ready for the numerous fish, and we will be able to say: “Even though there were so many, the net was not torn” (Jn 20,11).
Overall, the Mariathon is a time of grace and providence in which many things happen that leave a lasting mark and a blessing on our radio stations. For this reason, the logic of the Apostle Paul is decisive for us: “whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Cor 9,6), which means, figuratively: he who asks abundantly, will receive abundantly.
Wishing everyone a good Mariathon!
May 2023
Joyful seekers of God
“Even though there were so many, the net was not torn”.
(Jn 21:11)
Dear friends of Radio Maria,
Mariathon is a time of great unity, a time in which we feel like one family, a time of joy and responsibility. Therefore, I invite all of you, dear friends, to participate wholeheartedly in this marathon, in this celebration and to also keep in mind the purposes of the Mariathon.
The first purpose is to become aware of what Radio Maria is what its charism is. Radio Maria is a gift from Mary, it is a gift that Our Lady has given us, it is a gift that must be received with gratitude, of course, but also with a sense of great responsibility, like those talents that are given to us and that must bear fruit. We will be judged by how we have allowed this gift to bear fruit according to Our Lady’s intentions. Our Lady gave us this gift because she wants our help to spread the faith, to establish prayer, to help the church, to save souls and therefore, we must create a real Radio Maria that will help achieve these goals, given to us by Our Lady. This is the first purpose of the Mariathon.
The second purpose of the Mariathon is to support Radio Maria. As you know, from the very beginning Radio Maria has chosen to trust in Providence, namely, to rely on the generosity of our listeners.
We don’t receive any type of funding, and this guarantees our freedom to truly use the radio according to our aims, that is, Our Lady’s aims, and not according to aims derived from other interests. Hence the importance for all our listeners to help Radio Maria. I know that not everyone can help through financial support, but everyone can help by praying. Financial support has always been there in the past, because the love for Our Lady is great; many people have made sacrifices, dear friends.
We managed to reach all five continents and there are now 125 Radio Maria broadcast centres in the world, with an audience of several tens of millions of listeners. This is the miracle of Divine Providence, the miracle of love for Our Lady and we must generously support this miracle, so that Radio Maria is always up to speed from a technical point of view and at par with other top radio stations.
At the same time it must expand everywhere, to bring the light of hope of the Gospel to every part of the world
Third purpose: we must make sure that Radio Maria will always be a free radio, namely, in the service of Our Lady and at the service of the Church.
With these words, dear friends, I wish and hope that you have a beautiful Mariathon!
May Our Lady bless you and protect you with her love!
“Radio Maria will always be a free radio, namely, in the service of Our Lady and at the service of the Church.”
Fr. Livio Fanzaga Director of Radio Maria Italia & WFRM Directors’ advisor
Dear collaborators, volunteers, and listeners of Radio Maria. This year, once again, we will take part in the great worldwide Mariathon of Radio Maria and the World Family of Radio Maria. In May of this year 2023, we will all be busy helping and participating all together in these new projects, responding to the new calls of the Church in the world, in the various continents.
A lot has been done in the past years. I would like to point out that, particularly in developing countries, in the African continent, we have managed, thanks to your help and the participation of all listeners, to build more than 140 repeaters in 27 African countries.
Thanks to your help, today, millions of people throughout sub-Saharan Africa are listening to Radio Maria. I would also like to mention the projects in the Middle East, in Asia, and, of course, in our European continent, in Latin America and in North America.
Today we are called to support new projects that the Church is asking us to carry out this year. In Africa, there is a clear need to expand and create a national network in Nigeria (more than 10 frequencies), in Congo, in Kenya, in Tanzania, to make it more and more national, to create, as in our European countries, a national network, able to reach remote dioceses.
There is also a need to build substations that can broadcast liturgies and Holy Masses in the local languages, African mother tongues. Hence, I would like to thank you all and encourage you to get involved in these great projects. We have been called to help not only in Africa but also with projects in America, with technical support needed for radiofrequency and satellites. Our radio stations need your help. There are also new projects in the Middle East: the creation of a network in Lebanon and the need to always support those Radio Maria stations in countries where there are conflicts. Let’s not forget Ukraine and our Eastern European radio stations that are suffering because of this conflict which may also feel close to all of us.
Lastly, with regards to Asia, it is important that we carry out the new projects for expansion in India but I also want to stress the importance of our continued commitment in countries where Radio Maria is present such as Indonesia, the Philippines and, last but not least, Oceania, namely Papua New Guinea and Australia. Therefore, I would like to thank you and encourage you all to participate and become missionaries in this great Mariathon; we call it Mariathon precisely because we want to run together with the Virgin Mary, responding to the calls of the Church, and, together, be missionaries of the New Evangelisation with Radio Maria. Thank you!
“Run together with the Virgin Mary, responding to the calls of the Church, and, together, be missionaries of the New Evangelisation with Radio Maria.”
Vittorio Viccardi - WFRM President
The great willingness of Radio Maria listeners throughout the world has shown us that Radio Maria can survive also in times of crisis, so as to be able to fulfil its mission and, especially in such difficult times, to provide a unique service not only for the faithful but also for society as a whole.
That is why it is important not only to expand the worldwide radio network, but also to reinforce existing facilities and services. The 2023 Mariathon will once again be crucial for us because, in the days of the Mariathon, it is the listeners themselves who decide how big and strong Radio Maria can become in the world. It is therefore important to reach out to every single listener with our Mariathon 2023, giving them the opportunity to participate. Radio Maria, this great global fishing net, will only be strong enough if every single listener joins in and becomes a radio missionary.
We will then be ready when the Lord calls us again - “Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch!” (Lk 5.4) - and the catch will be great.
Millions Catholics await the voice of Radio Maria
Current status: Radio Maria Nigeria was inaugurated on 30 April 2022 in the capital Abuja, after more than 25 years of failed attempts. Nigeria is the most densely populated country in Africa, with a population of about 220 million. The Bishops Conference has welcomed the Radio Maria project with open arms. Despite the many obstacles, thanks to the miracle of prayer, it has now become possible to obtain 10 new licenses in 10 archdioceses and dioceses. Thanks to the offers already received, two substations in the diocese of Gboko and that of Makurdi are almost ready. Project: to create 8 Radio Maria stations in 8 archdioceses and dioceses. A radio station is effectively operational once the license is activated. In addition to the money necessary to implement each project, a fund must also be planned for to cover ordinary expenses, because at the beginning a radio station does not have any listeners nor, consequently, any local donors. The 8 licenses, for which funds are needed as soon as possible, must be activated by November 2023, as indicated by the Nigerian government. World Family of Radio Maria will therefore need to open 8 stations because each frequency corresponds to a radio station, according to the Nigerian authorities. By not activating a license before the deadline set by the State, we run the risk of losing it.
Current status: The archdiocese of Kaduna is part of the region where the jihadist terrorist organisation Boko Haram operates. Catholic priests often fall victim to this group. In addition to this great plague, there are also problems within the various ethnic groups. Radio Maria already has the FM license. The archbishop wants Radio Maria to be up and running as soon as possible. For this reason, he has already granted use of a building for the studios and has appointed a priest director, who has taken part in the training course at the World Family of Radio Maria headquarters in Erba. The project’s feasibility study has already been developed by the World Family technical staff together with a civil engineer.
Project: An estimated 591,000 Catholics, i.e., about 24.4% of the population, are waiting for Radio Maria to start broadcasting. Thanks to the donations already received, the renovation works of the headquarters are going ahead. The technical equipment has been purchased and will be shipped shortly. Currently, the amount necessary to install the equipment and for initial costs is 37,500 Euros. Radio Maria will give a tremendous contribution to the ministry of Kaduna and will be a very important means for educating Catholics, Muslims, ethnic groups, etc., on peace. Radio Maria will also be a precious jewel, broadcasting in the Hausa language, the local language, for about 50 million of people.
Installation of RF equipment (electrical system)
“We need more of the tools of Radio Maria in more dioceses and archdioceses so that people can come closer to God, so that people can grow spiritually.”
Mons. Emmanuel A. Badejo
Oyo Bishop
Owerri has been waiting 25 years for Radio Maria.
Current status: The Archdiocese of Owerri is Catholic territory. Just over one million inhabitants are Catholics and make up 70.2% of the population. The priest director has already been appointed by the archbishop and has done the training course at the World Family of Radio Maria headquarters in Erba. There are already offices, for which the relevant FM license has been obtained.
Project: Radio Maria in Owerri will be a pastoral instrument that will strengthen the Catholic faith among the Igbo population. The people belonging to this ethnic group are about 24 million. The Igbo language is spoken in all the surrounding dioceses of the Archdiocese of Owerri. The presence of Radio Maria here is an important seed for this ecclesiastical province. Thanks to the donations received, the project is progressing very well. To date, only 37,500 Euros are still needed for the installation of the equipment and for the initial costs. People in Owerri have been waiting 25 years for Radio Maria.
262.500 EURO
Current status: The diocese of Port Harcourt has a population of about 6 million people, of which just over a million are Catholics (19.1%). The diocesan area is 10,500 km². There are only few Catholics in an immense area and that makes pastoral activities very complex. The bishop has already appointed a priest director and has made a building available to Radio Maria, for its studios.
Project: Radio Maria in Port Harcourt will help bring the Word of God daily to the Catholic faithful who live far from the parishes, that even priests are struggling to reach, because of the lack of or inadequacy of road infrastructure. Of course, the light of the Gospel through Radio Maria will also bring light to the faithful of other Christian denominations, to Muslims, animists, etc… we have a license, and the priest has already been appointed, but we still lack everything else that is needed to fully implement the project: refurbishment of the offices, purchase and shipment of technical equipment and a forecast of the initial costs. In total, 262,500 Euros.
“We are not significantly heard. The values of the Gospel are by implication, trodden upon”.
Fr. Francis Tete Director of Radio Maria Port-Harcourt
Current status: The population of the archdiocese of Benin City includes very few Catholics: about 151,950 out of an estimated population of 1,954,470. That’s 7.8% of the population. In addition to this, we must also consider the vastness of the territory: 10,863 km². Currently the situation is as follows: the FM license has been obtained and the building is to be renovated. The archbishop has also promised to appoint a priest director very soon.
Project: The presence of Radio Maria in Benin City is almost a pastoral necessity, to strengthen the faith of Catholics and communicate the beauty of the Christian faith to non-Catholics. Experience shows that, in Africa, although Catholics are a minority, they are dynamic and have the courage to bear witness to their faith. Radio Maria in Benin City will be like a lamp placed on a hilltop. To refurbish the offices, purchase and ship the equipment and cover initial costs, 267,500 Euros are needed.
An immense territory with only 7,8% of Catholics.
Current status: The Archdiocese of Jos includes approximately 396,062 Catholics out of a total population of about 1,770,964. The percentage of Catholics is therefore 22.4%. The archbishop has made a building available to Radio Maria and has promised to appoint a full-time priest director. The FM license has already been acquired.
Project: Activating the Radio Maria license in the archdiocese of Jos will bring great joy to the Catholic faithful in this part of the country, which is very close to Abuja, the capital, where Radio Maria has been operational for a year. The people of Jos, thanks to many testimonies, already know about the beauty of the Radio Maria project. This is a common experience in Africa: when the Radio Maria frequency is activated in a diocese, after a very short time, the neighbouring dioceses start asking for the radio of Our Lady. Total cost of the project: 267,500 Euros for refurbishing the offices, purchasing and shipping radio equipment and covering initial costs.
The faithful ask for the presence of the radio of Our Lady.
Current status: The diocese of Enugu has about 1,376,948 Catholics out of a population of 2,019,521. Therefore, Catholics make up 68.2% of the population in a 2,738 km² area. Enugu is a real land of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. In 2023, the number of priests is 529, the number of female religious is 534 and of male religious is 495. The FM license has been acquired, a priest director has already been appointed and offices are available.
Project: As is often the case in dioceses with many Catholics, the bishop, priests and faithful are very enthusiastic about Radio Maria coming to the diocese of Enugu. The thirst for the Word of God in this area is profound. What do we still need? 267,500 Euros to renovate the offices, purchase and ship the equipment and cover initial costs.
“Of the 200+ parishes we have, over 20 are in rural areas and these rural areas need to hear the word of God”.
Most Rev. Callisto Valentine Chukwuma Onaga
Current status: Onitsha is among the most important archdioceses of the Nigerian Church: there are many Catholics, many priests and just as many religious. Radio Maria, in this place where Catholics rmake up 68% of the population, already has the FM license.
Project: To activate the FM license so that the population can feed on the Word of God, prayer, daily Holy Mass, etc... given the strong presence of Catholics in Onitsha, we expect that our radio station will have many listeners. Radio Maria will help strengthen the Catholic faith, also through the many Christian training programmes. The cost of the project is estimated at 267,500 Euros, which is the amount needed to purchase and ship technical equipment, renovate the offices and pay for initial costs.
To feed on the Word of God in one of the most important archdioceses of the country.
In addition to the amount necessary to carry out each project that has been presented, funds are also needed for ordinary expenses, for a total of 92,500 Euros. This money is necessary because, when a radio station is in its early stages, it still doesn’t have a pool of local donors. At the beginning, the priest director educates listeners on how to be key players in Our Lady’s project. The listener first “listens” with curiosity and joy, and only then decides to donate. Part of the sustainability strategy is for Radio Maria to be always on-air, from the first hour. A radio station that is on air only for a few hours, for example because of a power cut, will find it very difficult to grow.
Project Bandundu
Current status: Radio Maria in DRC will be the second African radio station to have 7 substations, the first being Radio Maria Uganda (Mbarara, Kabale, Hoima, Nebbi, Gulu, Mbale and Moroto).Radio Maria DRC currently has six operational substations: Kananga, Bukavu, Goma, Lubumbashi, Matadi, Kisangani. The seventh will be Mbandundu in the diocese of Kenge. All of them are a response to two needs:to evangelise in depth, using the listeners’ mother tongues: Chiluba, Swahili, Lingala and Gikongo and to bring the Gospel where bishops and priests have difficulty reaching the faithful due to the absence of roads or their poor state. The geographical distances are immense, given that the Democratic Republic of the Congo occupies an area of 2,345,000 km². The radio signal overcomes such obstacles.
Project: The area of the diocese of Kenge, where the city of Mbandundu is located, is 34,385 km². In comparison, it is much bigger than the whole of Belgium which is 30,688 km². The Catholic faithful make up 59.3% of the population. In order to open the Mbandundu substation, it is necessary to renovate the premises and to purchase, ship and install the radio equipment. The total cost is 50,000 Euros. To keep the other six substations operational throughout 2023, a minimum of 250,000 Euros is required.
Creation of a new substation in Bandundu and shipping of AF/RF + uplink equipment
“I am grateful for all that you are able to do to support this radio, so that our brothers in Bandundu and Kenge diocese may also benefit from all the marvels that Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, accomplishes through this radio.”
Mons. Jean-Pierre Kwambamba, Bishop of Kenge
Current status: Radio Maria in Kibeho has been operational since 2018. The headquarters allow us to create many prayer bridges on a weekly and monthly basis. Every Monday, for example, a Holy Rosary is prayed in Swahili for peace in the East African region, connecting Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, two cities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Goma and Bukavu) and Rwanda. On Tuesday, all the Frenchspeaking African Radio Maria stations, together with Radio Maria France and Radio Maria Suisse Romande, pray the Holy Rosary together. Every Friday, listeners of all African English-speaking Radio Maria stations join in communion of prayer for the Holy Rosary. Kibeho also participates, every Friday, in the weekly Holy Rosary of the Portuguesespeaking Radio Maria stations (Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde). From Kibeho, there are many other prayer bridges for broadcasts with Italy, Spain, the German-speaking Radio Maria stations, Belgium, Slovakia and Guatemala. Every Saturday, all French-speaking Radio Maria stations connect with the Kibeho studios for the programme “Let’s prepare for Sunday” (meditation on Sunday’s liturgical texts). The same programme, from Kibeho, is also available, every Saturday, for English-speaking Radio Maria stations. It should be noted that, thanks to the presence of Radio Maria in this precious part of Rwanda, the messages of the Mother of the Word of Kibeho are reaching the whole world, just as Our Lady had wanted. Even the visionary Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, who lives in Kibeho, is delighted to witness the evangelising mission of Radio Maria.
Project: In addition to the many prayer bridges between Kibeho and other African, European and Latin American Radio Maria stations, for three years, training has been organised in Kibeho for priest directors and editorial assistants. These work and prayer sessions greatly motivate the participants. They are helped to feel more strongly the desire to work for Our Lady, for Her radio. In 2023, the goal is to train fifty directors and editorial assistants, the majority of whom will come from Nigeria, where ten new substations are being set up. For training and ordinary expenses, the total cost is 100,000 Euros. The biggest expenses are electricity and the participants’ flight tickets.
Training at Kibeho headquarters and ordinary costs management
100.000 EURO
“In the past year we have trained forty director priests and editorial assistants. We have seen the spiritual fruits.”
Jean Paul Kayihura – WFRM
New Frequency in Ruyigi. RF installation
40.000 EURO
Current status: Radio Maria Burundi is one of the African radio stations that has the widest national coverage. The radio signal covers six dioceses almost entirely and one partially. One more diocese and Radio Maria Burundi will have full coverage in Burundi. The Burundian government has already issued the FM license. Project: The population of the diocese of Ruyigi has been waiting for Radio Maria since 2004, the year of its birth after a long and devastating civil war. Radio Maria Burundi was the first Catholic radio station in this country, welcomed by the faithful as a true gift from Our Lady. All the bishops have always supported the project. World Family of Radio Maria has thus accelerated the expansion of the radio network. Just 40,000 Euros are still needed to buy the equipment and to activate the frequency in the diocese of Ruyigi.
“The radio station in Birime is the only one that can cover 95% of our national territory. With its signal it will cover two large provinces in the east of the country, the province of Ruyigi and the province of Cankuzo, which are part of the diocese of Ruyigi, the only diocese that is currently without a radio signal. The Bishop of the diocese of Ruyigi, the priests and the laity are thrilled about this news.”
Fr. Désiré Bireha Director of Radio Maria Burundi
Tete: from diocesan radio to Radio Maria
Current status: Radio Maria Mozambique was born in 1995. It was the second Radio Maria station to be inaugurated in Africa. However, until 2022, its radio signal was confined to the archdiocese of Maputo, namely to the dioceses of Xai Xai and Inhambane. In response to the bishop of Quelimane’s appeal, with great joy, the first substation was inaugurated in December 2022. Fortunately, the radio signal from the city of Quelimane reaches more than 200 km away. To continue the expansion of the Radio Maria Mozambique network, H.E. Msgr. Diamantino Guapo Antunes, I.M.C.of Tete, asked World Family of Radio Maria to turn his diocesan radio into a Radio Maria station.
Project: To turn the diocesan radio station into a Radio Maria station. This requires a major effort, to recruit competent staff, starting with the priest director, to organise training and install new quality radio equipment. In 2021, the vast diocese of Tete (100,715 km²) only had 47 priests. This is why Radio Maria is needed here. 70,000 Euros are needed to start the project.
Acquisition of a small substation with frequency. Refurbishment. And shipping of AF/RF equipment
70.000 EURO
“Through the radio, the voice of the church, the voice of Mary, we could reach the 1,117 communities and villages where the Catholic Church is present, thus spreading the message of the Gospel and being a radio that informs and forms Christians.”
Mons. Diamantino Guapo Antunes, I.M.C. - Tete
To reach Kisumu (Siaya district) and Kericho dioceses
Current status: Radio Maria Kenya was born in the diocese of Murang’a in 2008, and later expanded to the archdiocese of Nyeri. The Gikuyu language is spoken in both places. Since 2021, Radio Maria has been broadcasting from the capital Nairobi, a city with a population of about 7,437,000, of whom almost 4 million are Catholics (51.5%). Two other languages, Swahili and English, are widely spoken and are essential to all Kenyan residents and foreigners. In 2021, the Kisumu substation, in the Luo language, was inaugurated. Compared to other East African countries, the expansion of the Radio Maria network has been very slow in this country. Project: The Kenyan government has recently issued two new FM licenses: one is to expand coverage in Kisumu (Siaya district) because currently, only a part of the archdiocese can listen to Radio Maria. The other license is for the diocese of Kericho and will be linked to the studios in Nairobi. To activate the two licenses, the estimated cost is 80,000 Euros.
“We’re going to know more about the spirituality of Mother Mary and more so, get to know how to near God and to serve him”.
Fr. Peter Ken Njonge Director of Radio Maria Kenya
Initial costs for project start-up and feasibility studies
Current status: The Catholic Church in Ethiopia has asked World Family of Radio Maria to establish its presence in the country. Ethiopia is a huge country (1,127,127 km2) with a population, in 2021, of about 120.3 million. It has many ethnic groups. The Horn of Africa is a geographical region which includes Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, etc., and is plagued by armed conflicts. Unfortunately, this situation generates extreme poverty, refugees, etc. Project: The first seed of Radio Maria will be planted in the archeparchy of Addis Ababa. About 16,337,000 people live in Addis Ababa which means “new flower”. The archeparchy of Addis Ababa is governed by Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, CM. The presence of Radio Maria in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is strategic in the sense that this city is also the political capital of the African continent. As a matter of fact, the headquarters of the African Union (AU) are in Addis Ababa. Radio Maria will be like a “new candle” which radiates not only the light of the Gospel but also peace. Initial cost of the project: 50,000 Euros.
A new flower in the city of Addis Abeba.
€ 350.000
“The great impact and the great technological organisation created through the work of World Family is that of the frequencies and the management of our many repeaters. Currently, we have more than 2,500 in the world, and the connections to them benefit from modern technologies of the network and of the satellites.
This is why it is so important that World Family, the large international organisation that, to some extent, supports all Radio Maria stations in the world, may be able to continue to give its support to all Radio Maria stations in the world.”
Vittorio Viccardi WFRM PresidentINCREASE IN ENERGY COSTS
€ 500.000
€ 280.000
3.370.000 EURO
Radio Maria in the home of our Morenita del Tepeyac
Current status: Thanks to the support received over the years through the Mariathon, Radio Maria has offices located behind the Basilica of Guadalupe, the most important pilgrimage site and Marian shrine in the Americas. These offices will serve to welcome all Radio Maria stations on pilgrimage to Guadalupe.
PROJECT: This year, once again, support is needed through the Mariathon to maintain these offices and keep Radio Maria alive in this important Marian Shrine in the Americas, in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Next challenge: to purchase an AM frequency in Mexico City.
“She wants Radio Maria to be present there, at the foot of the Basilica of Guadalupe and I believe that with your contribution we will be able to achieve this goal.”
Juan Antonio González - President of RM Mexico
Reaching Petrópoles
Current status: Thanks to the Mariathon, today Radio Maria Brazil has its own headquarters, which were inaugurated in 2022 and, thanks to its donors’ support, the city of Goiania finally has an FM frequency. Radio Maria Brazil can now reach more than 3 million people and can count on the support of the Bishop of the Diocese of Goiania.
Project: With the support of the Bishop of the Diocese of Petrópolis, Msgr. Gregorio Paixao, Radio Maria Brazil is now planning for the implementation of a frequency in the city of Petrópolis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro.
New frequency in Petrópolis. RF installation (Rio de Janeiro)
40.000 EURO
“ Radio Maria may soon be present in our region, to evangelise millions of Brazilians.”
Mons. Gregório Paixão Neto, O.S.B., Bishop of PetrópolisGoiania
“Twenty signals at least for Europe, 13 signals at least for America, especially Latin America, and about twenty satellite signals for Africa. It is an enormous project, for which we also ask for your support, your help… the same help that has been provided in the last 20 years, at the service of the various Radio Maria stations.”
Current status: Radio Mariam was born for Christians in Arab countries. The civil war, the economic crisis and recently the terrible earthquake that devastated northern Syria, are the causes of the continuous flight of Christians. Radio Mariam, today more than ever, is called to sow hope and comfort through its studios in Damascus and, in particular, in Aleppo. Thanks to our studio in Jordan, we continue to be the voice of all Christians in the place where Jesus was baptised. Radio Mariam unites all churches in prayer under the cloak of the Virgin Mary. Although Catholics in Egypt are a minority, they are always a people on the move and of steadfast faith. Radio Mariam, through its two studios in Cairo and Luxor (Aswan,) is the voice of Egyptian Catholics. Project: Radio Mariam’s project is to carry forward, through our mobile studios, our mission of evangelisation and conversion of hearts in these tormented countries.
“Today, from the rubble of the earthquake, we ask everyone to strongly support the mission of Radio Mariam, which is the mission of our Mother, the Virgin Mary, especially in Aleppo, so that we may always be ‘the voice of peace to every man’.”
Fadi Badawi - Radio Mariam mobile studio team in AleppoSyria Jordan Egypt
A salve to soothe the wounds
Current status: Because of the strong economic and political crisis and the persecutions in Iraq, the wound of Christians is deeper and deeper. Radio Mariam in Iraq, particularly in the north of the country, is close to the people, bringing them Jesus, the true balm for hearts. Not an easy mission in a place where violence and hatred between brothers keep growing.
Project: Radio Mariam Iraq’s project is to sustain and expand frequencies to bring the Word of Christ to every Christian home.
A voice for the voiceless
Current status: He project to build Radio Maria in Lebanon began in early 2022. We set up the association which is still waiting to be recognized by the state. The delays are due to the failed election of the new government and to many other political situations. In the meantime, the studio and all the material sent by World Family of Radio Maria has been installed. The office furniture and the internal network are missing. All of this should be installed before Easter.
A team of three people: a coordinator, a technician and an editorial manager will also start with the broadcasts during the Easter season. We are also praying for the grace of soon having a director priest.
Project: We are finalizing the negotiations for the purchase of the broadcasting licence, having the possibility of renting frequencies that will cover most of the Lebanese territory. In the meantime, however, we are broadcasting the Arabic signal of Radio Maria, in and around Beirut, covering more than half of the population.
Current status: Radio Maria Papua New Guinea has started broadcasting from the new headquarters, leased inside the complex of the PNG Episcopal Conference in the city of Port Moresby. It currently broadcasts in eleven dioceses. Two more are expected to receive the technical equipment and to have it installed very soon. Two more dioceses will be on the list by the end of 2023. The economic resources to procure the equipment are lacking, however, given that the radio struggles to support itself, except for ordinary expenses. In the meantime, we managed to recover the old studio equipment of the headquarters and allocate it to the studio in the city of Vanimo. In this sub-station, Father Felipe is doing an excellent job of evangelisation with the local people, through the voice of Radio Maria.
Project: The radio staff is also experiencing some difficulties. We are, as a matter of fact, trying to purchase a means of transport to be able to travel on dirt roads, where the transmitters are located. Thus, we will be able to reach as many places and communities as possible in this complex country, so distant from the rest of the world.
Current status: More than 600,000 Catholics live in Belarus, out of a total population of 9.4 million. Radio Maria has been broadcasting since 2016, exclusively via the Internet. At the beginning, albeit rather slowly, especially during the pandemic, the radio developed into meeting groups where most Catholics gathered daily to pray together, live in communion and listen to the Word of God. Since then, Radio Maria has become a place of hope and peace for all the faithful, especially in these times of turmoil and crisis.
Project: The Catholic Church in Belarus is yet again going through a difficult time. In some instances, churches are forced to close, religious services are repeatedly banned or allowed only under strict conditions. Through Radio Maria, however, the Church can enter people’s homes and accompany them in these difficult times. Never before has the ministry of Radio Maria been so important. Meanwhile, almost all Church-based initiatives, such as schools and nurseries, and all Church-related press, have been banned. Only Radio Maria can continue broadcasting and this is a miracle. Please be generous and help Our Lady keep this miracle alive!
“Like you, we pray for peace, for our suffering neighbours, we pray for our country which is so seriously ill. We talk about the life of the Catholic church in Belarus and this life is full of difficulties.”
Prayer for peace and justice
Current status: Over 140 million people live in Russia. Of these, about one million are Roman Catholics. Radio Maria Russia began its activity in 1997, first in Moscow and shortly after in St. Petersburg. Today, in St Petersburg, programmes are broadcast using AM transmissions, whereas in the city of Viborg an FM transmitter is used. Radio Maria in Russian is accessible throughout Eastern Europe via satellite and throughout the world, via the Internet. Project: Radio Maria has been a great help to the Catholic Church in its pastoral ministry in Russia. It brings together the widely dispersed Catholics of the four dioceses of the country, to pray, to listen to the Word of God and to share their testimony of faith. There is also good collaboration with the Orthodox Church in the matter of liturgy and human promotion. Moreover, Radio Maria produces high quality programmes on social and cultural themes, thus making an important contribution to society as a whole.
110.000 EURO
Prayer for peace and justice, however, remains one of the main tasks of Radio Maria’s mission in Russia, especially at this time.
“Only with our help will Radio Maria Russia be able to continue carrying out its important mission of bearing witness to God’s peace and mercy in Russia.”
“Undismayed by any of your opponents. This will be a clear sign, for them that they are to be lost, and for you that you are to be saved. This comes from God.”
(Phil 1,28)
We broadcast for 24 hours: our live programmes start at 7 in the morning and finish at 11 in the evening. At night we broadcast recorded programmes, but not all night. We also have night broadcasts four times a month, when we pray with the people.
My experience, especially in this last year, is that Our Lady has prepared everything for this radio, she has prepared her own radio to help people, especially to pray. When the war broke out, we started praying a lot. Another thing Our Lady thought about for this difficult time in Ukraine is that she wants to be with her people through the Radio Maria frequencies. Through all our broadcasts we see that Our Lady is present in our parishes, in our homes and in our families.
Current status: How is Radio Maria Ukraine today?
We currently have two studios: our main studio is in Kiev. A few months ago, we set up another studio in the city of Ternopil, from which we broadcast locally for about three hours a day.
We have two Radio Maria studios and we broadcast on 12 FM frequencies. Not all of Ukraine is covered: all central and eastern parts of the country plus two major cities to the east and south, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia. We also have a DAB frequency in Kiev. There are ten permanent employees who work together with the director. There are about two hundred volunteers and they come to the studios to host the programmes. Every evening and on Saturdays and Sundays, only volunteers work at Radio Maria. It is difficult to say the exact number of volunteers, because at the beginning of the war many of them left Kiev for their own safety. They were afraid.
We have many testimonies, especially in recent months, of people hiding from Russian bombs in underground hiding places, where they listened to Radio Maria. We have testimonies of people who have survived this difficult time, especially in the first months, only thanks to Radio Maria, because we have always prayed, we have always heard the voices of our bishops, of our priests, the voice of the people in other Ukrainian cities, and this presence of the church, of Our Lady helped us not to fall into temptation, not to be overwhelmed by fear and depression. Finally, I can also say that in these months of war many people who didn’t have any faith have begun listening to Radio Maria, thanks to this work of evangelisation.
“In the last year, we have felt your support, your prayers for Ukraine, for our people, and for Radio Maria Ukraine.”
Fr. Aleksej Samsonov – Director of Radio Maria Ukraine
“Slovakia has a big role in building Europe of the third millennium.”
St. John Paul II.
Current status: Slovakia is still very much a Christian country. 80% of its overall population of 5.4 million are Christians and 3.6 million of these are Catholics. Radio Maria has been operating in this country since 2018 and now makes use of 6 FM frequencies and several DAB frequencies, including those in the capital Bratislava, where the central studio is located. The director is the Dominican Father Bruno Donoval OP. Project: Apostasy and secularism are becoming a widespread reality within the Church in Slovakia, even in rural areas. Radio Maria is Our Lady’s response to this reality: our radio calls people to conversion, gathers the faithful, strengthens their faith, accompanies them in prayer, thus contributing to the renewal of the Church in Slovakia. In Slovakia, there are still many opportunities to expand Radio Maria via FM and DAB+. This radio has great potential: if we all help cover its costs today, tomorrow it will bring great blessings, not only for Slovakia but also for many other countries! Thank you for your help!
“Through the broadcasting of Radio Mária, the word of God becomes a living element in the lives of many people and initiates the young generation.”
Padre Bruno Branislav – Director of Radio Maria Slovakia
In the land of the Gospa
Current status: Since 2010, Radio Maria Bosnia has been broadcasting on five regional FM frequencies, including those of the capital Sarajevo and Mostar, where the central studio and one regional studio are located, respectively. After the devastating war in the 1990s, the Catholic Church in this country finds itself in a difficult situation. Parishes and communities are very scattered, and economic and social difficulties are forcing most young people to move abroad. Only 15% of an overall population of 3.25 million is Catholic. The programme director is the Jesuit Fr. Mato Anic SJ. Project: Radio Maria’s great mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina continues to be that of gathering and accompanying local Catholics, thus helping them to preserve their identity. It also wants to be a Christian testimony for all non-believers and people of other religions living in this country.
Among all the countries in the world, by choosing Medjugorje, the Queen of Peace chose Bosnia-Herzegovina to “finish what she started in Fatima”, so that in the end her Immaculate Heart may triumph. In Bosnia, as in the rest of the world, Radio Maria accompanies people towards this victory of light over the powers of darkness. Let us therefore help Our Lady maintain and strengthen her Radio Maria in Bosnia and Herzegovina!
In the places of Marian apparitions, where we are present, Our Lady’s plea for conversion, penance, prayer, reading and living the Holy Scriptures, spreads vigorously throughout the world, also thanks to Radio Maria. We look back, with sincere gratitude, at the numerous times in which Our Lady was able to give special graces to listeners all over the world, through the many prayer events that we were able to broadcast from these shrines. On occasions as these, in addition to broadcasting content, we “gather” all Radio Maria stations worldwide in one place. Listeners and volunteers, to give them the opportunity to get to know Radio Maria better; collaborators and managers, to offer them training courses and spiritual retreats.
We ask that you support our project “Marian Shrines” again this year and bless it with your donation! Thank you very much. With all this, Our Lady will do great things!
82 Countries
90 Associations
31 substations in local language
almost 30.000 volunteers and 680.000 active donors at the service of the Radio Maria project all over the world around 640 mobile studios at the service of the Radio Maria project in approximately 6.100 parishes and local communities over 720.000.000 people receiving the Radio Maria signal all over the world
Participating in the Mariathon means making a personal commitment with a donation. To carry out this project of love and extend it as far as the Virgin Mary wills, the help and contribution of many is essential.
5.144.000 EURO